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“So what do you want today?”  

Garrett knew better than to answer.  Whatever he said would only get twisted into a warped, Monkey’s Paw version.  “Does it matter,” he said, a flat statement and not a question.  Looking up at Rich towering over him, he couldn’t even muster anymore anger.  The days of him towering above his lean, wiry friend were over, or at least mostly over, and there was nothing he could do about it.  There were some days where Rich would give him back his brawny, 6’3” build, but they never lasted long and they usually came with strings attached.  He’d just been given his height and muscle back a few days prior, but with a tiny, acorn nub and minuscule balls where his fat six inches should have been.  When he complained and asked for a bigger dick, Rich had responded by shrinking him to a soft, curvy 4’4” with a ten inch hose hanging permanently limp between his legs.  

It was horrifying every time, no matter how often it happened.  Garrett doubted if he’d ever get used to the sensation of his powerful frame tingling, then dwindling before his eyes.  It didn’t hurt, physically, but watching the muscle he’d spent years building vanish in the blink of an eye was a recurring nightmare.  And that was before anything else changed.  Having his virile rod reduced to a lifeless snake would have been bad enough, but there were plenty of times it had grown and shrunk to impossible proportions, or been taken altogether.  Garrett had spent more than a few days as a tall beefcake with a hungry, dripping pussy between his meaty thighs.  He knew it could be worse, but having the enlarged beast hang off a supple, slender frame with no chest, thin arms and a fat, shaking bottom, was just salt in the wound.  Rich had left his voice deep and booming on purpose, laughing hysterically every time the flaccid twink spoke.  

“No...I just like to hear you ask,” Rich laughed.  The dark haired man reached down and hefted the heavy organ, causing Garrett to groan despite himself.  He’d spent the night, like every night, impaled on Rich’s cock, hating himself for loving every second of it.  He knew it was his programming, that he didn’t have a choice, but it would have been easier if he could have loathed the other man.  

They’d been friends for years.  They’d worked out together, played sports together, wingmanned for each other, and hung out constantly.  Never in his wildest dreams did Garrett think his wiry friend had this level of torment in him.  Yes, he’d crossed the line with that last girl, and yes, he’d nearly put Rich through a wall when his friend tried to stop him, but they were drunk and he was mad.  He’d never actually hurt him; not seriously, anyway.  

Even in his drunken rage, when the cops showed up and hauled him off Garrett knew he was going to get nanoed.  That was the law.  This was a serious enough offense, and the burly hunk had made the mistake of taking a swing at an officer when they were carting him away.  But instead of locking people up in jail they got shot full of replicating nanites and sold to whoever could pay.  It was cheaper than keeping people incarcerated and a stronger deterrent.  The tall jock would have been horrified if they hadn’t dosed him as soon as they got him in the car.  That’s how it started.  A quick needle in the neck, and he’d do whatever he was told.  When the officers barked at him to calm down, his body went calm.  With his strapping build, handsome face, and thick, blonde hair, Garrett was well aware he’d wind up as someone’s living sex toy; he just didn’t think he’d be Rich’s.  

The fact that his friend bought him further compounded his humiliation.  Not only was he continually tormented by his friend, it also meant his altered body was constantly on display in front of people he knew.  Only now he wasn’t one of the guys; he was just an object.  It didn’t matter that they’d known him for years.  As soon as they saw the tattooed collar around his neck, he was a stranger to them.  It was a societal instinct.  They’d all been brought up to view Nanos as not human and deserving of their fate, he’d certainly mistreated his fair share, but it was worse coming from people he knew.  When Rich paraded him around in public naked it was one thing, but to be sneered at by his boys was worse.  

When Garrett had been stripped down at the station, it was the last time the broad bull had, or ever would, wear clothes.  Rich liked to dress him up in embarrassing underwear or lingerie at home, but any time Garrett was in public he wasn’t allowed to wear anything other than the tattoo around his neck and a pair of sandals.  Nanos in colder climates were allowed protection from the elements, but in their temperate coastal town, the sometimes-big man was always on display.  It would have been more humiliating if people acknowledged his presence.  To most he wasn’t even viewed as a pet, people tended to like dogs, just as an object.  And the more time that passed, the more difficulty even he had at making that distinction.  If it weren’t for the multiple pictures Rich kept around to torment him, Garrett wondered how long he’d even remember what he wa supposed to look like in the first place.  

