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“I just wish we were closer,” Paul sighed.  He tried not to look too enthralled as he gazed at Bryce’s bushy blonde beard on his monitor.  “It sucks that we only get to see each other once a year, if that.”  

“Dude, we’re seeing each other right now,” the other man said, a slight stutter when the Skype signal dropped mid-sentence.  

“You know what I mean, dick.  It’s not the same.”  Paul and Bryce had been friends since high school, each of them occupying opposite ends of the spectrum.  Bryce was a burly jock, with a thick, beefy build and an unkempt beard, while Paul was lean and a bit nerdy, with no real interest in sports to speak of.  At first glance most people would never think of them as getting along, but despite their obvious differences the two had clicked almost immediately.  They just worked.  Bryce was boisterous and charming, Paul more withdrawn and quiet, the two of them forming a balanced whole when they were together.  

They did their best to stay in touch as they moved to opposite sides of the continent for school and then work, but both of them longed for the days when they were just a few minutes away from each other.  

That went double for Paul who, as he got older, gradually realized his feelings for Bryce were more than just friendly.  Thinking back on it, the lean young man recognized his infatuation with the bearded hunk as a crush from the start, his thoughts slowly turning into fantasies of another kind entirely.  Instead of simply longing to be around the other man he dreamt of being underneath him, or on top of him, or wrapped in his thick arms in one of their beds.  It wasn’t long before he’d imagined how the sturdy blonde’s beard had felt on every inch of his body, memories of Bryce’s stout cock in the locker room burned into his mind.  

But Paul knew it was only fantasy.  For as well as they got along, that was one gulf they couldn’t bridge.  Bryce was very, very straight, while he was very, very gay.  And while the charming viking was nothing but supportive when Paul came out, he’d never given any indication that he was interested in being anything more than friends.  

It was a disappointment Paul could live with.  They were on opposite coasts anyway, and he wasn’t the kind to pine away for someone.  He eventually met Adam and settled into a happy marriage while Bryce lived the life of a contented bachelor, hooking up with lucky woman after lucky woman.  

But in the back of his mind he’d always wondered what it would have been like if things had been different.  What would have happened if they’d stayed closer together, if their connection was something deeper than what it already was?  Paul loved his husband, but they were both open to the idea of shared relationships.  There was room if his friend was only willing.  

Like a planted seed, the thought steadily started to grow.  Paul told himself he was just being crazy at first.  There was nothing he could do about Bryce’s orientation, and even if he could, was he really willing to do that to someone he truly cared about?  A part of him wanted to come clean to his friend, to open up about his secret feelings in the hopes that getting it off his chest would make the thoughts go away, but he was afraid of damaging their friendship.  The thought of not having his burly friend in his life at all was worse than the frustration of not being with him.  

“Not to leave you hangin’, but I gotta run,” Bryce said, looking over his shoulder.  “I’ve got company showing up in a few minutes and I gotta get ready, if you know what I mean,” he winked.  

“Gross,” Paul laughed and said goodbye, wishing he could switch places with whatever random girl was showing up at Bryce’s that evening.


Bryce shot up in bed, his heart racing.  Sitting in the dark bedroom, something felt terribly wrong.  It wasn’t the body slumbering next to him.  He was used to waking up next to people he barely remembered.  This was different, something much closer.  

“Mmm...wha…what’s goin’ on…” 

Bryce started at the unexpected voice next to him. “Shit!  Paul?  Is that you?  How...what’re you...doing…” His bearded jaw fell open when he turned to look at his friend and found Paul’s face inches from his own.  The two blinked at each other in stunned silence, realization slowly dawning on their faces as they took in their surroundings.  They weren’t next to each other in bed; they were somehow both attached to the same body.  

“Fuck!”  Bryce staggered out of bed and into the hallway, frantically pushing at the head sharing space between his broad shoulders.  “Get off me, man!”  

“Dude!  Ow!  Quit it!”  Paul winced, slapping Bryce’s hand away with an arm that wasn’t his own.  “What is even happening?  Where am I?!”  

“You’re in my house!  On my body!”  Bryce spat, stumbling when one of his legs stopped responding.  

