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I looked at his picture hanging on the wall, cropped perfectly to keep anyone else out of the frame.  Though he looked straight at the camera the view of his body was at an angle, giving a full look at both his handsome features and at the stocky build I loved so much.  The internet made it all so easy.  I was able to find the exact picture that I needed and had it printed out and hung in a matter of minutes.  Given how old the ebony frame was there had to be a time when actual portraiture was necessary, and I could only imagine how frustrating it had to be to wait while an artist painstakingly rendered the object of your affection, and how much more difficult it had to have been without them present for reference.  

Now, there was no guesswork.  I was able to gaze at the exact likeness of David’s dark, coffee-colored hair, and to smile back at his tanned, weathered face with its sharp cheekbones, prominent nose, and tantalizingly full lips hooked in a smug grin above his lantern jaw.  I could see every curve and bulge in perfect detail as the framed David’s meaty chest and beefy arms strained against the thin dress shirt that stretched over his muscled gut before disappearing into his equally tight slacks.  As much as I loved his striking features, I loved the way his plump, ample cheeks expanded outwards at his arched lower back, and his half-turned pose in the photo only accentuated the round globes.  I’d never seen him in anything close to a state of undress, but considering the rest of his broad, stocky build, and the glimpses of his bulge I’d managed to catch at the office, I was certain that a thick, girthy package lurked between his muscled thighs.  

I stared at the photo for close to an hour, unsure of what to expect.  I knew it would take time, but exactly how much time I had no idea.  Would I have to stare at the photo for hours?  Days?  Months?  And then there was the matter of the change itself.  I’d been told that the frame knew best, that while I stared at it, something stared back, reading my true desires whether I knew them or not.  Whether that was meant literally or metaphorically, it left me with the unshakeable sensation that the frame was alive.  I couldn’t help but feel eyes upon me as I stood and stared at the picture as instructed, a creeping sense of shame accompanying the unseen voyeurs.  There I was, drooling lustfully over David’s photo while something else watched with an expression that I could only picture as amused.  When I looked down and saw my tented gym shorts, I had the same rush of embarrassment that I would have had I been standing hard and aroused in front of a stranger.  

When I finally pulled myself away, I was strangely exhausted.  I blamed it on my frayed nerves, on the rush, and subsequent drop, of adrenaline now that the deed had been done.  Whether or not I really was toying with someone’s life, or just indulging in a ridiculous fantasy, there was no going back at the moment.  So I went to sleep instead, falling into a deep, dreamless slumber.  I’d half expected to see him in my slumber, or at the very least to have bizarre, surreal nightmares after supposedly meddling with eldritch powers, but the night was uneventful.  

The morning was a different matter altogether.  When I rolled out of bed and stumbled sleepily down the hall to the bathroom, I almost didn’t notice the change, and when I did my first thought was that I must be dreaming.  David still hung on the wall in the same spot and pose that I had left him, only his shirt had vanished.  He still wore the same smug grin and the same tight slacks, but all the tanned, burly flesh in between now stood exposed.  If I hadn’t already been hard in my briefs my cock would have shot out of them.  As it was, the throb that shot through me at the sight made my knees weak.  

David wasn’t one to post revealing pictures of himself online.  I’d started looking almost immediately after our first meeting in the office.  With his arrogant attitude and cocky behavior more suited to someone in their late twenties, not their late thirties, I thought for sure he’d at least have one shirtless picture, especially for someone who spent as much time lifting as he did but, to my disappointment, he was always fully clothed.  

So to finally get an unobstructed view of the round, heavy pecs, with their nubby nipples and smattering of wiry chocolate hair, was better than I could have imagined.  David was thick and brawny, broad shouldered and piston-armed, solid with muscle but undefined, radiating a kind of masculinity that the gym-built boys with their smooth abs never could.  It was like finally scratching an itch that I hadn’t been able to reach for years.  And though I had no way of confirming, as I traced a finger down the line of hair on his curvy, solid stomach, there was no doubt in my mind that the photo was still just as accurate as it had been the night before.  

There was also a heady rush of power that came with having the frame’s supposed abilities confirmed.  I didn’t know if I was flying or falling, just that I was rushing headlong towards a destination that I could only hope was the one I wanted.  I held onto that hope as I stood and stared at the altered picture, wondering how long it would be until I was wrapped in those sturdy arms.  There was still the same sense of being watched, but the rush of embarrassment was only a turn on when I finally fished my throbbing six inches free and started pumping.  With the sight of David’s bare, barrel torso and the giddy sense of potential turning me on like never before, I couldn’t help it.  It was going to be hard enough to get through the day as it was.  

