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“Are we even going to fit in here?”  Pete squeezed himself into the far corner of the photobooth, making as much room as he could for Aaron and Bryce.  There was ample room for his husband’s lean frame, but Bryce’s brawny body was pushing the limit.  

“Just gotta get cozy,” Bryce said, clambering past Aaron.  The bearded blonde’s broad shoulders squeezed the married pair to the sides as he wedged himself in the middle, draping his thick arms over the two men.  “See?  Easy.”  

Pete certainly wasn’t going to complain.  He’d had a crush on his friend for years, and there were few places he’d rather be than piled in with the men he loved.  The trio had been inseparable during college but jobs and responsibilities had pulled them apart after graduation.  Pete and Aaron had moved to one side of the country and their straight friend the other, making the rare joint vacation the only time they got to see each other in person.  If Pete had his way they’d all be living near each other again, and if he really had his way the bearded viking would be an equal member in his and Aaron’s relationship.  His husband knew about his feelings for Bryce, and while they weren’t as strong as his own, Aaron wouldn’t have kicked the beefy blonde out of bed, either.  It was hard to resist the straight hunk’s charming smile and boyish face beneath his bushy beard, not to mention his strapping build.  He wasn’t cut or shredded with vanity muscle but carried himself with a stocky, masculine presence that drove Pete wild.  He loved his husband’s lean, wiry body, but he couldn’t stop fantasizing about what it would be like with his friend, or, better yet, if Aaron had a thick, athletic build like Bryce.  

Aaron adjusted his glasses and leaned forward to feed a few bills into the machine.  “Alright...here we go,” he said, quickly repositioning himself under the heavy arm.  The shutter clicked in a rapid burst, catching Pete pretending to fawn over Bryce with a hand on his friend’s meaty chest while Aaron swooned in his other arm.  The man in the middle ate it up, beaming with macho pride while his two friends hung off his shoulders.  

“Do we each want one,” Bryce asked as they wedged themselves out of the confining space and waited for the photo to process.  

“Let’s see what this one looks like,” Pete said, blinking against the bright, midday sun overhead.  Though the booth only had a thin curtain separating itself from the rest of the bustling boardwalk it had felt like a cave.  He didn’t notice at the time, but now that they were out, the air inside the booth had a chill, a sharp contrast to the oppressive, seaside humidity bearing down outside.  Even the sound of the waves crashing off in the distance and the smell of the salty sea air had been muffled.  Pete adjusted his short brown hair while he waited, the booth humming and clicking as it processed the photo.  The mechanical sounds drew his attention, Aaron and Bryce’s small talk fading away in the background while his heart started racing in time with the whirring and rumbling.  It made his heart beat faster and his body tense with more anticipation than waiting for a cheap photo should.  Pete started and jumped when the glossy paper finally dropped into the slot, the gentle tap sounding like a shotgun blast.  

“What the fuck is that,” Bryce laughed while Pete stood, silent and dumbfounded by the bizarre photo.  He pulled it from the slot when it became clear that Pete wasn’t going to touch it and held it up for the three of them to see.

“Ohhh, I get it,” Aaron laughed, looking at the buff, brawny trio in the picture.  The men were nothing like the three of them, with broad, meaty bodies piled with muscle.  They weren’t just built; they were huge, with piston arms that hung at awkward angles from broad upper backs and pecs so big they could barely see over them as they spilled out from beneath the draping muscle shirts that had replaced the trio’s t-shirts.  Their cargo shorts had been similarly swapped out for plastered-on gym shorts that stretched near to bursting around tree-trunk thighs beneath the lumpy muscle guts that jutted outwards from two of them.  The third man was more proportionally built, looking like he’d stepped out of a magazine next to his two meathead friends, and instead of being roughly the same six-foot height, he towered over the other two.  With nothing else for perspective it was hard to tell if two had shrunk or if one was exceptionally tall.  “It’s a gag booth...it just spits out random pictures.”  

“That’s actually really funny,” Bryce said, flexing an arm and comparing it to the man in the photo.  The blonde’s rigid bicep was impressive, but against the thick meathead on paper it was pitifully small.  “Damn...can you imagine being that big?”