“What the fuck do you mean I’m on your…whaaaa!”  It was difficult to tell in the panicked flight and flail of limbs, but Paul could finally see that from the neck down he was staring at his beefy friend’s naked body, not his own.  “What the fuck?!  What the fuck?!”  In his frantic desperation to get free, Paul managed to wrestle control away, stumbling the both of them into the large kitchen before Bryce wrestled it back.  

Their shared body thrashed as control ping-ponged back and forth between them, each of them tugging and pulling at the head inches from their own.  They looked like a sideshow exhibit, a literal two-headed man stumbling through the house.  Paul still had his lean, sharp features, and Bryce still had his full face and bushy beard, but from the neck down they were a single, terrified entity.  

“How did you even...did you do this?!”  

“No!  How the fuck would I do this?” Paul growled defensively.  “Where the fuck did my body go!?”  

“I don’t know but you can’t have mine!”  Bryce glared over at the other man.  “You were just talking about how you wished we were closer together…”

“Oh, and what?  I magically fucking fused my head onto your body?!  Are you high?!”  

“I wish I was!  Then I could tell myself this wasn’t really happening!”  Bryce stopped pushing at Paul’s head and leaned against a wall, his strength fading.  They were learning that one of them could control the entire body, or they could work in tandem with each other.  It was quickly apparent that the latter option was the easiest, as controlling the entire body felt like they’d each grown four extra arms and three extra legs.  Their movements were fumbling and uncoordinated, not to mention exhausting.  After only a few minutes of operating the entire body, both of them were left with splitting headaches.  

“God...goddamnit…” Bryce panted, feeling like he’d just spent an hour in the gym instead of simply walking around the first floor of his house.  

“Yeah, that sucked,” Paul winced.  He closed his eyes and squeezed the bridge of his nose with the hand he controlled.  “Okay...okay...we need to calm down.  We’re not going to figure this out if we’re losing it.”  

“Easy for you to say!  This isn’t your body!”  

“You’re right, it’s not,” Paul spat.  “I don’t fucking have one at the moment!”  

Bryce let out a slow breath, finally hearing what his friend was saying.  He was mortified at the thought of what was happening, but Paul was right.  At least he still had the rest of his familiar, bulky body.  “Fuck...fuck!  Sorry man...you’re right.”  

They leaned against a counter for support, Bryce’s thick arms flexing under their weight.  “What’s the last thing you remember?  I was in bed with Adam going to sleep like always.”  

Bryce nodded.  “Same.  I mean, not with a dude.  Tiff came over, we fucked, I fell asleep, then I woke up like this.”  

Paul rubbed his face again, wracking his brain for any clue as to what could have been responsible.  He’d still been thinking about how much he wanted to be closer to Bryce as he drifted off to sleep, but he didn’t see how that could have made something like this happen.  And in none of his wishes had he ever thought about being quite this close. 

“That feels so strange,” Bryce said as he watched Paul.  “I can feel you touching your face, but it’s like from a distance?  I can feel my arm moving, but I’m not the one moving it, you know?”  

Paul nodded.  “Same.  How are we even able to do this?”  He lifted the leg he controlled, raising it from the floor.  Instead of toppling over, Bryce reflexively shifted their weight to easily balance on one foot.  “See?  That’s what I mean.  The fact that we can even move at all is impressive.”  

“It’s not impressive, it’s fuckin’ weird!  Look man, I love you and all, but you gotta go,” Bryce said as if he was simply kicking Paul off his couch.  The bearded stud looked down at his naked body, his hand drifting to cover his exposed, girthy package.  “I wasn’t really looking for a roommate.”  

“I know as much as you do about all this,” Paul said, running his hand across their shared, meaty pecs.  The formerly lean man wasn’t used to feeling furry, sizeable lumps of muscle against his palm.  

“You’re the one that was always into the weird shit…” Bryce trailed off when he felt his cock start twitching against his hand, finally noticing Paul stroking their shared chest.  “Hey!  Quit it!”  

“Sorry man, you just, uh, you really kept yourself in shape,” Paul said, his hand following the trail of hair down his friend’s flat stomach before reaching around to squeeze one of the plump cheeks.  “I’m not used to being so buff.”

