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Russ watched Colin weaving his way through the cubicles towards his office.  The athletic young man had the kind of fit, smooth body he’d always been secretly envious of.  Puberty had hit Russ hard and early, leaving him with a coating of fur since before he could drive.  While his friends and teammates strutted around with their sculpted, hairless muscle, he packed on the pounds beneath the dense, dark forest that covered him from head to toe.  He was solid with muscle, stronger than most of the other guys on whatever team he played for, but no matter how hard he tried he could only cut so much.  His beefy arms, meaty pecs and solid muscle gut could never reached the shredded proportions of the other guys.  He’d eliminate carbs and soldier through countless hours of cardio until it felt like his lungs would burst, but a ripped frame with a washboard stomach just wasn’t in the cards.  

They’d never let him live it down.  Especially in his younger days, the torment was relentless.  Sasquatch, ape man, yeti, fur ball; he’d been called every name in the book.  It didn’t matter that he was stronger.  It didn’t matter that his thick, stout cock was the biggest in the room, even back then.  All that mattered was that he looked different.  He wasn’t the ripped, golden skinned blonde or the chiseled, hairless brunette.  He wasn’t the boy-next-door Prom King.  He was the butt of the jokes.  

The fact that he’d secretly lusted after those pretty boys in the locker room only made it worse.  He’d never had the chance to act on it back then, and because of his stocky build and love of sports no one ever guessed that it was his teammates he thought about while jerking off at night instead of the girls he feigned interest in.   

He’d learned to embrace it as he got older.  Now, pushing thirty, Russ wasn’t concerned in the least about his brawny build.  The fact that the hair on his scalp thinned while it grew ever thicker over the rest of his lumpy muscle no longer kept him up at night.  Strutting around the gym in a tank-top, his furry back and shoulders exposed, didn’t bring any of the shame it used to.  If anything, the older he got, the more superior his stocky, hirsute frame made him feel.  The other guys and their chiseled perfection seemed like vain little boys next to his powerful, masculine body.  Sure, they were pretty to look at, but if you wanted a real man they didn’t make the cut.  

And, as Russ discovered with age, there were plenty of guys who wanted a real man.  The beefy bulldog didn’t have a problem finding one of those pretty boys who were eager to have a real dick inside them.  One look at the thick, powerful legs straining against his khakis and the sliver of bulging, furry pecs when he popped the collar of his shirt had them lining up for a chance.  

Though as far as he knew, Colin wasn’t one of those boys.  Russ worked out with the handsome young man at the company gym a few times a week, and they occasionally hit the bar after work for happy hour, but the charming stud had never shown any interest in him beyond friendship.  Russ didn’t even think Colin knew he was gay.  The younger man liked to talk about his bedroom exploits, of which there were many thanks to his impressive body and razor cheekbones, but he’d never asked Russ about his love life, nor had the other man offered any details.  

“Hey man, you got a second,” Colin asked, poking his head in Russ’s door.  

The bigger man leaned back in his chair and sighed, folding his thick arms behind his head.  “Any excuse to stop looking at spreadsheets,” he laughed.  “What’s up?”  

He watched the younger man blush as Colin slid into the office and closed the door behind him.  “Uh, this is going to sound really strange, but can I ask you a personal question?”  

Russ raised an eyebrow and leaned forward on his desk.  “This sounds serious,” he said, his voice a deep, smooth rumble.  

“Nah, nothing major,” Colin laughed bashfully.  “It’s just...we work out together and I’ve seen you...I mean….you’re a hairy guy, right?”  

Russ looked down at the obvious patches of short dark hair on the backs of his hands.  It vanished into his straining sleeves, only to reappear again running up his short, thick neck before settling into an ever present stubble on the older man’s full, round cheeks.  “You could say that,” he nodded with a slight grin.  

“When did it...uh...start,” Colin asked, his eyes fixed on Russ’s desk.  

“For me?  When I was barely a teenager,” Russ said, shrugging his broad shoulders.  “I didn’t really ‘go through’ puberty as much as IT went through ME.  Like a fuckin’ freight train,” he laughed.  “Why the sudden interest?”  

