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“Though little remains but a few massive walls and foundation stones, it’s believed that the city of G’Harne was once home to an obscure civilization.” 

Carter gestured robotically to the projected image of a set of towering stone walls, so large and overgrown with vines that at first glance they appeared to be a part of the natural landscape.  The marble slabs were the height of small skyscrapers, an impressive feat of engineering for a technologically limited group of people, but one that had long since ceased to be impressive for Carter.  He knew all too well what really went on in that forgotten city of ancient necromancers, and the resulting cataclysm they’d brought on themselves, but he wasn’t going into details.  The horrifying nature of that truth wasn’t knowledge for just anyone to possess, least of all a group of bored college students.  

Carter’s voice was flat; his mind elsewhere.  While his lecture continued on autopilot, he busied his thoughts with the information that Randy had brought him.  Trying to pry details from the altered old man’s limited new brain was frustrating at best.  Carter was starting to get a better picture of what was happening, but he’d need access to the young men himself if he was going to fully understand what the statue was doing.  From what Randy told him, the changes seemed chaotic and random.  Some of the men were growing, some were shrinking, their personalities were changing, and all were exhibiting increasingly uncharacteristic sexual desires.  

The data seemed to be confirming his research into the statue’s origins and purpose.  It could clearly twist and warp people in powerful ways.  Carter had a hand in his elderly colleague Randall’s abrupt transition into the young, musclebound Randy, but even without a directed will behind it, just being in proximity to the awakened relic was enough to gradually alter someone.  Given that it was currently residing in a house full of athletic, virile young men, Carter wasn’t surprised at the nature of the changes Randy told him about.  He was eager to speak with the affected group himself to determine if there were any subconscious characteristics that may have dictated the type of changes that each of them underwent, or if they truly were random.  

“What happened to the denizens of the fabled city is unknown,” Carter lied, “but research points to...war...ds…” The distracted professor trailed off as a screeching, piercing sound ripped through the room.  A glowing, greenish-black wave of energy slammed into him, knocking him off his feet.  

Dealing with the kinds of forces he dabbled in, Carter knew how to protect himself.  He had layers of charms and sigils and talismans on him at all times.  He thought himself prepared for any entity that he may encounter, but even his thorough preparation was barely enough.  He could feel the melted remains of a talisman burning the skin on his prominent pecs as his solid, stocky body was picked up and tossed as though he weighed nothing.  

The wind was knocked out of him and he lay on the ground in a daze, trying to catch his breath and recover from what felt like being hit by a large vehicle.  “I’m alright...I’m alright…” he wheezed to the class as he staggered to his feet.  He could hear students murmuring about the sound, but he knew that none of them would have seen the flash of energy as he had.  To them, it simply looked like their professor had taken a tumble for no reason.  “But we’re going to go ahead and call it an early class after that embarrassing display,” Carter said with a forced laugh that hid the growing knot in his stomach.  Looking out over the room, he could see a dull, greenish-black glow emanating from several of the male students.  


“Hey man, you feeling okay?”  Dylan gave his roommate a concerned look as he entered their apartment and kicked his shoes off.  His skinny friend was leaning against the lone counter that served as their kitchen in the small efficiency, looking pale and dazed.  

Tyler shrugged, blinking rapidly and rubbing his angular face.  When he pulled his hands away, the lean, shaggy headed ginger had large bags under each glassy eye.  “I think I’m comin’ down with something.”  

“You look like shit, dude.  You know, more than usual,” Dylan laughed.  Tyler aimed a weak punch for his friend’s firm bicep but barely made contact.  “Damn...even for you that was a lame hit.”  

“I don’t get it...I felt fine this morning.  Just hit me outta nowhere this afternoon.  Oh, speaking of this afternoon, did you hear that weird noise earlier?”    

Dylan nodded.  “Yeah...that was fuckin’ weird, right?  Anyone know what it was?”  

“Not from what I’ve seen.  Probably construction noises from the new dorm they’re building.  Maybe that’s what made me sick?” Tyler laughed.  

The other man put a hand on Tyler’s bony shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze.  “Summer colds are the woooorst.  Need me to get you anything?”  

“Nah, I think I just need to sleep it off.  You weren’t planning on bringing anyone back tonight, were you?”  Their apartment wasn’t much larger than a dorm, with a small living room that also housed their makeshift kitchen.  Beyond this there was only a bathroom and a single, shared bedroom.  There wasn’t much space, but the guys were just happy to have their own shower and a toilet that wasn’t shared with fifty other people.  They had to get creative when it came to bringing back girls since they shared a bedroom, but they made it work.  It was mostly a concern for Tyler, as his handsome, athletic friend scored far more often than he did. 

Dylan shook his head.  “No, I’ve got a big test I need to study for.  I hit the gym early so I can focus on that,” he said, nodding down towards the sweat soaked tank-top that clung to his sculpted pecs.  The broad shoulders and large arms that hung exposed were a far cry from Tyler’s long, shapeless body.  Dylan was a jock through and through, playing whatever sports he could make time for on top of daily trips to the gym.  His tapering torso was packed with solid muscle and supported by a set of equally built, sturdy legs, all of which were covered in a sparse coating of the same dark brown hair that lined his scalp.  On top of his impressive build, the six-foot stud was hung and handsome.  If his lantern jaw, full lips and dreamy brown eyes weren’t enough to leave someone wanting more, the thick seven inches between his powerful thighs usually sealed the deal.  “I’m gonna grab a shower and then it’s books, books, books,” he said, rolling his eyes.  

“I was supposed to be in the studio tonight but I think I’m just going to bed,” Tyler sighed regretfully.  The young art major had a project to finish and hadn’t counted on being sidelined.  He watched Dylan’s broad back flex as his friend peeled out of his sweaty shirt on the way into the bathroom.  Given their tight living quarters they were more than familiar with how the other looked without clothes on, but Tyler was always silently fascinated by Dylan’s dedication to his body.  As someone who’d always been awkward and bookish, Tyler had never developed an interest in sports or other stereotypical “guy” hobbies the way the other man had, leaving him with a long, relatively shapeless frame.  He’d always been naturally thin, and having zero interest in lifting weights left him that way.  Tyler’s flat chest and tiny waist sported hints of definition, as did his lanky arms and legs, but overall the bony ginger lacked any significant build.  Unlike Dylan, he also lacked an impressive package and didn’t have quite the looks that his jock friend had.  Tyler’s short, five inch rod was just as thin as the rest of him, and though he wasn’t unattractive, his angular features were more harsh than handsome.  

Hearing the shower hiss to life, Tyler stumbled into their bedroom and stripped out of his small t-shirt and khaki shorts.  He was starting to feel dizzy and feverish.  A clammy sweat broke out on his exposed skin as the line between asleep and awake began to blur.  Tyler thought he was dreaming when Dylan walked in and dropped his towel.  His friend’s ripped, athletic form was like a beacon.  Tyler’s half-closed eyes traced their way down every line of definition, lingering on Dylan’s plump, round rear.  He continued to watch his friend through the open bedroom door when Dylan spread out on the couch to study, clad only in a pair of tight grey boxer briefs as the world melted around him.  

Tyler swam towards the other man through the psychedelic fog of his fever dream, imagining himself as the straining grey cotton stretched around Dylan’s heavy package.  He could practically feel himself draping against his friend’s soft organ and brushing against the prickly hairs on the pressed-together thighs, Dylan’s musky scent filling his nostrils.  His thoughts shifted from his friend’s underwear to the couch cushions, and he could feel Dylan’s firm bubble pushing down on him.  He was the book on the other man’s lap, gazing up into a handsome face while he felt the meaty bulge dig into his back.  Then he was the pen in Dylan’s hand, his friend’s rough palm and strong fingers holding him tight as reality broke and swirled around him.  

The redhead’s body ached as he faded in and out of consciousness, his thin rod straining against his briefs the entire time.  He eventually pulled the confining underwear free, or dreamt that he did, as it became tighter and tighter.  In his manic dream he felt himself growing.  He watched his body from the outside, seeing his bony frame start to expand.  His flat chest inflated, pushing outwards with large, firm mounds of muscle that spread over to his shoulders and down his arms.  Bit by bit, muscle seemed to grow out of nowhere, causing his torso to look less like a rectangle and more like an inverted triangle.  Bumpy abs formed on his flat stomach and his legs became wide and round, while between them his smallish cock sprouted like a weed, growing longer and thicker and pulsing with vigor.  

That vigor was directed towards Dylan, who stayed rooted in Tyler’s thoughts even as his body changed.  He laughed at the realization that his dream self was actually bigger than his muscled friend, and he imagined himself easily manhandling a naked Dylan.  He pictured the other man’s solid, hairy body writhing beneath him, helpless to escape.  


Tyler’s eyes fluttered open to find a concerned looking Dylan staring at him.  Seeing his friend’s face, he wasn’t sure if he was awake or still dreaming.  He’d just been picturing the other man’s whimpering expression, only it was looking up at him, not down.  “Ugghh...wha...what,” Tyler groaned, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.  It was still light outside, which meant he couldn’t have been out of it for long.  His arms felt heavy and sore as he lifted them, and the more he woke up, the more he realized his whole body did. 

“You...you’re…” Dylan stammered, “...you’re fuckin’ huge!”  

“What do you….” The sentence went unfinished as Tyler looked down at himself and saw the inflated body from his dreams.  His eyes crested over the large mounds of the huge new pecs that loomed heavily above his tiny, shredded waist.  On either side, massive upper arms led down to thick, striated forearms that were capped by inflated, meaty paws.  In his sleepy thrashings he’d kicked most of the coverings off his bed, but the thin cotton sheet remained, held in place by the large, thick pole that stood rigidly between his widened legs.  The sheet left one of those altered legs uncovered, and Tyler looked down in shock at the pale, trunk-like appendage that had replaced his previously lanky one.  “Oh...oh fuck...oh fuck!”  

Dylan put a hand on Tyler’s shoulder and they both froze, realizing how small it seemed when just hours before it had swallowed the bony protrusion entirely.  “Just...just stay...we’ve gotta be calm about this,” the other man said, trying not to panic.  “I heard you in here moaning and when I came to check on you...you...you looked like this.  How do you feel?”  

Tyler continued staring down at himself, afraid to move, for several more moments before the question registered.  “Fine?  I think?  Are we...I mean am I...dreaming?”  

Dylan gave a quick laugh and shook his head.  “No, man.  We’re very much awake.”  

“But how does...this isn’t possible…” Tyler said, kicking his legs over the edge of the bed, the mattress groaning from the increased weight.  He stood, feeling awkward and cumbersome in his new body.  Dylan reached out and grabbed him when he swayed, causing a surge of unfamiliar lust to run through Tyler.  Like his dream predicted, he was indeed bigger than his friend.  

“I don’t know how it happened, but you’re...wow…” Dylan said, his eyes going wide when the size difference finally hit him.  Instead of being able to wrap Tyler’s skinny body entirely in his own beefy arms, Dylan couldn’t make it all the way around his friend.  He put a tentative hand on one of Tyler’s granite pecs as if to convince himself it was real.  

Tyler shivered at the touch.  “You’re the jock...does this just...do people just grow muscle like this?”  He flexed a burly new arm and watched Dylan’s eyes go even wider at the size of his bicep.  

“No,” he said quickly, forcing his eyes away when he felt himself licking his lips.  “Or at least...they shouldn’t?  Clearly you just did, but...no idea how.  Do we need to go to the hospital or something?”  

Tyler prodded his statuesque new body while Dylan spoke.  He felt giddy and strangely confident.  “I don’t think so.  I feel fine, just…” he broke off into an awkward laugh.  “I’m fuckin’ horny, dude.”  

Dylan laughed back and looked down.  “I can see that.  Kinda jealous there.”  

Tyler had almost forgotten about the thick, seven inch pole he now sported, but looking down his attention was more focused on Dylan.  His friend’s boxer briefs were tented by an equally large, equally solid cock.  “Wait...am I bigger than you now?”  Without warning, Tyler’s hand shot out and pulled the front of Dylan’s underwear down.  

“Hey!” Dylan gasped as his cock shot free.  He went to cover himself, but Tyler beat him to it.  

“They look about the same to me,” he said, wrapping a fist around his friend’s throbbing member.  

“Dude!  What are you doing?!”  Dylan, who was already having a hard time believing his eyes, watched in shock as Tyler tugged on his cock.  

“What?” Tyler’s newly lantern jawed face was a mask of innocence.  “Come on, man.  I’m so fuckin’ horny,” he sighed, running his free hand over Dylan’s furry pecs.  

“And what do you want me to do about that!?” Dylan couldn’t repress the shudder that ran through him at the feeling of Tyler’s strong hand. He had no idea what was happening.  He’d come into the room to find a buff stranger in his friend’s bed, and now that unfamiliar meathead was slowly starting to jerk him off and he was just standing there letting it happen.  

“I fuckin’...I need it...please man…” Tyler begged, his deepened voice rumbling against Dylan’s chest as he pressed into him.  

Dylan’s breath was fast and heavy as he let his head fall back on his shoulders to stare at the ceiling.  The pale, freckled stud that had once been his skinny friend was working his mouth down the side of his neck, the free hand sliding around to start squeezing his firm bubble.  “Tyler...c’mon man...we need to...to…” his protest turned into a sigh when Tyler dropped to his knees and swallowed nearly all of him.  Dylan let out a long, low moan, watching his friend’s ginger scalp bob in and out of his trimmed auburn bush. 

He was too confused to resist.  As soon as he’d made contact with his altered friend it was like a fog settled over his brain.  His thoughts were slow in coming and like liquid in his hands.  The only thing he could focus on was how good Tyler’s warm mouth felt as his friend’s tongue dexterously worked his oozing pole.  Dylan thought of himself as entirely straight, but something about the sight of Tyler’s huge, firm cheeks flexing below his broadened, muscular shoulders was driving him wild.  Where his roommate had once been meek and timid, he now radiated strength and confidence, making even Dylan insecure.  

When Tyler pulled his head away and pushed him back onto his bed, he didn’t protest.  He loved how it felt to be imprisoned between his friend’s steely arms while Tyler’s rock solid body towered above his own.  It was the first time Dylan had ever felt smaller than his partner and the thought alone nearly made him cum.  He squirmed and whimpered while Tyler’s hungry mouth traveled over each of his ample muscles and worked his pert little nipples.  His own hands found their way up to his friend’s impossible body, his fingers digging against the iron flesh.  

