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(Posted this as a work in progress for Vignette patrons a while back, and I'm happy to say it now has an ending.)

“How have we never noticed this before?  I mean...we’ve been through this part of the lake, right?”  Todd banked his kayak, the crunching rocks along the shore confirming the island’s physical presence.  

Aiden glided to a halt next to his friend and shrugged.  “I dunno man, but islands don’t just appear out of nowhere,” he said, his solid arms flexing with motion as he nimbly extricated himself from the kayak and pulled it on shore.  

Todd wasn’t quite as excited.  “What if someone lives here?” he asked, looking up and down the brief coastline.  The trees lining the water’s edge were thick, but not so dense as to be impenetrable.  From his seated vantage point Todd could see beams of late afternoon sun filtering through the canopy, though the sun-dappled forest was far from inviting.  Todd had grown up on the lake, and though it was a body of water large enough to encompass the horizon, the young jock was certain he’d never seen the small clump of land before.  

“Quit being such a pussy, bro.  You know people don’t live on these islands.  Camp, maybe, but so what?  Campers are usually cool, and we’re cool, so get the fuck up here and lets go check it out.  Maybe they’ve got beer.” 

“Or tits?”  Todd laughed at his friend’s eager grin as Aiden ran a hand through his shaggy blonde hair, looking every bit the beach bro with his tight board shorts, shell necklace, and ripped, tanned body.  Hours spent kayaking and swimming left the young man with a tapering, sculpted build, his tight waist offset by his broad shoulders, beefy arms, and protruding pecs.  The thin board shorts that rode tantalizingly low on Aiden’s trim hips accentuated his firm, perky bubble and showed off just enough of the long, thick hose lurking underneath to grab the attention of anyone who looked.  

“Dibs if there are,” Aiden said, aiming a slap towards his friend’s crotch as the other man pulled his kayak ashore.  Todd spun out of the way, pivoting with the paddle to deliver a blow to the blonde’s firm rear.  He was every bit as athletic as Aiden, the only real difference being his short, dark hair that drifted south from his scalp to pepper the rest of his olive-skinned frame.  With their impressive physiques and boy-next-door faces, the two figured it would be a slam dunk if they came across any eligible ladies camping on the island.  It wouldn’t be the first time they’d stumbled into such a situation.  

Todd peered into the woods, cocking his head to listen for any signs of life but finding only the gentle lapping of the lake’s calm waters against the shore.  “I don’t hear anyone...this island didn’t look that big.  I feel like we would.”  

“Only one way to find out,” Aiden said, stepping across the threshold into the forest.  They both shivered, their bare torsos breaking out in goosebumps at the sudden drop in temperature on the other side.  “Should’a brought a shirt,” he said, rubbing his sturdy arms for warmth.  

“Not, uh, super inviting, is it,” Todd laughed, giving his hairy torso a shake.  All around them were the familiar oaks and maples of the mainland forests, but there were no signs of wildlife as they made their way deeper towards the center of the island.  There were no chirping birds, no rustling of squirrels and, most telling, no mosquitos.  The shirtless jocks should have been swarmed by the ravenous insects, yet neither of them had seen so much as a fly.  

Aiden stopped after a few more yards, his hands resting on his trim hips as he surveyed the quiet surroundings.  “Yeah, this is boring,” he said, deepening his voice to sound confident.  “Nothing but trees...let’s head back.”  

“Fine by me,” Todd said quickly.  “Place is...fuckin’...wait...did we get turned around?”  The dark haired young man’s pulse quickened when he turned on his heel and found dense woods behind them.  They’d only gone fifty yards at most and should have been able to see the bright tree line and the shore, but instead all they saw was forest.

“We must have,” Aiden said, laughing when Todd jumped at the hand he put on his friend’s shoulder.  “It’s just some trees, dude.  There’s nothing on these islands that can hurt you.”  

“I’m not worried about fuckin’ snakes,” Todd said, bristling at Aiden’s condescening tone.  “I’m telling you...something is not right about this place.”  

“Alright, chill, let’s just go then.”  Aiden looked around and started to head back in the direction he was certain they’d come from.  

