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Interactive: Pikesburg PD, ch. 2

  • The medallion protects Greg from the strange forces at work as they come after him. 4
  • The medallion lets Greg use the strange forces to alter people without him realizing he's doing it. 17
  • The strange forces work through the medallion and use Greg to change others. 22
  • 2018-09-18
  • —2018-09-20
  • 43 votes
{'title': 'Interactive: Pikesburg PD, ch. 2', 'choices': [{'text': 'The medallion protects Greg from the strange forces at work as they come after him. ', 'votes': 4}, {'text': "The medallion lets Greg use the strange forces to alter people without him realizing he's doing it. ", 'votes': 17}, {'text': 'The strange forces work through the medallion and use Greg to change others. ', 'votes': 22}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2018, 9, 20, 16, 0, 18, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2018, 9, 18, 0, 50, 49, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 43}


“Who?  Who’s out here?”  Greg tried his best to keep the small man calm, but the tiny bodybuilder was becoming more agitated with each passing second.  “Why don’t you let me get you somewhere safe and you can…”

“Safe?  Nowhere is safe!  Don’t you get it?  You think I always looked like this?  I thought I WAS safe but it's got people working for it all over!”  The small man squirmed farther out of Greg’s grip and produced a tiny piece of metal from the blanket.  “Here...take this.  Maybe it’ll help you more than it helped me.”  

The man proved surprisingly strong for his size as he shoved the metal into Greg’s hand and slipped around the surprised officer.  The taller redhead reached for the tiny stranger as he scampered by, but all he managed to grab was the blanket which came away in his hand.  He was on his feet and running after the now-naked man, but as soon as he turned the corner there was no sign of him.  Greg knew the stranger couldn’t have made it that far on his short legs, yet the barren street was as empty as ever.  There wasn’t anywhere that he could have hidden, even with his diminutive stature, but Greg still made a slow sweep of the street.  He investigated each alley and stoop he passed, coming up empty every time.  After an hour of fruitless searching he finally gave up, opting to examine the object he’d been given instead.  

It turned out to be a small piece of jewelry, a thin, tarnished medallion that was covered in strange, asymmetrical symbols.  He’d never seen anything like it. The markings resembled mold or lichen growth more than any kind of alphabet, and what seemed crude and random at first turned out to be a series of incredibly intricate, detailed carvings. It felt heavy with age, Greg’s gut telling him he held something far older than it appeared.  The implied age made the carvings even more impressive, and the young officer tried to wrap his head around the skill it would have taken to pound that much minute detail into such a small piece. 

“Well, shit,” he finally sighed, pocketing the medallion. His instincts were telling him there was more to this, that he was missing something important, but so far he hadn’t seen any signs of someone, or something, pursuing the small stranger. Just the same empty streets as always. He made one final lap around the block before heading back to the station. 

“How’d it go in the South side?”  Greg pulled in just as Johnny, one of the more seasoned guys on the force, was climbing out of his cruiser. The other man man was a pug-faced, middle aged ball of muscle, with a shaved scalp and biceps the size of Greg’s head. Even to the other guys on the force he looked intimidating. 

“Weird night,” Greg said, wincing as Johnny clapped him roughly on the back. 

“Weird how?” Johnny waved to the rest of the night shift on their way in, only half listening. 

“Just...weird. I ran into this naked guy bolting down the street…”

Johnny interrupted with a snorting laugh. “On the South side? Those queers usually hang out on my beat in the West end.  He high?”

“That’s just it. He wasn’t just naked, he was...small. Like, tiny,” Greg hovered his hand at his waist to indicate the man’s height. “But jacked. Bodybuilder jacked. It was so weird. He looked like a full sized person that had been shrunk down. Never seen anything like him.”

By now the younger man had Johnny’s full attention. “So, what? He was just running naked down the street?  Someone after him?”

“He said something was, but I couldn’t find anything. I tried to bring him in but he slipped away...spry little dude for his size. By the time I got to the end of the alley he was gone. Like, GONE. I couldn’t find a trace of him.”

Johnny shook his head and gave Greg a disappointed look as they weaved between desks and rounded the corner to the back of the station. “See? That’s what happens when you’re too nice. Should’a cuffed him right off the bat and thrown his ass in the car. What do I always tell you?  You can talk once you’ve got ‘em locked down. Now the freaky little pervert is still out there doing fuck knows what.”

Greg sighed and followed Johnny back into the locker room. “No, it wasn’t like that. The guy seemed genuinely terrified…”

“Okay,” Johnny said, undoing his shirt and exposing the weathered skin of his burly, barrel torso, “so now he’s out there unprotected when he should be in here where we can keep him safe.”  

