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“Can I get you something to drink?”  

“Um, no, not right now thanks, I think I’m okay,” Matt said as he nervously dropped his gym bag next to the door.  He was trying not to look too overwhelmed as he gawked at the massive room he found himself in.  Adam’s house had looked gigantic from the exterior, and it certainly didn’t disappoint once inside.  Matt had only seen the foyer and the connecting room and already he was blown away.  Even ignoring his current circumstances, he couldn’t imagine ever having the kind of money necessary for a place like this, but he wasn’t sure if he was comforted or made more nervous by the thought of the older man’s excessive wealth.  But he was desperate for cash, and Adam clearly had plenty to spare.  

“It’s okay,” the older man said, laughing at Matt’s obvious nerves.  “I imagine this is a lot to take in all at once.  Just make yourself at home!  After all, that’s what it is, now.”  

“Uh, thanks.  Yeah, I usually don’t do this sort of…I mean…I’ve never…” Matt stammered, trying to avoid making eye contact.  When Adam had approached him at work a few days earlier he’d been completely taken off guard.  Not only was he uncertain of exactly how the other man knew about his circumstances, the thought of being someone’s live-in boy-toy seemed preposterous.  

Working at the gym for as long as he had, Matt was used to being hit on by guys and girls alike.  As a rule, the young jock tried not to get involved with customers but if a girl was cute enough he was willing to make exceptions.  He was always flattered whenever another guy approached him, and though he’d considered it a few times, he had yet to actually cross that line.  After so many years of watching chiseled, athletic men sweat and strain on the floor, then strip and shower in the locker room, Matt had sometimes wondered what it would be like.  He could appreciate the work a man put into his body, and he was familiar with the sensation of solid muscle and rough skin against his own from a competitive standpoint, but a part of him had been curious about what those calloused hands and hairy pecs would feel like in a more intimate setting.  

He’d known the older man for a few years from the gym and had always pegged Adam for being as straight as they came, and he was a little embarrassed because the older hunk had been one of the very men Matt had his curious thoughts about.  He’d caught Adam eyeing him before, but it wasn’t uncommon for guys to check each other out in the locker room, so Matt  never suspected that Adam had been lusting after him the whole time.  

After Matt’s initial shock wore off, the temptation quickly set in.  He’d just been kicked out of his apartment because he could no longer afford the ever-rising rent, he couldn’t pay off his school loans, and even though he was a recent college graduate he couldn’t find a decent job.  He was already working triple shifts as a trainer and receptionist at the gym, and his only option at the time had been to live out of his car.  Luckily he was able to shower at work, but the young stud didn’t know how much longer he’d be able to keep it up.  

Then Adam showed up and dropped his bombshell: he was willing to let Matt move in and would pay him to be his full time personal trainer.  He’d even pay off all of Matt’s debts so he’d have a fresh start.  All the handsome young man would have to do is some extra work around the house and be okay with his status as live-in eye candy.  Matt at least appreciated that Adam had been entirely upfront in his intentions.  He made it clear that he wasn’t going to pressure Matt into any sexual activity if the younger man didn’t want it, but he wanted Matt’s body to himself.  That meant no girlfriends or outside hookups, and the athletic young man would have to wear, or not wear, whatever Adam asked.  

Matt had laughed it off at first, saying he was flattered but that he wasn’t sure it was the right deal for him.  But after spending another pair of sleepless nights in his cold, tiny car he caved.  It was only temporary, he told himself, and Matt had already been curious about the older stud.  Instead of being embarrassed, the more he considered it his ego enjoyed the boost at the thought of how eager Adam was to get him naked.  He could bring himself to be eye candy if it meant he’d be taken care of for a while.  

Now, standing in Adam’s house, he was starting to feel like a nervous teenager.  The smug confidence he thought he’d have was nowhere to be found as he squirmed under the handsome older man’s piercing gaze, feeling entirely out of place in the luxurious surroundings.  He pictured himself strutting naked down the large staircase or in front of the expansive wall of windows, his thick cock throbbing from a blend of excitement and embarrassment.  

