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***** This is the final part (for now) of the collaboration between me and ChaoticDjinn.  Make sure to check out his page for more stories like this one! http://www.patreon.com/ChaoticDjinnv2 *****

Adam was falling through darkness. It was a darkness so deep and complete that he wasn’t sure if he would ever glimpse the light of the living ever again. Though he opened his mouth to scream, his voice failed to bridge the gap and reach his ears. The only sound in his dark and desolate world was that of the air rushing past his body in his seemingly endless descent. Suddenly, a loud and resonant thud echoed through the dark, cutting the wind to an abrupt finale as a swirling vortex of blindingly iridescent stars flooded Adam’s watering eyes. With as far as it felt like he had fallen, Adam knew that he should have expired on impact, or at very least, broken every bone in his body. Yet, aside from a throbbing headache and a dull ringing in his ears, he felt completely normal, if utterly shaken from his trip through the void.

Adam hoisted himself shakily to his feet. His right hand rubbed his head uneasily as he stretched up to a standing position, only to come face to face with a sleek, solid surface and find himself knocked to his ass once more.

“What the fuck!” Groaned Adam in a voice that was not his own, feeling hostility and annoyance bubble quickly to the surface.

His vision coming back into focus, Adam realized that he had foolishly tried to stand up directly in front of a sleek, reflective mirror, bumping his head into its glossy pane as he went. Grunting, he quickly slid his ass along the floor, putting some distance between himself and the mirror before getting shakily to his feet.  Seeing his reflection in the mirror, Adam’s heart gave a happy little flutter and his eyes widened in relief. Staring back at him was the same set of green eyes, same head of short trimmed blonde hair, same fit and athletic body that he was used to seeing for the entirety of his adult life.

“Holy shit, I got lucky...just a deeper voice. I can handle that.”

Adam was so caught up in his own jubilation that he didn’t hear the steady footsteps approaching from behind him. He only realized that he wasn’t alone in the little house of mirrors when he saw a second reflection join his own in the little reflective rectangle.

“Shoulda known I’d find you here, buddy. You really do love the mirrors, huh?” Asked the stranger beside him, clasping his hand on Adam’s shoulder.

Something felt off about the grip of the man’s hand on his shoulder. In the mirror, the stranger's hand cupped around the ball of his shoulder completely, but the sensation on his skin betrayed what his eyes were seeing. The hand on his shoulder felt small and almost fragile. Squinting in the mirror, Adam just couldn’t make sense of it. The stranger was around the same size as him, clad in a green polo and pair of relaxed jeans. His blue eyes sparkled slightly against his pale alabaster skin and mop of perfectly styled black hair...and yet…

Adam turned around to face the man properly and let out a gasp of shock, the relieved smile wiped quickly from his face. The styled and close cut black hair was a dull and scraggly brown, short at the front and reaching down just past his shoulders in a horribly trashy mullet. In place of the crisp green polo was a worn and sweat stained wife beater, showing off his reddened and uneven farmer’s tan. Where his reflection was cut, defined and closer to a models perfectly sculpted body, the sight of his form in reality was all curves and rounded edges. His arms were wide and thick, the kind built not in a gym but over years of hard working and even harder eating. His powerful arms were matched by his hybridized moob and pectoral shelf, resting slightly above his rounded and powerful keg. This was not the body of a city boy. This was the body of a hardworking, hard drinking, good ol’ farm boy. His entire body was covered in patches and swirls of thick, uneven chestnut body hair that puffed out over the tops and sides of his dingy muscle shirt and around the edges of his denim overalls.  

“You know, we’ve got a little bit before the gates open if you want to…” Cooed the powerfully thick man before him, his thick southern accent dancing its way into Adam’s ears in a sultry purr.

Adam’s eyes trailed down to the man's rough and calloused hand grasping the front of his overalls in a lewd, pulsing grope. As much as part of Adam wanted to shove the guy away and tell him to fuck the hell off, he found his gaze fixed curiously on the bulge before him. Adam’s hands raised from his sides and made a fumbling grasp at the brass buttons suspending the denim. His body was suddenly desperate to see just what was underneath the thick fabric. Adam’s head was swirling with thoughts: Thoughts of how badly he wanted to get the overalls off of the man, of how he needed to get away from the house of mirrors and the horrid little swamp carnival, of how he should be concerned about just how strange and hairy his arms and hands looked. Each thought seemed ten times louder than it should have been. They echoed loudly in the confines of his rapidly hollowing head, growing in intensity until his brain felt burned out and overworked. It was impossible for anyone to think so many thoughts at once. He just needed to focus on one at a time.

“Hey, don’t worry buddy. I gotcha.” Drawled the furry man, gently nudging Adam’s fumbling fingers from the brass buttons on his chest.

Adam opened his mouth to thank the guy, shocked when instead a low and rumbly “Ook” escaped his lips instead of the “Thanks” he had intended.

He didn’t have much time to dwell on the strange occurrence however. His head emptied of all thoughts as he watched the dirt-stained denim fall around the bear’s ankles. A grin spread over his face as he revealed his rock hard, four-inch pecker through his distinct lack of underwear.  Adam didn't need any further invitation. In one swift movement, he was upon the sweat-soaked cock and balls of the redneck bumpkin, swallowing the entirety of his short, squat cock without a hint of strain.

