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Interactive: Campus Nights, ch. 2

  • Ethan shifts his focus to getting Liam as exposed as he is, and to everyone's enjoyment the big man lets him.. 7
  • Mark starts becoming insatiably horny around other guys, who take an increasing interest in him. 5
  • Already quick to disrobe, Grady becomes more unpredictable in his actions and appearance.. 9
  • Seeing Ethan's smug new attitude, Landon's friendly demeanor starts to become more demanding, and the guys are eager to do what he says. 5
  • 2018-03-07
  • —2018-03-10
  • 26 votes
{'title': 'Interactive: Campus Nights, ch. 2', 'choices': [{'text': "Ethan shifts his focus to getting Liam as exposed as he is, and to everyone's enjoyment the big man lets him..", 'votes': 7}, {'text': 'Mark starts becoming insatiably horny around other guys, who take an increasing interest in him.', 'votes': 5}, {'text': 'Already quick to disrobe, Grady becomes more unpredictable in his actions and appearance..', 'votes': 9}, {'text': "Seeing Ethan's smug new attitude, Landon's friendly demeanor starts to become more demanding, and the guys are eager to do what he says.", 'votes': 5}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2018, 3, 10, 17, 0, 54, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2018, 3, 7, 22, 41, 4, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 26}


***** The winning option was "Ethan starts wearing less and less." *****

“I didn’t think you guys’d be in such a hurry to lose again,” Mark laughed, racking up the billiard balls.  Next to him, Landon and Grady argued over cues while Ethan leaned against the table and watched it all unfold, shaking his head with his arms crossed over his firm pecs.  Liam’s brawny frame was spread out on a long couch at the other end of the rec room, taking in a game on the large TV hanging off the wall.  The five young men were enjoying the relative calm of the house.  They knew that in a couple months there would be at least twice as many guys all vying for space.  The already dingy room, with it’s ratty, stained carpet and beat up furniture would constantly look like a cyclone had blown through.  They needed to enjoy it while they could actually relax.  

They certainly looked casual enough.  Grady’s lean, shirtless frame was clad in nothing but his baggy gym shorts.  They bubbled out around his plump cheeks, leaving the toned, whipcord muscles of his torso on display.  A thin layer of dark hair spread across his chest and down his stomach, but instead of obscuring his tight build, it seemed to accentuate his definition.  The same dark, unkempt mop of hair that sat on top of his handsome face seemed to match his personality perfectly - wild, unpredictable, and slightly spastic.  “Dude, this is MY cue,” Grady said, pulling on the end of the pool cue in his hand.  

The tall, broad young man holding the other end pulled back just as hard.  “Fuck you, man, I called it!”  Landon’s eager smile was as friendly as ever, but his eyes were determined.  Like Grady, Landon was dressed in a pair of loose fitting cotton shorts and nothing else, leaving the majority of his impressively ripped body exposed.  His smooth, dark brown skin was stretched tight over precision-crafted muscle.  Where Grady was bottom heavy, nothing on Landon’s towering frame was out of place.  If his tall stature, sharp features, and sparkling personality weren’t enough, the ease with which the friendly giant packed on pound after pound of lean muscle made the rest of the guys frustratingly jealous.  

“Could you ladies keep it down?  I’m tryin’a watch the game over here,” Liam yelled from the other end of the room, his bulldog face sticking up over the edge of the couch.  Because of their similar height, people automatically lumped Liam and Landon together, but the two couldn’t have been more different.  Nothing on Liam’s burly, beefy body could be considered “precision.”  He was the house’s resident brick wall; a wide, lumbering mountain of muscle.  He was also the house’s resident asshole and a thorn in just about everyone’s side.  Where Landon was a big, friendly teddy bear, Liam was a hulking jerk.  

