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Interactive: Something Wicked, ch. 4

  • Spinners - Round and round until your head is a dizzy mess. 4
  • Carnival Games - What will you win? More importantly, what will you lose? 10
  • Bounce Room - Up and down until things are jiggling and shaking. 7
  • Topsy Turvy - Is the room upside down, or are you? 3
  • 2017-11-23
  • —2017-11-27
  • 24 votes
{'title': 'Interactive: Something Wicked, ch. 4', 'choices': [{'text': 'Spinners - Round and round until your head is a dizzy mess.', 'votes': 4}, {'text': 'Carnival Games - What will you win? More importantly, what will you lose?', 'votes': 10}, {'text': 'Bounce Room - Up and down until things are jiggling and shaking. ', 'votes': 7}, {'text': 'Topsy Turvy - Is the room upside down, or are you? ', 'votes': 3}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 11, 27, 0, 4, 57, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 11, 23, 0, 5, 9, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 24}


Andy stumbled along behind Luke, still in a numbed state of shock over the impossible bulge sticking out from his crotch like some kind of growth.  It threw his entire gait off, forcing him to walk in a wide-legged trot.  

“Still with me back there,” Luke asked over his shoulder.  The two were making their way slowly, not wanting to stumble into another trap without warning.  The lights overhead strobed disorientingly and the droning music strained their already frayed nerves.  

“Yeah, I just...can we take a break?”  Andy tugged at his underwear again, his face burning.  His package wasn’t just enormous, it was incredibly sensitive.  Just the rubbing of his briefs had him hard, with a large damp spot forming on the stretched fabric.  His meaty new tool pulled the too-small underwear forward and threatened to slip free at any moment.  

“You okay?”  Luke did his best not to stare at his lean friend’s monster.  It would have looked huge on his beefy frame, but on Andy it seemed absolutely massive.  

Andy shook his head and bent forward, trying to relieve the pressure on his aching equipment.  “This...thing...is really annoying,” he spat.  “I always thought having a big dick would be fun, but this…”

“That’s a bit more than ‘big’, dude.”  Luke gestured to his own half-exposed member peeking out of his torn underwear.  “This is big.  That’s something else altogether.”  

“Eh, medium, I’d say,” Andy laughed, mocking Luke’s proud grin.  

“What’d that make you before?  Tiny?”  There was an awkward pause when their laughter died.  “So, uh, do you need to take care of that?  I can turn around.”  

Andy felt his whole body flush with embarrassment at the thought.  He wasn’t shy about his body, but he wasn’t an exhibitionist, either.  The thought of jerking himself off with Luke standing next to him, turned around or not, was humiliating.  Confusingly, it only made his monster throb harder.  “Fuck...I think I do, man,” he finally said.  

“Hey, I get it, I’m not judging,” Luke said, trying to sound sympathetic.  He turned around and folded his arms across his chest.  “Have at it!”  

Just standing upright was enough for the long pole to shoot free of the confining underwear.  Andy had to keep telling himself that this was real as he wrapped both hands around himself and started stroking.  “MMmmm…” he bit down on the quiet moan as soon as it left his mouth.  He looked over at Luke, but if his friend heard he was being nice enough not to say anything.  Andy wasn’t sure who had it worse.  He still couldn’t get over how different his friend looked with his pale new skin and bright red hair.  It wasn’t a bad look, it was just on the opposite end of the spectrum from his usual deep tan.  Now the only thing close to a tan were the freckles that spread across the backs of his broad shoulders.  Andy shuddered as he stared, remembering how good Luke’s solid body had felt against him.  He’d never say it out loud, but his friend was an amazing kisser.  His mouth still tingled from their roll in the hay, and he could practically feel Luke’s solid, stout cock pressing against his abs.  The other man’s meaty, pale cheek sticking out the back of his torn underwear looked increasingly inviting.  Andy couldn’t look away.  He prayed that Luke wouldn’t turn around before he was done, which would be soon based on the pressure he felt building.  

When it happened, Andy felt like he’d been punched in the gut.  “OOOOUUUHHHhhhhh!”  He let out a loud, high pitched whimper as his entire body spasmed.  His enlarged cock was like a broken water main, spurting and spraying in huge quantities for what felt like minutes.  “Ho...holy shit…” he panted when it was finally done.  

“That looked intense,” Luke whistled. 

Andy shook his head, reeling from the powerful release.  He reached down to pull his briefs back up but hesitated, instead deciding to step out of them altogether.  “I know it’s weird, dude, but I can’t put these things back on.  I’ll be doing that every five minutes.”  He stared down at his naked body, still crimson with embarrassment as his impossible cock softened between his toned thighs.  

