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***** This was posted as a vignette a while back, but I gave it a fresh edit and a proper ending to release for everyone.  So even if you read it back then, take another look! Enjoy! *****

“Hey hon’,” Chris said, loosening his tie and kicking his shoes off as he came home from work. “Bad day?”  His boyfriend, Sean, was sitting on the couch with a sour expression on his otherwise handsome face.  The sculpted man was in his usual post-work outfit of small grey briefs and nothing else that Chris loved so much.  He had a beefy arm thrown up on the back of the sofa, letting the other man get an unobstructed view of his broad pecs, ripped stomach, and meaty thighs.  He loved showing off just as much as his boyfriend enjoyed the view.  

It was that impressive physique that had sucked Chris in originally.  He’d seen Sean from across the bar, showing off his impressive body while dancing shirtless in the middle of the floor.  His broad shoulders, tiny waist, and round, prominent rear had been like glowing beacons.  Toss in Sean’s buzzed brown hair, lantern jaw, and piercing blue eyes, and Chris had been hooked from the start.  With looks to spare and a chiseled frame of his own, it was rare for Chris to meet a guy who he thought had a better body than him.  He was used to being the one all the boys chased after, not the other way around.  

Not that he’d had to chase Sean.  The dancing hunk had taken one look at Chris’s charming smile and thick, chocolate locks and was hooked.  They’d hit it off right from the start, leaving each other spent, sweaty messes that first night.  Though Sean was the more muscular of the two, Chris could still feel superior with his longer, thicker cock and the few extra inches of height he had on the shorter stud.  

The two quickly became the talk of the town, with men and women alike constantly throwing themselves at the pair.  Devoted as he was, Sean had no problem saying no.  He didn’t even give the attention a second thought.  Unfortunately, Chris wasn’t so disciplined.  He’d been able to resist at first, but as someone who’d grown accustomed to getting any guy he wanted whenever he wanted, the concept of being tied down to someone else was difficult for him to accept.  

It wasn’t that he didn’t love Sean.  He absolutely adored his sweet, caring boyfriend, but after a couple months, even Sean’s shredded body and equally insatiable sex drive started to lose its novelty.  He told himself the guys he fooled around with didn’t matter as long as it was just sex, and if Sean didn’t know there was no harm in it.  

“It wasn’t great,” Sean said, not taking his eyes off the other man.  

“Wanna talk about it?”  Chris pulled his shirt free from his slacks and started undoing the buttons, slowly exposing his bulging pecs and washboard stomach.  

Sean’s eyes never wavered.  “Oh, now you want to talk?”  

Chris’s heart started racing and he used the excuse of pulling his tie free to look away and steady himself.  “What are you….” He trailed off in a sharp gasp as the room suddenly blurred and spun around him.  Chris felt like he was tumbling head over heels, caught in a whirlwind of vertigo that took his breath away.  

He was still panting when his head cleared, only he was no longer in his living room.  He was on his knees in a small bedroom, the mattress below him creaking in time with the rapid thrusting of his hips as he plowed into Brad.  The lean ginger’s lithe frame was nothing like Sean’s solid body, but the whimpering young man had a huge, pillowy rear that swallowed Chris’s thick eight inches like a glove.  The thin redhead had found him online the day before.  It was just a hookup, a chance for Chris to lord his muscles and cock over someone smaller and get off at the same time.   He’d loved the sounds of Brad’s desperate moans, but it hadn’t meant anything.

“Guh!”  Chris inhaled sharply, like the wind had been knocked out of him when the memory faded and he found himself looking at a stern-faced Sean once again.  “What...what the fuck was that…” 

Sean only raised an eyebrow.  “Don’t you mean who?”  

Chris felt like he’d been slapped in the face by the implication in Sean’s words.  “Wait...you...saw that?  How did you know about that?”  

The muscular man finally lifted himself from the couch and turned, flexing his solid, barely covered cheeks in Chris’s direction.  “What?  These aren’t big enough for you,” he asked, ignoring his boyfriend’s question.  

“No...I mean, yes!  They’re fucking perfect, you know that,” Chris stammered quickly.  “Look...I don’t know what’s going on here but that guy was just a one…” He started to step towards Sean when the room spun again.  

This time Chris landed on a couch that wasn’t his own.  He was looking down at an ecstatically anguished face while Zack’s sturdy legs rested on his shoulders.  He loved the sight of the burly blonde’s huge club oozing uselessly against his own abs and chest while Chris fucked him senseless.  Zack’s massive cock and heavy balls were even larger than his own, but his beefy coworker preferred going for a ride as opposed to sitting behind the wheel.  Chris was only too happy to oblige, and since they worked together it was easy enough to sneak in a quick fuck a few times a week during lunch or after putting in their time at the office.  