Like Tyler, Dylan started to wonder if he was dreaming.  The surrealness of the situation and the intensity of what he was feeling made it hard to tell.  He arched his back as Tyler’s tongue gave his hairy balls a long, dedicated bath, but before he could lower himself his legs were hefted into the air.  

He opened his eyes and looked down just in time to see his friend lining himself up.  “Wai..wait!  Tyler...hold onnnnnNNNNNGGG!”  Dylan saw stars when Tyler plunged inside.  The straight stud felt like he was being ripped in half.  His friend’s long, thick cock seemed impossibly huge as it stretched his virgin hole, the pain making it clear that he wasn’t dreaming.  He whimpered wordlessly up at his friend who continued to work himself slowly in and out, his athletic body tensing and writhing.  He didn’t know if he wanted to pull away or not, but Tyler’s unbreakable grip made it a moot point.  “FFFFFfffuuuuuck….” he hissed against the other man’s relentless probing.  “Tyler...shit man...thissssOOOHHH!”  

Dylan went rigid on the bed as the first jolt of pleasure hit him.  His eyes bugged out of his skull as it was followed by another, and then another, until the pain was replaced entirely.  He heard himself moaning and groaning loudly but he couldn’t stop.  Tyler stayed quiet, only staring down at him with a smug, arrogant grin as his hips alternated between quick jabs and long, slow thrusts.  

The straight stud was overwhelmed.  Not only had he never imagined himself being on the receiving end of another man’s dick, he never imagined that it could feel even half as good as it did.  He thought of himself as talented in bed, but now he questioned if he’d ever made someone feel as good as Tyler was making him feel.  The thought that his skinny, artsy friend was reducing him to a pile of whimpering muscle seemed almost as impossible as Tyler’s sudden growth.  He couldn’t think about it now.  All he could do was continue to squirm and moan like a man possessed.  


Carter stood in the warm evening air, listening to the loud moans ringing out across campus.  All over, men had begun to change.  He’d witnessed it himself on the way to the frat house, watching a pair of young men suddenly double over, fall to the ground, and start inflating.  They’d been fit from what he’d seen, but nothing like the two muscular studs who stood back up in their tattered clothing.  They’d started going at each other almost immediately, barely making it off the sidewalk and out of sight before rutting like beasts in the grass.  

And it wasn’t just young men, either.  A walking wall of muscle had stumbled past Carter in a shredded button up and tattered khakis, a long, thick cock standing rigid and ready as he went by.  Not wanting to be delayed, Carter had ducked out of sight, and as he watched him pass, he saw the face of a man who looked to be in his fifties.  Carter guessed him to be a faculty member by his clothing and briefcase, but he was in no position to ask.  There was something about the men that was alluring.  Even beyond their impressively altered bodies, Carter could feel a force that drew others towards them.  Just being around one of the changed hunks would be enough to suck even the straightest of men in.  It was a similar energy to the one he’d bound into the detective, and he knew how dangerous that could get.  

Carter had known from the start that it wasn’t just the men in his classroom that had been affected, and he’d found other remnants and signs that confirmed just how widespread the wave had been.  There were random piles of tattered, discarded clothing all over, and the growing chorus of bellowing moans filling the night air was only growing louder.  

“This shouldn’t be possible,” he spat, glaring into the void that floated before him.  He could see the tear in reality from where the statue had landed and could see the shapes moving just on the other side.  “It’s indestructible,” he cursed under his breath.  “It’s supposed to be indestructible!”  Carter knew that no mere fall should have been able to destroy the statue.  It had survived for countless millennia, through countless world-shaping disasters.  It was made from the very stuff of those beings that lurked on the other side of the void into which he was currently looking.  

He crossed his thick arms over his beefy chest and sighed in frustration.  Things were worse than he thought.  Somehow, the statue had torn a hole, and now instead of gradually changing just those in close proximity, waves of random changes were shooting out.  He’d felt one and was seeing its effects already, and if he didn’t find a way to seal the rift soon, more would issue forth.  From a pure research standpoint, it was a thing of beauty to behold.  However it occurred, he was actually looking into another dimension, a source of potentially limitless power.  

The problem was that he had no idea how to close it or control it, and the only other person that might have been able to help him was currently trapped in the body of a blonde, muscle bound idiot.  Carter didn’t know if the men he saw gaining muscle were losing brains like Randall had, but either way things were quickly getting out of hand.  He was going to need help.  


Chapter 2


Dylan whimpered quietly, clutching at the bed with his outstretched arms. His eyes were closed and he sported a sleepy grin, while his thick club of a cock, hard and oozing, was wedged uselessly between his ripped stomach and the groaning mattress. A pair of large, strong hands held him down, pressing into his broad back for support as Tyler plunged an equally large, equally hard rod into Dylan’s perky bubble.  

It had only been a few days since the formerly scrawny Tyler somehow exploded into a musclebound stud, but since then the two of them had been going at it constantly.  The first time the normally straight Dylan found himself on the receiving end, he’d been more than a little confused.  The athletic ladies’ man had no idea why he was suddenly desperate for another man’s cock.  He’d initially blamed it on his shock surrounding Tyler’s impossible growth, but they both knew it was more than that.  When they were together, he couldn’t take his eyes off his roommate, and when they were apart, he couldn’t stop thinking about him.  He was like a lovesick teenager all over again.  

Logically, he knew they should be concerned.  Like the change to his friend’s body, Dylan hadn’t had even the slightest interest in men prior to a few days ago.  The fit young man had been around enough naked guys in locker rooms over the years to know at this point if he’d had a hidden desire.  He wasn’t a closeted homophobe, either.  He had no problem with gay guys or with admitting a man was attractive, and he didn’t care when guys hit on him, which was often.  Yet, somehow, a flip had been switched inside him.  It wasn’t even that just the thought of women did nothing for him now.  The thought of doing anything other than getting stuffed left him cold.    

Tyler didn’t seem to have a problem adjusting.  The now-brawny ginger had been in a perpetual good mood since waking up with the body of a sculpted adonis.  Dylan couldn’t blame him for that, but if he was bothered at all by a sudden interest in men, he wasn’t showing it.  When they’d talked about it, Tyler had just shrugged his enlarged shoulders and said he’d do whatever felt good.  Dylan knew for a fact that Tyler was, or should have been, as straight as himself.  Or as straight as he used to be, at least.  Now the freshly sprouted hunk was just as eager to fuck him as Dylan was to get fucked.  Tyler had gone from a skinny, angsty artist to a horny, cheerful stud and neither of them could bring themselves to worry about it.  No one could.  

It was clear that something strange was happening all over campus.  Everyone was talking about the strange behavior they either witnessed or engaged in since the other night, and Dylan had seen that behavior firsthand.  The day after Tyler’s transformation, he’d walked into the locker room at the gym to find guys going at it everywhere.  There were two men clearly fucking in one of the shower stalls, another pair pawing at each other by the lockers, and a trio getting handsy in the small sauna.  The men were of varying ages and several reminded him of Tyler:  impossibly muscled, with bodies and faces that he would have remembered seeing around the gym if they’d built their impressive physiques the old fashioned way.  All around, the other men, several of whom Dylan did recognize, were throwing themselves at the beautiful newcomers.  Instead of panic at their bizarre behavior, the guys all seemed to have the same giddy, eager energy.  Himself included.  

He was halfway through his workout that first day when he caught himself staring at a ripped goliath.  The man, who looked to be in his early forties, was clad only in pair of small, thin shorts that did practically nothing to cover his bulging body.  Dylan knew he was hard and tenting, as were many of the men around him, but he didn’t even think to cover himself.  No one else was, so it seemed foolish.  He was embarrassed, he could tell all the guys were, at least a little, but it only served to turn them on even more.  The women who saw this all happening didn’t seem any more concerned than the affected men.  They watched the group of nearly naked, erect guys fawn over each other with nothing more than mild disinterest.  

Dylan managed to keep himself under control until he got home, at which point he practically tore his clothes off and threw himself on Tyler’s lap. They’d since gone back to the gym as a pair and joined in the fun with everyone else.  Dylan still had a hard time wrapping his head around the sight of his new lover easily hefting heavy weight after heavy weight.  He’d tried for years to get Tyler to bulk up, but his skinny friend’s metabolism refused to cooperate.  Now the red haired hunk was bigger than he was and Dylan loved how that felt more than he ever thought possible.  As with his current pounding, he was content to spend as much time as he could with Tyler on top of him.  

“FFFFfffuuuuuuuck man,” the prone jock groaned, squirming under Tyler’s increased weight.  The fact that his friend was bringing him this much pleasure in bed still seemed as impossible as everything else.  When his body grew, Tyler’s skill and stamina had apparently grown with it.  Even the inflated man had been surprised by his sharpened talents.  He’d be the first to admit that he wasn’t the best lay around, but now he could expertly roll his hips and vary his pace for what felt like hours.  

“How ya doin’ big guy?”  Tyler plunged in deep and laughed at Dylan’s loud gasp.  He knew his friend liked it slow and steady, a rolling tide as opposed to a jack hammer.  That suited him fine since he loved having his friend’s firm, perky little cheeks clutched around his pole just as much as Dylan loved having it inside him.  The only thing he wished was that his friend was laying on his back.  He loved the feeling of Dylan’s hairy pecs against his hands and watching the other man’s ecstatic expressions.  

“Pr...pretty good…” Dylan laughed drunkenly.  

“Only pretty good,” Tyler asked with a tone of mock disappointment.  He gave two long, rough jabs that made Dylan squeal.  “That better?”  His deepened voice dripped with a smug arrogance that had been growing since his change.  The passive personality he’d always had was slowly being replaced by an aura of confident dominance.  He’d always viewed Dylan as so strong and in charge, but now he viewed his friend through a condescending lens that made the buff jock seem small and helpless.  

“Much...much beeeEEEHHHH!” Dylan’s voice cracked into a whimper when Tyler repeated the motion in quick succession.  The pinned man turned his head and buried his face into the mattress, trying to push back against the pressure he felt building.  He didn’t want to cum yet.  He didn’t want this to stop.  


“Oh shit...oh shit...oh shit…” 

Across campus, a stocky mound of fur and muscle gazed up with burning eyes at the older man looming over him.  “Come on prof...fuck me like...you….mean iiiiIIIEEEE!”  

“Careful what you wish for, young man,” Anderson sneered, jackrabbiting his thick, solid cock in and out of the young man’s tight hole.  He turned and bit one of the meaty, hairy thighs on his shoulder, sucking hard enough to leave an obvious mark.  

He didn’t know the young man’s name, just that he was a student in one of his larger algebra classes.  A few days ago he never would have given him a second thought.  Despite the young stud’s impressive appearance, Anderson would have viewed him as nothing more than another faceless undergrad.  At the time, he had no reason to do otherwise.  He was more than twice the young man’s age, and despite his student’s jet black hair, bearded cheeks, broad, beefy body, and thick lower half, there was no cause to think of him beyond an exam that needed grading.  Then everything changed.  

Anderson didn’t remember exactly what happened, just that he’d been a doughy man in his mid-fifties one moment, then a ripped, gorgeous stud the next.  Like most of the altered men, he’d blacked out when the change hit.  A number of hours passed that he had no recollection of until he came to in his shredded clothes with a new body.  His thinning grey hair was now a full, salt and pepper mane atop a face that didn’t look older than 35, with a body that most twenty year olds would kill for.  He had no idea what to do with himself.  He’d always had an average build at best, even in his younger days, and had contented himself with growing old and fat in his dull, sexless marriage.  

At first, it seemed like a miracle.  His body was impossibly built without the slightest bit of fat on any of the ample, striated muscle.  The stringy patches of hair that had covered his old body spread out into a consistent, appealing dusting that accentuated the bulging curves of his newly acquired bulk.  He had the broad shoulders, tapering waist, and sturdy legs of an underwear model, with an inflated package to match.  Not knowing what else to do, he’d hurried home to his wife.  He was desperately horny, but as soon as they looked at each other it was clear that his desires went in a new direction.  Surprisingly, even Maggie wanted nothing to do with him.  There was no shock or concern, just a disinterested look and a declaration that she was going to stay with her sister.  He didn’t try and talk her out of leaving; he was naked and jerking off in front of the mirror before she was even out the front door.  He went at himself all night, flexing and parading naked around the house, his new body surging with unaccustomed vitality.  

The next morning, he learned how strong that vitality was.  He didn’t know what to expect at work given his new look.  He was still recognizable as himself, if he’d had plastic surgery and gone through multiple cycles of steroids.  Anderson knew at the time that he should have been more alarmed, more nervous, but all he felt was a giddy happiness.  And other than a few oddly flirtatious compliments from his male colleagues, no one said anything about it at all.  He might as well have walked in with a new haircut for as much as the office reacted, but his first class was a different story.  

The normally sleepy young men in his early morning lecture were all suddenly paying rapt attention.  They stared at him with obvious hunger in their eyes, which he surprisingly returned.  His formerly baggy clothes were plastered tight and revealing on his buff new frame, and he caught himself practically posing for the class.  The first few times he’d stopped himself, but then he realized he liked the looks he was getting.  When he turned his back on the room he flexed his enlarged, granite globes, and when he turned around again he made sure to puff his bulging new pecs out.  Only the countless hours of teaching the same class over the years allowed him to stay relatively on topic as his brain focused itself on the room full of increasingly attractive men.  

The skinny young blonde from the track team that always sat in the third row was his first.  Normally he watched the lean young man sleep through his lecture, but that morning the toe-headed jock’s sparking blue eyes had been alert and attentive.  As soon as class was over several of the male students mobbed Anderson’s desk, but the lithe young man was like a beacon.  A few minutes later they were in his office with the wiry man’s tight, bony rear bouncing and impaling itself on his lap.  

After his second class it was a particularly handsome brunette from the swim team.  Then a beefy baseball player after his third.  Then a curvy theatre major.  It didn’t matter what they looked like to Anderson; he enjoyed himself equally with all of them.  A seeming lifetime of unfulfilled desire was suddenly pouring out of him and he had no wish to stop it.  He didn’t even think he could.  He’d gone from having a mostly non-existent sex drive, even in his younger days, to being insatiable.  No matter how many young men he plowed through, he was never satisfied.

