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It was her island.  It always had been, and it always would be.  She was born when the first crystals began forming and she would be there long after the lake either dried up or swallowed the island whole.  She was there when the animals first found their way, and she knew the secret history of those who tried to settle the island before the onset of modern man, and the ugly fate they brought on themselves.  She’d tried to warn them.  She’d whispered in their dreams of the things that waited in the stars, but they’d refused to listen.  

Her island had been stripped nearly to the bone, then.  The sky had split, the lake had boiled, and the land was overrun with pestilent, shambling creatures that devoured everything in their path.  When there was nothing left, she watched them fall on each other until, eventually, they were gone like the animals and the people that had come before them.  It was quiet for a long time after that.  A wound that deep doesn’t heal quickly, but eventually the cycle started again.  The plants and the wildlife came back, as did a different kind of people.  These weren’t the colorfully dressed scientists that had wiped themselves out, but a more primitive group.  They lived with the land, slowly growing in numbers until the first permanent city was built.  

She’d watched it blossom ever since.  The island was only four miles long and two miles wide, but these new people were experts at piling on top of each other.  More came with each passing year, building houses and cabins first, then hotels, then bars and restaurants, until her island was a bustling tourist attraction.  People came for the vineyards and beaches, and to explore the crystal caves that peppered the island beneath the surface.  None of them had found their way to the deeper caverns yet, though some could hear her voice whispering the way.  The island was a beacon, and while most never knew the true reason they were drawn there, or what they unknowingly left behind, a select few came specifically to trade.  

They were her favorite.  Always driven by desire or pain or anger, they shone so bright against the teeming masses ignoring her warnings and traipsing drunkenly over her land.  And they could hear her.  They could actually feel her voice seeping through the bottoms of their feet, up along their spines, until her words caressed their minds and laid their intentions bare.  To these few alone she was like a nurturing mother, sharing her power.  

And like a mother, her wrath was fierce when protecting her children.  There were always those with ill intentions crawling around her shores.  They could feel the island’s allure just as strongly as everyone, and as it was with all who set foot on her island she’d felt the two young men as soon as they’d stepped off the ferry.  They’d hurt one of her children, so she’d called them to her.  Her reach wasn’t far, but her voice could carry when she needed it to.  

They left a bad taste in her mouth, like the horrid things from beyond the stars had a millenia ago.  Like those vile predecessors, their vibrations crept down to throw off the harmonious choir of the singing crystals beneath the soil.  

It was up to her to correct the pitch.  


“Dude, are you still fixing your fuckin’ hair?”  

Chad didn’t take his eyes off his reflection as Nick staggered by in a sleepy daze, making sure instead that he was pushing every inch of his gelled, chestnut hair into place.  He flexed his impressive biceps and washboard abs while he was at it, loving the way his tanned, muscled torso glistened fresh from the shower.  He never tired of his own physical perfection.  At six foot three he was usually the tallest of any group, and with his lantern jaw, pouty lips and prominent nose he was also the most handsome by far.  Throwing in his broad, chiseled build on top of everything else was almost unfair.  “I wanna look good out there, alright?”  

Nick flashed a smug grin as he fished his long, thick hose from his boxers and let loose into the toilet.  “Little guy need the help?”  Without warning, the lean man reached over and ripped the precarious towel from Chad’s tight waist, exposing his friend’s solid bubble and stout, if average, package.  

The preening hunk didn’t so much as flinch, his side-eye glance the only indication that his wiry friend had done anything at all.  “Some of us aren’t a one trick pony,” he said, looking down at the thinner man’s dangling snake.  

“Who you callin’ pony?  This thing’s a stallion,” Nick said, wagging his exposed cock.  He may not have been as built or as tall as Chad, but his wiry frame was a broad-shouldered map of lean definition.  There wasn’t a spare ounce of fat anywhere on his shredded, olive-hued body, and while he wasn’t as striking as his bigger friend, his raven scalp, sharp features, and a light dusting of wiry hairs across his chest and down his abs drew enough attention on their own. And that was without taking into account the nine inch beast hanging between his toned thighs.  “And who fuckin’ cares what your hair looks like?  That’s what we brought the shit for, isn’t it?  Pop a little in their drink and they’ll be having a blast.”  

Chad sighed and shook his head, giving himself one last look in the mirror.  “It’s the principle.  There’s a ton of guys out there...gotta show ‘em who’s boss.”  