“Is that what you’re gunning for?” Aaron asked, flexing his own lean arm.  “I don’t think I could ever be that size.”  

Bryce shook his head.  “Nah...there’s big and then there’s too big.  Guys like that can barely move.  I watch ‘em waddle around the gym all the time...not really my thing.”  He reached over and tousled Pete’s hair when he saw the faraway look in the silent man’s eyes.  “Yo!  Dude, this is, like, your dream right here, isn’t it?”  

Pete shook his head and forced a smile, trying to ignore the growing pit in his stomach.  He told himself he’d just imagined the chill when Bryce grabbed the photo, and the momentary dimming of the bright sun had only been his eyes adjusting from the dark booth.  He knew the picture had to be a joke, just another carnival trick amongst many on the boardwalk.  But looking at the bodybuilders in the photo Pete saw uncomfortably familiar features on the trio’s faces, features that told him, as impossible as it was, they weren’t just looking at random strangers.  “Sorry...totally spaced out there,” he said, eyeing the photo.  “That’s just weird, man.  Don’t they still kinda look like us?”  

Aaron leaned in for a closer look and shrugged.  “Probably built in face swapping, like the app for your phone.  It’s a trick, remember?”  

“Duuuuude,” Bryce let out a deep laugh and clapped Pete on the back, “we could’a wound up as surfer girls or something.  Can you imagine?”  He held his hands out in front of his pecs as if he was holding a large pair of breasts.  

Pete sighed and poked Bryce in his solid chest.  “Don’t you already have tits?”  

The grinning blonde gave a defensive snort and flexed each muscled mound separately, causing his tight shirt to jump and twitch.  “Nice ones,” he beamed.  “So that was fun, but what now?” 

Pete shrugged.  “Drinks?  Beach?”  He was surprised when Aaron, not Bryce, chimed in.  

“Both!” the dark haired man practically roared, his exuberance as out of place as his eagerness to drink and spend time outside since they’d never been high on his list of hobbies.  

It was a pattern that Pete increasingly noticed as he trailed behind the other two.  Normally it was him and Bryce that chatted each other’s ears off, but as they made their way back towards the hotel his husband and the brawny blonde were horsing around like a pair of frat boys.  It wasn’t odd behavior for the bearded man, but the normally introverted Aaron usually had a quiet laugh, not a loud bellow, and he’d never been the type to playfully shove or punch someone in the shoulder the way he was doing now.  By the time they walked through the doors of the hotel bar Pete was starting to feel like he’d fallen in with a group of strangers.  

His husband finally noticed his sullen demeanor as they wove their way through the crowd and up to the bar.  “Hey...you’ve been awfully quiet, what’s wrong, babe,” Aaron asked, throwing an arm around Pete’s shoulder and pulling him in close to give him a kiss on the cheek.  

Pete’s stomach fluttered at the unexpected display of affection, even as he was further thrown by it.  Aaron never called him “babe,” and in all their years together he’d never even come close to manhandling him the way he just had.  “Uh, nothing,” Pete lied, leaning into the other man.  “You and Bryce seemed like you were having fun, and you two don’t get enough time together as it is.  Didn’t want to interrupt.”  Pete’s eyes went wide and his cock throbbed when Aaron suddenly tousled his hair and gave him another quick peck before pulling away.  

“He’s a solid dude,” Aaron laughed, reaching down to give Bryce’s perky rear a rough slap.  He stumbled into Pete when the beefy blonde shoved him away but bounced back, leaning into the broader man’s sturdy frame and snatching the cocktail menu from his hands.  Pete watched Aaron’s brow furrow as his husband looked over the list.  “Man...all these fruit drinks give me a fuckin’ headache.  Think I’m just gonna have a beer.”  

“What did you just say?”  Pete couldn’t help his stunned exclamation.  Aaron hated beer.  The wiry man was strictly a wine or cocktail drinker, the very cocktails he’d just decried as giving him a headache, but now he looked at Pete like his husband was the crazy one.  

