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“Fffffffffffuuuuck…!”  Kaleb groaned, his increasingly hairy abs tensing as he spasmed and came.  The lean swimmer hated the handful of hair as he cupped his inflated balls with one hand and pumped away with the other, but he didn’t have much of a choice.  It was already late afternoon and Tom would be home soon, so if Kaleb was going to try and get whatever this was out of his system, he needed to do it now.  

His strategy didn’t appear to be working.  He’d woken up spraying all over himself, and despite another five releases in the hours since, his ample balls showed no signs of drying up any time soon.  If anything, each explosion seemed to produce more sticky fluid than the last, stinking up the small dorm to the point where he’d had to prop the window open to air out the sickly sweet, musky stench.  

And then there was the hair.  It had continued to spread, creeping its way further up his stomach as a dark patch began to blossom and thicken between his toned pecs.  What had formerly been a barely noticeable patch of silky fuzz was now a dark, curly blemish that sat like a furry bullseye in the middle of his chest.  Already Kaleb could see the darkness beginning to spread towards his arms, while a small tendril was shooting off to the south to meet with the trail flowing up the center of his washboard stomach.  Unlike the sandy blonde hair on his head, this new growth was a dark chestnut, impossible to miss.  

“Still can’t believe this is happening,” Kaleb grumbled, blushing as he stuffed his soaked cum rag in the bottom of his hamper.  He’d never even thought it possible to cum as much as he had, but he couldn’t forget the sight of the naked hulk being endlessly milked that Daniels had shown him.  He’d do whatever it took to avoid that in his future.  

Kaleb tried to forget about it as he slid a pair of boxer briefs on, but the overly stuffed pouch made that an impossibility.  He blushed as he looked down at himself, feeling humiliated instead of proud at the way his growing bull balls made his package stand out.  He didn’t want to think about what it would mean when he eventually had to put his speedo on.  

“I just need to take a shower and clear my head...I can figure this out…” he muttered, reaching for a pair of shorts and a t-shirt to get him to the showers.  

A chirp from his phone and the accompanying text stopped him cold.  “Sorry, no covering up,” the message from Daniels read.  “Gotta do it like you always did.”  

“How are you watching me?!”  Kaleb’s hands shook from a mix of anger and terror as he responded.  He had no idea how Daniels could have possibly known about his habit of walking to the shower in just his underwear.  As someone who spent a good chunk of his free time wearing nothing but a speedo in front of others, it never occurred to him that one day he’d have to worry about it.  “How long have you been watching me?!”  

“That’s not important.  Remember...business as usual,” Daniels replied.  

“How is me cumming all day business as usual?!” Kaleb waited several anxious minutes before it became clear Daniels was done talking.  He hurled his phone onto his bed, grabbed his towel, and stormed off down the hall, focusing on his anger to keep from thinking about people’s reactions to his new look.  

Kaleb knew it was mostly in his head.  Though it was jarring to him, realistically his body hadn’t changed that much.  He may have felt like a sasquatch in training, but the recently developed fur wasn’t out of the ordinary for a guy his age.  He’d certainly seen plenty of hairier guys on his floor.  He just never thought he’d be one of them.  

The few people he ran into on his way to the showers and back didn’t seem to notice anything out of the ordinary.  Kaleb kept waiting for someone to say something, but no one gave him so much as a second glance.  He doubted that would have been their reaction if they’d seen his instantly-hard cock as soon as he dropped his towel, or the vigor with which he kneaded his low, heavy balls.  Not even the disgust he felt at the way his damp new fur clung to his body could take the edge off, leaving him to try and stroke as quietly as possible in public.  He was glad the stalls on either side were empty when his cock erupted like a volcano, sending ropey strands well above the shower walls while he bit his fist to keep from moaning aloud.  

It was humiliating.  Kaleb didn’t know if he was more embarrassed by the copious, violent explosions or the way his unwanted hair tufted off his body as it dried.  He cringed as he ran his fingers through the sprouting follicles on his chest and down the now-uninterrupted line on his abs, a pit forming in his stomach.  Something about his upper and lower body now being joined by the growing carpet made it all the more real.  Up until now he was just a guy with some body hair, but pushing the shower curtain aside and looking at the furry “T” adorning his torso made it official.  He was hairy.  

“There’s gotta be a way out of this,” he mumbled to himself as he wrapped the towel around his waist and trudged back to his room.  He was halfway down the hall before he realized he hadn’t put his boxer briefs back on, an oversight made all the more noticeable by the way his enlarged balls pushed his long cock forward, outlining the dangling organ against the thin, damp towel.  The growing patch of hair on his chest and the way it trailed in a straight line down his abs was like a map drawing everyone’s attention directly to his twitchy package.  

He tried to tell himself that the thought didn’t really give him a thrill.  There was always a part of him that got off at least a little bit on the idea of being so exposed in front of a crowd at every meet.  He didn’t think of himself as an exhibitionist, but Kaleb would be lying if he said the idea of parading his lean, defined body in nothing but a tiny speedo didn’t turn him on a little.  Or at least it used to.  Now, looking at his increasingly furry body, it was hard to imagine getting any joy out of putting it on display.  

