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*** the very start of this was posted earlier in the month as a vignette, but it now has a proper second half and ending. ***

“Can we be done with this shit already?  How long do we have to stand around with our thumbs up our asses?”  Brandon rolled his eyes, annoyed, the anemic flickering from the lamp on the floor giving the dim room the impression of motion as the shadows swayed along the walls.  The stuttering movements were wild and epilleptic, a dull, red and orange glow splashing against the four young men through the inky darkness like they were being tie-dyed.  

Steve sighed and shrugged, shooting the grumbling, auburn haired jock a dirty look before turning his effortlessly handsome face in Adam’s direction.  “I think what Brandy’s so politely asking is how do we know if this is going to work or not?”  The chiseled blonde hooked his thumbs in the loose waist of his otherwise straining jeans, his thick arms flexing in the process as he rocked on his heels and looked around the room.  “I mean this is spooky and all, but we’ve been standing here staring at each other for like fifteen minutes.”  

Directly across from the charming blonde, Jason blew a kiss in Steve’s direction.  “What?  You don’t like the view?”  The dark-haired stud batted his eyes and pursed his lips, flexing his olive-hued biceps as he folded his arms behind his head.  

Eyes still closed, Adam raised a slender hand to silence his three friends.  Looking at the group, the wiry young man, with his sharp, angular features, shaggy brown hair, and thin, toned frame immediately stood out from the trio of strapping, lantern-jawed meatheads.  He was nothing like the brawny athletes, which is precisely why they kept him around.  Adam served as their punchline, the butt of all their pranks and the one they made fun of to boost their own egos.  While he did most of their coursework, Steve, Brandon and Jason spent their time either at the gym or fucking their way from one end of campus to the other, constantly reminding Adam that he should consider himself lucky to get their scraps.  Now that he had the lamp, things were about to change.  

“Seriously though, dude, this has been great, but I’m done,” Jason said.  “We played along with whatever weird...thing...this was, but enough’s enoooOOOHH FUCK!”  

The raven-haired hunk yelped when the flickering flame went completely still before flaring to life.  The sudden illumination was blinding, bringing with it a wave of heat as though the small flame had grown to bonfire proportions.  There was a roaring burst of wind that howled around the room, but the formerly flickering light was unmoving, casting a steady beam of light against their screwed-down eyelids in the gale.  

“What...what the fuck was that?!” Brandon spat, shaking his head and trying to blink his eyes back into functioning.  

“Very funny,” Jason said, his tone flat.  “Okay...you got us.  Good for you.” 

“Yeah man, you’re gonna have to tell us how the trick lantern works,” Steve said with an awkward laugh.  “I seriously didn’t see that coming...no pun intended.”  

Adam remained silent, a hand still in the air.  A sheen of sweat glistened across his forehead as he focused his will and fought the urge to open his eyes and see how his friends looked in their new outfits.  He knew their eyes had to be clearing any second, and he grinned as he imagined the stunned looks on their faces.  

“Wait...what the hell is...WHERE THE FUCK DID MY CLOTHES GO?” Jason roared as he finally registered that his tight t-shirt and fitted jeans were nowhere to be seen.  Even his shoes, socks and boxers were gone, having been replaced by a pair of paper-thin shorts.  The tiny, bright green bottoms were smaller than a pair of briefs and left none of his girthy package to the imagination as the rest of his sculpted muscle stood proudly on display.  The stunned jock went to poke at the shorts but instead found himself locked in place, barely able to even move his head as he frantically looked to his friends for help.  “WHY CAN’T I MOVE?!”  

“FUCK!  I...I can’t either…” Steve grunted, his impressive frame flexing as he struggled against the invisible bonds.  With the bright light blasting away the shadows, the handsome blonde’s embarrassment was obvious when he forced his eyes down and turned crimson at the sight of his new outfit.  Like Steve, his jeans and t-shirt were gone, replaced by a pink lace bodysuit that looked like a mix between a wrestling singlet and a woman’s bathing suit.  The sheer fabric popped against Steve’s tanned muscle, accentuating the tapering shape of his torso as it stretched across his prominent pecs and clung to his shredded abs.  The embarrassed jock could feel the air on his perky bubble as the back wedged into the valley between his solid cheeks, and he tried his best to squirm and work his exposed balls back inside the painfully tight front.  “You better make with the answers...NOW,” he growled at Adam, dropping his nice-guy facade.  