“As much as I hate to agree with fuck-face over there,” Mark laughed as Liam’s beefy fist rose up from the couch to give him the finger, “can we get on with this already?”  The toe-headed young man shot his friends an annoyed look as he tapped the table impatiently.  He was the shortest of the bunch, clad in a baggy, open-sided muscle shirt that left his huge, granit pecs hanging out and that fell down far enough to cover the small, tight mesh shorts he had on.  His voice was surprisingly deep for someone who stood just over five and a half feet, but he made up for his lack of height with an excess of muscle.  The stocky man lived for lifting and was nearly as wide as he was tall.  He and Landon were always at the gym, and like his taller friend, his body was draped in shredded muscle.  Along with his adonis-like body, his sharp, symmetrical features, piercing eyes, and golden hair were stunning.  If he’d been another six inches taller, Mark would have been the house’s pretty boy, not Ethan, who he was currently giving a look that said “will you please end this.”

Ethan watched his friends argue with a stoic grin, as usual.  He liked to stay out of it and not choose sides as much as was possible.  Like Mark, his sculpted muscles were slightly more covered than the arguing men by his loose tank-top and worn, plaid boxers.  He’d thought about putting shorts on, but the more time that passed, the more unappealing that sounded.  He told himself it was fine since it was just the guys.  

“Alright, fine,” Grady conceded, finally letting go of the cue.  “But I want it on record that if we lose, it’s his fault,” he said, nodding towards Landon, who just shook his head and laughed.  

“Always excuses,” the tall man muttered as he chalked the end.  He motioned for Grady to make the break.  “Losers...I mean ladies... first.”  

Grady’s face was a mask of determination as the muscles on his lean torso popped while he leaned over the table.  His plump cheeks loomed ever larger as he bent and lined up his shot, his deceptively thin arms flashing large when he shot the cue forward.  “Damnit!” he spat when the break went sideways, leaving a large chunk of balls untouched in the middle.  

“Aww, too bad,” Landon said with mock sincerity, giving one of Grady’s large cheeks a swat before he took his shot.  

The game repeated this theme, each of them taking turns and talking shit between swigs of cheap beer.  Eventually Liam wandered over and leaned against the makeshift bar to watch.  The tall bear’s thick, hairy pecs and firm, furry muscle gut were uncovered above his baggy gym shorts.  He crossed his beefy arms, tossing in the occasional insult until Ethan was directly in front of him, lining up a shot.  Like earlier in the evening, Liam moved with surprising quickness and had Ethan’s boxers around his ankles in a flash.  

“Dude?!  Come on!”  Ethan whirled around, ready to tear into the bigger man, but as soon as he looked in Liam’s eyes something changed.  That buried kernel of himself that was fully aware of his good looks started to grow.  Instead of yelling, he just grinned and shrugged.  “You know what?  Fine.  You wanna look at my ass so bad?  Here it is,” he said, turning his back to Liam and bending slowly to pick up the boxer’s he’d stepped out of.  He hooked the underwear around a thumb and shot it towards the big man’s face like a giant rubber band.  The other guys erupted into laughter as Liam frantically batted it away.  “This is what you wanted?”  Ethan turned back to the table to line up his shot, but when he bent, he pressed his bare cheeks back against Liam’s crotch.  

“Hey!” Liam shot away from the bar as though Ethan’s bare cheeks were hot coals.  “I was just messin’ with you...you don’t have to get all weird.”  

Ethan stood and leaned against the pool cue, using it to thrust his already prominent package forward even more.  “What’s weird?”  Ethan couldn’t help but smile when Liam’s face turned crimson.  “We’re all cool here, man.  If there’s something you need to tell us, no one’s gonna judge you.”  

Liam’s face turned a deeper shade of purple as he turned on his heel and lumbered out of the room.  “Whatever…” he grumbled over his shoulder.  

Ethan turned back to see his friends staring at him with shocked faces.  “Uh...sorry about that…” 

“Nicely done!” Grady laughed, clapping Ethan on the shoulder.  

“Yeah man, way to call him on his bluff.”  Mark and Landon seemed equally amused and a little surprised by the normally modest man’s unexpected behavior.  