“What?  I can’t drink beer?” Aaron asked defensively before reaching over and giving Pete’s ass a lingering squeeze.  “Don’t let me stop you, sweety.  I know you like those.”  

Pete was starting to feel like he’d already had several.  His head was spinning from the strange turn the afternoon had taken and he couldn’t shake the feeling that things were only going to get worse.  Watching Aaron and Bryce saunter out onto the beachside patio was like watching a pair of jocks on the prowl.  It was more noticeable on Aaron, but even their body language had changed.  Bryce was as masculine and confident as ever, traits which seemed to have spread over to the normally reserved Aaron.  The smaller man carried himself with the same swagger, holding his shoulders back and his head high as he adopted a new, sauntering strut.  And when they found a group of chairs looking out at the beach Aaron and Bryce sat back almost in unison, their legs spreading wide as they settled in and surveyed the scene, rapidly going through beer after beer while Pete nursed his cocktail.  

It was as alarming as it was arousing.  As much as Pete knew something was clearly wrong with his husband it turned him on in a way he hadn’t felt in a long time.  He’d fantasized about Aaron having a bigger body or more muscles, but he’d never stopped to think about what his sweet, quiet husband would be like with an attitude that went with such a body.  All afternoon Aaron had become more and more condescending in his demeanor towards Pete, even as his inhibitions were dropping.  For every “sweety” and “babe” there was a matching kiss or visible groping.  Where before Aaron was uncomfortable even holding hands in public, now the other man seemed to think nothing of pulling Pete in without warning and planting a long, deep kiss.  

“So, uh, you two seem to be hitting it off today,” Pete said to Bryce when Aaron left to go to the bathroom.  His husband had specifically referred to it as ‘draining the lizard’, a phrase so foreign for him that he might as well have made his announcement in Mandarin.  

“Fuck yeah, bro.  I see what you like about that dude,” Bryce said, slamming back the last of his beer.  “He always seemed kinda quiet but he’s actually one cool motherfucker.”  

“You bitches talkin’ about me,” Aaron slurred as he snuck up from behind, finishing with a loud belch.  The thin man was clearly drunk, which wasn’t surprising considering how much beer Pete had just watched the pair consume.  Before either of them could respond he slapped Bryce on the shoulder and pointed at a bikini-clad redhead walking farther down the beach.  “Fuck, dude, look at the ass on that one,” he whistled.  He turned back to Pete at the sound of his husband’s shocked laugh and pulled the other man roughly to his feet, clamping both hands firmly on Pete’s rear.  “Don’t worry, babe, this one is still my favorite,” he purred, leaning in to kiss Pete’s neck.  “Fuckin’ christ...all that beer’s got me horny as hell,” he whined, giving Pete a mischievous wink.  

“It’s just got me drunk,” Bryce laughed, stumbling out of his chair.  

“Uh, yeah, we should probably go back to the room and cool it for a while,” Pete said as calmly as he could, not wanting to rile either man up.  The way things were going he had no idea how he would corral them if they got out of hand, but fortunately he was able to coax them back with the promise of more beer.  He had to push Aaron’s roaming hands away the entire time lest his eager husband start jerking him off before they even made it back, and Pete wondered how awkward it was going to be since the trio was sharing a room and his husband clearly had no reservations about what Bryce may or may not witness.  

As it was, the beefy blonde’s eyes were shut as soon as he slumped down onto his bed.  Whether he was actually asleep or not didn’t seem to matter to Aaron as the dark haired man took his glasses off and shoved Pete down onto their bed.  He was on his husband before the other man could struggle back upright, pinning him to the mattress with surprising strength.  

Pete groaned against the onslaught, squirming and writhing as Aaron ground his tented shorts against him and covered his mouth and neck in hungry kisses.  It was a kind of aggression he’d never seen from his husband before and it made his knees weak.  He forgot all about Bryce being in the room as he let Aaron strip his shirt free and pull his shorts down.  Pete’s exposed cock throbbed at the way he’d just been stripped naked, and the slow, seductive way Aaron sat back and pulled his own shirt up and off his wiry torso as he stared lustfully down at him.  

