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To say that Brendan was confused when he woke up was an understatement.   He’d only been asleep for a few hours, so his brain was slow in putting  together why he was naked in bed with Tyler in his friend’s room.  It  only took one prod from Tyler’s sleeping erection to bring the memories  back.  His stomach dropped and his heart started racing.  Though parts  of it worked, the spell had clearly gone very, very wrong.   

Yes, Tyler was irresistible to guys, but Brendan had learned the  hard way that also meant him.  And yes, Tyler was also susceptible to  suggestion, but for some reason so was he.  It didn’t make sense.  The  longer he lay in bed with his naked friend the foggier his brain got, so  Brendan carefully extricated himself from Tyler’s grip.  He immediately  missed the weight of his friend’s arm on his chest but he forced  himself out of the room.  The shower helped.  Brendan ran through the  spell over and over again and he was so focused that it took until he  was drying off for him to notice how he looked.  He was running the  towel over his wet stomach when it finally dawned on him that he had  abs.  Faint, but visible abs.   

“Holy shit!”  He wiped off the steamy mirror and stared at his  reflection.  He clearly had more definition all over.  He flexed a few  times, marveling at how even that slight difference made him look.  Then  it hit him.  “Oh…oh no…” he stopped flexing and paled.   The spell had  been to give him “what Tyler had.”  Apparently he hadn’t been specific  enough.  Yes, he was getting what Tyler had, but that meant he was  getting the effects of the spell, too.  The full ramifications of that  raced through his mind as he pictured himself as the ditzy, gay boy toy  he’d wanted to turn Tyler in to.  He’d have to find a way to stop this.   But if he did, it would mean losing the things he’d wanted for himself  as well.   

“Mornin’ little squirt.”  Brendan didn’t have time to make a  decision before Tyler came sleepily stumbling into the bathroom.  One  look at the sculpted, naked adonis pushed all other thoughts from his  head.  His eyes were glued to Tyler’s hairy globes while his friend  stood in front of the toilet taking a piss.  He blushed at the sudden  memory of his face buried between them.  When they’d gone to bed it  hadn’t taken long for them to pick up where they left off on the couch.   They hadn’t actually had sex with each other, but they’d spent several  hours doing everything else.  By the time they passed out there wasn’t  an inch on either of them that hadn’t been explored.   

“Is that my name now?”   

“You’re little and you squirt a lot,” Tyler said, squeezing Brendan’s package.  “Seems like it fits.”   

As much as he hated to admit it, hearing Tyler call him that caused  Brendan’s stomach to flutter.  He was also noticing that his friend  didn’t seem at all bothered by the night’s activities, or that they were  both naked and handsy in the bathroom now.  They chatted while Tyler  showered and Brendan went through his morning routine of shaving and  brushing his teeth, but when it came time for him to get dressed he  paused.  The thought of his boxer briefs was suddenly repelling.  He  couldn’t physically bring himself to put them on, so he grabbed a pair  of small red briefs from Tyler’s room.  They were tight on his bulkier  frame, but Brendan breathed a sigh of relief.  Until he saw himself in  the mirror.  The spell called for skimpy clothes, and showing them off.   He tried to put it out of his head while he finished getting dressed.   

Work was even worse than the day before.  He couldn’t stop thinking  about Tyler, but for entirely different reasons than the previous day.   Worse, whenever he left his desk he could feel the other guys in the  office looking at him.  Still worse, he found himself looking back.  He  couldn’t concentrate on anything.  He blamed it on the physical changes,  but his clothes felt all wrong.  It felt like he was wearing a tent for  a shirt and pants that were two sizes too big.  He knew that wasn’t  right.  He knew his clothes fit him just fine, but he couldn’t get the  thought out of his head.  He soon learned that Tyler was having a  similar morning.  After only a few hours at work his phone beeped with a  text from his friend.   

“Hey little squirt,” it read.   

“Hey,” Brendan said back.  “What’s up?”   

“Nothin’…just wondered how your morning was going.”   

Brendan was a mix of emotions.  He felt a rush of triumph that his  spell was clearly working.  In all their years of friendship, Tyler had  never sent a “how are you?” text to him unless there was a reason behind  it.  At the same time, though, Brendan blushed at the thought that his  beautiful friend was thinking about him.  And then he felt a rush of  dread at thinking of Tyler as beautiful.  “Better now,” he responded,  with a winking smiley face.   

They texted back and forth all morning about nothing, just so they  could keep talking to the other. They were like a pair of lovesick  teenagers.  They’d even made plans to go to the mall that night after  work since they were both hit with a sudden urge to change their looks.   After a while it stopped feeling odd to Brendan at all.  He was almost  able to forget that anything out of the ordinary was even happening  until that afternoon when his coworker Ian stopped by his office.   