“Awwww, fuck man. No one in this entire damn carnival sucks like you do.” Moaned the hick. No… Moaned Clint, pushing the back of Adam’s head hard with his palm.

Adam’s heart swelled with a sense of pride at the man's words. He knew he wasn’t good for much, but if he could be good to look at and skilled with his mouth and ass, he was a happy monkey. Adam grunted loudly, doing his best to aggressively deepthroat the cock, even if it didn’t go very far down his throat. His hands grasped Clint’s big, round ass as hard as he could.

“Fuck, man. If you keep doing that, I-I’m gonnaaaaaa.”

Clint let out a long and growling moan as his squat cock let loose a sudden torrent of cum in a large, hose-like spurt. The warm, sticky liquid poured directly down Adam’s loose and relaxed throat, and warmed his insides as it went.

“God damn, man. You really do know how to take a cock, never get tired of doing that with you.”

Adam grinned wide at the complement, feeling strangely warm and fuzzy all over at Clint’s words and the sound of praise in his voice.

“Shit man, we really gotta get going, gates are gonna open soon. You know how boss feels about you wandering around during business hours. Gotta give the people what they pay for an’ all that.”

Adam found himself nodding along to Clint’s words, quickly trotting after the chunky hick as he made his way out of the house of mirrors. As he went, Adam couldn’t help but notice how clumsy and lumbering his gait was. His entire body felt out of whack. It wasn’t just as if his vantage point had change, but rather, the proportions of his body as a whole were warped in some strange way that made a task as simple as walking somewhat on the difficult side. Adam just couldn’t put his finger on what could be causing it, unable to pull his eyes from the strutting redneck leading the way back to his cage. Even though he knew he should have been properly freaking out by this point, having taken another man's cock in his mouth with such unbridled gusto and not to mention the entire ordeal in the house of mirrors before that, he felt completely calm and at ease. The feeling was so strong and absolute that it didn’t even waver one iota as the two of them passed under a bright, red sign reading: “Freak Show”.

The two of them walked quickly into a striped tent, passing several empty displays, each bearing bizarre titles: “The Amazing Fish Boy”, “The Siamese Lovers” and “World’s Strongest Man”. Adam's heart was steady as ever when they reached a dark green and brown sign reading “Adam, the First Man!”

“All right, I’ll come get you for lunch so you don’t get lost trying to find food stands again. Unless you just want to stay and have some more banana for lunch...” Said Clint, grabbing his crotch lewdly as Adam trotted happily into his straw lined cage.

Adam let loose another happy “Ook” and ran to the knotted rope in the center of his cage, quickly scaling it with his elongated and muscular arms. When he reached the top, he gave another happy grunt and hopped skillfully from its peak into the tire swing suspended beside it. It wasn’t until just then, when he was hanging upside down from his makeshift swing, that he got a proper look at himself, forced to stare upwards at his body as he swung. His entire body was indeed completely out of proportion. His legs shorter and stubbier than they had been before his adventure in the dilapidated little attraction. It seemed as if the length lost in his legs had been shifted over into his torso and chest, which now seemed freakishly long compared to his stubby lower half. While the hair on the majority of his body had remained mostly the same, a smooth dusting on his arms, legs and abs had sprung up. Even the hair on his chest and under his pits had bushed out to absurd proportions, looking almost pelt like in its thickness.

Adam swung happily for some time, staring up and smiling dumbly at the way his nine-inch soft cock flopped against his stomach when he moved back and forth. He knew that he should be concerned that the only clothing he had was a leopard-spotted loin cloth, knew that he should be red with embarrassment that it was flipped up and exposing his thick cock. But, he just couldn’t care. He had seen Clint earlier and was on his favourite tire swing. How could he be concerned about anything when his day was going so great? With a loud grunt and a powerful twist of his body, Adam flung himself off the tire swing and down to the ground, bracing his landing with his unnaturally long and muscle-bound arms. As he walked across the straw covered ground and towards the kiddy pool full of water in the corner, his mind made a connection. His arms, they were responsible for his strange gait, nearly dragging on the ground as he went and swinging his entire body out of balance.

He reached the pool of water and gazed curiously at his reflection, forgetting for a few moments that it was only a shimmering him in the water and not another friend to play with. His sandy blonde hair now reached just to the tip of his shoulders, the formerly manicured locks now scraggly and matted. He let out a soft “Ook” of admiration as he stared at his reflection, running his hand along the deep five o clock shadow on his jaw before tracing his fingers curiously over the pronounced ridge of his brow. He let out another soft “Ook” and smiled slightly as his rough hands felt just how pronounced and hard his brow was. It always used to bother him, how much like an ape he looked, but that was before he found Clint and the Carnival. It was before people accepted him for who he was and how he looked. Besides, Clint didn’t just accept his strangely shaped body, he loved it, from furrow of his brow down to the tufts of hair on his toes.

Adam abandoned staring at his reflection and scooped up a handful of water, splashing it over his crazily wide and hairy chest and shaking happily at the refreshing sensation. Scooping up more water, he splashed first his left pit then his right pit, rubbing the dense coating of hair in his deep pits. He paused and gave each pit a sniff. After judging their pungent musk clean enough, he turned from the water and towards the bars of his faux cage. He knew in the back of his mind that he could leave the cage at any time. But, why would he want to? He had everything he needed inside. Except for Clint, and he would be busy until the sun got low in the sky.

