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Interactive: Pikesburg PD, ch. 10

  • The necklace wakes up and turns two studying jocks into giggling, scantily clad queens. 4
  • The necklace wakes up and turns a dumpy librarian into a lithe, bottom heavy twink. 4
  • After leaving the library the necklace wakes up and turns a passing group of football players into short, supple femmes. 8
  • While researching the necklace it wakes up and regresses an older professor into a dumb, horny freshman. 23
  • 2018-12-05
  • —2018-12-07
  • 39 votes
{'title': 'Interactive: Pikesburg PD, ch. 10', 'choices': [{'text': 'The necklace wakes up and turns two studying jocks into giggling, scantily clad queens. ', 'votes': 4}, {'text': 'The necklace wakes up and turns a dumpy librarian into a lithe, bottom heavy twink. ', 'votes': 4}, {'text': 'After leaving the library the necklace wakes up and turns a passing group of football players into short, supple femmes. ', 'votes': 8}, {'text': 'While researching the necklace it wakes up and regresses an older professor into a dumb, horny freshman. ', 'votes': 23}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2018, 12, 7, 17, 0, 13, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2018, 12, 5, 4, 20, 20, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 39}


“So this is where you first found him?”  Tank slowed the cruiser past the alley where Greg had originally encountered the shrunken man.  Even in the bright daylight the neighborhood was somehow just as creepy and off putting as the middle of the night.  There were more people out and about, but the whole area still felt empty, like there was nothing behind the crumbling facades and shuttered businesses but hollow space.  

“Yeah, he came running from that way,” Greg said, pointing back the way they’d came.  “Then I followed him down the alley, he gave me the medallion, and then split again up the street.  But you see what I mean?”  The frustrated ginger pointed to the open sidewalks on either side of the street.  “There’s nowhere he could have hid, but as soon as I turned the corner he was gone.”

“You said it was this...thing...controlling him though, right?  Who the fuck knows what he could do.”  

Greg looked over at the massive club snaking down the leg of Tank’s small, lycra shorts.  Another inch or two and it would have poked out the bottom, to say nothing of the grapefruit balls squished between his muscled thighs.  The rest of his friend’s burly body was just as impressive in the skintight, spandex tank-top that barely covered any of his broad torso to begin with.  Compared to that, making someone disappear seemed a simple feat.  “I guess I just assumed it got him.  I never thought it WAS him.  Still can’t believe I was so fucking stuppuuuuuhhhhnnn….” Greg spasmed in the passenger seat, arching his back and lifting his toned cheeks up off the seat as he sprayed without warning.  “Case in...point…” he panted, his crimson face matching his hair when he finally stopped spurting.  With each unwanted explosion he was starting to wonder if they were getting stronger.  It reached the point where he’d started stuffing two pads in his briefs, and while the diaper-like lump under his pants was obvious, it was better than constantly soaking them.  

Tank gave the smaller man a sympathetic look while Greg undid his pants and fished the soaked pads out.  Part of him genuinely wanted to be supportive, but the majority just wanted another look at his friend’s stout package.  “So where do we start?  I don’t think we’re gonna find much just circling.”  

“There’s a bodega a couple blocks over.  I’ve talked with the lady who runs it a bunch of times….probably the best place to find someone who knows someone.”  

Tank pulled the car back onto the street and watched the few random stragglers stumbling down the sidewalk.  “You think anyone’s gonna talk?”  

“Maybe. Not if we don’t ask.”  

The two thought it best to park the car down the street and out of sight of the bodega.  They weren’t in uniform but they both had their badges if they needed to throw their law enforcement weight around.  They didn’t want to, though.  Greg especially knew the sight of two cops walking into a place like this would shut anyone down before they even thought about opening their mouths.  Maria knew he was a cop, but he hoped he could convince her it wasn’t an assignment.  Her angular, wrinkled face didn’t move in the slightest, but her eyes made a slow, up and down sweep of the two as they walked through the door.  

“We’re not here on official business,” Greg said.  He’d seen her expression enough times in this neighborhood to know this wouldn’t be easy.  People living in the South side weren’t in the business of working with cops.  

“That so?”  Maria’s voice was calm, but her smooth tone held a barely concealed edge.  Like her deceptively thin frame, it radiated a strength and confidence that made it clear if she didn’t want to talk, there was no way they’d make her.  She leaned forward and rested her head on a palm, the copious bracelets on her wrist jangling like a chain of bells.  “Then what can I help you gentlemen with?”  

“We’re just trying to find someone…” 

“Sounds official,” she grinned, interrupting the young officer.  