“Where are you going?  That’s deeper in.”  Todd folded his arms over his chest, rooted in place.  

“No.  It’s not,” the frustrated blonde barked.  “We walked in a straight line from this direction.  We clearly just weren’t paying attention to the trees.  The shore’s right over here..trust me.”  

Todd sighed and followed reluctantly behind until his friend came to an abrupt stop after a few minutes of walking.  “See?  I told you we didnt…” 

“What the fuck is this…” Aiden’s voice was quiet and shaking when he interrupted his friend.  Before Todd could ask he stepped aside and pointed to a tall, cylindrical shape covered in spikes off in the distance.  

“Is that a cactus?  What the hell is a cactus doing out here?”  Todd’s surprise momentarily outweighed his fear until he looked around for another and instead found a tall palm tree mixed in with the oaks and maples.  “We…we definitely didn’t pass a cactus and a palm tree on the way in…”  

Aiden shook his head, backing away.  “No...we sure didn’t.  Okay, let’s, uh, try the other way…” 

“Dude, how do we get lost on an island that’s only a few hundred yards across?  What the fuck even is this place?”  Todd’s stomach dropped as he began to notice more of the incongruent details.  They spotted more trees that looked out of place; scrubby, desert brush and gnarled, coastal oaks mixed with towering redwoods and tropical foliage that was entirely out of place.  Even if they’d stumbled onto a neglected garden or some sort of preserve, the New England climate should have made such growth impossible.  

“How the hell should I know?  I just want to get as far from here as possible,” Aiden spat, running his hands nervously through his hair as the conflicting forest only seemed to deepen around them.  

“Why don’t we just admit we fucked up and call for help?”  

“Because our phones are on the kayaks which we can’t fucking find!”  Aiden kicked at the ground in frustration, his tanned pecs heaving on the verge of panic.  “Fuck!  Hello?!  Anyone?!” he yelled, his voice swallowed by the darkening woods around them.  “Is there anyone here…” he lowered the cupped hands from his mouth when Todd held up a hand.  “What?  Is there…” 

“Sssshhhh!  Listen!  Do you hear that?”  Todd craned his neck, straining to hear the soft humming.  

“Is that...it sounds like a generator or a motor or something,” Aiden said, a relieved expression washing over his face.  “That means there’s someone here after all.”  

Todd wasn’t as excited by the prospect of running into whoever called the strange island home.  He listened as the rhythmic hum pulsed through the trees, noticing a slight vibration traveling up from the dirt beneath them.  “Is it getting lou…” 

The dark haired jock’s question was cut off as the quiet hum turned into a deafening roar.  The deep, bassy rumble thundered around and through them, shaking both men to their core and making their vision go white with pain.  The forest around them rustled and swayed in tempest fashion while the athletic young men struggled to stay upright until the dizzying wave of sound passed.  

Aiden blinked and shook his head as he leaned against the nearest tree for support, his ears ringing and his body aching like he’d just been tackled.  He didn’t even realize he was speaking until the high pitched tone in his overloaded ears finally started to fade.  “...ude...dude...what the fuck was that…” he groaned.  “Todd?  Yo, you alright?”  He forced himself fully upright and turned from the tree on shaking legs to find his friend standing with his back turned.  Todd was looking down, unmoving.  “Bro?  You’re kinda freakin’ me out, man.  Tell me you’re alriaaaaaahhhhh!  What the fuck?!”  The stunned blonde took a reflexive step back when Todd turned.  From behind the dark haired man had looked the same, but instead of the hairy pecs that Todd always kept just a bit bigger than he needed to, Aiden found himself gawking at a pair of smooth, supple breasts.  

“What...what...you se...see them too…?”  Todd stammered, pale and shell-shocked.  His large hands hovered just above the softened additions, afraid to touch them and confirm they were really there.  

Aiden swallowed hard and stepped forward, the look of fear on his friend’s face bringing him back to his senses.  “Uh, yeah, I definitely see ‘em,” he said, looking Todd up and down.  With the exception of the heaping tits looming above his ripped washboard, nothing else on the other man’s lean, ripped frame seemed out of place.  “Are you o...I mean...does it hurt?”  