Bryce’s face was crimson beneath his bushy beard.  Logically, he knew it was still his own hand touching his own body, but it didn’t feel that way, especially with Paul’s head sitting next to his own watching him grope himself.  “Would you stop that?!”  Bryce tried to wrestle complete control from the other man, sending them stumbling against the counter when their shared body went haywire.  The delicate symbiosis that kept them moving in rhythm with each other was shattered as they discovered that actively fighting each other for dominance threw their entire system out of balance.  They slumped to the floor a few minutes later, leaning against the counter.  A layer of sweat coated their naked body as Bryce’s stout, solid cock stood proudly exposed between his wide, thick thighs.  

“Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck,” the blonde groaned, resting his head back against the wall.  His vision was blurred from the exertion and the resulting headache.  

“Can we...not do that anymore,” Paul stammered, resting his head against Bryce’s next to him.  

“Copy...copy that,” Bryce panted, nodding down at his rigid pole.  “There it is.  Have at it, I guess.”  

“I wasn’t trying to be a creep, dude.  I get that this is technically YOUR body, but for the moment I’m stuck with it, too.”  Paul let out a deep breath, flexing an arm that was much bulkier than the one he used to have.  He didn’t know if the same was true for his friend, but the longer he was awake the more his panic was starting to fade as a sense of familiarity crept in to take its place.  

Bryce let out a short laugh.  “Stuck?  You got upgraded to first class, dick.”  

“I’ll say,” Paul grinned, finally reaching down to wrap a hand around the thick, aching cock.  It wasn’t as long as his own, but it was considerably wider.  

Bryce sighed and closed his eyes.  “Of all the things I never, ever thought would happen…” 

“Was ‘waking up with my best friend’s head attached to my body’ actually on the list?  I hadn’t even considered it,” Paul laughed, reluctantly letting go of the eager rod.  Suddenly having access after so many years of fantasizing about Bryce was almost as overwhelming as finding himself glued to another person in the first place.  

“No, but knowing you it should have been,” Bryce said, nudging Paul’s head with his own.  They sat in silence for an awkward moment.  Like Paul, the sturdy blonde no longer felt the same level of blinding panic.  He was confused and disoriented, but the sensation of his friend’s head next to his own felt increasingly natural, no more out of place than his foot or elbow did.  “So are you just gonna leave me hanging?”  

“Wait...what?”  Paul lifted his head and raised an eyebrow at his grinning friend.  “We just discovered that we’re sharing a body and you’re worried about that?”  

Bryce shrugged.  “Maybe this is all a weird dream, maybe it’s really happening.  I don’t even know anymore, man.  All I know is you got me all worked up...you’re not gonna finish the job?”  

“Are you...you seriously want me to…” 

“One of us has to,” Bryce said, his smile growing when he reached down and watched the surprised look on Paul’s face when he grabbed his cock.  “Weird, right?  Feels like your own when it’s your hand, but when it’s the other…” 

“Whoooo...yeah….that’s...wow…” Paul gasped, his eyes wide at the feeling of Bryce’s rough paw jerking him off.  

The bearded man pulled his hand away and shook his head.  “You started this.  You can finish it.”  

Paul gripped the pulsing organ, the years of fantasies rushing through his mind as he started pumping.  He didn’t know if he was the one in control or if it was Bryce behind the wheel when he felt his other hand start tweaking the tiny nipple on his side of the body, sending shivers of pleasure through both of them.  

“You know I can help with that.”  Paul stopped mid-pump, their heads turning in unison to see Adam rubbing the sleep from his eyes.  They didn’t know how long the lean, wiry man had been standing in the doorway watching them jerk off on the floor.  “What are you two even doing in here?  Did you get into another fight?  Is this makeup masturbation?”  

“No, sorry hon’, we just had a bad dream,” Paul said quickly.  Bryce just blinked, confused at the fluttering he felt in his stomach at the sight of Adam’s exposed, slender frame.  The way his eyes lingered on the long hose outlined in the other man’s briefs felt both entirely foreign and intimately familiar.  “We can come back to bed.”  

“Uh, yeah, sorry man, didn’t mean to wake you,” Bryce stammered, suddenly eager to take Adam up on his offer.  He’d known the other man since he’d started dating Paul, but as with all other guys, he’d never viewed him as anything more than a friend.  Now, he blushed at the sudden realization that they were much, much more than that.  It may have been the Paul part of him who Adam was married to, but in this new reality that was a package deal.  

“Must’ve been one hell of a dream...I could hear you two bangin’ around in there,” Adam said, squeezing the plump rear as he leaned into Bryce’s shared body.  