Nick stuffed himself back in his boxers and gave Chad’s solid rear a swat.  “Cool, so I’ll let you think about all the dudes and I’ll handle the ladies.”  He darted through the door and out of range of Chad’s swinging arm just in time, shucking his boxers to pull on a pair of board shorts.  “Same plan as usual?  Divide and conquer?”  

“Usually gets the best results,” Chad said, sauntering out into the dingy motel room.  “Let’s go get ‘em.”  


“Don’t know what Chad was so worried about,” Nick muttered under his breath as he took a sip of his beer and surveyed the crowded pool.  Pirate’s Cove was their favorite spot on the island, a kitschy, pirate themed bar set in a large pool.  It was the perfect excuse to hang out with as little on as possible while scoping the crowd for potential partners.  It’s what everyone did at every bar already, but here you could see what you were getting into a bit more clearly.  

There was also the dual benefit of the ego boost.  Nick really didn’t know what Chad had been worried about as he looked at the strikingly average men around them.  There were a few contenders, fellow young men with chiseled, athletic builds like his and Chad’s, but from what he’d seen none of them were on their level, especially his once the trunks came off.  

What there was plenty of, though, was gorgeous women.  They were everywhere Nick looked.  Lithe, curvy beauties of all shapes and sizes.  Tall and thin, short and thick, all spilling out of tiny bikinis that left absolutely nothing to the imagination.  It was paradise.  He’d already caught several eyes and could have sealed the deal, but he was biding his time.  There was no sense in rushing, and he had his eye on one woman in particular.  She was alluring and slender, with long, dark hair and dark skin that popped against her bright, floral bikini as she wove through the crowd and climbed up onto a raised platform beneath a waterfall.  

Nick couldn’t look away.  His eyes traced along her curvy waist, returning again and again to the bright bikini and the way it clung to her wet form, slipping between her ample cheeks and just barely covering her inviting entry.  She was giving him a show on purpose, batting her seductive eyes in his direction while she slowly twisted and turned under the cascading water.  

He resisted the urge for as long as he could.  Partially he was enjoying the show, but he was also worried about giving himself away too soon.  His cock throbbed painfully, rocking him to his core with the intensity, and the last thing he wanted to do was pop out of the water with a giant tent in his trunks.  

“Fuck it,” Nick sighed, polishing off the last of his drink in one gulp and hopping to his feet.  “Wait…” he blinked rapidly and froze.  As soon as he slid off the stool he’d felt slick plastic against skin that shouldn’t have been bare.  His initial thought was that his trunks had torn, but even before he looked down he knew that wasn’t the case.  It wasn’t just his perky rear that felt exposed, but his entire lower half.  He felt warm currents of water brushing through the wiry hairs on his thighs all the way up to his waist, as if he was naked.  

It was much, much worse.  He was right in thinking that he’d lost his trunks, but nothing could have prepared him for what had taken their place.  Instead of the striped board shorts he’d put on earlier, Nick found himself gawking at the floral print bikini bottoms he’d just been staring lustfully at.  This would have been alarming enough on its own, but the true horror came from the small, flat mound where his mammoth hose should have been.  His oversized package should have been floating exposed in the pool.  There was no way such a revealing garment could have contained his thick cock and heavy balls, though if his eyes were to be believed, it didn’t need to.  

“What...what just…” Nick stammered.  He looked back up but the girl he’d been ogling was gone, if she’d ever really been there in the first place.  Thinking of her now only brought up confusing images of an athletic young man, not a curvy, buxom woman.  “I’ve gotta find the guys...gotta get help…” he mumbled in a daze.  “Gottaaammphhh…!”  

Nick’s shocked ramblings were cut off when he turned and ran face-first into a tanned wall of muscle.  “Whoa!  Hey, sorry about that.” 

“Uh...excuse me…” Nick stuttered, his heart racing at the sight of the now-familiar man who’d taken the place of the woman he could barely recall.  He didn’t know why the young stud’s sparkling grin and sculpted pecs made his stomach flutter anymore than he knew why he wasn’t screaming in a blind panic.  His body had just been warped, his pride and joy stolen, yet there he was fighting the urge to reach out and trace his fingers along the other man’s abs.  