“You are so fuckin’ hot I can’t stand it,” Aaron snarled, dropping his shorts and letting his own rigid pole spring free.  Pete saw something alarming in the other man’s outfit, but Aaron was on top of him again before he could sit up and look, grinding their pulsing cocks together.  They tossed and turned in a hungry frenzy until Pete was on top, working his way down Aaron’s slender stomach to swallow his husband’s twitching member.  

The loud, deep moan that poured out of Aaron nearly made Pete cum on its own.  His husband wasn’t much of a talker during sex, but now he couldn’t keep his mouth shut.  He whimpered and moaned and told Pete to ‘suck him harder’ and that he should ‘choke on it’, all the while running his hands lovingly through his husband’s short brown hair.  

Pete loved every second of it.  He bobbed his head in time with Aaron’s bucking hips, swallowing as much of his husband as he could.  There was something slightly off about the way Aaron’s cock filled his mouth, feeling larger than it should.  He’d had plenty of firsthand experience with the pulsing organ, but before he could examine it he was presented with more pressing concerns.  

“Dude...don’t just watch...come over here and get in on this.”  Pete’s naked body went crimson with embarrassment when he lifted his eyes to see Aaron motioning over to a very awake Bryce.  At some point his blonde friend had peeled out of his t-shirt and was laying there watching the two men go at it with an obvious tent in his shorts.  “I mean it, bro.  He’s fuckin’ great at it, too.  Pete doesn’t mind, do you babe?”  

The crimson man lifted his face from Aaron’s lap, too stunned to say anything.  He shook his head slowly, feeling like he was in a dream when Bryce grinned and sauntered over.  The beefy blonde stretched out next to Aaron and folded his muscled arms behind his head, letting Pete’s trembling hands fumble his shorts open and tug them down along with the briefs underneath.  After so many years of fantasizing about it, Pete couldn’t believe his eyes as he gazed down at his naked husband and naked friend, both of their solid, eager rods his for the taking.  

It occurred to him that there didn’t appear to be as much of a size difference as there should have been between Aaron and Bryce, but he was too focused on getting the beefy blonde’s stout cock in his mouth to give it much thought.  He worked Aaron’s spit-slick rod with his free hand while he bobbed on Bryce, switching back and forth between the two.  After a few minutes of sucking on one and stroking on the other he’d take a break and pump away on both, taking the opportunity to burn the image of the naked men into his brain.  Whatever the cause of his sudden luck, whether it was a fluke or not, he never wanted to forget this moment.  

“Yoouuhh….you weren’t...kidding...bro…” Bryce panted as Pete worked him to the breaking point.  “He’s fuckin’ gre...great at...thhhiiiiuuuuhhhhnn…” Without warning the thick, bearded man tensed and sprayed down Pete’s throat, spasming wildly on the bed.  Pete shivered as he sucked it down, loving the condescending way his husband and friend talked about him like he wasn’t even there.  He switched back to finish Aaron, leaving a hand to knead Bryce’s meaty thigh as his husband’s cum mingled with the blonde’s in his throat.  

Pete sat back on his legs, panting from the effort.  His body tingled from the excitement of finally getting to bury his face in Bryce’s lap, and the eagerness of his own impending release, but as he stared down at the two men it was clear that it hadn’t just been his imagination making Aaron seem larger.  Somehow, though he knew it was impossible, his husband had grown.  Instead of looking down at a smooth, wiry body, Pete saw a man who was more fit and athletic, with a smattering of dark hair spread across his prominent pecs and down a set of abs that previously hadn’t been present.  Likewise, the arms that were folded behind Aaron’s head  like Bryce’s looked just as large as the blonde man’s, not the thin, toned appendages they should have been.  

The comparison made him switch his attention to Bryce, who also looked different than when they’d started.  His friend’s already-brawny frame was wider than it had been, with bigger shoulders and a thick slab of a chest above a stomach that had widened, not tapered the way Aaron’s did.

