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Cliff shot up in bed, the loud moans ripping him from his dreams of the stacked redhead with the ass that wouldn’t stop bouncing.  In his slumber he was giving it to her from behind, watching her supple breasts sway and shake as her ecstatic moans gradually blended in with the deep bellows that startled him awake.

“Wha...what the fuck…” he stammered, his heart racing.  He rubbed the sleep from his eyes and blinked, groggy and confused.  “Ohhhh,” Cliff laughed when he recognized the cause of the familiar grunting and groaning.  It wasn’t the first time he’d heard Gabe giving it to some lucky girl, but his frat brother was being louder than usual.  “Damn...she must really...be...something…” He trailed off, holding his breath as he listened again to the bellowing groans ringing through his shared wall.  It took him a moment to register that it wasn’t just Gabe he was hearing, but Gabe and what sounded like another man.  There was no mistaking it.  He wasn’t hearing one set of deep grunts, but two, and there wasn’t the slightest hint of a soft, feminine voice amongst them.  

“No way…” he grinned, “...no fuckin’ way!  Always knew Gabe was a little too into the ‘hazing’ to be entirely straight.”  The sleepy jock leaned back on his elbows and listened to the whimpering moans, wondering who the lucky fellow was.  “Can’t be another brother...can it?  I mean...who’d…” Cliff’s monologue was interrupted by the ripe stench suddenly filtering through his nostrils.  It was a potent mix of musky body odor, dried cum, and sweat.  “Ugh...what the fuck is that,” he whined, wrinkling his nose.  “Is that coming from in...here…” 

Cliff’s head was starting to spin.  First he’d been startled awake by the confusingly loud sex in the next room over, and now he was looking down at a bed he didn’t recognize.  Instead of his expensive blankets he saw a thin, filthy sheet covered in stains, but more alarming was the body underneath.  

Like most of his Theta Kap brothers, Cliff kept himself in impeccable shape.  He was leanly muscled and had a swimmer’s build, with broad shoulders, strong upper arms, and a tapering, shredded waist that sat on his solid little bubble and toned legs.  Or at least that’s how he should have looked.  Instead, the startled young man saw a thick slab of a chest where his sculpted pecs should have been.  The mounds were bulging and round, laying heavily between a set of shoulders that had expanded to match with a sparse layer of hair over skin that was normally smooth.  

Cliff gasped when he reached to pull the sheet aside and saw his widened forearm and meaty paw of a hand, not believing his eyes at the revealed muscle gut and burly thighs.  He still had his impressive abs, but instead of drawing inward at his trim hips his stomach pushed forward, so packed with muscle that it expanded out in a noticeable curve.  The stunned frat boy followed the unfamiliar trail of chestnut hair down the center of his protruding stomach to the base of a cock that had seemingly doubled in width.  Cliff should have been looking at an average package, not a twitching soda can resting on a pair of small oranges, and regardless of the size it shouldn’t have been wedged between two tree-trunk thighs.  

“This...this can’t be real…” Cliff stammered, pinching his beefy new arms in a desperate attempt to convince himself he was still dreaming.  He lumbered up out of bed and over to the mirror, feeling like he had lead weights strapped to his body as he tripped over the piles of clothes scattered around.  

Nothing was making any sense.  Beyond the changes to his body, the young jock’s normally spotless room looked like a pigsty, adding to his growing sense of dread.  Cliff was as impeccable about his surroundings as he was his looks and kept his room as ordered as the rest of his life.  Everything was in its place, the floors were clean, and there was never a dirty dish anywhere in sight.  Now, the newly-sprouted hulk looked out over a sea of stacked dishes, piles of clutter, and filthy, discarded clothes that littered the floor like fallen leaves.  His stomach turned when he sniffed at the air and realized that the musky, overwhelming man-stink was coming from himself after all, but even as the thought horrified him it made his fattened cock throb.  