Paul leaned over and gave his husband a peck on the cheek while Bryce spoke.  “That’s an understatement,” the bearded man sighed.  

In their initial panic Bryce hadn’t been able to notice the house he stumbled through wasn’t his own.  Or at least not the one he’d gone to sleep in.  He knew his way around it as if he’d lived there for years, which, based on the photos lining the walls, they apparently had.  It wasn’t cemented yet, but the growing sense of familiarity was becoming stronger.  The initial horror was starting to fade, replaced by dawning memories of a new existence where he and Paul had shared a body for as long as he could remember.  

Adam certainly wasn’t acting like he was bothered.  As soon as they were back in the bedroom the thin man pushed them down on the bed and went to work on the still-aching cock.  

“MMMMmmmmm….” Bryce gave a deep, contented rumble, gripping the sheets as Adam’s mouth formed a vacuum seal.  He’d never been blown by another guy, but the sensation of the other man’s masculine hands and stubbled jaw against his bare skin didn’t feel at all out of place.  

“Not..not so bad, right,” Paul whispered, feeling like Adam was going down on him for the first time.  His new body was responding in entirely different ways, and the sensation of his extra muscle flexing and tensing was intoxicating.  He groaned and turned towards Bryce, unable to stop himself from reaching up and guiding the other man’s face towards his own.  

They were kissing before either of them realized it, feeling like two separate people for the first time as their tongues explored each other’s mouths.  They’d never felt anything like it.  Adam’s warm, moist tongue on their shared cock was magnified, the surges of pleasure filtering through each of them, turning them both on even more in a bizarre feedback loop.  Paul felt his friend’s confused lust on top of his own, which then bled back onto Bryce, which then dialed up Paul’s even further until the two were groaning and pawing at themselves while their tongues battled for dominance.  

Impossibly strange conditions aside, it was everything Paul ever wanted.  He had both of the men he loved with him, and he was finally getting to experience the feeling of Bryce’s bushy beard against his face while they kissed as the other man’s muscled body writhed under his hands.  

“I love it...when...you two...get...worked up…” Adam said between mouthfuls of the oozing cock.  

Bryce blushed, knowing that he shouldn’t want to be doing any of this, but unable to stop himself.  He was mortified at the sounds of his desperate whimpers while he simultaneously made out with his best friend and was blown by said friend’s husband.  That three way scenario would have been strange enough on its own, but oddly the fact that Paul’s head was attached to his own broad shoulders mitigated his embarrassment.  It added a surreal, impossible layer to the proceedings, letting Bryce tell himself that the sex was nothing compared to everything else that was happening.  

“OOhhhnnnnuuuhhh!”  Paul and Bryce moaned in usion when they came, erupting with shotgun force into Adam’s mouth.  The slurping man seemed as used to that as everything else, not missing a beat in containing the sudden deluge.  

“Oh...oh shit…” Bryce stammered, out of breath.  He didn’t have time to wrap his head around anything that was happening as Adam climbed up into their arms and he found himself slipping the hand he controlled along with Paul’s into the back of the other man’s tented briefs.  He kneaded Adam’s firm little bubble just as vigorously as Paul, kissing the lean man’s neck while Adam made out with his husband before switching to lock lips with him.  

The bearded man knew what was coming when they flipped over and started working their way down Adam’s lithe torso.  He’d already pulled his friend’s briefs free, surprising himself by how quick he was to start tugging on the long pole while they each licked at one of Adam’s nipples.  The wiry man groaned from the dual onslaught, his whimpers filling Bryce with a familiar sense of satisfaction.  He took pride in making sure the women he brought home always got off, and he was relieved to find that same work ethic still intact, even if the recipient was entirely different than who he was used to.  

Paul couldn’t hold back a surprised laugh when his friend was the first to lunge on Adam’s eager cock.  He was fine with it, as it gave him more time to focus on the way his new bulk felt as it flexed under their weight.  He kept staring at the beefy arm he controlled and the way the bicep inflated as he moved.  There was a sense of raw, primal strength to his friend that he wasn’t used to, and it drove him wild.  

“Save some for me,” Paul said, nudging Bryce’s head with his own.  