“Hey man, you catch that game last night,” Ian asked, sticking his  head into Brendan’s office.  He usually came by at least once a day just  to hang out.  Ian was a few years younger and fresh out of college, but  he and Brendan quickly hit it off.  The young blonde was a sports  fanatic, both watching and playing, and neither of them needed an excuse  to blow off work and talk about that instead.   

“Uh, yeah, but I was only half paying attention.”  Brendan blushed  when he thought about what he and Tyler were doing while the game was  on.  He’d also felt a physical shock when he looked at Ian.  How had he  never noticed how attractive the younger man was?  Perfectly styled  blonde hair, bright eyes, pouty lips.  A pair of prominent pecs bulged  against Ian’s tight, fitted dress shirt, and Brendan’s eyes went wide  when he looked at the noticeable bulge and huge bubble butt in Ian’s  equally tight pants.   

“Did I spill something on myself or do you just like what you see?”   Ian had asked it jokingly, but there was a subtle shift happening in  their dynamic.  Things were starting to feel less like joking around and  more like something else.  Brendan caught Ian checking him out just as  obviously.  “You losing weight?”   

Brendan pried his eyes away from the toned arms in Ian’s tight shirt sleeves.  “Just trying to tone up a little.”   

“It’s working…you look great.”   

“Yeah?”  Brendan was practically coy as he asked.   

That was enough to shake Ian out of it.  “Uh, I should, uh, get back  to work.”  The young blonde blushed and hurried from the office,  leaving Brendan confused, afraid, and, surprisingly, disappointed.   

The last few hours of the day were torturous.  By the time Brendan  left he wanted to rip the clothes that had been tormenting him all day  from his body.  As soon as he was in the car he actually unbuttoned his  shirt but he had it off by the time he was halfway home.  He didn’t even  think twice about the walk to his apartment.  He sauntered through the  parking garage and through the building, happily shirtless in his dress  pants with his briefcase slung over his shoulder, the strap resting  between and accentuating his increasingly sculpted pecs.  He actually  enjoyed the hungry looks he got from the few men he passed, and he  didn’t give a second thought to the women.  All he wanted to do was get  in his apartment so he could get the rest of it off.  As soon as he was  in the door he had his shoes kicked off and his pants unbuttoned when an  underwear-clad Tyler came bounding over.  He was like an eager dog  waiting for his owner as he pushed Brendan against the wall and kissed  him deeply.  Brendan was thrilled, as much as he wished he wasn’t.   

“Hey,” Tyler said, grinning from ear to ear when they came up for air.   

“Hey yourself,” Brendan smiled back, his hands clamped to Tyler’s  ass.  They gazed at each other for a moment, each just happy to be  around the other.   

“How was your afternoon?”  Tyler tugged Brendan’s slacks down and  the other man stepped out of them, feeling like a weight had been  lifted.   

“Fine, just long.  This day would not end.”   

“I knoooooooow,” Tyler said, heaving a dramatic sigh.  Neither what  he said nor the way he said it were at all typical.  “Hey, are these  mine,” he asked, snapping the waist of Brendan’s briefs.   

“Oh, uh, yeah.  It was weird…I just couldn’t bring myself to wear mine this morning.  Sorry…hope that’s cool.”   

“Sneaky little squirt,” Tyler chided.  “I’ll just have to take them  back,” he said, pulling them down.  He held them to his face once they  were free and inhaled deeply.  Brendan couldn’t believe what he was  seeing.  The thought of straight, no-nonsense, tough guy Tyler huffing  another man’s used underwear caused Brendan’s cock to spring to  attention.  “I suppose it’s alright as long as I get ‘em when you’re  done,” Tyler said, pausing and looking Brendan up and down.  “Damn,  Bren, you really do look great today.”   

Brendan looked down and had to suppress a gasp. What had been the  start of definition that morning had blossomed into an official  six-pack. His heart raced with excitement as he slid around Tyler to  check himself out in a mirror. Sure enough, he'd become more cut  throughout the day. What was formerly bulk had turned into specific,  defined muscle groups. He didn't just have big arms, he had equally  developed biceps and triceps. His shoulders were starting to pop out  more above his large, leaner pecs. Instead of looking smaller as it lost  the excess weight, his ass seemed perkier than ever compared with his  slimmer waistline. 

"What, you didn't believe me?"  A grinning Tyler stood in the doorway watching Brendan check himself out. 