“No...no way…” he gasped, staring at the brawny, curvy body he now inhabited.  He still looked like himself, just with an extra sixty pounds of muscle.  It didn’t appear that he’d grown any taller, making his formerly tapering frame packed to bursting with solid bulk.  His shoulders were bowling balls, his pecs a thick, heavy slab, and his former washboard a wide, lumpy gut.  Turning to the side was even worse as his back seemed to arch to accommodate the expanded stomach before exploding outwards again at his inflated, muscled globes and powerful quads, his twitching club of a cock pointing the way.  And covering the new muscle was a layer of wiry chestnut hair that spread across his chest and down his stomach, thinning at his upper thighs and upper arms before sprouting thick and full below his knees and elbows.  

He prodded his stunned face with a few widened fingers.  The changes were subtle compared to the rest of his altered body, but Cliff felt like he was wearing a mask.  The extra bulk had caused his jaw to take on a squared, lantern shape that accentuated his already-high cheekbones and soft, full lips, all of which were covered by a scrubby layer of stubble.  He was still strikingly handsome, his altered features highlighted by the short, tight fade that had replaced his wavy brown coif, and he radiated a raw masculinity in place of his usual pretty boy smugness.  

It was small comfort.  Cliff winced as he felt his new bulk move and shift against itself, his nose rank with his own stench.  “I gotta get help,” he croaked, grabbing the first pair of briefs he saw and sliding them up his widened legs.  Unlike his former boxer briefs the light grey underwear was stretched to capacity, barely covering his shifting cheeks and struggling to hold his wide cock and inflated balls.  “Someone’s gotta know what’s going on…” 

Cliff threw his door open, relieved to see a familiar hallway waiting for him outside even if he didn’t recognize the short, heavy-set man and two strangers leaving his neighbor’s room.  He started to question who they were but didn’t manage to get a word out before he saw Gabe and Lance tangled in a naked heap on Lance’s bed.  He looked back at the strangers, a creeping sense of familiarity washing over him when he saw the cameras in the two younger men’s hands and the grin on the older man’s face.  

“Whoooo, shit, kid, take a shower already!” Marty winced, waving a pudgy hand in front of his nose.  “We’re not filming any raunchy stuff today.”  

The pungent, brief-clad hunk looked down at himself and back up at the others.  “We...we’re not?” he asked, instead of questioning why they were there in the first place.  

Marty waved back over a shoulder at the two naked men on the bed.  “Nah, Gabe and Lance got us square for today.  Besides, you gotta get ready for your big night.”  

Cliff just blinked, confused.  “Big night?  I don’t…” 

“Fuck’s sake, kid, lay off the ‘roids for a goddamn minute or you’re not gonna have a brain left.  Tonight.  Your client.  The dance.  Remember?”  Marty sighed and shook his head as he looked at Cliff’s blank expression and tented underwear.  “And please tell me you have something clean to wear?  This guy’s paying way too much to have you show up in those cummy rags, got it?”  The older man’s tone went stern as he stepped in close and stood on his tiptoes to get eye level with the muscled young stud.  “He’ll pick you up at eight, so make sure you’ve showered and done some laundry by then.  And remember, the rate he’s paying, nothing’s off the table.”  He grinned and gave Cliff’s granite ass a swat.  “Make me proud, kid.”  

Cliff stood in stunned silence as the trio walked away, feeling sick to his stomach when he looked down and finally noticed the excessive stains covering his straining briefs.  He knew he should take them off and scrub himself clean, but instead he leaned in the doorway and watched his naked friends reluctantly pull away from each other.  “Sounded like you two had fun,” he said, his tone casual as he screamed at himself internally.  

Lance grinned and tousled Gabe’s hair.  “Did we wake you?  Sorry...you know Gabe’s a screamer.”  Cliff watched a familiar, confused expression flash across Gabe’s face as the handsome stud listened to Lance’s condescending tone.  Watching the former alpha let himself be treated in such a way was almost as jarring as seeing him in another brother’s bed to begin with.  