Just the thought of Clint got Adam’s nine-inch cock throbbing closer and closer towards its full thirteen inches. Clint was such a hot guy, real manly and really smart on top of that. He could count way past one hundred, always knew how to find the food carts and never once forgot how to work the ATM when it came time to deposit their cheques. He was always looking out for Adam and making sure he had everything he needed, the way Adam had come to know carnival folk always did for one another.

Before he even realized what he was doing, Adam found himself on his back, short and stubby legs extended as far over his head as he could get them. He gave tightened his elongated abs and slipped the majority of his thirteen-inch cock down his own throat.  Adam heard the soft clicking of cameras, the odd mumble from the slowly forming crowd of tourists passing by his cage and the rest of the freak show, but he didn’t care. The only thought in his mind was that of pleasing his own cock, trying as best as he could to picture he was with Clint. His hole trembled with anticipation as his mind ran wild with the thought of just how much fun he was going to have with his redneck buddy once the day’s work was done.

Adam was at it for hours, taking his own cock with a feverish lust and perfectly honed skill that he never knew he had inside himself. He was completely unable to contain himself once he got thinking about Clint and just how lucky he was to have found him. Inside, Adam let loose a loud scream, trying everything in his power to get his own thick dick out of his mouth and gagging inwardly as he felt his own salty load shoot down the back of his throat into his gurgling stomach. Try as he might, his body was out of his control and the simplistic thoughts of his aped out self were growing louder by the second. Clint would be back soon, which meant he could get some lunch and made the rumbling beneath his abs stop. That made him both happy and horrified. He knew just what lunch with Clint would mean and, as much as the original fragment of Adam wanted nothing to do with the burly hick, he knew in his heart that he would never be able to get by without Clint; not in the state he was in.

A fresh wave of horror passed through Adam’s inner self as his body tensed, feeling his own long arm reach around and begin pushing a thick finger between his hairy cheeks. Lunch was still a few hours away and he needed to do something to pass the time before he got to see Clint again. What else did a monkey like him have to pass the time?

“Hey, they’ve got a Zipper!” Exclaimed Gavin, pointing towards the rusted looking ride.

Brett followed his friend’s finger toward the attraction, its surface covered with rust and peeling paint. The only sign of life around the decrepit carnival ride was a muscle shirt clad carny, softly snoring behind a panel of dimly flickering buttons and knobs.

“Yeah, I don’t know man. It looks sketchy as fuck and after your driving, I’m kind of in the mood for something a little less intense to start off with.” Said Brett with a chuckle.

“Seriously man, lay off the driving.”  Replied Gavin, throwing a punch at his friend's shoulder.  “Like, you woulda done better anyway. The ground was nearly all mud.”

“Pft, I know I coulda done better because I’m not a little pansy who freaks out at a bit of mud!  We don’t raise no city boys out on the farm, ya hear!?” Retorted Brett, lunging towards his smaller friend and grabbing him in a headlock.

Gavin rolled his eyes while he struggled vainly against his friend’s assault. It was like this every time Brett got out of the city, his ‘country boy’ side came busting out in strides. No matter how hard anyone tried to tell Bret that he was basically a city boy himself, he always refused to pay them any attention. He had grown up a few miles outside of town on a couple of acres of land where his family raised a couple pigs and chickens, and, because of that, he thought himself a farm boy. Still, with his head pinned in the vice of the stocky ginger’s arm, Gavin did have to admit that Brett was a lot closer to a farm boy than he was. Whether it was the few chores he did around the ‘farm’ or the extra hours he put in at the campus weight room, Brett had sculpted himself a powerfully built body to be sure.

“Hey! That’s the ticket!” Said Brett, dropping his slender friend to the ground with a thud.

“Dude, give a guy some warning. I put my full weight into that.” Grumbled Gavin as he got back to his feet.

“Sorry man, but I found the perfect ride to recover from your crazy fucking driving. Look!”

Gavin followed his friend’s pointed arm to the attraction it was aimed at, letting out a sarcastic laugh when his eyes fixed upon just which ride Brett had picked out. A line of peeling swan boats sat in a few inches of green-blue water, rocking lazily from side to side before the mouth of a darkened tunnel. A large, pink heart with feebly flickering lights surrounded the gaping mouth of darkness, while a brightly painted sign of sprawling cursive above read “Tunnel of Love.”

“We can sit back and relax, and if you’re lucky, I might even give you a peek at my willy.” Continued Brett, grabbing the front of his worn jeans with mock excitement.

“Whatever, man. As long as I’m not the one driving, I don’t care what we do. Just keep your hands to yourself.”

“Hey, I make no promises. I’ve been stuck in a car with nothing but guys for way too long, and between all of us, you're the most lady-lookin.”

A thin middle finger peeked up over the top of Gavin’s shoulder as he walked towards the attraction, prompting a grin and chuckle from Brett. He loved that he could always get under Gavin’s skin. If he didn’t want to look like a chick, he should have joined him in the weight room more often instead of spending all his time doing cardio. He was toned as hell. sure, but what good was all that definition with no heft behind it?

A frail looking carny raised a bushy eyebrow when the two of them sat side by side in one of the little swan boats. Brett took up a little over half of the swan, and so, the two of them had to sit hip to hip, more than just a little squished into the wooden waterfowl.