Colin’s face flushed a deeper shade of crimson.  “Let me show you…” he said, fumbling with the top few buttons of his shirt.  He popped the collar and opened the fitted button down to his navel, pulling it wide to expose his bulging pecs and the top of his ripped washboard.  There was a faint dusting of curly hairs that matched the deep chestnut of his wavy scalp spreading across the lumps of muscle, with a slight trail heading towards his pants.  

“Nice tits, but what am I looking at, exactly?”  

Colin gave a quick nod down towards his bare chest.  “This hair kinda came out of nowhere.  Like, it wasn’t there yesterday but it was this morning.  Is that normal?”

“Well, Timmy, it means you’re becoming a man,” Russ said in his best dad voice.  

“I’m serious, dick,” Colin laughed.  “I’m twenty three for christ’s sake...I feel like I should’ve gone through this already.”  

“So you’ve got some hair on your chest.  What’s the big deal?”  

‘I don’t know...it just feels weird.  It’s not only my chest.  My arms and legs have it, too.  Hell, even the back of my hands seem hairier than they did this morning…” 

“Hey man, I’m not a doctor or anything, but I wouldn’t sweat it.  You look fine to me...I think you’re just working yourself up.  Do you feel alright?  Everything still normal?”  

Colin paused for a moment before nodding.  “Yeah, I think so…” 

Russ fixed the young man with a stern expression.  “You think so?  What was with the pause?”  

Colin let out a slow breath and scratched nervously at his wavy mane.  “Nothing...nothing...I just...sorry if this is TMI, but I’ve been horny as hell all day.  Worse than it’s been in a long time.  I fuckin’ jerked it on my lunch break,” he said quietly, his whole body going red.  

“Oh, the joys of youth,” Russ sighed, leaning back in his chair and looking up at the ceiling.  “I remember back in my day…” 

“Fuck off old timer,” Colin laughed, buttoning up his shirt again.  “So I shouldn’t worry?”  

Russ should his head.  “I wouldn’t.  You’ve been working out like a beast lately...your body’s just got some extra testosterone or something.”  

“Yeah, you’re probably right,” the younger man said, breathing a deep sigh of relief.  “I’m sure it’s nothing.”   


By that evening, Colin was significantly less sure.  His insatiable dick had been hard all afternoon, demanding immediate relief as soon as he was through the door.  The lean young jock fished his throbbing six incher free before he even kicked off his loafers.  He tugged absently at the aching rod as he made his way for the bedroom, popping the buttons and untucking his shirt with his free hand.  

The difference was immediately noticeable.  What was a light dusting that morning had thickened considerably.  There was a dense, curly patch resting in the valley of his pecs that spread outwards towards his shoulders and trailed down his washboard abs like a carpet runner.  The slight coating he’d always had on his forearms had likewise thickened, spreading up past his elbow towards his ripped biceps.  

He forgot about his throbbing member entirely, frantically shucking his pants and going pale at the uninterrupted layer of hair sprouting from beneath his briefs and encircling his toned thighs.  Colin was almost afraid to pull the small underwear down for fear of what he’d find, the reality proving to be worse than he imagined when he finally mustered up the courage.  The trail of hair that disappeared beneath the light grey waistband seemed to explode outwards again at his now-dense bush, a curly forest sprouting from his low hanging balls.  The hair pushed towards his trim hips and threatened to spill around to his perky bubble, his solid cock looking smaller in the process.  

Colin prodded at the fur with trembling fingers, surprised to find his disgust quickly turned into something else entirely at the sensation.  No matter how much his brain told him to hate the feeling of his fingers dancing through the silky foliage on his pecs, his body seemed to love every second of it.  Each tweak and tug of the hair caused his cock to throb until the confused young jock was stroking the soft new growth in earnest.  

He was so caught up that he didn’t even notice his mind drifting back to Russ, imagining that it was his fury, brawny chest he was feeling instead of his own.  When Colin did finally catch on that he was fantasizing about another man, he still couldn’t stop.  Memories of Russ’s hairy, hung body naked in the locker room were lodged in his brain.  He pictured his friend’s hairy back and furry, ample rear in intimate detail, the scene in his head shifting so that HE was the one covered in fuzz.  He imagined what it would feel like for Russ’s rough hands to tug at the hair on his back while his friend’s warm tongue slid along a forested shoulder.  The images were so vivid that when the scene changed to the two of them locked in each other’s arms he could feel their dense carpets mingling as though his friend was really there.  