The constant need was enough of a distraction to keep him from focusing on what was happening.  He knew he wasn’t the only one that had been affected.  There were several young men in his classes that he knew in his gut had been changed like himself.  He could feel it just looking at them.  They were beautiful and striking, but they didn’t elicit the same response that the comparatively average man next to them did.  It was the same with them.  They never flirted with him after class the way the others did, and they all seemed more interested in their fellow students than in himself.  

Anderson didn’t care.  There was more than enough to go around, like the beefy furball wrestler he was currently reducing to grunting moans.  

The young man rubbed his wide hands over his panting face, his large arms flexing in the process.  “Does this...count as...extra credit…?”  

Anderson stroked a hand through the carpet of hair covering the thick slabs of muscle on the breathless stud’s chest.  The young man couldn’t have been more than nineteen, a fact that filled the older man with joy since he knew he was in better shape.   He slid his free hand down to clutch the stout, throbbing cock slapping against the hairy muscle gut, eliciting a wordless gasp as he tugged on it.  

The older man couldn’t help but wonder how many young women had been on the receiving end of the fat tool.  The short, beefy jock was handsome enough to get laid often, and he seemed like the type to spread it around.  Before the change, in his more sour moods, Anderson would be filled with resentment looking out over the sea of virile young men, envying and hating them for living a life that he never did.  

“I’m sure we can work something out,” Anderson purred, stroking and pounding in unison.  “Tell you what...wear your singlet to class tomorrow.  Dress like you’ve got a match...no underwear, no shirt...nothing else...and maybe we’ll talk.”  He beamed, watching the young man’s bearded cheeks flush.  Knowing that he was regularly dominating the young men he used to envy was almost as satisfying as the sex itself.  “Deal?”  

The blushing young man looked hesitant until Anderson gave his hefty balls a rough squeeze.  “Ye...yeah!  Anything you say, prof,” he gasped, nodding quickly.  


In the void beyond, things were stirring.  Invisible strands of wispy energy drifted from the gaping wound that floated in the middle of the walkway.  Oblivious people passed it by all day, sidestepping the tear in reality without fully realizing or knowing why.  Occasionally the strands would latch onto a passerby, seeping into their bodies without the host knowing they’d been infected.  Those unfortunate souls would continue to be oblivious until they started changing, and even then they wouldn’t know what caused it.  

Watching it all happen from the window of the frat house, Randall almost envied them.  He knew all too well the blissful shelter that ignorance provided.  It was only his newly limited intellect that was keeping him from going stark raving mad at the moment.  On the one hand he was aware of everything, but forcing a thought through the quagmire of his obliterated brain was a tenuous process at best. He felt awful watching the young men in the house slowly wake up around him.  Their actions hadn’t changed, but he could see the dawning horror in their eyes as they realized they weren’t stuck in a bad dream.  The nightmare wasn’t just real; it was getting worse.  They’d all seen the results of the first wave, the gorgeous herd of hunks suddenly strutting around campus.  The altered men must think it a miracle, but nothing came without a price.  They were all proof of that.

Carter had left him stationed at the house to keep an eye on things while he called for help, and deep down Randall knew that no good would come of that.  He doubted that the kind of people someone like Carter associated with would pass up an opportunity at limitless power for altruistic reasons.  The monsters on the other side were the oily rags, and all Carter could do was gather a box of matches.  

Randall listened to the deep, ever present hum and watched the green light grow brighter.  Another wave was coming, and there was nothing he could do to stop it.  


Chapter 3


Owen was trapped behind his desk.  The panicking young grad assistant had been feeling off all afternoon, a sensation that only got worse as the day went on.  It was almost hard to believe that the day had started off normal enough.  Owen had gone through his first few classes without issue, but partway through the last there’d been another mysterious screeching noise like the one a few days prior.  Since then, he’d felt dizzy and feverish.  He’d barely managed to stumble to his desk in the back of the large, open bullpen before it felt like his legs would have given out on him.  

The weariness was fortunately quick in passing, but it left Owen feeling shaky and oddly uncomfortable in its wake.  He first noticed his constant shifting.  The blonde young man couldn’t get comfortable in his chair.  His fitted slacks felt tighter than they should, and his normally comfortable boxer briefs kept binding and bunching.  When he unexpectedly came for the first time, he hadn’t even realized he’d been hard.  

He’d been trying to focus on the tests he needed to grade when a familiar, though unanticipated, shudder ran through him.  His eyes went wide and he let out a quick grunt as a series of warm, wet spurts spread down his leg.  Owen’s lean, pale face went purple with embarrassment when he looked down at the growing wet spot.  Staring at the rigid pole outlined in his pants, the uncomfortable tightness suddenly made sense.  

What didn’t make sense was why it happened in the first place, or why he didn’t feel it coming.  Owen hadn’t felt anything out of the ordinary.  He didn’t even know he was hard.  One second he was sitting at his desk like always, the next he was cumming uncontrollably in his pants.  Alarmingly, the release didn’t appear to have any effect on his suddenly eager cock.  The thick six inches stayed hard and throbbing even after the last globs of fluid had leaked out.  

Owen didn’t know what to do.  There were only a few other people in the office, but the wetness had spread more than he could easily cover.  He figured his best bet was to wait for them to leave and then try and make a break for it.  It wasn’t a bad plan, but his body had other ideas. 

The minutes passed like hours while Owen frantically tried to figure out what was going on.  His aching cock hadn’t softened in the slightest.  If anything, it felt like his pants were only growing tighter than ever.  The athletic young man cursed himself for buying the tight slacks.  He ordinarily liked the way they showed off his toned legs and perky bottom, but at the moment they left nothing to the imagination.  His solid poker stood out like a neon sign under the thin fabric, outlined in all its glory for everyone to see.  It was while he was thinking about his impending humiliation that he came for the second time.  Like the first, there had been no warning, just a sudden spraying from his untouched member.  

Owen cringed as he felt the second bout of fluid, seemingly more than the first, spread warmly across his lap.  The horror that he’d felt grew when he looked down to survey the damage.  His cock was still rigid, but was significantly larger than the six inches it should have been.  The surprised young man stifled a gasp and stared at the large, unfamiliar organ snaking along his leg.  It had to have been at least eight inches and was noticeably thicker.  

He started to panic, weighing his humiliation against his desire to run for help.  There was only one person left in the office then, but the thought of them seeing him run, soaking and hard, out of the office was too much.  Despite his fit build and good looks, Owen was modest at his core.  Changing in a locker room or going bare chested at the pool was one thing, walking around in wet, tented pants was another.  

Still, he needed help.  Without any other good options, Owen had bit the bullet and sent a text to his friend Chris.  They’d known each other since high school and he could at least count on his friend to bring him a change of clothes.  The exchange was awkward and confused, but after a few minutes the other man agreed.  It was good time, since he came for a third time as soon as he put the phone down. 

This time the spraying had been accompanied by a sharp stab of pain that took Owen’s breath away.  It felt like he’d been punched in the crotch.  To his growing horror, his cock continued expanding.  It looked to be pushing ten inches and had grown so thick it threatened to tear out of his pant leg.  Though it wasn’t comfortable in its own right, Owen learned that the majority of the pain was coming from his equally inflating balls.  He’d been so focused on his wet pants that he hadn’t noticed until the hairy orbs had grown beyond capacity.  The thought was absolutely mortifying, but Owen didn’t have a choice other than to pull them free.  

Fortunately his last coworker had just left, though the open door meant he still had to be careful.  He did his best to subtly pull himself free, going pale when he finally saw his growing monster.  His former endowment had matched his athletic, 5’10” frame perfectly.  It had a nice hang to it that he’d always been proud of, and he knew how to use every inch in the bedroom.  Now, somehow, he fished free a bulbous club.  The rigid beast pressed against the top underside of his desk and the heavy sacks he pulled out felt impossibly large.  

Owen didn’t know which was worse, his fear over what was happening, or the fear that someone would find him so exposed.  Every time a person passed by in the hallway he pictured them walking in and discovering him.  He’d be branded a pervert and kicked out, tanking the effort he’d put into his degree.  The nightmare scenarios played over and over in his head for what felt like an eternity.  He was trapped at his desk, helpless until his friend arrived.  

After what felt like an eternity, a bearded face finally poked through the door.  “Hey man,” Chris said, looking around the empty office before striding in.  “I brought your...whoa...you okay?  You look like shit.”  

Owen’s voice shook and he forced an awkward smile at the sight of his friend.  “I...uh...can you shut and lock the door?  Everyone’s gone for the day, but just in case.”  He watched the other man do as instructed and tried to steel himself for the inevitable reveal.  

“Shit...I was ready to make fun of you for spilling something on yourself but this seems serious,” Chris said, weaving through the empty desks to the back of the room.   

Owen took a deep breath.  “Okay...this is going to be super weird and I’m really freaked out but I didn’t know what else to do.”  His face going crimson, he pushed his chair back and stood, wincing at how heavy his lengthened cock felt.  

Chris’s eyes went wide with shock and he took a step backwards.  “FUCK!  What the fuck?!  You too?!”  

“I don’t know what’s happening!  It just...wait...what do you mean ‘you too’?” The wind was sucked out of Owen’s sails at his friend’s unexpected declaration.  The last thing he thought Chris would say is that this was happening to someone else.  

Chris reached up to adjust his backwards baseball cap, his toned arms inflating in the process.  “I was at the gym,” he said, motioning to the baggy muscle shirt that left his hairy pecs hanging on display. It was still damp with perspiration and his mesh shorts and tennis shoes made it clear he’d just been working out.  “It’s been weird there the past couple days, you know?  You’ve seen it.  Dudes are acting weird all over campus.  I’ve seen guys hard in their shorts pretty regularly on the floor, but today the dude next to me just blasted out of nowhere.  He was lifting, and yeah, he was tenting pretty good, when all of a sudden he just starts cumming.  Hard, too.  Like, sprayed through his shorts…” Chris trailed off bashfully, blushing slightly.  “I thought I was just seeing things...I don’t…” the bearded young man struggled for the words.  “Okay...looking at dudes’ dicks isn’t something I normally do, but under the circumstances I was staring.  And I swear to god, dude, I watched it get bigger.”  

Owen was stunned.  He knew what Chris was talking about, at least in part.  Over the last few days there had been a bunch of unfamiliar faces at the gym and popping up all over campus.  Guys who were insanely built started showing up out of nowhere, and everyone was acting funny.  As much as Owen hated to admit it, he’d been one of them.  Just yesterday he’d been showering at the gym before class when one of those strangely muscled men took up the spot next to him.  Owen normally checked the other guys out, they all did, discreetly, but this was different.  The man was expecting him to stare, and he did.  Owen couldn’t take his eyes off him.  For the first time in his life, the sight of another man’s naked body had him achingly hard.  

Modest or not, Owen still knew he looked good.  He worked hard at staying fit and had the sculpted pecs, flat stomach, and burly arms to prove it.  His legs were strong but not bulky, and he was proud of his firm little bubble.  He had no problem getting laid, and he’d put his symmetrical features up against another guy’s without hesitation in a contest.  But the muscled adonis next to him made him feel small and weak.  He’d wanted to do things he’d never even imagined.  He’d wanted the man to do things to him he’d never even imagined.  And then the man was gone, leaving Owen hard and alone in the showers.  He’d been hearing similar stories all over campus, but nothing like what he was experiencing at the moment.  

“So...so what happened to him,” Owen stammered.  

Chris shrugged his round shoulders.  “No clue.  I got your text right after and dropped what I was doing to come here.”  He stepped forward again, cocking his head as he stared down at his friend’s altered member.  “I know I never saw it up close and personal before, but that’s way bigger, right?”  

Owen blushed under his friend’s gaze but couldn’t do anything to cover himself.  He’d crested the twelve inch point and had grown so thick he couldn’t even close his hand around himself anymore.  “Yeah...way, way bigger,” he sighed.  “What the fuck am I even supposed to do with this thing?!”  

Chris’s hands were fidgeting at his sides.  “Does it hurt?”  

“No...now that it’s not crammed in my pants, anyway.”  Owen rubbed his face with his hands, the shock leaving him in a daze.  His eyes momentarily covered, he didn’t see Chris reaching for him.  

“It’s just...fuck this thing is huge…” Chris laughed, reaching down and prodding his friend’s massive tool with a few strong fingers.  

“DDUUUNNnn….dude!”  The blonde man groaned, a jolt shooting through him on contact.  He didn’t like the glassy look that had washed over Chris’s eyes.  “What’re you doing?!” 

“I don’t know...I...it’s right there…and...” Chris babbled, his fingers turning into a fist that closed around as much of the thick pole as it could.  “Feels pretty good,” the hairy man muttered to himself, his other hand reaching down to knead Owen’s orange-sized balls.  

“Chris...come on man...don’t…” Owen panted, his every muscle seizing as Chris’s rough palms explored his inflated package.  

“Never...never seen one so big…” Chris continued to mutter in zombie-like fashion.  Owen could see his friend’s still-average sized cock tenting out his gym shorts as he tugged.  He had no idea what was happening.  Chris was as straight as he was, and this was clearly more than the other man being curious.  “Can’t even get my fist around it...fuckin’ huge…” 

This time, Owen felt it coming.  After only a few tugs, a familiar pressure built at the base of his spine.  He tried to warn his friend, but when he opened his mouth all that came out was a high pitched, croaking whimper.  His enlarged rod sprayed like a fire hose, soaking Chris’s muscle shirt and spattering onto the front of his shorts.  

Oddly, his friend didn’t try to move out of the way.  As Owen sprayed, Chris quickly tore his shirt free to let the sticky torrent land directly on his skin.  The altered man watched in shock as the hairy jock spread the copious fluid all over his muscular torso, matting the fur that covered his bulging pecs and firm abs.  It was as if he was bathing.  Owen gasped, still frozen in place, as his friend milked out the last few drops and smeared it on with the rest.  

Owen stared at his sticky friend with a mix of desire and disgust.  The sight of Chris’s bare, sculpted torso turned him on to a confusing degree, but he couldn’t wrap his brain around his straight friend eagerly taking a cum bath. And as much as he didn’t want to admit it, he was desperate for Chris to keep working his throbbing club.  He wanted to strip the other man down and see how much he dwarfed his friend’s endowment, knowing it would look minuscule by comparison.  He wanted to feel Chris’s ample hair prickling against his smooth skin as they writhed together.  

