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Hi Everyone,

Quick heads up - Patreon recently changed the way stories are posted, which in turn has affected the way you can search for them.  Before, I would pick the dollar amount of the pledge level, and anyone at that level or above could see the post.  Now they've switched it to the name of the level, and not the dollar amount.  What this means is that if you're searching for an older story, you might have to check both the dollar amount option AND the tier name option if a specific story doesn't come up.  

For example, the last vignette I posted doesn't show up if you search at the $10 level, but it does if you search the "Give Me Life" option, even though they're technically the same thing.  Confusing.  Hopefully they'll work the bugs out soon, but I wanted to point that out in case you all couldn't find something you were looking for.  It's all still there.  

It was also brought to my attention that today is Patron Appreciation Day, so let me once again say thank you (thank you, thank you) to everyone for reading and for your support!  I'm grateful for each and every one of you who takes time out of your day to visit my weird little corner of the internet.  

As always, any questions/concerns/feedback, just drop me a message.  


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