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Interactive: Climbing the Ladder, ch. 2

  • After his jerk session with Cayden, Shawn starts to become uncontrollably aroused around other guys. 29
  • The next day, Shawn gets called into his supervisor's office and assigned to a "special" project. 12
  • Unable to stop thinking about him, Shawn goes to find AJ and hear his story. 16
  • 2019-06-28
  • —2019-07-01
  • 57 votes
{'title': 'Interactive: Climbing the Ladder, ch. 2', 'choices': [{'text': 'After his jerk session with Cayden, Shawn starts to become uncontrollably aroused around other guys. ', 'votes': 29}, {'text': 'The next day, Shawn gets called into his supervisor\'s office and assigned to a "special" project. ', 'votes': 12}, {'text': 'Unable to stop thinking about him, Shawn goes to find AJ and hear his story. ', 'votes': 16}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 7, 1, 16, 0, 24, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 6, 28, 0, 47, 48, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 57}


He only made it a few strokes before the sound of the doorknob turning hit him like a kick in the gut.  The dark-haired stud turned beet red as he frantically looked around for his discarded towel, kicking himself for tossing it to the other end of his bed.  Shawn wanted to grab for it, but he didn’t even have time to turn around, leaving him naked and hard, dick in hand, as Cayden walked in.  

“Whoa!” the stocky young bulldog laughed when he opened the door and was given an eyeful of his new friend’s naked, athletic frame and rigid pole.  “Sorry dude...should’a put a sock on the doorknob or something,” Cayden grinned, loosening his tie and popping the top few buttons of his straining shirt.  It was plastered across his broad, meaty pecs, practically bursting open to expose the furry shelf of muscle underneath as the rest of the buttons were casually undone.  “Fuck it, man, don’t let me stop you,” he sighed, shrugging out of the shirt while he kicked his shoes off and undid the fly of his straining slacks.  The dark, thin material was stretched tight around the beefy brunette’s meaty thighs and ample bottom, the waist hanging open to reveal a bright patch of red boxer briefs underneath.  He flopped down onto his bed and rubbed his stubbled face with a rough set of hands, his impressive biceps flexing with the motion.  

“This, uh, this is awkward,” Shawn laughed.  He’d finally let go of his aching pole but it stood as hard and throbbing as ever.  

Cayden folded his arms behind his head and smiled up at the blushing, naked man.  “Look at this room, dude...it was bound to happen sooner or later.  Glad we’re gettin’ it outta the way early.”  

Shawn couldn’t help but smile back, his eyes lingering on the prone man’s brawny, furry torso.  A thick patch of curly brown hairs spread across Cayden’s chest and down his firm, muscled stomach in a straight line, disappearing into the tantalizingly exposed underwear.  Shawn didn’t know why the sight was suddenly so captivating, or why he was still standing with his exposed rod pointing directly at the other man.  “I mean, I can stop...you don’t really think I’d…” 

Cayden motioned to the room around them before letting his hand drift lazily down the trail of hair on his bare torso.  “Look at this fuckin’ room, bro.  We have zero privacy...we can’t bring any chicks back here...the showers aren’t any better...fuck else are we supposed to do?  I don’t know about you, but I’m exhausted and horny as hell and I just wanna fuckin’ relax.”  The beefy man squirmed on the bed, his fingers slipping under the elastic band of his boxer briefs.  “You can put it away if you want, but I need a little release, if you know what I mean.”  

Shawn grinned bashfully, a strange thrill running through him as he watched Cayden knead the girthy package that he knew lurked beneath the bright underwear.  He’d already seen it on multiple occasions, but he was surprisingly eager for the other man to join in, suddenly painfully aware of just how horny he actually was.  It overpowered his modesty and the awkwardness of the situation, whispering in his head that he should follow Cayden’s example and just relax.  

He wasn’t surprised that his new friend was so casual about everything.  From what he’d seen so far, the shorter man seemed to have a perpetually laid back attitude, making it hard for Shawn to picture Cayden in his wrestling days as the other man talked about.  It would explain the thick, powerful build, but Shawn couldn’t picture anything other than the charming grin that was always plastered on the other man’s rugged face.  

“Well this is new,” Shawn laughed nervously as Cayden fished his twitching cock free.  The other man’s stout cock wasn’t as long as Shawn’s, but it was considerably wider, filling the shorter man’s meaty paw to capacity.  

Cayden looked genuinely surprised.  “Really?  You never did this back in school?”  He wormed out of his slacks and underwear, sliding them down his thick, hairy thighs.  

Shawn shook his head, trying not to stare.  Locker room protocol insisted that he avert his eyes, but Cayden seemed just as interested in staring at his tapering, athletic frame as he did the other man’s furry bulk.  “Nah...I mean, not with dudes, anyway.  Getting laid wasn’t a problem, so I usually didn’t have to worry about it.”  

