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Matt stood outside the showers, staring at the reflection of his dripping torso with a growing sense of disgust.  To anyone who saw him, the cause of his discomfort wouldn’t be immediately clear.  It certainly wasn’t the broad shoulders that flowed into a set of long, solid arms.  Nor was it the tight waist that tapered dramatically, causing his damp towel to hang low, showing off his ripped stomach.  It also wasn’t his toned legs, perky little rear, or the sizeable hose outlined underneath the tenuously held towel.  His shaggy brown hair and smooth, boy-next-door face weren’t causing any issues either. 

It was the light dusting of hair at the center of his lean, toned chest that he couldn't’ get past.  It was a small thing, and not at all uncommon for a nineteen year old like himself.  It broke up his relatively smooth appearance, lending him a slight air of masculinity and hardening his boyish appearance.  If anything, the patch of hair accentuated his definition, drawing attention to the valley between the small mounds of muscle that formed his pecs.  

Matt didn’t see it that way.  He saw it as the start of something he’d hoped to avoid.  The rest of the men in his family were burly, hairy beasts.  They were thick and stocky, covered in bulging muscle and carpets of hair from head to toe.  For them, it was much more than just a patch at their chest.  It sprouted out of the sleeves and necks of their shirts.  It ran down their fronts and backs in equal measure, and even their faces were constantly covered.  The men in his family had a permanent five o’clock shadow regardless of how often they shaved.  It was like a curse.  

And then there was the muscle.  Matt knew that most guys would love to be able to pack on weight like the men in his family, but he dreaded it.  They weren’t lean and cut like himself, they were bearish hulks.  Their arms hung at an angle from their sides and their thighs were like small trees.  They all had sturdy muscle guts and meaty chests and round, full faces.  They were strong and powerful, with deep, booming voices and boisterous personalities to match.  They were the joy of coaches everywhere, practically tailor made for wrestling or football or competitive lifting.  

Matt knew there were plenty of women and men who found that sort of thing attractive, he just wasn’t one of them.  He’d thought he’d escaped his fate, but now he felt a creeping dread.  Growing up, he was always the runt of his brothers.  He was long and lean, prompting incessant bullying from his siblings and disappointment from his dad and uncles.  They didn’t share his interest in swimming and track, thinking that it wasn’t “manly” enough.  It didn’t matter that there wasn’t an ounce of fat on his young, shredded frame, or that he was covered in an enviable amount of tight muscle.  All they saw was a skinny kid who wasn’t as big as they were.  

“Yo! Dick hole.”  The quick shove on his shoulder snapped Matt back to attention.  His roommate, Tim, was standing next to him, toweling off.  His friend split the difference between Matt and the men in Matt’s family.  The young blonde had a sturdy, rugby player’s build, but he wasn’t a beefy beast, and while there was a light dusting of golden hairs on his chest and stomach, Tim wasn’t covered in the same dense carpet that Matt so feared.  

“Sorry,” Matt said, politely averting his eyes from Tim’s naked body while his friend dried off.  He did it out of instinct from years in locker rooms, not because Tim cared.  The buff blonde was hung, with a thick cock and large, heavy balls that he had no problem showing off at a moment’s notice, much to Matt’s constant chagrin.  

Tim looked back and forth between Matt and his reflection.  “Fuck are you staring at?  I was talking to you for like five minutes.”  

“This,” Matt said, pointing at the small patch of hair.  

Tim rubbed his square jaw and raised a puzzled eyebrow.  “You finally hitting puberty?  You’re gonna get hair on your balls, too,” he laughed, his arm shooting out and ripping Matt’s towel off in a blur of motion.  “Eh...almost there,” he said, nodding down at Matt’s small, manicured bush.  

“Fuck you,” Matt laughed, scrambling for the towel that Tim kept darting out of reach.  

“Not until you tell me,” the blonde man said, backing away and leaving his thin friend naked.  

“I did!”  Much to Tim’s enjoyment, Matt was steadily turning a deep shade of red.  Despite his good looks, the lean man was much more modest than his roommate.  

“Really?”  Tim relented and handed Matt his towel just as another pair of guys walked in.  The grinning blonde nodded their way casually, his towel still slung over a broad shoulder.  He crossed his sculpted arms across his chest as he stood, a motion that caused his long cock to thrust forward as he shifted his weight.  “What’s the big deal about some hair on your chest?”  

“Can we not talk about this here,” Matt said, eyeing the disrobing young men behind his friend.  

“What?  Them?” Tim looked over his shoulder and waved, pointing a thumb back at Matt.  “You guys care if we talk about Matt here finally becoming a man?”  The two newcomers just laughed and shrugged, but Matt had already left the room.  Tim wrapped his towel around his waist and followed after his friend, his flip flops slapping loudly as he hurried down the hall.  

“You are such a jerk,” Matt laughed.  

“You’re just uptight.  What’s the point of living on a floor full of dudes if you can’t fuckin’ relax.  Not like there are any girls around to see you.”  To prove his point, Tim waited until a group of guys were approaching down the hall to let his towel “accidentally” drop.  He picked it up and slung it over his shoulder, eliciting a series of laughs as he strolled naked past the group to their door.  