Todd shook his head, his eyes wide.  “No.  Not...them...but my head’s pounding…”  

“Me too,” Aiden nodded, wincing as the motion caused the throbbing in his temples to worsen.  “But...but how does...what am I even looking at?”  Not knowing what to say, the stunned blonde reached out and cupped Todd’s altered chest, gasping at the familiar sensation of soft, yielding flesh filling his palms.  


“Shit!  Sorry!  Sorry!”  Aiden jerked his hands away when Todd’s eyes widened and his friend’s body went tense.  “Did that hurt?  I didn’t mean to…” 

Todd shook his head, panting.  “No...it, uh, didn’t hurt.”  

“Oh.  Oh!  Whoops!”  Aiden blushed when he followed Todd’s eyes and looked down to see his friend’s wide, thick cock rigid and straining against his board shorts.  “This makes me feel real weird,” he laughed awkwardly, his eyes darting back and forth between the inviting bosom and his friend’s solid cock.  

“How do you think I feel?  I’ve got fuckin’ tits!  How the fuck do I have...tits…” 

“What?  What is it?”  Aiden asked, not liking the sudden fear in Todd’s eyes as his friend looked down at him.  


“FUCK!  WHAT THE FUCK?!”  Aiden shrieked when it finally registered.  He’d been so caught up in his friend’s alterations that he hadn’t even noticed he was looking Todd in the chin instead of the eyes as he should have.  “Did I fucking shrink?!”  

Todd staggered back and stared at his friend. From the waist up Aiden appeared the exact same, but the blonde’s legs suddenly looked shorter and wider.  The board shorts traveled well past his knees and were significantly tighter as they clung to thickened thighs and a larger backside.  “Just...just your legs, I think.”  

“WHAT?!”  Aiden started pawing at his lower half with arms that looked just too long for his body.  It was a subtle change, but to Aiden it felt like he was turning into a gorilla.  

“It was that sound, right?  This all happened when whatever that noise is got louder.”  Todd shook his head, blushing when the motion caused his inflated chest to sway and shake.  “I can still hear it.  Fuck, it’s making me dizzy.”  

“Who gives a shit about the noise...we have to get out of here!”  

“No way, man.  We need to go find whatever it is,” Todd said, shivering when he instinctively went to cross his arms and instead squeezed his sensitive new additions.  His already aching cock throbbed harder against his trunks, and despite his horror the altered jock had to fight to keep from fondling the unwanted growths.  They were so sensitive that just being exposed to the warm air was enough to send small darts of pleasure shooting through him.  

“Are you high?  I don’t want to get anywhere near whatever’s responsible for...this…” Aiden said, gesturing between them.  

“And I don’t want to be stuck like this for the rest of my life!  You shrank a couple inches and look like you spend too much time on leg day.  I’ve got fuckin’ tits!  If you would’ve listened to me in the first place when I said we shouldn’t set foot on this goddamn island we wouldn’t even be in this mess,” Todd growled, trying to ignore his bouncing chest as he waved wildly at their surroundings.  

“Uh-uh.  Sorry man, I’m out,” Aiden said, stumbling slightly on his altered legs as he started to back away.  

“Fine.  Where are the kayaks?  Which way are you going?  You suddenly remember the way outta here?”

Aiden balled his fists like he was going to take a swing at his friend but sighed instead, staring down at his tight trunks.  “Goddamn it.  This is some bullshit,” he grumbled.  “So which way do you think we should go?”  

Todd jerked his head to the right.  “The humming sounds like it’s coming from this way.”  

Aiden nodded and hurried by his friend.  “Let’s go then.  I’d really like to figure this out before whatever the hell just happened happens again.”  

Todd’s stomach dropped as he watched Aiden trudge off ahead of him.  He hadn’t even considered the possibility of another strange burst of sound.  Looking down at his pendulous new chest and back up at Aiden’s meaty new rear, he shuddered to think of what else could happen to them.  

The pair walked for what felt like hours.  The distant engine hum grew steadily louder in the direction they were headed but they’d yet to see any signs of animal life or human habitation, though the misplaced vegetation seemed to become more prevalent as they walked.  It began spreading to the ground beneath them, and instead of the standard forest detritus, Aiden and Todd began traversing lush patches of grass, drifting sand, tall reeds, and even a small snowdrift.  It was as if the island was a patchwork of random climates and biomes that had all been thrown in a blender.  

