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“Thanks for fitting me in,” Brett said as he hopped up onto the exam table.  “I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to get in anywhere and I can’t even work like this,” he winced.  

“Crossfit?”  Dr. Wilson asked without checking the chart.  

“That obvious?”  Brett grinned bashfully as the middle aged doctor looked him up and down.  

“I see it a lot,” he sighed.  “So it’s your lower back?”  

“Yeah.  I was in the middle of a set of deadlifts and it felt like something popped.  Now I can hardly stand up.”  

“Form, form, form,” he chided.  “Take your shirt off and lay back for me,” he said, motioning for Brett to lay down.  “Let me know if anything hurts.”  He proceeded to prod and knead his way across Brett’s broad upper body.  The young man had wide, sculpted shoulders and bulging, granite pecs that were covered in a smattering of wiry hairs.  His thick, solid arms were each covered in bright tattoo sleeves that accentuated the ample muscles.  “Any pain?”  

“Nope,” Brett said, feeling slightly awkward as the doctor’s hands made their way down his trim waist to the exposed waistband of his boxers sticking out above the top of his jeans.  It helped that Dr. Wilson seemed nice enough, but more importantly he was the only one who could fit him in on short notice.  He’d been given the doctor’s info by one of the guys at the gym, and it seemed to be paying off.  Brett hadn’t been exaggerating about not being able to work.  He had a job as a server at a local brewery, which required him to be on his feet and carry heavy trays, neither of which he could do.  This meant he wasn’t getting paid, and he wasn’t getting laid since he couldn’t hit on the female clientele.  Usually all it took was a flash of his charming smile and the sight of his bulging bicep holding a tray to start getting numbers.  He didn’t like the idea of being horny AND broke.  And at only 24, he especially didn’t like the idea that his body was starting to wear out on him.  He worked out every day and was rigorous about his diet.  He didn’t like thinking that he was having old-man problems already.  

“I don’t see any visible bruising or inflammation, which is a good sign.  Can you roll over for me?”  Brett rolled over onto his stomach, grunting at the more painful position.  “Feel that in your lower back?  I thought so.  How about this?”  

“Oww!”  Brett groaned.  “That I felt.”  

“Makes sense.  Looks like a disc and muscle issue,” Dr. Wilson said, feeling the sides of Brett’s waist. The young man blushed when the doctor’s thumbs slid underneath his boxers and onto the tops of his perky cheeks.  “You can sit up,” he said, helping Brett roll over and right himself.  “The bad news is you definitely did a number on yourself,” Dr. Wilson said frankly.  “But the good news is that nothing felt ruptured or too major.”  

Brett sighed, obvious relief washing over his sharp features.  He ran a hand through his short cropped brown hair, his thick arm inflating from the motion.  “So how do we fix it?”  

“The most successful course is with a mix of inversion and nerve stimulation,” he said, laughing at the look on Brett’s face.  “Basically we hang you upside down and send some mild electricity to loosen everything up.  And when I say mild, I mean you won’t even feel it.  Follow me.”  

Brett picked up his shirt and followed the doctor through the door into a small, dimly lit box of a room with a large, upright table in the middle.  There were foot cuffs at the bottom and next to it was a small cart with some sort of electrical device and a plethora of wires.  

“Ever seen one of these before?”  Brett shook his head.  The doctor walked over and pressed a button on the side, causing the table to rotate until it was upright with the foot cuffs in the air.  “Not much to it.  We strap you in and let gravity do the rest.  This is the nerve stimulator,” he said, tapping the cart.  

“That’s it?  How long do I stay upside down?”  

“We start with fifteen to twenty minutes.  Don’t worry, you’ll have a pair of headphones with a relaxation program to help you stay loose and pass the time.”  

Brett shrugged.  He didn’t have a lot of other options.  “Alright, when can we start?”

“We can actually get you started right now if you’ve got the time.  Given your age and what you reported I felt like this is where we’d end up, so I didn’t book anyone for this slot.”  

Brett grinned, relieved.  “You’re a lifesaver, doc!”

