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Daniels hated sports.  He always had.  Working out and exercise were one thing, the middle-aged field agent enjoyed the exertion of maintaining his stocky, muscled build, but sitting in an obnoxiously loud crowd watching people chase a ball back and forth, or in this case swim in circles, was mind-numbing.  He’d suspected his superiors were still mad at him for losing track of their last subject, and being assigned to spend countless hours at college sporting events to find a new one only confirmed those suspicions.  He’d watched enough baseball, wrestling and soccer to last a lifetime, all to no avail.  The swim meet was his last attempt at this campus and if it didn’t pay off he was going to have to start the process all over again.  

They couldn’t pick just anyone.  It would have been a much easier task to simply scan the campus and pull from the crowd, but the subject had to have the right foundation or the experiment would be a disaster.  Daniels had seen those early results, the hulking, hairy brutes with their leaking, mammoth cocks, barely able to form a sentence and not good for much beyond what their bodies could offer.  The physical growth was incredible, and the formerly average men radiated an intimidating strength, but they were trying to grow soldiers, not mindless breeding stock.  Though the Lab had at least been able to turn a profit using the burly beasts constant emissions as a black market steroid.   

To achieve the perfect results they needed someone who was already fit, who already had the right genetic groundwork laid.  If they started with someone who had the seeds, all they needed to do was water them.  Instead of building the house from scratch, all their formula did was open the door and let the inner potential through, hence the countless hours spent pretending to look at his phone while he scanned the athletes in an attempt to find a needle in a haystack.  

It was proving surprisingly difficult.  Daniels had been so sure that one of the wrestlers would have been a match.  With their already-stocky builds, ample hair and stuffed singlets he was convinced that one of the brawny young men would have made the cut, but he hadn’t gotten a single hit.  If those beefy young jocks hadn’t made the cut, his hopes weren’t high for the lean, hairless swimmers.  The sudden vibration from his scanner proved him wrong.  

“Always the last place you look,” he muttered under his breath, grinning.  To anyone else the image on his phone looked like a random news article, but through his sunglasses Daniels read the stats scrolling up the camouflaged screen while the Lab’s facial recognition program pulled his demographics.  Kaleb Sommers.  Nineteen, five foot ten, blonde hair, blue eyes, one hundred and sixty pounds of lean muscle.  He was perfect.  Not only did he have the physical foundation they needed, the young jock was a ticking time bomb of genetic potential.  Whether he knew it or not, his days as a smooth, tapered stud were numbered already.  All they’d be doing is speeding the process up.  

“Thank fuckin’ Christ,” Daniels sighed, stepping over his annoyed bleacher-mates as he dialed the Lab.  “You get the numbers I just sent?  He’s perfect.  Send an extraction team...we can’t lose this one.”  


Kaleb had no idea where he was or how long he’d been there.  The last thing he remembered was heading to the locker room after his swim meet.  One minute he was standing in front of his locker, about to strip out of his speedo, and the next he was opening his eyes on what looked like a medical facility.  He squinted against the harsh fluorescent lights overhead as he looked around at the stark white walls, his heart pounding in his toned chest when he tried to sit up and quickly discovered his arms and legs were strapped down, pinning his naked body to the table.  He was able to at least raise his head, and Kaleb blushed a deep shade of crimson when he saw his rigid six inches glistening and the small puddles of sticky fluid drying on his tight abs.  Despite his shock and fear as he frantically tried to process what was happening, the bound jock felt like he could blow again at any moment.  

Kaleb strained against the bonds, his arms and shoulders flexing in an impressive, if futile, display.  “Hello?!  Is anyone there?  Where am I?” he called, his deceptively thin quads expanding as he tried to pull his legs free.  

“I was wondering when you were going to wake up.”  

“Hello?  Hey!”  Kaleb started at the unexpected voice and desperately tried to crane his neck to see the person speaking behind him.  “Where am I?  Is this a hospital?  Did something happen?”  

“Hold on...now that you’re awake and done shooting for the moment we can sit you up…” There was a mortified pit in Kaleb’s stomach as the table vibrated and began tilting, sending the puddles of fluid cascading down his stomach.  The bonds didn’t release, but the young blonde felt better at least being relatively upright.  “There we go.  Better?”  

Kaleb just blinked at the stocky stranger.  The gruff looking man was nearly as wide as he was tall, with thick arms and a beefy torso straining against his tight polo, while a set of tree trunk thighs filled a pair of khakis to capacity.  With his buzzed hair and lantern jaw, the short bull dog of a man looked more like a bouncer than a doctor.  “Please...what is all this…” the young man pleaded.  