“So is it my dick that wasn’t big enough,” Sean asked as Chris’s vision cleared again.  He grabbed the stuffed pouch of his briefs and gave it a squeeze, thrusting his stout member towards his gasping boyfriend.  

“Oh fuck…” Chris groaned, staggering forward.  He was dizzy from the constant visions, and his body tingled with a strange warmth.  His slacks were tented from the aching rod that was reliving the memories of his forbidden romps along with him.  “Sean...are you?  How are you doing this?”  

“What?  The memories?”  He shrugged his broad shoulders and grinned.  “That’s what you’re concerned about?”  

“Of course that’s what I’m...concerned...about…” Chris’s voice dried up in his throat when his shaking legs finally brought him in front of Sean.  “Wait...are you…” he looked down at himself and back up at his brawny boyfriend.  At 6’3” he should have had the advantage over Sean’s even, six foot height, but instead of being slightly taller, he found himself looking directly at the other man’s button nose.  

“Nope,” Sean said, shaking his head.  

“But...that’s not possible…” Chris gave a drunken, shocked laugh as he finally noticed the sleeves covering half of his hands instead of stopping at his wrists, and the pants that were pooling at his ankles and hanging loose instead of clinging to his muscled thighs.  “I’ve...I’ve gotta get outta here…” he muttered to himself with a stunned, wide-eyed look.  He turned to leave but only made it a few steps before tripping over the pants that were now officially too long.  

Chris was pulled into another memory before he made it to the ground.  He was still laying face down only it was on a bed, not the floor, and a solid body was draped across his back.  Chris heard his own lustful moans echoing around the room as Jeremy brought him to the brink over and over.  He didn’t normally bottom, but for the granite, chestnut haired stud he’d make an exception.  At twenty two the other man was nearly ten years younger than him, but he had a body like Chris had never seen.  He was well on his way to bodybuilder proportions, but at the moment he still had the freshness of youth on his side, leaving him with a build that was somehow bulky and lean all at the same time.  He hadn’t expected the younger man to return his attention when he’d flirted with him at the gym, nor had he expected to find himself as the one bouncing up and down on someone’s lap.  Jeremy claimed to be straight, but whether he was or wasn’t didn’t matter to Chris.  All that mattered was the way the young stallion could make him scream.  

“All those times I asked if we could switch it up…” Sean sighed.  “But you always said you didn’t like it.  Seemed like you were enjoying yourself there.”  

Chris rolled over onto his back, staring up in horror at the man who was starting to tower over him.  “Wait...Sean...it’s not what you think, hon,” he said, not sure if the slightly higher register to his voice or the fact that he was swimming in his clothes was worse.  “How are you doing this?!”  

Sean crossed his arms over his chest, looming large and imposing above his prone lover.  “Does it matter?”  

“Make it stop!” Chris cried.  “I’m sorry!  Okay?  I’m sorry!  Those guys didn’t mean anything!  It was just sex.  I promise.”  

“It wasn’t just sex,” Sean sighed.  “It was also a whole bunch of lies.  Every day.  Every day you came home, looked me in the eye, and lied to me.”  

Chris was scrambling.  “I didn’t want to hurt your feelings.  I love you!  I do!”  

“Aww, I love you too baby,” Sean cooed, pursing his lips.  “Even after finding this out...that hasn’t changed.”  

“Then make this stop!  Please,” Chris begged.  

“Sorry, sweety.  Only you can do that.  Or, at least you could’ve?  I’m not entirely sure on the specifics, but you’re going to shrink a little for every time you cheated on me.”

“But...how much is that?”  

Sean shrugged again.  “Who knows?  That all depends on what you’ve been up to.  I guess we’ll both be surprised!”  

Chris was too stunned by what he’d heard to resist when Sean reached down to help him to his feet.  Though he was pulled upright, his now-baggy pants remained on the floor as he stared directly at the deep valley between the other man’s broad chest.  His formerly fitted shirt hung on him like an open gown, and the red briefs that should have clung to his hefty bulge had room to spare around his aching rod.  

Looking down at himself, Chris appeared to be the same proportions.  He hadn’t lost any muscle, and his arms and legs all looked to be their normal length when compared against each other.  If it weren’t for his oversized clothes and the increasingly huge man in front of him, he wouldn’t know anything was different.  As it was, he tried not to think about what that meant for his pride and joy.  It may have been the same proportions, but it clearly wasn’t an impressive eight inches anymore.  

“How is it that you’re even more adorable at this size,” Sean laughed, tousling Chris’s hair.  He pushed the open shirt over the shrinking man’s shoulders and let it fall to the ground, leaving him in nothing but the loose briefs.  

