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“Let’s see how these assholes like it,” Duke muttered, unscrewing the lid and dumping the shimmering contents of the small vial into the chlorinated water.  He worried that such a small amount, no more than a few ounces at most, wouldn’t be enough to affect the entire pool.  The crimson liquid dispersed as soon as it hit the surface, the herbal scent immediately overwhelmed by the chemicals in the air, leaving no evidence that anything was out of the ordinary.  But Duke had been promised that it would work, and at this point he had no other option than to hope for the best.  

The burly young man was tired of always being the one getting picked on.  It didn’t matter that he was as fast and capable in the water as all the other guys as long as he was the bulkiest and hairiest one in the room.  He couldn’t help the fact that he was built more like a wrestler than a swimmer anymore than he could control the ample hair sprouting from his broad shoulders.  It was all in his genes.  The men in his family were broad, furry brutes and Duke had inherited every one of those traits.  

The barrel chested young man’s six foot frame was packed solid with bulky muscle.  His broad shoulders, brawny arms and thick, but agile, legs made him the target of every football coach he’d ever met.  He had the kind of powerful, athletic build that would have dominated the field.  Unfortunately for them, Duke was more at home in the water.  He worked every bit as hard, if not harder, than the other guys on the team to make sure his cumbersome build wouldn’t slow him down.  He’d medaled all through high school, and was currently attending college on a scholarship to prove it.  He shaved daily, keeping the excessive coating of fur that covered him from head to toe under control.  He didn’t party or waste time sleeping around; his every free moment went towards working out and improving his skills in the pool.  

But none of that mattered.  The other guys on the team, with their  long, lean builds, were relentless.  Despite there not being an ounce of extra fat on Duke’s beefy body, the chiseled pretty boys called him fat and chunky.  Despite the hours spent keeping his stocky frame entirely smooth, they called him fuzzball and sasquatch.  They mocked the way his ample cheeks spilled out around his straining speedo, and his squat, thick bulge in the front.  They’d scrunch their shoulders and hold their breath to mimic Duke’s missing neck and round, full face.  

Duke finally had enough.  He’d tracked down the serum online, and though it had cost him every penny he had, it would be worth it to watch his tormentors get a taste of their own medicine.  

“This better fuckin’ work,” he grumbled, pocketing the bottle and hurrying into the locker room just as the rest of the team started to arrive.  


“Later ‘squatch!” Chad laughed, slapping one of Duke’s meaty cheeks as the stocky brunette lumbered out of the showers.  The big man gave him the finger over a shoulder without looking back.  “He’s in a pissy mood,” Chad said to Alex, slicking his wet, blonde hair back and stepping up to the empty showerhead next to his friend.  

Alex shrugged and lathered his sculpted pecs.  “When isn’t he?”

“Solid point,” Chad sighed, grabbing a bar of soap to follow suit.  From a distance, the two young jocks could have passed for brothers with their matching blonde hair, similarly impressive wingspans and tight, trim waists.  It was only their faces, Alex’s boy next door looks and Chad’s sharp, angular features, that set them apart.  “Dude would make a lot more friends if he…” Chad trailed off as his hands ran across his solid chest, feeling a patch of silky hairs resting in the defined valley that ran down the middle.  “What the fuck?”  

“Something wrong?”  Alex wiped the water from his face and gave his friend a confused look as he watched Chad paw at himself.  

“I just shaved yesterday...it should be at least a couple days before I need to again.”  

Alex laughed at his friend’s look of disgust and went back to his shower.  “So you missed a spot?  It happens.”  

“No, I swear I...whoa! Dude, what’s with your back?”  

“What?”  Alex tried to look over a shoulder but couldn’t see what Chad was pointing at.  

“Looks like I’m not the only one who missed a spot.”  Chad reached over and ran his fingers through the silky patch of golden hair that spread across Alex’s broad upper back.  

Alex shuddered at the foreign sensation, his face going red.  “The fuck?!  Since when do I have a hairy back?”  

