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“The fuck does that dude keep lookin’ at me for,” Eric grumbled under his breath after catching Kyle staring at him yet again.  He’d already gotten an earful from the burly man once he’d told him about his previous evening’s activities.  It seemed his friend believed in the legends about the curse surrounding Keening Rock.  Eric had heard them as well, but as far as he was concerned it was just another barren little island sticking up from the ocean floor, no different than the hundreds of others just like it peppering the coast.  He’d grown up in Kingsbury Harbor his whole life, but he’d yet to see any phantom ladies lurking on the small island, nor had he heard any strange calls beckoning disastrously to him under the full moon.  And while there had been a wailing woman out on the water last night, Eric had met her on land, and he was the one making her groan.  

Going out to Keening Point had been her idea, an adventure, she’d said, but after the things she’d done to his aching cock he’d hardly call the night a disaster, and he had plenty of experience to compare it to.  The handsome young fisherman was known around town for his own skills in the bedroom, but the gorgeous blonde had done things to his well-muscled body that he’d never felt before.  He still wished he’d caught her name, but he knew he’d run into her again sooner or later.  Kingsbury wasn’t exactly a huge town.  

He adjusted his thick cock as it twitched at the memory and turned to find Kyle watching the process.  He didn’t know if the other man was just jealous after hearing about yet another of his conquests, or if he really was scared that Eric had somehow brought a curse down on himself.  Either way, despite their similar age, they were on Eric’s boat and he was the one in charge, so Kyle could stow his attitude.  “Look...what’s your problem?  You’ve been starin’ at me all fuckin’ morning.”  Eric barked, bristling at Kyle’s condescending grin as the other man eyed him.  “What?  What’s so goddamn funny?  You got something to say?”  

Kyle shrugged, still grinning at the blustering brunette.  “Dude, relax.  What are you getting so upset about?  It’s a compliment.”  

“The fuck?  It’s a…compliment?”  Those were the last words Eric ever expected to hear from his brawny friend.  He’d known Kyle for years, and the other man had never once given him even a remotely gay impression.  And even on the off chance that the other man had been hiding a secret this whole time and suddenly decided to come out, Kyle knew full well that Eric was as straight as they came and wouldn’t tolerate being openly ogled by another man.  

For his part, Kyle seemed genuinely surprised by Eric’s reaction.  “Yeah, you look good,” the bigger man said, pursing his lips as his eyes slowly made their way up and down Eric’s fit frame.  “Just sayin’...you know I love pussy, but I’d hit that shit in a second.”  Eric wanted to believe that Kyle was just messing with him, but the thick bruiser wasn’t a good enough actor to pull off the genuine look of hunger in his eyes.

It was enough of a shock to quell his anger.  Eric took a deep breath and shook his head, not looking Kyle in the other man’s roaming eyes.  “Uh, hey man, I don’t know where this is coming from, but if you’re gonna stare you might as well have something to look at.”  Eric’s eyes went wide when he heard the words leave his mouth.  He’d intended to say “but I’m not some piece of meat,” and he certainly hadn’t intended to reach down and peel his shirt off.  Yet there he stood, his prominent pecs and firm abs fully on display for his staring friend.  He gave a casual flex as he adjusted his tight jeans, making sure they rode low enough to show off the elastic waist of his briefs.  “Is that better?”  

“It’s a start,” Kyle whistled, running a hand over his buzzed scalp.  “What’s it gonna take to lose the rest?”  

Eric wanted to grab the bigger man and throw him overboard.  He wasn’t just some piece of deck candy; he was in charge.  “We still have work to do,” Eric stammered in a voice that was more flirty than bossy, confused by the way his stomach fluttered as Kyle stared at him.  

“Come on...it’ll boost morale,” Kyle laughed, reaching out and giving Eric’s solid rear a squeeze.  