Before he could act on any of this, Owen watched a change come over the other man.  Like a sponge absorbing liquid, the sticky fluid suddenly soaked into Chris’s burly frame.  Even the curly hairs on his torso were no longer matted, leaving him looking as if he’d just stepped out of the shower.  

Chris blinked rapidly, shaking his head as his bearded cheeks were split by a large grin.  “Holy...holy shit!  Dude...I feel fucking fantastic!” he laughed drunkenly.  “What the fuck did you just do?!”  He poked at his chest and flexed his arms, still grinning from ear to ear.  

Owen slowly shook his head.  “I don’t...what are you talking about?”  

“I don’t know, man.  I feel like...I’m high?  But not all fuzzy headed and shit.  Like I just got the best night’s sleep, the best workout, and the best sex all at once.”  Chris stretched and rubbed his hairy abs like he’d just gotten out of bed before stepping forward and planting a rough kiss on Owen’s surprised lips.  The blonde man resisted on reflex at first but relaxed into it, loving how his friend’s trimmed beard felt against his face.  “Goddamn!” Chris laughed triumphantly when he pulled away.  Owen could still see a glassy look in the giddy jock’s hungry eyes as Chris gave his ass a quick swat.  “I don’t know what the fuck’s going on, but if whatever just came out of there can make me feel like this, I want more.”  

Owen was too stunned to respond.  Instead of panicking over his impossibly huge cock, or his own bizarre actions, Chris was giggling excitedly like he’d just discovered a new brand of energy drink.  Owen wanted to stuff himself away as best he could and run for help, but Chris was already stroking again.  


Chapter 4


Kainen hurried down the hall, his hands fumbling with his keys amidst the plethora of grocery bags.  The small jogging shorts he had on didn’t have any pockets, which made running errands difficult.  If it had been up to him he would have stuck to his usual cargo shorts instead of the thin, revealing garment that left nothing to the imagination.  The built-in underwear couldn’t contain his hefty equipment and thrust it uncomfortably forward.  

He also would have preferred to wear one of his usual t-shirts instead of the cut off tank-top that left the bottom half of his firm stomach and all of his stuffed shorts exposed, but it wasn’t up to him anymore.  It was up to Jimmy.  His skinny roommate called the shots now whether he liked it or not, and if Jimmy wanted his beefy body on display, then that’s what Kainen would do.  He was embarrassed by the large bulge his meaty package caused, and by the way his round, solid cheeks practically hung out from the bottom of the shorts, but he knew that was the point.  Despite the ample muscles on his blonde, stocky frame, he wasn’t the big guy in the apartment anymore, and Jimmy was driving that point home.  

Kainen still wasn’t sure what was even happening.  All over campus men seemed to be changing.  On his nightly runs he passed gorgeous, glistening adonises that made him hard on the spot, an odd reaction for a straight guy to have.  Even more odd was the fact that no one seemed to care about his thick, rigid tool tenting out his shorts, or that he was but one of many having a similar reaction.  It was the same in class.  His psych professor, an average, dumpy looking thirty-something, suddenly showed up one morning looking ten years younger and sculpted from granite.  It was impossible, he knew that, but he could neither deny what his eyes were telling him nor what his body desperately wanted.  Kainen left each class ready to blow and had caught some of the guys around him actively jerking off while they all oggled the somehow beautiful man at the front of the room.  

And then there was what happened to Jimmy.  Kainen had come home from class a few days ago to find his skinny roommate standing naked in the middle of their apartment sporting a rigid cock the size of his forearm.  Having been friends since childhood, Kainen was well aware of how Jimmy’s body should have looked.  Despite having the more handsome face of the two, Jimmy was the thinner one, with a tight, defined body as opposed to Kainen’s solid bulk.  His lean friend also should have been the smaller of them between the legs.  Kainen’s thick beast pushed eight inches, dwarfing Jimmy’s thin five, but his friend had somehow nearly tripled in length and width.  

Jimmy just stood there in a daze and when Kainen approached, the rigid monster sprayed without warning.  Torrents of sticky fluid splattered all over his arms, neck and chin as he tried to cover himself.  The sudden release seemed to bring his shocked friend to his senses, but while Jimmy began frantically recounting what happened, Kainen felt a strange rush hit his veins.  The warm liquid was absorbed, seeping into his skin and leaving the burly blonde in a haze.  Each of Kainen’s plentiful muscles was relaxed, but at the same time he felt alert and energized.  He was floating on a sea of endorphins like he’d never felt before.  

The next thing Kainen knew, he was pumping away on his stunned friend’s massive pole while fumbling out of his clothes.  It was instinctual.  He needed more of the glorious liquid on his skin.  He tore his shirt free and pushed his pants and boxers down as he dropped to his knees.  His own solid cock bobbed achingly untouched while he worked his friend, but the rush he got from Jimmy’s salty spray made an orgasm seem weak by comparison.  He rubbed the gushing fluid all over his burly pecs and down his flat, muscled stomach.  He smeared it along his wide, hairy thighs and around the mounds of his flexing rear.  He gasped almost in pain as he finally lubed his throbbing cock with it, overwhelmed by the intense pleasure he felt as it was sucked into the thick organ.  

Jimmy had resisted at first but quickly gave in, letting Kainen use his spurting nozzle as a shower.  When Jimmy had released what seemed like gallons of liquid his enlarged monster finally softened and stopped spraying on its own.  Kainen held his panicked friend in his powerful arms, feeling giddy and intoxicated as they lay naked on the floor.  Jimmy was as straight as he was, but his friend seemed in no hurry to disconnect their bare flesh.  His long, thin fingers danced through the sparse hairs on Kainen’s bulging chest and down to the blonde man’s pulsing cock.  There was a strange look in Jimmy’s eyes as he watched Kainen’s huge rod finally erupt, spurting out a seemingly meager spray that sat on his friend’s skin as opposed to sinking in.  

Since then, they went at it constantly.  Kainen needed Jimmy’s cum like a junky needed their fix.  At first his skinny friend had been happy to give it to him.  Jimmy needed the release as badly as Kainen wanted it, and half the time his unwieldy appendage would spray on its own anyway.  Gradually, though, Jimmy was imposing conditions.  His hulking cock was no longer a free, open tap, but a commodity.  If Kainen wanted it, he’d have to earn it.  

At first, the eager blonde thought he was just helping his friend out.  Even soft, Jimmy had a hard time fitting his girthy hose in his skinny jeans.  It was outlined like a third arm snaking down his leg and was unpredictably sensitive.  The rubbing caused by shifting underneath the fabric sometimes only caused it to surge to life, but others it sprayed wildly.  As such, Kainen had taken to running the errands.  Anything that required leaving the apartment was left to him.  He’d offered to buy Jimmy some new clothes, but surprisingly his roommate had declined, instead suggesting that Kainen be the one to update his wardrobe.  Without fully knowing why, Kainen agreed.  

That was the new trend.  Whatever Jimmy wanted, no matter how embarrassing, Kainen eagerly provided.  Shopping, cleaning, cooking, laundry; he did it all.  And if Jimmy wanted him to do it in a leopard print thong that left most of his heavy balls and twitching cock exposed, that’s what he’d wear.  If Jimmy wanted him to flex and strut and dance for him, he’d do it.  His smaller friend seemed to be relishing their new size difference, and the control he had over him.  Jimmy wasn’t being cruel exactly, but he was definitely taking advantage of the fact that Kainen was hooked on something only he could provide.  

“Hey man,” Kainen said as he stumbled in the door.  Jimmy was just coming out of his room, his dangling new hose hanging out through the fly of his worn boxers.  “I got everything on the list.”  

“Good job,” Jimmy said, his bearded cheeks dimpling when he smiled approvingly at his friend’s appearance.  “Aren’t you forgetting something,” he asked when Kainen began putting the groceries away.  

“Oh!  Sorry,” Kainen blushed, looking bashful as he hurried over to his friend.  He leaned in for a long, deep kiss that made his stomach flutter.  Though he regularly slathered himself in his friend’s cum, something about the simple act of kissing still made him nervous.  There was an intimacy to their tongues touching that their dicks touching lacked.  That was purely physical, an extension of the macho horsing around they used to do.  Kissing was something else.  

As soon as their lips parted, Kainen immediately stripped out of his skimpy outfit.  His cock was hard and aching before him as he flitted around the apartment putting the groceries away, but he knew better than to touch it unless Jimmy told him to.  Those were the rules.  He was to be naked unless told otherwise, and the only person that should touch his little cock was his friend.

“Much better,” Jimmy said approvingly.  He crossed his toned arms across his small pecs and watched the way his friend’s burly, naked body flexed while it moved.

“Did I do good,” Kainen finally asked when everything had been put away.  His eyes were fixed on the semi-hard obscenity sticking out of his friend’s boxers.      

“Could have been a little quicker...and you did forget about the rules when you got back.”  

Kainen’s heart dropped at Jimmy’s stern tone.  “I’m sorry!  It won’t happen again, I promise!”  

“It’s okay,” Jimmy said gently, patting Kainen’s wide back.  He gave a short laugh and shook his head.  “When we started rooming together a couple years ago I never thought we’d end up like this.”  

Kainen shrugged.  “At least we’re not in a tiny dorm anymore.  I think you saw me naked more back then than you do now.”

“How many girls did you use to bring home each week?  All those times I had to pretend to be asleep while you were getting laid on the other side of the room…”  Jimmy reached down and gently tugged on Kainen’s rigid cock, the thick organ filling his hand.  “All the time with girls saying ‘oh it’s so big’ and ‘oh Kainen you’re huge!’” Jimmy mocked.  Kainen heard what his friend was saying, but his attention was more focused on the twitching he saw from the exposed monster.  “Doesn’t seem so big now, does it?”  

“No,” Kainen said quickly, knowing the question wasn’t rhetorical.  His friend liked him to talk about how small his dick was whenever he had the chance.  He squirmed while Jimmy looked him up and down, a mischievous grin spreading across his face.  

“It just occurred to me that the little guy hasn’t seen much action lately.  Wouldn’t want him to get rusty.”  Jimmy gave another tug, this time pulling Kainen along behind him to the blonde man’s bedroom.  He motioned towards the bed and had the beefy man lay down on his stomach.  “I never did peek back then, you know?  All those times I was awake and trying not to listen, I never looked.  I’m curious, though.  You always used to brag...let me see your technique.”  

Kainen’s face went beet red even as he lifted himself up with his steely arms under his friend’s penetrating gaze.  He slowly started rolling his hips, grinding his oozing cock gently against the sheets.  He thought back to all the times there was a soft, feminine form below him and blushed even harder when he realized he didn’t miss it.  He started pumping faster, jamming his cock deeper into the imaginary body while his round cheeks flexed and bounced with the force of the movement.  The bed shook from his humping onslaught, and just as Kainen thought he couldn’t be more humiliated he turned and saw Jimmy holding his phone, filming the display. 

The sight of his friend’s enormous cock at full mast kept him going.  He sped up and slowed down, alternating between jack rabbit stabbing and gradual thrusts, watching Jimmy start to stroke himself out of the corner of his eye.  Kainen’s deep voice came out in a desperate whimper, not from his own actions, though he was close to blowing himself, but from what was about to come.  He worked himself into a frenzy, pumping so hard that the mattress was shaking off the frame until Jimmy’s looming cock blossomed.  Kainen groaned as the warm, blissful rain landed on his exposed back.  It trickled between his shoulder blades and slid down into the valley of his ass, coating his thighs and calves.  There was only a moment’s pause before the tingling set in and the fluid was absorbed, sending him drifting off on waves of pleasure.  

Kainen heard his friend say something about uploading the video, but in that moment he didn’t care.  He’d hump the bed in public if he had to.  He’d do whatever Jimmy told him, as long as the same reward awaited him at the end.  


“That’s always been your problem.  You’re too impulsive.”  

Carter glowered at the impeccably dressed man examining one of the many glass cases in his library.  “I didn’t call you for a lecture, Oliver.”  

“No, you called me for help,” the man said dismissively, his attention focused on the case in front of him.  “This is an impressive piece.”  

Oliver’s arms hadn’t moved, yet when he turned around to face Carter he held the large bone dagger that had previously resided inside the case.  Instead of being surprised, Carter took the hint.  Not only had Oliver seemingly taken the item without actually moving, he’d also managed to do so without setting off the many layers of arcane defenses placed around the cases.  Arrogant as he was, Carter was fully aware that Oliver had him outclassed.  Though his associate looked to be a fit young man in his early thirties, Oliver was far, far older.  Carter had initially met him over twenty years ago and the man hadn’t aged a day since.  In conversation with other members of their inner circle Carter had heard rumors that the man’s true age could be measured in centuries, and though he currently went by “Oliver Walden” his true name was a closely guarded secret.  

“No need to show off.” Carter watched Oliver turn the dagger over in his hands.  The handle had been intricately carved in the shape of a great, insectoid being.  It was similar in style to the statue but more refined, created at a much later date though the bone itself belonged to a creature that hadn’t walked the earth’s surface in millenia.  “We need to talk about closing the tear.”

“Closing?” The dagger blurred and vanished before reappearing in the case.  “Do you have any idea what you’ve done?”  Oliver’s ice blue eyes seemed to glow as the bright sunlight streaming in through the large windows dimmed, his raven hair merging with the growing shadows around him.  “You should have alerted one of us as soon as you lost the statue.  Did you think we wouldn’t find out?”  

“I had the matter under contro…”

“Clearly you didn’t!”  Oliver’s velvet tenor never rose, but his voice still hit Carter like a physical force.  “I took a walk around campus before coming here.  The whole place is radiating like Chernobyl with that frat house at the center.  Anyone with even a hint of sensitivity can sense it from miles away.  We all felt the tear happen.  I was on the other side of the planet and it put me on the ground.  You can be assured that others are coming...it’s only a matter of time.”  

“I don’t understand...it shouldn’t have happened…” Carter stammered, unaccustomed to feeling intimidated in someone else’s presence.  Physically, his burly frame was larger than Oliver’s thin build, but there was no question as to who was actually stronger.  “The statue should be indestructible.”  