“I’m telling you, man, it wasn’t that simple,” Greg protested as he followed suit, baring a hairy, muscular chest that seemed small compared to the older man’s meaty shelf. Despite their similar height, Johnny’s broad frame looked big enough to fit the younger man comfortably inside him. “He was babbling about someTHING, not someONE, coming after him.  He…” Greg started to mention the medallion but pulled back at the last second. 

“Kid, come on now, you know better than that.”  Johnny casually shucked his pants and boxers, revealing his tree trunk thighs and thick, heavy package before grabbing a towel from his locker. “It’s a weird part of town, sure, but don’t lose your head.”

Even as Johnny said it, Greg’s vision blurred.  There was a moment where the world went fuzzy, and when it settled back into place Greg found himself looking at a miniature version of his fellow officer.  Like with the man in the alley, Johnny’s beefy frame bore the same proportions it always did, his head just came to Greg’s waist.  The young ginger’s eyes went wide as he stared down at the shrunken stud.  

“Uh, hey, kid, I’m up here.”  

Greg blinked and shook his head, his face going crimson when he realized he wasn’t looking down at Johnny’s diminutive frame, but at his full-sized partner’s exposed equipment.  “Shit...sorry, man...I totally spaced out for a second there.”  

Johnny cocked his head as much as his thick, muscled neck would allow and gave the younger man a punch in the shoulder.  “Go home and get some sleep.  Forget about weirdos and monsters...I’ve seen enough guys lose their grip over the years.  You’ve got too much potential for that.”  

Greg did as he was told.  After the awkward encounter with Johnny he decided against showering at work and instead headed straight for his apartment.  The going home part was easy, the sleep part not so much.  After a quick shower he pulled on a clean pair of briefs and stretched out on his bed, unable to shake the night’s events from his head.  He turned the medallion over and over in his hands, inspecting it for any detail he might have missed the first time around.  The whole time, the image of the small muscle man and the momentary vision of his shrunken partner burned in his memory.  

He was so focused on studying the medallion that he didn’t even notice his cock aching for attention until it was painfully tenting his briefs.  

“The fuck…” he muttered, absently running a hand through the fiery hair on his tight, pale abs to squeeze the straining grey bulge.  When it became clear his determined rod had no intention of softening on its own he tugged his briefs down and fished the impressive organ free.  Still holding the medallion in one hand he started stroking slowly with the other, taking breaks to knead the hairy balls underneath.  

Despite his best efforts, the images of the altered men remained.  Greg struggled valiantly to remember the stacked blonde he’d hooked up with last, but it was becoming increasingly clear that he literally couldn’t think about anything else.  His confusion grew in time with his lust as he pumped away, his odd fantasy evolving with each stroke.  He no longer thought about what the men merely looked like, but instead imagined them with their mouths wrapped around his throbbing cock.  Their height was at the perfect level for it and he actually whimpered aloud picturing the overhead view of Johnny’s shrunken, bowling ball shoulders flexing while his round, bald head bobbed back and forth.  He flexed his perky cheeks against the mattress, imagining his older friend’s tiny hands were digging into them.  

The image shifted and suddenly the stranger from the alley was behind Johnny, plowing into the older man’s ample rear with a rod that would have been massive at full size while the small slab of flesh continued to suck away on Greg’s stubborn cock.  The whimpering ginger’s athletic body was covered with sweat as he writhed on his bed, the pressure building and building with no relief in sight.  There was another shift and now Johnny’s thick, shrunken thighs straddled his waist.  He watched the older man’s full face twist with agonising bliss while he rocked his little muscle gut back and forth, working himself deeper and deeper on the young man’s iron rod.  

Greg couldn’t believe how vivid it all was.  He could practically feel Johnny’s weight pressing down on his trim waist while the other man’s tight hole clutched his pulsing cock.  His own hands felt huge as they clutched at Johnny’s meaty little cheeks, while at the same time he could feel the other man’s small fingers digging into his hairy pecs.  The whole time, Johnny’s fat, three inch member ground against his furry abs, leaving an oozing trail.  

It was the thought of his older partner at full size, but with his shrunken endowment, that finally pushed Greg over the edge.  He had a flash of Johnny from the locker room earlier, only now there was a tiny nub between the burly thighs instead of the wide soda can he normally sported.  

“GGGGUUUUUHHHHNNNN!”  Greg spasmed and arched up off the bed, cumming so hard he practically covered his ceiling.  He couldn’t breathe.  He couldn’t move.  His every muscle locked in place while his cock erupted in volcanic fashion.  “Wha...what the fuck was that…” he panted as the explosions subsided, his sticky, sculpted chest heaving.  “Holy shit that was...wait…did I...fall asleep,” he asked aloud as he stared in a breathless daze at the alarm clock next to his bed.  Six hours had passed.  Greg told himself he’d just fallen asleep before finishing, which would at least explain the strange, vivid dreams.  

He told himself that, but looking down at the medallion still clutched in his hand, he couldn’t bring himself to believe it.  

********** What does the medallion do? **********


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