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Russ watched Colin lumber towards his office with an expectant grin.  The beefy wall of fur and muscle was nothing like the lean young man who used to visit him.  His friend had bulked up considerably in just the few hours since he’d last seen him that morning.  When they’d left the house Colin’s borrowed clothes had been loose and oversized, hiding the expanding body underneath.  Now the young man’s lumpy new bulk was clearly evident, his widened shoulders and inflated biceps straining against the thin fabric while his formerly flat washboard pushed outwards in a curvy, solid muscle gut.  Even from a distance the thick patches of hair on the backs of his hands were clearly visible, as was the dense carpet leading up his neck from the prominent pecs underneath.  As Colin drew closer Russ could see the stout cock snaking down a meaty thigh, hard and outlined beneath the confining slacks.  

“Russ, man, something’s wrong,” Colin barked, his hoarse voice from that morning settling into a deep, gruff rumble.  “Look at me!”  

Russ got up and quickly shut his office door, locking it behind his panicked friend.  He wondered if Colin had seen his changing face yet, and the way the sandpaper stubble on the younger man’s fuller cheeks was starting to make up for the thinning hair on his scalp.  

“Easy, easy,” Russ said, putting a hand on Colin’s shoulder.  “Just take a deep breath, alright?”  Colin’s eyes were still wide with panic, but Russ watched his friend’s chest rise and fall with a slow breath.  “Now what’s wrong?”  

Colin blinked at him, as if confused by the question.  “What do you mean what’s wrong?!  I’m still getting bigger!  Look at me!”  

“Oh, I am, believe me,” Russ grinned, taking a step back and cocking his head to the side as he slowly looked Colin’s widened body up and down.  

“This isn’t...this can’t be natural,” the younger man stammered, squirming under his friend’s gaze.  His already eager cock throbbed just being near the older man.  

“But you still feel okay?  Panic aside, I mean.”  

Colin nodded.  “Yeah...I guess?  Fuckin’ horny as shit, though,” he said, his face going bright red.  He hadn’t meant to say that last part, and certainly not in the way he’d said it.  

“I can see that,” Russ laughed as he reached out and kneaded the solid club in Colin’s pants.  

“UUUnnnnn…” Colin groaned, a shiver running through him.  He felt like he should pull away, that he shouldn’t be getting groped in his friend’s office, but he stood rooted in place, gasping against Russ’s strong fingers.  

“Let’s just take a look and see what’s going on,” Russ said calmly.  He lifted his hand from the inside of Colin’s thigh and started unbuttoning the other man’s shirt, the thick carpet of hair bursting forth when he spread the open fabric aside.  

Colin’s lustful whimper at the sensation of Russ’s rough palms running across his furry shelf turned into one of fear when he looked down.  His chiseled pecs and shredded, tapering stomach were almost entirely gone.  Not only had his formerly tight, smooth body been covered in a silky forest, it had puffed and swelled, swallowing his hard-earned definition bit by bit.  Instead of tight and chiseled, his pecs were a set of thick, cresting mounds that rested heavily on top of the broad, muscled stomach that replaced his ripped washboard.  The expanded midsection was still firm and solid, but where he used to be long and lean he was now curvy and stocky.  When Russ undid his slacks and fished the aching cock free, Colin felt another stab of fear at how the extra mass obscured his view.  Instead of seeing his proud member in full, Colin could only see the top third without bending forward.  

“Oh god...oh god…” Colin moaned, jolts of pleasure mingling with his dread.  

“Looks like EVERYTHING got bigger,” Russ said, tugging on the oozing pole.  

“FFFFuuuuuuuuuck,” Colin hissed, the demands of his changing body overriding all other concerns.  He wasn’t even aware that he’d lifted a hand to his plump new pecs and was stroking through the soft layer of hair to tweak a solid, nubby nipple.  “C’mon, man, harder…” he whined.  

Russ pulled his hand away and raised an eyebrow.  “Is that how you ask?”  

“Pl...please,” Colin begged, blushing.  “Pleeeiiiieee!”  He yelped when the other man reached forward and roughly gripped his inflated balls with one hand while pulling on his throbbing cock with the other.  “Yuu….yeah….oh yeah…” he groaned, writhing his way out of the tight shirt as Russ continued to pump away.  He knew he shouldn’t be stripping down in his friend’s office, but he didn’t care.  He needed to feel the open air on his furry bulk, not the constricting fabric.  He leaned in as soon as it was free and shoved his tongue in Russ’s mouth, digging his thickened member deeper into his friend’s hand as he wrapped his bulldozer arms around the older man.  It was the first time he’d seen how large the formerly toned biceps had grown, but his attention was quickly pulled away by the sensation of Russ gripping his ample back hair.  His stomach turned at the implication of how thick the unwanted fur had become, and how it formed an uninterrupted coating from his shoulders down to the plump new cheeks that Russ was squeezing.  