Doctor Wilson waved away the compliment.  “Thank me after it works.  Go ahead and take your shoes, socks and jeans off.  Don’t worry,” he said, anticipating Brett’s question, “no one else will be in here but me.  We have to attach the electrodes to your feet and legs too.”  

“Uh, yeah, okay,” Brett said, kicking off his shoes and using his feet to peel out of his socks.  He took a deep breath when he undid the waist of his jeans and let them fall, leaving him in nothing but his worn, baggy grey boxers.  Despite his impressive build, Brett wasn’t the kind who liked to show it off, unless there was an equally exposed woman in the room.  There were plenty of guys at the gym who liked to sweat their way through their workout in nothing but a pair of tiny shorts, but Brett was too modest for that.  He’d tough it out if it meant fixing his back, so he stepped up and put his feet into the padded cuffs, feeling a rush of nervousness as he leaned back against the table.  

“Feel okay?  We want them tight, but not too tight,” Dr. Wilson said as he clamped the cuffs shut.  “Now just relax when the table starts to turn you over.  You’re not going to go anywhere.  Just let your arms hang above you…that helps stretch things out.  Ready?”  

Brett nodded and the table started humming as he was rotated first flat, then slowly upside down.  He was glad when the blood rushed to his head and covered up how much he blushed at the unexpected sensation of his long, thick cock and heavy balls suddenly flopping forward.  He was silently thankful that the boxers he’d put on that day had a button at the fly to keep everything contained, but the thin cotton didn’t leave anything to the imagination.  The bulging weight of his package coupled with the pull of  gravity caused the baggy shorts to slide up his toned, hairy thighs, leaving them almost totally exposed.  He could feel an unaccustomed draft hitting the bottom of his hairy balls and knew the doctor would be able to see them as he attached the electrodes.  With the way his tight abs were stretched thin, leaving a gap between the waist of the boxers and his abdomen, he was just glad nothing was falling out the top.  

If Dr. Wilson noticed Brett’s embarrassment, he didn’t let it show.  “Everything good?” he asked casually.

“Uh, yeah,” Brett stammered awkwardly.  Despite feeling exposed, he could already feel the pressure leaving his lower back.  

“Great!  It’ll just take a minute to put the electrodes in place.”  

“Are those…needles?”  

Doctor Wilson gave a loud laugh.  “The guy covered in tattoos is worried about needles?  You won’t even feel them, I promise.”  

Sure enough, if Brett wasn’t looking he wouldn’t have known the doctor had attached anything to him.  Doctor Wilson stuck a few in the sides of his feet and then up his legs, working his way to Brett’s waist.  “All set.  You might feel a tingle…”

“Whoa…” Brett laughed as a pins-and-needles sensation washed over him.  


“Yeah, it just…that feels weird,” he grinned.  

“Last but not least…” Doctor Wilson put a pair of large headphones on Brett.  “I’m going to dim the lights and let you hang out in here.  Just do your best to relax.  There’s a call button on the side here if you need help.  We good?”  

Brett nodded.  Warm, soothing tones filled his head as the doctor dimmed the lights and left the room.  He wondered how he was going to stay like this for twenty minutes without going crazy when the lights suddenly clicked back on.  He squinted at the brightness despite the lights having just been dimmed.  

Doctor Wilson pulled the headphones free.  “How’re we feeling?”

Brett was confused.  “Is something wrong?  I thought it was going to be twenty minutes?”  

Doctor Wilson just laughed.  “It WAS twenty minutes.”  

“Wait…what?  No way…”

“It’s not uncommon to lose track in here.  The electrical stimulation coupled with the music tends to make people drift off.  I’m going to set you up slowly…”

Brett still didn’t believe it as the table slowly rotated back around.  It paused when he was flat on his back and he saw doctor Wilson had been telling the truth; the clock on the wall was twenty minutes ahead.  “That’s so crazy,” he said as the doctor started removing the electrodes.  

“More importantly, how’s the pain?”  

Brett thought about it for a minute.  “Better,” he said in surprise.  “Still there, but nowhere near as bad.”  

“Good!”  The doctor let the table rotate back up and Brett blushed again when he felt himself flop back down, his thick cock and heavy balls falling free.  He quickly tugged his shorts down, grinning bashfully.  