And beneath it all was the constant, dizzying drone.  It rattled their skulls and made their eyeballs itch, but they’d stopped bitching about it after the first half hour, their focus shifting instead to their altered bodies.  As time passed and the initial shock wore off, they were left to deal with the impossible reality of their situation.  Aiden was becoming increasingly aware of how losing even a few inches threw off his perception of the world around him, and his clinging trunks were chafing and constricting on his shortened, widened legs.  He wanted nothing more than to tear them off and get a good look at himself, but he couldn’t bring himself to check.  

Aiden tried to tell himself that it wasn’t as bad as what his friend was going through.  Every time he looked back at Todd the other man had a strained look on his face, and there was a growing damp spot spreading across the front of the dark haired man’s tented trunks from the still-hard cock underneath.  It was a strangely captivating sight.  The confused blonde’s palms still tingled from where he’d gripped Todd’s altered chest, and he found himself wanting to give the soft mounds another squeeze.  

“Ho...hold up, man.  I gotta take a breather,” Todd said, panting.  

Aiden watched his friend shift his weight and squirm, one hand lingering on the waist of his trunks while the other reached up to hover just above his chest.  “You okay?”  

“Yeah, these things are just...sensitive,” he laughed awkwardly.  “Everytime they bounce around or brush against something it’s like a live wire.”  

“I can turn around if you need to take care of something,” Aiden grinned.  

“You might have to.  Fuck this is annoying…” Todd grunted as his friend turned around.  The olive skinned stud breathed a sigh of relief when he tugged down his trunks and let his throbbing rod spring free, but he couldn’t quite bring himself to cross the line.  As desperate as he was, the thought of fondling a set of unwanted tits to get off was too much.  

“Well?  You good?”  Aiden called over his shoulder.  

“Don’t rush me, dude.  This is a looooOHHHH!”  Todd howled when his friend’s hands suddenly reached up from behind and began kneading his altered chest, his knees going weak as Aiden’s rough palms caressed his inflated, nubby nipples.  

“Sorry man, we don’t have a lot of time,” Aiden said, unused to the way his eyes just barely reached over Todd’s broad shoulders.  When he closed them he could almost let himself believe he was actually with a woman if it weren’t for the set of strong arms clutching his own, or the deep, whimpering moans.  

“OHhhhhh fuck...oh fuck...oh fuuuuUUUUUNNNHHHHGGGG!”  Todd’s squirming body was wracked by spasms when he abruptly came, nearly collapsing in Aiden’s grip as his untouched cock exploded like a shotgun.  

“Better?” Aiden laughed, giving Todd’s solid rear a pat as he let go and backed away.  

“Ye...yeah,” Todd panted, his face crimson as he turned towards his friend.  

“Still not used to that,” Aiden said, looking away from the contrasting view of his friend’s thick, softening cock hanging below the ample bosom.  “You good to go?”  Todd said nothing but nodded as he stuffed himself away, trying not to think about what just happened or how good it felt.  It wasn’t just Aiden’s hands, either.  The whole time he’d loved the way his friend’s strong chest felt against his back, and the thick lump when he pressed back with his ass against the front of Aiden’s trunks.  

Todd was still thinking about it when his friend stopped short and he ran into him, gasping when his chest squished against Aiden’s upper back.  Before he could ask Aiden what made him stop he saw it; a squat, brick building with a glass dome sticking up from the roof lurking in the trees ahead of them.  The brick was faded and weathered, the small building covered in creeping vines that nearly made it seem a natural part of the forest itself.  There were no windows, but there was a door frame hanging broken and open, and the glass panels of the dome all looked to be intact.  Whatever the source of the hum, it appeared to be coming from inside.  

“That’s not encouraging,” the dark haired man said, letting out a long, slow breath.  

“Nope...not creepy at all,” Aiden whispered.  He cleared his throat and looked back at Todd to be ready.  “Hello?  Is anyone in there?” he called.  The pair waited, barely breathing for several tense moments, but received no response.  “Oooookay, looks like we go in.  Who’s first?”  