“You boys sure you want to ride together? Rides popular with couples. Ya know, girls and guys who want a little alone time for what comes natural-like.”

“Hey, that’s pretty rude man. Sure, she’s got stubble and shit all for tits, but can't you tell? This here’s my girl.” Replied Brett, putting a heavy arm around Gavin’s slender shoulders.

“Fuck off, man.” Retorted Gavin, pushing the beefy arm from his neck and sending the swan boat rocking from side to side.

The wizened carny just rolled his eyes and turned back to his controls, flipping a switch and sending the two on their way into the darkness.


Betty leaned into Johnny’s strong chest as they walked, loving the way the other man’s arm felt heavy and secure around his thin shoulders.  He reached over and rested a small hand on Johnny’s soft, white t-shirt, feeling the buff greaser’s firm stomach underneath.  

Johnny pulled Betty in close and kissed him on the top of the head. “Havin’ fun, sweets?”

“You know I am,” Betty said, letting his small fingers slide into the front of Johnny’s tight jeans.  Looking at the short, effeminate man, no one would guess that, until recently, he’d gone by Eric,and was a burly slab of muscle built more like Johnny than a hot-rodder’s girlfriend.  As Betty’s fingers slid deeper into the other man’s jeans, Eric’s deep voice raged in Betty’s thoughts, yelling again and again that this was all wrong.  

“Hey, you space out again,” Johnny asked, giving Betty’s plump rear a squeeze.  

Betty giggled and returned the favor by squeezing the long, thick hose in Johnny’s pants.  “Just thinking about this,” he purred.  The voice in his head was telling him he should be embarrassed by his actions.  He shouldn’t be eagerly groping another man in public.  Butm what did Betty care?  If Johnny was happy, so was he.   

“You’re ALWAYS thinking about that,” Johnny sighed, swelling against Betty’s stroking fingers.   

Betty pulled his hand free and winked.  “Can you blame me?”  

“Keep teasin’ me like that and we’re never gonna make it to any of these rides.  Wanna hit the ferris wheel again?”  

Betty laughed.  “Again?  How many times do you want me to blow you on that thing tonight?  I don’t know if I feel like a ride...it always messes up my hair,” Betty said, adjusting his coiffed locks again.  “How about the...freak show!”  Despite his excited tone, it’s not what he’d intended to say.  He was going to suggest one of the games, but he’d heard a voice, loud enough to drown out the cries of the old Eric, that put the thought in his head.  Somehow, he knew he needed to go.  

“Wanna look at the weirdos, huh?”  Johnny swallowed Betty’s dainty hand in a meaty paw.  “Only if you’ll protect me,” he said with a mischievous grin.  “You know that place freaks me out.”  

“Come on!”  Betty’s supple cheeks bounced in his tight leggings as he tugged Johnny along behind.  It felt like he couldn’t move his shortened legs fast enough.  If there were any answers at all, he knew he’d find them there.  


Neither Gavin nor Brett could decide one way or the other if the little attraction was creepy or genuinely romantic. The tunnel was dimly lit by softly flickering pink lights, casting long and looming shadows over the swaying swan boat as it made its way through the ride. Fake shrubbery and hearts with aged, peeling paint surrounded the boat on either side, each in desperate need of a good dusting and thorough paint job.

“Not really much to look at, is it?” Asked Brett, his head resting on his hand as he looked lazily around the darkened tunnel.

“Yeah, but what did you expect? People don’t come here to look at the scenery, they come here to make out.” Replied Gavin, letting his fingers trail just under the surface of the greenish water.

“Well, get over here then.”  Cood Brett, tongue hanging out of his mouth as he leaned in closer.

Gavin gave the thick ginger another shove, pushing him to his side of the boat in response to his faux come on. He was used the countless homoerotic jokes that came with being friends with Brett, but that didn’t mean he had to enjoy them. The two of them sat in silence for a few minutes as the boat traveled slowly through the water with no end of the tunnel in sight. The tunnel was so dimly lit that neither man noticed the pinkish mist which had begun to rise lazily off the surface of the greenish water. It wafted upwards towards the ceiling, caressing Brett and Gavin in its ephemeral embrace.

Gavin was the first to make a move, his hand inching ever so slightly towards Brett’s. “So uh, about that kiss man?”

“Yeah? What about it?” Replied Brett. Something was going on with his little friend. He wasn’t sure he liked the twinkling gleam in his eyes, but it seemed to match the soft fluttering of his own heart.

“I just… Well, if you were serious at all, I…”


The two men were close enough that they could feel the hot breath of the others mouth. Their lips parted slightly as they leaned in, turning their heads and running their hands up the other’s back. Their kiss was cut short before it started by the deafening sound of shattering glass echoing through the dimly lit attraction. In a flash, the gentle stream of water became a whirling and frothing sea of tumultuous water. Their little swan boat began to rock from side to side so fiercely that it felt as if it would flip over at any second.  In one great yawning sigh, the lights surrounding them went out while at the same time the little wooden swan stopped its snail's pace crawl through the ankle-deep water.

The two men found themselves alone in utter darkness, rocking back and forth gently on the subsiding waves caused by the horrid, shattering explosion. Neither one wanted to utter a word, lest the subject of their almost-kiss pass the threshold of their lips. Whatever force had overtaken them only moments before had left their bodies, and now they were left with only their embarrassment and the sound of softly lapping water to keep them company.