“So how many times do we have to do this?”  

“Probably five to six.  We’ll have to play that by ear as we go.  You’ll be able to resume your regular activities before the end, though.  For now it’s important that you don’t overdo it for the next couple days.  You’re going to want to because you’ll be feeling better, but keep taking it easy,” he said sternly.  

Brett got dressed and left with an appointment to come back the next day.  


Brett was confused when he opened his eyes.  He was in his bedroom, and there was a loud pounding.  

“Wha…?”  He stumbled groggily out of bed when he finally realized the pounding was coming from his front door.  

“Well that explains why you aren’t answering your phone.”  

Brett just blinked sleepily at his friend Jason in the doorway.  He was completely disoriented.  The last thing he remembered was leaving the chiropractor’s office.   “Uh…hey dude…” he yawned, scratching at the hairy patch on his abs.  Jason was supposed to come over to watch the game, but that would mean that he’d slept all afternoon.  “Sorry…I guess I fell asleep?”  

Jason laughed and pushed past Brett into the apartment.  “I can see that.  Those are cute, by the way.”  

Brett looked down, his eyes going wide at the sight of the tiny lavender briefs he was wearing.  His meaty package was thrust forward and barely contained while his legs weren’t covered at all.  He could feel the tops of his solid cheeks exposed as the back of the tiny underwear barely provided any coverage.  He was stunned.  He’d never owned anything like this in his life.  He’d always been a strict boxers man.  

“You ARE out of it,” Jason laughed again, going to the fridge and pulling out a beer.  

Brett knew he must have stopped on his way home and bought them.  He told himself it made sense. They’d be much better than his boxers for hanging upside down. “Sorry man,” he finally said, “it’s been a long day.  I went to that doctor today for my back and he strung me upside down.  Kinda threw me off.”  

“My old man had to have that done,” Jason shrugged.  “Just means you’re getting old.”  

“Fuck you,” Brett laughed, finally noticing that he felt blessedly pain free.  “Whatever it was, it’s working.  Back doesn’t hurt at all anymore.”  He squirmed and shook his broad shoulders before following Jason into the other room and flopping down on the couch.  “What?” he asked when he caught his friend looking at him with a grin and a raised eyebrow.  

“Nothin’ man, just curious if you were putting anything else on?”  

“Oh!”  Brett hadn’t given his clothing, or lack thereof, a second thought.  He was too focused on his lack of pain.  He blushed at his stuffed, barely contained bulge thrust forward between his strong, hairy thighs, but the thought of getting up and putting something else on was entirely unappealing.  “Uh, nah, I’m good with this unless it’s weirding you out…” 

“Hey, it’s your house, do your thing,” Jason shrugged.  “That doc really DID loosen you up, didn’t he?”  

Brett stretched and flexed his meaty, inked biceps behind his head, giving Jason an unobstructed view of his tight stomach and causing the other man to look away towards the TV.  “You’re always telling me to relax, why don’t you kick back and join me?”  He nodded towards Jason’s tight jeans, unsure why the thought of his friend stripping down suddenly interested him so much.  It’s not like he hadn’t seen his friend undressed before.  They worked out together several times a week, and it was usually a feat to get his larger friend to keep his shirt on when they were just hanging out.  In the past, he’d admired Jason’s impressive, sculpted build from the perspective of someone who worked hard on his own body, but he’d never actively sought out the opportunity to get a look at it.  

“You think I won’t? Don’t tempt me,” Jason said as he swigged his beer and looked at Brett out of the corner of his eye.  

Brett let the matter drop and they settled in for the game, but it wasn’t long before he noticed Jason shifting his weight and squirming restlessly on the couch.  He was having a hard time looking away.  Brett was hyper focused on his friend’s details.  Jason’s tight tshirt bulged across his chest and the sleeves just barely crept past his bowling ball shoulders to leave his piston-sized arms on display.  The thin cotton had ridden up at Jason’s trim waist, leaving a tantalizing strip of elastic exposed above the loose waist of his otherwise plastered-on jeans.  Brett imagined that Jason’s powerful thighs begged for release from the tight denim prison and he was confusingly eager to help them.  

