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Dave shut off the meager stream of water, his broad frame scraping against the stained shower curtain.  He wasn’t sure if he was cleaner or dirtier than when he started.  Still, as disgusting as the crusty showerhead and mildewed tub were, he’d seen worse.  Hell, he’d seen worse on this trip alone, he thought to himself.  This wasn’t the kind of motel that left you fresh towels, so he stepped out of the shower and let himself drip dry on the stained, peeling linoleum floor.  He shook the water off his hairy body like a wet dog and stuck his head out into the room.  His clothes were still neatly folded on the bed stand.  Dave didn’t think she was the type that would come back and rob him, but you could never be sure, especially at her rates.  As pretty as she was, she came surprisingly cheap.  Dave sighed and wiped the steam from the mirror.  She’d been good, too.  So had he.  He looked at his muscular, naked body with a swell of pride.  For a guy who just turned 46 he still looked damn good.  Dave’s chest bulged under the patch of wiry hair that traveled down his solid, barrel torso.  His broad shoulders and huge arms framed his upper body and were balanced out by the meaty, trunk-like legs.  Coupled with a height just over six feet and a thick, long hose, he was a beast of a man.  His face, never model quality, was still ruggedly handsome and his thinning, tight-cropped hair only further cemented his stocky, masculine look.  

“Damn, she really was good,” he muttered.  If that was the case, he thought, why didn’t he feel satisfied?  She was young and pretty and still new enough at this to make it convincing.  Dave knew he was good in bed, better than most, but he was past the point of lying to himself that he was anything more than a paycheck or a fix to these girls.  He didn’t always have to pay.  His looks were still good enough that he could hang out in a hotel bar long enough and score pretty easily.  Which he did often before it became boring.  Even this was becoming boring.  He purposely started seeking out sleazy truck stop motels to try and spice things up, but it wasn’t working.  Young, old, black, white, Asian, Latina, thin, fat…none of it was doing it any more.  Dave had never married or gone the family route, preferring the responsibility-free life of a bachelor.  He’d never even really had a steady girlfriend.  He sold agricultural equipment and was traveling constantly, both in the states and internationally, so even maintaining friendships was difficult.  He told himself the money made up for it, but maybe it didn’t?  

“Fuck it,” he sighed again, getting dressed.  He pulled a pair of jeans up his meaty legs and over his bulging briefs before buttoning up the straining plaid shirt that was plastered across his torso, leaving the top of his hairy chest exposed.  He needed to look semi professional as a salesman, but not so much that it put off the yokels he was trying to sell to.  His beefy physique helped sell the idea that he could work on a farm, something he’d never done a day in his life.  It was an art he’d mastered long ago.  Dave was naturally good at reading people and these middle-of-nowhere types were all the same to him.  He didn’t even remember the name of the town he was in.  Or maybe he wasn’t even in a town anymore and the truck stop was its own municipality.  He didn’t care.  

He stepped out into the warm, humid air and crossed the jungle of asphalt and parked trucks to the bar.  It was dimly lit and sparsely populated, just the way he liked it.  Across the room he saw the girl he’d just left already chatting up another potential client.  It didn’t bother him.  He knew she needed the money.  He always tried to pay well.  

“She’s a popular one, that girl.”  Dave hadn’t even noticed the man come up and sit in the stool next to him.  He bristled slightly, feeling his space invaded.  There were plenty of other spots to choose from than the one next to him.  “Though I don’t see too many guys looking as sour as you when she’s done with ‘em.”  

Dave was officially angry.  He finally turned to face the unwanted neighbor and found himself staring at a shoulder.  The man was a full head taller than he was, and just as built.  The sleeves of his ratty flannel shirt had been ripped off, leaving two large, muscular arms exposed.  It was hard to tell how old he was in the light, but his full beard, faded tattoos and deep, booming voice gave the impression of age.  “I’m not lookin’ for a refund so you’ll still get your cut.”  

“Hey, hey, it ain’t like that,” the man laughed.  “I saw her leave as I was pullin’ up and I saw you leave when I was parkin’ my rig.  Believe it or not, guys go a couple hundred miles outta their way for that girl.”  

“I’d believe it,” Dave said, then regretted it.  He had no intention to carry on a conversation.  

“I’m Bill,” the man said, extending a meaty paw.  Dave reflexively returned the gesture, finding it hard to be as rude as he wanted.  “You drinkin’ bourbon?  Two bourbons!” Bill said, slapping the bar.  