“What do you think that was?” Asked Gavin, breaking the silence uneasily. “The shattering sound I mean!”

“I, uh, dono. Maybe one of these busted ass rides full on fell over? HEY! Carny guy? Are you going to turn the ride back on or should we just try and hoof it?”

Brett’s cry was answered only by his own echo and the sound of gently sloshing water, leaving the two to ponder their options in the tiny swan boat

“I guess we’re hoofin’ it” Mumbled Brett, beginning to stand up and sending the tiny little boat rocking.

“Do you really think that’s a good idea man? There’s probably chains and gears and shit down there.”

“Hey man, if you want to stay here like a little bitch, that’s fine. But, we just spent all damn day crammed into that little car. I don’t want to spend more time stuck in a tiny fucking swan.” With that, Brett took a step out from the boat, promptly falling forward with an echoing splash.

“Are you ok?”

“FUCK! Let me in, let me in!”  Brett’s voice was booming and panicked as he tried desperately to grab onto the side of the little swan boat and pull himself in.

“Calm down! Seriously, dude you’re going t-”

A second loud splash echoed through the tunnel, its deep and throbbing reverberations giving the impression of a much larger room than the narrow little tube they were in. Both men found themselves treading deep and dark water, desperately trying to pull themselves back into the little swan boat.

“What the fuck?! I told you! You were going to flip the fucking boat!” Choked Gavin through a mouthful of water.

“How’s the water so deep?!” Cried Brett, the fear in his voice setting his deep rumble into shuttering cracks.

“I don’t know, we just gotta find the boat.” Replied Gavin, panicking as he realized there was no bottom for his feet to make purchase upon.

The two men paddled around the suddenly expansive body of water, searching desperately for their little wooden swan. Try as they might, their hands only made purchase on more rippling, green water, denied the hard relief of their capsized vessel.

“Dude, it must have sunk. We’re going to have to swim for it.” Called Gavin after what felt like hours of searching.

“Swim where?!  This water should be shallow enough for us to stand in, but it’s like a goddamn ocean.” Cried Bret, spitting more foul tasting water from his mouth.

“I don’t know, I guess we just pick a direction and keep swimming until we hit something solid.” Replied Gavin, doing his best to keep his mind straight for the both of them.

“Ok, just stay close. I don’t want to get separated.” Replied Brett, doing a rapid doggy paddle towards his friend's voice.

The two of them moved hastily in a straight line, Gavin leading the charge while Brett struggled to propel his beefy body through the water as swiftly as his friend. Nothing about the situation made sense. The little canal should have been shallow enough to stand up in and narrow enough that they could reach either side with their arms. Despite this fact, they found themselves in an inky ocean of water, paddling through the dark in hopes of finding something to cling on to. Try as he might to put on a brave face for the both of them, Gavin began to feel a sinking sensation in his heart as he felt his muscles began to weaken and tire. If he was getting winded, he knew that Brett must have been close to collapse. How long had it been? Minutes? Hours? It was impossible to tell, but judging by the ragged sounds coming from his friend’s mouth, they didn’t have much longer to find solid ground.

Just as the duo was about to lose all hope, the water around them shuddered as if some great and mighty beast had begun to stir in the depths beneath them. Though the entire room was still deep and dark pitch black, they could feel the walls of the suddenly massive attraction shiver and shake in loud, creaking groans.

“We gotta keep swimming, man! Just a little more. Come on!” Cried Gavin as he broke into a rapid front crawl, more anxious than ever to get out of the water around him.

He heard only a gurgling grunt from his friend, followed by the clumsy beating of arms against water. Faster and faster they swam in feverish desperation, while all around them the water and distant walls of the tunnel shook and contracted. As suddenly as they had found themselves in the seemingly bottomless pool, Gavin found the tips of his toes skidding against a solid surface.

“Man, just a bit further, there’s floor over here!” Called Gavin, his feet having found purchase. He extended his arm and reached out towards his floundering friend.

Gavin felt himself being pulled forward into the water once more by Brett’s powerful and desperate grab. With one forceful yank, Gavin felt as if he might fall over, tipping over backwards into the water. He managed to stay on his feet though, pulling Brett’s powerful body sloshing up onto the solid ground beside him.

“Holy shit, I thought I was gonna drown…Thanks man.” Mumbled Brett through a burp of water.

“No problem man, you woulda done the same for me.” Replied Gavin, getting shakily to his feet and surveying the darkness around him.

Standing side by side, the two straight as they came men couldn’t ignore the electricity passing through them. Their almost kiss in the boat had only been stopped by the fortuitous timing of the deafening shatter and the threat of drowning. Now that the two of them stood face to face in relative safety, the spark returned. Being so close to one another, panting and wet, the electricity that coursed between the two of them was thrumming stronger than ever.

“Seriously man...thanks. I woulda been a goner without you.”  Cooed Brett.

Gavin couldn’t help but notice just how cute Brett looked at that very moment. Big and stocky, but soaked to the bone and trembling slightly. Water still dripping off of his tight goatee as his eyes shone with a look of perfectly sincere gratitude.

“It was nothing man. You’re my friend, I couldn’t just let you drown.”