The beefy viking blushed and pulled his lips away.  “Sorry...got a little carried away…” 

“Don’t apologize!” Adam called from above, stroking the backs of their heads as Paul took over, the sensation of his husband’s familiar rod in his mouth feeling like a security blanket.  

Despite his outward calm, Paul was just as worried about what the future held as Bryce.  While his friend had gained an unwanted addition to his body, Paul had technically lost his entirely.  Given the choice he would have chosen Bryce’s anyway, but it would have been nice to have that choice in the first place.  As it was, though he loved the access to the muscled body he’d dreamt of for so long, he’d awoken to just as terrifying a scenario as his friend.  

But Bryce seemed to be catching on.  He busied himself with licking the inside of Adam’s thigh while he started pumping away on their body, the recently spent cock having surged back to life from the double dose of lust it was receiving.  When Paul wrapped his hand around to join in the stroking, it was a perfect union.  The brawny blonde wasn’t feeling any of the disgust he thought he should, the musky scent and salty taste all registering as perfectly normal.  It wasn’t just that it was all somehow familiar; he actually loved it.  All of it. Adam’s solid body, Paul’s quiet groans next to him, the warm liquid oozing onto his tongue; it was wonderful. 

When they’d finally finished and he was drifting off to sleep with Adam wrapped in his thick arms and Paul’s breath hot against the side of his face, Bryce started to wonder if there was really anything to fix.  


“Oh...oh fuck…” the following morning, when the afterglow had faded, the hijacked blonde wasn’t nearly as content.  He stirred awake when Adam slipped out of bed to start getting ready for work, a naked man crawling out of his arms the first sign that something wasn’t quite right.  Feeling Paul’s slumbering head resting against his own, but not feeling another body, was the second.  

“Wha…?  Oh...wow,” Paul yawned, blinking the sleep from his eyes.  “Mornin’,” he said, giving Bryce a pec on a bearded cheek.  

“Knock it off!”  Bryce pulled his head away, lumbering awkwardly upright as Paul’s side of his body tried to stay in bed.  He felt another rush of embarrassment when his fat, twitching cock stirred to life against his will.  “Really?  Now?”  

“I’m horny in the morning,” Paul shrugged.  “Especially when this is my view.”  

“We have GOT to figure a way out of this.”  

“ Any ideas how?  We don’t even know what happened!  How is this even possible?”  Paul nodded towards the bathroom where they could hear the shower running.  “You saw how Adam reacted.  You saw the pictures.  It’s like we’ve been this way for years.  That means the whole WORLD changed, not just us.”

Bryce shook his head, unable to wrap his brain around something of that scale.  “That’s…I can’t deal with that, man…” 

“I’m just saying, we need to be prepared to be stuck like this for a while at least.”  Paul closed his eyes, focusing on the blurry memories still forming in his mind.  “I don’t think it’s that bad?  It’s hazy, but I feel like things are pretty good?  It’s like right on the tip of my tongue…” 

Bryce wanted to argue, but he was having the same experience.  His resistance was a reflex more than a conscious action.  He was panicking more because he felt like he should than out of any real terror.  He knew Paul was right; the world had changed along with them to even make something like this possible.  “Oh shit,” the bearded man hissed, blushing. Thoughts of how the world had changed made him realize that, eventually, they’d have to leave the house and engage with that world.  “We have to go to work.  People are going to see us like this!  What the fuck are people going to say?!”  

“There were group photos of us with friends, man.  I think people are probably used to it?”  

Bryce groaned.  He’d never been overly vain, but the brawny lady’s man had always taken pride in his appearance.  Suddenly thinking of himself as a freak, whether people accepted it or not, was a jarring experience.  “Let’s just get this over with,” he sighed as they stumbled sleepily to join Adam in the bathroom.  

It was a new routine for both of them.  Bryce still wasn’t used to his cock throbbing at the sight of a naked man the way it did watching Adam’s lean, dripping body climb out of the shower, and Paul still felt awkward and fumbling in his larger, heavier frame.  Showering wasn’t as embarrassing as it could have been after the previous night, but the first time they had to go to the bathroom was an awkward experience at best.  

As with most things, they found it was easier if they just didn’t think about it and let muscle memory take over.  Getting dressed, brushing their teeth, eating breakfast; everything was a constant compromise for one of them, but it only felt that way if they stopped to think about it.  When they let things flow, it just felt like a normal morning.  