“You gonna stare at me all night,” Jason finally asked, having been aware of Brett’s lingering gaze the entire time.  

Brett blushed and scrambled to cover.  “You gonna keep squirming around all night?  Something wrong with the couch?”  

Jason drained his beer and shook his head, grinning awkwardly and tugging at his jeans.  “No, you’re just a dick and put the idea in my head and now all I wanna do is take these damn things off.”  

Brett tossed his head back with a triumphant laugh.  “Ha!  Dude, I’m not kidding, who gives a fuck?  It’s just us.  Have at it.”  

Jason hesitated, his brow furrowing for only a moment before he stood and kicked his shoes off.  He kept his eyes on the TV as he undid his fly and zipper and tugged the jeans down.  His meaty thighs shook under his thin red boxer briefs as he kicked the denim free and settled back down, spreading his legs wide and exposing an equally stuffed pouch.  “So much better,” he sighed, unsure why he was blushing.  None of this should have felt awkward at all, but there was a tension in the air.  The only thing he wasn’t sure of is if he was the only one feeling it.  

If he’d paid more attention to Brett’s steady gaze, he’d have had his answer.  As it was, the two kept pretending like they didn’t notice the other checking them out.  It wasn’t uncommon for there to be a lull in the conversation during a game, but this was different.  This wasn’t a comfortable silence between two friends - it was a geyser waiting to burst.  

“You want another beer?”  Jason stood and stretched, causing his tshirt to lift and expose his sculpted, hairy abdomen.  Brett did his best not to stare at his friend’s bulge.

“Thanks sweety,” he laughed, giving Jason’s taut backside a quick swat.  

“Keep it up, fucker,” Jason said flatly, his cheek tingling from the slap.  He crept back slowly with the beer so his friend wouldn’t hear him.  Before Brett could turn around, Jason wedged the ice cold bottle between his friend’s broad, bare shoulders and the couch.  

“Gaaah!”  Brett jumped and leaned forward, his plump pecs breaking out in goosebumps that made his tiny nipples go hard.  “Come on, man, I’m injured over here,” Brett fake-whined as he turned to grab the bottle that slid down to his lower back.  

“Aren’t you supposed to ice your back?”  Jason’s innocent tone was at odds with his evil grin.  

“So do your cold hands explain that, then,” Brett asked, nodding towards the soft, outlined cock visible against the thin cotton of Jason’s underwear.  As impressive as it was, it was nowhere near his own.  

“You tell me,” Jason said casually, tugging down the front of his underwear to fully expose himself.  

“Hey!  Dude, don’t be gross.”  Brett hoped his forced laugh would hide his real reaction.  The sight of Jason’s thick hose resting in a nest of curly brown hair on top of his meaty balls had been anything but disgusting.  

They fell back into the same awkward silence, this time going through their beers more quickly.  It wasn’t two dudes saying “let’s get football drunk” like they normally did, it was more “we’re both clearly nervous.”  

Jason shook his bottle by the neck when it was empty to signal his friend.  “Your turn, dude.”  

“Fine.  Make the injured guy get up,” he sighed, rising slowly from the couch and limping exaggeratedly.  He was still doing it when he came back and was unprepared for Jason’s rapid movement.  As soon as he was within reach, Jason’s long arms shot out and tugged the purple briefs down.  “What the fuck, man?!”  Brett gave a quick, shocked laugh as his thick package spilled free.  With a beer in each hand he was unable to pull them back up.  

Jason shrugged.  “What?  I showed you mine.”   

“Oh, is that what we’re doing?  Take a good look then.”  Brett wagged his hips, causing his thick snake to slap back and forth.  He didn’t stop to think at how bizarre his actions were.  Even as a hormonal teenager when his teammates would be pulling similar stunts in locker rooms after a game, he never participated.  As an adult he should have had even less desire to do so, yet there he was, flopping his heavy dick in his friend’s face.  Part of him enjoyed the knowledge that despite Jason’s taller height, he was the bigger of the two by a wide margin.  “Wanna see the back?”  He turned and bounced his firm bubble.  

