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“Dude...this party is killer,” Aiden yelled above the pulsing beat, awkwardly shifting his weight in an attempt to match the music.  For someone who was as good at moving his chiseled frame across a field as the ripped brunette, the handsome jock had zero rhythm.  Not that he was there to dance.  Aiden preferred to lurk at the edges of the dancefloor, close enough so that his bulging pecs and beefy arms could be seen straining against his polo by the scantily clad girls on the floor, but not so close that they didn’t still have to come to him.  Now, though, the lantern-jawed jock didn’t have that option.  The entire room was a dancefloor, bathed in a constant swirl of colored lights and illuminated by the flashing screen towering behind the DJ booth.  “Yo!  Earth to Noah!”  

Aiden’s friend jerked, startled by the sudden presence of the hand on his shoulder.  The dazed blonde had been staring at the flashing screen, watching the colored waveforms from the music shift and overlap, forming a series of constantly changing geometric patterns.  Or at least that’s what he thought.  As he stared, he couldn’t quite get his eyes to focus, like he was trying to look at the individual blades of a spinning ceiling fan.  “Whoa...sorry...spaced out there for a second,” Noah said, shaking his head.  “All these lights are kinda disorienting.”  

Aiden grinned and gave Noah’s firm abs a backhanded slap.  “You sure that little redhead you were hitting on didn’t slip you something?”  

“Fuck...I wish,” Noah sighed at the thought of the stacked ginger and reached down to adjust the large bulge in his fitted chinos.  He looked around the bustling room to see where she went but couldn’t find her anywhere.  “Did you see where she got off to?”  

“Nah, I lost track of her and her friends.  I don’t know where Mike went, either.  Last I saw he was going after that girl from his office and her friends, but that was a while ago.”  

Noah watched Aiden bob his head to the music as he looked around, the other man’s hand still on his broad shoulder.  He was starting to worry that it would be the only contact he got that night.  Other than their different hair color the pair of handsome jocks could have passed for brothers with their similar builds, and when they were out together it usually didn’t take this long to land at least a few interested prospects.  Though now, looking around the room as best as he could with its disorienting array of lights, Noah began to notice a conspicuous lack of women in general.  It wasn’t just the curvy redhead he couldn’t find; there wasn’t a woman in sight.  “Dude...weren’t there more chicks when we got here?” he leaned over and asked, misjudging how close his friend was standing.  He shivered, a strange shudder running through him when Aiden turned his head to respond and the other man’s lips brushed against his ear.   

“Who knows, man,” Aiden shrugged.  “I’ve been too busy listening to this music.”  

Noah was starting to worry that it was Aiden who’d been slipped something.  In all their years of friendship, he’d never once heard the virile lady’s man admit to not being interested in getting laid.  Noah also couldn’t help but notice his friend’s face was still closer than it should have been, Aiden’s breath hot on his neck while his hand still gripped his shoulder.  “There had to have been,” the confused blonde stammered as he watched the sea of gyrating men around them.  Not only were there no women in sight, he was beginning to notice the remaining men pairing and clustering with each other.  “We didn’t, uh, show up to the wrong kind of party, did we?”  

“What?  No...of course not,” Aiden said, the bobbing at his head spreading down to the rest of his muscled limbs.  He seemed oblivious as arms began to lift above his swaying hips, the movements becoming smooth and coordinated.  “You’re killin’ the vibe, dude.  Just relax!” he shouted, finally letting go of Noah’s shoulder so that he could fold both arms behind his head while shaking his solid bubble.  

Noah felt himself blush as he stared, suddenly captivated with the bare patch of stomach and the hint of revealed boxer briefs when the bottom of Aiden’s shirt pulled up.  He’d seen his friend naked on countless occasions, but never once had his eyes traced along the other man’s defined abs to linger on the hefty bulge he knew lurked underneath the swaying pants.  He jerked his head away when he began to dwell on the memories of his friend’s exposed snake and heavy, hairy balls dangling in the locker room, the image of Aiden’s naked body burning away everything else and taking center stage in his brain.  

He staggered on his feet, blaming the sudden jerking of his head and the flashing lights for the wave of dizziness that slammed into him.  He was so disoriented that he stared at the shirtless, stocky man writhing across the room for several moments before he realized he was looking at their missing friend.  Watching Mike’s burly, hairy arms flex and grope at his meaty pecs while he squirmed against a series of taller, leaner men, Noah couldn’t believe what he was looking at.  The other men were equally shirtless, but the dazed blonde was certain that Mike had been dressed like him and Aiden when they’d arrived, not clad in a pair of small mesh shorts.  They were ridiculously tiny, smaller even than a pair of boxer briefs, and were as revealing as the singlet Mike wore during his wrestling matches.  Every inch of the furry, dark-haired man’s plump rear and thick package were clearly outlined as he blissfully spun and worked himself against the crowd.  