Even driving to the office seemed commonplace.  As technical a task as it was, operating the pedals and steering wheel in unison, the two handled it without issue.  

Bryce was tense and quiet the whole time, anxious about how people would respond to his altered appearance.  From the few that they’d come across on the way, it seemed to be a non-issue.  Some people gave them a second glance or an odd look, but it was no different than if they’d been wearing a particularly garish outfit or had a giant stain on their shirt.  

That held true when they reached Bryce’s office.  He worked as a civil engineer, something that Paul knew absolutely nothing about, but the both of them were required to get through the day.  Though he didn’t have the technical knowledge, Paul could still help out with the general clerical tasks while his conjoined friend handled the hard stuff.  And as with the drive over, no one went hysterical at the sight of a two headed man walking through the door.  Based on everyone’s reactions, the two of them were just a pair of regular employees.  

Still, it was hard for Paul’s mind not to wander.  While this was all familiar to Bryce, it was technically his first time here and his first time meeting his new coworkers.  

“Dude!  What are you doing?”  Bryce blushed and shifted their body in the chair, his cock throbbing to life.  He looked over and saw Paul staring at a particularly fit young man, his eyes glued the muscular blonde’s round bubble straining against his slacks.  “Come on, man,” Bryce whispered.  “Don’t get me hard over a dude’s ass.”  

“I can’t help it,” Paul laughed.  He reached down and grabbed their shared, rigid bulge, his smile growing when Bryce blushed an even deeper shade of red.  “You didn’t seem to mind last night.”  

“Don’t remind me,” the bearded man grumbled.  “And quit touching my junk.”

“OUR junk,” Paul corrected.  

“I was here first, so it’s still m...mine…” he gasped unexpectedly when Paul gave the throbbing rod a squeeze through their pants.  

“You’re gonna have to learn to share sooner or later.”  

Bryce rubbed his face with his hand and shook his head, his eyes lingering on the bubble-butted coworker.  “Goddamnit!  What’re you doing to me, dude.  Why am I checking Troy out?!”  

“An ass like that how can you NOT,” Paul said flatly.  “Even a straight guy can appreciate a work of art.”  

“Can we please just get to work,” Bryce begged, turning his attention back to the monitor.  Paul reluctantly agreed, their shared body falling into rhythm.  They were a well oiled machine, even complicated, dextrous tasks like typing being no more difficult than they’d been before, despite each of them controlling a different limb.  They could practically read each other’s thoughts, anticipating what the other would do a split second before they did it.  

As focused and in synch as the two were, they were almost able to forget that things weren’t supposed to be this way.  With no one else in the firm reacting to them as if they were anything other than a regular coworker, the standard office small talk flowed naturally, with everyone addressing each of them as separate people instead of a single entity.  The two were having to fight to remember that anything was out of place at all. 

After an uneventful morning, Bryce allowed himself to relax a little.  The beefy blonde was still on edge and self conscious about the new addition to his body, but he appeared to be the only one.  He’d expected to be called a freak as soon as he stepped out of the house, visions of pitchfork wielding villagers running through his mind.  When none appeared, he didn’t know quite how to respond.  He’d been prepared for a nightmare, not a regular day.  

“So we hittin’ the gym for leg day,” Paul asked when it was finally time to leave.  

“Yeah, of course...whoa…” Bryce blinked rapidly, “...how did you know that?”  

Paul shook his head.  “I have no idea.  I just did.  Same as everything else, I guess.”  

Bryce grumbled on the way out the door to the car.  “I don’t like that, man.  That makes this all feel real permanent.”  

“Is it that bad?  Today seemed pretty okay so far.  It’s fuckin’ different, that’s for damn sure, but I’ve had worse days.”  

Bryce didn’t know how to respond, so he kept his mouth shut.  He’d always thought that he liked living his solitary, bachelor lifestyle.  With the more time that passed, though, he was growing fonder of the idea that Paul and Adam were with him.  They may not have been a traditional family, but based on the memories flooding in, that’s exactly what they were.  

His sour mood faded by the time they reached the gym.  Being in his element helped lift Bryce’s spirits, as did the normal greetings he received from his workout buddies.  As with the office, the sweaty meatheads acted as if nothing was out of the ordinary.  When they came strutting out of the locker room, two heads sticking out between the loose straps of the baggy muscle shirt, no one batted an eye.  

