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“Come on, man, I said no kissing.”  Devin turned his head away as Garrett leaned in, pressing against the other man’s toned chest to keep him at bay.  For someone who looked so lean and trim, his friend’s body felt surprisingly heavy on top of his own.  “That’s a little TOO gay.”  

Garrett grinned, raising an eyebrow.  “THAT’S too gay?” he laughed, looking down at their naked bodies pressed against each other.  His wiry, ebony frame looked small on top of Devin’s pale, strapping build as he ground his solid cock against his friend’s firm abs.  

The blonde jock blushed, shifting the smaller man off him.  His own fat log stood aching and oozing as he sat up, the eight-inch beast and plump, churning balls a perfect complement to his broad, tapering physique.  “Dude, why are you making this so weird?”  

Garrett sighed and rolled his eyes in frustration.  “Me?  You’re the one getting uptight all of a sudden.  I didn’t hear you complaining that it was too gay a few minutes ago when I had this in my mouth,” he said, reaching out and giving Devin’s stiff member a tug.  

The brawny man shivered, flexing his tank-tread abs as he tensed at the pleasant pulse that shot through him.  “That’s different!  I’m not trying to be an asshole, this is just...a lot.”  

“It’s what we agreed to.” Garrett's tone was flat, his expression stern.  He fixed his bright green eyes on the blushing blonde’s, dipping low to maintain contact when Devin dropped his head.  “Or did you forget about that part?”  

“What do you think?  We’ve fucked every day for the past two weeks.  I’m holding up my end.  We didn’t say anything about cuddling and kissing.” 

Garrett shook his head, his shoulders drooping.  “I really needed to be specific about that part?  You come here and ask me to work my magic, to pay a cost you can’t even begin to understand, but I needed to clarify that I’m not just some hole for you to stick that dick I gave you in?”  He grabbed the blonde’s rigid club again and ran his thumb around the oozing head.  “Big, strong Devin,” he sighed, “so self conscious about his cute little dick.  Personally, I liked it when it was half this size, but you were so desperate to get it bigger.  You were too tall, and too built, and it was too small for the rest of you, and blah, blah, blah,” Garrett spat.  “So I paid the price for my friend and made it bigger.  But we both agreed that gave me access to it.”  

“And her...here we are,” Devin gasped, his arms inflating as he leaned back and let Garrett stroke.  “Look, dude, I don’t care that YOU’RE gay, you know that.  I’m not some fuckin’ homophobe.  But we agreed on access to that,” he nodded at his thick organ, “not to the rest of this,” he said, motioning to his naked frame.  “Give me some credit, bro.  If I was that uptight we wouldn’t be naked in bed together.  I’d just whip it out and stick it in and be on my way.  I’m flattered you’re into the whole package, but...”

“You’re flattered?” Garrett interrupted, bristling at Devin’s smug tone.  “I had to literally give up a part of myself to make that happen, but you’re flattered because I think the rest of you is cute?  No, I don’t think you’re flattered.  I think you’re scared.”

Devin gave a short laugh and rubbed his wide jaw.  “Scared of what?”  

“How much you like it,” Garrett purred, crawling forward and draping himself against his friend’s prominent pecs.  He batted his rigid six-inches against the other man’s larger club, running a finger around one of Devin’s pert nipples.  “You’re right...we ARE naked in bed together.  And you’re harder than ever.  Come on, now.  You’ve been inside me.  What’s a little kiss going to hurt?”  

Devin hesitated when Garrett leaned in.  His trembling hands hovered just above the other man’s trim sides as their lips brushed together, but he shoved his friend away at the last second.  “Nope, sorry, that’s just...” he trailed off, hopping up from the bed.  “Maybe this whole arrangement was a bad idea.”  

“For fuck’s sake,” Garrett grumbled as he fell onto the bed.  He let out a slow breath into the mattress before propping himself up on a deceptively thin arm, well aware of how Devin’s eyes were glued to his dark, wiry frame.  “I’m sorry you’re having second thoughts, but that’s not really how this magic works.”  

The blonde jock shrugged his broad shoulders.  “Can I just pay you?  What else do you want?”  

“Woooowwww,” Garrett said, shaking his head.  “You really don’t get it.  The agreement was part of the fuel for the spell.  If we suddenly break that my cost goes up, and trust me when I say I’ve already paid plenty.”

