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Hi everyone, 

Chapter three of the interactive will go up a bit later than usual as I’m going to be camping this weekend and away from technology for a while. I’m hoping to come back with some fresh ideas after a couple days in the woods. 

In more exciting news, I recently discovered something of a digital time capsule. I found a file over the weekend full of stories, fragments, and ideas that I’d been working on roughly ten or so years ago. When my old hard drive crashed I thought I’d lost them forever, but apparently the file made it into a backup without me knowing. I’m going to start polishing them up and will most likely put them out first as vignettes as I slowly get them cleaned up. The first one should hit this Thursday. 

And while I have your attention, quick recommended reading update: https://www.amazon.com/Complete-Ambrose-Bierce-Delphi-Classics-ebook/dp/B00BNWVP5S/ref=mp_s_a_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1537278561&sr=1-2&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=ambrose+bierce&dpPl=1&dpID=51PPT05Ml2L&ref=plSrch

I’m a total Ambrose Bierce nerd and I can’t encourage you all enough to check him out (and that collection is a steal for Kindle folks). Most of us read a short story or two of his in school at some point, but he doesn’t get nearly the attention he deserves. His writing manages to be hilarious and creepy at the same time, all while using language that can take your breath away. Bierce’s personal life was just as interesting as his fiction, culminating in him mysteriously disappearing south of the border with no one knowing whatever happened to him.

If you haven’t seen it, you should check out the Twilight Zone episode of his story “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge”. It was actually a French short film that the TZ producers liked so much they bought to air on American television. You can watch it on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/EHqnSX4SJ_A

That’s it for now. Thanks for reading and for the support!


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