“Whooo, this is fun,” Paul whistled towards the end of their workout, their shared, solid chest glistening with sweat.  The formerly thin man wasn’t used to pumping as much iron as his bulkier friend and the sense of power and strength it brought was exhilarating.  

Bryce couldn’t help but smile at his friend’s enthusiasm.  “Told you it was an upgrade.”  

“Looks like that hot guy over on the treadmill feels the same.  He’s been checking us out for the past ten minutes.”  Paul nodded at the chiseled brunette reflected in the mirror in front of them.  “He’s your type too,” Paul said before questioning how he knew that.  

“Not a bad little boo...ty…” Bryce’s eyes went wide at the sudden rush of memories.  His bedroom exploits were still just as prevalent, it was only the partner’s who’d changed.  

“Whoa...damn, stud,” Paul stammered, the memories hitting him at the same time.  A flood of various men of all shapes and sizes danced at the forefront of his mind, their shared body tingling as it recalled the countless hours of topping, bottoming, and everything in between.  

“That’s...that’s a lot…” Bryce grinned bashfully.  To his credit, he wasn’t horrified at finding himself suddenly eager to jump in bed with another man.  If anything, it was comforting to know his ample sex life was continuing in some form or another.  

“Shit...I get the best of both worlds.  Husband at home and your revolving door of dude’s like that?  Upgrade is right,” Paul laughed, waving when the jogging brunette made eye contact.  “Go get ‘em, stud.”  

Bryce cleared his throat and flashed a charming smile as the man came over.  He casually flexed his pumped biceps, wiping away the sweat from his damp blonde hair.  “Hey,” he said, looking the chiseled stranger up and down at the same time that he was being checked out.  “I’m Bryce...this is Paul.”  

“Nick,” the man shook each of their hands, his eyes fixed on the stout lump in their shorts.  “I’ve seen you guys around here before...feel like getting a drink when we’re done?”  

“Love to,” Bryce grinned.  

Paul listened to his friend flirt with the handsome stranger, his mind poring over everything that happened during the last twenty four hours.  He’d wished to be closer to his friend, and he’d certainly been granted that.  He knew they might never find a way out, or even what had caused things to happen in the first place. Something had clearly heard his wish, and while it may not have been anything like he’d ever dreamed, Paul could think of worse ways they could have ended up.  

He pulled out his phone to text Adam while Bryce chatted.  They were going to be home late.  


“HHHUuuuuUUUNnnnNHHOaaaAAOHHH!”  Bryce’s cracking whimper roarded in Paul’s ear, bouncing off the bedroom walls around them.  The bearded man was only inches away but Paul heard it from a distance, so overwhelmed by the electric bliss running through their shared body that he barely knew where he was.  His earlier text to Adam had been an understatement.  They’d skipped the drink altogether and had just gone straight to Nick’s apartment, tearing the clothes off each other as soon as they were through the door.  A trail of shorts, t-shirts and briefs led to their new friend’s bedroom, and at the rate things were going, they’d be home very late indeed.  

“Fuuu….fuuuuuuuuuuccckkkkkkk,” Paul hissed, letting out short gasps of surprise.  He didn’t know how to process the unfamiliar sensation of his bulky muscle shaking from the hydraulic piston that was Nick’s pumping hips.  Their athletic new friend was a machine, his long, rigid pole every bit as impressive as the rest of his defined frame.  

“Haauuhh...huhhh...oooohhhh…” Bryce was beyond words.  The burly man’s confidence had waned when they’d arrived at Nick’s apartment and things went from hypothetical to impending.  The bravado he’d felt at the gym was harder to muster when faced with the thick, seven inches that were about to send you reeling.  Despite the onrush of new memories and a body that seemed to know what it was doing, the brawny blonde felt like an inexperienced teen about to have sex for the first time.  He’d experimented slightly, very slightly, with previous girlfriends, but Nick’s oozing cock was a far cry from a dainty finger.  

Paul was just eager.  He was already familiar with the experience of being fucked having bottomed for Adam regularly, so he knew what to expect.  Or so he thought.  As soon as Nick shoved them down on the bed and spread Bryce’s plump cheeks to begin tonguing the blonde’s tight hole, Paul knew this would be like nothing he’d ever felt before.  