Todd opened his mouth to volunteer but never got the chance.  There was a split second of growing volume, just long enough for the two friends to share a terrified glance before another explosive wave of sound roared out from the small building.  Given their proximity it was worse than before.  The two were knocked off their feet, the world momentarily going dark around them as consciousness threatened to flee and it felt as though they were being turned inside out.  

Todd heard himself groaning, the first sign that he was still alive.  The dazed young man’s vision cleared slowly as he blinked up at the canopy overhead, sprawled out on his back.  Lifting his head confirmed that the weight on his chest was still his recently sprouted breasts, but something else that he couldn’t see felt off.  As he shifted upright, he quickly discovered that the sensation was rough earth against his bare ass, his trunks having been reduced to tattered remnants barely clinging to his waist.  “Oh...oh god…” he stammered as he lurched to his feet and felt a secondary set of shaking and jiggling.  With a trembling hand he reached around behind and gasped when he felt a set of soft, inflated cheeks where his solid bubble should have been.  Even without seeing them he could tell that the enlarged mounds were nothing like Aiden’s thickened rear.  His friend’s ass had grown, but it was still firm with muscle, while what he held against his hand was nearly as supple and yielding as his chest.  

“That...that was worse…” 

Todd spun at the hoarse croak, unable to hold back a yelp when he looked down at an unrecognizable Aiden.  This time there was no question whether or not his friend had shrunk as he watched the squat ball of muscle stagger upright.  Where he’d once been tapered and athletic, Aiden was now stocky and lumpy with thick, bulging muscle.  It was like he’d been squished from the top down, his handsome face become squared while his neck disappeared into a set of broad, cannonball shoulders.  The rest of his torso had equally expanded, with a slab of a chest so meaty he doubted the short, stubby arms hanging at either side would be able to make contact with each other.  They were so thick with muscle they seemed like they could barely bend at the elbows, and his friend’s lower half hadn’t fared any better. The tight board shorts were a shredded memory, exposing his granite mountain of an ass and tree trunk thighs that connected all the way to his knees, with a shortened, widened cock and inflated balls wedged promintently forward between them.  

“Oh...oh fuck...oh fuck...what the fuck…” Aiden stammered as he stared at his pudgy, shrunken hands in horror, his formerly deep voice now a scratchy squeak.  “This can’t be real…” his shortened frame went pale when he stood, his eyes wide and frantic as he stared at the middle of his friend’s torso and did the math in his head.  Given his vantage point, he couldn’t have been more than four feet tall.  

“Later, man, we’ve gotta go,” Todd cried, grabbing Aiden by a stubby arm and dragging him towards the door.  He was moving on instinct, doing his best to ignore the jiggling from his chest and backside that was making his thick pole throb.  He was certain the thunderous sound and reality altering wave had come from inside the building.  If there was a way of turning something off or undoing what was happening he hoped it would be inside.  

He was partially correct.  As he burst through the door with Aiden in tow, Todd’s eyes were immediately drawn to a large glowing machine in the far corner.  It appeared to be a tall cylinder with a spinning mechanism inside, sending a whirling kaleidoscope of colors around the interior of the building that appeared just as worn as the exterior.  

He was so caught off guard by the dizzying light show that he didn’t notice the man standing in front of the machine until the grizzled figure started waving his arms in a frantic manner.  Whoever he was, he looked just as haggard as the building, with tattered clothes, a bushy salt and pepper beard, and a rail-thin frame.  

“Hello?  Hey!  Who are you?  What is this?!  What’s happ…”

Todd was cut off by a third explosion, his vision going as blank as his hearing when a blinding flash accompanied the din.  He’d been staring at the man, trying to make out what he was saying as he watched the stranger’s mouth and hands move.  As the soul-shaking thunder seemed to pull the very ground from beneath him and Aiden, sending them tumbling into an endless abyss of darkness, he pieced it together.  The man wasn’t waving at them, his hands were furiously running over a control panel, and whether he was trying to stop the wave or the one creating it, Todd had just enough time to see him mouth “I’m sorry” before the world shattered.  