The two of them just stood staring at one another, panting and dripping wet from their misadventure in the suddenly expansive body of water behind them. There was no more need for words. They knew what they wanted, and it was each other. Eyes closed and heads tilted, they leaned forward and forever shattered the dynamic of their relationship. Tongues dancing and hands wandering, the two men embraced in the slowly lapping water. Their bodies felt as if they were floating as their tongues mingled with one another, hungrily taking in the never-before tasted flavour of another man’s mouth. Wanting more, needing more, Gavin found his hands move away from Brett’s ample ass, quickly traveling towards the front and wrapping around his semi-hard cock.

“Woah!” Cried Brett, gently pushing Gavin away.

Kissing was one thing, but the idea of letting another man touch his junk and the activities that might follow were too much for Brett’s hetero mind. The spell crumbled around them, and they found themselves recoiling at the memory of what they had just done. Wiping his mouth and turning abruptly away from Brett, Gavin marched forward in long even strides, determined to put the past behind him with each and every step. Brett followed in stride, doing his best to push the thought of what had just happened out of his mind as well. Still, he couldn’t help but notice, with each step, just how cute Gavin’s butt looked while in motion.

“Get it together, man.” Brett mumbled, shaking the thoughts from his mind.

Although the ground beneath the duo was solid, Gavin still found himself standing in waist high water. All through the darkness, the shaking grew louder and more violent, sloshing the water around them into large, white-capped waves. Gavin couldn’t help but note how it gave him the exact same feeling of staring out over the ocean on a dark and starless night. An eerily chilled breeze traveled through the little Tunnel of Love, bringing with it a calm to the storm around the two men. The white-capped waves shrank rapidly until they were nothing more than slight ripples. Although the two did not know it, the being roused from its deep slumber had ceased its tossing and now sat in attentive curiosity, studying their forms reflected in the inky black of the water.

“We need to keep going.” Declared Gavin, groping forward in the darkness, leaving the inky sea to his back.

“But where to man? We don’t even know where the hell we are!”

“Any where’s better than behind us, so let’s just keep going forward.”

Brett nodded curtly and continued his march through the water, grumbling as it lapped hungrily at the midpoint of his slightly rounded stomach. The two of them trudged in near total darkness, hands extended out in front of themselves as they moved cautiously through the tunnel.  Both men were so consumed with their trek into the unknown that neither one noticed the gentle tingle slowly building in the water around them.

“Hey! I see a light!” Cried Gavin, pointing towards a soft speck of light in the distance.

In a chorus of loud and echoed sloshing, the two men waded through the water just as fast as their tired legs could take them. The floor beneath their feet began to slope gently upwards, the echoing of their powerful sloshing growing lighter until it more closely resembled playful splashing. The light in the distance grew with each and every step, filling the duo’s hearts with a sense of renewed hope. Approaching the light, everything around them became bathed in a soft pink hue, the sides of the seemingly endlessly wide room shrinking back into a narrow tunnel.  Sloping upward the ground finally found freedom from the water surrounding it, leaving both men at last of dry land.

“Woah, dude? What the hell!” Cried Brett suddenly, throwing his hands over his eyes and looking up towards the ceiling.

There before him, clear as a full moon on a cloudless night, were Gavin's rock-hard ass cheeks, gleaming softly in the pale, pink light. Between drunken moonings and the gym changing room, Brett had seen his friend’s ass more times than he could count. However, it felt completely different this time round. Gavin’s perfectly rock-hard and cardio-honed ass should have been covered in a pair of one-size-too-small blue jeans, but instead it was out for all to see, flapping in the wind. It looked as if the fabric had been completely dissolved, the hem of his black t-shirt smoldering ever so slightly in the faint light.

“What are yo- What the fuck!” Cried Gavin, looking down and covering his exposed dick before whirling around to face Brett. “Dude, yours are gone too!”

Brett’s eyes glanced down quickly before a flush of crimson rushed up his furry ginger body. Just like his lithe friend, his clothes seemed to have dissolved away from the midriff down, his slight belly and thick squat cock on display for all to see. He too found himself quickly clasping his hands before his family jewels in hasty embarrassment.

“I’m so fucking ready to get out of here, let's just keep moving.” Grumbled Brett, his mind unable to think of an explanation for anything that had happened to him in the last hour.

Gavin gave a slow and uneasy nod as Brett strode angrily past him, heading further into the tunnel and its softly glowing pink light. The path beyond the sea of infinite black couldn’t have been any more different than the bleak and endless room behind it. Lush and verdant vines spiraled around the narrow little passage way, just wide enough for two people to walk through, side by side. A myriad of brightly coloured flowers laid interwoven through the sprawling green vines. Although they were all attached to what appeared to be one single wall of vines, the blooms clearly belonged to entirely different plants all together. Some had long and slender petals, the circumference of their spiral reaching just under the size of a dinner plate, while others were small and rounded, a dense cluster of tightly woven petals.

If it weren’t for their circumstances, the duo likely would have found it quite pleasant and beautiful. Yet, as they walked, neither man could shake the feeling that the blooms were somehow much more insidious than they looked. As they passed, a series of small pink blooms began to slowly unfurl their slumbering petals, exposing their pistils to the tunnel and releasing their pollen in soft and gentle puffs.

“Man, do you smell that?” Asked Gavin his nose pointed upwards in search of the source of the subtle aroma.

“There are flowers all over the place man, it’s probably just them.” Replied Brett curtly.

