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“You were right, bro. This was totally worth renting the boat for.”  Grayson stretched his stocky body on the warm sand, his beefy arms folded behind his head as he dozed in the afternoon sun.  The surf lapped gently at the shore just beyond the reach of his wide, hairy toes, the pounding waves intercepted by the jutting wall of rock piercing the water’s surface.  It formed a perfect alcove, hiding a small stretch of sand that the trio had just managed to spot as their boat passed.  

At first glance the small, rocky island was no different than any of the others peppering the Kingsbury coast, but as they drew near to inspect the unblemished plot of sand, the unexpected haven seemed to grow.  By the time they anchored the boat and splashed their way ashore through the knee-deep ocean, what had originally looked no larger than a football field was suddenly worthy of exploration.  Grey, weathered boulders were in reality granite bluffs, piling against each other at odd angles that seemed to be intentional.  Though there were no signs of habitation, the group of eager young jocks assumed the presence of a small path winding up the rocky hillside meant that others frequented the island.  If the trio wasn’t just visiting, they knew they certainly would.  With its isolated location and hidden beach overlooking the bustling little harbor and the picturesque lighthouse, it was the perfect hookup spot.  And even with an unfortunate lack of eligible young women, the three friends had managed to spend an entirely pleasant day drinking and swimming.  

“Right?  I don’t know why the yokels told us to stay away from the islands.  This place is fuckin’ perfect,” Wyatt said, shifting his head against his folded arms to look over at his hairy friend.  The tall jock was stretched out on his stomach, his broad shoulders making his tight waist seem even smaller as it tapered inward before expanding out again in a solid bubble that strained his boardshorts.  His smooth, dark brown skin glistening in the sun was as much a contrast to Grayson’s furry torso as the rest of his chiseled frame was to the shorter, beefy brunette.  One long and lean stretched out on his stomach, the other stubby and stocky flat on his back, the two couldn’t have been a more mismatched pair.  

“Because they don’t want tourists like us messing up the place,” Jeremy said, perched on a nearby shelf of rock with his lower half in the water.  The reflected sun bounced off his tanned torso, accentuating his ripped abs, toned pecs, and golden blonde hair as the lean prettyboy draped against the stone like a cat in a hot window.  “I’d sure as hell keep this to myself.  Me and a few lucky ladies, at least.”  

“A few?  Shit, man...I lived here, this place’d be called pussy island,” Wyatt laughed.  

“You’re already on it.  We could call it that now,” Grayson grinned.  

Wyatt rolled over, his smooth pecs and powerful arms flexing as he held himself up on his elbows.  “Someone would have to make up for your stuffy ass letting it go to waste.”  

“Just ‘cause I won’t fuck anyone, anywhere, at any time doesn’t make me stuffy.”  The hairy jock sat up, brushing the sand from the back of his beefy arms and rolling his eyes at his friend.  

“Yeah, I’d go with uptight,” Jeremy added, kicking his legs in the waves.  

“I like to think of it as being a gentleman,” Grayson said defensively.  “Some of us were raised right.”  

Wyatt reached down and adjusted his heavy bulge as he flashed a proud smile.  “And I like to think I’m doing the world a service.  Never leave ‘em unsatisfied.”  

“Fuck that, man.  Too much work.  If I can get ‘em off, great.  If not, I don’t lose any sleep over it.”  Jeremy nodded down at his smooth, athletic frame, his boyish face twisted by a smug grin.  “They still got a piece of this.”  

“Wow.  Lucky them,” Grayson laughed.  “Imagine how much happier they’ll be when you finally hit puberty.”  

“You hit that hard enough for all of us,” Wyatt said, giving Grayson’s furry pecs a backhanded slap.  He reluctantly climbed to his feet, reaching down to pull the shorter man up as he eyed the sinking sun.  “Fuck, it’s getting later than I thought.  We should probably start heading back.” 

Jeremy sighed and hopped off his perch into the water one last time before wading to shore.  “Do we have to?  We should have brought stuff to camp out here.” 

