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Interactive: Make It A Double, ch. 4

  • Ben settles on an older man, taking him home and turning him into a vapid, micro-dicked young jock. 16
  • Ben settles for a wiry young man, taking him home and beefing him up to an older, hairy bear. 11
  • Ben settles on an athletic regular, taking him home and shrinking him down to a fraction of his normal size. 11
  • Ben settles on a fit young man, taking him home and fattening him up to a soft, plump bottom. 9
  • Ben settles on an older bodybuilder, leaving the man with inflated pecs more sensitive than his permanently hard cock. 18
  • 2019-01-28
  • —2019-01-30
  • 65 votes
{'title': 'Interactive: Make It A Double, ch. 4', 'choices': [{'text': 'Ben settles on an older man, taking him home and turning him into a vapid, micro-dicked young jock. ', 'votes': 16}, {'text': 'Ben settles for a wiry young man, taking him home and beefing him up to an older, hairy bear. ', 'votes': 11}, {'text': 'Ben settles on an athletic regular, taking him home and shrinking him down to a fraction of his normal size. ', 'votes': 11}, {'text': 'Ben settles on a fit young man, taking him home and fattening him up to a soft, plump bottom. ', 'votes': 9}, {'text': 'Ben settles on an older bodybuilder, leaving the man with inflated pecs more sensitive than his permanently hard cock. ', 'votes': 18}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 1, 30, 17, 0, 8, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 1, 28, 3, 35, 10, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 65}


“Oooof, all the winners came out tonight,” Tim scoffed, turning back to his drink.  He checked out his reflection in the mirror behind the bar, making sure his baseball cap was exactly in place.  

The young man pouring drinks pretended not to hear the arrogant jock.  “You say somethin’ honey?” Zack asked, rolling his eyes at Ben.  

Tim ignored the question, turning his head from side to side to admire the way the dim lighting accentuated his sharp cheeks, lantern jaw, and prominent nose.  He pursed his full, soft lips, grinning with satisfaction at his striking reflection.  “Just wondering why all these guys even bother showing up,” he said, taking a long sip off his vodka and soda.  “We all know who they’re here to see.”  He purposely flexed his huge biceps as he reached up to turn his white baseball cap around, showing off the trim taper to his waist beneath the tight, red t-shirt.  

“You know it’s not a competition,” Zack said, unimpressed with the handsome man’s attitude.  

“Not when I’m around it ain’t,” Tim grinned, coming off more smug than charming.  He tensed his large, granite pecs as he leaned forward against the bar, sticking his denim-clad bubble out behind him.  “You thirsty bitches drink this shit up.”  

“I don’t hear anyone complaining about Vic up there.”  Zack nodded to the shredded, dark skinned adonis currently twirling on stage.  The writhing wall of muscle was moving expertly in time with the music, popping his hips and rolling his abs without missing a beat.  The overy stuffed pouch of his jockstrap bounced and swayed rhythmically, the thick beast it contained threatening to spill out at any moment.  

“Oh, don’t get me wrong, he’s got the moves,” Tim shrugged, “but his legs and ass are way too big.”   As if hearing the conversation, Vic turned and did a slow bend, showing off the huge, muscled globes of his solid rear.  

“You think these guys are going to care about something like that?”  Zack had to shout above the sudden roar of the crowd.  “Do you hear that?”  

“Yeah, ‘cause they all wanna piece of it.  That’s not how I operate.”  

“You should try it sometime...find out what you’re missing,” Zack winked.  

Tim laughed and shook his head.  “Never gonna happen.  I’ll fuck you guys if you ask me nice enough, but this is a ‘look don’t touch’ situation unless I’m the one doing the touching.”  

Standing next to his young coworker, Ben listened to Zack go back and forth with the arrogant hunk.  His hands burned from the overwhelming desire to start writing, but he was determined to wait until Tim had taken the stage.  He wanted the vain adonis to be in front of everyone when it happened.  While all the guys teased the crowd during their routine, it was different with Tim.  He used his looks as a weapon, as a way to put others down.  He wasn’t there to give the crowd a show, he was there to get off on the adoration.  Arrogant or not, Tim was right that he was the best looking of the bunch, but considering that it was amatuer night, the bar was set low to begin with.  It was the equivalent of kicking a puppy to get an ego boost, and Ben was determined to make sure Tim finally paid the crowd back.  

“Well, that’s my cue,” Tim said, draining the rest of his drink as the music slowed and Vic’s routine came to an end.  “Enjoy the show!”  