That theory was put to the test as soon as Kaleb made it back to his dorm.  He’d just shut the door and dropped his towel when Tom returned, catching him in all his hairy, exposed glory.  

“Whoa!” Tom laughed, quickly shutting the door behind him so the entire hall wouldn’t see his naked roommate.  “Shit, sorry dude, bad...timing…” he trailed off when he turned back around, cocking his head slightly as he looked at the naked blonde.  “Uh, this is gonna sound super weird, but when did you get such a hairy ass?”  

Kaleb’s face went bright red when he looked back at his reflection and saw that the hair from his thighs had spread up and over his perky bubble, leaving the solid mounds covered in a dark, scrubby layer.  “I, uh, always,” he said defensively.  “I usually just do a better job keeping it under control I guess,” he lied, slipping his boxer briefs on as fast as he could.  

Tom’s expression was dubious.  He’d roomed with Kaleb for months, and they’d both seen each other’s athletic frames naked nearly as often as their own.  “Huh,” the muscled brunette shrugged, “never would’ve taken you for a hairy guy.”  He lifted his t-shirt and ran a hand over the trail of fur poking out from the top of his shorts, spreading up his abs before disappearing around his navel.  He wasn’t nearly as hairy as Kaleb was becoming, but Tom’s sculpted torso had a few sparse patches on his prominent pecs, and a light coating on his sturdy arms and toned thighs.  “Good for you, man.  Girls love this shit.”  

“I hope so,” Kaleb said under his breath, more concerned with the way his eyes were lingering on Tom’s exposed patch of stomach than what women might think of his new look.  He jerked his head away when he felt his eager member suddenly pulse, slipping into his baggiest pair of shorts and longest tank-top in the hopes of covering his insatiable cock.  But while the shirt provided the coverage Kaleb needed, the thin straps and scooping neck only accentuated the hair he’d sprouted.  The curly forest pushed out around the edges of the fabric, and as the afternoon turned into the evening, Kaleb started to notice dark patches creeping up and thickening on his shoulder blades.  Like his pecs and abs, the hair on his face and shoulders seemed determined to connect, the scrubby stubble on his cheeks threatening to spill down his neck and join forces with the rest of the invading horde.  

Kaleb could only watch the infection spread, helpless to do anything to stop it.  Though as horrified as he was by his changing appearance, the lean jock was confronted with a new anxiety being around Tom.  He couldn’t keep his eyes off the other man.  He stole every glance he could, drinking in the sight of his friend’s broad shoulders and tapering torso.  When Tom came back from the showers and lounged in nothing but a pair of thin boxers like always, it took every ounce of Kaleb’s self control not to stare.  It was as if he was seeing Tom’s ample, solid rear and thick, bouncing cock for the first time.  Dealing with the explosion of hair on his own body, Kaleb was especially interested in the wiry patches stretching across Tom’s chiseled pecs and the trail peeking out of the other man’s boxers.  He followed the hair up his friend’s thighs as they squished together while he sat, wondering if it would feel the same against his palm as the fur on his own legs.  

He was still thinking about it late that night as he did his best to quietly jerk off while Tom slumbered across the room.  He tried to think about anything else, but the image of his friend’s fit, athletic body was seared into his brain.  Kaleb’s churning balls sprayed like never before as the confused swimmer imagined the other man’s strong fingers laced through the dense carpet on his chest as their bodies writhed together.  He rolled over after wiping himself up and drifted off to the sight of Tom’s slumbering frame, resisting the urge to crawl in bed with his friend.  


Kaleb still had to fight that urge the following morning.  His alarm woke him up early for practice, and the first thing he saw was his friend’s tented sheets as Tom’s large cock stood solid and proud while he slept.  The sight was enough to push his own oozing rod over the edge, but even through his groggy, lustful haze, Kaleb felt a stab of horror at the size of the spewing organ in his hand.  It felt far too long and much thicker than it should, a feeling that was confirmed when he scrambled up out of bed and saw the beast poking through the fly of his boxer briefs.  It was huge, at least two inches longer than it should have been and so thick it started to push his fingers apart when he wrapped a hand around it.  

And as if his altered cock wasn’t enough, Kaleb was mortified to discover just how much the incessant hair had spread.  It still spread across his chest and ran down his abs in a line, but the silky forest was now a dense carpet across his pecs, and while there was still a dense line down his abs the hair had spread out over the rest of his stomach, creeping around his trim sides as it flowed up and over his shoulders.  Kaleb turned in a frantic circle in front of the mirror, gawking a the limp, dangling beast sticking out of his underwear and at the hair shooting up from his solid bubble.  The middle of his back was the only smooth skin that remained, and Kaleb knew it wouldn’t stay that way for long.  

But before he could even think about what to do, his phone buzzed with a message.  “Holy shit kid, you really did have a hairy fucker inside you, didn’t you?” the text from Daniels read.  “You skipped right over Otter and went full Bear with that dick.”  

Kaleb blushed and stuffed himself away, wincing at the thick bush he felt lurking inside his underwear.  “What are you people doing to me?!” he shot back.  “And why the fuck am I boning out over my roommate?”

