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Hi Everyone,

For those of you with access to the DropBox, I just added a listing of the stories in there broken up by category.  This isn't a perfect list, and there's a lot of bleed over since my stories tend to focus on more than just one element at a time, but it should at least give you some direction.  Now, if you're in the mood for something specific, you can better tailor your selections.  It's the first file in there, so it should be right at the top when you open it up. I'll continue to post updated listings as stories are added and tweak it to be more accurate.  

Patreon is great for a lot of things, but sorting and searching through content is definitely NOT one of them.  On non-mobile platforms you can at least search through specific tags (which I try to utilize as accurately as possible), but on mobile there's no way to do that aside from scrolling until you come across a tag you're looking for.  Hopefully they remedy that, but in the meantime there's the dropbox if you're tired of digging.  

As always, at whatever level, thank you for reading and for the support!


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