The big man paused at the thought.  Brothers?  They weren’t actually a frat, that’s just what they pretended to sell videos.  Wasn’t it?  Cliff rubbed his face, having to remind himself that he shouldn’t be getting harder and harder as he stared at his two friends.  He licked his lips and shifted his weight reflexively, a familiar tingle washing over him as hazy memories of each began to filter in.  The smelly, handsome brute suddenly recalled in vivid detail what it felt like to have Gabe’s strong, hairy thighs straddling his muscled stomach while the pretty jock bounced up and down on his lap.  Cliff’s skin tingled and broke out in goosebumps as the memories of being slick with cum and other bodily fluids nearly brought him to his knees, a position that he now knew he spent plenty of time in with Lance.  He licked his lips at the phantom sensation of the warm, salty fluid running down his face, memories of his life as an actual frat boy starting to fade.  

“Still with us, big guy?”  

“Ooohh!”  Cliff gasped, his attention pulled from the onslaught of memories when Gabe reached down and squeezed the bulbous head poking out above the waist of his filthy briefs.  The shock was nearly enough to bring him back to his senses, but all he could do was stand and gasp while the formerly arrogant hunk tugged and tweaked his fat, rigid cock.  He blushed when he watched Gabe wince at the smell of him, feeling a bashful thrill instead of the mortified disgust he should have.  

“Dude, Marty’s right.  You gotta clean up before tonight, man.  You don’t escort a guy like that to prom smelling like this.”  

The knowledge was slow in coming.  The inflated man was still confused, but the idea that he was supposed to go to the university’s prom was starting to sound more familiar.  “A tux and everything?  Fuck...I don’t wanna go through all that…” he groaned, surprised at his words.  Normally Cliff loved nothing more than to put himself together.  The lean, handsome man turned heads naturally, but when he put in the effort and walked into the room clad in a tailored outfit he knew he had everyone beat.  But that was before.  Now, with his brawny stench, the thought of putting on something as confining as a tuxedo sounded awful.  

“Just think about how much you’re getting paid,” Lance laughed.  “And the guys from that frat?  They’re all loaded.  They’re like politicians and CEOs in training...not to mention fuckin’ h-o-t,” the lean brunette whistled.  “Rich dick that looks like that?  I’m jealous.”  

“But...am I really…” Cliff trailed off, the question fading as he was about to ask it.  Listening to Lance, the big man couldn’t help but feel like his friend was describing their lives.  They were wealthy and handsome and prominent men in the making, not porn stars and prostitutes.  Weren’t they?

Gabe let go of Cliff’s throbbing pole and patted his friend on his broad back.  “Dude, I’m sure Chet has some clean stuff you can wear.  You two are about the same size...it’ll be close enough.  If you’re lucky you won’t have it on long anyway,” he grinned.  The addled man doubted at first, picturing Chet towering over him in his mind, but then quickly realized that was a ridiculous thought.  Of course they were the same size.  Chet may have been a little taller, but when it came to muscle they were the biggest guys in the house.  

Cliff watched Lance and Gabe wander off naked down the hall before heading to Chet’s room, his oozing cock adding a fresh layer to the stains on his briefs.  After a confused, halting explanation the big man was happy to oblige with a fresh outfit, but only if Cliff did him a favor in return.  The way Chet stared at Cliff’s rigid pole, it wasn’t difficult to figure out what that meant.  

They were on each other before the pungent stud could think about what was happening, surprising himself by how quickly he shoved Chet down onto the bed and spread the towering stud’s meaty cheeks.  The old Cliff tried to stop himself as he clambered into position and lowered his face, but as soon as his tongue began working its way around his friend’s musky hole he was lost.  The salty, sour taste, the equally powerful aroma wafting up his nose, and the warmth of Chet’s parted cheeks on either side of his face were intoxicating.  

The disgust Cliff thought he should have been feeling was nowhere to be found.  As with his other two friends, memories of countless hours spent with his face buried in just such a position started to pour in, causing him to groan and squirm as the sudden familiarity magnified the intensity of what he was experiencing.  A mortified throb pulsed through Cliff’s leaking cock when he realized he didn’t just do this with Chet, either, his stomach fluttering at the thought that he’d now eaten more ass than he ever had pussy.  

He was actually disappointed when Chet begged for him to finish the job, reluctantly working his fat pole inside the other man while licking his lips to savor every ounce of the lingering taste while he pumped away.  Normally Cliff prided himself on his prowess in the bedroom, but with Chet it was nothing like the passionate fucking he was used to.  They were a pair of rutting bulls, grunting and slamming their muscled bodies together so forcefully the bed threatened to break beneath them.  Cliff flexed his thickened backside and popped his hips like a piston until his burly friend finally screamed and exploded on the bed, his own eruption following shortly after.  