Pete cleared his throat, swallowing hard.  “Uh...guys...something’s…” 

“Don’t worry dude, we’re not gonna leave you hanging,” Aaron interrupted.  He looked over at Bryce and gave the other man’s inflated chest a backhanded slap.  “You wanna give it a shot?”  

Pete didn’t know what was more surprising, the changes to the other men’s bodies or the eager grin that split Bryce’s bearded cheeks.  Instead of declining, the ‘straight’ beefcake nodded quickly.  

“You sure you don’t mind?” he asked Aaron.  

“Fuckin’ why would I?  It’s just us,” the dark haired man shrugged.  

In a flash, Pete found himself flipped over onto his back, watching Bryce’s bowling ball shoulders flex as his friend slid down and swallowed him in one gulp.  “OOHHHHhhhoohhh…” Pete whimpered, the sensation of Bryce’s scratchy beard against his thighs everything he hoped it would be and more.  Gazing up at Aaron’s smiling face as his husband watched only made things more arousing, even more so when the other man reached over and began tweaking one of his nipples.  “Fuuuuuuck...this is...too much...bro…” Pete moaned.  

His strange word choice hit him at the same time as the realization that Aaron’s hand on his chest felt different than it should.  Lifting his head, his jaw fell open at the sight of the plump pec his husband toyed with.  Like Aaron, Pete should have been lean with a build that bordered on average.  He’d been trying to bulk up and put on muscle, but as of yet he hadn’t developed the solid slab that had somehow appeared on his torso.  The same went for his lumpy abs and the enlarged arms that clutched at the mattress while Bryce bobbed his head between thighs that pressed thickly together.  

It was all too much.  Pete let out a loud roar, arching his back as he exploded in Bryce’s mouth.  The dual sensation of his friend’s soft, full lips on his cock and Aaron’s suddenly strong, rough hands toying with his nipples was so overwhelming he nearly blacked out.  

“Whooaaa...that was a good one, bro,” Bryce laughed, cum dripping down his beard when he lifted his head from Pete’s expanding lap.  

“I fuckin’ love that face you make when you cum, dude,” Aaron purred, lifting Pete’s chin as he bent down for a deep, rough kiss.  “You’re such a little beast.”  

Pete didn’t understand any of it as he lumbered upright, feeling heavy and cumbersome.  His newly acquired muscle shifted into place as he sat looking down at a body he didn’t recognize.  Thick, beefy arms rested against a stomach so packed with muscle it stuck out like a round beer belly, while a pair of plump, bulging pecs rested heavily on top of it.  His cock didn’t look any longer than it should be, but the softening organ was noticeably thicker, as were the heavy balls wedged underneath as the girthy package rested on his stocky, trunk-like thighs.  

He saw Bryce sporting a similar build when his friend stood and stretched, his protruding muscle gut sticking out in front while a pair of muscled beach balls jutted out behind.  His friend’s formerly smooth skin had started to sprout ink, sporting “PIG” in big block letters across his shelf of a chest while his ballooning cheeks were each adorned with a drawing of a dick, one bearing Pete’s name under it and the other bearing Aaron’s.   It was the exact kind of body Bryce had always said he didn’t want, curvy and round with cumbersome bulk instead of nimble and athletic.  His pecs alone were so large it looked like the bearded man could barely clap his hands, and while Pete’s weren’t quite as large yet, they weren’t far behind.  

Aaron was another story entirely.  The dark haired man’s body had blossomed into that of a muscled adonis, with a shredded, tapering torso and a perfectly proportional build.  Where Pete and Bryce were bulky meatheads, Aaron was athletic and handsome, with a lantern jaw and high cheekbones accentuating his piercing eyes.  The formerly thin, quiet man looked like he just stepped off the cover of a fitness magazine, an appearance that was further driven home when he stood and towered over the other two.  

Pete felt his fattened cock twitching already as he gazed up at his walking sculpture of a husband.  He didn’t know if Aaron had grown taller or if he’d shrunk, but in the moment he didn’t care.  He lumbered off the bed, stumbling as he felt his inflated cheeks bounce and his widened thighs threw his gait off, and wrapped his beefy arms around Aaron’s tight waist.  Instead of looking his husband in the eye he was level with the top of the chiseled pecs, a view he didn’t mind in the least.  