“Russ….shit, man...fuck me...please!” Colin begged, breaking off the kiss and burying his blushing, confused face into the other man’s shoulder.  Hearing himself begged to be fucked was like a kick in the gut, but his need bordered on painful.  Wrapped in Russ’s equally bearish embrace, Colin forgot about anything other than his overwhelming desire.  It was clear by the way his backside squished and filled Russ’s palms that his perky bubble was as much a thing of the past as the rest of his formerly ripped frame.  He was mortified and scared, but being near his older friend made him feel like everything would be okay.  He didn’t need to be embarrassed at how he looked or how he was acting; Russ would take care of him.  “I fuckin’ need it...please…”  

“Since you asked so nicely,” Russ purred, sliding around behind his whimpering friend and guiding him over towards the desk.  

Colin bent forward, his beefy body breaking out in goosebumps when his pants and briefs hit the floor.  He let out a loud sigh of relief, not realizing how constricted he’d felt in his clothes until they’d been taken off.  He was dimly aware that he was naked at work in a drastically altered body, but even the embarrassment he felt at the thought was better than the confining clothes.  Despite still being looser than the fitted outfits he used to wear they’d felt like a straight jacket that was then covered in shrink wrap, and already the thought of putting them back on was repellent.  His body was the one behind the wheel, not his brain, and it didn’t care how humiliated he was.  It wanted to be free and it wanted to be fucked.  

“OOOHHHMMMMmmmpppfff!”  Colin’s loud bellow was cut off as Russ clamped a hand over his mouth when he plunged inside.  The other man just smiled and left it in place, dampening the constant stream of moaning expletives that poured out of Colin’s mouth.  

This wasn’t the hesitant, inexperienced young man Russ had fooled around with the night before.  His inflated friend was like a beast, his powerful new bulk flexing and writhing as he slammed back against Russ’s solid body.  The hirsute stud wanted it rough and deep, barking out a series of grunts into the older man’s palm as his recently acquired muscles bounced and shook with each pounding stab.  

Colin had never felt anything like it.  Between each new hair acting like it’s own pleasure receptor and the feeling of his enlarged cock slapping against his tree trunk thighs while his inflated pecs bounced heavily, the addled young man was floating on a cloud of bliss.  He drifted off, staring at the reflection in the large picture frame behind Russ’s chair.  The handsome older man bent over the desk looked ecstatic, his brawny body dripping with primal strength and power as he grunted and strained against the hand covering his mouth.  

It took several moments of staring before the terrifying realization was able to penetrate the haze of lust.  Colin wasn’t staring at a handsome older man; he was staring at himself.  The half-closed eyes shot open, poring over every detail.  His body was still thick and hairy, that much hadn’t changed, but his face was nearly unrecognizable.  The once-sharp features hadn’t just filled out with the rest of his body, the skin had become weathered and rougher looking.  Colin could see wrinkles at the edges of his eyes and mouth that hadn’t been there before, and his short brown hair was thinning to the point where his hairline was noticeably receding.  

Colin’s brain struggled to put together what it was seeing as the roles seemingly reversed.  Instead of a younger man getting fucked by his older friend, he now looked to be the elder of the two.  

He wanted to scream, to beg Russ for help, but all he could do was howl against his friend’s palm as he bucked and spasmed, spraying all over the desk when he came.  


“C’mon ya...piece’a...shit...just...one more…” 

Russ stood in the doorway and watched as the stocky, middle aged hulk bent and gripped the loaded barbell.  The older man’s powerful bulk rippled beneath the dense layer of dark brown hair that served as his only covering aside from a bright red jockstrap.  His mouth watered as the other man’s exposed, furry globes spread, his piston legs going solid when he grunted and jerked the bar upright before letting it clatter loudly to the ground.  

“Impressive,” Russ clapped.  

Colin turned, his full, shadowed cheeks splitting into a smug grin.  “Sure fuckin’ is,” he said, breaking into a quick double bicep pose before hurrying over and wrapping his arms around Russ.  What started as a quick peck on the lips ended with him slamming the other man against the wall as he worked his tongue down his friend’s thick neck.  By the time Russ pushed him away Colin had the other man’s shirt unbuttoned and fly undone while his own eight inch beast tented out the pouch of his jock, letting his heavy balls spill free.  

“Didn’t get enough of that at work,” Russ asked, running his hands through the sweat-slick forest on Colin’s glistening pecs.  

“Nah, I did arms after my shift today,” Colin said, flexing the furry pistons wrapped around Russ.  “They still get weird when I take my clothes off on the floor, too.  Told me if it happens again I’m gonna get fired.”  

