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********** Just a quick sketch of a CB story idea inspired by the above picture **********

Todd gasped and shivered, leaning against the wall for support while Mike’s hands roamed up and down his washboard abs.  The light stubble on the other man’s cheeks tickled the sensitive skin of his lower back, just above his solid, perky bubble.  He felt like he was going to explode.  Mike had been working him over for the better part of an hour, slowly stripping him down until just the black, lace panties remained, savoring every minute.  

There were times when Todd still couldn’t believe any of this was really happening.  He’d been the star quarterback and prom king.  He’d been a renowned ladies man across campus, hopping from bed to bed and satisfying buxom coeds and faculty alike.  He was ripped and handsome, with high cheekbones, a lantern jaw, plump, full lips, and short, sandy blonde hair.  He had shoulders that went for days, with a set of sculpted pecs between them that made his tapering waist seem all that much smaller.  He had biceps and triceps that most guys would kill for, with legs that were solid and sturdy without being bulky and cumbersome.  And, at least until he’d run that last mudder, he’d been hung like a horse, gifted with a set of heavy balls and a long, thick hose that had plowed its way across campus.  

Now he was leaning against a wall, whimpering and moaning while his friend tugged the back of his panties down.  

“Patience,” Mike laughed, sliding the lingerie down inch by inch and stroking his friend’s solid thighs in the process.  “I’m not gonna leave you hangin’.”  

“I know,” Todd sighed, instinctively pressing his ass back against Mike’s moist tongue.  “This is just more intense than it used to be.”  

“Same,” Mike said, his fingers brushing against the eager lips where Todd’s impressive package used to be.  “You know that outfit drives me fuckin’ wild.”  

The former stud blushed, still uneasy about his new look.  It wasn’t just the panties.  He’d waited for Mike to arrive in a matching corset, with sheer, lace-topped hose on his muscled legs and heels on his wide feet.  On the one hand, it was humiliating.  Other than the altered equipment below his waist and his new attraction towards men, he didn’t feel at all like a woman.  He still felt like the same, All American Jock he’d always been.  But on the other hand, the sex was incredible.  The first time after Mike had worn him down, he’d never experienced anything like it.  His burly friend was always good in bed, but this took it to another level.  The dark haired stud savored every second, taking his time in stripping Todd down until the aching athlete felt like he was on fire.  

It was still a foreign experience.  Todd was used to being the one undressing someone and slowly building up steam, not the one panting and naked against a wall while Mike only had his shirt off.  And he still had to remind himself every time he looked down that his throbbing club wouldn’t be there.  

It was a daily struggle, one that had only gotten slightly easier since the day of the race.  Todd still looked at the picture of himself with the proud smile holding the medal, his athletic body covered in mud.  It was just something he did for fun, a chance for him and the guys to run around outside and play in the dirt like overgrown kids.  It also didn’t hurt that he got to spend the morning with fit, half naked women who were just as endorphin filled as he was by the end.  Little did he know that only a few minutes after that picture was taken his world would be turned upside down.  He still had the same shredded body, but the lump in his muddy pants was gone for good.  

He and his friends Josh and Zack had made their way over to the showers and had just started scrubbing down when it hit.  Their bodies cramped, each of their sore muscles locking in place while their cocks went rock hard.  It was hazy, but Todd remembered feeling embarrassed as he watched himself and his two friends start cumming helplessly.  Then there was only fear when their spurting rods started to look smaller and smaller.  Then there was nothing.  He woke up several hours later in the hospital with his pride and joy gone and a familiar, if out of place, opening where it should have been.  

The same thing happened to his friends, as well as dozens of other guys from the race.  They’d later learn that someone had spiked the mud with an unknown compound that caused the changes.  It didn’t affect everyone, but those who it did all wound up in the same circumstance.  Guys as young as eighteen and as old as their fifties suddenly found themselves with a new outlook on life.  

Todd would have laughed if he wasn’t so horrified.  A bunch of alpha jocks all competing in a rugged mudder suddenly winding up with pussies?  It was ridiculous.  And things only became more confusing as they all gradually realized the changes went deeper than their altered equipment.  They’d been rewired.  The former ladies men suddenly found themselves drooling over the guys they’d hung out with for years, pumping out confusing new pheromones that attracted those very men to them in return.  Friends, roommates, teammates; relationships quickly became more complicated across the board.  