“Why don’t I show you to your room?  Is this all you brought?”  Adam picked up Matt’s gym bag, giving a look of surprise at how little it weighed.  

“Yeah…that’s actually all I’ve got.  My landlord threw all my stuff out while I was at work.  The only clothes I have are the one’s I’m wearing and what was in my locker at the gym.”  

“Do you mind?”  Adam unzipped the bag and rooted through it.  The realization of what was in store for him dawned on Matt as the older man pulled Matt’s jockstrap out, a hungry look in his eyes.  “Well, you’ll definitely need some new clothes.  Lucky for you, I’ve got it all taken care of,” Adam said cheerfully as he dropped the jockstrap back in the bag.  

Matt grinned bashfully and puffed his impressive chest out, knowing how well his tight black t-shirt accentuated the muscled mounds.  “Thanks,” he said, watching Adam’s eyes travel up and down his athletic frame.  He’d purposely worn the thin shirt and tight, matching track pants that showed off his round, ample rear.  If he was going to be eye candy, the chiseled young man figured he should lean into the role.  Not that it was difficult for him with his broad shoulders, tapering waist, beefy arms, and sturdy thighs.  Matt already turned heads, and his short, raven hair and olive complexion only cemented his stunning looks.  

He caught a quick twitch in the front of Adam’s chinos and felt a bit of his usual confidence return.  He knew the older man had to be bursting with excitement at the thought of finally getting a full, unobstructed look at him.   He’d seen Adam in all his glory plenty of times in the locker room, but the most the other man had ever seen of Matt was the day the air conditioning had gone out at the gym and the young stud had taken his shirt off. 

Adam didn’t bother to hide his obvious arousal.  “I bet you want to get out of those old things.  You’ve been wearing them for, what?  Three days?”

“Uh, five, actually…” Matt said, blushing from the embarrassing admission as much as from his own budding excitement.  Curious or not, he was surprised at how quickly he was latching onto the idea of getting intimate with another man, blaming it on the unusual dry spell due to his circumstances and trying not to think too much into it.  

“I guess now’s a good time to give you a chance to back out.  You don’t have to do this, Matt,” Adam said, placing a hand on the young man’s firm shoulder.  “If you want to turn around and walk away, this is your last chance.”  

“No, no, I’m fine,” Matt said, forcing himself to look Adam in the eye as he took in the older man’s masculine features and strong jawline.  He could just see the top of Adam’s firm, hairy chest peeking out from under his dress shirt, and he found himself almost as eager to get the other man stripped down.  Adam wasn’t as built, but he was covered in an impressive amount of lean, toned muscle for someone who’d just turned forty-two.  The older man still filled his clothes out nicely, his broad shoulders resting atop a tapered waist, complete with a tight little bubble pushing out the back of whatever pants he wore.  Like his own wiry dusting, Matt knew that under the other man’s fitted dress shirt was a coating of chestnut hair that spread across his firm chest and trailed down to one of his most striking features.  Having seen it plenty of times in the locker room, Matt knew just how large Adam’s twitching beast truly was.   “I’m just a little overwhelmed by everything...especially this place.  I don’t think I’ve ever been in a house this big before.”

“Well, get used to it!  It’s your house now,” Adam said, clapping Matt on the back.  “Follow me and I’ll show you to your room.  I didn’t know what you’d be bringing so I’ve laid out something for you to wear.”  

Matt followed Adam up the wide staircase in the foyer, still marveling at the size of his new surroundings.  The second floor was equally impressive, with a broad, open space at the top that connected the massive bedrooms.  “Holy shit!  This room is bigger than my last apartment!”  Matt laughed after staring at his suite in silence for nearly a full minute.  He paced excitedly around the room, taking in the view through the wall of windows that joined with those on the first floor and overlooked the picturesque grounds outside.  After weeks of only showering at the gym, Matt was speechless when he made his way into the bathroom and saw a shower that was bigger than his old apartment’s kitchen.  “Oh, man, Adam...this is too much,” he sighed, dropping his sculpted frame onto the large king bed.  “Even this is huge!” he said, relishing the feel of a soft mattress beneath him instead of his cramped backseat.    