Zack sighed and rolled his eyes again.  “Can you believe that bitch?”  

“I can’t stand him,” Adam said as he lumbered down from the other end of the bar, his recently enlarged hose bouncing noticeably against the thin cotton of his joggers.  Instead of his usual denim, the strapping blonde had to wear something with a bit more room for his oversized package.  Though the joggers were more comfortable the downside was that, since they wouldn’t fit into any underwear anymore, his impossibly huge cock and heavy balls were always on display.  Already Ben had noticed an increase in tips.  

“I’m gonna sneak out and watch,” Ben said, handing over a drink and wiping his hands.  

Adam seemed legitimately offended.  “Since when do you give a shit about that asshole?”

“Don’t be jealous,” Ben said sliding a hand up beneath Adam’s tight tank-top to stroke the other man’s firm abs.  “I promise I’ll watch you too if you ever get up there.”  

“Like he needs to,” Zack said, nodding at Adam’s outlined beast.  “He’d take someone’s head off.”  

“Girl, fuck you,” Adam laughed, giving Zack the finger.  “Anytime you wanna try and ride this thing, you just let me know.”   

Ben grabbed the book and slipped away while his friends teased each other, making his way to a spot in the corner where he was out of sight but still had a view of the stage.  His hands shook as they lifted the cover and flipped to a blank page, the words already forming in his mind.  He was going to have to phrase things very carefully to avoid a panic, but it was going to be a show none of them would forget.  

He put his pen against the paper, forcing his fingers to remain motionless as Tim climbed up on stage.  Pursing his lips towards the crowd and rubbing his lantern jaw, the smug young jock was every bit the fratboy fantasy in his baseball hat, tight t-shirt and straining jeans.  As Ben started writing, that was all about to change.  


Tim flashed his smug grin to the cheering crowd.  This was his favorite part, lording his body over everyone before he’d even taken anything off.  He walked from one side of the stage to the other, flexing his sculpted pecs and thick upper arms, occasionally lifting the bottom of his shirt to show off his ripped washboard and the tantalizing elastic of his briefs.   He toyed with his hat, turning it forwards and backwards and lifting it to run a hand through the short chocolate hair underneath.  

When the music started he tossed it aside, flexing his arms with his hands on his head as he rolled his abs and turned away from the crowd to show off his broad back’s prominent taper, and the way it culminated in his round, swaying little bubble.  After letting the view sink in he spun back around and lifted the front of his shirt all the way past his bulging pecs with one hand, giving the crowd a partial view of the tanned, chiseled torso while squeezing his bulge with the other.  When the inevitable cheering started, Tim let go of his jeans and used both hands to ever so slowly pull the shirt free, shooting an arrogant sneer at the roaring crowd while his perfectly proportioned upper body glistened under the stage lights.  

Tim ran his hands across the wiry hairs coating his pecs and down his shredded washboard stomach, pushing the front of his jeans down low to expose the top of the red briefs underneath, and draw attention to how the pants that were tight on his thighs hung loose around his trim waist.  He popped the button and kicked his shoes off in one smooth motion, tugging the zipper down but turning away from the crowd before the jeans fell open.  

At this point, Tim would normally tease the crowd by slowly pushing the jeans down, but instead his hands found their way to his head again.  The stripping stud was glad no one could see the confused look on his face when he started popping his hips and shaking his perky little bubble towards the crowd.  

“What am I doing…” he muttered to himself.  He thought it was just a sudden impulse until he quickly discovered that he couldn’t stop.  His heart started pounding when he tried to turn back around but found himself frozen in place, helplessly twerking for the hungry crowd.  

Tim’s confused terror grew when he felt an increased shaking coming from his lower half.  His solid cheeks had never had much in the way of jiggling before, but he was starting to feel a strange reverberation.  Looking over his shoulder, his fears were confirmed when he saw a set of cheeks that were significantly larger than they should have been.  

The expanding globes had already pushed his jeans down, exposing the straining backs of the little red briefs.  Instead of fitting perfectly as they should have, the stretched, crimson fabric was starting to leave more and more of the shaking mounds on display.  First the widened sides of his bouncing rear spilled out, but they were quickly joined by the top as the deepening valley between them was slowly put on display.  More and more of the fabric was sucked into the gulf until what had been an entire back panel resembled little more than a small patch of fabric between the pillowy globes.  