“The big idiot is never gonna STOP seeing my ass from here on out,” Ethan laughed, blushing slightly.  The sandy-haired young stud felt a slight thrill at seeing everyone’s eyes on his meaty cock.  He started to reach for his boxers but instead just bent to take his shot, staying pantsless even though Liam was gone.  “Sorry if you guys get caught in the crossfire.”  

The others only shrugged and kept playing.  


“Not bad…not bad at all,” Ethan whistled as he stared at his mostly naked reflection, feeling an eager rush at the way he filled out the small, bright jockstrap. He turned in a circle and flexed his arms above his head, bouncing the bare cheeks that were made all the more prominent by the tiny underwear. He gave himself one last look before heading down the hall to Mark’s room.  

He’d been true to his word.  Over the past week, any time he crossed paths with Liam he made sure to do so with as little on as possible. Ethan eventually took to wearing nothing but his underwear whenever he was home, so he could remove it quickly if the big man showed up unexpectedly.  Not content to wear his concealing boxers, he’d borrowed some small, bright briefs from Mark.  As he lounged around the house in nothing but the skimpy underwear, he wondered why he hadn’t started doing this sooner. There was a swell of pride every time he looked at the brief’s stuffed bulge, and even Mark, who was surprisingly hung himself, had to admit that Ethan pulled them off well.  Liam’s pride wouldn’t let himself admit defeat or discomfort, so he grinned and bore it as best he could, having to try and convince himself more and more that he wasn’t actually looking forward to crossing Ethan’s path.  

None of the guys questioned Ethan’s behavior when he wore nothing but the small briefs during the times when Liam wasn’t around.  At first they were amused, then they were glad the uptight man was loosening up, and then they all started to feel something that they couldn’t quite explain.  When Ethan came home in his actual clothing, they were almost eager for the handsome young stud to strip down.  Something about the sight of Ethan’s bare, athletic form was comforting.  Not that his clothing was covering much any more.  That small, buried seed of awareness had grown into full bloom, and where he once was insecure about his impressive body, he now had no desire to hide it. He’d taken to wearing his tiny running shorts even when he wasn’t exercising, and his loose tank-tops were becoming increasingly tight when he bothered to wear a shirt at all. His sculpted torso had already grown a deeper shade of golden tan, making his striking features stand out even more.  

Ethan himself seemed oblivious, or at least unconcerned.  The other guys had been more than a little stunned the first morning he’d strolled sleepily into the kitchen, naked and half-hard.  They were growing accustomed to the sight of his naked body, but none of them had seen his thick monster do anything other than hang heavily between his legs.  Ethan had just looked down at it and shrugged, giving his friend’s, Liam especially, a smug grin.  He handily outsized the larger man, and now everyone knew it.  For someone who’d been as modest as he had, Ethan had taken to exhibitionism like a fish to water. What started as boxers quickly turned to briefs, and now to jockstraps, all punctuated by periods of nothing at all.  

“That’s, uh, wow,” Mark laughed, running a hand through his blonde hair while he looked Ethan up and down.  The low-riding jock accentuated the tightness of his friend’s trim waist before jutting outwards as the pouch was filled to capacity.  The straps lifted his perky, solid cheeks more than nature already did, drawing immediate attention to his eye-catching bubble.  

Ethan shrugged off Mark’s surprised laugh as he returned his friend’s briefs. “Right?”  He turned in a circle to let Mark get a good look.  “Can’t wait til the big guy gets a look at these.  Don’t even need to take anything off,” he laughed, giving one of his prominent globes a slap.  

Mark waited until Ethan had gone downstairs before heading to the other man’s room.  The guys had seen him coming home with bags of clothes and had noticed the revealing trend to his changing wardrobe.  Mark’s jaw dropped when he looked inside and saw countless wads of tiny, bright fabric.  This was clearly more than just Ethan trying to pester Liam.  The once-modest man’s normally drab clothing sat in garbage bags on the floor, ready for donation, while a stranger’s skimpy, revealing closet had seemingly exploded all over. 