“You don’t need to explain anything to me,” Luke said casually.  He took Andy’s briefs and hooked them in his waistband, a humorless laugh escaping as he looked at the two of them.  “Fuckin’ Christ, man.  Look at us.  We haven’t even been here an hour.”  

“And who knows how long we have to go,” Andy shivered.  

“Only one way to find out.”  They started down the hall again, feeling like they were walking on a treadmill.  The walls around them seemed the same and the dizzying strobes made it difficult to measure their progress.  As mortified as he was at the feeling of his semi-hard beast swinging with each step, Andy had an easier time of it without the underwear.  He tried not to think about what his life was going to be like from now one once they made it out.  If they ever did.  

“Fuck!”  Andy jerked and grabbed Luke’s arm at the sudden appearance of two people in front of them.  “That scared the shit out of me,” he laughed nervously when they realized it was just a mirror.  

“This can’t be good,” Luke sighed as they approached their reflections.  The hallway hooked sharply to the left once they went through the door, but neither of them could tell how long the mirrored corridor actually was.  The myriad reflections made it seem like it could go on forever.  “Holy shit I look weird,” Luke laughed, turning his attention back to the mirror in front of him.  He flexed his pale arms and ran a hand through his altered hair.  

“Who’re you tellin’?”  Andy’s eyes were wide as he turned and looked at his profile with the long, thick pipe sticking out from his flat stomach.  

“Let’s just get through this as fast as we can…” 

The mirrors seemed standard at first.  They were accompanied by their unaltered selves for the first several yards until finally reaching a wavy, distorted pane of glass.  

“Whoa!  That’s a look,” Andy laughed, staring at their short, wide doppelgangers.  Their reflections couldn’t have been more than four feet tall and seemed almost as wide as their bodies compressed down onto themselves.  Andy’s long new cock hung almost to the floor in front of wide, stubby legs.  “Alright, let’s...oh...oh no…” He’d tried to leave but found himself rooted in place.  “Can you move,” he asked calmly.  

Luke tried and failed.  “Fuck!  Not again! What’s...hap…” he trailed off as their reflections started moving of their own accord.  His stretched-out underwear in the mirror suddenly ripped, as if just realizing it wasn’t able to stretch that far.  Luke managed to look down at himself and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw his own was still intact.  But he didn’t look at himself for long as their reflected selves started moving.  

“Is this some kind of projector…?”  Andy felt like he was watching TV.  Their distorted reflections continued to move on their own, looking at themselves and each other with confused expressions on their wide, square-featured faces.  They poked and prodded their lumpy bodies, flexing stubby arms and waddling towards each other on shortened legs.  Their mouths were moving like they were talking, but they couldn’t hear what was being said.  

“Whooooaaa!”  Luke gasped when mirror-Andy put a hand on mirror-Luke’s chest.  He felt it as if Andy was really touching him.  

“Do...do you feel that?”  Andy seemed just as shocked at feeling a solid pec against his empty hand. “Whaaa….” he let out a sharp breath when he felt Luke’s phantom hands come to a rest on the sides of his waist just like in the mirror.  “This is so weirrrruuuuuhhhh….” Andy groaned when one of those phantom hands wrapped around his semi-hard club.  

“MMMMphhh!”  Luke tried to speak around the invisible tongue he felt wrestling against his own when their other selves resumed the interrupted makeout session they’d had in the other room.  Spectral hands were all over his body while his own palms burned with the heat of Andy’s untouched skin.  

The frozen men could only pant and writhe while the musclebound, dwarven versions of themselves went at each other.  Luke could taste the salty skin of Andy’s oozing cock against his tongue while he watched himself give it a bath.  Though he was standing, he could feel the smooth surface of the glass against his knees as he knelt.  

Andy groaned and grunted next to him, his eyes half-closed as stubby fingers bit into his thighs.  “Luke...oh fuck man...don’t stop…” he moaned.  

“I don’t….have….any...choice…” Luke panted whenever his other self had a free mouth.  “I think I’m stopping...I...oh...oh shit dude...I’m sorry!  I’m not doing this!”  

“What do you meeaaaaaahhhh!”  Andy opened his eyes just in time to see mirror-Luke shove his stubby, solid cock inside him.  “Ah...ah...ah…” Andy gasped, more from the intensity of what he was feeling than any pain.  He squirmed in place while Luke pumped in and out slowly.  