“No, you don’t have to…”

“Son, I haven’t seen someone who needed a drink as much as you in a while.”  

Dave was starting to wonder if “Bill” was trying to pick him up.  It wouldn’t be anywhere near the first time a guy tried.  Not that it bothered him.  He’d let guys suck him off before, but he never reciprocated.  “Look, Bill, thanks for the drink but I’m not on the market.”  

“Ha!” Bill clapped Dave on the shoulder and gave a loud, rumbling laugh.  “Neither am I.  But I could see how people'd wonder with you looking so miserable after that.”  He motioned to the girl again while Dave downed the rest of his first drink.  “No,” Bill said, sliding the next drink over, “I just know that look when I see it.”  

“Look?”  Dave didn’t know why, but he found himself starting to feel at ease around the other man.  

“The seen-it-all and done-it-all look.  You’ve got it bad.”  

“Oh.  THAT look,” Dave laughed bitterly.  He shot the second drink and found a third in its place.  “Yeah, guess I do.”  

“I see it a lot in these over-the-road types.”  He looked Dave up and down.  “But somethin’ tells me you ain’t a trucker.”  

“Sales.  Farm equipment.”  

“So instead’a cargo you just haul bullshit all over the place?”  Bill laughed at his own joke.  

Dave found himself laughing along.  “And what about you?”  

“Hell, half the time I don’t even ask what I’m haulin’.  All gets to be the same after a while.”  

The two sat trading stories until Dave was totally at ease with the hulking older man.  Bill had his own fill of stories and soon Dave found himself laughing along.  He didn’t know if it was just the whiskey, but Bill felt like an old friend, not some crusty stranger he’d just met at a truck stop bar.  

“I just…I’m just looking for something new, ya know?”  Dave swayed drunkenly on his stool.  “I’ve been with every type of girl and done every type of thing.  I mean, is that it?”  

“Look,” Dave leaned over and whispered, pulling out a thick leather wallet.  “I know a place.”  He pulled out a worn, crinkled business card that just said “The Cattle Ranch” in gold block lettering.  “They ain’t talkin’ about cows,” Bill winked.  “I’ve been goin’ there for years now.  Reason I’m here now.  I was just stoppin’ off here for a drink when I ran into you.  I can guarantee you’ve never experienced anything like what they do.”  

Dave had already made up his mind before Bill finished his sentence.  “Well where is it?  Let’s go!”  

Bill clapped him on the back and laughed at his sudden enthusiasm.  “It’s not far, but you gotta be sure about this.  It’s not for the faint of heart out there.”  

Dave figured Bill was exaggerating.  He’d been in plenty of kinky situations over the years and not much shocked him.  He followed the giant outside, turning the card over in his hand.  “I’m sure.  If it’s as great as you say how can I say no?  I can just follow you…” he trailed off when he reached into a pocket that shouldn’t have been empty.  It occurred to him that he hadn’t seen the girl in a while.  He looked around and sure enough, his rental car was gone.  “Fuck!  She stole my car!”  

“What?!  That don’t sound like her at all.”  Bill thought about it for a minute and started laughing his booming laugh.  “On second thought, yeah it does.  Pretty sure she’ll bring it back in the next day or so.  Wouldn’t be the first time.”  

Dave kicked at the asphalt frustratedly.  “So much for that plan, then.”  He couldn’t help joining in Bill’s infectious laugh.  “Good thing I’ve already got a room.  Don’t suppose you could leave me a map to this place or something?”  

“I’ll do you one better.  How ‘bout you ride with me and I can drop you back here after?  It’s not too far outta the way.”  

To his surprise, Dave only hesitated for a second.  The thought of getting into a stranger’s truck and driving to god knows where in the middle of the night should have given him more pause than it did.  After a life on the road he’d heard plenty of horror stories.  “You’re not gonna murder me or anything, right?”

“That much I can promise,” again with Bill’s deep laugh.  “Hey, I get it.  You’re more’n welcome to stay here.”  

“Nah, I’m not missing this.”  Dave was eager as he climbed into Bill’s spacious cab.   Part of him didn’t care if Bill WAS going to try and murder him.  Anything to break the rut.  Already he was doing something new.  In all his time on the road he’d never actually ridden in a big rig before.  It was practically a studio apartment on wheels.  