“Puberty hit a little late?”  Chad laughed, hit by a growing nervousness.  Something had felt off since they’d left the pool, and the sudden appearance of hair where there shouldn’t be any wasn’t helping.  They all spent enough time around each other naked for him to know that Alex was right.  His friend didn’t have a hairy back, and even if he did, Chad had just seen him yesterday and Alex had been entirely smooth.  There’s no way a patch as thick as the one that now stretched towards the other man’s shoulders could have grown so quickly.  

“Fuck you, man!  It’s not funny!”  Alex shot a well-aimed hand towards Chad’s dangling package, missing his friend’s thick hose by inches when the other man danced out of the way.  

“Geez, calm down bro, it’s not a big deal.  Hold on…” Chad scampered out of the showers and returned with shaving cream and a razor moments later.  “Here….turn around,” he said, spinning Alex to face the other direction.  

“This is humiliating,” the other man laughed, turning an even deeper shade of red when Chad started lathering between his shoulders.  He tried to focus on the embarrassment and not the sudden throbbing at his cock while Chad shaved him smooth.  “You’re not shaving it into a dick or anything, are you?”  

“Maybe,” Chad said, giving Alex’s firm bubble a slap when he was done.  “Guess you’ll find out.”  

“What about you,” the red-faced Alex asked when he turned back around and saw his friend’s furry torso, certain that Chad hadn’t been as hairy just minutes before.  

The other blonde jock looked down at the patch of hair, the pit in his stomach growing. The patch had spread from the valley between his pecs to begin covering them entirely while it snaked towards his abs.  “I’ll deal with it later...I’ve gotta get to class,” he said, quickly turning away and hurrying for his locker.  


Chad hadn’t gone to class at all.  He hadn’t left his apartment or even hardly moved from his horrified spot in front of the mirror.  He’d darted back that morning and frantically shaved smooth, telling himself the entire time that he’d just gotten his days mixed up and hadn’t really shaved the day before.  

When that didn’t work, he then tried to convince himself the unusually dense coating of golden hair that had sprouted to cover all of his pecs and most of his washboard abs was actually a good thing.  It just meant his testosterone was in overdrive and his muscles were at their prime. He repeated it to the empty apartment over and over until it was like a mantra.  

He’d told himself all that extra testosterone would also explain why he was so horny.  He’d been rock hard by the time he got back from the gym.  Part of the reason he’d bolted so quickly was that he’d felt himself getting there while shaving Alex’s back, and while it wasn’t unusual for the virile young jock to jerk off after a good workout in the morning, it WAS odd to do so while thinking about his naked friend.  When he’d been looking down at the unwanted hair covering his chest in the showers, Chad couldn’t help but notice Alex’s equally thick member twitching in his direction.  

Spending as much time as they did in next to nothing, especially early in the morning, they’d all seen each other naked and hard over the years.  It was just a normal part of the routine.  What wasn’t normal was the way Chad couldn’t stop thinking about it.  His palms still tingled from where they’d touched Alex’s muscular upper back, and the image of the other man’s twitching cock and low-hanging orbs were burned into his mind.  

He’d cum the first time at the memory from that morning, and the second happened while he was thinking back to ALL of the times he’d seen his athletic friend naked in the showers. It was something he didn’t usually dwell on, none of them did, but he suddenly couldn’t stop. He came the third time after he started imagining himself exploring that naked body in intimate detail.  

He’d forced himself to stop before before the fourth.  He started shaving, hoping the dread he felt at the inexplicable explosion of hair would cause his throbbing seven inches to lose focus, but his rigid member stubbornly refused to soften.  If anything, the sensation of the unwanted hair only furthered his aching as he methodically worked down from his shoulders, across his chest and abs, around his aching pole, and over his muscular thighs.  It was laborious, feeling like it had taken hours by the time Chad was finishing at his calves and his chiseled flesh was smooth once more.  

Only now it was neither of those things.  Chad had prepared himself for a rush of relief, but when he put the razor aside and righted himself in front of the mirror, all he felt was terror.  Already, wiry hairs were sprouting at his chest, only this time they were inching up towards his shoulders as well as spreading down towards his stomach.  Worse, though, was his overall puffy appearance.  At first he thought his skin was just irritated from all the shaving, but as he cranked on all the lights and turned in horrified circles in front of the mirror, there was no denying that his body had changed.  He was still firm and solid, only he looked less defined.  The lines separating each of his well-developed muscles started to blur, and even his sharp face looked slightly swollen and softer.  It was a subtle change at best, but the proud jock felt like he was looking at a stranger.  