Mike had been one of those complications.  He and Todd had been roommates for years, but now they were something else entirely.  The burly, dark haired hunk had to work the morning of the race, sparing him from winding up like his three friends.  Instead, all he had to deal with was the confusing throb in his pants whenever they were all together.  He’d done his best to help Todd cope after the fact, and it didn’t take long before the two horny young men wound up in bed.  

Todd didn’t think he’d ever forget that first time.  In the days since coming home he’d already started to view his friend differently.  Mike was every bit the jock he was, with dark, brooding features and a light dusting of wiry black hairs coating his olive skin.  Todd had always given his friend a hard time for not being as cut as he was, but since the change he’d started to see Mike’s extra bulk in a new light.  He started to dwell on the times they’d horsed around, and how strong and solid Mike’s body had felt on top of his.  The beefy arms, the plump pecs, the girthy, heavy package; it was all he could think about.  

They’d been drinking, with Mike trying to console the moping Todd.  The bigger man had dropped down next to his depressed friend on the couch, throwing a comforting arm around his broad shoulders.  Before either of them knew it they were in Mike’s bed, with Todd whimpering and grunting and trying to wrap his overloaded brain around the thought of his friend’s cock sliding in and out of him.  

That’s how it went at first - only in bed, under the covers, and in the dark.  Todd was always stiff and uncomfortable, usually needing to get drunk first in order to loosen up.  Mike had been a prince through the whole process, letting his friend move at his own pace until he was finally comfortable enough to fuck on top of the covers, and then with the lights on, and then on the couch.  

Todd’s stomach still fluttered when he thought about the first time they kissed.  Up until then their sex had been more like wrestling than love making, with Todd worried that any intimacy would be a further loss of his remaining masculinity.  But that night he couldn’t hold back.  While Mike was buried deep inside, rolling his hips in wave-like fashion, Todd had reached up, grabbed the back of his head, and mashed their lips together.  Mike eagerly returned the gesture, as if he’d been waiting for it the whole time, causing Todd to melt from the combined sensation of his friend’s tongue in his mouth and ecstasy bringing rod between his legs.  

There was no looking back.  Once that line was crossed it wasn’t long before Todd gave in to more of his curiosity.  He thought Mike’s head was going to explode the first time he’d surprised his friend by slipping down and swallowing the other man’s stout, wide cock.  Todd was just as shocked, acting on an impulse without thinking, but ending up surprisingly happy with the experience.  Never in his wildest dreams did he think he’d enjoy having a dick in his mouth, but he found it oddly comforting and Mike certainly wasn’t going to complain.  

Then there’d been the first time they switched, with Todd on top, straddling Mike’s hairy abs.  The handsome jock had never felt more exposed or vulnerable in his life, all of his impressive muscle and pretty features being absolutely meaningless against the pulsing slit swallowing his friend’s cock.  He couldn’t help but think that he should be in Mike’s position, not the one usually held by the bouncing co-ed, but the look of pure adoration on his friend’s face kept the insecurities at bay.  

After that, things more or less went back to normal.  Todd resumed lounging around the house in his boxer briefs like he used to, comfortable with Mike at least seeing his altered body.  He still felt uneasy at the gym since the shorts that used to show off his envious equipment now only showed off what he lacked, but he took comfort in looking around and seeing that he wasn’t the only one in that boat.  The crowd from the mudder had been significant, and there had been other instances of someone using the same chemical to spike a local swimming pool as well as sabotage the university’s baseball team.  

Everyone was adjusting differently.  Josh was still having a hard time, but Zack had hit the ground running.  The blonde jock surprised everyone by how quickly he took to getting fucked, still hopping from bed to bed, seemingly unbothered by his new role.  It apparently didn’t matter how it happened, as long as he was still getting laid he was happy.  

The adaptable blonde was the one responsible for Todd’s current outfit.  Zack had been bragging to him and Mike about the mind blowing sex he’d had the night before when he suddenly stood and dropped his pants, showing off a pair of pink silk panties underneath.  He’d said they were responsible for the earth shattering evening, and it was only Todd’s jealousy that convinced the hesitant jock to go through with it.  Watching Mike practically drool over their athletic friend was enough for him to at least give it a shot.  