The burly stranger smiled and gave Kaleb’s sticky abs a gentle pat, the sensation of his rough, wide palm making the prone man shiver.  “Don’t worry, kid.  I know this is a lot to take in, but you’re not in any danger.”  

Kaleb tried to ignore the tingling sensation left from the stranger’s touch.  “Did I get hurt?  Why am I here?  The last thing I remember is being at my meet and then…” 

“Oh, yeah, you did pretty good out there.  At least I think you did?  Full disclosure, I don’t know shit about swimming,” the man said with a shrug of his bowling ball shoulders.  “Look, I know you’ve got a million questions, but unfortunately I’m not at liberty to answer most of ‘em, alright?  Just think of it as being drafted.  You’re going to help Uncle Sam win the war on terror.” 

Kaleb’s eyes went wide.  “What?!  That’s crazy!  I didn’t sign up for…” 

“Yeah, that’s not really how it works.  We needed a specimen and you fit the bill.”  The man sighed and shook his head, an apologetic look on his pug face.  “Damn, listen to me, tossing around shit like “specimen”.  Not super comforting, right?  You wake up naked, strapped to a table, and here I am making it sound worse.  Why don’t we start with introductions?  I’m Agent Daniels.  I’ll be your field handler.”  

“Field handler?  What does that even…” Kaleb grunted in frustration and pulled against his bonds.  “Can you at least let me go?  If I’m not in any danger why am I strapped down?”  

“Sorry, not yet.  Everyone reacts to the serum differently.  You’ve already had your first dose...impressive to watch, by the way,” Daniels grinned, nodding down at Kaleb’s oozing pole.  

The young blonde blushed at the thought of the older man watching his cock erupt again and again while he’d been unconscious.  “Serum?!  What...what does it do?”  

“Unlocks your genetic potential.  You’re actually pretty lucky, you know?  There are a lot of guys who’d love to wind up in your position.  When this is done you’re going to be an absolute beast.  At least if it goes the way it should,” he added with a raised eyebrow as he pulled out his phone.  “I’m probably not supposed to show you this, but here…”  

Kaleb gasped at the picture of the beefy, naked hulk.  The man was a wall of burly muscle, covered from head to toe in a dense layer of thick, curly hair with what looked like a third forearm sprouting from the bottom of his lumpy muscle gut, a pair of grapefruits dangling underneath.  “Is that...the serum does...that?”  

Daniels nodded.  “See what I mean?  Who wouldn’t want to wind up like that?”  

“Me!” Kaleb shrieked, horrified at the thought of his lean, tapered body ballooning with muscle.  Worse than the bulk was the thought of the hair, his stomach turning as he pictured his smooth skin covered in the unrelenting forest.  “I don’t want that at all!”  

“Sorry to hear that, bud,” Daniels said, his tone apologetic.  “It’s already started, and once it starts there’s no stopping it.”  

Kaleb’s body went from an embarrassed crimson to a terrified shade of white when he followed Daniels’ gaze down to his shins.  What should have been smooth skin was covered in dark, curly hair that crept ever upwards towards his knees.  Looking at his sides, he saw the same growth was taking place on his forearms, the silky fuzz he’d had since puberty giving way to coarse, scrubby fur.  “Oh...oh god…” he stammered.  

“Hey, it’s not all bad.  The process doesn’t hurt...I mean, not really.  You’ll feel like you’ve been hitting the weights, but for a jock like you that’s nothing new, right?  And, if it makes you feel better, you were picked specifically because you had this in your future.  Sooner or later this was coming...we’re just shaping and enhancing it a bit.”  

Kaleb only half heard Daniels, too focused on picturing what his body would look like as he stared down at himself in horror.  He couldn’t wrap his head around the thought of the barely visible strands dusting his abs and chest suddenly darkening and spreading like weeds.  He’d always taken his smooth skin for granted, feeling bad for the guys on the team who had to shave and manscape constantly.  Now, if this stranger was telling him the truth, Kaleb realized he’d be like a wet dog emerging from the water.  “Pl...please...there’s gotta be someone else you can use.  I don’t want to end up like thaaaaoooohhhhh….!”  

Kaleb groaned, arching his back against the electric sensation that coursed through him when Daniels reached down and began kneading his balls without warning.  Despite his average cock the young jock had always had a set of large, full orbs, which felt thicker and heavier than normal as they rolled around in the older man’s rough palm.  His eager rod was already leaking again, and Kaleb blushed at the release he felt building.  

“Don’t be embarrassed, it’s just part of the process.  Gotta get the juices flowing before the next dose,” Daniels said casually.  “Hell, what am I telling you for?  You’re used to prancing around in front of everyone in those little speedos, right?  Don’t leave much to the imagination, do they?”  