“Don’t be so quick,” the man said, running a hand through his blonde hair to show off his beefy arm as he positioned Nick between himself and the bar.  “I was coming over to say hi.  I saw you looking earlier.”  The blonde pretty boy laughed when Nick blushed and swallowed hard, inching ever closer to the dazed man.  “It’s cool, I was looking back.  I’m Adam,” he said, his hand drifting over to rest on the dark haired man’s trim waist.    

“Ni...Nick,” he stammered.  Even through the shock, Nick knew what was happening.  It was a move he used countless times on his own, he’d just never been on the receiving end.  “Sorry, I should go find my friends,” he said, resisting the confusing urge to throw himself at the smug blonde.  It turned out to be a moot point when Adam’s burly arm wrapped around his waist as he passed, pulling him against the bigger man.  

“Come oooonnnn, let’s get to know each other,” Adam laughed, his hand sliding further down Nick’s stomach until it rested just above his newly acquired bikini.  

Nick didn’t know how to respond.  He knew Adam was doing to him all the things he usually did to girls.  Ignoring his personal space, unwanted touching, not letting him leave; it was textbook.  Only now, while Nick was well aware that his previous actions were wrong and that the women he pawed at didn’t actually want him touching them, he was suddenly desperate for Adam to continue.  He wasn’t repelled by the handsome blonde’s arrogant attitude or groping hands, he was turned on.  Instead of pulling away, Nick let Adam pull his waist back, grinding his mostly-exposed bubble into the blonde’s thick package.  He could feel the other man’s stout cock in intimate detail through the thin fabric of his trunks as it twitched against his cheek, but he didn’t even think about pulling away.  “Okay,” Nick sighed, breathing deep the heady mix of chlorinated water and Adam’s cheap body spray as he leaned back against the bigger man’s slab of a chest.  “Tell me about yourself.”  

“I could,” Adam said, his deep voice causing his chest to rumble against Nick’s back.  “Or we could really get to know each other.”  

“Oh!”  Nick gasped when Adam’s fingers darted south, slipping beneath his bikini and into his new opening without warning.  He squirmed in the blonde’s beefy grip, feeling a humiliated thrill at the knowledge that he was being fingered by a man in a crowded pool.  The horror he should have felt at such a thought was entirely absent, his missing cock not even a factor as his throbbing slit made his knees weak.  

“There’s more where that came from,” Adam purred, his lips brushing against Nick’s ears as he leaned in close.  “Wanna go up to my room?”  

Nick was nodding before he knew it, his hand clutching Adam’s as it rooted around inside him, confirming with horrifying, lustful certainty that the changes he saw were real.  He didn’t know why the other man was treating this as normal anymore than he understood his own actions, but at the moment none of that mattered.  He reached back with his other hand and cupped the strapping blonde’s hefty package, the twitching cock feeling as familiar against his hand as if he was squeezing a pair of breasts.  

“Gonna make it hard for me to leave the pool,” Adam laughed, disappointing the wiry man in his arms when he pulled away.  “No pun intended.”  

“Don’t want to show off?” Nick grinned, screaming at himself internally that he should have a similar problem.  

“I’ll save that for when we’re in the room,” Adam said, pulling the dark haired man along by the hand as they hurried from the pool.  Nick’s eyes were glued to the blonde’s shifting, solid globes the entire time, his hand slipping into the back of Adam’s trunks as soon as they were up the stairs.  He was overwhelmed.  Even when he’d hooked up with girls well out of his league he’d never felt so out of control before.  It was like he was watching himself from a distance, feeling everything his body did but helpless to direct any of the confusing events as he acted out every fantasy he’d ever had about a woman, only from her perspective.  

“Muuuuuch better,” Adam sighed as the door closed behind them.  In one quick motion he reached down and untied Nick’s bikini, pulling the damp fabric free and giving the altered man an unobstructed view of himself for the first time.  

Nick wanted to scream.  The walk up from the pool had been strange enough without the weight of his fat hose and heavy balls swaying between his legs, and seeing the tight new opening in all its glory was even worse.  Looking at the mirror on the other side of the room confirmed that the rest of his body was exactly the same.  The smattering of hair, the lean muscle, the perky rear; he was still the same handsome, masculine man he’d always been, with one significant difference.  

“Goddamn you’re a sexy little thing,” Adam whispered, swallowing Nick in his muscled arms again as he leaned down and began kissing the lean man’s long neck.  