Aaron’s deepened voice rumbled against the side of his face as he laughed and kissed the top of Pete’s head.  “Dude, I love you, but I’m fuckin’ starving after that.  Let’s recharge and get back at it.”  

Before Pete could let go and pull away he felt Bryce’s thick piston’s wrap around them as much as the beefy limbs could, his friend’s equally stout cock digging into his muscled cheeks while the blonde beard tickled his broadened back.  “Fuck are you doing, bro,” he laughed after a silent moment.  

“What?  This isn’t a blow job group hug?” he laughed, giving Pete’s nipples a rough pinch.  

“Ow! Fuckin’ quit it,” Pete barked, letting go of his husband and tackling Bryce onto one of the beds.  The frame groaned under their weight as the two balls of muscle wrestled until Aaron slapped them both on their inflated rears.  

“You fuckers can keep this up all night if you want, but I’m not bringing any food back for you.”  

“We’re comin, we’re comin,” Bryce grumbled, giving Pete’s heavy new balls one last squeeze before lumbering off the bed.  

Pete followed, his head spinning as he tried to process everything that was happening.  He seemed to be the only one who knew anything was wrong, but that knowledge was quickly slipping from his grasp.  The more time that passed, the more natural everything felt.  When he’d first looked over and saw Aaron in a pair of boxers, something his husband never wore, it had been jarring.  But by the time he and Bryce had slipped into their bright red jockstraps the thought of Aaron in his boxers was perfectly normal. Of course that’s what his husband wore.  

It was just like the draping muscle shirts and stretchy shorts he and Bryce put on. What else would the two of them wear?  They were nearly as wide as they were tall, meaning most regular clothes were entirely out of the question.  Pete felt a brief stab of horror at the thought of walking around in a shrunken body that was a full head shorter than most people, but one look at his broad torso spilling out the sides of the baggy shirt was all it took for him to wonder why he’d just been so anxious in the first place.  

The embarrassed awkwardness he felt at the the way his altered body waddled and lumbered was gone by the time they’d made it back to the boardwalk, replaced by a smug, macho confidence.  Settling in at 5’6”, he and Bryce may have had to look up at the men they passed, but it was hard to feel shame over it when Pete knew he could bench most of them with one arm.  It also didn’t hurt that they were hanging off a 6’4” beauty who turned heads wherever he went.  They made an odd trio, the tall, handsome stud and his two burly sidekicks, packing more muscle between them than a group twice their size.  

It showed while they ate.  Pete had never felt so hungry in his life as he downed beer after beer and shoveled platefuls of chicken wings into his mouth.  Normally a picky eater, the shrunken, beefy man didn’t give it a second thought.  Neither did Bryce or Aaron as they followed suit, picking their drunken buzz back up before it had a chance to fade entirely.  Instead of their usual topics of movies and video games they talked sports and lifting, grunting and laughing their way through a series of increasingly crude jokes until they were howling and stumbling drunkenly down the beach.  

“Dudes, has this been, like, a weird day or is it just me,” the lumbering Bryce slurred.  The broad ball of muscle had peeled out of his muscle shirt and was hanging off Pete’s massive shoulder, rubbing his friend’s meaty pecs as they walked.  His tight shorts were obviously tented but he didn’t seem to care in the least.  

“Bro, every day is a weird day with you,” Aaron laughed, tugging down the back of Bryce’s shorts to expose the shifting, muscled mounds of his ass before darting off.  

“Fucker!” Bryce barked.  The buzzed blonde shook his head on his missing neck, shrugging the continental shelf that was his shoulders.  “Jokes on him,” he grinned, turning and grinding his still-bare cheeks against the front of Pete’s shorts.  He nodded over to a concealed corner under a nearby pier and winked back at his friend.  “Wanna?”  