Oliver sighed and shook his head, rubbing his pointed chin with a free hand.  “How is it that you’ve come so far, yet know so little?  It didn’t break, you fool.  It completed the ritual on its own.  You said one of the young men from the house threw it?  They’re his acolytes! They bear his touch!” Oliver’s voice finally rose and the room around them went dark as midnight.  “You know the statue’s true purpose and you still tried to deny it.” 

“No!  I was just trying to learn how to…” Carter’s voice dried up in his throat with a wave of Oliver’s hand.  

“You hid it from us.  You were so concerned with your own petty quest for power that you lost sight of our objective.  These relics,” Oliver said, motioning to the room around them, “are one thing.  Use them however you see fit for whatever shortsighted goals you have in mind.  But the statue?  You were going to use it for what?  Money?  Pleasures of the flesh?”  

“I would have...told everyone…” Carter hissed, struggling to force the air up through his beefy chest from his lungs as an invisible vice held him in its grip.  

Oliver laughed.  “When?  Once you’d had your fill?  We both know that day never would have come.”  His sharp features dropped, a look of genuine sadness replacing his anger.  “I thought you were better than that.  You showed such promise.  Like all the rest, once you had the key you faltered.  Just because it can, it’s not a toy to reshape the world in your image.  It’s a key to open the door.  We serve them!  We open the way for them!  Even now, when the stars are right, they need us to open the door.  You had the key in your grasp and you lost it because of your greed!  You should have called us.  We should have performed the rite and ascended.  But you tried to keep the power for yourself and an unwitting pawn managed to at least partially succeed where you utterly failed.”  

Carter couldn’t respond.  The invisible bonds were squeezing him so tight it was all he could do to remain conscious.  

“Now I have to see if I can force the fissure open.  Since the young man gracious enough to assist us didn’t actually know what he was doing we only have a sliver of an opening, not a gateway.  Thanks to your incompetence we’re forced to sit and watch their power come through in random spurts instead of a glorious tidal wave of chaos.”  

Carter was desperately trying every trick he knew to break Oliver’s hold.  He’d always wondered what would happen if it came down to a fight between the two of them, and he was quickly learning that his impressive occult knowledge was no more useful than spitting into a forest fire.  Carter could control minds and shape flesh and slow the hands of time to a degree, but Oliver was on another level entirely.  Watching his dapper form blur and his shadow twist on the ground, Carter wasn’t even sure the other man was still human.  And now it was too late.  

Oliver casually waved a hand, Carter’s clothing disintegrating in the process.  Without warning the fabric turned to ash and fell away, leaving his burly, hairy body naked and frozen.  “You need to be punished, Carter.”  


Chapter 5


Carter watched his powerful muscles flex and strain uselessly against the invisible bonds that held him in place.  He’d run out of arcane tricks to try and break free, which only left the old fashioned method.  Oliver stood off to the side, shaking his head slowly with a look of disappointment on his face.  

“Carter, please, you’re going to hurt yourself if you keep that up.”  The lean man’s tone was gentle and condescending.  “Or maybe you like to watch yourself strain?  You always were a bit caught up in your looks.”  

Carter’s face was turning increasingly red, the veins on his neck and forehead popping out beneath the growing layer of sweat.  For all his impressive, brawny muscle, the frozen man couldn’t so much as twitch a finger.  The irony wasn’t lost on him.  His mind flashed back to the countless times he’d had men bound in similar fashion before him.  

“That’s been your problem this whole time,” Oliver continued.  “Try as I might to expand your vision, you’ve always been focused on the physical.  Wealth, sex, power…so small and meaningless in the face of infinite knowledge.  It’s even more disappointing knowing that you’ve seen what’s out there and still chase after such pointless diversions.  Ah well,” Oliver shrugged with a slight sigh, “you’re far from the first to fail in such a fashion.  Still, you can serve a purpose.”  

Oliver stepped forward and placed a slender hand on Carter’s hairy chest.  The bound man stopped struggling and instead focused on his reflection, trying to burn the image of his ruggedly handsome looks into his brain.  He knew what was coming.  There was a sensation of pressure building all over his body, as if the unseen hands that held him in place started squeezing.  Then there was pain.  

Carter’s vision blurred and he let out a wordless hiss of agony as his body started changing.  The manicured layer of hair that coated Carter’s shapely torso exploded into a dense forest, spreading up his chest and over his shoulders before flowing downwards across his back.  The silky carpet was becoming so dense that it obscured the flesh underneath, but not before Carter saw the changes taking place.  His firm, defined abs vanished when his stomach started pushing outwards.  The flat surface gave way to a growing roundness, giving him an almost pregnant look until his shoulders started expanding to match.  The already-broad spheres of muscle rippled, sending a growing wave of flesh towards his neck and down his arms.  

Carter watched his sculpted appendages become thick and round while his neck was obscured to the point where it looked like his head sat directly on his torso.  The hairy pistons that had replaced his arms stretched under the extra weight, growing longer as well as thicker.  While Carter watched his hands drop closer to the floor, the mounds of muscle at his chest started pushing outwards, plumping up and rounding to match the beach ball of furry muscle they sat upon.  

Like his arms that stretched towards the floor, the extra weight on his torso seemed to be more than his lower half could handle.  Carter’s perspective suddenly shifted as his powerful legs gradually shortened.  The meaty quads pushed together and his calves became jagged, rocky lumps of muscle.  His legs were losing inches in length but none of their mass.  Carter felt his perky backside push ever outwards while his heavy package started changing to match the rest of him.  His hairy balls inflated, puffing and growing to massive proportions beneath a cock that stretched farther and farther down his squished thighs.  Now the size of small oranges, his balls fell, hanging low and heavy along with his unwieldy member.  

Carter’s handsome features were the last to go.  The warped man knew Oliver had intentionally saved those for the end, giving him the opportunity to see his attractive face on his mutated form.  It was only a brief vision before Carter’s forehead expanded, sloping his brow dramatically and pushing his hairline back.  His prominent nose flattened and his thick, full lips thinned above a jaw that became exaggeratedly square, leaving his head with an oddly rectangular shape.  

And then it was done.  Carter groaned and staggered forward, his dangling package swaying wildly when the invisible bonds released without warning.  He squirmed against his altered flesh as he felt himself rub together in strange new ways.  The dashing professor was no more.  In his place stood a creature that looked like someone had sculpted a mix between a powerlifter and a gorilla and then pressed down on top of the clay before it set.  He was still solid with muscle, but his tapering, sculpted torso was now lumpy and round.  He looked too long in some places and too short in others.  His handsome face was misshapen and primitive, and a curly forest had sprouted over nearly all of his twisted flesh.  

“What...do…” Carter was further horrified at what he heard.  Instead of his deep, bassy rumble, his voice was squeaky and hoarse.  “Look...wrong…” he said, his large brow furrowing.  The thoughts were coming as normal in his head, but something was preventing him from getting them out.  He stared up in frustration at Oliver, who he now looked in the chin instead of the eye due to the inches stolen from his legs.  “No….leave….this…” Carter grunted, scratching at his furry chest with a too-long arm.  

“I think I will leave you like that, actually,” Oliver laughed.  “I personally don’t see much difference.”  

Carter hadn’t realized his scratching had turned to absently rubbing his chest until he felt his lengthened cock start to twitch.  Instead of standing proudly before him, the shrunken man’s altered rod jerked to its full eleven inches, jutting to his left and hooking upwards at the end.  He reached for it instinctively, feeling a fresh wave of humiliation when he discovered he couldn’t stop tugging on it, letting out quick little grunts whenever his fist reached the upwards curl at the head.  Carter was trying to ignore the mental image of himself jerking off in front of Oliver in his apelike new body.  Unlike Randall he was still entirely aware of who he was and what had happened, he just couldn’t get his thoughts to gel.  Despite his absolute horror, he told himself not to panic.  Though he was trapped in a twisted body, he could still come up with a plan.  

Oliver watched the brutish man grunt and pump away, smiling at the look of determination in Carter’s eyes.  “You just might find a way out of that,” he said, knowing what the other man was thinking.  “You’ve certainly surprised me before.”  

“Won’t...stay...this…” Carter tried to sound forceful, but it was mitigated by his desperate stroking.  

“We’ll see.  For now, we’ve got your mess to clean up.”  


Grady stared at himself in the mirror, trying to find the source of his growing anxiety.  He’d felt so good about his new look, but over the past several days that was starting to change.  Now, staring at his plump, collagen lips, inflated backside, and risque tattoos, the sultry young man wasn’t so sure.  The sight of his jiggling cheeks hanging out from the back of his small daisy dukes felt wrong.  And while he remembered getting the many tattoos that covered his shirtless torso, he couldn’t remember why.  Looking at the sleeve of old school, naked sailors lining his arm, Grady wasn’t nearly as confident in them as he had been.  

He felt the same about his roommates.  Should they look like that?  Landon was now thin and as short as he was, with a monstrous cock he wouldn’t stop touching.  Why did Grady think of him as tall and muscular?  His friend kept saying they were all wrong, that something had been done to them, but he couldn’t say what.  Grady ignored him at first, but Landon was chipping away at his resolve.  And where was Liam?  Why was Mark walking around in panties, and why was his dick so small?  The blonde muscle man hadn’t said anything, but Grady could see the same growing spark of confusion in his friend’s eyes.  

The only one who seemed unbothered was Ethan.  Just thinking about the other man’s endless pecs and perfect ass made Grady groan.  Should that happen?  Grady was starting to question his constant hunger to have another man inside him, except when it came to Ethan.  The other man had always been a pretty boy, but now it was like he was something else entirely.  He was desire made flesh, a walking fantasy that needed to be seen.  Last week, the thought of Ethan’s new job as a dancer seemed perfectly normal, but now, picturing his friend gyrating and stripping naked in front of people seemed as odd as the changes to the sandy-haired man’s body.  Grady had tried to bring it up after one of their numerous fuck sessions, but looking in Ethan’s eyes, he had the strange thought that he didn’t see any trace of his friend.  They may have had a version of Ethan’s body, but the man in bed next to him suddenly felt like someone else entirely.  

Grady didn’t know what that meant or what to do about any of this.  His body was still acting on the impulses that now felt so odd, and there was still a foggy haze over his brain.  In his more lucid moments he felt like two people trying to fight over one body.  He’d think about Ethan and become scared, knowing without having the words that his friend had fought a similar battle and lost.  Then he’d start thinking about Ethan’s thick, rigid cock and how good it felt inside him.  Thinking about anything else after that was a challenge.  

His nightmares weren’t helping, either.  Grady kept dreaming about a huge monster in front of their house.  It looked familiar, though he couldn’t remember where he’d seen it before.  The insect creature would scream over and over again, each time causing the people on the sidewalk to change in horrifying ways.  Eventually it would scream and the sky would crack, letting in a swarm of smaller creatures that devoured everything in their path like a plague of locusts.  

It was a sound that had followed Grady into the waking world over recent days.  He’d heard the scream twice, and he couldn’t shake the feeling that the buff strangers walking around campus and the odd behavior he was seeing in other guys were all somehow related.  He’d tried to ask Randy, their new friend that had just shown up one day, but the sculpted blonde only shrugged.  Grady always had the impression that the handsome stud wanted to say more than he did, but they usually ended up going at each other before they had much of a chance to talk.  

“No...not again….” Grady whimpered, feeling a familiar tingle in the air.  He’d noticed it the other day, right before hearing the second scream, a static energy that made the hair on his toned arms stand on end.  Though awake, he had visions of a vast, starry expanse and a massive being writhing and shifting below him as he floated in the void.  He covered his ears and closed his eyes just as a shrill sound cut through the house.   


Chapter 6


“Okay, yeah, but have you SEEN professor Kelton lately?  Shiiiiiiiit,” Ben sighed, grabbing his bulge through the front of his shorts.  “Dude’s hung like a…” he trailed off, realizing too late that he’d said more than he’d anticipated.  

“Oh fuck!” Stu laughed, the bean bag dropping from his hand.  “Did you finally hit that?”  The short, stocky man’s pale skin turned a deep shade of crimson under his scrubby body hair and bearded cheeks, his eyes glued to the ground.  

Chad grinned across the way, shaking his head slowly.  “You don’t mean…” The dark skinned adonis folded his arms across his perfect pecs, flexing both in the process as he tried to wrap his head around the idea of his burly friend being fucked by another guy.  

“Ha!” Stu reached over with a long, lean arm and gave one of Ben’s solid, ample globes a squeeze.  “HE hit THIS?  Is that why you’ve been wearing your wrestling shit everywhere?  He’s into it? ”

“Goddamnit!” Mitch yelled, spiking his bag into the ground.  The beefy wall of muscle’s broad, hulking body shook with the force of the throw.  “I didn’t even know it was up for grabs.  What the fuck, man?  I thought we were friends,” he laughed.  

“Fuck you guys,” Ben stammered defensively.  “I didn’t even...look, you know I’m not fuckin’ gay or anything….he just…” the stocky blonde bear struggled for the words, still not fully understanding his own actions.  “There’s just something about him.  He showed up to class the other day jacked through the ceiling and next thing I know we’re…” he trailed off again.  

The other three young men exchanged silent glances that ranged from shocked to amused.  They were giving Ben a hard time, but they’d be lying if they said they all hadn’t had strange thoughts lately.  It was like there was something in the air.  Even just standing around playing cornhole with their shirts off, they found themselves eyeing each other’s bare torso’s in ways they never had.  A result of sharing such tight quarters, they were as familiar with each others’ bodies as they were their own, yet their eyes lingered and their minds wandered.  

They were four fit, handsome young men.  It wasn’t odd for them to be thinking about sex all the time; it was the subject of those thoughts that was becoming confusing.  Chad featured into most since he was the stunner of the group; a chocolate skinned hunk without an ounce of fat on his perfectly developed frame.  He was one of those charming hunks that everyone either wanted to be, or to be with.  But even the avowed ladies man was questioning himself.  He kept looking over at Mitch’s thick, linebacker body with it’s shaggy brown hair, boyish face, and long, thick cock outlined against his shorts.  Normally he gave his friend a hard time for being so big.  Now he just wondered what that body would feel like in bed.  

The same went for Ben and Stu.  Already he felt his cock twitching at the thought of Ben getting his thick cakes stuffed while the shorter man’s huge cock bounced around comically.  He knew Stu wouldn’t have that problem, since the tall, lean man didn’t have much of an ass or a cock.  Stu’s long, sharp features were handsome enough, but his body was tall and shapeless with a small package that was just as thin as the rest of him.  