"Just wanted to see it for myself," Brendan said, looking his friend  up and down. He really was starting to look more like Tyler's build. He  felt his cock twitch at the thought and his stomach dropped. His eyes  had automatically dropped to Tyler's stuffed underwear, and even though  he didn't have a lot of experience with his friend's body, he could tell  the bulge was smaller than the day before. With everything that  happened he'd almost forgotten about that part of the spell. And if he  was mirroring all the parts of Tyler, that meant he was in trouble. He  stared at his aching cock and paled. His already short dick was even  shorter. It wasn't by much, but to Brendan it was obvious. 

"You okay dude?"  Tyler's smile had turned into a look of concern. 

Brendan didn't know what to say. The spell kept Tyler oblivious for  the most part. He forced a smile. "Yeah, sorry..." Brendan stammered. He  needed to know how much Tyler's had shrunk. "Just making sure  everything's still there. How 'bout you?" He reached over and pulled  down Tyler's briefs, and his friend hardened almost instantly. He  grabbed it and tugged a few times. "You ever measure that thing?"  

Tyler blushed and shook his head. "Never needed to. It's big, that's all I needed to know."

"Come here," Brendan said, tugging him along by his dick. He pulled a  measuring tape out of a drawer and measured. 6.75 inches. His grip was  enough to confirm that it wasn't as wide. 

"Feel better?"  Tyler gave an embarrassed laugh while he watched Brendan do the same. 

Brendan wasn't laughing. He knew he should have been just under six  inches. Now he was just barely over five. And like Tyler, he'd lost some  girth as well. He looked up, panicked, while he and Tyler stood there  with their solid rods out. 

"What's the matter? They look fine to me." Tyler really was  oblivious. He reached over and grabbed Brendan's, causing his friend to  gasp. "Feels the same, too."

Brendan wanted to scream. He knew Tyler should be freaking out too,  but just like the fact that he was suddenly fine with jerking another  guy off, he had no idea anything was wrong. "Okay....okay...maybe this  isn't so bad," Brendan told himself while Tyler stroked. "I wasn't huge  to begin with, and if I get a killer body out of the deal I can handle  being a little smaller."  It certainly still felt good. Tyler's hand was  electric. He reached over and returned the favor. The knowledge that he  was stroking Tyler's shrunken cock while the other man had no idea was  enough to make Brendan shoot his load. 

Still, Brendan was conflicted. As soon as he stopped spurting he  dropped to his knees and eagerly swallowed Tyler's oozing cock. In less  than a day his resentment towards the other man was fading. He'd started  this whole process wanting to make Tyler into something he wasn't, but  now that he'd inadvertently been roped in, he didn't know what he was  feeling. He chose to focus on the warm liquid filling his mouth as his  tongue wrapped itself around Tyler. 

"We deeeeefinitely should have started doing this sooner," Tyler sighed, pulling Brendan to his feet. 

Brendan gave Tyler's furry chest a pat and pulled his underwear back  up. "Better late than never.  Speaking of...we should probably head  out."

Getting dressed was a challenge for both of them. Brendan couldn't  physically bring himself to put on most of his clothing, and neither  could Tyler. They each settled on a similar outfit, looking more like  they were going to workout than the mall. Each had put on the smallest  shorts they had. For Brendan it was a pair of grey mesh gym shorts that  only traveled halfway down his large thighs. They were plastered across  his ass and showed off even his smallish bulge. Tyler had found a pair  of old running shorts that were even smaller and showed off even more of  his powerful legs. The thin blue material showed the outlines of the  briefs underneath and were so tight across his prominent ass that they  practically lifted and separated each cheek. For shirts, Brendan dug out  an old, yellow open-sided muscle shirt that left most of his torso on  display, while Tyler found a green scoop neck muscle shirt that showed  off his impressive, furry pecs. 

It wasn't until they arrived at the mall parking lot that Brendan  even thought about their outfits. He caught sight of the two of them in a  reflection and was mortified. They looked less like two athletic guys  and more like two muscly queens. Especially with the way Tyler was  walking. His friend had suddenly incorporated a sway to his hips,  causing his already eye catching ass to bounce with each step. Brendan  even caught himself pulling his shoulders back more than usual, puffing  out his chest and putting a noticeable arch to his spine. The whole  time, Tyler chatted away, completely oblivious. Even this was new. His  friend was the strong, silent type, not a chipper chatter box. 

He was doubly insecure as soon as they entered. Heads turned  immediately. He understood why. They were two built studs who were  practically prancing through the mall. He would have stared too.  The  looks they got from other men were equal parts confusion, disgust, and,  thanks to the spell, lust. Part of Brendan wished he could be as  oblivious as Tyler, who had his charming smile plastered on his handsome  face as though he didn't have a care in the world. 