“Fuck you think?” Pete said, slipping his hands into the front of Bryce’s shorts as he ground his twitching club against his friend.  He wasn’t at all embarrassed at the thought of fucking in public, only excited.  He grabbed Bryce’s hand and pulled his friend behind him in a matching, lumbering waddle, a pair of horny, meaty cannonballs tearing across the sand.  

The old Pete surfaced at the sight of Bryce grinning and leaning against a column for support, wagging his rotund cheeks in his directions and slipping his aching cock free from the jockstrap’s pouch.  Never in his wildest fantasies had he ever imagined fucking Bryce quite like this.  Not just the altered bodies, but in public under a pier, still clothed except for the necessary parts.  Yet there he was, fishing his widened cock free and spitting in his hand for lube.  

“HHHOOOoooaaaOOOHHH…” Bryce moaned, shoving a fist in his mouth to keep quiet.  Pete knew this was the first time his friend had ever experienced another man inside him, but it wouldn't have been obvious to an outsider.  The wide, stocky brute took him like a champ, popping his hips and swiveling his waist to work the fat organ leaking against his insides.  

For Pete’s part, any technique he normally had was gone, replaced by an eager, jackhammer thrusting.  The sound of their bulky, granite bodies slamming together was so loud it could be heard above the pounding surf, and Pete was surprised the whole pier wasn’t shaking as Bryce hammered against the column like a wrecking ball from the force of his thrusting.  

“Fuuuuuck you’re….tight...bro…” Pete groaned, wrapping his thick arms around the other man as much as he could.  It was just enough to clutch the plump, bouncing pecs as he slammed harder and harder, his muscle gut stinging from Bryce’s slapping rear.  “Gonna...cum...bro...gonna...cuuuuhhhnnnnnn…” Pete gave one last stab, his tree trunk thighs locking in place as he tensed and sprayed.  He reached down and grabbed Bryce’s oozing cock, pumping rapidly until his friend exploded with him seconds later.  

“Go...good one, dude,” Bryce panted as he rested his head against the weathered column and caught his breath.  

“I know, right,” Pete laughed, flashing a smug grin.  He flexed a proud boulder of a bicep and gave it a kiss.  “Too bad Aaron wasn’t with us,” he sighed.  

“I was,” the taller man said, laughing as the short hulks jumped.  “You assholes were too busy to notice.  Good thing I wasn’t a cop.”  

“Don’t be jealous,” Pete purred, slipping a hand down the front of the the other man’s shorts.  He squeezed his husbands long, thick hose and heavy balls, standing on his toes to lean in for a kiss.  They didn’t break it off until after Pete had stroked Aaron to completion under the pier, pulling the spurting club free just in time to keep from soaking his shorts.  

“‘Bout fuckin’ time you two finished,” Bryce said, his arms folded across his bulging muscle gut.  “I was gettin’ bored watching.”  

“Like you ever get bored watching, bro,” Aaron grinned, letting out a loud laugh when the thickened blonde turned to walk out from under the pier.  The copious cum leaking out of his battered hole left a large damp spot across the back of his tight shorts.  

“Dude!  Gross!” Bryce laughed at himself, tugging at the damp material but only succeeding in gluing sand to the wet spot.  

Watching the man he’d had a crush on paw at cum-dampened shorts while he had his hand wrapped around his gorgeous husband’s softening pole, Pete had a final glimpse of his old life.  The strange picture from the photo booth flashed in his memory, the thought of his taller, lean body feeling like a different lifetime entirely.  He didn’t understand how any of what had occurred was possible, but looking at his altered loves, he didn’t care, either.  He wasn’t horrified at the thought of winding up as a short, overly-built meathead if it meant the other two were with him.  They hadn’t been cursed; they’d been given a gift.  

“I’m gonna go wash it off in the ocean, dudes,” Bryce said, running a hand over his buzzed blonde scalp.  He flashed a grin at his friends and took off as fast as his wide, stubby legs would allow.  “Last one in has to blow the other two!”  

Pete walked slowly as Aaron bounded off on his longer, muscled legs and quickly overtook the shorter man.  He was happy to come in last.  


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