With his back turned, Brett couldn’t see the dazed expression fall over Jason’s handsome features.  He had no way of knowing that his friend was wrestling with equally confusing emotions.  What should have been two guys horsing around felt decidedly different.  He’d seen Brett’s bare cheeks plenty of times, but this was the first time he found himself really paying attention.  Did they look bigger?  

“Get your fill,” Brett asked over his shoulder.  “I can keep gooooohh!” He yelped and dropped the beers when Jason wrapped his arms around his waist and pulled him down to the couch.  

“I can still pin that ass,” Jason grunted as they squirmed in each other’s grip.  He gave Brett’s slightly furry globes a squeeze to emphasize his point while the other man struggled to get some traction.  The game and drinks forgotten, they fell to the floor with a dull thud, a writhing mass of muscled, panting limbs.  Brett’s tattooed arms would close around Jason just long enough to connect before his larger friend would squirm out of his grip.  He was aware that he’d lost his bright, tiny briefs entirely but he wasn’t about to stop.  He was using it as an opportunity to get Jason equally exposed, focusing more on removing the other man’s boxer briefs than trying to pin him.  

“Okay...okay…” Brett half-panted, half-laughed.  He was flat on his back with his arms pinned above him as Jason rested on top of him.  His friend’s thin tshirt was pulled up and bunched at his shoulders, leaving the rest of his athletic body entirely uncovered.  “You win,” he said, his stomach fluttering at the sensation of their naked bodies pressing together.  Jason’s solid cock was pressed against his own equally rigid pole but his friend made no move to get up.  “We just gonna stay like this for the rest of the night,” Brett finally asked, his breath coming fast and heavy under the other man’s hungry gaze.  

“Don’t I get a prize for winning?”  Jason didn’t wait for a response.  He leaned forward and pressed his lips against Brett’s, still pinning the other man’s arms.  Jason felt his friend put up a token resistance before relaxing his arms and returning the kiss.  He let go and straddled Brett instead of pinning him, pumping his hips to grind his solid poker into the hairy patch on his friend’s abs.  

“Wow…” Brett gasped when Jason broke off the kiss.  He shook his head and grinned bashfully at the thought of them naked and hard in each other’s arms.  “Are...are you gay?” he asked, knowing full well his friend wasn’t.  Jason’s list of one-night stands could reach the moon and back.  So could his.  It wasn’t an overcompensation thing, either.  They both just loved women and loved fucking.  Neither one of them had a problem with gay guys at all, so neither would have had a reason to cover or hide their true feelings.  

“No!”  Jason said quickly, shaking his head.  He blushed and looked confused but his cock still oozed against Brett’s abs.  “Are you?”  

“No!”  Brett blushed just as hard.  

Jason gave a cocky smile and leaned in to nibble on Brett’s neck.  “Then what are we doing?”  

Brett groaned and felt his cock throb against Jason.  He was putty in his friend’s large hands.  “I...I don’t know…” 

Jason took a break from bathing Brett’s neck with his tongue.  “Do you want me to stop?”  

“No!” Brett said it just as quickly, his face turning purple with embarrassment.  

Jason laughed and leaned in to give Brett a quick peck on his nose.  “This sounds weird as hell but I never noticed how cute you are when you’re embarrassed.”  This caused Brett to squirm and blush even harder.  He wasn’t used to being on the receiving end of comments like that while naked in someone’s arms, especially another guy.  Jason beamed that same cocky smile down at him, loving how Brett looked up at him with big doe eyes.  Despite Brett’s impressive build and large endowment, he seemed anything but powerful in that moment.  

He gasped when Jason picked up where he left off, running his mouth down his neck and over a large, round shoulder to trace his tongue along the tattoos that covered his burly arms.  

Jason switched to explore the other enlarged arm with his mouth while Brett flexed against his tongue.  “You always been this ripped?”  Jason sat back on his legs and stared down at his friend, cupping a protruding pec in each hand.  Brett always focused more on his upper body, leaving him with a set of thick arms and bulging pecs that made his naturally tiny waist seem even smaller.   