Kaleb couldn’t respond.  It was as if his entire body was laser focused on the blissful sensations pulsing from his churning balls.  Even his fear and anxiety were momentarily forgotten as the waves of ecstasy crashed against him, until he opened his eyes and saw the needle in Daniels’ hand.  

“I wouldn’t want a needle in the balls either, kid, but all you’ll feel is a pinch.  And when you open your eyes again, boom, you’ll be back home in bed like none of this ever happened.”  

“Wai...wait!  Don…” Kaleb didn’t get to finish before he felt a bright, brief flash of pain and his world went dark.  


“OOHHHHHHHHHH!” Kaleb’s eyes shot open, his fingers digging into the mattress as he arched his back up off the bed.  Before he could process his surroundings, or even the fact that he was awake, the young jock’s throbbing cock exploded, erupting a seemingly endless geyser of ropey cum up into the air and spattering back down in a sticky rain.  The confused blonde could only writhe and spasm until he was spent, the familiar sight of his dorm slowly punching through his groggy haze.  

“Wha...what the fuck was...oh shit!” he hissed, instinctively grabbing for his kicked-free sheet as he looked over towards Tom’s empty bed.  “Oh thank god,” he sighed, panting and remembering that his roommate had gone home for the weekend.  He tossed the sheet aside and gawked at his sticky torso in disgust, his head spinning.  “What time is it…” he mumbled, staring at his phone in confusion.  According to the date it was Sunday morning, but the last thing Kaleb remembered was his swim meet Saturday morning, and nothing else.  “Wait...that doesn’t make sense…” 

An icy pit of dread formed in the young jock’s stomach as he shot upright, hazy memories of the white room and the stocky stranger’s hand kneading his aching balls floating through his mind.  The frantic young man tried to tell himself it was just a dream as he lumbered upright and staggered over to his mirror. 

The phone dropped from Kaleb’s shaking hands as he stared at his reflection.  “Oh...oh no...no no no…” he moaned, his eyes following the dark, curly hairs that now traveled up past his knees to begin the trek up his thighs.  He stared in wide-eyed disgust at the patches on his forearms that seemed to be going in the opposite direction as they flowed down to coat the backs of his hands.  And the effects were spreading.  Already his trimmed bush had darkened and thickened, shooting a tendril of hair up his solid abs towards his belly button while it began to coat the dangling orbs that were noticeably wider and rounder than they should have been.  

The stunned jock shivered as his fingers tentatively traced through the scrubby growth and hefted his inflated balls, his recently spent hose already twitching back to life.  “This...this can’t be real.  They can’t just make a person grow...can they?” he stammered to himself, turning in circles to inspect his reflection.  Other than the hair and minor growth of his dangling knockers his lean, tapered frame appeared unchanged.  But how long it would remain that way, Kaleb had no idea.  

“I’ve gotta get help...I’ve gotta go to the doctor or something…” Kaleb’s phone rang as he turned in frantic circles, searching for something to put on.  He answered it without thinking, the icy pit in his stomach growing at the deep, familiar voice on the other end.  

“I wouldn’t recommend that, kid.  See?  What’d I tell you?  Back home safe and sound, and all it cost you was an afternoon.  No big deal, right?  All you have to do is go about your business like usual and let things run their course.  We’d just keep you here, but the docs want to see what happens when you’re around other people.  I have to ask that you keep things quiet, though.  If you bring other people in or try and go to a doctor you could end up, like, well, hold on a second…” The call ended, followed moments later by a facetime request.  This time when he answered the young swimmer was greeted by the sight of another beefy, naked beast of a man.  Only instead of a static image it was actual footage of the furry giant sitting in a chair, a strange device affixed to his monstrous cock as an endless stream of cum was milked out of him.  “Say hi, Jeremy,” he heard Daniels say from offscreen.  The man’s expression was dazed as he grinned dully at the phone and grunted before his attention wandered again.  

“That’s about all we get from Jeremy,” Daniels said, his wide, blunted face filling the screen again.  “It’s a precarious process you’re going through.  Doesn’t take much to mess it up.  But do what you’re told, and you’ll do just fine, alright?  I’ll check in later.”  

Kaleb dropped down onto his bed, his shaking legs giving out as he processed what he’d just witnessed.  A part of him still wanted to go and run for help, but if Daniels was telling him the truth he could be risking a future that was much worse than being big and hairy.  He sighed and let the phone fall, his cock throbbing to life as the image of the furry hulk being milked burned into his mind.  “Now what the fuck do I do?” 


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