“Me neither, stud,” Cayden said defensively, “but I dunno...it’s still fun.  You and the guys put on a porn or somethin’ and just rub one out?  We used to do it all the time.”  

“Maybe it’s just a wrestler thing,” Shawn said, his hand hovering near his desperate pole.  He could feel himself nearing a line in the sand, afraid of what he’d find on the other side.  

“Or maybe you guys were just uptight?  I don’t see any reason you should be shy,” Cayden winked, nodding at the other man’s impressive member.  “I’ve got this fat, stubby dude, but it gets the job done,” he sighed, stroking away on his pudgy organ.  

Shawn blushed, both at the uninhibited lust on the other man’s face and the idea that Cayden had just been checking him out.  “Fuck, man, are we really doing this,” he said, his hand shaking as he wrapped it around himself and started pulling.  

Cayden looked up through his half-closed eyes, his lips pursing reflexively as he stroked.  “See?  Not so bad, right?”  

Shawn was standing with his tense shoulders hunched, his body crimson. “No, uh, I guess not...” he stammered, the sound of Cayden’s pumping hand making his stomach flutter.  

The hairy ball of muscle on the bed stopped pumping after a few minutes and sat up, shaking his head.  “Dude, seriously, relax,” he said, patting the spot on the bed next to him.  “You’re makin’ me nervous.  Here...sit the fuck down and chill out.”  

“Oh, uh, I dunno man, that’s…” 

“What?  You want me to tackle you onto yours,” Cayden threatened with a mischievous glint in his brown eyes.  “Don’t think I won’t do it.”  

“Fine, fine,” Shawn laughed, breaking out in goosebumps when he dropped onto the bed and his naked body brushed against Cayden’s warm, solid frame.  It suddenly occurred to him just how long it had been since he’d gotten laid, and just how much he missed the physical contact.  

“Now just close your eyes and relax,” Cayden sighed, settling back against the wall and picking up where he’d left off.  Shawn did the same, his nostrils filling with the other man’s potent cologne while his hand rested achingly close to his friend’s thigh.  He tried to picture the last girl he’d hooked up with, a fit, stacked blonde who’d driven him wild at the time, but who now couldn’t seem to materialize in his mind.  None of his usual fantasy women were willing to stick around, replaced instead by thoughts of AJ.  He kept picturing the handsome hunk with his strapping, incredible body and miniature package, imagining what it was like for the other man to tweak his tiny nub.  He wondered how it would feel wedged between a few fingers, letting out a quiet moan and blushing when he realized the tiny nub he felt was actually his own tiny nipple that he’d reached up to play with.  

“It’s cool...get into it…” Cayden moaned.  “That’s part of...the...fun…” he grunted and squirmed, leaning harder into Shawn’s ripped frame.  “When was the...last time...you...got laid...

The bashful stud laughed and pressed back against his friend.  “Fuuuuuck, man...been like a month…I…” he trailed off, his eyes drifting open when he felt another hand wrap around his aching rod.  “Uh...I don’t…”  

“I know it’s weird man, but come on,” Cayden begged, nodding down at Shawn’s hand.  “It’s been forever...I just wanna feel a hand that’s not mine again.”  

Shawn’s heart started racing as he watched the other man’s meaty fist slide up and down his long pole, knowing that he should pull away but loving the sensation of someone else working his cock again.  Cayden had a point.  It felt like an eternity since he’d seen any action, and as bizarre as this was, any port in a storm suddenly seemed like a good idea.  “No one hears about this,” he warned, reaching over and grabbing the other man’s stout pole.  

As strange as it was, Shawn still felt a thrill run through him at the warm, pulsing organ in his hand.  He’d never even thought about jacking another guy off before, but he was finding the experience surprisingly pleasant.  He was filled with a familiar pride every time he made the stocky man next to him whimper, and instead of keeping his eyes closed like he thought he’d want to Shawn enjoyed the view of their shared jerk session.  

“Fuck dude...I’m close…” 

“Me...too…” Shawn grunted, shaking his head.  “Never thought I’d...hear that...from a dude…” he laughed.  

“Not so bad...right…” Cayden sighed, tweaking his friend’s hairy balls as he gave a final tug, pushing the other man over the edge.   

Shawn’s vision blurred from the intense explosion, his addled brain struggling to wrap itself around the sight of another naked man next to him as he came.  He watched Cayden’s lips part, then purse to let out a quiet groan when his friend’s thick pole sprayed like a fountain.  The release clearing his head, Shawn pulled his cum-slick hand back, turning a bright, embarrassed red in the process.  He felt like he should say something or make some kind of excuse, but all he could do was blink at Cayden as stocky man grinned contentedly.  

“Thanks dude,” the shorter man sighed, slapping Shawn on a hairy thigh.  “We’ll have to do this again.”  


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