Tim wanted to throw up at the sight.  He was nauseous with horror as he helplessly watched his perfectly shaped rear inflate like a balloon, the solid globes expanding from firm mounds to jiggling melons.  The body he’d worked so hard to keep in perfect synch with itself was thrown off balance by the oversized lower half, making his tiny waist seem even smaller as his quads expanded to keep up with the growing bottom.  

He wanted to scream for help as he bent like Vic, slowly tugging the jeans down while his flouncing cheeks kept the crowd enthralled.  Instead he grinned from ear to ear as he spun back around, the tightened briefs leaving nothing to the imagination as his heavy cock fought for freedom.  The reflection he’d so eagerly admired earlier brought nothing but horror as he watched his impossibly altered rear sway behind him even when viewed from the front, the cheeks growing so round and wide it looked like he was towing something behind him.  

Just as Tim was thinking it couldn’t possibly get worse, his hands dropped to the straining briefs and tore them free, his confined package flopping free.  Instead of the usual thrill he felt at the roaring crowd, Tim was mortified.  He’d never gone all the way before.  He’d flashed a peek here and there, but he’d never fully stripped naked.  Now, all he could do was purse his lips helplessly at the crowd as his cock hardened, seeming small when compared to the mountainous cheeks crashing like tidal waves behind him.  

Sensing what the crowd wanted, the altered adonis turned and dropped to his knees, wagging his plump new globes before sliding a hand down his lower back and into the canyon between them.  The cheering crowd drowned out Tim’s horrified groan when he slipped a finger inside, working the digit around his exposed, virgin hole while his aching cock throbbed like never before.  

The chiseled stud tried to tell himself that it was all a nightmare.  His ass couldn’t really have quadrupled in size, and he really wasn’t fingering himself on stage.  There was no way he was actually pulling an older, heavy set man up on stage with him.  He wasn’t actually opening the man’s jeans and fishing his cock out in front of everyone.  There was no way he was turning back around to present like an animal about to be mounted.  

The jarring, mind blowing surge of pleasure that shot through him when the strangers fat cock slid inside told him it was all terrifyingly real.  Tim howled, arching his back and flexing his arms as he slammed his ass back against the man’s stomach, swallowing the entirety of the strangers blissful rod.  Tim’s smug, handsome face was twisted by orgasmic bliss, the soft, full lips he liked to purse at the crowd hanging open as he let out a continuous, low moan.  

He barely registered when the man blew his load moments later and another climbed up to take his place.  All that mattered was scratching a suddenly overwhelming itch.  Tim was horrified by the way his perfect pecs bounced as much as his ass from the force of the pounding he was receiving, but he was hungry for it to continue.  He needed it like nothing he’d ever needed before.  He wasn’t an arrogant, teasing alpha anymore; he was a bottom heavy cum dump, so desperate to get fucked he was willing to do it on stage in front of a crowd.  The cock he’d always been so proud of was little more than an afterthought when he finally came.  There was more sticky fluid dripping out of his battered hole than anything that shot from the pulsing organ.  


“Okay, I’ll admit...he was more impressive than usual,” Adam said as Ben came back around behind the bar.  On stage, a confused looking Tim smiled and waved to the crowd as he waddled off, a waterfall of cum running down his meaty, naked thighs.  

“I can tell,” Ben laughed, nodding down at the huge club tenting the burly blonde’s joggers.  

Adam blushed and shook his head.  “There’s really no fooling anyone with this thing.”  

“Would you want to?”  Ben squeezed the massive organ, laughing as Adam yelped and pulled away.  

“Hey!  Not in front of the customers,” he said, adjusting his blonde locks. “Not unless they pay, anyway.”  

“You know...I bet Tim could handle that thing.  You ever give it a shot?”  

Adam cocked his head to the side and rubbed his chin thoughtfully.  “You know...I don’t think I ever have…” 

Ben slapped his friend’s solid rear.  “Go get ‘em, stud!  He’ll be thrilled.  Trust me”  Ben had written that last part in as a whim, making it so that Tim was adaptable to however big or small his partners were.  It didn’t completely eliminate his guilt over leaving Adam with his colossal equipment, but it was a start.  

He turned back to the bar as Adam scampered away, his own cock aching for attention.  Each time he used the book left him more turned on than the last, and after what he’d just witnessed he was approaching desperate himself.  

“Gotta be someone…” he muttered, slowly scanning the crowd.  "Oh, wait," he laughed, drunk with power.  "It can be anyone."  


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