“More than big enough for the two of us.  Just like mine,” Adam grinned, opening a door on the far side of the room that connected to his own spacious suite.   

Matt sat up on his elbows, his heart racing at the idea of sharing a bed with the older man.  Instead of being sobered by Adam’s casual mention, he was surprisingly excited.  He didn’t know if it was just the novelty of the situation or his delight at not having to live out of his car anymore, but he felt a drunken giddiness wash over him that made his embarrassment an afterthought.  He was so glad to have a roof over his head, especially such a fancy one, that at the moment he’d do whatever Adam wanted.  He smirked up at him and pressed his thighs back and forth to thrust his noticeable bulge forward.  “You strike me as the big spoon type.” 

“I’m flexible,” Adam winked.  He turned and pulled a pair of small black briefs from the dresser behind him and tossed them over to smug young jock.  “Well, if we’re all on board, why don’t you go ahead and change?”  

“Uh, yeah, sure,” Matt said, fighting to keep his hand from shaking as he scooped the tiny briefs off his stomach and ignoring the small voice in his head that urged him to back out.  He finally registered Adam’s earlier comment about this being his “last chance” to change his mind, but he told himself he must have simply misheard the older man.  Knowing that the only other place he had to go was back to his cold, cramped car, he hopped to his feet and peeled out of his tight t-shirt, smiling at the hungry look in Adam’s eyes.  He’d worked for years to shape his impressive frame into the tapering, temple of muscle it had become and, another man or not, it felt good to have someone else so openly appreciate it.   

Still grinning, Matt turned and slowly pulled the back of his track pants down, teasing Adam with a partial view of his large, round globes.  He let the other man get an eyeful of the muscled cakes before turning and flexing his washboard stomach, hooking his thumbs in the front of his pants, seductively inching them down until the base of his cock was barely revealed.  The stripping young jock blushed when his twitching organ rocketed to life and sprang free before he could stop it, giving Adam his first glimpse of the wide, six inch pole and the churning balls that hung full and heavy between his meaty thighs.  Smiling awkwardly, Matt kicked free of his pants, his thick rod wagging from the movement until he slid the briefs up and pinned it against his stomach with the bulbous head poking out from the waist. 

“So?  Is this what you were hoping to see?” Matt asked with a smile.  He spread his burly arms and turned in a circle, giving Adam a full view.  “Sorry about, uh, that,” he said, nodding down at his throbbing pole.  “Guess we’re diving right in.”    

Adam let out a long, slow breath, his hungry eyes wide.  “You’re magnificent,” he said, reaching out towards the younger man’s hairy pecs but stopping before he made contact.   

Matt gave a quick, surprised laugh and shrugged.  “Fuck it.  I’m all in...go ahead,” he said, grabbing Adam’s hand and guiding it to his chest.  He closed his eyes and let his head fall back on his shoulders when Adam’s other hand joined in and began slowly kneading his prominent mounds.  Matt hadn’t known what to expect when he first thought about Adam’s hands on his body, and he hadn’t anticipated how good it would feel.  Far from the jarring sensation he thought the rough hands would bring, the older man’s strong fingers sliding through his wiry carpet and tweaking his tiny nipples made his cock throb.  “Mmmmm….” he sighed when one of those hands slid down his stomach, slowly inching towards his aching organ.  

“I can see how something so big would be hard to hide when you get excited,” Adam purred, slowly working his thumb around the oozing tip.  

“Yuuhh...yeah...it...wait...what do you…” Matt’s face was a mask of confusion when he opened his eyes and looked down at his throbbing club.  Instead of just the head sticking out, several inches of the exceedingly wide shaft were also exposed as the pulsing monster snaked its way up his abs.  “Was it...was it always that big…?”

“You mean you don’t know?” Adam’s voice was a deep rumble as he slipped his hand down into Matt’s briefs and began squeezing the young man’s inflated balls.  