The feedback loop they’d experienced with Adam the previous night paled in comparison.  When their handsome new friend finally worked himself inside it was as if the bed dropped out from beneath them.  Bryce began wailing almost immediately, his eyes going wide and his mouth falling open as an uninterrupted stream of grunts and moans poured out.  Paul picked up the slack, working their hips and pressing back against Nick while the other man built up his pace.  

Paul couldn’t deny a small rush of disappointment.  He’d always fantasized that he’d be the one causing his friend’s ample rear to shake as he slammed against it.  He’d imagined the view from Nick’s perspective countless times, Bryce’s broad back flexing before him as the muscled hunk held himself up and worked his hips to swallow as much of the invading organ as he could.  Though he realized that was impossible now, was quickly discovering that what he had was infinitely better.  If he’d been the one fucking his friend all he would have had were the moans and the writhing muscles.  Now, he was literally experiencing the other man’s pleasure at the same time.  He could bask in Bryce’s desperate whimpers, riding the wave of lust as it crashed back and forth between them.  

He was actually surprised at how quick his friend caught on.  Paul let Bryce take the reins, content to go along for the ride as the other man flipped them over and let their legs be hefted onto Nick’s shoulders.  As far as Paul was concerned, it couldn’t get better.  Looking down, all he saw was the bulky body and dripping, slapping cock he’d dreamt of for years, while looking up brought a view of rolling, washboard abs, sculpted pecs, and the grinning, boy-next-door face of their new friend.  

It was clear Nick was just curious.  Paul and Bryce may not have been viewed as an outright freak, but the fused friends still weren’t considered normal.  Their new, shared memories brought the knowledge that plenty of guys just wanted to see what it was like to hit a two headed piece of ass, but if it meant dick this good they were both perfectly content with it.  

“Oh...shi...shiiiiiiiit..oh shit….oooOOOOUUUUUHHH!”  Bryce barely managed to get the words out before they erupted, blasting like a shotgun all over their chest and both of their faces.  Paul groaned, loving that he could relish the feeling of Bryce’s cum on his face while simultaneously sharing the orgasm that caused it.  

Nick’s smug grin spread as it occurred to him he’d just gotten two guys off at once.  He rolled his hips slowly, stabbing his cock in deep.  “You gu...guys are...too….muuuuuuchhhhhuuuuhhhhhnnn!”  He gave one final plunge, pumping out a stream of his own into their guts.  “Ohhhh man,” he laughed, wide-eyed when he finally pulled his softening hose free and let their meaty legs drop.  “We...we’ve gotta do that again…” 

“Two for the price of one, right?”  Bryce was back to his confident self, slipping a beefy arm under Nick’s shoulders as the other man stretched out next to them.  

“Never seen anything like…” Nick blushed and trailed off, backpedaling.  “I mean, not that I was...you guys are hot as hell!  I was just…” 

“It’s alright, man,” Paul laughed.  “We get that a lot.  It’s cool.  You weren’t so bad yourself.”  

Nick stroked a hand across their glistening pecs and looked at them both, a bashful grin creeping over his face.  “Fuck...you two may have just ruined me.  Next time I’m fuckin’ a guy and there’s only one moaning voice it’s gonna feel empty.”  

“Bet he won’t have an ass like this, either,” Bryce said proudly.  Paul couldn’t help but smile at the way his friend casually bragged about his ass the way he used to brag about his girthy package.  They both yelped when Nick slipped a hand under them and pressed a few fingers against their battered opening.  

“You can say that again,” he purred, nibbling on Bryce’s ear as he gave one of the plump globes a squeeze.  “Seriously, though.  Can we do this again sometime?”  

Bryce winked at Paul, flashing a triumphant smile.  “If you think you can keep up,” he said, grabbing their already twitching member.  “There’s two of us, after all.”  



I was wondering if Bryce was still going to be straight as well. It wouldn’t have bothered me. I’m not bi but good writers can make anything sexy.


I thought about it, but given the constraints of my page limit (it was a custom request) I thought it best to leave out. I remember working in a hetero scene in one of my earlier stories but I’m totally drawing a blank on which one.


This is wonderful, man. Simply wonderful. It's hitting so many of my buttons. Thanks to the custom commissioner and to you. :D