“So’s this,” Nick said as he turned in the embrace and tugged Adam’s trunks down.  He didn’t know whether he was more surprised to find himself kissing another man or jerking one off, but it became a moot point when he abruptly dropped to his knees and swallowed the rigid pole.  

“Wouldn’t call it little,” Adam laughed defensively as Nick’s head bobbed back and forth on his aching seven inches.  For his part, Nick slid his head back and forth effortlessly, kneading the muscled adonis’s hairy balls in a perfect imitation of every blowjob he’d ever received.  He rolled his tongue along the oozing cock like he’d done it hundreds of times, savoring every salty, musky second.  “Ooo...okay...I think we can...move on…” 

Nick yelped when Adam reached down and manhandled him up off the ground and onto the bed in a forceful display of strength.  Laying on his back and staring up at the rigid, towering stud he trembled with excitement, feeling vulnerable and exposed like never before.  When Adam crawled, panther like, up onto the bed and straddled him with his powerful arms, his bulbous head brushing against the lean man’s pulsing new entryway, Nick could only moan with wordless anticipation.  

The reality was more intense than he ever would have thought possible.  In all his years of being on the penetrating side of things, he never once stopped to consider what he might be missing out on from the other side.  His vision went white, his world narrowing to a single point of overwhelming bliss as the wide, throbbing organ worked its way slowly inside.  His fingers bit into Adam’s broad back and he could hear himself whining and grunting as the other man began rolling his hips, slowly at first but building to a rapid, steady rhythm.  

“...UUUUUUUUUCK…..FUUUCK...OH FUCK...YES...YES...YYYEEEuuuUUUNnnn…!”  Nick’s vision cleared, his ears ringing with the sound of his own wailing while Adam stared arrogantly down at him.  

“Like that, huh?” the blonde asked with a condescending grin.  “Shiiiiitttt...you’re fuckin’ tight…” he grunted, brief flashes of ecstasy twisting his handsome face as he hammered away.  “Thought a...pussy like this...in a place...like this...would’ve...seen...more use…” 

Nick wanted to scream that it had never had any use because he’d never had it before, but instead he only gave a drunken giggle.  “Whuu...what kind of...girl...do you think...I am…?”  

“The...lucky kind,” Adam grunted, laughing as Nick’s back arched up off the bed when he gave a long, deep thrust.  “Ladies line up...around the...block...for...dick like...this…” 

Nick hated how turned on he was by the familiar, swaggering boasts.  They were the kind of lines he used to spout in bed, only he’d never realized how ridiculous they sounded.  They didn’t make Adam seem impressive, they made him seem insecure and desperate, a scared little boy waving a stick around.  But instead of failing to land like his had inevitably done, the oblivious peacocking made Nick groan.  “It’s s..so..so bigguuhh…” he whined, egging Adam on.  “Guh...give...give it to...meeeEEIIIEE!”  

“Gon...gonna feel it...in...your guts…” the athletic blonde hissed, his face a mask of determination at Nick’s piercing shriek of pleasure.  He pounded like a jackhammer, slamming the bed into the wall so hard the frame threatened to splinter.  

It was enough to push Nick beyond words.  His entire body shook from the rapid pounding, leaving him dizzy and unable to focus on anything but the pleasure coursing through him as he watched another man’s cock slide into his altered body through an opening he shouldn’t have.  The thought alone should have sent him into a blind panic, but he never wanted it to stop.  He could feel himself nearing the edge and he hoped Adam would be ready to go again when they were done.  He certainly would be.  


“Hope Nick’s having better luck than I am,” Chad mumbled, looking around at a pool that was disproportionately filled with men.  He couldn’t see his friend, and as his eyes roamed over the crowd he would have sworn that there were more women when he’d arrived, though most of them seemed to have packed up and headed elsewhere.  Now all he saw were a few random girls attached to clusters of men that the chiseled adonis increasingly saw looking in his direction.  He thought there was potential with one raven-haired beauty in a floral bikini who he kept making eyes with, but the last time he’d turned around she was nowhere to be seen.  “Usually not this difficult.”  

Chad winced and shifted his weight on the stool again, still unable to find a comfortable spot.  He’d been sitting for nearly half an hour, but his quads and glutes ached like he’d just come from leg day at the gym.  He still wasn’t sure if it was just his imagination, but his trunks felt tighter than they should as well, and he was starting to wonder if he should just throw in the towel and try again later.  He slid off the stool and leaned against the bar to stretch his legs, hoping the pool water would soothe his confusingly sore muscles.  