“Ffffuuuuuuuuuuck,” Matt groaned, his eyes bulging at the electric sensations shooting through him.  Something about the size of his leaking monster concerned him, but all he could focus on was how good Adam’s hand felt.  

“You like that?” Adam asked, loving the sound of Matt’s confused whimpers.  

“You’ve got...the...magic touch…” the young stud whined as he squirmed.  He reached up with fumbling hands and began unbuttoning Adam’s shirt, resting his head on one of the other man’s broad shoulders.  He’d had plenty of handjobs in his life, but never one that lit him up like this.  He wasn’t just putting his head on Adam’s shoulder to be closer to the other man; the room was literally starting to spin from the intense sensations.  

“No...THIS is the magic touch.”  

“OOOHHHHHOOOHHhhhhhuuuu!”  Matt spasmed and went up on his toes, his cock erupting like a volcano.  The fattened organ spewed a seemingly impossible load, covering both of them in warm, sticky fluid the second Adam’s probing fingers had slid under his heavy balls and made contact with his tight hole.  They’d only barely pushed against it, but it was enough to send Matt hurtling over the edge.   

“Somebody’s feeling good,” Adam cooed, gently stroking Matt’s short, dark hair.  

The young stud was reeling from the potent release, to overcome to feel the humiliation he knew he should have.  He’d just blown all over the two of them from barely being touched, and now he was cradled in the older man’s arms while Adam’s condescending voice whispered in his ears.  “Oh...oh shit...sorry about that…” Matt finally panted, reluctantly pulling his head away.  His fingers still clung to Adam’s furry chest as he gazed at him in a daze and tried to collect his addled thoughts.  

“For what?  A strapping, virile young stud like yourself shouldn’t be embarrassed about a load like that.  So you made a mess?  Big deal...you’re here to clean it up now anyway, right?”  

“Oh! Uh, yeah, of course,” Matt stammered, quickly undoing the rest of Adam’s shirt and pulling it free.  He felt his softening package swinging and bouncing heavily as it still hung in front of his tiny briefs, but it never occurred to him to stop and put himself away.  He still thought the girthy, hulking equipment seemed much larger than it should, but he couldn’t stop to think about that when Adam needed cleaning.  The exposed beast started twitching again when Matt undid the older man’s pants and tugged them down along with his boxer briefs, the voice in his head growing louder when Adam’s long, thick hose swung free.  He’d seen it in the locker room enough to know that it should have been larger than his own, but it looked barely average next to the dangling snake sprouting from the base of his flat stomach.  “There you go...all clean,” Matt said, gathering up the discarded clothes.  

Adam laughed as he looked down at his brawny, naked frame.  “I don’t think you soaked me quite to my underwear, but I appreciate your enthusiasm.”  

Matt blushed as he stared at the naked man, his head spinning.  He never once stopped to think about what he was doing as he stripped Adam down.  “Oh god...I’m sorry...you’re right, I don’t know why I…” The young jock trailed off, his brow furrowed as he looked down at his cum-covered pecs and abs, unable to put his finger on what exactly wasn’t gelling in his mind.  

“It’s okay!  Really, I know you’ve had a rough couple weeks.”  Adam reached out and gently stroked Matt’s cheek, his dark, emerald eyes boring into the younger man’s, a smug grin on his face.  “And like you said...we’re diving right in.”  Matt shivered, running his fingers from Adam’s hand on his cheek, along the hairy forearm and up to the granite bicep.  He hesitated, his other hand hovering just above the older man’s flat stomach.  “Go ahead.  You don’t need to be nervous.”  

Matt blushed at the thought of his obvious nerves, feeling like a virgin teenager pawing at a girl for the first time.  He sighed and ran his hands up and down Adam’s tapering torso, enjoying the rough, hairy body just as much as the soft, supple frames he was used to.  After so many years of only ever coming into contact with other men’s bodies in an aggressive context, Matt felt a surprising thrill at taking the time to explore one slowly and intimately.  