“I dunno man, one of those guys was checkin’ this out pretty hard,” Matt said, giving Tim’s large, athletic cheeks a swat.  

“Really?  Which one?  I’d be fuckin’ thrilled to land a gay dude.”  The grinning jock shrugged at Matt’s confused look.  “What?  Who’s gonna know their way around a dick better than another guy.”  

“Are you trying to tell me something?”  Matt laughed, letting his towel drop as he pulled on a pair of boxer briefs.  

“I’m not saying I personally want another dude’s dick, but if a guy wanted to take a crack at this,” he motioned to the hefty package between his large thighs, “I wouldn’t rule it out.  I’m just sayin’, the offer’s there if you’re interested.”  

Matt just sighed and shook his head as he pulled on a pair of gym shorts.  “I’ll keep that in mind.”  

“Seriously though,” Tim said, reluctantly pulling on a pair of red briefs and flopping down onto his bed.  “What’s the problem?”  

Matt felt foolish as he relayed his fears to Tim, but the charming jock had a way of getting him to lower his defenses.  Underneath his douchebag exterior, his roommate was surprisingly likeable.  “It’s like a fuckin’ curse,” he finished.  

Tim was silent as he processed what he heard.  He rolled over onto his stomach and propped himself up on his arms, his solid rear bubbling up behind him.  “So...you’re upset about becoming MORE manly?  Fuck...I’d love to get that big.”  

Matt fell flat on the bed in frustration.  “That’s just it! I don’t wanna be like that.  I’m not trying to get huge and hairy.”  

“You can always shave, dude.”  

“Were you even listening?  It would take forever...I don’t wanna do that every day.”  

“I dunno what to tell you, man.  If it’s gonna happen, it’s gonna happen.  Doesn’t sound like there’s a lot you can do if it…” he trailed off and sat up, bending forward and resting on his thighs while his stuffed bulge wedged between them.  “This might sound totally crazy, but we could always ask Nancy.”  

This time it was Matt’s turn to raise a confused eyebrow as he sat up on his arms.  “That girl you were nailing last week?”  

Tim nodded.  “She’s into all sorts of weird stuff.  Magic shit.” 

“Fuck you, dude,” Matt sighed, dropping flat again.  

“Hey!  I’m being serious!  You said it’s like a curse, right?  What if she could do something to hold it off.”  

Matt sat up again.  “You’re serious?  You believe in magic?”  

The buff blonde looked uncharacteristically defensive.  “If it’s not real what’s the harm?”  

“I…” Matt trailed off, literally not knowing what to say.  It was the last thing he’d ever expected his gym-going friend to bring up, let alone so seriously.   “I guess it’s worth a shot?”  


Matt tossed and turned all night.  He couldn’t get the trip over to Nancy’s apartment out of his head.  She was a couple years older and lived off campus in a small apartment that certainly looked like an authentic witch’s cabin.  Dried herbs and candles lined the single room efficiency, with crystals scattered everywhere about.  A sourceless odor lingered in the air, pungent and spicy and strangely alluring.  He could immediately understand what Tim saw in her.  Nancy’s lithe frame was covered in tattoos and black clothing, and the bits of her face that were visible from beneath the dangling curtain of raven hair were strikingly beautiful.  She was mysterious and gorgeous, a combination that was irresistible for a horny meathead like his roommate.  

Though he understood her charms, physically speaking, he’d still had a hard time believing in her mystical ones.  At least until the ritual started.  

Matt wasn’t superstitious or religious at all.  He didn’t believe in higher powers or that there was some master force driving the universe.  The young man didn’t know what was really out there, but in that moment, he couldn’t deny that he’d felt something.  There was a churning in his gut as soon as she’d started chanting.  The windows had been covered and the only light came from a single, purple candle, yet Matt could have sworn that there was a swirling radiance all around them.  It flowed and shifted like a mist, wrapping him in its embrace before fading away.  

Or it could have been nothing more than incense smoke and his eyes adjusting to the darkness.  Once the lights were back on it was easy to convince himself it had all been in his head.  He’d politely thanked her when they left, feeling more and more like a fool as they walked back to campus.  

When night fell and the darkness returned, the doubts started to worm their way back in.  He dreamt that his body itched and tingled.  He felt heavy and stiff, unable to find a comfortable position for more than a few moments.  Whenever he would manage to drift off, it wasn’t long before he started awake, his heart racing without him knowing why.  He’d looked over during one of these bouts of waking to see that an equally restless Tim had managed to kick his blanket free.  His roommate’s tight red briefs were tented by the long, thick cock they struggled to contain and Matt found himself staring at the straining underwear until he drifted off again.  


“Mmm...wha…” Matt’s eyes fluttered open at the sound of Tim’s voice.  He thought he was still dreaming at first.  The last thing he remembered was staring at his friend’s tented underwear across the room, and now it was inches from his face.  He blinked groggily until his brain pieced together a reaction.  “Wha...whoa!”  He jerked back, looking away.  “Come on, man.  That’s not cool.”  