“I guess, but it smells like...I dono, but it feels really…”

Gavin’s head was suddenly a rush with a strange dizziness, his nostrils flaring as his lungs took in a deep breath of the wafting pollen around him. His gaze slowly trailed downward from the back of Bret’s head toward his ass, eyes widening at the sight of it. He too had seen his friend’s ass more times than he could count, yet, at that very moment, he felt as though he was really seeing it for the first time. The way it jiggled slightly with each and every step, the perfectly spaced dusting of light, red hair. He knew that his friend spent countless hours over the past few years doing squats and lunges, working on his legs like a good gym bro.

“Never skip leg day…” Mumbled Gavin, eyes still fixed to the twin globes before him.

It wasn’t just that he thought it was shapely and impressive, a slew of feelings rushed into Gavin’s heart whenever he glanced at it. It was cute and endearing, but also masculine and absolutely mouthwatering. He felt as though he wanted to do whatever it took to stay close to it at all times and protect it, while also devouring it with his tongue and fucking it just as hard as his dick could manage.

A long and throaty moan escaped Gavin’s lips as he lunged forward, falling to his knees and grabbing hold of Brett’s beefy ass with both hands. The burly ginger didn’t have enough time to react, completely unprepared for his friend’s advances. Seconds later, he felt Gavin’s smooth and chiseled cheeks rubbing up against his ample, hairy ass.

“Woah, woah, woah! What the hell are you doing?!” Cried Brett, pulling away from his friend in a hopping trot.

“Aw, come on man. I just want to rub them a bit...they’re so cute. Please?” Asked Gavin, a strange and glossy sheen over his puppy dog eyes.

Brett wasn’t sure if he wanted to laugh or flare up and sock his friend square in the mouth. The longer he looked at his puppy dog eyes, the more muddled his feelings become. Gavin wasn’t really asking the world of him or anything, just to let him rub up against his ass a bit. It was a pretty reasonable request.

“Ok...just don’t do anything else, man. It’s weird enough letting you rub up on it.” Mumbled Brett, turning around to expose his hairy globes to his friend once more.

Gavin’s eyes lit up at the sight of the wondrous cheeks, his heart swelling with a sense of love and admiration that he had never felt in his life. Lovingly, he reached out a hand and caressed the hairy half spheres with the tips of his fingers, his entire body lighting up at the sensation. Between the coarse hairs and rock-hard glutes surrounded in a layer of pudge, Gavin’s fingers were on fire with a frighteningly intense ecstasy. He tried to resist it, knew that it was wrong to feel so strongly about his friend’s ass, but found himself unable to fight against its allure. He gently spread his friend’s cheeks and leaned in, puckering his lips before pressing them against Brett’s virgin hole.

“WHAT THE FUCK MAN?!?!” Screamed Brett, doing his best to try and pull away from his friend.

Both men heard a strange clicking sound, as if something had fallen into place and locked, shifting their lives forever. Try as he might, Brett found himself totally unable to pull away from his friend. Gavin’s tongue feverously probed the depths of Brett’s ass while his lips gently massaged the puckered hole. Straight as they came Brett found himself unable to stop a slew of lusty moans from escaping his lips. As strange and unfamiliar as the sensation was, it was unbelievably pleasurable and Gavin’s tongue was hitting all the right places that Brett never knew he had.

“Dude, oh fuck, you gotta stop… If you keep…”

But the deed was already done. Brett’s five inch cock was ram-rod hard and pointing up towards his pecs, looking just as thick and delicious as always. No, it wasn’t just a nice looking, thick dick, it was gorgeous and beautiful. The way the throbbing veins ran along its surface, the thick mushroom of his cut cock head, it was like looking at his best friend and the most fantastic lover he had ever had all at once. Brett knew he needed it, always and forever.

With a great pull, Brett forced himself from Gavin’s tonguing, feeling the force holding them together shift gently for a brief moment. Using the window of freedom, Brett quickly dropped down to his back and lifted his legs up over his head. A loud and upset moan escaped his lips as he realized his body was too thick and cumbersome for him to properly move his dick into his parted lips. Between its short stature and his thick and slightly pudgy gut, he just couldn’t bridge the gap. Though. he knew in his heart that his dick would never be able to reach his mouth, forever dangling just out of reach. Brett couldn’t bring himself to stop trying. He felt the familiar press of Gavin’s lips against his hole as a tongue began probing once more, pushing his dick slightly closer to his parted mouth.  

All around them, large, purple flowers began to open their petals, unfurling before the odd couple and showering them with more pollen. Before his very eyes, Brett’s cock began to swell forward, shooting past its usual five inches and coming to a stop just as it reached the nine inch mark. Brett didn’t know just what had caused his cock to swell in length and he wasn’t asking. In one swift motion, he opened his mouth and plunged his own cock down into his waiting throat. Another soft, yet resounding, click echoed lightly through the narrow, little tunnel, sealing the duo forever in their sexually linked state. Both men felt the world around them melt away as they licked and sucked the loves before them. Nothing else mattered, only being with the cock and ass of their dreams -

the loves of their lives. The way the light hair of Brett’s ass tickled Gavin’s cheeks and the soft warm heat of his hole felt like heaven to Gavin, while Brett’s own throbbing cock felt as though it was the thing his mouth had been missing its entire life.