“Not bad, eh?  See?  New things already,” Bill said, reading his thoughts.  He pulled the truck onto the highway and started driving.  

Dave couldn’t see much through the windows.  The cloudy, moonless night left the landscape outside covered in murky darkness.  They could’ve been driving through a tunnel for all he knew.  “How far is this…this place?”  Dave suddenly felt woozy.  

“Doin’ alright partner?”  

“Yeah, just too much whiskey I thi…think…” he shook his head.  

“No, it ain’t that.”  

Bill’s voice was still as good natured as always, but his words sent a chill through Dave.  He thought back to his missing car, the flowing drinks that were probably drugged, and now he was right where this guy wanted him.  His earlier confidence was gone and he started to wonder if he hadn’t made a serious mistake.  He reached for his pockets before remembering that his phone was in the car.  

“Now just calm down and…” Bill trailed off and sighed as Dave unbuckled his seat belt and turned to open a door that was suddenly missing.  

“What the fuck…?!” Dave stared at the solid wall where the door should have been in shock.  

“You’re gonna want to listen to this next part…”

“Like fuck I am!  What the fuck is this?!  Let me out of this goddamn truck!”  

Bill sighed again.  “Son, if you’d let me…”

“I said let me out!  I’ll fucking kil…”

“I SAID BE QUIET.”  Bill’s booming voice left Dave’s stunned ears ringing.  For the first time in a long time, he felt genuine fear.  “That’s better,” Bill said, the good natured tone coming back into his voice.  “Now, as I was sayin’, that woozy feeling ain’t the whiskey.  Take a look at yourself.”  

Dave looked down.  “What am I supposed to be…” he trailed off.  The button up shirt was no longer plastered as tightly across his chest and the sleeves that should have strained over his large biceps were far too baggy.  “What…what is this?”  

“You’re changin’.  I don’t know into who or what, but every mile we pass you’re going to change a little more.”  

“That’s impossible!  This is some drug thing, right?  I’m hallucinating all this.  I have to be…” Dave laughed nervously, burying his head in his hands.  

“No, I can promise you ain’t imaginin’ this.  You said you wanted something new.”  Dave didn’t look up until he heard a slight zipping sound.  He looked over and saw that Bill had fished a monster sized cock from his pants.  Even soft, the organ was much larger than Dave’s own impressive member.  “Now, you can stop any other changes from happenin’.  All you gotta do is get this bad boy off and the changes stop cold.  Otherwise, you keep changin’ until this truck stops movin’.”  

Dave was furious again.  “Fuck you!  This isn’t…this can’t be…” He squirmed in pants that were increasingly baggy.  

“Hey now, I ain’t forcin’ you to do anything. You wanna ride this out and see what happens, that’s fine by me.  I know you’re a whorin’ man.  Wouldn’t surprise me to learn you’re a gambler too.”   

Dave’s heart was racing and his brain was working over time.  He couldn’t see any way out.  Was this all just a bad trip?  Did the guy just slip him a pill in his bourbon?  A few more miles ticked by and Dave felt his clothes get bigger and bigger on his changing body.  If this WAS really happening, what was happening to him?  He thought back to the sight of his bulging, beefy body just a few hours ago and wondered how much he’d changed already.  The sudden realization that his feet were no longer touching the ground made up his mind.  “Okay!  Okay, I’ll do it, I just…” he took a deep breath and slid his chair over.  His hand was shaking as it reached towards Bill’s limp member.  

“It ain’t gonna bite,” Bill laughed.  He watched the struggle in Dave’s eyes until the other man finally closed his hand around him.  “There ya go!”  

Dave was first struck by how heavy and different from his own Bill’s cock felt.  He wrapped his hand around it and gave a few gentle tugs.  He wasn’t sure what he was expecting, but it didn’t seem too bad.  He’d rarely admit there was a part of him that had always been curious.  A few more miles ticked by while Dave stroked, but he only felt the huge rod stiffen slightly.  “Look, I’ve never done this before, can I at least get a pointer?”  

“Gotta lube that bad boy up!”  

Dave looked around.  “With what?”  

“You gotta mouth, ain’t ya?”  

This time Dave hesitated.  Jerking a guy off was one thing, but this?  Still, he was starting to swim in his shirt.  He leaned over and reached his lips towards Bill’s waiting cock.  He tentatively flicked his tongue towards it before pulling away.  “No!  Fuck this!  I’m getting the fuck out of here!”  He staggered out of his seat and went to run to the back of the cabin, promptly tripping over his now-too large boots.  “What the…this isn’t…this can’t be…” Dave rolled over and scooted backwards, his feet easily slipping out of the boots and into jeans that were suddenly too long.  “No…no…”

“You ready to try again?”  