“Where...where did a jockstrap come from…” Brandon stammered, his usual blustering absent in the face of the impossible transition.  They’d only been blinded for a few seconds, and he hadn’t felt any of his clothes being removed, but even if he had that wouldn’t explain how someone could have swapped out his boxer briefs for a jockstrap.  The burly young man’s eyes were wide, unable to accept that he really was looking down at his bare, hairy pecs and bulging muscle gut above a stuffed, purple jock.  “How did you…” 

“HOW isn’t as important as WHEN he’s going to turn off whatever the fuck this is,” Steve barked, cutting Brandon off.  “You’re fuckin’ dead, bro,” he seethed, his deceptively charming smile now a furious sneer.  

Adam didn’t need to open his eyes to know he’d be looking at the real Steve.  The handsome blonde liked to pretend that he was a nice guy until it was no longer convenient, at which point his true personality would shine through.  Adam was used to it by now, but people, especially many an unfortunate coed, were always caught off guard by the inner ugliness that was such a jarring contrast to the gorgeous packaging.  

Since Steve loved attention so much, Adam was happy to start with him.  He made a slight flicking motion of his raised hand in the blustering blonde’s direction, loving the sharp gasp that followed.  

Steve wanted to cry out, but he was entirely frozen.  He’d barely registered the quick motion of Adam’s hand when something slithered in through his constricted pupils and worked its way down his spine, sending tingling veins of pleasure shooting through his frozen system.  His exposed flesh broke out in goosebumps, his heart racing and his stomach fluttering as the unseen swarm buzzed beneath his skin.  His cock throbbed when the vibrating horde seemed to settle between his sturdy thighs, the thick, seven-inch organ snaking long and solid against his abs while the heavy orbs that had spilled free began to churn.  Even through his confused daze Steve was mortified at the sight of his proud rod twitching and pulsing beneath the pink lace, but that humiliation quickly turned to nausea when the impressive member began to recede.  It only took moments, the scant seconds passing in slow motion as the helpless Adonis could only watch his thick cock and full balls dwindle like a deflating balloon until he was left gawking at a horrifyingly familiar orifice.  He was well versed in the workings of the flat, eager opening, but not on his own strapping body.  

As his mind was reeling from the way the pink lace now perfectly fit between his muscled thighs, Steve didn’t notice the buzzing tendrils worm their way back up towards his chest.  It wasn’t until the inflating pecs began to obstruct the view of his unwanted new pussy that the stunned jock realized the nightmare wasn’t over.  He had a brief moment of hope that the cresting mounds were expanding with muscle as they pushed outwards, until they began to round and soften.  Like balloons filling with helium, the formerly granite shelf appeared to defy gravity as it settled into a matched set of heaping, supple breasts.  

When the buzzing finally stopped, Steve didn’t know if he should be relieved or horrified.  The rest of his handsome face and sculpted, gym-built body was unchanged, making the unwanted additions all the more obvious against his otherwise masculine frame.  Like the two sides of his personality, the soft, D-cup mountains were a sharp contrast to the strong, lantern jaw above and the iron pistons that were his arms on either side, just as the gaping, empty space looked out of place beneath his washboard abs and ripped obliques.  

“WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST DO TO ME?!” Steve roared, his voice coming back when the changes stopped.  “I’VE GOT FUCKIN’ TITS!  You...you turned my dick into a pussy!”  

It took all of Adam’s strength not to open his eyes and look, but he couldn’t break the connection.  He knew he’d have plenty of time to explore each of their new looks when they were all done, and there were still two more to go.  

“Oh fuck...oh fuck…” Jason moaned, the horror he felt for Steve turning inwards as his own body began to tingle.  Having just watched his friend sprout a pair of tits and swap out his girthy package for an eager slit, the dark-haired stud feared the worst.  Bathed in the dazzling illumination, a bone-shaking rattle pulsed through him, his ample muscle rippling like a glass of water sitting on a subwoofer.  There was no pain, just an encompassing, dizzy numbness that left the frozen young jock a passive observer in his rapidly changing body.  As the ripples began to slow, any relief Jason felt vanished as it became clear the muscle underneath was settling into a drastically different shape.  Where Steve’s chest had inflated, Jason’s was shrinking, the chiseled pecs gradually flattening as they lost most of their shape and definition.  A similar scene played out over the rest of his formerly-strapping frame, with his broad shoulders pulling inwards as his sculpted arms deflated and his washboard abs gradually vanished.  The softness encroached lower and lower, turning the solid globes of his ass into a pair of oversized pillows as they grew and puffed outwards before the wave flowed further down and decimated his sturdy quads, leaving him with a pair of jiggling, pinchable thighs.  