Chad broke the awkward silence.  “So what’d it feel like?”   He quickly raised his hands in surrender at Ben’s angry glare.  “No, hey, I’m not being a dick.  I’m seriously curious, man.”  Mitch and Stu stayed silent but nodded encouragingly.  

Ben’s face was practically purple with embarrassment.  “I dunno...fuck,” he laughed, grinning bashfully.  “Good?  Never thought I’d say that...shit…it felt great.  Like, really, really good.  Super embarrassed to admit that.”  

Mitch ran a hand through his shaggy hair and cocked his head as he thought about it.  “So, what, did you just do it in his office?” 

“Yeah, come on dude, don’t hold out on us.  This is a big deal...give us the details.”  Stu punched Ben in the shoulder, grinning.  “You had your cherry popped!” 

Ben drained the remainder of his beer in one long pull and grabbed another.  “It was after class.   We’d been staring at each other the whole time, and I mean STARING.  I’ve never looked at a guy like that before.”  He shook his head and sighed, looking surprised that he was even still talking about this.  Like Mitch, he reached up absently and toyed with his baseball cap, spinning it forwards, then backwards, while he organized his thoughts.  “We were flirting.  Real flirting.  He invited me up to his office and I went.  I didn’t know why.  I mean, I KNEW why, I just didn’t believe it.  Not really.  Then he locked his door and started unbuttoning his shirt and that was that.”  Ben’s eyes were wide and distant.  “Next thing I know we’re both naked and I’m leaning against his desk and he’s…” the young blonde’s furry pecs were rising and falling quickly at the memory. “It didn’t even hurt all that bad.  It was uncomfortable at first….the dude’s gigantic.  Bigger than you, even,” he said, nodding towards Mitch’s crotch.  “After that it just felt...I dunno...full.  But in a good way.  I could hardly breathe it felt so good.  It was super weird at first feeling his big man hands on me and his fuckin’ rock solid body behind me.  Dude is all muscle.  Once you get used to it though...shit, man, I get why gay dudes are into it.”

“Clearly,” Stu said flatly, nodding down towards Ben’s tented shorts.  

“Fuckin’ hell,” the embarrassed man spat, trying and failing to cover himself.  

Mitch ignored Ben’s solid cock.  It wasn’t the first time any of them had seen each other in such a state.  “So is it better than fuckin’ a chick,” he asked, sounding legitimately curious.  

Ben gave a short, awkward laugh.  “You ever seen me bone out talkin’ about a random hook up before?”     

Chad let out a whistle while Mitch toyed with his hair, both trying to process what they’d heard.  “Can you blame him, though?  Just look at those cakes.”  As he spoke, Stu’s hand shot out towards the back of Ben’s shorts, pulling them down.  

“Hey! Come on, man,” Ben yelped, whirling around and mooning Chad and Mitch in the process.  With his back turned he couldn’t see how their eyes immediately dropped to the exposed, hairy globes, or how they started to step forward.   

The wave hit before any of them could react.  The sound pierced their ears and a numbing tingle draped itself over each of them, the changes starting immediately.  Mitch barely had time to look over at Chad, and already his dark skinned friend had started inflating.  The other man’s sculpted definition faded as his body started to swell.  He puffed outwards, his stomach taking on a familiar roundness that matched the plump pecs resting on top of it.  His shoulders were swallowed as his chiseled arms exploded with flesh, growing round and thick and hanging at an angle from his widened back.  The already tight shorts around his legs looked like a pair of boxer briefs as his thighs enlarged to meaty trunks in place of the toned quads he normally sported.  The sharp features of his face seemed to soften, his cheeks becoming full and his nose shortening to a smaller button instead of a prominent beak.  His altered face took on a pained expression, the cause of which became obvious when Chad’s cock grew and thickened into a long, fat hose with a set of round, heavy balls that strained against the confining shorts.  

Had he been looking at himself, Mitch would have seen his body undergoing changes of its own.  Where Chad’s body inflated, his seemed to be shrinking.  His beefy build quickly withered, melting away to reveal a sculpted torso underneath.  Instead of a meaty shelf of a chest and a muscle gut, he had a set of clearly defined pecs and a washboard stomach that looked like it had been chiseled from marble.  His missing neck was slowly revealed when his shoulders shrunk down and his piston like arms became as striated and sculpted as the rest of him, still looking powerful though they’d lost significant size.  His baggy shorts suddenly sagged as his waist pinched inwards and his legs shed a chunk of their mass.  Unlike Chad’s rounding face, Mitch’s features became sharp and pronounced as he thinned out into his lean new form.  

Across the yard, the changes started to hit Stu and Ben.  Stu’s 6’3” frame dropped to match Ben’s 5’8” height just as the shorter man started stretching upwards and inwards, taking on Stu’s taller, thinner build.  Like Mitch, his shorts suddenly sagged as his formerly plump cheeks deflated into a small, toned bubble and his wide waist thinned.  His thick quads pulled away from each other, and the tent in his now-baggy shorts became noticeably smaller.  Other than elongating, his torso didn’t appear to shed any mass, but it was rapidly losing the coating of curly hairs until only a small patch on his chest remained.  

Next to him, Stu’s shrunken frame started widening, his shoulders and upper back pushing outwards to take on a burly, stocky look.  His tiny ass exploded with extra flesh as the mass from his shortened legs pushed upwards and towards each other, desperate for somewhere to go.  The missing size from Ben’s tented shorts sprouted in his, a large bulge forming between his growing thighs.  As Stu’s muscles rearranged and settled into their new homes, a layer of curly, wiry hairs suddenly sprouted all over his formerly smooth skin.  The thickening carpet spread across his now bulging pecs and down his widened stomach, briefly disappearing beneath his shorts before emerging over his meaty thighs.  

The changes happened so quickly the altered young men barely had time to process them.  They stood in shocked silence, trying to catch their breath as the numb, tingling sensation faded.  

“What the fuck was…” 

“AAAAAHHHHH!  WHAT THE FUCK?!  WHAT THE FUCK?!”  Chad’s frantic cries cut Mitch off.  The dark skinned wall of muscle pawed at his inflated body in terror.  

“Holy shit...you’re…” Mitch trailed off, finally looking down at himself and discovering his lean, sculpted body.  “Shit!  What...why am I so small?!”  

“Small?!  Fucking look at me!”  They all turned to see a much shorter Stu frantically looking around from his new perspective while a stunned Ben ran disbelieving hands over his now-smooth skin.  

“We...I...I look like you…” Ben finally stammered, looking down at Stu instead of up at his friend.  

“Oh...oh shit...he’s right…” Mitch gasped.  “I fuckin’ look like Chad!”  

“Like fuck you do,” Chad said, looking over at his pale friend.  

“I mean I’m built like you...fuckin’ look at me...I’m shredded.”  Mitch flexed a smaller, more defined arm and popped his abs.  

“And I’m fat!” Chad cried, poking at his muscle gut.  

“Fuck you dude,” Mitch said defensively.  “You’ve got more muscle on you than I do right now.”  

“I didn’t want more muscle!”  The now-beefy man squirmed, feeling his extra flesh rub against itself in unfamiliar ways.  

“Fuck!”  Chad and Mitch’s argument was cut short by Ben, who was staring into his open shorts with a look of horror on his face.  Stu may have been the tallest of the group, but he was the smallest between his legs, an honor that now belonged to the formerly hung Ben.  “Where’d my dick go!”  

Mitch immediately followed suit, paling when he saw the thinner, shorter cock where his fat monster used to be.  “Gah!  What the fuck?!”  He looked over and finally noticed the large lump in Chad’s ill-fitting shorts.  “Give me my dick back!”  

“You think I want it?!”  Chad tugged on the confining shorts, trying and failing to make room for his hefty new package.  “How is this even happening?!”  

“Whoa…” Stu’s shocked laugh caught his friends’ attention and they turned to see him standing with his shorts around his thighs and his heavy new package dangling free.  Looking at the hairy, stocky body that should have belonged to Ben, all four felt a strange sensation wash over them.  They couldn’t look away as Stu prodded and explored his altered body.  “This is...this is really weird…” he laughed awkwardly, his thick new hose twitching.  “Fuck, man, I didn’t realize how big everyone seemed to you,” he said to Ben, looking up at a body that used to be his.  

“Don’t say big right now,” Ben sighed, watching his stolen girth harden between his friend’s legs.  

“Yeah...fuck...this is...wow…” Stu’s eyes were wide as he wrapped a fist around his rigid seven inches, marveling at how large it felt.  

“Hey!  Come on, man, that’s mine,” Ben whined.  

“Not anymore,” Stu said, puffing his hairy chest out proudly.  He reached over without warning and pulled Ben’s shorts the rest of the way down, letting his taller friend’s solid cock spring free.  The lankier man felt a fresh wave of embarrassment at the sight of his meager new equipment standing upright at the base of his lengthened torso.  “Damn...I didn’t realize how small that actually looked.”  

“What the fuck is wrong with you right now,” Ben yelped at Stu, still without attempting to cover himself.  Despite his shock, or perhaps because of it, he found himself laughing almost drunkenly with his friend as they stared back and forth at the bodies that should have belonged to the other.  “This is...is this even real…” he sighed, his short, thin cock surging as he stared at Stu’s stolen, furry muscles.  He hadn’t expected the sight of his thick hose on someone else’s body to turn him on the way it did.  

“Sure feels real,” Chad said, his words accompanied by a loud rip when he took a step forward.  The small shorts had finally given out, causing his inflated backside and fleshy thighs to spill free.  “Fuck this…” the beefy new giant grumbled, reaching down and tearing the shredded shorts and confining briefs free.  His eyes went wide when he felt the warm air hitting the entirety of his bare, ample body.  “Whoa…” he laughed, surprised by his own strength.  He kept staring at the shredded clothes as if he couldn’t believe it had been so easy.  “Does anyone else feel...strange…” he asked, rubbing his thickened chest with his free hand.  

“Of course,” Mitch said, unable to take his eyes off the wall of naked muscle next to him.  He wasn’t used to feeling small, and he’d never fully realized just how imposing his size made him.  

Chad shook his head, his face a mask of confused frustration.  “No, I mean...I feel like I’m…” he trailed off and looked down at the inflated equipment throbbing out beneath his solid gut.  “...I feel like I’m about to pop any second…” 

“Me too,” Stu said, a widened fist still wrapped around his thick new club while his other hand stoked absently through the freshly grown hair on his abs.  

“I don’t even know if this little thing worrrrUUUHHH….” Ben was cut off when Stu’s hand shot over and closed around the tall man’s smaller cock.  The sensation was overwhelming, as if he’d never been touched before.  He was trying to keep his focus, to not lose sight of the fact that they’d all somehow just swapped bodies and were standing naked in their yard, but it was a losing battle.  The intoxicated haze was seeping deeper and deeper into his brain, making it hard to think about anything other than what his lanky new body was telling him.  At the moment, it was telling him the only thing that mattered was the meaty fist clutching his small little cock.  

“Guys...come on...we can’t...can’t…” Mitch stammered, his lean new chest heaving with each deep breath.  He tried and failed to tell himself that he didn’t enjoy watching Stu jerk Ben off in his new body.  He gaped at the way his friends looked with their stolen features, trying to wrap his head around a square-jawed, hairy Stu, and a tall, lanky Ben.  He couldn’t stop thinking about Ben’s shrunken cock, and how small his friend’s thin little rod looked compared to his old one.  He didn’t know why the thought turned him on as much as it did.  Looking over at Chad, he was well aware that his own girthy package had been stolen.  Mitch’s now-baggy shorts rode lower and lower on his trim new hips, exposing more and more of his loose boxer briefs.  The chiseled new obliques that framed his washboard stomach pointed directly towards them, but he knew the aching cock lurking inside was nowhere near the size it should be.  

He gave the shorts and underwear a quick tug, sending them tumbling to the ground and exposing his shapely, solid six inches.  It wasn’t the beast he was used to, but it looked just right on his sculpted new body.  Like the rest of his altered frame, Mitch’s new equipment was perfectly proportional, neither too big nor too small.  

“Goddamn….was I really that hot,” Chad whistled, watching Mitch inspect his model-caliber body.  “Congratulations,” the big man laughed, “you’re the only white dude on campus with abs like that.”  

Mitch flexed and a ran a hand along the flat, firm sea of muscle where his gut used to be.  “I still feel so small,” he said, squirming awkwardly.  

“That’s just ungrateful,” Chad laughed.  He took a lumbering step forward and wrapped his arms around Mitch, leaning in and planting a kiss that was returned almost immediately.  They played each other like instruments, their bodies comfortingly familiar. Mitch knew exactly where to place his hands and mouth to elicit groans of pleasure from Chad, at least when the bigger man wasn’t doing the same to him.  

On some level they knew what they were doing was just as impossible as what had been done to them, but the strange new instinct couldn’t be denied.  They were drawn to each other like magnets, as if their new bodies were downloading data from their former hosts.  It wasn’t just lust, it was a crash course in pleasure.  While Mitch and Chad writhed in each other’s arms, Stu and Ben were engaged in their own lesson.  The broad, hairy Stu was face down, moaning into the grass while Ben parted his enlarged, furry cheeks and buried his lean new face between them.  

It was a learning experience for the whole group.  The shrunken man’s purloined body had recently learned the joys of bottoming, while Ben’s new little champ was all too eager to demonstrate how expertly it could be used despite its size.  As he plunged inside, Mitch and Chad moved on from kissing and groping.  The big man let out a deep, low moan when Mitch dropped to his knees and worked Chad’s oozing knob with his tongue, hitting all the spots he’d loved whenever he’d been on the receiving end.  The groaning giant was already beginning to enjoy his newly acquired mass and the way it felt when Mitch worked it over.  Likewise, the chiseled young stud was learning how much he enjoyed having a greater range of motion and flexibility when Chad turned him into putty in his large new hands.  

Unknown to them, it was a lesson being learned all over campus as Men found themselves swapping body types.  For Mitch, Ben, Chad and Stu the changes were ones of degree.  All four young men were athletic and handsome in their own right, but not everyone was so lucky.  At the gym, a buff young sophomore watched his muscles vanish onto a heavyset, middle aged man while his own body started inflating and sagging.  In a lecture hall, a wiry math professor’s clothes exploded off his body when he gained the broad shoulders and thick legs of a football player, who suddenly swam in his baggy shorts and t-shirt.  In the dorms, roommates found themselves growing and shrinking, gaining and losing as a new perspective was forced on them at random.  