“Not for a case.  It’s personal,” Tank added.  Maria looked him up and down again, her eyes resting on the brawny man’s colossal bulge.  She raised an eyebrow before looking back at Greg.  

“I definitely don’t do personal.  It’s not wise to stick your nose in other people’s business around here.  Especially not personal business involving two cops.”  

“Please,” Greg pleaded.  “Look, I swear, this has nothing to do with an active case or any of the usual hustle that goes on around here.  I’m just trying to find a lead on someone who might be in trouble.  Little guy.  Real little,” Greg said, holding his hand at his waist to indicate the man’s height.  “And jacked.  Like a bodybuilder.  He stopped me a couple nights ago and said he was in trouble.  I’m just trying to fiiiiuuuunnnnnggg….” Greg gasped and tensed, hating how quickly he was adjusting to the sensation of pumping out buckets of cum in front of strangers at random.  “...to find him,” he continued, forcing himself to act casual.  

Maria leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms over her stomach, shaking her head.  “My, my, my…you DID step in it, didn’t you?”  She leaned to the side to look over their shoulders to make sure the small, cluttered store was empty.  “I could see his fingers all over you,” she said, nodding towards Tank, “but you’re sneaky,” she added, watching Greg squirm in his damp pants.    

“Wait! So…” Tank stopped and lowered his voice from an excited yell, “...you know?  What he did, I mean,” he finished in a whisper.  

“Stick around here long enough and you start to notice things, things you can’t UN-notice once you do.”  She sighed, her defiant expression melting into one of sadness as she looked at the two.  “Let me save you boys some time.  I’m sorry for what happened to you, but you can’t undo it.  Trust me.  You won’t be the first to try.”  

Greg shot Tank a glance and pulled the medallion from beneath his shirt.  “Ever seen this?”  

Maria’s eyes narrowed and she tensed noticeably behind the counter.  From the rapid shift in her body language Greg and Tank might as well have been robbing the place.  “You don’t wanna go flashing that around here,” she hissed.  Her eyes were burning embers holding Greg’s gaze while she spoke  “I’ve seen you around here long enough.  I know you aren’t one’a HIS, but a lot of folks in this neighborhood aren’t in the business of giving the benefit of the doubt.”  

“Are there others?  With one of these, I mean,” Greg asked, trying not to sound too eager.  

“Don’t know how many, but there’s always at least one.  Usually doesn’t end well for the people who see that,” she said, nodding towards the medallion.  

“But you’ve seen it before,” Tank said, slipping into his cop voice.  

“Once.  Long time ago...on my brother.”  She rummaged at a corner of the counter and held up a faded polaroid of a lithe, androgynous man.  His features were soft, more pretty than handsome, with a long, supple body clad in a pair of small blue shorts that popped against his chocolate skin.  “This was back in ‘74.  Before he found that damn thing he was your size,” she said, her eyes darting up to Tank.  “Biggest guy on the block.  He said the necklace would solve all his problems, and it did for a minute.  Lots of guys he didn’t get along with started disappearing or…” she trailed off, her expression going distant.  “I didn’t learn to see it ‘til later.  When it happened to him.”  

“I’m begging you,” Greg said, leaning as close as the thick glass separating the clerk from the rest of the store would allow.  “I didn’t take this thing on purpose.  I was just doing my job...just trying to help that guy.  He shoved it in my hand and told me it would keep me safe!  How was I supposed to know what it really was?” 

Her eyes bored into Greg.  “How many so far?”  

He knew better than to try and lie.  “Three.  Four if you count me.  But none on purpose!  I swear!  One of them I didn’t even...it took me over like I was…” 

She whistled and nodded at Tank again.  “Your friend one of ‘em?”  The two officers nodded in unison, eliciting a quiet chuckle.  “And he’s willing to help?  First time I’ve seen that.  Here,” she started scribbling on a piece of paper and slid it across the counter.  “I don’t know the guy you’re asking about, but there’s someone at that address you could talk to.  Ask for Nicky.  He’s a little...rough.”  

“He’s been affected like us?”  

She laughed again, her eyes locking on Tank’s thick hose.  “Not like you two, but yeah.  You’ll see.”  She stopped Greg as the two thanked her and turned to leave, pointing at his medallion.  “I wasn’t kidding.  You put that away.”  

“Right, thanks,” Greg stammered, shoving the necklace back under his shirt.  

“I don’t know if I should be embarrassed or not that she could tell this was fucked up,” Tank sighed as they climbed back into the car, his enlarged package shifting between his legs like an inflating balloon.  

“I just can’t believe she knew anything,” Greg said, shaking his head in disbelief.