“Dude...dude!  Is that really Mike over there?  What the fuck is he wearrOOH!” Noah gasped when Aiden’s arms wrapped around him from behind, his friend’s head settling on his shoulder.  His first instinct was to pull away, but he froze at the sensation of skin-to-skin contact, his stomach dropping when he looked down to see his bare torso, his shirt suddenly missing.  From the feeling of Aiden’s granite pecs pressing into his back he could tell his friend was equally exposed.  

“Of course it is,” Aiden said, his hands sliding along Noah’s trim waist.  “Who else has an ass like that?”  

Noah’s heart was racing, but whether from fear or the feeling of his friend’s hands creeping along the waist of his pants he couldn’t tell.  “But...where the fuck did my...your...shirt go?  What’s happening?!”  

“It’s a party, remember?  Quit being so uptight!”  

Noah groaned when Aiden’s hands reached up and clutched his own prominent pecs, holding him tight as he began swiveling his hips and kissing his neck.  He knew he should pull away, that something very wrong was happening, but all he could do was press back with his solid rear and rock in time with Aiden.  His eyes went wide when he reached behind on instinct and felt the other man’s bare, muscled thighs instead of a pair of fitted chinos, finding nothing but exposed flesh until his wandering hands met the elastic band of what felt like a jockstrap.  

The confused young stud was too afraid to look down at himself as he began to notice the changing wardrobes all around him.  Men who, just moments before, had at least been wearing pants were now spinning and whirling in a variety of tiny shorts, thongs, briefs, and other assorted underwear.  Noah could feel the humid air against his now-exposed lower half, but he focused instead on the DJ, and the flashing screen behind him.  He still couldn’t make out anything but a silhouette of the DJ against the bright background, but he could see the geometric shapes being formed more clearly now.  Distinct, sigil-like formations would seem to float in front of the screen, not on it, before melting away to be replaced by another, and another.  It was as mesmerizing as it was dizzying, and soon Noah had to look away as he felt himself on the verge of passing out.  He swayed, leaning back against Aiden, who immediately misinterpreted the gesture.  

“See?  Just relax, bro!” the other man yelled above the music, his hands slipping into the front of the small red briefs that had replaced his blonde friend’s pants.  

Noah felt himself turn a matching shade of red when he looked down and saw Aiden’s hands fishing around inside the small, tented underwear, but there was nothing he could, or wanted to, do to stop his friend.  He could feel the other man’s rigid cock digging into his barely-covered cheeks, and looking around he saw everyone else in a similar state.  What had been dancing was now pawing and groping as the crowd began to lose itself in a lustful frenzy.  The blonde jock whimpered and closed his eyes, trying not to think about the fact that he was nearly naked in public, getting felt-up by another man.  

“Oh, hey, there’s Mike again,” Aiden said, pulling a hand from his friend’s briefs and waving their friend over.  Noah opened his eyes just in time to see Mike’s stocky, naked frame bounding over, his hairy muscle on full display.  

“They weren’t kidding...this party is fuckin’ sick, dudes,” the burly man yelled, grinning from ear to ear as he pressed his naked body against Noah and wrapped his arms as best he could around his friends.  

“Right?  I don’t think I’ve ever seen this many hot guys in one room before,” Aiden cheered.  “I’m even getting Noah to loosen up.”  

Noah gasped when Aiden reached down again, tugging the front of his briefs open so that he could grab both his and Mike’s cocks at the same time.  “Fffuuuuuuuuck,” he groaned, bucking his hips against his friend’s fat rod while he watched a pair of men next to him begin actively fucking.  They were both jacked, with lumpy, meathead builds, seemingly trying to see who could outdo the other as one of them vigorously thrust and the other popped his hips with wild abandon.  Looking at their faces, Noah thought he’d seen the men earlier in the night as they were vying for the same redhead, but they hadn’t seemed as large at the time, though with everything happening he couldn’t be certain.  