“You ARE cute like this,” Rich mused, rubbing his stubble covered chin as he stared at his shrunken friend.  Having always been five inches shorter, the novelty of looking down at the formerly hulking blonde for a change hadn’t worn off.  “But the guys are coming over later and you’d probably just make ‘em uncomfortable with that thing swingin’ between your legs.”  

Garrett shivered when Rich ran a hand through his thick blonde hair, both hating and fighting the urge to reach out and tear his friend’s pants open.  He’d always known on a logical level that his friend was handsome, but now he felt it in his bones.  One look at Rich’s defined, athletic body and brooding features made any amount of humiliation worth it for the constantly changing man.  

“Huh...you know, I don’t think we’ve ever tried this,” Rich said absently, more to himself than the man who was about to be drastically altered.  Garrett braced himself when the tingling started, feeling a small stab of relief when he saw his muscle begin to reemerge.  His flat, shapeless chest puffed into a familiar set of prominent, granite pecs while his softened belly withdrew to a ripped washboard.  His shoulders pressed outwards as his arms and legs inflated and the oversized hose pulled back to the size it should have been.  He almost couldn’t believe it when the tingling stopped and he was still looking down at his tapering, muscled body.  

Then he looked up and found that he was still looking Rich squarely in the stomach.  His friend had given him back his old proportions, but not his height, leaving him a reduced version of his former self.  

“Ohhhhhhh man,” Rich laughed, “tiny Garrett is perfect!  The guys are going to love this.  Flex for me, big guy.”  Garrett broke into a double bicep pose before turning and flexing his back and plump, round cheeks.  Any relief he’d felt was gone, replaced by a resigned embarrassment at the thought of what was to come.  “So what do you think?”  

“I don’t really have…” the shrunken man trailed off at the squeaky, helium sound where his deep rumble should have been.  He looked up at Rich, who only grinned from ear to ear and waited for him to continue.  “I don’t really have a choice, do I,” Garrett squeaked, forcing himself to finish.  

Rich sighed and shook his head.  “Well if you’re gonna be like that about it…” 

“HHHNNNNGGGG….” Garrett hissed, his shrunken body going tense at the jolt of pleasure that shot through him.  The sculpted blonde’s formerly lifeless hose rocketed to attention, but he was more focused on his changing perspective.  Instead of looking at the middle of Rich’s flat stomach he was inching closer to the other man’s waist while his body continued to change.  His prominent pecs puffed out even further while his already tapering waist pinched inwards, his beefy arms growing even larger as his meaty, trunk-like legs pressed together.  The ample mounds of his ass inflated to a thick, juicy bubble, and Garrett could feel his facial features shifting.  Through it all his stout rod continued to throb, the intense pleasure mingling with horror.  

“Take a look, handsome,” Rich laughed, holding out his phone so Garrett could get a look at himself.  

The shortened man gasped at the caricature reflected back at him.  His handsome, athletic features had been warped to an impossible perfection.  His eyes were a bright and sparkling blue, his lips full and puffy above a cleft, lantern jaw while his prevalent muscle was covered by an atlas of definition without an ounce of spare fat anywhere on his new little body.  He was an adonis in miniature.  At his full height he would have been stunning, but at his current size he was a parody.  The cock that had rocketed to attention stayed throbbing and hard, looking thick and impressive from his perspective though he knew in reality it was only a few inches long.  

Rich kneaded the lump in his jeans as he stared down at the pintsize hunk.  “I cannot wait for everyone to see you like this,” he said.  “I left that little rod of yours permanently hard to make up for it being soft the past couple days.”  

“Thanks.”  Garrett’s flat squeak was devoid of gratitude.  He’d learned that it was better not to cop an attitude, but the last time he’d been this small was when he was a child and the experience was jarring.  It wasn’t just Rich that towered over him; everything seemed huge, like he’d walked into a giant’s house filled with oversized furniture.  

“Oh, don’t pout,” Rich cooed, tousling Garrett’s thick blonde hair as he undid the front of his jeans and fished out his twitching six inches.  It was firmly in the average range, but from Garrett’s new eye level perspective the rigid cock seemed absolutely massive.  “Here, I’ll give you a treat…” 

Garrett hated how eager he was.  As soon as he saw the bobbing organ he darted forward and wrapped his inflated lips around it, barely able to fit the other man in his shrunken mouth.  

