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“Co...coach...I can explain...I mean...this isnnnnnNNNNGGGG!”  Kaleb spasmed, spraying all over Jake for the second time.  The dark-haired jock’s smooth abs glistened as his hairy teammate’s copious fluid trickled down towards his own tented speedo while a small, stunned crowd gathered to watch.  

“Jake!  What the hell are you doing?!”  Coach Turner stepped forward and tried his best to separate the two, not an easy feat considering their sturdy, athletic builds.  For a man who’d just turned forty, he was no slouch, with a set of prominent pecs straining against his navy polo and a pair of thick, muscled legs filling out his khaki shorts, but he couldn’t pull the determined Jake away.  Flustered, he motioned for two onlookers to help.  “Mike...Nick...help me get these two...apart…” he said, wincing as Kaleb exploded again and he was caught in the sticky eruption.  

The other two seemed less than thrilled but did as they were told, with Mike, a wiry blonde, grabbing Jake from behind in a semi-headlock while Nick, a burly brunette, attempted to pry his hand away from Kaleb’s incessant geyser.  They were eventually successful, but not before Jake’s rigid cock slipped out through the top of his speedo and spewed forth an eruption of his own, spattering Mike, Nick, Coach Turner, and a handful of unfortunate teammates who stood just a bit too close.  

The contact broken, Jake’s head seemed to clear.  He turned crimson as he squirmed in his friends’ grip and felt his solid cock poking free for all to see.  “Oh fuck...guys...what’s...what’s happening…” 

“Just get ‘em into my office,” Coach Turner barked, grabbing Kaleb by a hairy shoulder to pull him along behind.  “The rest of you clean this mess up and get to the pool,” he said with a stern glare.  

“No...please!  Coach, you’ve gotta let me go,” Kaleb begged, wanting to pull away but loving the feeling of Coach’s rough palm on his shoulder.  

“Don’t. Talk.”  Coach snapped, shoving them both into his office and slamming the door.  Jake seemed stunned as he stared between his cummy abs, his exposed, leaking tip, and the two other men.  

“Guys...I don’t know what’s happening…” the normally arrogant jock whined, a pleading look in his eyes.

“Well you better figure it out, and quick.”  Coach Turner shoved them both down into chairs and sat back on his desk, wiping the stray, drying cum from his face.  “Gotta admit, this one’s new.  In all my years I’ve never seen anything quite like this. What is it?  Drugs?  You boys party a bit too hard last night?  I don’t care that you’re gay, that’s your business, but this is waaaay outta line.”

The dark-haired ladies man looked horrified.  “What?!  No!  Coach, I’m not gaaauuuhhnnn!”  Jake didn’t get a chance to finish the sentence before he spasmed and came.  With his cock still wedged upwards in his speedo, the sculpted hunk sprayed all over the impressive pecs he worked so hard on.  

“Christ!”  Coach Turner yelped as portions of the sticky explosion ricocheted off Jake’s plump pecs and landed on the exposed parts of his legs.  “Do I need to call an ambulance?  You two look...look…” the older man trailed off and shook his head, swaying slightly as he sat on the edge of his desk.  He seemed oblivious to the growing tent in his own shorts as he yelled at the panting duo.  It started as a slight twitching, but it wasn’t long before Kaleb could see the outline of a tantalizingly thick cock pressing against the tan fabric.  They’d seen Coach in a speedo and naked in the showers before, and Kaleb was all too familiar with the burly, rugged muscle and wide, squat cock lurking under the older man’s tight clothes.  He’d just never imagined a time when the thought would turn him on like it did now.  

His sudden, desperate longing to get his hands on the older man’s naked body was painful.  He wanted nothing more than to launch himself out of the chair and tear the frustratingly opaque polo free, to strip Coach Turner down and wrap his lips around the pulsing organ that was clearly trying to get his attention.  He wanted to feel the Coach’s rough hands tugging on his dense new carpet as he squirmed in the other man’s powerful embrace.  Jake’s quiet whimper next to him made it obvious his teammate was thinking the same thing.  

“Hell...just look at you two...gotta be drugs...still hard even after all that...cocks oozing all over the place…” Coach turner trailed off, a glassy look falling over his eyes as a hand drifted down and began absently kneading himself through his shorts.  The older man looked down, running a hand through his short brown hair in confusion, his cheeks reddening slightly.  “Oh, you like that?” he mocked when he looked back up at the hungry pair, running a hand slowly along the outline of his solid rod.  “You want Coach’s dick, is that it?”  