“You look like you could use another drink.”  

Chad bristled as the man took up his recently vacated spot, leaning in closer than was necessary.  “I’m good,” he said, keeping his tone flat and his head still as he looked at the man out of the corner of his eye.  As much as he didn’t want to be, he was impressed.  The man looked to be about his age and was every bit as built as himself, with a smooth, tanned torso that glistened like gold in the afternoon sun.  He watched the stranger’s chiseled arm flex as he leaned against the bar, unaware that he’d turned his head to stare until he caught the man’s amused gaze.  

“You sure?  Suit yourself, but I’m getting another.”  

Chad wasn’t used to the sensation of blushing when he felt his body go crimson at the handsome stud’s charming smile.  “I mean, if you’re buying,” he said, clearing his throat in an attempt to sound confident.  “Whiskey, neat.”  

The man’s smile grew as he nodded and raised an eyebrow.  “Whiskey?  Figured a pretty boy like you for a vodka and soda type.”  

Instead of the anger he should have felt at the stranger’s condescending tone, Chad felt his stomach flutter.  His eyes pored over the man’s thick, auburn hair and lantern jaw, but Chad quickly realized he wasn’t checking him out to size up the competition, but for another reason entirely.  “You think I’m pretty?” he said, flashing a coy smile.  

“Like you don’t know,” the man laughed, nodding back over his shoulder.  “Every guy in here has been staring since you showed up with this thing in tow.  Guess the whiskey’s gotta go somewhere, right?”  

Chad’s eyes went wide when the man’s hand landed on his ass.  It wasn’t just the unexpected contact that surprised him, but the fact that he felt the man’s palm on bare skin, and more of it than there should have been.  Looking down, Chad was practically blinded by the bright, dayglo pink speedo that shone like a spotlight in the bright sun.  His drab boardshorts were nowhere to be seen, but what he could see, looking over his shoulder, was a monstrously oversized rear.  The strange aching he’d been feeling suddenly made sense as he stared at the mammoth globes where his perky bubble should have been, the thick mounds hanging mostly exposed from the uselessly small swimwear.  

“Big AND sensitive?  Lucky you,” the man laughed, mistaking the source of Chad’s sudden gasp.  He kneaded the supple globe, the one soft spot on the strapping jock’s frame, eliciting another series of short groans.  

“Oh...oh god…” Chad stammered, torn between horror and arousal.  A part of him was desperate to flee, to find help for the sudden change to his body, but the other part wanted to stay exactly where he was.  

“No wonder you didn’t want a drink,” the man smirked, his hand sliding around to squeeze the front of Chad’s tented speedo.  “It should have been obvious the way you were practically presenting yourself to everyone, but I didn’t want to assume,” he said, emphasizing the “ass” part of the word.  

Chad wanted to protest, but as he thought about the entire crowd staring at his impossibly inflated backside, and how good the man’s hand felt on it, he couldn’t deny it.  He was mortified at the thought of the melon-sized mounds hanging off his tapering waist, but at the same time he was oddly eager to show them off.  “Not...not like I can hide ‘em,” he stuttered.  

“No one wants you to!” the man said quickly.  “I think they’d all be happy with a closer look.”  

Chad smiled and pressed his inflated rear back against the man’s hand.  “And what would that get me?”  He hissed and yelped when one of the man’s fingers slipped beneath the speedo, brushing against his sensitive hole.  

“More where that came from,” the man winked.  

Chad was pulling the speedo off before the man had even finished speaking.  He handed it over, his heart racing with anticipation as he made his way over to the raised platform beneath the small waterfall.  Out of the water, free of the speedo, their full weight and range of motion hit him like a punch in the stomach.  The mere act of climbing up out of the water set the supple cakes in perpetual motion, small darts of pleasure shooting through him with each bounce and jiggle.  He stood motionless at first, letting the cascading water flow down and accentuate the rippling muscles of his sculpted back and granite arms as he flexed them behind his head.  

Only when he was sure that all eyes were on him did he start moving, popping his hips in a staccato rhythm that sent his yielding rear into a tidal wave of motion.  He shook the giant mounds in every direction with surgical precision, clapping them together and alternating from side to side as if he practiced daily.  The deafening roar from the crowd was almost enough to drown out the voice screaming in his head that all of this was wrong.  