Devin’s expression was pained as he looked at Garrett, naked and stretched out on the bed.  His inflated cock was as hard and eager as ever, and there was a part of him that wanted to jump back in bed with his friend, but he couldn’t bring himself to admit why he’d been so quick to take the deal in the first place.  “Please, I’m not trying to make this difficult, but there’s gotta be something else I can…” 

“How about a lesson?”  Garrett’s green eyes flashed, causing Devin’s body to go rigid as his cock began to swell once more.  

“Whhaaaaa!”  The tall jock’s eyes went wide as he watched his aching rod thicken and expand, pushing past ten, then twelve, before finally settling at a massive fourteen inches.  His balls had puffed to match, hanging like a pair of oranges between his muscled thighs.  “What...what the fuck did you just do?!”  

“The magic didn’t just make your dick bigger, it gave me control over a part of you.  I can make it as large or as small as I want.  Amongst other things,” Garrett grinned. 

“P...put me back!  You can’t just leave me like this!  What am I supposed to do with this thing?!”  Devin looked horrified as he grasped the monolithic rod with both hands.  Neither of the meaty paws could fully close around the unwieldy organ as it throbbed harder than ever.  

“You wanted to be bigger.  Now you’re bigger.”  

“Dude, come on!  This is too big!  I didn’t want to be a freak,” Devin stammered, his knees going weak as he gave the oozing beast a tentative tug.  It hadn’t just become larger, but more sensitive as well.  “I can’t...there’s no way I can even use it…” 

“Seem to be doing just fine,” Garrett shrugged.  

Devin’s naked body went crimson when he realized his granite globes were flexing, his hips pumping the aching log between both hands.  “Guuhh...goddamn...why...why can’t I stop…” he moaned.  

There was a mischievous grin on Garrett’s face as he watched Devin thrust.  “Maybe you don’t want to admit it, but your body knows what it likes.  Gotta say...seems pretty gay to get turned on by jerking off in front of another dude.”  

Devin could only whimper.  His friend was right: there was a part of him that thrilled to the idea of Garrett watching him pump away.  The thought of his ripped body on display, his hard-earned muscle flexing as he rolled his hips and worked his cock, impossible as it had become, made his stomach flutter.  It wasn’t something he’d ever done with any of the girls he’d hooked up with.  The thought never even occurred to him.  But something about doing it in front of Garrett, or thinking about what it would be like with his roommate John, or his buddy Kristoph, turned him on more than he’d ever imagined.  Devin tried in vain to hold back, but all he could do was grunt, his chest heaving as he spasmed and exploded.  

“That’s impressive,” Garrett whistled, watching the ropey strands launch across the room.  

“Dude...please...I’m sorry, alright.  You want to make out?  Fine, let’s make out,” Devin panted, his monster hose finally softening.  The thick beast hung long and heavy, snaking halfway to his knees.  

“Nah.  Moment’s passed,” Garrett said, hopping off the bed.  He picked up Devin’s loose basketball shorts and tossed them to his friend.  “Maybe later, after you’ve had some time to think.”  

“But...I can’t just…what are people going to say?” 

“That’s the beauty of magic.  They adapted last time, didn’t they?  I’m sure they’ll act accordingly again.”  

“Seriously dude, can’t you just…” Devin trailed off as Garrett walked past him out of the room.  His inflated organ started twitching as he watched his friend’s ample, shifting rear disappear down the hall, but he forced his eyes away.  The flustered blonde had more immediate concerns.  Looking at his discarded boxer briefs, there was no way he could fit his mammoth package in them.  Devin knew that meant he’d be walking around with his cock flopping obviously beneath his shorts, but he didn’t have any other alternative.  

Pulling the baggy mesh on, it was worse than he imagined.  His plump cock and hefty balls were so visibly outlined the shorts might as well have been see-through, making it impossible to conceal the freakishly long organ as it trailed down his thigh.  As it was, he could feel the breeze wafting up from the opening of the shorts a few inches below, and he knew if he sat down the thick beast would hang free.  He tried not to think about it as he slipped his t-shirt back on, cursing himself for only having the small, form-fitting garments.  He liked the way the tight shirts showed off his sculpted torso and powerful arms, but at the moment he would have given anything for a draping muscle shirt.  A part of him wanted to stay and plead with Garrett, but that would only make it worse.  He’d been friends with the other man long enough to know how Garrett acted in a mood like this, and further poking would only dig a deeper hole.  He trusted that his friend would fix things, it was only a question of when.  