Looking around, Mark shuddered when he caught sight of the strange statue surrounded by a rainbow of small underwear sitting on Ethan’s dresser.  He couldn’t shake the feeling that the stone eyes were watching him, but he forgot all about it and hurried back to his room when he looked down at himself and saw that he was rock hard without knowing why.  


“UUUUnnnnnn….yyyyeee...yeeesssss…” Randall moaned, bouncing up and down ecstatically on Carter’s prone lap.  His muscular new thighs straddled the rugged, hairy body as he worked the older man’s large cock in and out of his ample new rear, his only thoughts on the pleasurable sensations shooting through him while his thick, solid monster slapped against the older man’s flat, hairy stomach.  

For his part, Carter watched the addled stud bounce with a detached interest that approached boredom.  His large, firm arms were folded behind his head as his age-regressed colleague clutched at the salt-and-pepper fur on his prominent pecs.  It wasn’t that his former colleague’s new body didn’t feel good writhing on top of him, but that his mind was elsewhere.  After the first few days of experiencing Randall’s insatiable new lust, the novelty was starting to wear off.  

It had been almost a week and he hadn’t found any sign of the statue, nor had the now-younger man remembered any additional details.  If anything, the doe-eyed hunk had fallen further down the mental ladder.  He didn’t seem to show much awareness of his previous life at all.  Every now and then Carter would catch a flash of panic in the dull expression, but it only lasted as long as it took for Randall to reach down and start tugging his massive organ.  It was his version of sucking his thumb.  

Luckily the dimwitted stud was content to do as he was told.  Whatever spark of the old Randall that remained must have still trusted him.  Carter had been able to get Randall off campus and set up at his home without anyone knowing what happened, and the newly young man now spent his days lounging around in whatever clothing Carter could get him to keep on in between their vigorous poundings.  From an outside perspective, it just looked like Carter had gotten a young trophy to keep around the house.  That was far from out of the ordinary for a handsome professor like himself, who’d been known to fool around with both sexes, but questions were starting to arise.  

A prominent professor had suddenly gone missing without a trace, and there weren’t any clues.  All week he’d been feigning concern, pretending to be truly worried about his good friend Randall.  It was starting to become exhausting.  So far the police hadn’t looked his way, but he knew it was only a matter of time before they’d come around asking if he knew anything.  He was confident that they’d never tie the new Randall to the old, but he was less confident about how he’d explain the disaster that was just waiting to happen the longer the statue was active and out of his control.  It was out there somewhere, wreaking havoc and changing people in possibly horrific ways.  

According to his research, that’s what the statue had been built for.  The beings that populated the earth long before mankind ever entered the picture had used it to create their servants.  Those early creations were horrible, formless monstrosities that eventually appeared to have turned on their masters.  In the circles that Carter traveled in, there were some who thought that the statue, or one like it, was actually responsible for the creation of mankind as those ancient beings tried to correct their mistake.  Carter didn’t know if he believed that, but it would certainly explain the ease with which the human mind and body were molded by it.  

Carter’s mind was pulled back to the present when he felt himself erupt inside the bouncing buck on his lap.  He clutched at Randall’s solid thighs and arched his back, the release only momentarily easing his frustration.  Every minute that the statue was out there was a minute that he wasn’t taking advantage of its power, and he’d worked too hard to let that happen.  

“Goddamnit…” he hissed, shifting Randall abruptly off his lap.  The confused adonis gave him a puzzled look before he shrugged and began pumping away on his oozing pole as Carter stormed out of the room.  

He knew the statue was most likely still on campus somewhere, but he was no longer content to wait until he saw signs of its effects.  The fact that there weren’t a bunch of mutated monstrosities roaming the campus was a good sign, but his luck wouldn’t hold out forever.  He needed to make a plan.   

***** What happens next? *****


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