Kaleb managed to stay silent, but Jake groaned loudly and nodded like a bobblehead.  He didn’t know if it was because of the Coach’s age or larger size, but whatever was happening seemed to be feeding into the older man’s authority over them.  He wasn’t in an uncontrolled frenzy like Jake, but he was clearly under the influence of something.  

Coach Turner grinned and slowly unzipped his shorts, revealing a patch of white briefs before pushing them down and fishing his stout member free.  He wagged the throbbing organ in front of them, crossing his beefy arms expectantly.  “Well?  Here it is.  What are you gonna do with it?”  Jake lunged forward before Kaleb could react, throwing himself out of the chair and onto his knees as he impaled his face on the Coach.  

The hairy jock clutched at the arms of the chair, gritting his teeth against the overwhelming urge to join the other two.  Watching Jake, the smug, dark-haired pretty boy, bob his head like a woodpecker on Coach Turner’s fat cock was almost enough to make him cum on its own, but Kaleb managed to hold himself back.  He knew he’d been the inadvertent cause of all of this, and he needed to get his phone and text Daniels for help before things got any further out of hand.  He forced himself up and started to stagger away, but Coach Turner’s hand shot out, wrapping around his cock with the same vice grip Jake had used to set all this in motion.  

“I didn’t say you could leave, furball,” Coach spat, giving Kaleb a tug.  Already close to the edge, the hairy jock sprayed immediately, soaking Jake’s bobbing face and covering Coach Turner’s broad thighs in a spurting fountain.  Fortunately, Jake pushed the older man over the edge moments later, causing him to lose his grip on Kaleb’s cock as he clutched the kneeling stud’s head, spraying down his throat.  Kaleb darted from the office, his stomach dropping at what waited for him on the other side.  It was already too late.  Seeing the discarded speedos and his writhing, naked teammates, things were already well out of hand.  

He stepped around Mike and Nick as the wiry blonde plowed in and out of his friend’s tight bottom like a jackhammer while, next to them, Mark and Bill were on their knees, their tapering torsos already slick with a coating of cum as they worked their lips and hands over the half-dozen cocks eagerly pointing in their direction.  Meanwhile, the men attached to those cocks busied themselves by pawing at each other’s athletic frames, their lips locked in manic, desperate kisses.  

Kaleb wanted nothing more than to join in.  It was as if his newly sprouted hairs were magnetized, pulling him towards the carnal frenzy unfolding around the room in every direction.   Each step on the way to his locker was a struggle, like he was crossing a vast desert of writhing, grunting muscle instead of shifting sand.  All around him, he watched guys he’d known for years, guys he knew were entirely straight, buck and thrust against each other in a confused, desperate orgy.  The young jocks’ muscled bodies were slick and wet as always, only not with pool water this time.  

“Gotta...gotta get out…gotta get out...” Kaleb repeated to himself, slumping against his locker.  His speedo a lost cause, he tore the too-small swimwear free and attempted to slip his shorts back on, only to make a horrifying discovery.  In the midst of everything else he hadn’t noticed his body expanding.  The growth was subtle, but very apparent as he struggled to pull the tight shorts up his widened legs.  

“And just where do you think you’re going?”  Kaleb gasped at the unexpected hands that reached around from behind, clutching at the furry mounds of his pecs as Sam’s smooth, solid body pressed against his hairy back.  “Never noticed how hairy you were before...fuckin’ hot…” the grinning blonde slurred, the same dazed look in his eyes.  

“Sam...dude...you gotta let me go…” Kaleb groaned, even as he pressed his ass back against his teammate.  Now that he was looking, he could see more and more of the changes spreading across his body.  Like his thickened thighs, the definition on his ripped abs was gone, replaced by a flat, firm stomach that lay beneath the curly carpet.  Even Sam’s hands felt smaller than they should as they kneaded his pecs, sending sharp darts of pleasure through him whenever his fingers tugged on the dense forest.  

“Nah...don’t think so…” Sam groaned, rolling his hips to work his long cock up and down through the fuzzy valley between Kaleb’s expanding cheeks.  The furry man tried to tell himself he didn’t really feel them shift and give more than they should as he instinctively started moving in time.  

“Come...come on...man...I can’t...cannnnuuuuhhh!”  Kaleb’s body betrayed his protests, seeming to move of its own volition as he leaned forward and jammed himself back onto Sam’s slick, oozing cock.  “GGGnnnuuhhnngg!  Fuuuuu….fuuuuuuck…” he grunted, trying not to think about what he looked like as he popped his hips and arched his back while Sam grabbed fistfuls of hair from between his shoulder blades.  He could hear his huge cock and heavy balls slapping loudly while his body shook from the other man’s thrusts, adding to the percussive cacophony already bouncing off the lockers and tiled floor.  

