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Hi Everyone,

Let me start by saying that if you're reading this message, 90% of what I'm about to say isn't going to affect you.  If you're already signed up and happy with your tier, everything will proceed as usual for you. 

What's new is that Patreon rolled out the ability for creators to charge up front as opposed to waiting until the first of the month.  So now, when new folks sign up, they get charged right away, and will then get charged on the 1st of the month thereafter.  For those of you who are already signed up, nothing is changing in this regard.  You'll still get charged on the 1st of the month like always.  Nothing new for you there.  

What is new for you is the process of changing tiers.  Under the new method, for example, if you're currently at $2 and jump up to $10, you'll get charged the $8 difference immediately, and then the new rate on the 1st of the month thereafter.  You can also drop back down whenever you want. You aren’t locked into anything, so if you want to jump up for a month and then back down, you are still able to do so. This just eliminates the folks who jumped up to $10 and then dropped back down to $2 right before they got charged. 

If you're curious about what a higher level looks like but don't want to commit, you can still always message me for a sample.  I'll also post some more examples for everyone to see so you can have an idea of what those tiers look like as well.  

Up until now this has all been a big honor system, and I can't tell you how much I appreciate those of you who've respected that.  (Seriously, you're wonderful, wonderful people.)  It's unfortunate, but I always get a big bump on the second of the month, and then a big drop off right before the end from folks who signed up, read everything, then left without paying.  This will hopefully eliminate some of that.  

So again, if you're happy with your tier, nothing changes.  If you want to jump up, you'll get charged the difference immediately, then the new rate on the 1st of the following month, but you can always drop back down. Any questions/concerns, just drop me a message.

As always, thank you for reading and for your support!


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