“Fuck dude...this is...this is...oh fuck…” Luke moaned, his solid cock escaping from his tattered underwear.  

“UUUNNNnnnn...don’t stop...don’t...stooop….” Andy whimpered.  He could feel the glass against his palms and knees as he crouched on all fours.  Luke’s firm, wide stomach was warm as it slammed against his bare cheeks.  

“I won’t…I won’t…” 

Andy froze.  Luke’s suddenly squeaky voice pulled him back to the present.  He opened his eyes and screamed.  “AAAAhhhhh!  Luke!  Stop!”  His own voice was a helium squeak as he stared down at stubby fingers.  They could move again, only now they found themselves looking at frozen versions of their unaltered, or less altered, selves.  

“Wha...NO!”  Luke pulled away, stumbling back on short little legs.  He scrambled to his feet and stared down at his distorted, shrunken body in horror.  “No...no...no...no…” 

“Come on!  There’s gotta be another mirror,” Andy said, grabbing Luke’s hand and pulling him along behind.  

They only made it a few feet before there was another shift and they found themselves lumbering along in muscled, steroid-fueled bodies.  Then tall and skeletal before lithe and curvy.  At one point Andy was tall and hulking while Luke was short and thin.  Then the opposite.  One mirror had them running on shortened legs while the rest of their bodies stayed the same.  Another had them waddling along with bellies like beach balls.  When they eventually slammed into a mirrored wall at the far end, they seemed to be an amalgamation of the others.  Luke had short, stubby legs with a matching cock holding up a long, slender torso that was boxed in by heavy, burly arms.  He couldn’t have been more than five and a half feet tall at most.  Next to him, Andy seemed like a giant.  He had long, thick legs that brought him to well over six feet and culminated in a solid bubble before his waist sucked exaggeratedly inward.  His monster cock was still present, but it looked less massive against his longer legs.  Above his tight waist, his pecs were cartoonishly large against his toned arms, and when he spoke he still had the squeaky, helium sounding voice from their first incarnation.   

“Owwwww….what the fuck…” Luke rubbed his forehead where he’d hit the mirror and gazed at his new look in horror.  He wasn’t quite freakish, but he’d definitely stand out in a crowd.  His body looked at once soft and curvy, but was still deceptively solid and strong.  The same went for Andy, who was all legs and pecs.  

“We hit...something...hey!”  Andy rubbed his throat at the sound of his squeaky voice.  “Why do I still sound like...no!  Not again!”  He jerked his shoulders, bouncing his large new pecs as he discovered that he was once again frozen in place.  

“No!  We can’t stay like this!  Not like thhuuuuuuu!”  Luke knew what was coming, but it didn’t make Andy’s sudden lips around his shrunken, widened cock feel any less intense.  They picked right up where they’d left off, working each other’s bodies until Andy was once again on his knees with Luke pumping in and out.  

Andy hated the sound of his squeaking voice almost as much as he loved the sensation of Luke working his insides.  His friend’s shrunken, pale body still felt every bit as strong as it slammed into his enlarged cheeks.  He could feel something happening in his brain.  The pleasure Luke brought him wasn’t just a physical one anymore.  When he thought of his friend’s curvy, solid little body his heart fluttered.  Luke’s shortened, stubby fingers clutching his drawn-in waist were heavenly.  He let out a high pitched wail and sprayed all over the mirrored floor.  His friend’s squeaking groan pushed Luke over the edge.  He gave a final thrust and sprayed, his shortened legs sagging underneath him.  

They were moving again as soon as it was done, crawling desperately through the door that appeared in place of yet another mirror.  

“Oh fuck...oh fuck….” Luke panted in shock as he lay on top of Andy, his face buried against his friend’s mammoth new pecs.  For the first time in years, he felt small.  

“What just happened…” Andy blushed as he squeaked.  He strained to look over the new mounds of muscle that were his chest at the shrunken ginger resting against him.  The sight brought the same, heart-fluttering rush and he instinctively reached down to wrap an arm around the other man.  Luke nestled against the arm, feeling the same warm glow wash over him.  He was shell-shocked and horrified, but for the moment he didn’t want to be anywhere else.  It was Andy who finally forced himself upright.  “We need to move.”  

***** Where do they go next? *****



Thank you for the story. I do think there should be more dialogue between the two about their dramatic transformation. Their interaction together and development are the best part of it .


That’s coming in the next part! This was already starting to run long, so they’ll debrief in the next chapter.


I have to agree with UltraM0th. For some reason the voice change is extremely hot.