The shirtless man gasped, both from surprise and at the throbbing pulse that shot through him.  Eric’s heart was racing as fast as his frantic thoughts as he tried to figure out why he wasn’t slapping Kyle’s meaty paw away and punching him in his bearded face.  He screamed at himself internally when he sighed a few moments later and bent down to begin undoing his boots.  “Only because I know you won’t let this drop,” he said as he stepped out of his shoes and undid the waist of his jeans.  Eric tried desperately to keep his hands from following through as they pushed the denim down, horrified at the tented grey briefs he exposed.  With his chiseled, athletic frame and handsome features Eric wasn’t normally shy about his body, but he also wasn’t used to getting so turned on by the thought of another man staring at him, or stripping down to nothing but his tiny briefs while out on the water.  “You better work twice as hard,” he said, his smiling face showing none of his terror as he flexed his ample rear and snapped the elastic around his meaty thighs.  

“Aye-aye captain,” Kyle laughed, his voice dripping with condescension.  

Eric didn’t know whether to be relieved or disappointed when the beefy man reluctantly shifted his attention back to the duties at hand.  The nearly-naked hunk begged and pleaded with himself to pull his clothes back on, but all Eric managed was to slip back into his shoes, trying not to think about what he looked like walking around the deck in nothing but his tented briefs and work boots.  His thick, stout cock refused to soften, egged on by the pleasant sensations of the sun and sea air on his skin.  The frequent gropings by Kyle didn’t help either as the big man sought any opportunity he could to give Eric’s muscled globes a squeeze, or to come up from behind and wrap his arms around the brunette’s exposed torso.  

As much as he knew he should hate it, Eric loved the sensation of Kyle’s burly arms swallowing him, and he found himself going out of his way to present the other man with opportunities.  He stayed closer than necessary, bending and flexing and posing whenever his friend looked in his direction.  Even more confusing, Eric found his own eyes lingering on Kyle’s meaty frame as he desperately tried to tell himself he wasn’t imagining the other man stripping down like himself.  But despite knowing full well that none of the day’s strange events should be happening, there was nothing Eric could do to stop them.  He was a passenger in his own body, trapped just as firmly as the lobsters in their cages.  

It wasn’t long before Eric’s briefs were soaked through from the water splashing onto the decks, the damp cotton clinging to him like a second skin.  Kyle seemed to be going out of his way to make sure he got wet, and Eric didn’t bother trying to adjust the sopping underwear as it wedged between his cheeks and rode even lower on his tight waist, stopping just above the base of his nearly-exposed cock.  Instead, the helpless hunk watched himself lean into it, loving how the beads of water accentuated his sculpted muscles as they glittered in the sun.  He could sense Kyle nearing the breaking point, but instead of dreading the inevitable outcome, he was painfully eager for it.  

“You’re gonna need to dry these out,” the thick giant laughed when they finally stopped for a lunch break.  He reached over and snapped the waist of Eric’s briefs, letting the other man’s aching cock slip free.  

The exposed hunk wagged the rigid organ before bending over, slowly pulling the briefs free while giving Kyle an unobstructed view of his solid bubble.  He was just as deliberate as he stretched his granite arms overhead and hung the briefs from the roof of the small trawler’s wheelhouse, grinning bashfully as he turned back around to face Kyle in his full, naked glory.  In his head, Eric had gone from wanting to throw the other man overboard to wanting to launch himself into the waves as it finally occurred to him that less than twenty four hours ago he’d been in a similar situation, only then he’d been the clothed one while a curvy blonde had stripped down for him.  

“Fuck, man, no wonder you love showing off that body,” Kyle sighed, adjusting the growing lump in his jeans as he stared at Eric’s impressive physique.  

Instead of stopping to wonder why Kyle thought he loved showing off, Eric grinned and folded his arms behind his head, flexing his Adonis torso.  “You’re not so bad either,” he purred, licking his lips.

Kyle shook his head and laughed as he threw an arm around Eric’s waist and pulled him close.  “I’d be flattered, but I know damn well you say that to all the boys,” he said, his hand sliding down to grip the other man’s bottom.  

Eric had no idea what Kyle was talking about.  He’d never come on to another man in his life.  “What?  No I dooOOOHHH!” The naked stud’s protests were cut off by a piercing wail when one of Kyle’s stubby fingers pressed against his hole, forcing its way inside.  Instead of pulling away as he felt he should, Eric pressed back with his ass to work the invading digit in deeper while he buried his face against Kyle’s bulging chest.  

“Much action as it gets, I still can’t believe how tight this thing is,” the big man grunted, adding another finger to stretch Eric even further.  The penetrated man heard his friend’s confusing words, but all he could manage was a groan, the pleasure overtaking him.  