“Think she’s sending us into a trap?”  

“That thought did occur to me,” Greg nodded.  “Don’t have a better lead, though.”  

“Just putting it out there,” Tank grunted.  “Don’t want to get caught with our pants down again.”  

Other than a loud moan when Greg came again, the two made their way to the address in silence.  Both of them were struggling to process even the small nugget of information they’d just learned. This had all been happening for at least 44 years, and most likely much longer since someone had to give the woman’s brother the medallion in the first place.  Considering that Greg had already changed three people in a matter of days, the potential numbers were staggering.  

“Here we are,” Tank said, leaning over the steering wheel to look at the rundown apartment building looming overhead.  The stucco facing was crumbling and the whole place looked like it might collapse at any minute.  A quick climb up the short stoop revealed an entryway open to the elements, any door having long since been destroyed.  The two had been to worse places in the line of duty, but not much.  They climbed the stairs slowly, the worn boards creaking ominously under Tank’s bulky weight, shreds of peeling wallpaper brushing against their shoulders on the climb.  The whole place smelled like mold and stale smoke.  

“Number seven,” Greg said, stopping outside a door at the end of the hall.  As far as his training went, this was the worst place they could be.  They were in an unknown environment, and the only exit was cut off by half a dozen closed doors concealing god knows what on the other side.  If this was a trap, they were in it.  He knocked on the door, his heart racing at the heavy footsteps he heard plodding on the other side.  

“Who is it?”  The voice was a deep rumble that practically shook the door.  

“We’re looking for Nicky,” Greg said, trying to sound more friendly than nervous.  “My friend and I were sent over by Maria at the bodega on fourth street.”  

There was a long, quiet pause before the door cracked slightly.  “What you want?”  

“Just to talk...we had a couple questions for Nicky.  Is that you?”  Even without seeing all of the man’s wide, expansive face, Greg knew they’d found who they were looking for.  

“I’m Nicky,” he grumbled.  “Don’t know you.”  

“No, you don’t.  But we might know someone in common.  We just wanted to talk to you about an experience you may have had.”  Greg watched the man’s sloping brow furrow as he looked the two of them up and down, licking his lips at the sight of Tank’s lycra covered snake.  He turned away with a grunt, knocking the door further open.  “Guess we go in,” Greg shrugged to his friend.  

The two pushed the door open and bit down on their surprised gasps at the sight of the naked wall of flesh in front of them.  Rough was an understatement.  The man was so wide he nearly took up the entire narrow entryway.  He made Tank look small, with a body that was covered in bulging, lumpy muscle.  He was all unsculpted flesh, with bowling ball shoulders so wide and girder-like arms hanging at such an angle he had to turn sideways to make it through the doorway.  Greg doubted whether the man could even touch his hands together due to the huge, prominent pecs hanging off his chest, and he wondered how long it had been since the giant had been able to see the soda can cock poking out beneath his round ‘roid gut.  Behind, he had an ass so large the lean, ginger officer could have curled up inside it, and his heavy legs shook the floor with each step.  His flat, puggish face was just as imposing, with a crooked boxer’s nose and a sloping, cro-magnon brow beneath his buzzed scalp.  

“Can I help you two?”  Before the stunned officers could ask any questions a small blonde man appeared behind Nicky in the doorway, squeezing past the hulking brute.  He was significantly shorter than even Greg, with a soft, curvy body clad only in a draping tank-top that left the bottom of his pink briefs exposed.  “It’s the same price for both.  Just ‘cause you came to us doesn’t mean it’s any cheaper.  $20 to blow, $50 to fuck.  If you both want to go at the same time it’s $75.  Each.”  He paused, giving Tank’s stuffed shorts a long, hungry look.  “That might earn you a discount, sweety,” he laughed.  

“Whoa, uh, we’re not here for that,” Greg said awkwardly.  “We just wanted to ask Nicky some questions.”  

The smaller man crossed his thin arms, his face taking on the same expression as the woman at the bodega.  “He in trouble?  He hasn’t left this place without me in months, so I can promise he didn’t do it, whatever it was.”  

“Nothing like that.  We’re looking into a missing person’s case and they might have a mutual frienddduuuuuuuuunnnnnnnn!”  Greg clutched at the wall to steady himself while his body was rocked against its will.  

“You don’t get those for free around here,” the man chided.  

Greg couldn’t tell if the small blonde was joking or not.  “Sorry...can’t help it.”  

“We don’t want to keep you,” Tank said, taking over for his panting friend.  “We just wanted to ask Nicky if he had any….weird experiences.”  