“Fu…fuck you…!” Dave grunted as he struggled to his feet, tripping over his bunched jeans until the now-baggy pants came off completely.  

“Alright,” Bill said sternly, “but I’m at least gonna watch ya change.  C’mere.”  Dave found himself with nowhere to go as a huge arm reached back and grabbed him by the collar.  He struggled furiously until he felt the shirt slip up and over his shoulders.  He was so stunned by the sight of his shrunken body that he didn’t resist when Dave reached back again and tugged him up by an arm.  He’d clearly lost a good chunk of height, but most noticeable was the lack of muscle.  His stocky frame was gone.  He still had a slight build, with visible definition, but nothing like before.  He was extra concerned with how baggy his formerly bulging briefs were.  

“Whooo!  You’re becoming a tiny thing, ain’tcha?”  Bill laughed, squeezing Dave’s ass through the sagging underwear.  Dave couldn’t believe how huge Bill’s hand felt on his ass.  He also couldn’t believe the thrill it sent through him.  Driven by the sudden panic that this was really happening, Dave dropped to his knees and took as much of Bill’s cock in his mouth as he could.  He fought against his gag reflex while he fumbled awkwardly with his lips and tongue.  Dave was disgusted at first, but it was more out of expectation than experience.  He actually found himself liking it.  Bill’s cock filled more and more of his mouth as it hardened until Dave was working the long shaft with his mouth and hands.  His own cock was rock hard but he didn’t dare divert any of his attention from the task at hand.  Not that it mattered.  When Dave had his lips wrapped around one of Bill’s giant balls he felt an involuntary shudder run through his changing body as he sprayed.  He couldn’t suppress a loud groan, one that was soon drowned out by Bill’s bellowing moan as the large man finally came.  Dave nearly choked on the torrent that was unleashed down his throat.  “Wow!” Bill panted cheerfully.  “Not bad for a rookie.”  

The exhausted Dave kept his stunned, panting head resting on Bill’s lap while the other man stroked fingers through his…hair?  “What the…?!” Dave froze at the higher pitched voice that came from his tired mouth.  He stood on wobbly legs and nearly blacked out at what he saw.  His muscles were totally gone.  His broad, powerful frame had withered to a lithe, curvy little body.  The once massive chest was flat and shapeless, and the barrel torso was now a thin, soft belly.  His huge, solid arms were small and yielding with non-existent shoulders.  The now-massive briefs barely clung to his curvy hips, but the solid rod that poked against them could only be three inches at the most.  Dave frantically turned and looked out the window into the side mirror and found a stranger staring back at him.  His ruggedly handsome face had turned young and innocent, with puffy lips and bright eyes.  The blonde, curly hair on his head was just about all that was left on his body, save for a thin dusting at his crotch.  He looked like he couldn’t have been more than 20.  

“Damn!” Bill whistled.  “You shrunk down to five-foot-ass!”  He reached over and grabbed one of the round, jiggling globes that seemed too large for the tiny body.  

“Wha…what…what…” Dave kept stammering as he looked down at his altered body.  As impossible as it was, he knew this wasn’t a drug induced hallucination.  “What did you do to me?!”  

“I didn’t do anything.  I’m just the driver.  It’s different for everyone, too.  I’ve seen a little bit of everything, I’ll tell ya.”  

“But…but you said if I got you off I’d change back!”  

“No, I said you’d stop changing, and if you’ll notice you ain’t changed anymore.”  

“Change me back!”  

“No can do.  There’s no going back now.  That beefy stud who got in here is gone, gone, gone.”  Bill reached over and tousled Dave’s blonde hair.  “Just my opinion but I think this is a better look for ya.”  

“No!  You can’t do this to me!”  Dave stomped a tiny foot, wincing as he felt his softened frame jiggle and scrambling to hold his comically large briefs in place.  

Bill just shook his head.  “I know this is gonna be hard to hear, but you did this to yourself, friend.  I never forced you in this truck.  I didn’t force my dick in your mouth neither.”  

“No, you just started changing me against my will until I…”

“Now hold on there.  Remember when I asked if you were a gambling man?  If you’d just sat there, yeah, you would’ve changed, but the second you got out of the truck…poof…back just the way you were.  But you went the other route and locked everything in place.”  