What he was certain of, however, was the changing sensation coming from his and Mike’s grinding members.  Where Aiden’s hand had barely been able to close around the impressive set of poles, the other man’s hand now seemed more than adequate, and looking down, Noah was horrified to see his formerly seven-inch beast now fully concealed by his friend’s palm.  He could still feel his aching cock sliding against Mike’s seemingly massive organ, but it felt small and thin and was getting smaller and thinner.  

“Gu...guys...something’s...something’s wro…” Noah’s panicked cry was cut off when he looked back up at a very different Mike.  His friend’s already-sizeable pecs had ballooned outwards, now looking like a set of hairy, comically large basketballs strapped to the short stud’s torso.  The solid muscle tits formed a jutting shelf that obscured both of their views as it pressed against Noah, who couldn’t help but reach up and begin and kneading the oversized mounds.  If Mike noticed he didn’t let it show, other than the loud moan that escaped his pursed lips when his blonde friend began palming the giant pecs.  

Similar groans began competing with the throbbing music, and Noah couldn’t believe what he was seeing as he surveyed a crowd that was changing as quickly as the flashing patterns on the screen.  What had been a room full of normal, average guys was now a menagerie of unique specimens.  There were men who couldn’t have been more than four feet tall looking up at men who were nearly twice that height.  Next to them, the meatheads were still going at each other but they’d grown even larger, while other pairs of men were going in the opposite direction, looking supple and slender where they’d been chiseled and solid moments before.  There were men whose handsome features had been blunted and made as rugged as the rest of their bodies, and there were men who were strikingly beautiful, with faces that no surgeon could enhance.  And then there were the more one-of-a-kind individuals, like the man with a huge set of soft, bouncing breasts and another with a pair of hulking, gorilla-like arms on his otherwise normal body, or the man with colossal thighs supporting his toned, wiry upper body.  

Looking at Mike, and feeling a drastically different Aiden behind him, Noah feared that they were falling into the latter category.  What had been a firm stomach pressing against his back had begun to feel broad and round, like a sizeable gut where the other man’s abs should have been, and while his friend had let go of his shrinking cock, it was only so that he could begin palming Noah’s much-too-large ass.  Pinned as he was between the two men, the horrified blonde couldn’t turn and see the damage for himself, nor could he see anything in front below Mike’s inflated chest.  

“Dudes!  Something’s...wrong!  We need to..to..get out of heeeEEOOOHHH!”  Noah howled, his world exploding in a sea of blissful stars when a pleasure like he’d never felt shot through him without warning.  He writhed against Mike’s furry slab of a chest and against Aiden’s comfortable belly, unable to pinpoint the source of his ecstasy.  

“Fuckin’ love how tight your pussy is,” Mike purred as he clutched Noah’s rear, spreading the inflated cheeks while he rolled his hips.  

The words hit the stunned blonde like a physical force, the terror he felt still managing to only slightly dull the muscle-melting joy coursing through him.  As impossible as it should have been, Noah began to recognize the sensation of his friend’s thick, wide cock rooting around inside him where his own girthy package should have hung, thrusting through an opening that he was all too familiar with, just not on his body.  But before he could fully process what was happening, the sensation was magnified when Aiden’s rigid snake plunged into him from behind.  He felt his unwanted new pillows bounce and jiggle as his friend began pumping in time with Mike, the dual sources of ecstasy reducing him to an opened mouth puddle of whimpering groans.  

All the former stud could do was grunt and writhe and watch the flashing sigils begin to slow, feeling a creeping dread at what that meant.  He knew that once the lights stopped flashing the world would stop changing and he’d be left exactly as he was; a bottom-heavy pair of holes instead of the hung lady’s man he should have been.  The problem was that Noah couldn’t decide if he actually feared such a fate or longed for it.  

“Dude...dude...let’s switch.”  Noah heard Aiden’s grunting words from a distance, just before he was spun in his friends’ arms.  The agonizing moment of emptiness was fortunately brief, as the two picked up right where they’d left off.  The penetrated hunk breathed a sigh of relief, loving how Mike’s hairy shelf felt rubbing against his back while he finally got a look at Aiden’s new frame.  The chiseled brunette still had the same impressive physique from the waist down and the chest up, but in the middle, where his tank-tread abs should have been, now looked like someone strapped a beachball to his midsection.  “Shit, man...I don’t know which is better…” 

“It’s a win-win with this guy,” Mike laughed, giving Noah’s jiggling cakes a rough slap.  

Noah’s groaning whimper joined the sudden cacophony of lustful grunts and moans echoing around the room.  The music had gone silent.  


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