As he trudged across campus back to his apartment, trying not to look at the people whose eyes widened at the sight of his monstrous hose bouncing in his shorts, Devin couldn’t blame Garrett for being hurt.  His friend obviously had a thing for him, and as much as he hated to admit it, he clearly had confusing feelings of his own for the other man.  He’d always told himself it was perfectly natural for a straight guy to appreciate another guy’s looks, and Garrett was especially striking.  With his toned, athletic build and handsome, razor-sharp features, his friend turned heads wherever they went.  He’d always given Garrett a hard time for making his own boy-next-door looks seem ugly by comparison, but now he wondered if there hadn’t been more to it than that.  Pulling on that thread and thinking back to his years in the locker room, how his eyes lingered on his naked teammates, and the endless string of unsatisfying hookups with women, Devin wondered if there wasn’t more to a lot of things.  

His heart sank when he made it home and heard John moving around on the other side of the door.  He’d hoped for some alone time to try and sort things out, not the least of which being how he was going to explain his freakish new endowment.  

“Hey man,” John called over his shoulder.  The shirtless brunette was sitting on the couch with his back to the door, but the bandaid was ripped off when he looked in Devin’s direction.  “How was the gymmmooohh shit! What the fuck is that?!”  

Devin’s heart sank further when John hopped to his feet, revealing his mostly-bare frame.  The other man was clad only in a pair of loose boxers, leaving the majority of his athletic physique exposed.  Though he wasn’t as tall or as built as his roommate, John’s lean frame still sported a pair of overdeveloped pecs and thickly muscled arms.  Devin always gave the shorter man a hard time for focusing so much on his chest and biceps, but now, staring at the patch of chocolate hair coating the bulging mounds, his mouth watered.  

“Don’t...don’t freak out,” Devin stammered.  “I can expluuuunnnnhhh!”  He broke off in a groan, his oversized cock rocketing to life as John walked around the couch.  The flustered blonde had been looking at his friend’s stubble-covered cheeks and shaggy mop of hair, thinking how cute he was, when the massive organ shot to attention without warning.  At its new size, the lengthy shaft shot out through the bottom of his shorts, pulling the mesh up his thigh as the uncontainable monster rigidly pointed at his stunned roommate.  Devin could feel himself turning crimson with embarrassment, but there was nothing he could do to cover himself.  He knew he should at least hurry to his room, but all he could do was stand and stare at John’s tight, exposed flesh.  

There was a moment of silence as the shorter man gawked at his altered friend.  He ran a hand through his messy, chocolate mop and whistled.  “Jesus Christ, dude.  You told me you were taking those pills to make it bigger, but holy fuck.”  

Devin nodded.  “Uh, right, the pills!  Things might have gotten a little, uh, out of hand,” he said a bit too quickly.  

John cocked his head, a slight grin spreading across his boyish face.  “They make you extra horny, too?  Or is there another reason you’re ready to nut at the sight of me?”  

His friend’s smug tone sent a shiver down Devin’s spine, causing the exposed beast to twitch noticeably.  The humiliated Adonis opened his mouth to deny what John was saying, or at least make an excuse, but the words wouldn’t come.  All he could do was stare back and forth between the shorter man’s bulging pecs and the lump in his boxers.  He’d seen John naked plenty of times and was already familiar with the long, thick cock hiding underneath, but he’d never felt such an urge to get his hands on it before.  

“I’m up here,” John barked, snapping his fingers next to his face.  “Oh shit!  You really are hot for this, aren’t you,” he laughed when he saw Devin’s pained expression.  

“N...no, I...I just...the pills…” the blonde stammered, having to force out even that string of gibberish.  

“Dude, you haven’t stopped staring at my tits since you walked through the door,” John said, flexing the plump mounds.  “And you’re leaking.”  

Devin wanted to crawl under a rock when he looked down and saw the copious ooze trickling from his bulbous new head.  “Sorry, I don’t know what’s going on with me right...now…” he trailed off when John reached down and began kneading his package through his boxers, having to muster all of his willpower to keep from reaching out and tugging them down.  

“Hey, it’s cool, I’d be into this too,” John grinned, nodding down at his tapering torso.  “I wondered how long it’d take you to tell everyone.”  

Devin froze.  “Tell everyone what?”  

“Bro.  Be real.  Everyone’s suspected for a long time now.  Doesn’t matter how many girls you fuck when you look at the boys in the showers like that, you know?”  

“What?  No, that’s not...I mean I’m not…” Devin sputtered.  