“Guess so,”  Brett said, blushing.  

“How about this thing?”  Jason laughed at Brett’s groan when he wrapped a meaty fist around his friend’s thick seven inches.  “Huh…” he said to himself as he stroked the throbbing organ, “...didn’t think it would feel so different.”  He pressed his smaller cock against Brett’s and stroked them together, their hairy balls squishing against each other.  “Can’t win ‘em all I guess.”  

Brett couldn’t hold back.  His hands had been clutching at the hard floor while Jason stroked them but now it was his turn.  He sat up and flipped his friend over in a frenzy.  He didn’t take his time like Jason.  His lips were hungry as they traveled down his friend’s stomach and wrapped around the leaking pole.  “MMMMMMMnnnnnMMMM!”  Brett moaned.  He wasn’t prepared for the electric sensation that shot through him.  His body was on fire.  Brett loved going down on women but it had never felt like this.  Jason’s solid cock pulsing against his tongue was pressing a button linked to every pleasure center he had.  The musky smell, the salty taste, and the wiry bush against his face all combined to a near religious experience.  He already knew things would never be the same.  The pleasure he’d felt from Jason stroking him was nothing compared to this.  Even in his lustful haze he could feel his brain rewiring itself.  From now on he’d be much more interested in having a dick in his mouth than having his in someone else’s.  

“Dude...dude…” Jason struggled upright and had to physically pry Brett’s head from his crotch.  He stroked his friend’s short cropped hair and laughed at the way his eyes followed his slobbery cock.  “It’s not a race, bud,” he said, the note of condescension in his voice only turning Brett on even more.  

“So...sorry…” Brett panted, feeling like an inexperienced teen all over again.  

“No need to apologize,” Jason cooed, leaning in for a kiss and guiding Brett back down to the floor.  His hands slid down the gap formed by the arch in Brett’s back to grab handfuls of the ample behind.  Jason knew this had to be bigger.  Brett didn’t have chicken legs, but he didn’t have an ass you could grab like this, or thighs that yielded so much when squeezed.  “When’d you get so curvy,” Jason asked, hefting a thigh into the air and biting into the side.  

Brett winced at the bite and stared at his leg.  It was big and meaty, though he felt like it should have been toned and lean.  His other was a matched set when Jason lifted it and rested them both on his shoulders.  He gazed longingly up at his friend while Jason licked and kissed at his legs.  He felt vulnerable and exposed with his legs spread eagle in the air, another foreign sensation for him during sex, but he was willing to let Jason do whatever he wanted.  He felt his friend inching closer.  He knew what was coming.  It should have been repelling, but when Jason’s slick rod danced against his hole he wanted it more than he’d wanted anything in a long time.  He gave his friend a wide-eyed nod and grunted.  

“OOOHOhhhhhhh!”  Brett tensed and tried to sit upright, but Jason’s strong hands were firm on his pecs, holding him down.  His friend’s smallish cock suddenly felt huge.  It was like a club working its way inside him, leaving bits and pieces of his old self crumbled in its wake.  Like when he’d had his face buried in Jason’s crotch, Brett could practically feel his brain changing as his friend worked himself in deeper and deeper.  By the time Jason’s flat stomach was against his ass, all the years he’d spent jamming himself into others felt wasted.  

“You okay,” Jason asked when he was all the way in.  

Brett nodded frantically.  “Uh-huh...oh fuck dude...this is increeuuuuhhh…” he whimpered when Jason started working himself in and out, slowly at first but quickly building speed.  Just when Brett felt like he couldn’t take it anymore his friend would slow down again, alternating between jackrabbit pounding and long, purposeful thrusts.  He knew his friend was good in bed.  He’d heard countless women groaning and moaning just like he was.  Small or not, Jason knew how to use every inch that he had, but Brett never could have imagined it would feel this good.  