And in every case, there was the same magnetic attraction.  The men who’d been affected threw themselves at each other in an undeniable frenzy.  The shock and fear would come later, but first was the instinctual need to exchange information on how their new bodies functioned.  

Oliver had watched the wave erupt firsthand.  He’d been inspecting the tear when the burst of energy shot forth and had just barely managed to protect himself.  

“You’d like that, wouldn’t you,” he said, reaching down to tousle Carter’s hair.  The altered, brutish man was always in tow, clad only in a pair of small running shorts that left his twisted body on display.  It was a stab at his former colleague’s vanity that the lean, well dressed man couldn’t resist.  “But no, we’re not switching.”  

He’d felt the pull as the wave washed over them, trying to draw his essence towards the shorter man next to him.  Carter had felt it as well, but the only noticeable effect seemed to be the hooked, crooked lump in the hairy man’s small shorts.  It didn’t take much to get the burly, apish little man hard, so Oliver couldn’t be sure.  

“This is interesting,” Oliver sighed, still absently stroking Carter’s hair as he gazed into the swirling void.  He couldn’t help but smile at the short grunts of pleasure, knowing full well that the other man hated his inability to stop them.  “That one was powerful.  And fast.  These aren’t changes that happen over the course of days or hours; reality is being rewritten instantly.  That means they’re getting close!” Oliver clapped, his tone joyous.  “Come,” he said, tugging on Carter’s lumpy shoulder.  “We still have some cleanup to do before they arrive.”  


Chapter 7


The two stunned men stared at each from opposite sides of the doorway.  Liam couldn’t get his head to wrap around the identity of the short, hung man on the other side.  He knew it was Landon, but that was impossible.  Landon was tall and built.  The man in front of him was short and lithe, with an exposed package that was significantly larger than his friend’s already massive endowment should have been.  “La...Landon?”  

Likewise, the shocked little man was having a hard time accepting that it was his missing friend standing before him.  Liam had always been big and beefy, but the mountain of flesh spilling out of his ill-fitting clothes was larger than the burly man could have possibly become in the time he’d been gone.  “Liam?  Is that really you?”  

The huge man nodded his round face as best he could on his meat-obscured neck.  “What the fuck’s going on around here…” he stammered, his voice trembling as he stepped inside.  

“Where the hell have you been, man?  No one’s seen or heard from you in weeks!”  

He stared down at the man who should have looked him in the eye, a baggy t-shirt draping off him like a gown while his huge, monstrous cock twitched to full mast and lifted the bottom.  “What...happened to you…” 

“Me?  What happened to you?!”  Landon reached out and prodded Liam’s massive gut that stood out as though he had an exercise ball strapped to his front.  Where the smaller man’s shirt was oversized, Liam’s meaty frame had been squeezed into a shirt that barely covered his bulbous pecs, the bottom resting on top of a gut that defied gravity and logic.  The same went for the too-small sweatpants that had already torn at the back and thighs, letting Liam’s mountainous rear and chunky legs spill free.  

“UUUnnn….” Liam let out an unintentional moan at Landon’s touch, his sensitive gut still sending waves of pleasure through him.  Somewhere between his massive legs his cock stirred, but it had long since ceased to be the main source of his ecstasy.  

Landon felt guilty under Liam’s embarrassed gaze as he pulled his hand away.  “Sorry, man.  We’ve all...people are...everyone’s changing,” he said, struggling for words.  

“I know,” Liam said flatly, lumbering over to the couch.  The straining sweatpants gave out entirely when he sat, the loud ripping sound competing with the groaning furniture.  He absently pulled the remains free, his protruding stomach resting on his legs while his thick round arms hung at an angle from his sides when he was done.  “Fuckin’ look at me.”  

Landon did his best to keep his face neutral as he stared.  The last time he’d seen Liam his friend had been burly and bearish, with a solidly thick, yet still athletic, frame.  Liam was heavy, but he needed to be in order to tear down a football field with any effectiveness.  His bulk was muscle, pure and simple.  

Now, there didn’t appear to be anything simple about the big man’s plus-sized frame.  He somehow looked both soft and solid, round but firm.  It was like someone had taken a power lifter and a power eater and combined them into one, massive being.  Liam’s muscle tits and oversized gut didn’t sag, but stood out firm and proud between the undefined, granite logs that were his arms.  It was most telling in his friend’s face that had become so round and full it lost any semblance of a chin and had swallowed most of Liam’s prominent nose.  The glimpse he’d had of the other man’s legs made them seem large enough for Landon to hide inside of, with an ass that kept going, and going, and going.  

“Sorry...I can’t with this shirt anymore,” Liam said as he reached up and ripped the tiny t-shirt from his mountainous torso seemingly without effort.  It gave Landon a view of his plump pecs and huge, solid nipples while confirming that there was still plenty of muscle in there somehwere.  “They just threw clothes at us from the pile of peoples’ stuff…” 

“Who?  Where have you been,” Landon asked gently, more concerned by the pained look on Liam’s face than the changes to his friend’s body.  Given what he’d been through, the shrunken man had long since stopped being shocked by that.  

“Jail.  At least it was supposed to be jail,” Liam sighed, reaching up to rub his buzzed scalp as best he could with his limited new range of motion.  

“The fuck?  How’d you end up in jail?”  Landon hopped up next to his friend on the couch, his massive pole standing straight up in front of him.  “We’ll get to that.  You first,” he said with a humorless laugh as Liam gaped at it.  

“It started with Ethan.  Remember how he was acting all weird around me?  I...it got to me, man.  I don’t know how, but it did something.  I couldn’t stop thinking about it.  I kept seeing him in my head without his clothes on and it got me off harder than anything ever had. Then I started thinking about you guys and I almost…” he trailed off, blushing.  “I had to bolt.  I started hooking up with dudes left and right.  Didn’t matter who they were.  All day and all night….I couldn’t stop.”  The big man had a faraway look in his eyes as he remembered what those confusing days had been like.  The beefy jock hadn’t known why he was so cock hungry, just that he couldn’t deny the need.  His embarrassment at being recognized as a member of the football team while sticking his furry, formerly solid ass in the air to be stuffed didn’t matter.  

“Then one day I met these two guys,” he continued.  “We went out into the woods and it turned out they were cops.  I knew something was up from the start, but they had me.  I still fuckin’ blew ‘em….then they stripped me down, cuffed me, and threw me in a squad car.  Dude...I…” he hesitated, looking down at his thick hands with the now-stubby fingers.  “Even then, cuffed and naked in the car, I was begging them to fuck me.  The whole ride to the station.  Even when they trotted me naked and hard in front of everyone, all I could do was beg for it.  When they threw me in a cell I got what I asked for.  From all of them.  I knew I was locked up and something awful was happening but I loved it.  Until it stopped.  Once they took a break and my head cleared I saw how fucked up things were in the station. There weren’t any women anywhere, just guys, and they clearly weren’t doing things the police should be doing.  More and more guys were brought in and stripped down and thrown in cells.  Once they filled up the cells, they started chaining guys to desks.  Those guys would spend their days blowing whichever officer sat there while they worked and everyone just acted like it was totally normal.”  

Landon’s eyes were wide as he listened.  “Holy shit….I don’t even know what to say…” 

“I haven’t even gotten to the fucked up part,” Liam sighed, seeming humiliated yet still excited to talk about what happened.  “It wasn’t just how everyone acted.  We...the people they had locked up...started changing.  Of course they all zeroed in on my size.  They said since I was such a big guy and on the football team I needed to keep my weight up.  I ate constantly.  I can’t even say they forced me to because at the time I wanted to.  I wanted to so bad.  The more I ate the more they’d fuck me.  Eventually they just put a trough on the floor so that my ass was against the bars and I could do both at the same time.  I spent so much time on all fours that I didn’t even realize how much I’d changed until I went to stand.  Even then, seeing the start of all this,” he motioned to his gut, “I didn’t want to stop.  The bigger I got the better it felt.  And it wasn’t just me.”  

Landon tried not to think about the mental image of Liam’s powerful body steadily growing larger and rounder.  Despite his efforts, his cock throbbed at the thought of the other man’s inflating body on all fours, desperately stuffing his face while he was eagerly filled from the other end.  

“There was already a naked guy in the cell next to mine when I got there.  Good lookin’ guy, too.  Built, probably in his thirties...from what I could make out when the other guys taunted him he used to be a detective, but he’d done something to get himself locked up.  He spent most of his days on his knees, cuffed to the front of his cell with a guide holding his mouth open.  Guys would come along and help themselves and he seemed just as happy about it as I did.  Maybe it’s ‘cause he used to be one of them, but they were really giving it to him.  He had some kind of cage around his dick that kept him from getting hard and these rings around his balls that they’d tug on.  They put these weird suction looking things on his nipples, too.  Guy was kept so worked up he begged for it each time someone came along.  But then he started changing too.  It was like we were made of clay while we were in there.  Dude was hung when I first got there, but the cage around his dick kept getting smaller and smaller while his balls kept stretching lower and lower.  When they took the suction off, the guy’s nipples were like thumbs poking out of his chest.  I saw him when I was leaving and I don’t think he even still had any teeth, just smooth gums perfect for blowing guys.”  

He took a deep breath and gave Landon a sympathetic look.  “Sorry to dump all this on you.  It got bad, dude.  I don’t know what would have happened.  Some of the guys were changing in weeeiiiiiird ways.  I saw one who I thought was on his knees giving head, but when the cop in front of him moved I saw that his legs had just shrunk down.  The rest of him was still the same size, it was just his tiny legs that put his head at the right height.  There were two guys kept together a couple cells down and it looked like they were….merging.  Or maybe they just never let go of each other, I don’t know.  I couldn’t really think about much at that point.  And then all of a sudden this guy showed up and it all stopped.”  

Landon blinked, not expecting that part.  “Who was he?”  

“No idea.  He was thin and had this ugly, hairy little guy with him.  He looked around, yelled at the little guy with him, and then started moving his hands around.  The rest is….hazy.  It’s like we were drugged.  Everyone stopped what they were doing and opened the cells while we shuffled out like zombies.  They threw some clothes at us and told us to leave and…” he trailed off.  “It already kinda feels like a dream.  I mean if it weren’t for this,” he patted his stomach with a short laugh, “I’d almost think it never happened.  I mean, if it did, I’d be freaked out, right?  Look at me, I’m a fuckin’ muscle marshmallow man.  I should be worried about that, right?”

“Aren’t you?”  He asked the question, but even Landon had been feeling less worried about Liam’s predicament as his friend had been talking.  He’d been horrified for his jock friend at first, but now he regarded him with the same lust he viewed all men lately.  

The big man’s brows furrowed.  “I mean...I know I should be.  But...no?  I’m still just fuckin’ horny,” he laughed, his eyes resting on Landon’s aching rod.  “And I need a shower.  Bad.”

Landon laughed and nodded.  “Yeah, you really do,” he said, hopping down off the couch and absently tugging on his rigid cock the way he perpetually did.  “Sorry...you missed that part,” he said awkwardly, still tugging in front of his surprised friend.   “I’ll fill you in upstairs.  There’s a lot to talk about.”


“Well that’s part of the mess put to bed,” Oliver said proudly.  Carter watched the thin man examine one of his bookshelves while he bounced up and down on Randy’s lap, his crooked, hooked cock bobbing wildly.  His former colleague held him tight to his impossibly sculpted chest while he worked his shapely cock between Carter’s furry, oversized cheeks.  The furry man’s shortened legs didn’t reach the ground, but Randy had a tight grip on the tufts of hair that now covered his misshapen body.  

The former hunk of a professor hated how good it felt to have his hairy back squirming against Randy’s smooth torso.  He’d never had a problem bottoming when the mood struck him, but since Oliver trapped him in his twisted new body, he didn’t have a choice.  His mangled equipment wasn’t good for much more than the occasional tugs Randy gave it’s warped length.  “What WERE you thinking unleashing a spell like that?  On the one hand I commend your dedication to chaos, but that could have quickly spiraled out of control and let THEM in.  We certainly don’t need that right now.”  Carter opened his mouth to respond, a series of deep grunts the only sound he could manage.  

“It was rhetorical, I know you’re busy,” Oliver smiled.  “If only you could see yourself now…” his grin turned mischievous as a spectral, mirror image appeared in front of Carter.  Randy laughed in simple delight at the parlor trick while Carter’s blood boiled.  He watched his bouncing reflection alternate between his brutish new appearance and his former, handsome self as Oliver tormented him.  “Still, with the big one going back home we at least have the original group back together,” Oliver continued, turning back to the bookshelf.  “Once we take Randy over there we’ll have all the pieces in place for the ritual.  I think it’s about time we bring this to a close, don’t you?”  


Chapter 8


Oliver closed his eyes, letting his mind wash over the campus around him.  Against the backdrop of darkness he could see the multitudes of altered men standing out against the void, each one a little beacon of sickly green light.  It was a simple thing for him to bring them into focus, casting his vision around the university as easily as if the men were standing in front of him.  

Though it wasn’t the way he would have preferred, the sight of his patron’s work still took his breath away.  Focusing in on a pair of young men in a dorm, one of them with an impossibly long, rigid cock being worshipped by the other brought with it a sense of awe.  To see flesh molded so easily into so many different forms was to truly witness a miracle.  The beautiful, impossibly built adonises gathering crowds of eager men in their wake, the confused, hungry pairs who’d suddenly swapped body types, the growing number of collateral victims as straight guys all over town started to behave in strange new ways, caught up in the increasing effects of the open rift.  It was a swirling, writhing eddy of beautiful chaos.  

Still, Oliver’s appreciation for the power of the one he worshipped didn’t erase the resentment he held towards Carter for wasting such an opportunity.  He’d managed to do what none of them had.  He’d found the statue.  He’d actually held the key in his hands, something Oliver had spent multiple lifetimes trying to accomplish, and he’d let it go.  

Carter’s base, carnal desires for pleasures of the flesh had shaped the direction of the initial changes whether he’d known it or not.  Had he completed the ritual as he should, Carter could have used the statue to begin building their army.  Women and men alike would have fallen under its sway, their bodies changing to adapt to the conditions that would soon be spilling into their dimension.  But instead of minions paving the way for Those to Come, Oliver found a campus full of addled, sex-crazed men.  