“Says the guy dripping cum all over the floor,” John laughed.  “Don’t get me wrong, no one cares.  I’m just saying it’s not a surprise.  Hell, the guys’ll be thrilled to have it confirmed since that means you won’t be the one hooking all the hottest fish for no goddamn reason when we go out.”  

Devin didn’t know what to say.  For someone who’d barely started to come to terms with his own desires, everything was happening too fast for him to keep up with.  He knew a part of John’s reaction had to be a result of whatever magic Garrett had worked, but he also knew his friend wasn’t entirely wrong.  Maybe he hadn’t been as discreet as he’d thought when checking the guys out in the locker room, and maybe he’d been a little too eager in their roughhousing.  Either way, the shorter man’s reaction was as much a surprise as it was a relief.  

“And this could be a win-win,” John continued.  “I’m not into dudes, but if you’re going to be walking around with that thing hanging out all the time there’s no reason we both can’t have fun blowing off some steam, right?”  He let a hand drift down through the patch of hair on his abs, hooking a thumb in the waist of his boxers and tugging it down to just above the base of his cock.  “Unless you don’t want to.  That’s cool too.”

“N..no...I...I want to,” Devin stammered.  He couldn’t believe he’d actually said the words out loud anymore than he could believe he was really stepping forward and pulling John’s boxers down.  He followed them to the ground, dropping to his knees and slurping his friend’s twitching rod into his mouth in one smooth motion.  

All the times Devin had looked at John’s naked body and told himself he wasn’t really wondering what it would be like to have his friend’s cock in his mouth came rushing back at once, obliterating the wall of denial the sculpted blonde had built.  He’d come close to trying it with Garrett, but even with a man he was actively fucking, he couldn’t bring himself to accept that he actually wanted it.  Now, with his oversized cock driving him on, there was nothing left in the closet for Devin to cling to.  Instead, he reached up and gripped John’s furry bubble, loving how his friend’s fingers felt running through his hair.  

“Now this is a view I could get used to,” the shorter brunette sighed, beaming down at Devin with an arrogant grin.  

This was a side of his friend he’d never experienced before, a smug confidence that oozed masculine charm, and it made the brawny blonde squirm.  The other desires that Devin had pushed down and never let himself acknowledge began clawing their way to the surface as he bobbed his head.  He was enjoying the sensation of John’s cock sliding over his tongue, and the musky scent filling his nostrils, so much that he felt foolish for denying himself the pleasure for so long out of fear.  

“Was I...not doing that right,” Devin asked, disappointed when John pulled away a few moments later.  

“You’re a fuckin’ natural,” John laughed breathlessly, “but it’s not going to be a win-win if we keep that up.”  Devin lifted his arms at John’s nod, feeling a swell of pride at the compliment as the other man pulled his tight t-shirt free.  “The way you were squirming and kneading my ass makes me think you’re in the mood for something else, anyway.”  

Devin’s heart raced as John pulled him to his feet and tugged his shorts down.  This was the moment he’d been both dreading and longing for.  Ever since the first time he and Garrett had fucked, there’d been a persistent voice in the back of his head.  As with everything else, thinking back, Devin realized that voice had always been there, but it took finally crossing the line with another man to give it volume.  All the times he’d wrestled and roughhoused with his friends, secretly loving how it felt to have their bodies pressing down on his own, especially when their heavy bulges would be digging into his rear, hit him like a tidal wave.  Now, the voice that had quietly been telling him he really wanted to be in Garrett’s position, that he wanted to be the one with someone else inside him, was a screeching siren.  

He turned and stumbled forward against the couch, his hulking cock wedged between himself and the back of the sofa as he thrust his muscled bubble in John’s direction.  Though he’d been in his friend’s position more times than he could remember, Devin had no idea what to expect being on the receiving end.  He braced himself when John’s fingers slipped between his eager cheeks, letting out an embarrassingly loud whimper when they worked their way inside.  

“Damn...that’s tight…” John muttered, pushing his fingers deeper inside.  “This IS going to be fun.”  

Devin clutched the couch, his pecs heaving as he gasped for breath.  He’d expected blinding pain, but there was only mild discomfort that quickly gave way in the face of his aching need.  As when he’d been on his knees, the grunting stud was already cursing himself for ever letting his fear prevent him from experiencing such joy.  It was as if his pent up anxiety and denial were oozing out his leaking monster, and by the time John’s fingers had stretched him open he was no longer embarrassed at his pathetic whimpers; he was just desperate for the real thing.  

“You ready, stud?” John asked, pulling his fingers free and giving Devin’s ass a swat.  