Eric tried to hold onto his dizzy thoughts as Kyle spun him around.  He told himself he was a fisherman; a man’s man out on the waves.  He was the captain of a boat, not Kyle.  He wasn’t just some scantily clad piece of ass going for a ride.  He didn’t really hang out on the docks with his rugged body on display, making it available to any man who wanted.  That wasn’t really him he saw in his head, eagerly swallowing cock after cock, often working a whole crew at once, and he tried to convince himself that the sensation of Kyle’s wide cock slipping inside wasn’t blissfully familiar, that he didn’t really love how it felt to have another man buried in his guts.  

Looking frantically around, Eric didn’t want to believe that the cherry red thong hanging where his briefs should be really belonged to him, though the obvious new tan line around his midsection told him otherwise.  His stomach sank as he saw himself sprawled out on the beach in nothing else, winking and flexing his exposed cheeks whenever a man walked by.  When he saw the comically short daisy dukes and sleeveless crop-top where his regular clothes should be, Eric felt a fresh wave of horror at the memories of himself sauntering around town in the ridiculous outfit for everyone to see.  He wasn’t treated like a preeminent lady’s man anymore, but as a very handsome lady.  He was still envied all over Kingsbury Harbor, but now it was by the women in town as Eric somehow stole man after man.  

“OOOOHHHHHHHHHHHH!”  the addled brunette was mortified by the bellowing moan that echoed out over the water, knowing it was a sound all the fishermen in town were familiar with.  They took it as a source of pride whenever one of their buddies told them they heard the “Siren” getting railed, and there was a running competition to see who could make Eric groan the loudest.  

“There it is,” Kyle laughed, slowing the pace of his thrusting to let Eric catch his breath.  “But you can do better, right?”  

“HHHHOOUUUUUUUUGGGHHHH!”  Eric arched his back and howled when the beefy man turned into a jackhammer, his eyes blurring from the ecstasy.  He clutched at the railing, his muscles bouncing and his untouched cock leaking like a faucet as it slapped wildly around.  He was humiliated when he heard another boat sound its horn in response, a pattern that continued as Kyle drove him to the edge and back over and over.  By the time he finally came, Eric didn’t care who heard or saw what happened as long as the agonizing pressure was relieved.  

“Whoooo...hot damn,” Kyle panted, bucking his hips to pump out the last of his own load.  In his frenzy Eric hadn’t even felt the other man explode, but given how much warm fluid he felt running down his thighs it was clearly a potent release.  “If only I could get my girl to make me cum like that.”  Eric hated the swell of pride that accompanied Kyle’s condescending compliment.  He turned around and leaned in for a kiss on instinct, only to be pushed roughly away.  “Whoa!  Hey now, none of that,” the big man laughed as he grabbed his softening pole.  “This is the only thing those lips can touch,” he scolded, stuffing the girthy organ away.  

Eric was humiliated by the rebuke, but he didn’t let it show as he shrugged and stretched.  “Your loss.”  

“Aww, don’t start poutin’ on me,” Kyle said, giving Eric’s ass a swat.  “Beth gives me a free pass for that ass of yours, but I can’t start makin’ out with other girls.  She’d murder me.”

Eric felt a piece of himself shatter at being referred to as “other girls,” especially after so eagerly riding another man’s cock.  His horror grew as he tried to remember what it felt like to be with a woman, only to come up empty.  Even though he knew he’d just hooked up on this very boat the night before, it was suddenly as if it never happened.  “We can’t have that,” he purred, grabbing Kyle’s bulge and laughing when the beefy man’s face turned a deep shade of red.  “I’d miss this guy too much.”  

“Hey, there’s still work to do,” Kyle said as he watched Eric head to the front of the boat.  “I’m not just payin’ you for the fuckin’.”  

Eric grinned and stretched out in the sun, his muscled frame looking like a carven figurehead as his soft hose flopped over a muscled thigh.  “Do you want me to wear myself out, or do you want to do that again?”  

“Why don’t you just take a breather,” the big man said, heading into the wheelhouse.  He needed to radio his friends on the water and let them know  he was the one making the Siren sing.  


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