His unwanted new cheeks spilled out the back of the shorts, taking up the excess space granted by his dwindling frame and accentuating his rapidly expanding cock.  Seeming to take on Steve’s missing size, Jason’s already impressive hose grew thick and long, the bulbous head and full, heavy balls nearly sticking out through the leg holes.  Instead of a proud addition, the massive endowment looked almost as freakishly oversized on Jason’s twinkish new frame as Steve’s feminine alterations did on the terrified blonde.  

Though he couldn’t see it himself, Steve and Brandon watched as Jason’s face underwent a matching transition, the hard edges becoming equal parts soft and sharp as his features shifted from masuline and handsome to androgynous and pretty.  “FUCK!  FUCK!” Jason cried, his eyes going wide at the sound of his light, chirping new voice.  “WHERE THE FUCK DID MY MUSCLE GO?!  WHY’S MY DICK SO HUGE!?” he barked, staring down at his freshly smooth skin, the lack of any body hair accentuating how much size he’d lost.  He’d never been hairy, but the dark, wiry dusting he’d sported since puberty was gone, making the heavy bulge pulling down the front of his shorts all the more jarring against his cherubic, twink body.  

“Du...dude...your face is…” Brandon trailed off, his voice drying up in his throat.  

“What about my face?!” Jason desperately tried to lift his arms and paw at his altered features, but the most he could do was wiggle his now-button nose and purse his full, soft lips.  

“You...you look like a fuckin’ chick, man,” Steve stammered, too stunned to register the irony of his words.  

“Me?!  Look at you!” Jason yelled, hating the way his once-deep voice squeaked.  

“Guys...guys!  Something’s happening tooooOOOOHHH!”  Brandon was cut off, the luminescence finally turning its attention towards the stocky hunk.  Where Steve felt it penetrate his eyes and Jason had his core rattled, the burly jock tensed and spasmed as the spectral glow seemed to shoot up from the floor and into his exposed, furry cheeks.  Instead of going numb, every pleasure center in the stunned young man’s body lit up at once, his cock rocketing to life and tenting the jock as a steady, throbbing pressure began to build.  He wanted to yell for help, but all Brandon could manage was a wordless whimper as the internal tension continued to rise.  The overwhelming sensation never crossed the line into pain, but that didn’t dull any of the shorter man’s horror when he watched the already-prominent layer of hair on his meaty body begin to grow thick and dense.  As if being pushed out from the force inside, the soft, curly hair sprouted into a carpet, spreading fully across his pecs and down his muscled gut while flowing up and over his broad shoulders, spilling down his back and coating his plump cheeks.  

The pressure continued to mount even once the hairy new forest had settled in place, with Brandon’s skin becoming more sensitive than ever as it began to expand outwards.  Where Jason had lost his muscle Brandon appeared to be gaining even more, but like his friend, the hirsute stud’s sculpted body was losing its definition.  Instead of being built like a wrestler, with a lean, stocky frame, Jason was quickly taking on the proportions of a powerlifter.  His muscled stomach bulged outwards as his pecs grew thick and meaty on top, his arms growing so beefy on either side that they hung at an exaggerated angle from hairy shoulders that had entirely swallowed his neck.  Below his widened waist, Brandon’s furry thighs had become so wide they pressed together almost entirely to his knees, thrusting his fattened balls and widened cock prominently forward while his ass became a pair of granite, gravity defying beach balls.  His rigid six inches hadn’t acquired any extra length, but the aching organ had become impossibly wide, the inflated balls underneath growing so large they spilled out the sides of the tented pouch.  Like his diminished friend, Brandon feared the worst as he pictured what his full, round face must look like.  He’d felt the same pressure flow up the back of his neck, and, from what little he could turn his head, the beefy man could already tell his sharp chin and razor cheekbones were gone.  