Chad didn’t know how long he’d been standing there staring at his reflection when he heard Alex’s desperate voice outside his door.  

“Dude!  Dude!  Let me in!”  Alex’s pleading was followed by a rapid pounding until Chad shook himself out of his stupor and cracked the door enough to let his friend burst through.  “Fuckin’ hell, man, why haven’t you answered your phone?!  Something weird’s...happening…” Alex trailed off at the sight of Chad’s naked, rigid body.  “Oh shit...you too?”  

Chad didn’t know what to say as he looked Alex up and down.  His friend’s boyish face was covered in what looked like several days worth of stubble and he could see tufts of hair sticking out through the straining neck and sleeves of his the other man’s tight t-shirt.  Alex always wore fitted clothes to show off his impressive body, but they looked even smaller than normal.  As his eyes made their way down to Alex’s plastered on joggers, Chad’s cock nearly exploded at the sight of his friend’s speedo lines pressing against the tight cotton.  

The flustered Alex grabbed Chad’s shoulders and shook the other man.  “Snap out of it, dude!” 

“So...sorry,” Chad finally stammered.  “What the fuck happened to you?!” he asked, running a shaking hand up one of Alex’s furry biceps.  

“The fuck does it look like?”  Alex spread his hairy arms wide before peeling out of his thin shirt to expose the blonde forest that had erupted all over him.  The thick carpet snaked its way down his torso in a dense, bisecting line before breaking like a wave and flowing outwards in each direction.  Follicles blossomed everywhere, sprouting like weeds across his prominent pecs and up over his wide shoulders to cascade down his tapering back.  “It’s fuckin’ everywhere, dude!  It won’t stop…”  Without warning he kicked off his shoes and dropped his pants, revealing a set of equally furry thighs and a speedo that had been filled to capacity.  

Chad’s eyes went wide at the sight.  It had been hard to tell with all the hair, but he’d thought Alex looked puffier like himself, and the sight of the straining swimwear confirmed his fears.  The speedos were always tight, but the elastic bit into more of his friend’s flesh than it should, and tufts of hair stuck out through the legs.  Alex’s equally hard cock poked out above the top of the waistband, and there was a tense silence as the two jocks stared at each other.  “Oh...oh fuck…” Chad finally stuttered.  

“It’s everyone.  Troy, Evan, Holt…” Alex said hoarsely, staring down at himself in disgust.  “Go look at your phone.”  

Chad stumbled over to his desk, his shaking fingers fumbling with the phone as he pulled up his missed text messages.  He was greeted by picture after picture of his altered teammates, each one sending pics of themselves covered in varying degrees of hair, and each one making his stomach flutter.  As the pictures progressed he saw more and more of his friends spilling out of their already-tight swimwear, the smooth adonises he’d seen just a few hours ago already becoming something else altogether.  “This isn’t possible…” he said, dropping the phone.  

“Clearly it is.”  Alex gave a humorless laugh and put a hand on Chad’s furry shoulder.  Already it was like the blonde hunk hadn’t shaved at all.  

Chad turned, his naked body pinned between the desk and Alex’s exposed forest.  He absently lifted a hand and stroked through the silky carpet on his friend’s chest, kneading the plump muscles underneath and eliciting a quiet gasp.  His other hand reached around behind, stroking through the thick patch of hair at the base of Alex’s spine.  “This feels so weird…” he said breathlessly, surprised at how large and imposing Alex seemed compared to the lean, sculpted stud he’d been that morning. 

“You’re...tellin’ me…” Alex said, his voice strained as a bead of liquid grew at the tip of his exposed cock.  He reflexively thrust it forward, grinding his speedo against Chad’s naked member.  “I feel like I’m gonna fuckin’ pop…”  

Instead of pulling away, Chad pressed in close.  He knew full well that he shouldn’t be writhing against another man’s naked, hairy body. Alex was like a brother.  He was a wing man and teammate, not someone he should be lusting after, but he couldn’t stop.  