Chad loved attention, especially as it related to his looks, but he knew he shouldn’t be naked and gyrating in front of a crowd of thirsty gay guys anymore than he should have an ass the size of a small car.  But he couldn’t stop.  He felt his solid cock and heavy balls slapping uselessly around as he swivelled his hips, the crowd no more interested in his package than they were his handsome face.  He stood in front of them with his chiseled body on display, perfectly proportional in all ways but one.  And the crowd was only interested in the difference.  

After a few minutes he finally stopped twerking and fell back into the water, much to the crowd’s disappointment, though Chad consoled them by letting as many of the men as possible get a feel when he passed, making his way back to the auburn-haired stud who’d started this all.  “I never got your name,” Chad said, pressing up against the muscled adonis as the man wrapped his arms around him.  His cock was wedged between their equally impressive abs, but all that mattered to him were the strong fingers biting into his ample rear.  

“Dylan,” the man said, one hand sliding into the deep valley between Chad’s mountainous cheeks.  

Chad purred and reached up to squeeze Dylan’s slab of a chest.  “You owe me for the show, Dylan.”  

“A deal’s a deal.  You want to go up to my room?”  Dylan reached over and picked up the discarded speedo from the bar, keeping it just out of Chad’s reach.  “Come on...you don’t really want to put ‘em away, do you?”  

Chad responded by pulling away and made his way over to the pool’s edge, stepping slowly up out of the water to let everyone get a look at his naked frame.  The horrified part of his brain screamed with each step that sent his supple thighs and backside into motion as he sauntered over to a stack of towels, holding one only in front of his rigid cock.  “Coming?”  

“Soon enough,” Dylan laughed, flashing his own tented trunks to the crowd as he hurried out of the pool and took Chad by the hand.  The altered, naked man felt a strange mix of embarrassed pride at the hungry looks in the crowd’s eyes as he left, but his arrogance was tempered by the fact that they all knew he was about to get his brains fucked out by Dylan.  

It was a thought that should have stopped him in his tracks.  There was no world in which Chad should find himself hand-in-hand with another man on the way to go for a ride on said man’s cock.  Yet there he was practically running to Dylan’s room, so eager he hadn’t even bothered to wrap the towel around his waist.  

“Right to it, then,” Dylan laughed when Chad shoved him back against the closed door and tore his trunks down.  

“Don’t want you to get bored,” Chad grinned, his fingers digging into Dylan’s broad shoulders as he pressed their bodies together.  He knew he should be thrown by the feeling of a naked body as muscled as his own against him, but the whole experience was oddly familiar.  His warped body seemed to have a mind of its own as he groped and pawed at Dylan’s strapping torso, tweaking the other man’s tiny nipples as he leaned in and licked up the wide neck.  

“Not...gonna happen,” Dylan groaned, guiding them away from the door until he could push Chad down onto the bed.  He fell on top of the prone man in a flash, rolling him over and burying his face between the soft globes.  

“OOOHHHHHHHH!”  Chad howled and pressed his face against the mattress when Dylan’s tongue began pressing against his eager hole.  The sensation was like nothing he’d ever felt before, drowning out even the embarrassment over the knowledge that he was being eaten out by a strange man in a strange motel room.  None of that mattered.  Chad didn’t care who heard him bellowing like an animal in heat and how many people knew he was being stuffed by the kind of guy he should have been.  

“Oh man..it’s like a button,” Dylan laughed, his tongue replaced by a pair of fingers slid inside Chad.  “Every time I do this…”

Chad spasmed on the bed, his eyes going wide at the lightning bolt of pleasure that rocketed through him.  “WWWHHHUUUNNHHHHH…!”  

“You do that…” 

“FFFFUUUUUUCCCKKKK…” Chad howled again, a desperate expression on his face as he looked back over his shoulder.  “Pl...please…!  I need it…” 

“Awww, I’m having fun,” Dylan pouted, digging his fingers in for another series of grunting moans.  “But if you insist…” 

Chad breathed a sigh of relief when Dylan draped himself over his back, the sensation of the other man’s heavy, solid frame like a comforting blanket.  “NNNGGGG!”  He squirmed when Dylan plunged inside, but his spasms were held at bay by the stud on top of him, pinning him down.  It was another new sensation.  Chad wasn’t used to being on the receiving end of another man’s pulsing organ, and he wasn’t used to feeling so out of control.  Normally he was the bigger one in bed, but with Dylan he’d met his equal.  “HHHHOOOOOOnnnhhhhh….”  