The big man’s face perked up after a moment.  “Yeah!” he nodded excitedly.  

“Oh god, not this again,” the smaller man sighed, rolling his eyes.  “Come on in.”  

The two followed the mismatched pair deeper into the ratty apartment.  Dirty dishes and random clothes covered just about every surface and there was an air of musk and sweat floating over everything.  A few worn sheets covered the windows, and both officers were grateful for the dim haze that obscured just how filthy the small hovel was.  

“What do you wanna know?”  The small man sat in a tattered chair and crossed his slender legs slowly, his eyes locked on Tank the whole time.  

“Nicky has a story, doesn’t he?  About before?”  Greg watched the big man’s eyes go wide as he spoke.  “About how he wasn’t always like this?”  

“Uh-huh!  I’m not...this...not me!”  Nicky beat his chest, the frustration clear on his face as he struggled and failed to find the words to express himself.  

“Hey, hey, calm down, baby.  It’s okay” the small man said, reaching over to stroke one of Nicky’s thighs that were nearly bigger than him.  “Why are you getting him worked up like this?  I don’t know what you heard, but…” 

“We didn’t hear anything,” Greg said quickly.  “I’m sorry...our goal isn’t to upset anyone, we just need to know whatever it is you can tell us.”  

“What?  That crazy bullshit about Nicky’s former life?  Please.”  The blonde sighed again and sat back in his chair at the expectant look on the officer’s faces.  “Alright, but it’s just a story.  When I met Nicky he was crazy.  Like, crazy crazy.  He kept trying to tell everyone he ran a company….that he was some CEO or something.  Big guy can’t use a two syllable word or spell his own name, but there he was telling people he’s a bigwig.”  

“I am!  It’s true!”  Nicky gave his small friend a pitiful look, his massive shoulders slumping.  

“Honey you know I don’t care what you were,” the smaller man said, his hand drifting up to squeeze one of Nicky’s ample cheeks.  

“Not stupid!  Just….wrong,” the big man pouted, his fat cock twitching at the smaller man’s tiny hand on his rear.  

“He looks scary, but he’s really a big sweetheart,” the man said.  “I take care of him as best I can.  He can’t do much on his own.”  

“But he insists he used to be an executive somewhere?  Did he say where?”  

Greg heard Tank’s question, but he didn’t catch the answer.  His vision swam as he stared at Nicky, the big man’s appearance shifting and blurring until the giant vanished and he was looking at a naked, middle-aged man.  He was handsome, with thick, wavy hair and distinguished features.  His body was average and slightly doughy, nothing like the wall of beef he’d just been looking at, with a package that was on the smaller side.  He looked at Greg with terrified, pleading eyes, as if he could actually see him, as if he could actually beg for freedom.  

The younger officer just stared, imagining what it was like for the altered man.  He had no doubt in his mind that at one time Nicky went by Nicholas and probably did head up a firm or corporation somewhere.  He had the soft body of someone who sat behind a desk all day, not someone who sold his body for whatever cash he could get.  Nicholas probably had a huge house somewhere, maybe even a wife, not a filthy apartment with a little twinkish pimp for a partner.  

“How long,” Greg asked abruptly, his vision clearing and settling on the burly new Nicky.  “Since you two met, I mean.”  

The small man looked up at Nicky and shrugged.  “Four years I think?  Five maybe.”  

Greg couldn’t imagine what it was like to be stuck in the slow, hulking prison, knowing the whole time you should be something else.  All the changes he’d seen so far were mostly physical.  Until now he never realized how bad it could actually get.  

“I think we’ve got all we need,” he said, tapping Tank on the arm.  “Thanks for your time.”  

The man on the chair grinned up at Tank and slowly slid a small foot along the big man’s twitching monster.  “I wasn’t kidding about that discount.  No charge for that.”  

Tank shuddered and laughed awkwardly, his cock throbbing to its full length in his little shorts.  Greg could tell his friend was actually fighting the urge.  “Th...thanks, but we’ve got work to do.  Maybe some other time.”  

They started to head for the door when Greg’s shoulder was swallowed by a meaty paw.  “You fix this?”  

The lean redhead turned and patted the hand on his shoulder.  “I’m going to try.  And look, for what it’s worth, we believe you.”  Greg doubted that he’d ever be able to forget the sad look in the confused brute’s eyes as they made their way back to the car.  

“Where to now,” Tank asked.  He didn’t need to confirm with his friend.  He was just as confident as Greg that Nicky was another victim.  

“The library,” Greg said, not looking at the other man as he tapped the medallion beneath his shirt.  “I need to do some research on this thing’s past.”  


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