The true test came when his hands drifted low and he gently gripped Adam’s twitching organ.  He’d given his friends ball-taps and backhanded swats in the locker room, but he’d never had another man’s cock hardening in his hand before.  He was amazed by how different it felt compared to his own, and he loved the way Adam’s wide member throbbed and lengthened against his palm.  Each steady pulse was like a drum beat, magnifying the other man’s already overwhelming presence.  His lantern jaw and hairy pecs, the scent of his spicy cologne mingling with the musky relics of Matt’s earlier explosion, the way his eyes seemed to glow like verdant embers; everything about the middle-aged stud was suddenly heightened in the young hunk’s eyes as he became painfully aware of their vastly different statuses.

It wasn’t just the age gap.  Adam was the picture of success, with more money than Matt would be able to make in two lifetimes and a body that would put someone half his age to shame.  The fact that someone like him would even stop to give Matt a second thought filled the young trainer with a stomach fluttering pride as he stroked Adam’s impressive, wide pole and gazed longingly up at his new friend.  

“Wai...wait…” Matt stammered, the alarm ringing in his head again at that last thought.  As when he looked at his fat, girthy package, something about their uneven height seemed off.  Matt felt like they should have been on the same level, that he should have been looking Adam in the eye, not at his strong, wide jaw.  

“Everything okay,” Adam asked, his voice a seductive purr as his lips brushed against Matt’s forehead.  He wrapped his arms around the younger man, his hands sliding down the tapering back to squeeze the ample, muscled globes.  

Matt didn’t know what to say.  The thought that he’d somehow shrunk was just as impossible as his cock and balls suddenly inflating, yet he couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off.  He nodded and squirmed in Adam’s arms, telling himself he was just thrown by all the new experiences.  “I’ve never actually done...I mean, uh, how’m I doing?” he asked, his voice shaking.  

Adam ground his oozing cock against the younger man’s stomach and gave his ass a squeeze.  “You’re as quick a learner as I’d hoped,” he said proudly.  “Feel like giving something else a try?”  Matt didn’t need a further explanation as he watched Adam nod down at his cock.  His heart racing, he dropped to his knees and swallowed as much of the older man’s thick rod as he could before he had time to talk himself out of it.  “MMMmmm...you ARE a quick study,” Adam sighed when Matt began bobbing his head.  

The younger man could only whimper around the invading organ.  If having Adam’s cock in his hand had been overwhelming, having it in his mouth was pure ecstasy.  Far from feeling any of the disgust he imagined, Matt was nearly euphoric from the heady, musky aroma and salty taste.  Coupled with his hands being firmly affixed to the older man’s solid rear, Matt was surprised to find himself eager to stay on his knees.  He thought he’d be fooling around with Adam only grudgingly, not with a desperate hunger.  Matt could feel his untouched cock erupting again, but he couldn’t bring himself to let go of the solid cheeks or pull his face away.  Even when Adam finally came, after guzzling down every warm drop, Matt kept working his tongue around the other man’s heavy, hairy balls and the insides of his sturdy thighs.  

“Did I do okay,” Matt asked, his tone sheepish and his cheeks crimson.  

“Better than okay,” Adam laughed, tousling the younger man’s short, dark hair.  “And I see you enjoyed yourself, too,” he said, pointing to Matt’s sopping briefs and the puddle on the floor.  

The red hue spread down from Matt’s face, coating his entire torso in an embarrassed red as he nodded.  “I’ve had plenty of those, but I never thought I’d...I mean...that was great,” he stammered with a bashful grin.  

“Glad to hear you enjoyed it so much!  With a mouth like that I thought you’d be a natural.  You didn’t disappoint.”  

Matt didn’t know what Adam meant as he climbed to his feet.  He’d never paid much attention to his mouth before.  It fit in with the rest of his sharp features, but he’d never had reason to think it was anything other than average.  So when he turned and saw the plump, full lips looming large above his strong jaw and between his high, stubble-covered cheekbones, Matt didn’t know why they suddenly jumped out at him.  Like the rest of his body, he told himself that they couldn’t have just changed on their own all of a sudden and blamed it on Adam pointing them out instead.  