“WHAAAAAUUUUuuhhhhhh….!”  Brandon’s horrified cry trailed off into a low, guttural moan.  Though the changes had stopped, the overwhelming sensitivity remained, leaving the burly brute on the edge of an explosion.  He couldn’t see it over his mounding new gut, but Jason could feel the large damp spot spreading from his bulbous monster.  “Fffffuuuuuuuuck...what...oh god...I’m fuckin’ huge...why am I soouuuhh...so….” 

Steve forced his eyes away from their altered bodies and gave Adam a pleading look.  “Du...dude...whatever this is...we’re sorry, okay?  I know we don’t always treat you like we should, but we’ll change!  Right guys?”  

“Yeah!  Of course!” Jason chirped, laughing nervously.  “Dude, we only gave you a hard time ‘cause we like you...you know that, right?  It’s just messin’ around!’  

Adam grinned and shook his head, eyes still closed.  Unlike his friends, the wiry man’s body was exactly the same as he stood in a pool of shadow behind the glowing beacon that was the lamp.  He raised his other hand, palm out and fingers open, feeling the warmth of the light and the weight of the unseen forces wafting around the room like a cloud.  There was a heavy tension in the air when, without word or warning, Adam spun his hand and clenched his fist.  The light flared to blinding proportions once more, a searing heat washing over all of them before the room went dark and silent.  

Adam took a deep breath and opened his eyes, walking around his stunned friends and flipping the light switch on the wall, grinning triumphantly at the sight that greeted him.  The three men’s altered bodies were even better than he’d imagined, as were the dazed, confused looks on their faces.  “See?  I told you it was impressive,” he said.

Steve just blinked at the thin man, letting out a quick gasp as he reached up and kneaded his softened chest with his strong hands.  He squirmed his legs together, a look of confusion on his face at the absence between them.  “It...was?” he said, shaking his head as he looked at himself and the others.  “What just happened?”  

Across from him, the lithe, bottom-heavy Jason gave an exasperated sigh and rolled his eyes.  The pretty twink’s monster cock was already twitching out of his little shorts as he stared at the now-chesty Steve.  “We got locked in a small, dark room and no one even made out with anyone,” Jason twittered, seeming confused by his own words.  

“Is...is that what we were supposed to do?” Brandon asked, his sausage fingers shaking as they poked at his rounded face.  It was obvious the three men wanted to say more, but none of them could find the words.  

“It’s not too late...I mean, we’re all still in here,” Adam said, reaching out and running a hand down Brandon’s furry, widened back.  The now-burly wall of flesh shivered and groaned when that hand was joined by its partner, the duo toying with the straps of his jock as the elastic bit into his plumped rear.  

“Okay!” The look on Jason’s freshly smooth, androgynous face was a mix of giddy confusion as he flung his bottom-heavy, waifish new frame at Steve.  It was exactly what Adam hoped for.  The old Jason, the strapping, handsome stud, would brag for hours at a time about how often he got laid, and Adam wanted that impulse magnified.  It didn’t matter who the guy was or what he looked like; the new Jason would be constantly on the prowl, showing off both his oversized cock and oversized ass to attract whoever might be interested.  

The same went for Steve, who found himself helpless to do anything other than let Jason’s slender new hands slip the straps of his lacy bodysuit over his broad shoulders, his supple new chest spilling free.  Where before the sculpted hunk relished in taking what he wanted, by force if necessary, now all he could do was let himself be taken.  He was easily twice the size of his shrunken peer, but instead of resisting all Steve did was gasp and moan as he was stripped naked, his huge hands sealing on Jason’s bouncing cheeks in a deathgrip.  

“Fu...fuuuuck...oh fuck…” Steve whimpered, his muscled frame trembling as Jason licked at one of his enlarged nipples and ground his massive cock against the blonde’s yawning new opening.  Adam loved the flashes of panic that punched through the handsome jock’s ecstatic expressions as his old self, the one who knew that he shouldn’t have heaping tits or a dripping pussy, was gradually forced from his mind.  

If the dark-haired twink felt any of the same hesitation, it didn’t show.  Jason seemed entirely oblivious to the fact that his shapeless little arms used to be the size of his friend’s flexing pistons, and that his bony shoulders and flat chest should have been bulging with muscle.  Instead of panicked or afraid, he was nothing but eager as he pawed at Steve’s softened additions and pumped his trim hips while the bigger man worked his tiny shorts down.   