The sound of his own whimper echoing around the room made Chad rethink his last assessment.  He wasn’t Dylan’s equal.  He may have had muscles like the other man, but the handsome stud was playing him like a fiddle.  He was puddy in Dylan’s hand, helpless, willing and eager to do whatever it took.  

“Ha...harder...harder!” Chad begged, gritting his teeth against the violent pounding.  Dylan responded by pressing him down against the bed even harder as the man on top propped himself up for a better angle.  Chad could barely breathe with his face buried against the bed, and he didn’t have the leverage to push himself out of Dylan’s grip, but it only magnified the sensations tearing through him.  Bright explosions of ecstasy filled his blurry vision as he panted and whimpered, his useless cock oozing like a faucet while his equally useless muscles tensed and spasmed.  He wasn’t just being fucked he was being dominated, his impossible ass the only part of him that held any value.  

It was a crushing blow for the part of him that was still trying to resist.  Any remaining shreds of his former bravado were gone, but that suited the growing side of him just fine.  He could always find men with arrogance of their own to fill him.


Nick was still staring at his naked reflection when the door to their room opened, the contents of his bag scattered all over the bed.  He’d stumbled back to the room in a daze when Adam was finally finished with him, his mind awash in a mix of contented terror as he passed by the crowd in nothing but his tiny, tied-on bikini bottoms.  He felt like a freak with his missing cock so prominently on display, but at the same time he’d never felt so satisfied.  When Adam finally pushed him over the edge it was like his whole body melted out through his unwanted new opening.  

It was all so surreal.  He knew he should be a panicked mess, but his body was acting like nothing was wrong, to the point where he had to force himself to acknowledge that anything was out of the ordinary.  That feeling of normalcy started to make sense when he returned to the room and saw the clothes that had been altered to match his body.  Instead of the boxers he remembered packing Nick found a few pairs of small, bright panties, and in place of his chino shorts were small, revealing cut-offs.  He’d wondered what happened to Chad when he rummaged through his friends luggage and saw unfamiliar jockstraps and thongs, and now he knew.  

There was a moment of silence as the two friends stared at one another, both of them wrestling with the knowledge that they’d each been drastically altered, despite what the voices in their heads were telling them.  

“Dude...you’ve got a pussy,” Chad said, his tone flat and unsurprised as he stared at his naked friend.  

“And you’ve got a fat ass,” Nick replied, craning his neck to get a look at his friend’s inflated backside.  The fleshy mounds hanging off Chad’s otherwise perfect body were almost more jarring than his missing equipment.  

“We...we weren’t always like this, right?  Something’s wrong?”  Chad’s voice took on a desperate edge when he saw the panties scattered on Nick’s bed and the bright jocks laying on his own.  

“I don’t even know anymore,” Nick said, shaking his head.  “I thought I used to be hung, but…” he rubbed his face with his large, rough hands and gave a short laugh, “...that doesn’t feel right.  I’m a dude though, right?  How does a dude not have a dick?”  

Chad didn’t know what to say.  As Nick had been speaking he realized he felt the same way, that the idea of his friend as a hung stud seemed just as wrong as him without his mammoth ass.  “I don’t think I always had...these…” he said, looking over his shoulder at the round globes spilling out of his speedo.  “And I wasn’t...I mean...I’m straight, right?  I’ve never been fucked by guys before, have I?”  

Nick couldn’t help but grin at his blushing friend.  “Ohh, so someone got lucky after all?”  

“My ass is gonna be sore for a week.  Dude pounded the fuck out of it,” Chad said without thinking.  His face went a deeper shade of red when he realized what he’d just admitted, though his twitching cock betrayed him.  “What about you?  I know that look,” he said defensively.

Nick sighed and nodded.  “Fuck, man, I’m wet just thinking about it.  I don’t remember the last time I had dick like that.”  His face went as red as his friend’s and the room fell silent as they tried to wrap their heads around what was and wasn’t real.  

It was Chad who finally broke the silence.  The bottom heavy man peeled out of his pointless speedo and dropped onto his bed in a contented heap.  “So we take a break here for a bit and then go back for round two?”