Chris couldn’t believe how big his lover’s wide, strong hand felt on his head.  More and more, Sean’s looming presence was becoming overwhelming.  The shrinking man was horrified by his predicament, but at the same time, he was face-to-pecs with a growing mountain of muscle.  He didn’t know if it was just the surges of lust accompanying the flashbacks, but he hadn’t anticipated that having to look up at Sean would turn him on the way it did.  

“Please...there’s gotta be a way you can put me back to normal,” Chris said, swallowing hard.  

Sean’s hand slid from Chris’s scalp to cup the smaller man’s frightened face.  “Oh, hon, I don’t think you understand.  There’s no going back to normal.  Whatever size you stop at IS normal from now on.”  

Chris groaned.  “No!  You...you caaahhh…!”  Another gasp, another flashback.  This time Chris had his face buried between David’s rugged legs, eagerly bobbing his mouth up and down on the burly man’s short, thick rod.  He loved the way David’s round muscle gut felt brushing against his hair, and how the older man’s meaty thighs filled his hands as he kneaded them.    

When his vision cleared, Chris found himself pressed against Sean, his face resting on the bigger man’s ripped stomach.  Instead of looking at them, the top of his head just barely reached the bottom of the plump, solid pecs.  His briefs were hanging off his tiny hips now, held in place only by his oozing cock.  

“Oh fuck...oh fuck…” he yelped, his deep voice a thing of the past as he took on a squeaky tone.  He wanted to turn and run, but at the same time the sensation of Sean’s massive body against his drove him wild.  The other man’s stuffed pouch felt absolutely huge against his bare torso and already he was wondering what it would feel like in his smaller hands.  

“Let’s get a look at you,” Sean said, gently pushing his reduced lover a few steps back.  He gave the briefs a quick flick and sent them to the ground, laughing at the shocked look on Chris’s face.  His lover’s rigid equipment still looked just as good on him as it always had, but compared to the rest of the world it was significantly smaller.  When Sean sent the briefs tumbling to the ground, the throbbing cock that sprang free couldn’t have been more than four inches at most.  “Isn’t that just the cutest little thing,” Sean said, swallowing the shrunken pole with a thick fist.  

“OOOHHHHHhhhhh!”  Chris spasmed and went up on his toes, his altered voice cracking.  He clutched at Sean’s huge forearm just as the room spun again.  This time he was on his back in Gary’s bed, with the wiry man rocking on his lap.  His hands traveled up and down the other man’s deceptively thin body while he pumped his hips and gazed up at Gary’s sharp, wolfish face.  It was a distinct contrast to Sean’s curvy muscle, but Chris loved how solid Gary was despite his slender appearance.  

“No..no no no no…” Chris whimpered when the vision faded and he came face-to-face with Sean’s belly button.  “How much more is this going to take?!”  He gave a shocked laugh, his stunned brain refusing to believe that any of this was really happening.  Instead, he retreated into denial and buried his face against Sean’s solid abs.  His shrunken cock throbbed despite his fear when he reached around and felt the solid mountains of the bigger man’s ass against his tiny hands.  

“See?  This could be fun,” Sean said, gently reaching down and wrapping his chiseled arms around his small, trembling partner.  

Convinced that none of this was really happening, Chris slid his hands up over Sean’s flexing cheeks and grabbed the waist of the other man’s briefs.  He tugged the underwear down, surprised at how large it seemed when it should have been nothing but a small wad of fabric in his hand.  

“Whoooaaaaa,” the small man giggled when Sean’s thick cock twitched against his chest.  Instead of seeming average, the six inch rod was massive from Chris’s new perspective.  He reached out and grabbed it, marveling as it filled his hand beyond capacity.  His stomach fluttered when he looked up over the expanse of Sean’s firm abs and broad pecs to see his lover beaming down at him.  

“Not so bad, right,” Sean purred with a cocky grin.  

“It’s so...big,” Chris gasped, tugging on the pulsing organ that now dwarfed his own.  It wasn’t just that his former eight inch beast had been reduced to less than half its normal length; with his new proportions it was barely the width of one of Sean’s fingers.  He felt a stab of embarrassment, but since he’d convinced himself that this was all a nightmare it was quickly forgotten.  He told himself he hadn’t really lost almost half his height.  He didn’t really have a squeaky, helium voice.  He wouldn’t actually be stuck at ass level with the rest of the world.  Giggling in drunken shock, Chris leaned over to see how much of Sean’s bulbous cock he could fit in his mouth when the room started to spin around him again.  