“Hmmm...that could be a problem,” Rich muttered, watching his friend struggle.  “I left you this size just for this...if you can’t take me there’s no way you’re taking Brad…” he pulled out his phone and tapped the screen again, a sinister grin on his face.  

Garrett’s stomach dropped when he felt a tingling in his mouth, followed by a strange emptiness as he ran his tongue over his now-smooth gums.  “Wha...wha’d you juth do!” he gasped, his speech thrown off by the sudden lack of teeth.

“Don’t panic, I’ll put ‘em back eventually.  Can’t have that little mouth of yours biting people.  Trust me, you’ll love it,” Rich said, batting his cock against Garrett’s mouth.  The little man wanted to protest further but knew it was pointless.  His plump lips parted to let Rich slide back in, a shudder running through him as his friend’s organ pressed against his gums.  

“MMMMMMMmmmmm….” Garrett groaned, his tiny new hands instinctively clutching Rich’s perky bubble for support as a wave of pleasure washed over him.  His soft, smooth mouth was shooting forth the same darts of bliss he’d felt when Rich had swapped out his cock for an eager, feminine hole.  He found himself falling into rhythm, quickly bobbing his face back and forth the same way he’d learned to rock his hips when the other man was inside him.  

“Oh...oh fuck…” Rich moaned, his fingers stroking the other man’s soft, golden hair.  “This is...better...than I thought it’d...be…”  He loved the sight of Garrett’s thick, full lips forming a vacuum seal as the smaller man’s muscled shoulders and broad back flexed in time with his perfect, bobbing face.  “I’m gonna have...to...remember...this…pussymouth…” 

Garrett was mortified at his new nickname, but he was too overcome by what he was feeling to stop.  The pressure in his aching little rod was building, and after so long with a limp hose he was desperate for the forceful eruption mounting inside him.  He felt like a woodpecker, slamming his face against Rich’s stomach as he swallowed the other man to the hilt.  “Mmm..hmmm...mmnnnnn…” the little stud hummed, squirming.  He could taste the salty liquid oozing from his friend’s rod faster and faster and knew he was in a race to see who would finish first.  

Rich was the winner.  The taller man gave a pained whimper and tensed, his pulsing cock exploding in Garrett’s altered mouth.  The tiny jock sucked it down like a pro, not missing a beat as he desperately tried to work himself to completion on the other man’s spurting hose.  

“Sorry big guy,” Rich panted, pulling out of Garrett’s dripping mouth.  “You’re gonna have to finish yourself off.”  He laughed at the desperate look on his friend’s face gorgeous face as the little stud opened and closed his mouth, running his tongue over his gums in a frantic attempt at pushing himself over the edge.  He tugged on his oozing cock, but it was a futile gesture as Rich had set things so that Garrett’s mouth was the only thing that could get him off.  

The smaller man finally shoved several fingers inside.  Garrett was humiliated, fully aware that he was fingering his mouth the way he used to finger the girls he hooked up with.  But it worked.  After a few minutes of frantic sucking and rooting around the shrunken adonis howled, nearly falling to his knees as his untouched cock exploded with the blissful eruption he so longed for.  

“Uhhn….’uck me tha’ wa’...cra’y…” Garrett slurred, blushing as he heard his squeaky, impeded speech.  Now that the desperate need was fading, he was increasingly aware of his predicament.  He looked down at his perfect little body.  The helium voice and short stature were already a jarring contrast, but now his impeccable face was made to be fucked.  He couldn’t decide whether he was horrified or thrilled at the thought, weighing his need for teeth against the mindblowing ecstasy he’d just experienced.  

Rich grinned down at Garrett as he stuffed himself back in his pants.  “Glad you enjoyed it...I think we’ll leave you like this for a while.”  



Haha, goes to show that I’m a terrible judge. I wasn’t super feeling this one, so I’m happy to see people enjoy it! I very much have plans for the guys to come over if I pick it back up.


Loved this! I’m with the others. I’d love to see more of Garrett and these kinds of imaginative transformations.


Imaginative transformations is just right! Screaming Moist is great at breaking out of stereotypes and tropes in order to experiment and to imagine new possibilities. I would also note the psychological element, which makes the characters more convincing.