Todd had been beyond humiliated the first time he tried a pair on.  He’d ordered the sheer black lace off the internet, unable to force himself to buy them in person.  He’d bought underwear and lingerie for girlfriends before, so he could have just lied, but he could barely bring himself to even touch them.  His stomach trembled and he was beet red as he slid the soft material up his solid thighs, unable to think that he looked anything other than ridiculous at the way his otherwise masculine body filled out the dainty underwear.  

He’d called Zack over before letting Mike see him, his mind reeling as the two former studs stood in their lace and silk.  It took some serious convincing on his blonde friend’s part, but Todd was eventually able to admit that the new underwear actually DID make his ass look better than the boxer briefs, and the flat, tight front only made his abs and obliques even more impressive.  And despite the completely unusual circumstances, it was one of the first times Todd had felt normal since the event happened.  Being around Zack felt like the old days.  His handsome friend was every bit as attractive as Mike, but he didn’t turn him on the way the dark haired man did.  None of the altered men reacted that way to each other.  To them, they were back to being just a couple of jocks in the locker room, but with one slight difference.  

Todd kept his outfit a surprise when Mike got home that night.  He’d had on his usual evening wear of baggy gym shorts and a loose tank-top, making sure that none of his new underwear was visible until Mike slipped a hand in his shorts.  There was no going back.  It wasn’t just the look on his friend’s face, he thought Mike’s eyes would bug out of his skull, it was the resulting, hours long sex they’d had.  Neither before the change nor since had Todd ever experienced anything like it.  His muscled friend alternated between a hungry beast and a sultry lover, stripping him down to nothing but the revealing underwear and slowly working his way over every inch of the altered man’s shredded frame until the panties that started it all were sopping wet.  

Todd didn’t care what it meant, or what it implied.  He didn’t care if wearing the feminine underwear made him feel like less of a man as long as Mike worked him over the way he did.  The confusing attraction and the convenient opening where his dick should have been aside, Todd knew his friend was struggling with the changes just as much as he was.  He was still Mike’s former wingman, one of the boys he used to work out with, and boner or not, it wasn’t easy to turn those memories off.  The underwear, and gradually the rest of the clothes, helped cross that line.  Panties spread to tiny little shorts, which spread to camisoles and crop tops, which spread to more exotic lingerie and hose and shoes.  Todd still felt ridiculous when he saw his sculpted, granite pecs spilling out of a teddy, but he’d at least developed a sense of humor about it.  And like his current situation, few things felt better than letting Mike take it all off.  

“FFFFuuuuuuccckkk….” Todd sighed, shuddering as his friend’s tongue darted in and out between his legs.  Mike had finally stripped him down, immediately burying his face between his friend’s legs.  

“We’ll get there,” he grinned, stroking his hands up Todd’s trim sides as he climbed to his feet.  “I’ve got something for you, too.”  

Todd grinned bashfully as he stood naked in front of his friend’s hungry eyes, kneading Mike’s hairy pecs.  “Yeah?” he raised an eyebrow as he reached down and undid the front of the taller man’s tented pants, revealing a bright patch of neon fabric.  “What do we have here,” Todd purred, slowly tugging the jeans down Mike’s meaty thighs to expose the neon green jockstrap.  

“You’re, uh, always dressing up for me.  Didn’t seem fair,” Mike said, his face turning red with embarrassment.  “You like?”  

Todd nodded.  Always a strict boxers man, he knew this was just as much a leap for Mike as the panties were for him.  He crossed his arms and stepped back, an expectant look on his face.  “Well?  Give me a show.”  Mike turned a deeper shade of red as he kicked free of his pants and did a slow turn, flexing his brawny arms in a double bicep pose.  “Oh, I like that,” Todd whistled, grabbing the plump, hairy cheeks that were lifted and accentuated by the straps of the jock.  He pressed in close against Mike’s back, his hands sliding around to squeeze the tented pouch.  

He kneaded and stroked his friend through the stretched fabric before spinning Mike around and dropping to his knees.  “Nice and soft too...the fabric, anyway,” he said, rubbing his face against the bright material.  He reached up and slid his fingers inside the gap left by the other man’s straining rod, brushing his fingers against Mike’s hairy orbs while he gnawed on the twitching tent.  “So are you gonna start wearing these around the house?”  