“Right? But we have to get the boat back, unless one of you wants to pay for another…” 

“Speaking of paying, there’s still the matter of your toll to work out as well.”  

The three men jumped when the raspy voice interrupted Wyatt.  Spinning around, they were surprised to see an older man looking down at them from on top of the rocky hill.  His stern, weathered face, salt-and-pepper hair, and imposing presence gave the appearance of middle age, but his body seemed fit and youthful, with a smooth, chiseled build similar to the three young studs.  Given that all the stranger wore was a small, coral speedo, they were able to see the man’s impressive physique in its entirety as he crossed his well-built arms and smiled down at them.  The sight was unexpected not only because they hadn’t heard anyone approach, but because they’d made a full circuit of the stony island’s spiraling paths when they’d first arrived and hadn’t found any signs of other people.  They’d also been facing the mainland all day, meaning that he had to have landed on the other side of the island and come from the open sea.  

“Shit, man, you scared the hell out of us,” Grayson said, laughing awkwardly.  The stocky bear rubbed his wide jaw and shot a glance at his friends.  “Where’d you even come from?”  

“Come from?  This is my home,” the man said, waving an arm at their surroundings.  “Where else would I be?”  

“Uh, yeah, cool,” Grayson said, smiling and nodding.  “Anyway, the place is all yours.  We were just heading out.”  

The man tilted his head to the side, still grinning.  “Oh, I know the island is all mine.  But you still can’t leave without paying what you owe.”  

Wyatt stepped forward, running a large hand over his buzzed scalp and trying his best to look apologetic.  “Sorry, was this private property?  We didn’t see a sign anywhere.  We didn’t bother anything, though!  We just hung out right here.”  

“And it looked like you had a wonderful time,” the man said cheerfully.  “I hate to interrupt people’s fun.  But since you did spend all day here and you did have fun, now I’m asking you to leave a little something in return.”  

“Hey man, we didn’t bring any money with us out here.  No one at the boat rental place told us anything about a toll,” Jeremy said, looking at his friends and nodding towards the boat.  

“Money?  No, no, no, I’m not interested in money,” the man laughed.  “What good does that do me out here?  No, I’m sure three virile young men like yourself have more interesting offers than coin.”  

“Ohhhhhh,” Jeremy nodded with a short laugh.  “So you’re trying to rope us into some kinda weird sex thing?  Sorry, bud.  Nice try, though.  I mean, I get it.  Three studs alone on an island?   You gotta shoot your shot.  But we’re not that drunk and none of us are into that queer shit, so…” 

“That’s precious to all of you, then?” the man interrupted.  

“Uh, what?  I don’t know what you’re taaaahhh!”  Jeremy and his two friends gasped when the man waved his arm and what felt like a static shock ripped through them.  

The man took a deep breath, his prominent pecs rising and falling slowly as he leaned his head back and sighed.  “That’s a start, but still not enough.”  

“What...what just happened,” Grayson stammered, his eyes wide as he stared at his friends.  “Does anyone else feel...weird?”  

Wyatt nodded, his heart racing as he looked back and forth between the stocky furball and the blonde pretty boy.  He desperately tried to tell himself his cock wasn’t really twitching as he looked at Grayson’s plump globes and Jeremy’s shredded abs.  “I...I think we should go…” 

“Ag...agreed,” Jeremy said, his body already betraying him as his rigid seven inches was clearly outlined beneath his damp board shorts.  The handsome blonde turned a deep shade of red that quickly went pale as he tried to turn towards the boat but found himself unable to move.  “Hey!  What is this?!  Why can’t I move?”  He watched his friends struggle against the same invisible force as the older man casually wound his way down to the beach, hating the way the stranger’s speedo-clad body made his cock throb.  Jeremy’s eyes immediately dropped to the stuffed pouch, a flurry of confusingly lustful thoughts flooding his mind.  

“That was a good start, but surely you have more to offer,” the man said, his smile glued in place.  