“You probably want to get cleaned up,” Adam continued, running a hand around the dried sticky spots on his chest before Matt could ask about his soft, puffy lips.  “Don’t worry about the briefs...I’ll leave something out for you to wear.  Come find me downstairs when you’re done and we’ll finish the tour.”  

“O...okay,” Matt said, his eyes glued to the older man’s naked frame as he sauntered into his bedroom.  He’d half expected Adam to watch him shower, and he was actually a little disappointed that he hadn’t stuck around.  He was enjoying the other man’s hungry eyes on his body more than he ever could have imagined, and any doubts that he’d made the wrong choice were quickly fading.  

Even as he hefted a package that felt too thick and heavy in a room that felt slightly larger than it should, he rationalized his fears away.  Compared to his tiny apartment and a couple weeks in his car it only made sense that everything in Adam’s massive house would seem large, and he was just fixated on his cock because he’d never tried to stuff it in such tiny underwear before.  Like his unusually plump lips and the height difference he’d never noticed before, he was just thinking about his body in new ways because he was used to being the only man in the room while fucking.  Now, getting off with a man as built and handsome as Adam, he had someone to compare himself to.  

Not that he had anything to worry about.  Matt admired his chiseled frame in the huge mirror as he toweled off, reminding himself that Adam had specifically chosen him because of what he had to offer.  “Wow...those are...something…” he laughed to himself when he strolled back into his new bedroom and saw the small, lavender bikinis on the bed.  The tiny underwear was little more than two panels of fabric with thin strings that tied on the side, riding low on Matt’s trim hips and accentuating his shredded obliques and heavy bulge as his fumbling fingers fastened it in place.  

Though the voice in his brain told him he should have been embarrassed by the revealing garment, he just felt good.  Looking at his scantily clad reflection in the mirror, the exotic underwear popping against his olive skin, Matt thought of himself as sexy and handsome in a way he never had before.  At the same time, he was also aware that he’d never had to think of himself in his current role of live-in eye candy for a rich, older man.  He gave himself one last going over in the mirror and shrugged, deciding that if he was going to fill the role he couldn’t pull it off if he was walking around awkward and embarrassed all the time.  

“Those were certainly the right choice,” Adam clapped when Matt walked into the kitchen.  

The young man spread his muscled arms wide and turned in a slow circle.  “You like?”  He looked Adam slowly up and down, drinking in the sight of the other man in nothing but a pair of small, cotton shorts, his eyes lingering on the girthy package that was clearly outlined underneath.  “I wouldn’t mind seeing you take a spin in ‘em.”

Adam tossed his head back with a loud laugh.  “I’m flattered,” he said, walking over and giving Matt’s muscled rear a rough slap.  “But I don’t have nearly as much ass to show off.”  

Matt could already feel the unusual rippling before Adam had even finished speaking.  He wasn’t one of those guys who skipped leg day, and years of working out had left him with a set of ample, muscled cheeks, but he’d never felt them shake and bounce with such force from a slap before.  

“I...I guess I do more squats than I thought…” Matt said, his voice shaking as he saw his reflection in the wall of windows.  Though he’d just put them on, the skimpy bikinis now barely covered any of his fat cheeks at all, wedging deeply between the plump mounds until only a small patch of lavender fabric was visible.  There was no question in Matt’s mind that his rear had inflated to nearly twice the size it should have been; he just didn’t know how it was possible.  

Nor could he ask.  The sight of the enlarged globes shattered the tenuous grip on his desperate rationalizations, but the young jock couldn’t give voice to any of the frantic questions bubbling to the surface.  He was back to questioning his cock and lips and height, the eager behavior and strange hunger he’d been feeling since setting foot in Adam’s expansive estate, but instead of panicking all he could do was smile dimly at the older man.  

“It shows,” Adam purred, still kneading one of the supple pumpkins.  He laughed at Matt’s look of surprise when he lifted the cheek and let it drop, sending ripples of motion through both of the inflated mounds that caused the younger man’s barely covered bulge to twitch.  “Come on...let me show you the rest of your new home.”  