“Yuuu...yessss...yes...yes...yesssss….” Chris’s high, squeaky wail echoed around the bedroom as he bounced on Sean’s lap, working just the tip of his lover’s cock with his shrunken bubble.  The average, six-inch rod was now big enough to split him open if he’d gone all the way, but at his current size he didn’t need the whole thing.   

When the shrinking finally stopped, the tiny stud found himself topping out at a meager thirty two inches.  He’d kept his fit, athletic proportions, there was just significantly less of them.  With nothing around to compare himself to, he was still every bit the chiseled, handsome adonis he always had been.  In the time since the change he’d taken to flexing naked in front of the mirror, pretending that he was still six-foot-three, remembering what it was like when he didn’t come to below most peoples’ waists.  

Not that Sean would let him pretend for long.  The spurned man went out of his way to make Chris’s change as difficult as he could.  He refused to adapt the house or get stepladders, purposely keeping things out of reach.  If Chris needed something, Sean would make him ask to be picked up, even when they were out in public.  Chris needed Sean to get his clothes out for him in the morning, and to reach food in the kitchen, and to turn the shower on for him.  He was entirely dependent, and he hated himself for loving the sensation of being held in the other man’s meaty arms.  

The torment was constant.  He was forced to ride in a booster in the backseat of their car, for “safety reasons” because of his size, something that Sean pointed out every time he buckled the smaller man in.  Sean especially loved dragging Chris to the gym, making the shrunken jock go through the same workouts he used to but with much, much less weight.  At his current size, Chris could only lift a fraction of what he used to, leaving him humiliated as he sweated and strained to heft a few meager pounds.  The locker room was even worse, a tantalizing mix of eager embarrassment as Chris’s tiny, naked body would be forced to stand next to the guys he used to lord over, craning his neck to look up past the swaying packages and shifting cheeks that were in his immediate view.  It was a stark reminder of what he’d lost, especially the comparative nub between his little thighs.  

The rest of the world treated him as if he’d simply had a tragic accident.  Everyone acted as if something had happened, but no one responded the way they should to such an impossible situation.  Instead, he was looked on with pity, talked down to, literally, by the men who used to lust after him.  They’d smile and nod condescendingly while Chris’s helium voice chirped away, only to turn their attention back to Sean when he was done speaking.  For someone who was used to being the belle of the ball, it was crushing.  If a guy did show interest they were inevitably a freak-seeker, someone curious to see what the little stud was really like.  Every now and then Sean would bring one of them home and Chris would find himself on display, only to be quickly forgotten as the two larger men turned their attention to each other.  

As horrified as Chris was, whatever magic the other man worked had bound them even closer together.  His stomach fluttered and his heart raced at the mere thought of his muscled, towering partner.  He knew he should hate Sean with every fiber of his being, but the thought of being away from the burly man was more than he could bear.  And even if he could bring himself to leave, Chris had no idea where he’d go.  

“You like that,” Sean asked, his voice a deep rumble compared to Chris’s high squeak.  He bucked his hips, laughing when the little man’s eyes went wide.  

“OHHHhhh...fu...fuuuuccckkk….gonna...gonna cuuuuuuuuhhhh…!”  The little jock howled, spasming in Sean’s grip.  Despite the intensity of the release, his tiny rod spurted only a few glistening drops onto the other man’s abs.  

“Such a...little...stud…” Sean grunted.  He gave one last pump and pulled his tip free, blasting all over Chris’s back as he came.  The small man purred, loving and hating the sensation of the warm shower, remembering what it was like when his own meaty rod sprayed that way.  He fell forward onto Sean’s bulging pecs to catch his breath while the larger man stroked his thick, brown hair.  

“Come on,” the big man said, sitting up and carrying Chris with him, “let’s get you cleaned up.”  The little man loved how big Sean’s rough palm felt on his little bubble as he was carried into the bathroom and set on the counter.  Instead of sharing a post-sex shower like they used to, he was put next to the sink, his short legs dangling over the side, while Sean wiped him clean.  “We’re in for the night, right?” Sean asked when they returned to the bedroom.  

“Uh, yeah, I guess,” Chris answered, knowing what was coming.  He grabbed the t-shirt when Sean tossed it down to him, letting it drape over his little frame.  It was one of his old shirts that used to show off his solid build, but now fit him like a gown.  He hated the reminder of what he’d lost, but Sean loved it, so he had little say in the matter.  His tiny cock throbbed as he watched a pair of bikini briefs stretch tight over his giant lover’s ample rear, wishing his shrunken member was still big enough to satisfy the other man.  It wasn’t, but Sean would pretend for him sometimes.  

“Up we go, big guy,” Sean said as he scooped Chris in his arms again. The smaller man laughed reflexively and leaned into the plump pecs that dwarfed his own, wondering why he’d ever strayed in the first place.