He didn’t know how to process what he was feeling.  Staring up at his friend while his body exploded with pleasure brought him to the verge of tears.  Jason tweaked his nipples while he held him down and sucked on his thighs, leaving Brett with nothing to do but whine and whimper while his huge, useless cock slapped against his stomach.  He felt his friend pull back and tense before giving one final jab deep inside.  Brett gasped at the sudden onrush of fluids, but it was Jason’s quiet gasps and trembling spasms that pushed him over the edge.  He arched himself up off the floor with his chiseled arms and screamed while his untouched cock shot like a cannon.  

“Oh...oh shit…” Jason gasped, his impressive chest heaving as he caught his breath.  He gave Brett a smug grin while the other man’s cock softened and a river of cum ran down his chest towards his neck.  

Brett purred and stretched, loving how Jason’s soft cock felt still wedged in his ass.  “How...how long til you can go again?”  


Doctor Wilson watched Brett’s head bobbing in and out of yet another man’s crotch with a satisfied smile.  His experiment had gone better than he ever could have hoped for.  Brett had been the perfect specimen he’d been waiting for: young, fit, and hung.  He couldn’t entirely reinvent the wheel, not yet at least, so he needed a solid foundation to work from.  Brett provided an already impressive body that was ripe for modification, and the young man’s mind was moldable enough that the hypnotic suggestions had taken almost immediately.  

He had no doubt Brett would be horrified if the young man could fully grasp what was happening.  There was a small part of him that would always linger, but for all intents and purposes he was a new man, physically and mentally.  He had no idea he’d lined his apartment with hidden cameras after that first day.  The kneeling adonis, with his impossible proportions, was built very differently from the fit young man who’d entered his office.  On that first day, the electrodes that he’d attached to Brett’s lower half weren’t for anything related to his back.  The plump cheeks spilling out around the skimpy bikini were significantly larger than Brett’s original little bubble, as were the squeezable thighs that made his old legs look like twigs.  The “nerve stimulation” that he’d given the young man was meant to stimulate specific muscle growth.  That first treatment, it had been the legs.  The second focused on his arms.  The third on his chest.  Now the once-lean man had a set of huge, bouncing globes, granite pecs, and bowling ball arms.  Brett still had his trim, shredded waist, making him look like a buff, muscular hourglass - if hourglasses had spigots.  The stimulated growth had caused his seven inches to blossom into the thick nine and a half inch monster that was shooting out of the tiny underwear on screen.

As impressive as his physical changes were, Doctor Wilson was equally proud of the less visible alterations.  Each session of stimulated muscle growth included a chemical cocktail and deep hypnosis.  The modest young man was gone, leaving Brett as a plucky, submissive bottom.  He was never happier than when a man was telling him what to do, unless that man happened to be fucking him at the same time.  He spent the rest of his time prancing around in as little as possible for everyone to see.  Gone were the jeans and boxers, replaced by thongs and see-through shorts. The lack of clothing only further aided the constant barrage of pheromones that Brett was pumping out as a result of the chemicals.  A few minutes around the horny young man and the straightest of guys would be all too willing to fill one of his holes.  

This last part had been expected.  He’d built that in as part of the physical changes.  What wasn’t expected were the lingering effects.  After an encounter, Brett seemed to leave the other men permanently changed.  In the weeks since Brett’s first night with his friend Jason, the bigger man seemed to be adopting similar traits.  Instead of the boxer briefs he initially wore, he now had small, bright briefs on.  Almost immediately after that first night he’d brought another friend over and the two of them had ended up going at Brett together, but just recently Jason had been caught bottoming for the first time and the friend they’d initially pulled in was starting to change his wardrobe.  The two of them had already seemingly cycled through all of their friends and were now pulling in random men.  

“I’ll have to watch out for that,” Dr. Wilson said, jotting down a note.  “Will it slow down?  Lose potency?  Or gain potency?”  He made another note to get Jason in for blood work.  He didn’t want his experiment to get out of hand before he could market it.  

On screen, a blissful Brett bucked and writhed while he was filled from both ends.  He’d never gone back to work as planned, but as Dr. Wilson had promised, Brett’s back was better than ever.  By all accounts, the inversion process had been a success.  




Pretty good . I would like to see something similar but turning the guy in a muscle top. Hopefully a strong dominant yet boyfriend material top . Most of the story with a guy turning in a top they end up turning a in douche bag .