“You tricked me!” Dave’s fury hadn’t caught up with his altered body and he flung himself at Bill in a rage.  Without even taking his eyes off the road the other man caught Dave’s tiny, flailing arms and pulled him up on to his lap in one smooth motion, leaving the oversized underwear on the floor.  Dave stopped struggling when the shock hit him.  He hadn’t realized just how small he’d become until now.  The button up shirt he’d been wearing was a XXL.  The pants were a size 40 and the briefs had been extra large.  Now Bill could close a fist around his arm with room to spare.  For the first time in years he felt small and exposed sitting on Bill’s massive lap as the other man’s beefy arm pinned him in place.

“Now look,” Bill said sternly, as though he were disciplining a puppy, “you tricked yourself.  You’ve BEEN trickin’ yourself.  Whether you know it or not, this is what you wanted.  That’s how this works.  What?  You’d sit here, go through these changes, then get out like nothing happened and just go back to your same old life?  You told me earlier.  You were bored with your job.  You were bored with your sex life.  You wanted somethin’ new.”  Bill loosened his grip and stroked Dave’s now-soft thigh, “well, this is about as new as it gets.  Don’t look to me like you’re hatin’ it too much.”  Bill reached down and swallowed Dave’s smaller, solid cock with his rough hand.  

Despite his shock, Dave shivered at the sensation.  His eyes kept drifting to the exposed top of Bill’s hairy chest sticking out from the sleeveless shirt.  He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been so turned on.  Clearly it was more than his appearance that had changed.  “But I didn’t…I’d never want…”

“Don’t’ knock it ‘til you’ve tried it.  Sometimes we don’t know we want somethin’ until it’s dropped on us.”  Bill took his hand away from Dave’s aching cock and pulled the truck to a stop.  Dave had been so focused on the other man he hadn’t noticed them reaching their destination.  “Here we are,” Bill said, shifting Dave off his lap.  Before the smaller man could protest Dave found himself being dragged naked out the door.  

“Hey!  At least let me…” Dave was mortified, even more so when he saw the man approaching.  He was stunning.  There was no other word for it.  He was wearing a pair of very short denim cut-offs and nothing else, exposing almost all of his perfectly proportioned, chiseled body.  His tan skin and bright blonde hair were a perfect complement to his model-handsome face.  Dave felt his cock throb at the sight, bringing another wave of embarrassed insecurity over him.  

“This one took a while,” the man said smiling.  He walked in a slow circle around Dave, looking the altered man up and down.  “I’m Eric,” he said, extending his hand.  

“Uh…Dave.”  The man was slightly shorter than Bill, but Dave still found his eyes barely reaching the man’s perfect chest as his hand was swallowed Eric’s grip.  

“Wow.  Looks like you changed a lot, huh?”  Eric was looking past him into  the truck at Dave’s discarded clothes.  “You were a big one,” he whistled.  “I know you’re probably freaking out still, but really, you don’t have anything to worry about.  You wouldn’t be here if you weren’t supposed to be.  And you don’t need to be embarrassed.  Everyone here is at first, but it goes away soon,” he said, tousling Dave’s new hair.  

Dave was having a hard time focusing between his unyielding lust and shock.  “I don’t understand…just what the hell is this?!”  He could feel something happening in his brain and fought against it.  

“It’s a fresh start.  I’m sure Bill told you, you wouldn’t be here if you didn’t want to be.”  

“This?!”  Dave motioned to his lithe new body.  “I’d never want…not like…” he shook his head.  His anger was draining bit by bit, being replaced by something else.  He felt his shrunken cock throb again.  

“It just takes some time,” Eric said gently.  

Bill gave Dave’s supple new cheeks a final bounce and climbed back into his truck. “Be seein’ ya, big guy.”  

Dave just stared after the truck.  He was naked in a strange place, in a new body, with nothing even resembling his old life.  No clothes, no car, no phone.  

Eric was cheerful as ever.  “Well?  Let’s get you settled.”  He put a hand on Dave’s back and led him towards the house, walking slowly as the other man adjusted to his shortened legs. 


Fantasy Writer

I love all your work so much. This is the one story I’ve always wanted to know what happened next.


I actually had hoped to expand on this one, but at the time I was still finding my footing and then it just got buried in the pile. Maybe some day!