He still couldn’t believe that in his desperation, Carter had unleashed the types of unfettered magic that he had at the police station.  His colleague’s logic was sound, the last thing anyone needed in these situations was law enforcement getting involved and mucking things up, but he’d gone entirely overboard.  Using the unsuspecting detective as a seed to thin the veils of reality was like buttering toast with a sledgehammer.  Had it continued there would have been two open rifts, and instead of ushering in their dread lord they would have been in the middle of an extra-dimensional warzone.  

Oliver managed to dispel the energies before they got entirely out of hand, but now time was a factor.  Sooner or later the haze would wear off and word would start to spread about what happened at the station.  The freakishly altered men would be noticed, as would their wild explanations for how they got that way.  Many officers would abandon their posts out of shock over what they’d done, but some would remain, and those that did would be seeking answers.  Oliver needed to make sure the rift was fully open before that happened.  

In order to do that, he needed to get the original group together at the house.  The ritual would pull the energy from everyone that had been touched since the rift was opened, but he needed the ones who had been affected while the statue was still a key.  It was their energies that would fully open the way.  Had the shrunken young man with the oversized member known that his undirected will was actually opening the door instead of closing it when he’d tossed the statue off the balcony, Oliver doubted he’d have gone through with it.  All that remained was to widen it the rest of the way.  

“Here we are,” Oliver said cheerfully to the pair of men he had in tow.  Randy was bounding eagerly along behind, his tanned, muscled body spilling out of a pair of small running shorts.  Carter’s hairy, apish frame lumbered along next to him, his shortened legs struggling to keep up.  The shrunken brute was similarly clad, leaving his warped new body on display for everyone to see.  

Oliver stepped up on the porch and let himself in, opening the door to find Ethan and Grady standing in the living room.  Both men were nearly naked, Ethan wearing an overly stuffed pair of orange bikini briefs while Grady’s plump rear was lifted by a crimson jock strap.  

“Hey Randy,” the handsome stud with the impossible pecs smiled, waving to the muscled giant as he entered.  “Who’re your friends?”  

“Hi Ethan!” Randy chirped, his eyes automatically landing on the young man’s stuffed bulge.  “This is Carter and Oliver,” he said, sounding proud that he remembered.  

“Hey guys,” Grady purred, shifting his weight and jutting his hip out to one side as he sized up the trio.  

“Yes, yes, nice to meet everyone.  Where are the others?” Oliver said impatiently, waving his hand as he spoke.  A glazed look fell over Ethan and Grady’s expressions as they stared, slack jawed.  

“Liam and Landon are downstairs.  Mark’s up in his room,” Ethan said flatly.  

“Call them in here, please.”  As soon as Oliver asked, Ethan yelled up to Mark while Grady yelled down into the basement.  A few moments later they were greeted by the sight of Mark’s ripped, muscled form descending the stairs, the blonde stud’s buff body clad in a pair of black silk panties that showed off the nearly non-existent nub between his powerful thighs.  Oliver made the same waving gesture before the short bodybuilder could speak and watched Mark’s expression fall slack.  He did the same when a pantsless Landon scampered in, the lithe little man’s huge, rigid cock lifting up the bottom of his shirt like always.  Liam’s naked sea of flesh lumbered in last, his sensitive, inflated body uncovered as none of his clothing fit his enlarged state.  

Oliver sighed, drinking in the swelling energies around them.  If the other altered men on campus were small beacons, this group was made up of spotlights.  Having all six of them near each other was almost overwhelming.  Oliver could feel his lean body vibrating, threatening to lose its current shape against the onslaught.  

“Let’s all head outside, shall we?”  He motioned for them to follow and led them like ducklings out of the house, directing them to form a circle around the rift.  “You can wait on the porch, Carter,” he said, reaching down to pat the other man condescendingly on the head.  “This shouldn’t take long.”  He made another sweeping gesture with his hands as he joined the group, and those passing by on the sidewalk turned their heads and acted like they didn’t see the circle of exposed men standing in the front yard.  

Already, the invisible rift was gradually coming into view.  Each of the six men was surrounded by an aura of green energy, tendrils of which were steadily reaching out towards the floating gash in the fabric of reality.  As the tendrils made contact, the rift grew brighter and brighter until it hovered before them in all it’s terrifying glory.  The starless void was clearly visible on the other side, as were the mountainous beings writhing in that darkness.  One insect-like shape loomed larger than all the rest as it waited patiently for Oliver to begin.  

The thin, well-dressed man was practically giddy as he started his incantation.  The sky above grew thick with dark, swirling clouds, making the green glow surrounding them appear ever brighter as he chanted.  More and more tendrils shot out from the frozen men until Oliver stood surrounded by the countless, glowing appendages.  With each new addition the rift seemed to shudder and grow wider, as though the tendrils were actually prying it open.  Oliver’s chanting was reaching a frenzied pitch, his arms completing the complex gestures so quickly they were a blur.  

As the energies were drawn out of them, all the altered young men could do was stand and watch.  Their bodies were rigid and unresponsive, but their minds were all racing with fear.  Except for Randy.  The trapped professor was waiting for his moment.  After spending agonizing weeks as a helpless witness to his twisted body’s actions, he knew he was only going to have one chance to end all of this.  While Oliver had taunted Carter with his gloating, he’d been listening.  The thin man didn’t know that a spark of Randall’s awareness lurked in the dim hunk’s addled brain, and as such hadn’t watched his tongue.  

Randall was only going to have a split second.  He could see the approaching strands reaching out across the darkened sky as the affected men all over campus had the seeds of their shared energy pulled out of them.   His whole plan hinged on perfect timing.  He hoped that when the ritual reached its climax enough of the unwanted force would have been drawn out to allow him to move.  Already he could feel his mind clearing more with each pulse of wispy emerald light that surged out from him.  With Oliver distracted by trying to open the rift, he could make his move.  

He had one chance.  The entire fate of the world, of their very reality, rested in his hands.  He tensed his unwanted muscles in preparation, straining against the invisible bonds and hoping that his impressive physique was good for something other than sex.  The strands arcing across the sky were reaching closer and closer.  He could hear the beast on the other side now, the monstrous voice shaking his bones and threatening to shatter what remained of his mind.  He could see that the other young men’s faces were pale with fear as they heard it too.  In the face of such immensity he nearly buckled.  He suddenly saw the boot from the ant’s perspective and understood the futility of it all.  Everything he thought he knew about the structure of life crumbled to ash.  

Then he could move.  Movement didn’t require thought, just action.  With a cry that was equal parts horror and rage, Randall’s tensed, powerful arms shot out with lightning quickness.  He seized a surprised Oliver by the back of the neck and hefted him into the air, throwing the smaller man towards the void with such speed that his hands were empty before he’d even realized he was making his move.  The last thing he saw of the thin, well-dressed man was the look of pure hate on his angular face as Oliver’s grasping hands reached out in a futile attempt at catching himself.  There was a ripple in the air like a stone breaking the surface of a pond as he passed through the rift to the void on the other side.  Randall watched Oliver’s eyes go wide, his head turning to look over his shoulder just as a massive, clawed shape plucked him from view.  

The backlash was instantaneous.  All of the energies that had been flowing towards the rift snapped back in a violent explosion as the floating wound slammed shut.  The clouds overhead parted, melting into a steady rain with slim beams of sunlight shining down on the stunned, confused group as nature itself tried to clear away any lingering remains of the abhorrent void.  They stared at themselves and each other with dawning looks of horror, the only sound coming from Carter as he sobbed pitifully on the porch.  


It would be an overstatement to say that life on campus went back to normal.  There were no more bursts of chaotic energy causing people to change, but the damage that had been done remained in place.  For those unfortunate men that had been caught up in the strange events, their lives were forced to take on a new normal.  

Life at the frat house was certainly never the same.  Everyone’s head finally cleared after Oliver’s sudden disappearance, the clinging fog of the past weeks gradually lifting.  Ethan seemed to take things the hardest.  While the rest of the guys had at least a spark of awareness about their actions, the sandy-haired young stud had almost no memory of recent events.  He remembered finding the statue, and wearing less and less around the house, but that was it.  The massive pecs and enormous ass his body had sprouted were entirely new to him, as was his insatiable desire for other men.  His modest streak making a weak return, the boy-next-door was mortified at the thought that he’d taken a job as a dancer and apparently loved to show off his disproportionate body.  Even with his returned awareness, the pretty boy hunk still found himself struggling to wear much of anything or change his newly acquired habits.  He’d holed up in his room for days after the failed ritual, and when he finally emerged he did so in a pair of lavender briefs and nothing else.  It took Liam pointing it out for him to even notice, and then he did so with only a brief flash of embarrassment.  The sensation of his oversized cheeks hanging exposed from the bottom of his small underwear didn’t even register as odd.  

On top of dealing with the changes to their bodies, it was becoming difficult for all of them to decipher between their original personalities and their new ones.  Grady especially was having a hard time accepting his current identity.  He’d been aware of his transition from goofy jock to sultry power bottom as it was happening, but looking back at it all with a clear mind, he couldn’t wrap his head around why he’d done any of it.  He’d stare at his explicit tattoos for hours, his body burning with embarrassment and regret.  And then there was the way he carried himself.  He couldn’t ignore the growth to his already sizeable rear as he felt it bounce with each affected step he took.  His hips seemed to sway on their own whether he wanted them to or not and he no longer owned a piece of clothing that hadn’t been altered to show off his body or grant easy access.  

The same went for Mark, who could only stare in numb shock at the feminine clothing making up his wardrobe.  The blonde muscle man’s boxers and briefs were all gone, replaced by an array of panties made to show off his shrunken micro-dick.  All of the horror that he hadn’t been able to feel as he watched his formerly girthy package dwindle hit him like a wave in the days after the ritual.  One moment the petite nub between his steely thighs would feel perfectly normal, and the next he’d be breathless with terror at the absence of his long, thick hose.  And like the others, he seemed unable to break his current pattern.  He hated himself every time he slid silk or lace up his meaty legs, but he kept doing it.  He felt nothing but disgust at the sight of his ample, flexing muscles contrasted against his nearly flat crotch and the womanly garment covering it, but that didn’t stop him from strutting around the locker room in nothing but a pink lace thong.  

Surprisingly, though their physical changes were arguably the most dramatic, Liam and Landon adjusted quickly.  The shrunken, dark skinned man with the massive rod had never fully lost his spark of resistance.  While that made the experience more terrifying in the moment, it also gave him more time to come to terms with it.  Where his friends were waking from a dream into a nightmare, he’d been awake the whole time.  

Liam had a similar experience.  He’d left the house just as the statue was filling his body with its seemingly infinite new hunger for other men, and hadn’t fallen entirely under its sway.  While that hunger was still present, the changes to his body were a result of Carter’s uncontrolled magic at the police station, not the statue.  Since the ritual he’d kept his rotund new frame, but he accepted it all with a stoic calm that was the result of Oliver’s own magic.  Whatever the mysterious man had done to undo Carter’s chaos, it left the lumbering giant in a state of constant contentment.  He rationally knew that he should be panicked and horrified, he just never was.  His calm new outlook left him in the unfamiliar role of caretaker for his friends while they all came to terms with their new lives.  Where he’d been the arrogant, bullheaded member of the house when all this started, now he was the tender, understanding foundation keeping everyone together.  

Men all over campus went through similar coping processes.  Glowing adonises suddenly looked on their beautiful new bodies and throngs of admirers with terrified eyes, while formerly straight men eagerly lapping at oozing, foot long cocks started to wonder what they were doing.  Those men who’d recently found themselves growing larger or smaller to match the man next to them looked out at the world from their new perspectives with fresh confusion, their changed bodies and desires seeming all the more alien.  

In the midst of all this, Randall was the only one who felt anything close to joy.  The elderly professor was still mortified by his sculpted, youthful body and it’s irresistible urges.  His former persona had more or less surfaced completely, but he still had difficulty focusing for more than a few minutes, and his libido remained off the charts.  His days as a distinguished professor were gone for good, but he was one of the few people who actually knew how dangerously close to the apocalypse they’d come.  Compared to the horror that almost occurred, the changes to the men on campus were minor at best.  

Carter didn’t see it that way.  Not only had he watched his plans crumble before him, it had been Oliver’s magics that turned him into an ugly little brute, and any chance he had at getting his old life back had disappeared with the other man.  That meant he was stuck in his twisted, hairy body, with it’s lumpy muscles, short legs, and hooked, crooked cock.  He still couldn’t speak in much more than short, grunting sentences and would have been left on his own had Randall not taken pity on him.  His now-youthful colleague was resourceful enough to pick up where Carter’s life had left off.  Since Randy had become well known at Carter’s house over the past weeks, and it wasn’t uncommon for Carter to be away for extended periods on research trips, it was simple for Randall to forge the documents needed when Carter’s final expedition had a “terrible accident.”  Randall became the sole inheritor of Carter’s wealth and estate while the formerly handsome professor was left to experience the remnants of his old life from his new perspective.  

Gradually, life on campus lost the frantic, desperate edge that had settled over it all summer.  Men were no longer fucking openly in public, nor were they strutting hard and erect around the gym.  Now, when guys went at each other in the locker room they at least found their way to a shower stall first.  Which isn’t to say that sculpted adonises no longer walked half naked around campus, or that men with long, obvious cocks snaking down their pant legs weren’t a common sight.  It was still perfectly normal to see men walking hand in hand or engaging in other public displays of affection with each other.  Over time, the school became known for its inclusiveness, drawing men from all over the world who were seeking a safe space.  

The frat house was the start.  Once the five young men came to terms with what happened they opened the doors to others who’d been affected.  It started as a small support group, but as word got out their numbers swelled with all manner of altered men.  No two people had the exact same story, but they all shared a common theme.  

To this day, outside of a select few, no one knows exactly what happened.  When word finally got out about the rash of impossible changes taking place there was a brief panic in the surrounding area, and a swarm of governmental scientists descended on campus, poking and prodding everyone without result.  

Theories ranging from emerging viruses to genetic mutations to environmental pollutants have all been put forth, but no one takes seriously the whispered stories of cursed idols and monsters from other dimensions.  


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