Matt followed along as Adam took them through a guided tour, constantly stumbling from the way his gait was thrown off.  As opulent as the older man’s house was, all Matt could focus on was his altered appearance whenever they passed a reflective surface.  He couldn’t tell if he was still changing, but there was no longer any doubt that something impossible had occurred as he looked at his grapefruit bulge and shifting, melon-sized cheeks.  He tried not to look at his face or think about how he was starting to stare Adam in the shoulder.  

“This is probably where you’ll feel most at home,” Adam said when they’d descended the stairs to the basement.  The lower level was just as spacious and well appointed as the rest of the house, but the sight of the state-of-the-art fitness room made Matt’s blood run cold.  The equipment was all top-notch and the attached sauna was bigger than the younger man’s previous living room.  Matt couldn’t figure out why Adam ever would have set foot in the gym where they’d met when it was so obviously mediocre by comparison, unless he’d been after something else the whole time.  

“Wow...that’s...uh...fancy,” Matt stammered, his eyes going wide as he stared at the wall of mirrors reflecting his horror back at him.  He wanted to turn and demand answers from Adam, but there was a growing disconnect between his brain and his body.  His thoughts already felt like they were swimming through molasses, and there was a growing filter that only let specific ones take root.  

“And when you’re done whipping me into shape,” Adam said, grinning at the obvious look of hunger on Matt’s face when he flexed his bare, rugged torso, “we can relax in the lounge.”  

Normally, Matt would have loved to find himself in the luxurious man cave.  The entire room was a sea of mahogany and leather, with a long, stocked bar at one end and a towering projection screen and small stage at the other.  The dark, moody room dripped with an air of masculinity, but at the moment all it did was remind Matt how out of place he looked.  With his bottom heavy new additions spilling out of the lavender bikini, “masculine” was the last thing he felt.  He wouldn’t be drinking expensive whiskey and hanging out with Adam like one of the boys, that much he knew.  

“And here we have the pool,” Adam said, pulling the increasingly dazed Matt along by the hand.  They passed through a pair of sliding doors and out onto the stone patio that was made to look like a natural grotto.  There was a small waterfall feeding the pool at one end, and a series of chaise lounges lined the entire area, while a broad cabana with a gas fire pit sat at the other end.  Looking at the spacious lounge inside, as well as all the furniture outside, Matt was starting to realize he’d never factored other people into their arrangement.  He’d just been thinking about Adam when it came to his revealing new wardrobe, not a house full of the older man’s friends who would also see him in his current state.  

Adam led them to the edge of the patio and swung an arm at the broad lawn that terminated in a faroff treeline.  “Best thing about it is the total privacy.  No neighbors anywhere close enough to see or hear anything, so you can let it all hang out,” he said, his hands darting down to tug on the strings of Matt’s bikini.  

“Hey!” Matt yelped, giving a bashful grin instead of a terrified scowl.  The young stud had never actually been fully naked outside before, and the rush of embarrassment, along with the warm air hitting every inch of his exposed frame, made his beastly cock throb.  If Adam had been telling him the truth he didn’t need to worry about anyone seeing them, but that thought wasn’t at all comforting.  Despite the size of the house and the grounds, Matt felt closed-in and claustrophobic.  The part of him that was still aware of what was happening knew he’d walked into a trap, and it was becoming harder and harder to hold onto that knowledge.  “Adam...this is...something’s not…” he stammered, his muscled frame shaking from the effort of forcing out the words.  

“There, there, I know this is a lot to take in,” Adam said as he stepped close and wrapped his arms around Matt from behind.  Where just hours before they’d stood eye-to-eye, the 6’1” Adam now stood a whole head taller than the younger man as he rested his chin on Matt’s head and ground the front of his shorts into the pillowy globes.  “When you’re not used to it this can all seem so excessive, especially with all the changes you’re going through.”  

Matt tensed in Adam’s arms, hating the way he squirmed and pressed back with his inflated cheeks despite what he’d just heard.  “Wait...how are you...what are you doing to me…?” 