He came as soon as Sam was inside him, his massive organ continuing to spurt and ooze the entire time.  The other man’s thrusting cock was like the handle of a faucet, turning the flow on for as long as he slid in and out.  Kaleb could feel the warm liquid trailing down his forested thighs and pooling at his feet.  It splashed off the lockers in front of him and sent ropey strands in every direction when he bucked and spasmed.  Kaleb knew he was spreading contagion with each drop.  He was a hirsute patient zero, lost in a haze of lustful ecstasy as his body changed and grew and made new friends whether he wanted it to or not.  

His feet slipping on the growing puddle where he stood, his cock spurting like a broken dam, Kaleb thought of the glassy eyed brutes being milked in the picture Daniels sent him.  He was in their same position, his body covered in hair and slowly expanding while his cock sprayed and sprayed and sprayed as long as there was something inside him.  It was a nightmare that even then a part of him longed for.  He’d never once thought about what it would feel like to get fucked before, and the sensations coursing through him were better than anything he could have imagined.  He was mortified and embarrassed for all of them, but if his teammates were feeling even a fraction of the electric bliss lighting up his body, they didn’t have it that bad.  

Still, the thought of himself actually ending up like one of the men strapped to the milking machine shocked Kaleb back to his senses.  His stomach dropped, the fear taking the edge off enough for him to pull away.  He shoved Sam back, but the addled blonde was so far gone that he simply kept tugging on his own cock until he bumped into someone else, at which point he picked up where he left off with his eager new partner.  Kaleb took the opportunity to pull his sopping shorts up, grab his shirt and phone, and run.  

He didn’t stop to worry about what people would think as his fur-matted, cum-slick body raced past, his rigid cock clearly on display beneath the tight shorts.  He was much more concerned with the way his body moved, feeling heavy and uncoordinated.  His thighs began to rub together in an unfamiliar way, and he could feel a foreign bouncing at his pecs and ass with each plodding step.  

Hoping Tom decided not to skip class, Kaleb darted for the sanctuary of his dorm, grateful for the empty halls as he thundered up the stairs and into his room.  He slammed the door and tore out of his shorts, throwing open his small wardrobe so hard the mirror on the door nearly shattered.  

“Oh god…” he groaned at the sight of his swollen reflection.  He wasn’t nearly as big as the men he’d been shown, but he already looked like a stranger.  The lean, tapering body he should have had was officially gone.  His pecs were round and heavy, his shoulders too wide and his neck too short, with big, brawny arms on either side.  His flat, firm stomach was beginning to push outwards into an arching muscle gut, and his thighs pressed together in a way that forced his beastly package even more prominently forward.  He forced himself away from the mirror and grabbed his phone to text Daniels.  

“There’s a problem!” he sent.  “I went to practice like you said, but I came all over Jake and then he started acting weird and then it all spiraled!  The whole team was fucking like crazy when I left...I barely got out.”  Kaleb’s cock throbbed at the memory, the musky, masculine stench still burning in his nostrils as he waited for Daniels to respond.  

“Oh, I know.  Gotta admit, wasn’t expecting that,” the agent sent back.  “Thought we worked those bugs out, but then again we’ve never had a match like you.  It’s possible your body mutated the formula.”  

“You have to help them!  It’s not their fault!”  Kaleb typed as fast as his shaking hands would let him, the guilt hitting him like a punch in the stomach.  

“A cleanup crew is already on the way.  Don’t feel too bad, kid.  The lab coats tell me it shouldn’t be like the old days.  Worst case scenario you leave those guys a bit hornier than normal.  But they’re college jocks, so who can tell?  Actually, some of ‘em might just be jocks now, but I promise they won’t miss those brain cells with their bodies working overtime.”  

Kaleb couldn’t believe what he was reading.  If Daniels was telling the truth, he’d just potentially turned the University swim team, and the coach, into a group of gay, overly horny dumb jocks.  “You’re monsters,” he wrote back.  

“And you worry too much.  Speaking of which, how’s that new look treating you?  If that muscle grows like the hair you are gonna be one huge motherfucker.”  

Kaleb didn’t respond.  He threw his phone onto his bed and stared in numb shock at his altered body.  Things were coming to a head.  Based on what he’d been told, if it had been true, this was the beginning of the final phase.  He knew it was too late to do anything, leaving him with no other option but to wonder what would be left of himself when everything was over.  


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