Tim looked down at his rigid pole and shook his head.  “Forget about my junk, man.  You were thrashing and groaning like crazy.  You alright?”  

Matt yawned and sat up on his elbows, clearing his throat.  “I was?”  He paused and cleared his throat again.  “I was,” he repeated, his eyes going wide at the incredibly deep, bass-filled tone that came out of his mouth.  “What the fuck?  Do I...do I sound weird?”  

Tim’s eyes were just as wide.  “Jesus!  Where the fuck did that voice come from?”  

Matt reached up and rubbed his neck, jerking his hand away in horror when he felt the scrubby stubble.  “Wait...no no no no no…” he stammered, fumbling out of bed.  His legs tangled and he felt Tim’s solid cock dig into his side as he fell against his friend’s solid frame but he pulled away and ran to the mirror.  “Oh fuck...oh fuck…” he rumbled in his deep new voice as he looked at the thickened layer of hair that had sprouted overnight.  Instead of a small patch in the middle, his toned pecs were entirely covered by a thin dusting that was spreading down his washboard abs in a straight line.  The unwanted fur had also spread upwards, coating the underside of his chin and his high cheekbones in a brillo pad of stubble.  “Look at me!” He cried, whirling around to Tim with his arms spread.  “What did she do?!  This is the opposite of what I wanted!”  

“Dude...just...stay calm, alright?”  Tim put a hand on Matt’s shoulder and looked his friend up and down.  “It’s just a little hair...you still look the same otherwise.  At least I, uh, think?”  Matt followed Tim’s eyes down towards his own tented underwear.  “Is that...bigger?”  

His modesty forgotten, Matt tugged his underwear down, his aching cock springing free.  It was subtle, but his rigid pole looked longer and thicker than it should.  “What...what’s happening…” he said quietly, his deep new voice sounding imposing even at a whisper.  

Tim’s sleepy face was split by a mischievous grin.  “Hey, on the bright side, I think you’re almost as big as me now.”  The blonde man hooked his thumbs into his briefs and yanked them down to compare sizes.  Instead of dwarfing his friend’s, Matt’s cock was nearly as long and girthy as his own.  

“Now is not the time to be weirrrrrr...wuh…” Matt’s face turned a confused shade of red when Tim’s cock brushed against his and he let out an unintentional groan.  He gripped his friend’s beefy arm to steady himself as a shudder ran through him.  

“Still with me,” Tim asked, his grin turning into an arrogant smirk.  “I’m not used to getting that kind of response from you.”  

“Shit man...I don’t know what that was…” Matt gasped, too overwhelmed by the strange jolt of pleasure to even register his embarrassment.  

“Was it like this?”  

“OOOHHHHHHhhhh!”  Matt’s eyes bulged and his clutching fingers dug into Tim’s meaty bicep when the other man jabbed his cock forward again, slowly rubbing it along Matt’s enlarged member.  “Wha...dud...don...duuuhhhn…” the frazzled young man couldn’t even give voice to his protests as Tim continued.  All he could do was let out deep, half spoken grunts and stare at his friend in astonishment as Tim playfully batted themselves together.  

“Fuckin’ Christ you ARE uptight,” Tim laughed.  His prominent pecs rose and fell slowly in a dramatic sigh.  “You better fuckin’ relax after this,” he said, dropping to his knees.  

Matt nearly blacked out from the intensity.  He felt, more than heard, the walls around them shake from the force of his deep, guttural bellow when Tim’s lips closed around his hyper sensitive organ.  It was more than his senses could bear.  By the time his vision cleared he was gently pumping his hips, working his large cock in and out of his friend’s mouth.  The sight of Tim’s athletic body kneeling in front him, his broad shoulders flexing as Matt looked past the freshly grown hair on his torso, filled him with a strange affection.  His friend’s horseplaying antics no longer seemed annoying but endearing.  He was still terrified by what was happening, but the thought that his friend would be there to see it through with him was oddly comforting.  

The thin man let out a deep, loud sigh.  His muscles tensed, then relaxed as one when he exploded into Tim’s warm, wet mouth.  His knees went weak and he sagged, all the fear and anxiety flowing out with the salty liquid.  When Tim climbed to his feet, grinning and wiping his chin, Matt felt his increasingly hairy stomach flutter.  “I thought you...didn’t want another dude’s...dick…” he panted, his chest vibrating from his own deep voice.  

Tim shrugged .  “Seems like it worked,” he laughed, flopping down onto the bed with his oozing cock standing proudly upright.  “You look pretty relaxed right now.”  

“Yeah?”  Matt gave an awkward grin, his eyes locked on Tim’s suddenly appealing organ.  Without another word he slid off the bed and turned on his knees, his hands resting on Tim’s thighs and his friend’s oozing cock inches from his face.  “You said the offer still stands, right?”  



That witch is undoubtedly going to make a reappearance and things will then become even more complicated! P.S. I really enjoy the unwilling change motif and the horror it elicits in Matt!


When’s chapter 2 coming? I’ve been checking everyday hoping it’s posted haha.