“What was a good start?!” Grayson cried, his stubble-covered face purple with embarrassment as his fat log tented his shorts.  

The man cocked his head, looking confused that it wasn’t as obvious to everyone else.  “It seemed that ‘not being queer’ was precious to you, so I took it.”  

“You what?!” Wyatt shrieked, horrified to learn why he couldn’t stop staring at the other men.  “How?  That’s...that’s not possible!”  Whatever had been done to them, it was clear that it was more than just a switching of their orientations.  Wyatt could be around women without feeling like he was ready to pop, but just being near the others was almost painfully arousing.  

The man shrugged.  “That’s also not the question.  The question is what else are you prepared to offer?  Or should I choose myself?”  

“No!” Jeremy frantically shook his head as best he could, tilting his head slightly towards the boat.  “Hey, look man, I was lying before when I said we didn’t have money.  Our wallets are on the boat.  Take ‘em.  However much you want, it’s yours.”  

The man raised an eyebrow, eyeing the trio in silence for several tense moments.  “Does he speak for all of you?  You’re leaving it up to me?”

“Just...just hold on a sec,” Grayson stammered.  “What do you mean precious?  And how precious?  All we did was hang out on a beach and you just turned us into a bunch’a fa...a bunch’a gay guys?  That seems like a high price.”  

“There’s nothing more precious to me than my island.”  The stranger’s eyes flashed the same color as his speedo, his voice seeming to come from several directions at once.  His smile faded for the first time, the image of the fit, middle aged man seeming to blur momentarily.  “You took of it, now I would take of you.”  

“O...okay, but that still doesn’t really tell us what you fucking want,” Jeremy hissed, his anger and embarrassment getting the better of his fear.  

The man’s eyes cleared, his smile returning.  “Ah.  A demonstration.”  

“NNGG!”  Jeremy grunted, his frozen body going tense and rigid when the man waved a hand in his direction.  There was the same static sensation from before, only this time it didn’t stop.  The young blonde ached from head to toe, his flesh feeling like it was crawling across his bones.  Based on the horrified expressions on his friends’ faces he knew something impossible was happening to him, but all he could do was stand and stare at the grinning stranger.  He wanted to scream when he felt the gap between his toned thighs vanish, and the sudden rush of air where his board shorts should have been.  That fear grew stronger when he felt his arms begin to rest at a heavy angle against a torso that was far too wide, and when clumps of golden hair fell in front of his face.  

“There we are.  Did that answer the question?”  

Jeremy gasped, his body still stuck in place but no longer frozen solid.  “What just...aaaahhhhh!”  His formerly smooth tenor was a deep bellow as the altered blonde looked down at a body he no longer recognized.  Instead of shredded and defined, he saw a lumpy mass of distended muscle.  His once-chiseled pecs were a round, thick slab resting on a beach ball ‘roid gut that stuck out so far he couldn’t see anything below it.  Not that he needed to.  Shifting in place, Jeremy felt his massive new thighs rub together as the mountainous cheeks that had replaced his perky bubble swayed behind him.  There was no relief when movement returned to his arms and he prodded at his swollen, meaty frame, the calloused hands shaking as he reached up to his warped face.  Even without a mirror, Jeremy knew his pretty features were gone.  In their place he felt an exaggeratedly wide jaw, plump lips, a flat, blunted nose, and a forehead that seemed to go on forever before reaching his now-bald scalp.  Thinking it couldn't possibly get worse, Jeremy was proven wrong when he reached into the small lycra shorts that had replaced his trunks and felt the short, wide cock and heavy balls where his slender hose should have been.  “What did you do to me?!” he roared, refusing to believe that he’d been turned into a bloated, steroid-fueled meathead.  

“Your appearance was precious to you.  That is an acceptable offering,” the man said flatly.  He turned to Grayson, his smile seeming larger than normal for the size of his head.  “Make an offering or I’ll take my pick.”  