Adam kissed the younger man’s neck, his hands sliding up the trail of hair on Matt’s abs to grip his chiseled pecs.  “You agreed to this, remember?  I said your body would be all mine,” he purred, nibbling on Matt’s ear.  “I’m just making a few adjustments.”  

“Bu...but you...you can’t…” Matt whimpered, his cock throbbing.  He was trying to wrap his head around how Adam was doing any of this, but the inferno of lust burning through his warped body was making it impossible to think about anything else.  He no longer knew if the overwhelming desire to have the older hunk inside him was due to his original interest or something that had been done to him, but the end result was the same.  He reached back with fumbling hands and started tugging on Adam’s shorts, desperate to free the thick organ hardening against him.  

“Why can’t I?  You gave it to me, didn’t you?”  Adam toyed with Matt’s nipples while he spoke, letting his rigid cock spring free.  “I know it’s overwhelming now, but just give it time.  I think you’ll learn to love the new you.”  Matt stared at their reflection in the sliding doors, horrified at the way his puffy new lips pursed ecstatically while his fattened cock wagged and oozed.  He knew Adam was about to take him right there on the patio; he just wished he wasn’t so desperate for it.  When he’d agreed that his body would be all Adam’s, he’d never imagined that it was meant literally.  

“HHOOOUUUHhhhnnnnhhh!”  Matt howled when Adam wedged his thick cock between his mountainous cheeks and slowly pushed himself inside.  The young stud’s untouched beast started spraying like a hose, and he would have hit the ground if the other man wasn’t holding him upright.  Having Adam’s cock in his mouth had been wonderful, but having the older hunk’s pulsing organ fully inside him was more bliss than his addled mind could handle.  He gasped and whimpered and writhed, his vision blurring from the senses-shattering waves of pleasure.  Matt could feel himself spraying over and over, but the copious releases didn’t even begin to fill the roaring chasm of ecstasy caused by his slamming, bouncing cheeks.  

“See?  I said you’d learn to love it,” Adam sighed, giving Matt’s chest a squeeze.  “And we’re almost done...for now.”  

Matt groaned, no longer having to question the changes as he watched the next ones happen with his own eyes.  His muscled body shaking from Adam’s rough thrusts, he began to notice an extra bounce from his pecs.  It was subtle at first, but in a matter of seconds his perfectly proportioned chest had inflated to an oversized shelf.  The now-heaping piles of muscle stuck out so far that Matt couldn’t even see over them as they settled into a comically large pair of granite mounds, an equally jarring counterbalance to the much softer globes of his rippling backside.  “Oh fu...fuck...oh fuck…” he grunted, more from the added ecstasy his sensitive new chest brought him than from fear.  With each plunging thrust, the older man pulled him down deeper into his strange new life, and already Matt was struggling to remember why he was even afraid in the first place.  

That struggle was lost when Adam finally came, the warm torrent washing away all that remained of Matt’s uncertainty.  The younger man still knew his body had been impossibly warped.  Matt was well aware that he’d lost more than six inches in height, and that his ass and pecs had been inflated entirely out of proportion, just like his lips and cock had.  But none of that mattered.  He belonged to Adam now, and whether the older man had intended this trap from the start wasn’t important.  Neither was the embarrassment he felt when he thought about his altered body prancing around in next to nothing, and what exactly that stage in the lounge would be used for, and just how many people Adam would be sharing him with.  He didn’t need to worry about his increasingly slow, disjointed thoughts or the fact that the straight, ladies man Matt was gone for good.  All he needed to worry about was keeping Adam happy.  And based on the middle-aged stud’s heavy panting and softening cock, he was off to a good start.  

Adam buried his face against Matt’s broad shoulder, slowly kneading the shorter man’s plump pecs while he gave a few slow, final thrusts.  He sighed, reaching down to tug on Matt’s cock, his hand unable to completely close around the girthy monster as the single tug sent the younger man over the edge yet again.  The older man laughed as Adam spasmed helplessly in arms, the younger man’s full lips pulled into a dull, contented grin.  “Well...I guess it’s official.  Welcome home,” he said.    


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