“Mmmm...mornin’,” Todd grumbled, his hand reaching up to stroke the short hair on the wide head resting heavily against his soft chest.  The stocky figure draped across him stirred and burrowed his head between the sensitive mounds, laughing sleepily when he felt Todd’s cock surge in response.  

“Already?  Didn’t we just go to sleep?”  Aiden asked, his squeaky voice groggy with sleep.  

“That’s what happens when you wear yourself out like that,” Todd said, giving the shorter man’s ample rear a rough squeeze.  “I think you actually passed out with me still inside you last night.”  The buxom man’s cock throbbed again at the memory of Aiden impaled on his lap while his burly little friend motor boated his heaping chest.  

“You try having all your hormones fucked with and shoved in a tiny body and see what happens,” Aiden yawned, reluctantly sliding off his taller friend.  

“Wasn’t a complaint.”  Todd bent down and kissed the top of the other man’s head, still not used to the shifting weight on his chest as he sat up.  It had been months since they’d woken up in the hospital, and while they were slowly adjusting, neither of them had fully adapted to their new normal.  

No one could explain it.  The last thing he and Aiden remembered was rushing into the building on the island, and then nothing until they’d come to in a hospital nearly eight months later with their altered bodies.  When they didn’t return from their kayaking trip the world at large had assumed they were dead, until one day when a passing boat had found them clinging to their upturned kayaks in the middle of the lake.  Other than the alterations they were still in perfect health, not the state that two people missing for several months should have been in, but no one could explain what happened or what caused the change.  The going theory was that they’d been kidnapped and surgically altered since there was no trace of any island and no one believed their story of the mismatched forest or the building with its strange machinery.  It was all just a result of the trauma, they said.  

Todd and Aiden knew better.  They stopped insisting on their story when it became clear that it only would have made matters worse for themselves, but they never wavered on what really happened.  They’d been caught up in whatever reality-warping experiment the island housed and left as mismatched and out of place as the strange forest they’d trekked through.  It wasn’t easy for Todd’s friends and family to accept the handsome jock with a huge rack and supple, bouncing bottom any more than it was for Aiden’s to wrap their heads around the handsome stud as a dwarfish meathead.  

Complicating matters, the altered pair quickly discovered the changes went more than skin deep.  They assumed their brains had been changed like their bodies, but whatever the case, they couldn’t keep their hands off each other.  It started before they’d even left the hospital.  Todd was consoling Aiden one night, an arm thrown over his friend’s shoulders turning into locked lips and ending as Aiden vigorously tit-fucking Todd’s new additions.  They’d never looked back since.  On top of having to start their lives over and buy a small, tailored wardrobe or a whole collection of bras and custom pants, it was just one more thing to get used to.  Without jobs and having a vastly altered social circle since most of their bros couldn’t handle the changes, they were glad that this change at least felt good.  And since they weren’t hitting the gym or kayaking nearly as much as they used to, they were happy for any physical activity.  

“This is still so weird,” Aiden squeaked, folding his hands behind his head as best he could with his stubby arms while he watched Todd pull on a pair of small, terry cloth shorts that perfectly accentuated his inflated backside.  

“I know,” Todd said, fumbling with a pink lace bra that looked out of place next to his muscled, masculine arms.  “I still can’t get these things on…” 

“Let me,” Aiden laughed, fighting his lumpy muscle gut as he lurched upright.  As soon as Todd sat on the bed he slipped his hands around and began palming his friend’s large, nubby nipples.  

“NNNNNNNNnnnggg….no fair,” Todd gasped, his thick cock shooting free of the small shorts as it rocketed to attention.  “Dude...we have to get out of bed at some point.”  

Aiden ground his stubby cock against Todd’s back and grinned.  “I’m in no hurry.”  



I love the change you gave Aiden. It is one of my hottest kinks thinking about a big athletic stud packed down into a “dwarfish meathead”. I especially loved that you gave his junk the same treatment. I can just imagine his fat, stubby little cock and huge nuts! Super hot story!


Those are a favorite of mine, too. Love a tall, lean guy shrunk down to a stocky beefy short muscle head. Happy to hear you enjoyed it!