“Wait!  Just...jus wait,” Grayson said, equally horrified and aroused by the lumpy wall of brutish muscle his formerly pretty friend had become.  “I can’t juuuUUUHHHH!”  The furry jock was cut off, the island seeming to spin around him.  Like Jeremy, he was locked in place by an electric current, but this time it seemed focused in his head.  He could feel his body tingling, but it paled in comparison to the rushing sense of vertigo that would have knocked him off his feet had he not been frozen.  It was an odd, weightless feeling, leaving a void where something important had once been, but that he couldn’t quite put his finger on.  Even his fear began to fade, leaving him only horny and slightly confused by the time the electric current faded.  “Fuuuuuuuuck me that was weird,” he laughed, rubbing absently at his beefy pecs and stomach.  His eyes went wide when he looked down and saw that his board shorts had vanished entirely, leaving his fat, aching cock on display, but what caught his attention were the many tattoos he now sported.  “PAPA BEAR”  was inked across his knuckles, and the backs of his hands were adorned with an obscene rendition of a Jolly Roger.  The skulls had been swapped out for the faces of handsome, lantern-jawed studs, and instead of crossed swords they were erect, oozing cocks.  The lecherous ink continued up his beefy arms, coating his forearms and biceps in a swirl of naked men engaging in all manner of sexual activity.  The art paused at Grayson’s broad shoulders, but beneath the forest of chestnut hair on his protruding pecs the stocky hunk could see what looked like a splattering of cum that had been tattooed from his clavicle, across the muscled mounds, and down his firm gut.  “FAG” was written in a flourished script just below his navel, and on the insides of each meaty thigh were what looked like pictures from an IKEA instruction manual showing someone spreading them wide.  He wouldn’t see it until he was in front of a mirror, but on his lower back, just above his hairy globes, was the final instruction showing someone plowing into him.  “Whoooaaaa!  Fuck, boys, look at daddy!” Grayson laughed, his stroking hands reaching up to toy with his nipples.  “Better yet boys, how ‘bout you fuck daddy?”  Grayson paused when his words finally registered, his tweaking fingers slowing.  “Wait...oh fuck...why am I asking you two to fuck me?”  The concern only lasted a moment before his drunken smile returned.  “And why aren’t you doing it yet?  Let’s get this show on the road!”  

The stranger took a deep breath, shivering as he turned towards Wyatt.  He smiled at the tall hunk’s horrified expression.  “Why look so shocked?  Being a “gentleman”...his inhibitions...were precious to him, so I took them.  You were just judging him for them earlier, why would you be upset now that they’re gone?”  

“Because look at him!” Wyatt cried, mortified at how the sight of the altered Grayson tugging on his cock made his own aching member throb.  “You can’t just leave him liiiieeee!”  Wyatt gasped, his vision going white from the intensity of the electric jolt coursing through him.  It blasted his senses, leaving him in a daze when the static tingling subsided to a manageable level.  He feared the worst when his vision cleared, his body still buzzing, but the dark-skinned jock found himself looking down at a body that appeared unchanged.  “Wait...why don’t I look different?  What’d you take?”  His fingers shook as he poked at himself, a loud gasp shooting out of his mouth as soon as his finger made contact with his bare abs.  “Whhhuuuuhhh!”  He grunted, his oozing cock leaving a growing damp spot in his shorts.  “Whattuuhh...what is thiiisssssss,” he groaned, squirming and spasming at the slightest touch.  Simply tracing a finger along his chest was more intense than the best sex the experienced ladies man could remember, and by the time his hand had reached the top of his shorts he’d pushed himself over the edge.  “GNNNNGGOOOHHHHHH!”  Wyatt screamed, his voice echoing out across the waves as his cock erupted, still spurting long after he’d soaked through his shorts.  His spraying hose softened slightly after the potent release, but within moments it was as hard and eager as ever as Wyatt felt his damp, warm shorts rubbing against his thighs.  He tore at them, desperate to ease the overwhelming sensation, but exploded again before he’d barely pulled them down.  “Fuh...fuck...what’d you...do to me…” he panted, his voice already hoarse from his second, deafening bellow.  