That turned out to be an understatement.  David was his usual charming self, dressed as always and entirely oblivious to the secret access I had to his stocky frame.  I wondered how he’d feel if he knew.  There may not have been any exhibitionist photos on his public social media, but I was still convinced that a guy as built as him, especially at his age, didn’t wear clothes that tight if at least a part of him didn’t want to show off.  And he carried himself with enough of an arrogant swagger that he just had to get up to some kinky bedroom hobbies.  

I tried to avoid him as much as possible.  My triumphant smile was impossible to repress whenever I looked at him, and I didn’t want to give anything away.  So, as usual, I watched his plump cheeks bounce from across the room, and stole what glances I could of his hairy forearms sticking out from his rolled up sleeves, knowing full well what lay beneath the tight shirt.

The day dragged on at a glacial pace.  Minutes felt like hours as I constantly fought the urge to call off sick for the rest of the day and hurry home.  As frustrating as it was, there was something exquisite in the pain of waiting, of drawing out the inevitable payoff that I knew would be waiting for me.  And it gave me plenty of opportunities to enjoy David as he was, before whatever happened eventually took hold.  

My patience was rewarded, just as I knew it would be.  I managed to maintain my composure until I walked through the back door, then I ran through the house until I was gawking at a photo of David in nothing but a pair of small, light blue briefs.  His stuffed, prominent bulge was every bit as large and thick as I’d hoped, and I cursed the photo for its lack of a third dimension that would let me spin him around and get a full look at the squeezable mounds filling out the back.  

I was undressing before I knew it, peeling out of my dress shirt and dropping my slacks, never taking my eyes off David’s thick, hairy thighs.  I followed the line of hair down from his impressive chest and over his muscled gut until it vanished into his little briefs, repeating the process over and over as I stroked and stared.  

I didn’t eat dinner that night.  I didn’t work out.  I didn’t do anything other than stand in front of the picture and stare, not caring about whatever was staring back.  All that mattered was David’s increasingly exposed frame.  I stood for hours, until I could practically feel him, and could smell his spicy cologne wafting out of the frame.  I wasn’t sure if it was just my imagination, but the more I looked, the more it seemed as if David was looking back.  The background of the photo began to blur, leaving only his muscled body in focus as he smirked at me from on the wall.  My eyes itched and burned from the lack of blinking, but I couldn’t bring myself to look away even long enough for that.  

The picture was changing again, moving as if it were a screen and not a static image.  As I watched, David’s smile grew, his eyes going wide.  I wasn’t immediately sure what caused his change in expression until I looked down to see his already stuffed bulge become even more so.   His fat cock thickened and lengthened as his balls puffed, pulling the elastic waist of the briefs down to expose his dark bush.  Behind, it became clear that his enlarged cock wasn’t the only reason his briefs were growing tighter as his already hefty cheeks began to press outwards.  Instead of shock or horror, the David in the photo only smiled, pulling open his briefs and looking at his heavy package with a look of exaggerated shock.  The same went for his massive new cheeks as he reached around behind and gave them a squeeze before slowly bending and pulling the briefs free.  

When I groaned at the sight of his thickened cock throbbing to life he seemed to hear me, shaking his hips to wag the twitching tool in my direction and give his ballooning cheeks a bounce.  I was mesmerized.  His new growth was large and disproportionate without being freakish, still attributable to good genetics and too many squats in the gym.  There’d be no hiding his bulge or ignoring his fattened cakes going forward, but the David in the picture didn’t seem to mind.  I watched him squirm and grope his beefy body, completely unprepared when one of those rough hands shot out of the frame and grabbed me.  

It happened too fast to avoid, and the next thing I knew I was pulled into the picture.  There was only darkness at first, an endless void that I plummeted through at breakneck speed.  It wasn’t a simple transition, like stepping through a door, but a seemingly endless hurtle through an inky abyss.  

I could feel my own body changing as I fell.  Tumbling naked, head over heels, my body grew heavy even in the weightless descent.  I watched my formerly unimpressive chest puff and expand until it was a thick shelf looming over my own expanding muscle gut.  As I kicked and flailed I could see my arms and legs had blossomed with extra mass as well, settling into a hairy frame similar to the one I’d just been staring at.  

