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Interactive: Pikesburg PD, ch. 8

  • The two hear about a short, slender man who claims he used to be a middle aged contractor. 9
  • The two find a lead on a heavyset, chunky man who says he should be the star of his college baseball team. 6
  • The two meet an overly muscled, barely literate man who insists he's a CEO. 15
  • The two are presented with a burly, middle aged warehouse worker who keeps trying to convince people he's really a twenty year old fratboy. 13
  • 2018-11-26
  • —2018-11-28
  • 43 votes
{'title': 'Interactive: Pikesburg PD, ch. 8', 'choices': [{'text': 'The two hear about a short, slender man who claims he used to be a middle aged contractor. ', 'votes': 9}, {'text': 'The two find a lead on a heavyset, chunky man who says he should be the star of his college baseball team.', 'votes': 6}, {'text': "The two meet an overly muscled, barely literate man who insists he's a CEO.", 'votes': 15}, {'text': "The two are presented with a burly, middle aged warehouse worker who keeps trying to convince people he's really a twenty year old fratboy. ", 'votes': 13}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2018, 11, 28, 21, 0, 31, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2018, 11, 26, 1, 41, 45, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 43}


“So what’s the emergency?” 

Even knowing what he was in for, Greg still did a double take when Tank opened the door wearing nothing but a draping muscle shirt.  His sleepy friend’s inflated club hung semi-hard and exposed below the baggy top that left more of the big man’s hairy, burly torso on display than covered.  “I was wrong about all of this...everything,” Greg stammered, prying his eyes away from the impossibly large package.  

“What do you mean?” Tank yawned, scratching at his bare, furry rear as he lumbered over to the coffee pot.  The altered man seemed much more at ease with his predicament than the last time Greg had seen him.  

“Remember what I told you about the little guy and the medallion?  It was all a trap. The necklace was never meant to protect anyone.  It’s what lets him use you.”  

“Whoa whoa whoa, slow down a sec.  I’m not fully awake yet...who are we talking about?”  

“That’s just it!  I don’t know!”  Greg slumped onto a stool at Tank’s kitchen counter and buried his face in his hands.  “I never should have put the damn thing on.”  

Tank leaned against the counter across from Greg and folded his thick arms over his chest, his pendulous cock now rigid and pointing at his friend.  “So you’re saying the necklace is a...what?  A doorway for something?”  He waited for Greg’s nod to continue.  “And this something is what did this,” he said, bouncing his solid beast for emphasis, “to me?”  

“That’s about it, yeah,” Greg sighed, trying not to dwell on the memory of Tank’s enlarged equipment against his tongue.  

“And the whole protection bit was just a line to get you to put it on?  So why not just take it off?”  

“I tried.  It didn’t go well.”  

Tank cocked his head, a concerned look on his face.  “What do you mean?”  

“Just give it a minute.  I’m due for another one,” Greg said with a defeated laugh.  “It took over my body.  My whole body!  All I could do was watch while it used me to change some random guyyyyuuuuugggnnn!”  The lean ginger groaned and spasmed so hard he nearly fell off his stool.  “See?”

Tank’s look of concern turned to one of confusion.  “See what,” he shrugged, not at all bothered by Greg’s unexpected release.  

The smaller man’s shoulders dropped.  “I wondered if you’d know.”  

“About what?  Your cumming thing?  Of course I know.  But why so weird about it all of a sudden?  Like I’m gonna judge,” he laughed, hefting his thick organ.  

“That’s what I was afraid of.  You remember me always being like this, but I’ve only had this ‘condition’ since last night.  It’s like how everyone remembers you having that monster between your legs even though you and I know it wasn’t always like that.”  

“Whoa.”  Tank took a deep breath, his eyes going wide at the implications.  “So you haven’t….holy shit.  This is...a lot.  It was one thing when it happened to me, but you’re telling me these memories I have aren’t real?”  

“Oh, they’re real.  Now, anyway.  Somehow this...thing...can rewrite reality.  It doesn’t just change one person, it changes EVERYONE into remembering a new world.  Look..we had a coworker named Johnny.  Do you remember him?”  Tank shook his head.  “Burly guy, real rough and tumble, manly-man type.  Now he’s a stripper in the part of town he used to patrol, and as far as everyone’s concerned he’s never been anything else.  I just saw him.  And while I was there, this thing took me over and did the opposite of what he did to you to some random guy.  Dude was hung like a horse and now he’s barely got a little nub left.  All I could do was watch.”  

Tank took a long, slow breath.  “So what are we supposed to do?  I mean, if this thing is so powerful, what the fuck are we gonna do about it?  Look at what it already did to us!”  

“It has some limits.  It’s sleeping right now, and we know it needs a host, so it’s not all powerful.  That’s a start, at least.  I figure the best bet is to try and track down other people who’ve been affected.”

“But how will you know?  If everyone remembers them being the way they are now, not the way they were…

Greg shrugged.  “I don’t know.  It WANTS me to find out about it though, so there’s gotta be evidence somewhere.  Look,” he said, locking eyes with Tank, “I’ll totally understand if you don’t want to get involved any more than you already are.  I just came here because I needed to say this all out loud to someone or I was going to go crazy.”  

“Fuuuuuck that,” Tank laughed.  “There’s no way I’m gonna let you go after this thing alone.  Besides, I still owe it for this.”  He bounced his cock again, staring down at his enlarged organ with a faraway expression.  

“How’re you, uh, adjusting?”  