“Go...god yes,” he moaned, wiggling his cheeks.  He wasn’t prepared when John grabbed his hand and hurriedly pulled him into his room, shoving him down on the bed.  “What’re youuuuooohh!”  Devin yelped when his friend roughly manhandled his legs up onto his shoulders.  His inflated cock slapped loudly against his torso, oozing a growing puddle across his slab of a chest as the other man lined himself up.  

“From behind just feels impersonal,” John laughed.  “And I’ve gotta see the faces you make.”  

Devin’s stomach fluttered even as he was hit with a punch of guilt.  He’d always fucked Garrett from behind, lying to himself that he didn’t want to see his friend’s face in the process lest he get distracted from the parade of girls he forced through his head.  Yet here was John, who, as far as Devin knew was as straight as they came, but even he was treating the blonde stud better than Devin had been treating Garrett.  

“FFFFFFFUUUUUUCCCKKKK,” Devin howled, his fingers digging into the mattress when John slowly pushed himself inside.  His eyes were wild and his jaw was slack with ecstasy, and he was still well aware of the obscenely huge cock wedged between them, but he couldn’t bring himself to feel embarrassed beneath his friend’s arrogant grin.  

“That...thing really is...huge…” John laughed, watching Devin’s monster bounce and shake in time with his thrusting.  “Good thing...you...came clean about...this.  I don’t think...you’re...fitting that...inside anyone…” the brunette grunted as he rolled his hips. Devin knew what his friend said was true, but at the moment he didn’t care.  John had always bragged about how good he was in bed, and now, experiencing it firsthand, Devin was perfectly content to trade in his days on top if it meant he could keep feeling such bliss. 

“Don...don’t stop...oh fuck...don’t...don’t stop…” the penetrated jock begged, his cum-slick pecs bouncing as John increased the pace of his thrusting.  He gave a drunken laugh, wondering how he ever could have told himself this was something he didn’t want.  Though he was significantly larger, Devin loved the way John’s body loomed over him, and how the smaller man took control.  He’d expected the athletic brunette to do nothing more than use his tight hole to jerk off with, but John was treating him the way he would any other partner in bed.  Instead of feeling humiliated at the idea of his friend treating him the way he did women, Devin’s affection for his roommate only grew.  

“Fuck dude...gonna...gonna cum…” John grunted, his eyes drooping as his thick hose blasted into Devin’s virgin guts.  The combination of his friend’s spasming body, and the sensation of the warm fluid filling his insides, pushed Devin over the edge.  He let out a deep bellow, his vision blurring as his cock erupted, blasting him square in the face with a seemingly endless stream.  

“Whooooo,” John panted, giving a few final thrusts before pulling out and dropping Devin’s legs onto the bed.  “That thing makes a mess, doesn’t it,” he laughed.  

“Guess...guess so,” Devin panted.  He was surprised when John dropped down next to him and wiped his face clean.  “Thanks, that was more than I expemmmphh…” the blonde tensed as his friend leaned in and pressed their lips together for a quick kiss.  It was the last thing he’d ever expected.  “What...what was that…” he asked, blushing.  

“What?  The kiss?  We just fucked, dude,” John said, as if it was obvious.  

“But...you’re straight, aren’t you?”  

John laughed and nodded.  “So?  It’s just a kiss, bro.  See?”  He leaned in for another, longer one that made Devin’s knees weak.  “And I still like girls,” he grinned.  “It’s just sex...it’s supposed to be fun.  I mean, I’m not into dudes, but you’re hot, man.  And those faces you make are intense,” he said, rolling over and folding his arms behind his head.  He paused and looked over at Devin, raising an eyebrow.  “This IS just fun, right?  You’re not actually wanting this to be a thing, are you?  I’ll mess around whenever, but I’m not looking for a boyfriend.”  

Devin shook his head.  “No.  I love you, man, and you can do that to me again whenever you want, but...I gotta go talk to Garrett about something.”  He patted John on his furry pecs and rolled off the bed, blushing at the heavy, flopping sensation as his enlarged hose fell forward.  He hurried into the bathroom, only taking enough time to scrub the cum off his torso before pulling his shorts back on and darting across campus.  He didn’t even stop to put a shirt on, no longer caring who saw his flopping beast as he ran back to his friend’s apartment.  

“Back so soon?  I told you I’m not gooohh…!”  The wiry man was cut off when Devin pushed through the door and wrapped his arms around him, locking their lips in a deep, prolonged kiss.  “Looks like someone had their eyes opened.  Didn’t think that would happen so quick.  Is John as good as he claims to be?”  