“Do you want me to?” Mike asked, looking down at his friend over his prominent pecs and hairy abs.  “UUUNNNnnnnn….I’ll...take that...as a yes…” he gasped when Todd pulled the pouch aside and impaled his mouth on the wide, stout cock that sprang free.  “Okay...okay...jeez...you’re gonna end this before we...get to the...good part…” Mike laughed, pulling away from Todd’s vigorous bobbing a few moments later.  

Todd had a triumphant smile as he stood, loving that he could make his friend cum so quickly if he tried.  “Guess I got carried awaaammmphh!”  

He was cut off when Mike lunged forward and pressed their lips together, wrapping him in his burly embrace as he pushed them both onto the bed.  This was Todd’s favorite part.  He’d resisted and tensed the first few times, his instinct to wrestle with his friend kicking in, but now he relaxed and went with it.  He loved it when Mike manhandled him.  It turned him on more than he thought possible when his friend shoved him against a wall and took him, or threw him down onto the bed.  The lack of control had thrown him off at first, but he trusted the hairy stud enough to know that Mike wasn’t going to do anything he didn’t want.  

“OOOHHHHHHHHaaaoohhhHHHH!”  Todd howled when Mike plunged in, his fingers digging into his friend’s broad back.  “Hhhuuhh...uuhhh...uh-huh...yes...yessss...yuuuueesss…” He groaned, his voice cracking as Mike rolled his rhythmic hips.  He’d long ago stopped being embarrassed by the way he sounded when getting fucked.  He’d never been overly vocal when he was the one doing the pounding, but he had an increasingly hard time keeping his mouth shut while getting pounded, especially when he was this worked up already.  He knew his eyes were wide and his mouth was hanging open in a perpetual string of gasps and whimpers while Mike had a smug, silent grin, but he couldn’t stop.  More importantly, he didn’t want to stop. He was learning that letting go and losing control was much more enjoyable than he’d ever imagined.  

Todd was like a siren when he finally came, his quiet whimper growing louder and louder until it turned into a scream of spasming pleasure.  He arched his back and shook like he was in pain as the release rocketed through him, never failing to elicit a satisfied laugh from Mike, who kept pumping away.  

Todd didn’t mind; he would have laid there all day.  He relished the sensation of Mike being inside him, of being connected so intimately.  Todd got to experience the beefy jock in a whole new way, and he actually felt bad for his unaltered friends who’d never have such an encounter. 

“Oh fuck...oh fuck...oh fuuuuuhhhhh….!”  Mike gave one last stab before grunting and launching into Todd’s altered insides, slowly pumping to work out every last drop.  “Oh...oh man…” the brawny jock panted, collapsing on top of his friend.  

“Right?  Who knew this could be so much fun,” Todd sighed, stroking Mike’s back and nibbling on his ear while his friend softened inside him.  

“Who knew you were this good in bed?”  Mike laughed, yelping when Todd reached down and jammed a finger between his cheeks.  

“Give me a strap on and I’ll show you just how good I really am,” Todd whispered.  

“I think we can stick with the underwear,” Mike said, rolling out of Todd’s grip.  The big man blushed when he looked down and realized he’d never taken the jock off.  “Whoops,” he laughed, running a hand through his shaggy dark hair.  

“Easy access,” Todd said, folding his ripped biceps behind his head.  “You wouldn’t even need to take ‘em off.”  

“I’m good,” Mike said with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes, “but if you’re really curious about that we could always…” 

Todd felt himself blush, his stomach fluttering at the thought.  Mike had hinted at anal before, the one line they hadn’t crossed, but always backed off when Todd said no.  Lately, though, the altered man was starting to wonder what the difference was between one hole or another.  Still, he wasn’t going to make it easy.  

“Tell you what...you wear a pair of MY underwear when we go out with the guys tonight and it’s yours,” he said, rolling over to flex his solid, perky bubble.  “But I get to pick, and you have to wear them all night.”  

Mike went bright red at the thought of hanging out with the boys while wearing one of Todd’s lace thongs, but already his fat cock was twitching.  “Deal!”  



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