The rest of the afternoon passed in a blurry haze.  Cliff’s mind kept switching back and forth between what it thought was real; his life as a frat boy, or the altered existence he was currently experiencing.  One moment everything would seem perfectly normal, and the next he would be overcome with horror as he scrubbed his filthy, inflated body in the shower.  It was all blurring together.  Walking down to the kitchen and seeing his other frat brothers, Blake and Trey, prancing around in neon briefs with frosted hair, their muscled bodies proudly on display, Cliff had no idea how he was supposed to react.  He tried to picture them as the smug ladies men his brain wanted to see, but the thought of the pair as anything other than power bottom twunks was ridiculous.  

By the time the long, Hummer limo pulled up out front, Cliff just wanted to get out of the house.  He tugged anxiously on the borrowed, ill-fitting tux as he climbed inside, feeling all the more ridiculous when he saw the handsome young man bulging out of his perfectly tailored outfit.  Cliff had been feeling a bit of his old arrogance making a return as he’d been getting ready and looked at his powerful new build in the tux, but that arrogance fled when presented with the image of the real thing.  Cliff should have been the one waiting in the limo in the expensive outfit, not climbing inside wearing a cheap suit with pants and sleeves that were too long.  

“Uh, hi,” he said as he climbed inside.  “Cliff.”  

The smug, gorgeous blonde flashed a sparkling, icy smile that was devoid of humor.  “Yeah, that’s not really important. What are you wearing?”  

Cliff blushed as he looked down at himself.  “Marty said you hired a…” 

The brawny man was interrupted by a loud laugh.  “No way!  He didn’t tell...you mean you thought…” the young man struggled to get the words out through his laughter.  “Sorry, sorry,” he finally said when he collected himself, “that’s cute, really.  But you can take that shit off.  You’ll be staying in the limo while me and the boys are inside.  Don’t worry, you won’t get bored...we’ll be coming out to take the edge off.  What?  You really thought the guys from Theta Kapp would not only take a dude to prom, but one they paid for?  Get real, bro.”  

“Of...of course not…” Cliff stammered, his hands shaking as he slid out of his jacket and undid his shirt.  He hated how turned on he was by the other man’s condescending attitude, not even believing his own words when he told himself that was the frat he and the others should have belonged to.  As he stripped out of his pants and borrowed briefs Cliff knew it was certainly something they would have done.  The manicured young man kneading the front of his pants as he watched Cliff strip could easily have been Gabe or Lance.  He had the looks and the body, but unlike his friends, he had the life and the money to back it up.  Cliff and his friends could play the part, but the brawny man knew they’d never come close to having what the Theta Kapp guys did.  

“Here...put this on,” the blonde said, handing Cliff a pink, metallic thong.  The naked hunk did as he was instructed, his heavy balls and thick hose filling the sparkly pouch to capacity.  He started to sit, but before he made it to the seat the smug frat boy shook his head and pointed to the floor.  “Uh-uh, you’ve got work to do.”  

Cliff licked his lips when the grinning blonde fished a long, thick cock from his pants, already eager to get to work.  The smug frat boy didn’t say anything, nodding expectantly and seeming almost disinterested when Cliff leaned in and swallowed as much of it as he could.  

“We’re gonna go pick up the rest of the boys and do a few laps around town to get warmed up,” the blonde said.  “You’re a lucky girl,” he grinned, rolling his hips to jam his cock deep into Cliff’s mouth.  

There was just enough left of the former Cliff to feel a humiliated wave crash over him at his predicament.  His beefy, altered body was on its knees wearing nothing but a trashy thong, blowing the kind of handsome, well-groomed guy he knew he should have been.  And he knew that in a few minutes there’d be more of them, all too eager to fill him from both ends and subject him to all manner of humiliation.  He had hazy memories that were similar and knew he’d been through it all before, but never quite from this perspective.  

He couldn’t wait.  


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