“HOOOOUUUUHHHH!”  Steve howled, his knees buckling when Jason finally shoved his giant club inside.  The two fell to the ground in a heap, and Adam couldn’t tell which shook more from the pounding; Jason’s inflated rear or Steve’s new tits.  

“Looks like we’re on our own,” Adam laughed into Brandon’s ear, his hands caressing the thick new bear’s solid gut while they watched Jason thrust in and out of the prone blonde.  He reached down and slipped the damp, tented pouch to the side, letting Brandon’s girthy monster hang free.  

“Ad...Adam...is this...are we really like…” Brandon stammered, breaking off in a gasp and slamming his hairy globes back against Adam when the lean man tugged on the stout pole.  “Fu...fuck...dude...my whole body’s on fire…” he groaned, writhing in Adam’s toned arms.  

The wiry man buried his head against one of Brandon’s thick shoulders, gently pumping his solid bulge into the hairy valley of his friend’s solid globes.  “When are you not?”  

Like the two on the ground, Brandon’s internal wiring had been just as twisted as his body.  Adam had long ago grown tired of the stocky wrestler bragging about his stamina and literally throwing his weight around.  Brandon was always pinning Adam to the ground or up against a wall, but now the thickened meathead had the tables turned.  With his hypersensitive new bulk and the copious hair that acted as pleasure receptors, Brandon would always be in overdrive, just on the brink of an explosion and unable to pin anyone without being pushed over the edge.  

Adam let go of the uselessly fat cock and began kneading Brandon’s torso instead.  “Don’t even need to touch it to make you cum,” he spat, pulling on the dense carpet coating the stocky brute’s meaty pecs.  

“HHHNNNNNNhhhhhh!”  Brandon spasmed and came, his untouched cock sending a series of ropy strands spattering down onto Steve’s gasping face.  The impaled blonde barely seemed to notice, his senses overwhelmed by the shattering sensation of Jason’s club lighting up his insides.  Adam kept groping, pushing the moaning, furry meatball over the edge several more times until both of the prone men were sticky and glistening with his seemingly endless supply.  

“You’re...totally...cleaning this...up…” Jason grunted, winking over a thin shoulder at Brandon while his cheeks bounced in the same direction.  “I think...someone’s...almost...done…” 

On cue, Steve’s eyes went so wide Adam feared they’d pop out of his skull as he came for the first time in his new body.  There was a moment of silence as his lantern jaw fell open, the wordless shriek eventually dropping to a pitch they could all hear.  He shuddered and spasmed, his chest shaking wildly as Jason gave a final pump and unleashed inside the bigger man.  

“Whoooooooo,” the slender twink sighed as he pulled out and fell back on his inflated rear.  He batted his doe eyes up at Adam, his thin, soft body glistening with a mix of sweat and Brandon’s explosive releases.  “Oh, boo!  What about you?”  

Before Adam could stop him, Jason spun around up onto his knees and had his pants open, fishing his aching cock free.  Adam loved how large his average cock felt in the former jock’s shrunken hands as Jason guided it between his plump new lips and began furiously bobbing his head back and forth.  Next to him, Brandon turned his insatiable, hungry attention to the panting blonde on the floor, straddling Steve with his tree-trunk thighs and pumping his fat log between his friend’s new tits.  As expected, the furry beast came moments later, blasting into Steve’s gasping mouth while he kept humping away.  

Adam sighed and ran his fingers through Jason’s bobbing hair, looking at the extinguished lamp on the floor.  When he’d found the faceted, lantern-shaped light with its four panes of glass at the antique store he hadn’t believed the story the lady told him.  She made it sound like just another version of “Bloody Mary,” nothing but a slumber party game.  Then he’d started having the dreams and hearing the voices.  At first he’d feared that he made a terrible choice in bringing the lamp home, but now, surrounded by his warped friends, he knew the quiet voice had been telling him the truth the entire time.  It got to feed, and in the process he was gifted with the altered trio.  When they were done he’d set the lamp outside and let the cycle continue while Steve, Jason and Brandon settled into their new lives.  

He gasped as the slender man brought him closer to the inevitable explosion, pulling his attention away from the darkened lamp.  “And to think you guys didn’t even wanna play this game,” he grinned.  


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