My fall ended without warning.  There was no pain, just a breathless, jarring sensation as I suddenly found myself sprawled on my back with a heavy weight on top of me.  As sight returned, a bolt of bliss shoot up my spine at David’s hungry, smiling face looming inches from my own.  

“Da...David?  Whaaaaoooooohhhhh fuuuuuuck,” I groaned, arching my back as another wave of ecstasy washed over me.  

“What do you think we’re doing,” he grinned, dropping his face to lick at one of my own solid, inflated nipples.  

Lifting my head, I could see that my suspicions were correct as I found myself looking down at a beefy, furry torso completely unlike the lackluster build I should have had.  I’d never given it much thought either way, but I still felt a stab of fear at the idea of my body being warped against my will, despite knowing full well that I’d intended to do that very thing to David, and had.  Afraid or not, I wasted no time in reaching down to feel that warped body for myself, taking two handfuls of his solid but yielding backside as it flexed with each thrust.  

I was too overcome with a mixture of shock and the rolling waves of relentless pleasure that kept blurring my vision to realize what was wrong with the scenario at first.  I was taking in my surroundings and finally exploring the body I’d longed to touch for so long, feeling an equal thrill at the thought of being in David’s bedroom, fucking on his very bed  

It was the last part that caused concern.  David was indeed putting his thickened equipment to use, but our positions were all wrong.  My legs weren’t hefted into the air, and from what I could tell my own inflated backside remained free of any invading objects.  Yet David was on top of me, pumping bolt after bolt of mind-numbing rapture through my altered frame.  

I finally forced myself upright, a more difficult process than I was used to with the added weight and David squirming on top of me.  At first I thought it was just the obscuring shelf of my chest and crest of my solid new gut further impeding my view, but after a few moments of shell-shocked gasping my brain began to put the pieces together.  Getting a better view of my broad, powerful new build, I saw that I truly had become built like the object of my affection in all ways but one as I watched David’s envious cock slip in and out of an unfamiliar slit where my own package should have been.  

I let out a low moan of horror that quickly turned into a groan of bliss when David mistook himself for the source of the sound and began picking up the pace.  I wanted to pull away, to tell him that something had gone terribly wrong, but all I could do was lay there in a whimpering, burly puddle of agonized ecstasy.  I thought I’d be the one fucking him, pounding in and out of those shaking cheeks, or at the very least being on the receiving end of his impressive tool in the conventional sense.  Never in my wildest imaginings did I ever think that I’d wind up with an eager, throbbing pussy for his personal use.  

It also never occurred to me that I’d be the one to get pulled into another world.  As I lay beneath David’s delightful, bucking onslaught, I frantically looked around the room and saw countless clues that I was no longer in the reality I knew.  On the dresser across from the bed I could see a picture of the two of us, my face, though a fuller version, attached to the top of a stocky, beefy body that was wrapped in David’s arms.  We were at a beach, and while even now I loved the sight of David’s thick muscle and altered lower half bulging out of a speedo, I felt a crushing humiliation when I looked at my bearish body clad only in a women’s bikini bottom, showing off my own alterations to anyone who looked.  

“GGGUUUUhhhhhnnn….oh god...oh god…” I stammered, my fingers digging into David’s broad back as I felt a climax like no other approaching.  “HOOOOohuuuhhhoooo!”  I wasn’t normally loud in bed but I couldn’t hold back a whimpering bellow.  

“I love it when you scream,” David purred, his smug grin making me melt as he planted quick kisses in time with his deep thrusts.  

I felt entirely out of control as I bucked and spasmed.  None of this was turning out how I’d planned as my head began to fill with new memories.  I still recalled the impromptu strip tease that David had given me in the photo, but now it was accompanied by memories of me stripping out of my silk panties while he watched.  My earlier thought that David got up to kinky activities in the bedroom came rushing back, accompanied by the knowledge that I was the one on the receiving end.  I suddenly saw myself in corsets and leather, tied up or paraded around the house.  While he lounged in gym shorts I doted on him in a teddy, knowing full well how ridiculous my bullish body looked but doing it anyway because I knew it made him happy.  I still had my same job, only now I walked around the office with panties and stockings on under my slacks.  

And I loved every second of it.  As David rocked his hips and I felt my body dissolve into a cloud of pleasure I realized I wasn’t actually horrified; I just thought I should be. I was acting the way I was supposed to, not how I really felt.  I didn’t care what I looked like or who knew it, as long as I could spend my nights wrapped in the granite arms straddling either side of my bulky new body.  

The frame knew best, after all.  


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