“It IS a public gym,” Russ reminded him.  “You’re there to clean for a few hours, not give everyone a show.  You do that enough on Friday’s.”  

Colin’s brow furrowed in frustration.  “I know man, I just hate it,” he whined.  

Russ smiled and reached to pull the other man’s jock down, letting the rigid club spring free.  “At least you don’t have to wear anything around here.  How’d the rest of your day go?  Get the yard mowed and the dishes done?”  


Colin’s proud expression turned Russ on more than the other man’s body ever could.  Since the changes had stopped, his younger friend actually looked to be the older of the two.  Where Russ was pushing thirty, Colin looked closer to his mid-forties.  But despite his gruff exterior and intimidating build the inflated man was a giant teddy bear who lived for doing whatever Russ told him.  And in the months since everything happened, the novelty of having an obedient muscle bear had yet to wear off.  The way Colin would go from commanding, slamming Russ against a wall and shoving his tongue in his mouth, to beaming with pride over completing a simple task, made Russ groan.  It wasn’t that Colin was stupid; the formerly young man simply had his priorities shifted.  He only listened to two voices now: Russ’s, and his body’s.  

It was the latter of those voices that made life interesting.  This had all been his plan from the start, but even Russ was surprised at how purely physical a being Colin had become.  He could barely keep his friend clothed for more than a few hours at a time, and regardless of his outer appearance, the altered man was as horny as a teenager and about as impulsive.  Russ was increasingly glad his house sat far enough away from the street that there weren’t any neighbors with a view of his backyard.  As it was, he was sure that at least a few passing cars were greeted with a show as a nearly naked Colin mowed the front.  

He’d thought the other man’s behavior would level off once the changes finished, but if anything, they’d only become more cemented with the passing weeks.  That first day, when Colin had been nearing the end of his changes and stumbled into his office begging to be fucked, he’d barely been able to get him out of the building.  Russ thought he would have had more time, that the changes wouldn’t finalize until that evening, but he also knew that magic wasn’t an exact science.  And looking at his friend now, he couldn’t exactly argue with the results.  

Russ still wasn’t sure why he’d done it.  After so many months of listening to the young pretty boy brag about his bedroom exploits something had just snapped.  All the years of resentment bubbled to the surface and before he knew it, Russ was making a deal with forces well beyond his control.  

Everything had just fallen into place.  The random flier he’d found with the website, the speed with which the supplies arrived, the proper aligning of the stars; it had all pointed towards this conclusion.  Colin could see what it was like on the other side of the coin, embodying all the stereotypes his friend had dealt with over the years while Russ fucked and commanded the dumb, hairy sasquatch everyone had always expected him to be.  

Colin didn’t seem to mind.  The inflated man had been confused and scared for the first few days, but he’d quickly grown addicted to the sensations and lack of inhibition that came with his powerful new build.  Instead of sitting behind a desk all day, he got to spend his time lifting and fucking, wearing as little as he pleased.  Russ had used some connections from his lifting friends found Colin a job cleaning for a few hours each week at a local meathead gym.  He fit right in with the ‘roided beasts, who were too busy building their own bodies to pay much attention to Colin’s sometimes odd behavior.  And with that much testosterone flowing, the furry janitor usually didn’t have a problem finding someone willing to blow off some steam and fill his eager, hairy cheeks after a vigorous workout.  Russ was surprised to find himself jealous sometimes, but with an extra mouth to feed, and one that ate as much as Colin did, one of them had to be the breadwinner.  Even with the extra money Colin got from his shifts stripping, the aged stud would have had a hard time making it on his own anymore.  

“Looks like someone earned a treat, then,” Russ smiled as Colin continued to beam over completing his chores.  He sighed and leaned against the wall when the other man dropped to his knees and fished his cock free, swallowing the fat organ to the base.  Colin’s scratchy cheeks against his thighs made Russ shiver as his friend worked his jaw and bobbed his face back and forth.  He reached down and ran his fingers through Colin’s thinning hair, toying with the bald spot that formed in the back while he watched his friend’s broad, furry shoulders flex and move.  He liked to imagine that it was the old Colin on his knees, the one with the lean, ripped body and pretty face, thinking about all the times the young stud stood in his position while random girl after random girl took his place on their knees.  Russ wondered what that Colin would think if he could see himself now, eagerly going to town on another man’s cock while he reached around to fondle his own hungry hole.  

Russ knew at some point there’d be a price for what he’d done.  Like everything else in life, magic this powerful didn’t come cheap.  He didn’t know what the cost would be in the long run, but looking down at the blissful, beefy muscle bear bobbing in and out between his thighs, he wouldn’t change a thing.