“Hey, he’s cute.  You could find worse guys to get hard over.  Just look at that pretty, sleeping face of his.” 

Kaleb desperately wanted to, but he kept his eyes glued to his phone.  “When is this going to stop?  How much worse is it going to get?”  

“Worse?  Lots’a guys would be thrilled to wake up with a bigger dick, kid.”  Daniels didn’t wait for a response before sending the next message.  “And believe it or not, all we’re doing is speeding up what was already in your genes.  You’re a swimmer...think of it as diving into the deep end.  Maybe not tomorrow, or next month, but one day you were gonna end up like this.  All we’re doing is speeding it up and making sure you max out your potential.  Now hurry up and get to practice.  You’re gonna be late.”  

Kaleb refused to believe it.  He couldn’t think of any other man in his family that was burly and hairy to this degree, but even as he strained his memory for every distant relative, it occurred to him that he didn’t really know that much about his extended family.  Maybe there really was a caveman branch of the family tree?  Maybe he really was a walking, testosterone time bomb just waiting to explode?  If that was the case, better that it happen now while he was still young and in shape than when he was older and struggling.  He forced the thought away, not wanting to give his tormentors any benefit of the doubt.  He wasn’t going to give in and accept that his body would betray him like that.  “Fuck you!  I can’t go to practice like this!” he messaged back, his flushing face going pale at the picture that came through.  This time it wasn’t a hulking brute strapped into a chair, but one on their hands and knees, with Daniels’ stocky, naked body plowing into them from behind.  The furry beast had a dull, contented look on their face, but Kaleb’s attention was more focused on the bag attached to their massive, leaking cock.  

“I’m a little busy right now, so trust me when I say you don’t wanna make me come down there.  Unless you wanna take Kurt’s place?  Or I could just juice up that handsome roommate of yours and we could both have some fun when he gets to this size?  All body, no brains?  He’d love it.”

Kaleb was dressed and out the door before he responded.  “Fine.  Just leave Tom out of this.”  

“Don’t give me a reason to do otherwise,” was all Daniels said.  

Kaleb hated how much he wanted to keep staring at the picture his tormentor sent as he hurried across campus to the pool.  As terrifying as it was, the muscled monster’s impossible body and leaking udder made his own growing organ throb, and Daniels’ stocky, solid build and smug grin didn’t hurt matters any.  He started to picture the brute with Tom’s face but stopped himself.  Having reached the locker rooms, he had more pressing concerns.  

“Damn bro, you fuck a sasquatch last night?” Jake, one of his teammates, laughed as he stripped down.  The comments had started as soon as he walked in, but the dark-haired pretty boy seemed especially intent on harassing Kaleb.  

“So I fell behind on my manscaping...it’s not that big a deal,” Kaleb said as confidently as he could, torn between envy and lust as he stared at Jake’s chiseled, perfectly smooth body and stuffed speedo.  He’d been trying not to look at any of the other guys, but with it just being the two of them in the corner he didn’t have a choice.  

“It will be when coach sees your furry ass.  Literally,” Jake said, his eyes going wide as Kaleb pulled his speedo on.  “Jesus!  You shrink that thing or just grab someone else’s?”  

Kaleb wanted to crawl under a rock and hide when he looked down at his stuffed swimwear.  His enlarged package had grown to the point where it no longer fit, leaving his fat balls on display as they hung exposed from the too-small swimwear.  Worse, a dense, dark carpet spread from the leg openings and out from the top, making it look as though he’d pulled the speedo on over a pair of sweatpants.  

“What’s going on with these guys?  Tired of covering ‘em up?”  Jake laughed and reached down, slipping a finger into Kaleb’s distended pouch.  

“UUUNNNnnn!”  Kaleb grunted.  As soon as Jake’s probing finger made contact with his hairy orbs, his barely contained cock rocketed to life.  The lengthened, thickened organ sprang free with enough force that droplets of pre-cum splattered against Jake’s smooth stomach.  

They both froze, Kaleb from embarrassment and Jake from surprise.  “I, uh, didn’t mean to...that’s not really what I was…” the dark-haired man stammered, his eyes glued to Kaleb’s impressive pole.  

Kaleb was too stunned to stammer out an excuse.  All he could do was stand with his dick poking out from the thick bush spreading from the top of his speedo while Jake gawked at him.  Though, as he stared back, Kaleb started to notice the other man’s pouch begin to twitch and tent outward.  

Jake’s hand was wrapped around him before Kaleb could do anything to stop him.  In a blur of motion the smooth pretty boy was on him, tugging away on Kaleb’s rigid cock while slipping his other hand down to work his own aching member.  Kaleb was horrified as the other guys began to take notice, hating that his attention was split between their shocked faces and how good Jake’s hand felt brushing through his unwanted new hair as he tugged.  

“Just what in the hell is going on in here?!”  

Kaleb tried to pull away at the sound of their coach’s booming voice, but Jake had him in a tight grip, leaving him unable to do anything but blush a deep shade of crimson as he exploded in front of everyone.