“Oh fuck...oh fuck…” he whimpered, blasting all over the mirror when he opened his eyes and saw the furry stranger he was becoming.  


“Two days in a row.  What’s up?”  Russ spun his chair away from the computer and grinned at the awkward Colin lingering in his office doorway.  The younger man was wearing a polo buttoned to the collar with a heavy blazer on top of that.  His unusually stubble-covered cheeks went red at Russ’s raised eyebrow.  

“Uh, so remember what we were talking about yesterday?”  He said, stepping in and closing the door behind him.  

“Look, everyone has nocturnal emissions when they go through puberty, it’s entirely natural,” Russ laughed.  “Your body’s just going through some...whoa,” the older man let the joke trail off when Colin shucked his blazer to reveal a set of furry arms.  The polo was stretched as tight as ever around the younger man’s impressive biceps, but the coating of hair that spilled out through the sleeve openings was new.  

Colin nodded at his arms with a look of disgust, holding them out to show the wiry patches that formed on the backs of his hands.  “This...this isn’t normal, right?  It’s everywhere!”  

“I mean...wow,” Russ said, getting up and walking around to get a better look.  He sat on the edge of his desk and crossed his burly arms, shaking his head.  “I’m just a hairy guy, not a doctor, but….do you feel okay?”  

Colin nodded.  “Yeah, I feel fine.  Great, actually.  I’ve got tons of energy and I…” he blushed and looked down, a flutter running through his stomach, “...I’m still horny as hell.”  

“If it’s bothering you that bad then of course I’d say go to the doctor, but,” Russ shrugged, “if you’re feeling okay I’d say just let it run its course.”  It was the older man’s turn to blush and look bashful as he eyed his younger friend.  “As someone who knows a thing or two about checkin’ guys out, I can objectively say it’s a good look for you.”  He laughed when Colin’s eyes went wide for an instant.  “You didn’t know?  Really?  We’ve never talked about it?”  

“Uh, no, I guess not,” Colin laughed, running a hand through his wavy hair.  “It’s cool, though!  It’s not a big deal at all, man.  You just didn’t strike me as a…” 

“Gay guy?  We’re all different,” Russ said, laughing when Colin started to stutter.  “I’m just giving you a hard time, I’m not offended.  I have to be honest, I thought this was maybe your attempt at showing interest.  All that talk about the ladies you’ve hooked up with always seemed a bit much...”  

“Oh!  Uh, shit...no, I’m just...I didn’t mean to give you the wrong impression,” Colin stammered, his heart suddenly racing.  

“Is that why you’ve been staring at my crotch this whole conversation?”  Russ smiled and nodded towards Colin’s waist.  “Or why you’re rock hard right now?”  

The young man’s face went crimson.  He shifted his blazer to cover the obvious tent in his pants, feeling like an awkward teen under Russ’s calm gaze.  “Fuck!  I didn’t even notice...this is...this is a lot,” he laughed awkwardly.  

Russ stepped forward and swallowed the younger man’s shoulder in a meaty paw.  “First piece of advice?  You don’t need to feel bad.  About any of it.”  He slid his hand over the other man’s chiseled pecs and popped the top few buttons of the polo, allowing the dense new forest of chestnut hair to spill free.  He hadn’t noticed before how even with the buttons closed it crept up around the collar.  

Colin felt like he was going to explode.  He was practically hyperventilating, his heart racing and his chest heaving while his aching cock screamed for attention.  His confusing fantasies from the night before were fresh in his mind, made all the more vivid by the scent of Russ’s aftershave and the sensation of his warm breath just inches away.  

Russ’s tone was smooth, his voice just above a whisper.  He let a few rough, squat fingers brush against Colin’s fuzzy new chest as he pulled his hand away.  “You sure you’re not trying to tell me something else?”  

“I...I mean…” Colin swallowed hard.  The overwhelmed young jock could barely speak.  “I don’t think I know anymore,” he said, doe eyed and unable to look away from his burly friend’s piercing gaze.  

Russ’s grin was ambiguous, hovering somewhere between friendly and triumphant.  “Why don’t you come over after work and we’ll find out?”  


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