Devin blushed, his cock already twitching as he pressed Garrett against him.  “Did you know that would happen?”  

“I knew something would.  I told you the world would adjust accordingly.”  He ran a finger along the center valley between Devin’s prominent pecs, his other hand drifting to his friend’s waist.  “And what else did you learn?”  

“I’m sorry,” Devin said softly.  “I just wasn’t ready...I needed a push.  But if you’ll forgive me for the way I was treating you, I want to do this for real.”  

Garrett smiled and dropped his forehead against Devin’s.  “I’m happy to hear that, but we can still just have fun.  I know you’re going to want to make up for lost time.  Why don’t we just see what happens?”  He planted another kiss, his tongue slowly working its way into the other man’s mouth.  “I always wondered how long you’d go on lying to yourself and everyone else,” he said when he finally broke it off.  “It was so obvious, but you just kept denying it.  I’m sorry if this was embarrassing, but I hoped it would be the final nudge you needed.”  

“If it wasn’t, John’s dick sure was,” Devin laughed.  “How come you never told me that felt so good?”  

“My moaning wasn’t obvious enough?” Garrett laughed, shaking his head.  “So what do we do now?  I can put you back to the way you were this morning, but something tells me your interests have shifted.”  

“Hey, a deal’s a deal.  Whenever you want it, it’s yours,” Devin said, leaning in for another kiss.  “Maybe we can just switch it up sometimes?”  

Garrett grinned and stepped back, cocking his head to the side.  “Now there’s an idea,” he said, his green eyes flashing.  

Devin recognized the mischievous expression, but before he could ask what Garrett was up to he felt a familiar tingle from his lower half.  He breathed a sigh of relief when he pulled his waist open and saw his fourteen inch beast had shrunk to a more manageable ten inches, still thick and meaty, but not so wide as to be unwieldy.  

The blonde jock was less relieved at the sudden tightness in the back of his shorts, and he understood why when he took a step and felt his inflated cheeks bounce.  “What did you just do,” he asked, his eyes going wide when he reached around and felt the excessive rear.  “Dude!” 

“If you’re going to use it, might as well give it an upgrade too,” Garrett laughed, tugging down the other man’s shorts to reveal the now-supple globes.  They were still rock solid, but the granite muscle had been covered by a soft, ample layer that doubled their size and gave them a noticeable jiggle.  

Devin blushed when he walked to the bathroom and felt the globes shift and shake.  Looking at his reflection, the oversized rear threw off his carefully crafted proportions, but the altered jock was surprised to find that he didn’t mind.  There was a quick stab of embarrassment as he thought about how he would look with his jiggling rear prominently on display, a sharp contrast to the rest of his shredded build, but at the same time the thought made his cock throb.  He’d already been looking forward to exploring his new desires, and the pillowy backside would only make that easier.  

“That’s, uh, really big,” Devin laughed as he gave the cheeks a shake when Garrett walked in.  “So’s this,” he said, hefting his twitching cock.  

The wiry man shrugged.  “After taking the old one for a test drive it felt like we could make a few tweaks.”  

Devin wrapped his arms around the other man and gave him a quick kiss on the nose.  “Any other ‘tweaks’ I should know about?”  

“Where’s the fun in telling?”  Garrett reached around and slipped a hand into Devin’s deepened valley, laughing when the other man howled and went up on his toes.  “It’s more fun to find out through experience.  Since you seemed to enjoy yourself so much, now you’re really wired for it.  Next time you and John have some fun it’ll blow your mind.”  

“Or we could try it right now,” Devin said, catching his breath.  He grinned and pushed Garrett back, dropping to his knees.  “I think I owe you a bunch of these anyway.”  

“I wasn’t keeping track, but you’re not wrong,” Garrett sighed, running his hands through Devin’s hair.  

The kneeling jock tore his friend’s pants open and sucked the twitching cock into his mouth, shivering when his inflated cheeks pressed against his rocky calves as he knelt in front of him.  Devin knew things would never be quite the same.  There’d be an adjustment as he officially came out to everyone, and he’d have to get used to the way his altered body worked, but already he felt like a weight had been lifted.  Everything would be new and different, and with his ample new cheeks and overactive cock he wouldn’t be able to hide anymore.  

Devin smiled as he whimpered around Garrett’s invading organ.  Hiding was the last thing he wanted to do.  


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