Tank spread his arms, his muscle shirt dropping and resting around the thick club that pointed at Greg.  “It’s weird...I was terrified at first, but after a while it’s like I have to force myself to feel embarrassed about it.  I’ll catch myself thinking that everything’s fine, meanwhile I’m walking around in a pair of tiny shorts with this thing on display for everyone.  Honestly though, the strangest part is my new, uh, type.”  He blushed for the first time since Greg arrived, looking suddenly sheepish.  “Since we….that first day….I can’t stop checking guys out.  Did you know Eric’s gay?  I had no idea.  I always saw him around the precinct and never got that vibe.  But we finished our shifts last night and next thing I know he’s…” Tank trailed off, shifting his weight from one meaty leg to the other.  

“That’s part of the pattern too,” Greg said, watching Tank’s solid beast twitch at the memory of the previous evening.  “It seems to only go after men, and the ones it changes end up attracted to other guys, whether they were gay or not to begin with.”  

“Does that mean you…?”  

It was Greg’s turn to blush.  The crimson ginger squirmed under his friend’s gaze, feeling like a nervous teenager.  “So far, yeah.  Before it even did anything to me I was starting to…” he laughed and nodded at his friend’s bare lower half.  “Well, you know.  It came out of nowhere, before anyone even channnnggguuuuuhh!”  Greg jerked on the stool as he sprayed again, this time feeling the warm liquid seep into his pants from the saturated pad.  “Guh...goddamnit…” he panted, looking down at the spreading stain.  “I didn’t get a chance to change the pad since last time.”  His face went a deeper shade of red as he heard the words leaving his mouth, but Tank only grinned sympathetically.  

“Come on, let’s get you cleaned up.”  Greg followed Tank into his bedroom, his eyes glued to the hairy, shifting mounds of the bigger man’s exposed rear.    He winced when he undid his pants and saw the state of his sopping, bulky briefs.  “I’d let you borrow something, but I’m guessing you don’t want to walk around in shorts like mine.  We can just throw it all in the laundry.”  

“Uh, thanks,” Greg stammered.  He didn’t know why he felt so nervous and awkward as he pulled the damp underwear free.  Tank had seen him naked countless times in the locker room, but something about this time felt different.  The way his burly friend looked at him, the way HE looked at Tank, it all felt like uncharted waters.  

“Hey, at least now we match” Tank laughed, pointing to their clothed torsos and naked lower halves as he stepped out and tossed Greg’s soiled clothes in the wash.  

“Sort of, anyway,” Greg grinned, thrusting his twitching, six inches forward when his friend returned.  “Hard to compete with that.”  

Tank wiggled his hips and wagged his gigantic cock back and forth while he stepped close, batting it against Greg’s toned thigh with a loud slap as he reached down and grabbed the redhead’s shirt, lifting it free.  “We didn’t really get to enjoy it last time,” the big man purred.  

Greg wrapped a hand around Tank’s aching cock as best he could, stroking the thick shaft and feeling like he was tugging on a baseball bat.  “This thing really is impressiiiiEEEIIIIEEE…!”  Greg whimpered and sprayed all over the front of his friend’s shirt, his dripping cock still hard when he was done.  He’d wondered how his condition would work in the heat of the moment.  “So...sorry,” he gasped, mortified at the sight of Tank’s stained muscle shirt.  

The hairy wall of beef just smiled and pulled the shirt free before wrapping Greg in a bear hug, his massive rod wedged upright between them.  “We’re a hell of a pair,” he laughed.  “Mine’s too big to do anything with and yours won’t stop spraying.  This should be interesting.”  Greg gasped when Tank’s rough palm wrapped around his smaller, cum-slick cock and started tugging.  “Let’s see how many times we can make that happen.”  

By the time the ginger’s spurting rod finally went limp, they’d lost count.  Between Greg’s copious explosions and Tank’s pulsing geyser, they were covered from nearly head to toe in each other’s sticky deposits.  They’d gone at it desperately, pouring their anxiety and fear and embarrassment into their probing tongues and groping hands.  There wasn’t an inch of skin left on either of them that hadn’t been explored in some fashion, and the steady trickle of cum from Tank’s battered hole lasted almost until they’d finished their shower.  

Outside, the sun had just crept above the horizon as they toweled dry.  “So where do we start,” Tank asked, pulling on a pair of powder blue lycra shorts that barely reached a third of the way down his thick, hairy thighs.  

“I figure we start where this all began,” Greg said, blushing as he slid the pad down and stood in his bulky briefs in front of his friend.  

“You actually look really cute like that,” Tank said, reading the look on Greg’s face.  

“Are you making fun of me?”  

“No!  No, I’m serious” the big man laughed, swallowing Greg’s lean body in his arms again and giving the smaller man a peck on the forehead.  He patted the stuffed pouch and shrugged.  ‘I dunno...it’s like a kid in a puffy coat or something.  Just makes me want to hug you.”  

Greg pressed against Tank’s furry chest, not wanting to let go.  If he had his wish they’d spend the rest of the day in bed together, but they only had so much time before the thing in the necklace woke up again.  “Thanks...I think,” he laughed awkwardly, reluctantly pulling away and finishing getting dressed.  “And you’re sure about this?  You really don’t have to come with me.”  

Tank pulled on an equally tight, matching lycra tank-top that accentuated each of his bulky muscles, tufts of curly brown hairs spilling out around the edges.  With the massive hose snaking off to the side in the front of his shorts and the meaty cheeks lifted and separated in back, the brawny officer made Greg’s worn out cock throb again.  “Let’s get going,” he barked.   


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