Chad tried to tell himself that what he needed to do was to get the two of them to a hospital, not work Alex’s speedo free.  Even as he reached down and started working both of them together in his hand, even as his friend sighed and buried his face against his chest, even as he felt Alex clutch the thick coating of hair he’d developed on his own back, he told himself they shouldn’t be doing this.  

By the time they were in his bedroom he’d stopped trying to tell himself anything.  With his face buried between Alex’s newly hirsute thighs there wasn’t room in his brain to focus on anything but the warm organ sliding in and out of his mouth and the way his friend would whimper whenever his scrubby cheeks scratched against the underside of his tight balls.  

He knew they were both still changing.  He could practically feel the hair continuing to sprout from his expanding skin, but as it mingled ecstatically with the coating on Alex’s solid body, he couldn’t quite bring himself to dread the thought.  


“Yo, Duke, can you get my back?”  

“Sure,” the burly man said as he stepped over and took the razor from Chad with one hand, his other sliding around to rest on the beefy blonde’s firm, freshly shaven muscle-gut.  “But what do I get in return?”  

Chad grinned and pressed his round, ample cheeks back against Duke’s squat cock.  “I mean, you’re already back there…” he purred, winking at the handful of other guys in the shower, all of whom were engaged in their own versions of his current scenario.  

“Deal,” Duke said.  He let his hand slide down to Chad’s rigid pole, giving the thickened organ a squeeze before pulling it away to begin the laborious process of clearing the blonde man’s broad, furry back.  Even though it was his plan, Duke still couldn’t believe his eyes as he scanned the burly, naked men around him.  The results were better than he ever could have hoped for.  In less than six weeks his teammates had nearly doubled in size, effortlessly packing on pound after pound of thick, meaty muscle until their smooth, lean bodies had been replaced by stocky slabs of furry beef.  Muscles swelled, hair sprouted, and speedos snapped until Duke was no longer the odd man out.  Even their coach, a lean, fit man pushing fifty, had ballooned with hairy muscle.  To an outsider, the locker room would have looked like it belonged to a football team, not a group of swimmers. 

But swimmers they were.  Instead of being clunky or uncoordinated, the young men seemed to adapt almost instantly to their rapidly acquired bulk.  It was as if they’d always been built that way.  Instead of hurting their performance, the team started dominating the competition to the point where they were all investigated for performance enhancing drugs.  

None of them could explain what happened, but as they grew accustomed to their powerful new shapes, none of the young men really wanted to.  The rush of horror they’d all felt at the beginning quickly faded when they began to experience the other, more pleasurable aspects of their changes.  Whereas Chad would have merely been joking with Duke a few months ago, now the thick young man was entirely serious.  He was all too eager to get his friend’s stout rod inside him and go for a ride.  

Duke hadn’t expected that.  When the serum said it would make the other guys like him, he never thought about the secret attractions he’d harbored, or the fantasies he could hardly admit to himself.  He thought it would just make everyone big and hairy, not big, hairy and very, very gay.  

Now, practice consisted of more time in the locker room than in the pool.  Shaving was a daily chore, sometimes more for a few of the guys, and the “help” they gave each other involved more than manscaping.  Everyone knew what went on in there, but when the team was doing as well as they were, no one was willing to disrupt things.  

“All done,” Duke said as he cleared the last bit of shaving cream from Chad’s plump rear.  He let a thick finger slip between the pillowy cheeks and pressed against his friend’s eager hole.  “Want to pay me back now or later?”  

Chad groaned, still not used to the sound of his deepened voice or the way his bulky new muscles felt as they tensed.  He still wasn’t used to being shaved by another guy either, but he’d learned to overlook that part.  The horror he’d felt at his expanding body and changing appearance had disappeared almost instantly after his first romp with Alex.  A few extra pounds and some hair were a small price to pay for feeling as good as that.  

He turned and wrapped his arms around Duke, pressing their lips together.  On the other side of the showers, Alex gave him a thumbs up while Troy had his face buried between his thighs.  “What do you think?”  


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