“Your skill and stamina in the bedroom was precious to you.  It seemed like a fair trade,” the man said.  He stepped back and nodded at the three, motioning to the beach.  “Now that you’ve paid, feel free to stay as long as you’d like.  I hope you enjoy the island as much as I do.”  Before any of the warped men could say anything, the stranger was gone.  None of them saw him leave, he simply vanished, leaving the three of them to stare in stunned horror at each other.  

“Fuck..I gotta geeehh...get these...offfffffnnn…” Wyatt moaned, tugging at his shorts.  

“Let me help, stud,” Grayson purred.  The now-inked hunk dropped to his knees, grabbing his friend’s cum-soaked shorts and tearing them down.  He slid his hands slowly up the back of Wyatt’s thighs afterwards, clutching the taller man’s ample rear as he spasmed and erupted again.  “Fuuuuuuck that’s good,” Grayson sputtered, catching as much of the eruption as he could in his mouth and letting the rest coat his face and mat his chest hair.  As soon as the spraying stopped he grabbed Wyatt’s cock and tugged, eliciting another screaming explosion after only a pair of tugs.  

“Guh...guh...this is...this can’t be...can’t be real…” Wyatt panted, watching his formerly uptight friend give himself a cum bath with his oversensitive rod.  He was mortified, but the constant orgasms were leaving him a lustful daze.  He knew he should pull away, that they should flee the island, but he couldn’t stop staring at his stocky, kneeling friend.  

“What about me?” 

“HHHIIIIEEEEE!”  Wyatt let out a cracking wail when Jeremy came up from behind and swallowed him in his piston-like arms.  The sensation of the former pretty boy’s new muscle tits and ‘roid gut pressing against his bare back pushed him over the edge.  He looked over a shoulder in slack-jawed bliss at Jeremy’s puggish new face, not caring what the other man looked like as long as he didn’t let go.  “Duuhh...dude...you’re...you’re…” 

“Fuckin’ ugly, I know,” Jeremy spat, grinding his shortened, widened cock into Wyatt’s exposed rear.  

“Not what I’d call it, beast mode,” Grayson said, repositioning himself so that he was between his two friends.  He pulled down Jeremy’s tented lycra, working both men in each hand.  “Fuck, bro, you’re a goodman mountain,” he said above Wyatt’s howling as he stroked the former blonde’s stout rod.  “What’s it gonna take to get you to sit those fat cheeks right on daddy’s face?”  

Jeremy couldn’t believe he was looking at the same Grayson as he watched his friend’s head disappear beneath his ‘roid gut when the kneeling jock wrapped his mouth around his altered equipment.  “Gray...Grayson, bro...you’re…” 

“The only...one...having...fun around...here…” the tattooed stud said between mouthfuls of Jeremy’s balls.  “Maybe Wyatt is too.  It’s hard to tell,” Grayson laughed.  Their tall friend’s howling had died down to a constant, open-mouthed whimper that would raise in volume every few minutes when his cock erupted again.  “I mean, come on.  We’ve got an island to ourselves...might as well make the most of it.”  

Jeremy wanted to argue that they weren’t alone.  He wanted to point out again the horrible things that had been done to all of them, but as he watched Grayson climb to his feet, his furry frame drenched in cum, it no longer seemed so important.  More pressing was the way his tattooed friend spun the dazed Wyatt around and plunged inside, wiggling his hairy globes for Jeremy to join in while their tall friend bucked like a rodeo bull.  Each of the stocky man’s thrusts was rewarded by its own eruption, and Jeremy couldn’t help but want to join in.  He lumbered over, his heavy new frame still feeling awkward as he grabbed Grayson’s hips and pulled him backwards onto his stubby cock.  The sensation of his altered cock inside the other man while his beach ball gut dug into Grayson’s back was entirely foreign, and entirely ecstatic.  

They writhed together until the sun was sinking low on the horizon.  They knew they’d have to leave soon and face their alterations in the real world, but they weren’t in a hurry.  They’d paid the toll and wanted to make the most of their time.