The ground beneath them began to move slowly onward as if on a conveyer belt, the floor carrying the immobilized lovers through the tunnel’s confines. Though neither man was paying attention to see it, a bright white light began to come into view down the tunnel. It grew brighter and brighter until the duo found themselves under the glare of blazing stage lights. Neither man cared one bit as to where they had been carried to nor did they pay even the slightest bit of attention to the flash of cameras and mumbles from the crowd on the other side of the glass. The only thing that mattered was spending time with the dick and ass that they loved, the dick and ass that they lived for. They could rest easy knowing that they would never be taken away from their beloved, forever together as the Siamese lovers.


“Would ya slow down,” Johnny laughed, struggling to keep up with Betty as he pushed his way into the dim freak show tent.  

Betty wasn’t slowing down.  “You’ve got the longer legs, keep up!  I want to see the new...attractions…” his voice died in his throat as soon as he saw the short, ape-like man with the obscene cock.  Part of him felt a thrill at the thought of what it would be like to take a ride on it, but the longer he looked, the more he started to tremble.  Something about the man seemed familiar somehow.  They made eye contact when the short little beast of a man turned his head their direction.  “Ad...Adam…?”  

The little man stopped sucking on the long pole in his mouth and lifted his head.  “Ook!  OOK!”  He started jumping up and down and gesturing wildly as he stared at Betty with pleading eyes.  

“Oh fuck…” it was enough to let the old Eric surface entirely.  He looked at his own shrunken body and back at Adam in horror.  He knew his friend recognized him as well but neither could do anything other than stare.  Eric could already feel himself slipping again.  However his friend had fallen prey to the forces at work, he was just as trapped.  

“Come on babe,” Johnny said, pulling Betty away and into the other room.  “Little guy creeps me out.  Besides, a fella could get jealous the way you’re lookin’ at that meat of his.”  

“No!  He’s...that’s my…” he shook his head as the old Eric fought to stay present.    

“That’s your what,” Johnny asked with a confused cock of his head.  

“He’s my...oh...oh god…” The sight stopped Eric cold.  

“Whoa!  That’s...somethin’,” Johnny said with a short, shocked laugh.  

Laughing was the last thing Eric felt like doing as he looked at Gavin and Brett writhing on the platform in front of them.  Brett’s legs were hoisted into the air while his enlarged cock was wedged firmly into his own mouth, while at his other end, Gavin squirmed on his belly with his mouth furiously working Brett’s exposed hole.  Both men rocked slightly as Gavin slowly pumped his hips, his tight bubble flexing as he ground his solid pole between his stomach and the platform.  A trickle of liquid could be seen dripping out into a growing puddle as the prone man came over and over again.  Eric could see that Brett was in a similar position as every so often his eyes would go wide and a stream of fluid would spill out from the sides of his mouth.  

Like Adam, as soon as he was close, the two men seemed to recognize him.  They couldn’t stop what they were doing, but they looked at him out of the corner of their eyes while their moaning reached a fever pitch.  They started bucking and wriggling harder, eliciting a round of laughs from the other people watching.  

“No!  Stop!  This isn’t funny!” Eric yelled, furious at the people around him who seemed oblivious to his presence.  “Stop it!  They aren’t….they’re not...I’m not…” Eric felt something inside him break.  He pulled away from Johnny and bolted out of the tent.  He had to get out of there.  He had to get back to the car and drive for help while he could still think.  He felt a glimmer of hope as he ran, but it only lasted until he reached the entrance of the tent.  

“What the...hell…” his frantic run slowed to a stumbling stagger as he looked up at the sky overhead.  Instead of the usual twinkling constellations, he saw an ever-shifting array of galaxies.  Nebulas and bright suns passed overhead as if in a time-lapse.  Stars winked into and flared out of existence before his eyes as some strange cosmos unfolded above him.   When he looked at the trees, if he squinted and stared hard enough, he could see the same swirling dimensions where forest should be.  Worse, though, were the huge figures moving behind it all; collossal outlines just barely visible in the abyssal darkness as they spun off into the void. He saw a hand that filled the entire sky and fell to his knees.  

Eric knew there was no way out.  This wasn’t a carnival.  It wasn’t a place at all.  He didn’t know how he and his friends had wound up in the jaws of this eldritch horror, but he knew they’d never leave.  None of these people would.  The clothes from different time periods suddenly made sense.  The way people seemed to fade in and out and sometimes see each other and sometimes not.  It wasn’t a place at all.  The old Eric thought of his friends a final time as he let go, hoping they could somehow do the same.  He was Betty now, and they were whatever it was they’d been turned into.  

“Geez, babe, what gives,” Johnny panted as he ran up and found Betty kneeling in the dirt.  “Hey, whoa, are you okay?”  

Betty blinked up at Johnny, wiping his eyes and adjusting his hair.  He let the brawny man pull him to his feet.  “I’m fine,” he said, wrapping his thin arms around Johnny’s waist.  “I just got a little freaked out in there is all.”  

Johnny swallowed Betty in a thick bear hug before giving the small man’s ass a swat.  “No more freak shows for you, pun’kin.  Come on, let’s go find the guys,” he said, leading Betty off into the crowd.  

Meanwhile, a short, heavy set woman in a plaid shirt and overalls watched another car pull into the lot.  She waved from the window and called through the screen door.  “Come on in...don’t be shy!  Plenty of rooms and plenty to do here!  Step right up!”