His embarrassment only grew while they shopped and he was seemingly helpless to stop himself from femmeing out. 

"That would look sooooo cute on you," he said as Tyler examined a  tight, fitted dress shirt. His face turned bright red as the words were  leaving his mouth. Later he loudly chirped "ooohhhh, your ass looks  incredible in those," when Tyler asked his opinion on a pair of slacks.  His friend was doing the same to him, and it wasn't just their words.  They were piling clothes at each other like a couple of teenage girls  with their mom's credit card. 

They quickly attracted a group of male sales associates who were  egging them on. The trio of men, who looked to be in their early 20s,  were soon picking out the smallest and most revealing items on the  racks, which Tyler and Brendan would happily try on for them. Brendan  knew what was happening. He knew the men were equal parts mocking and  getting off on it, but he couldn't stop. The knowledge only made him  want to do it even more, and he flirted back harder. They left the store  with several large bags and three phone numbers. 

“Dude, I feel, like, soooooo much better,” Tyler said with an exaggerated sigh when they got back in the car.   

“I knoooow,” Brendan said, leaning back in his seat dramatically.  “So you gonna call your new boyfriends?”   

Tyler just laughed.  “Fuck you,” he said, his feminine new veneer cracking slightly as a bit of the old Tyler surfaced.   

“That tall one was cute though,” Brendan couldn’t believe he said it even as he spoke the words.   

“I liked the ass on the short one,” Tyler said, his face showing no hint that his words were out of the ordinary.   

“He liked yours, too,” Brendan shot back.  “You should send him a pic later.”   

“WE should send him a pic later.  He really wanted to see you in those purple underwear.”   

Brendan laughed but couldn’t believe they were talking about some random guys like this.  “You mean you don’t?”   

“You KNOW I do,” Tyler said, squeezing Brendan’s thigh.  “You wanna  stop for a drink on the way home?  I don’t feel like sitting around the  house for the rest of the night.”   

“Sure!”  As much as part of Brendan wanted to get out of public, he  was feeling just as restless.  The encounter with the guys at the store  made both him and Tyler restless in ways they weren’t used to.  They  stopped at a bar around the corner from their apartment building.  It  wasn’t fancy, just a small “beer and a shot” kind of place.  As with the  mall, as soon as the pair of buff queens walked in all heads turned,  especially the men.  Their gym attire set them apart from the mostly  jeans-and-tshirt crowd, and they’d only been at the bar for a few  minutes before a pair of guys took up the seats on either side of them.    

Brendan looked over at the thin man next to him.  He had shaggy  brown hair and a trim beard framing in a cute face with an easy smile.   He was wearing a button up plaid shirt that hung loose from a wiry  looking torso and a pair of loose fitting jeans.  “Hey,” he said, his  bright blue eyes wrinkling as he smiled.  “Just come from the gym?”   

Brendan instantly warmed up to him.  “No, the mall,” he said, smiling back.   

“That must have been some intense shopping,” the man laughed, extending a hand.  “I’m Paul.”   

“Brendan,” he said, his meatier hand swallowing Paul’s thin fingers.   

Paul let the grip linger.  “Nice to meet you.  That’s Todd,” he  said, nodding towards his friend who’d been chatting with Tyler.  Todd  was wearing a tight fitting band tshirt that showed off a toned build  and a pair of slim jeans that bubbled out in the back.  His close  cropped blonde hair and sharp features were immediately eye-catching.   Brendan could see that Tyler was already practically hanging off the  man.  “Can we buy you guys a drink?”   

“Uh, yeah, thanks,” Brendan said, reflexively leaning in towards  Paul’s stool.  They sat and drank, making small talk and, to Brendan’s  dismay, flirting heavily.  His hand kept finding it’s way to Paul’s knee  while Tyler kept laughing and leaning into Todd’s shoulder.   

Brendan wanted to be embarrassed.  He knew this was what he’d  intended for Tyler.  His plan was to have his friend become an  oblivious, cock hungry bimbo.  And even though he knew he was in the  middle of that transformation himself, he couldn’t stop.  When he heard  himself actually giggle he knew he was lost.   

“So what are you guys doing now,” Paul finally asked after the third round of drinks.   

“We were just going to go back home…we live right around the  corner,” Tyler said, batting his eyes at Todd.  “You guys wanna come  hang out for a while?”   

It wasn’t even a question.  The tab was paid and they were unlocking  their apartment door before Brendan could even stop to question what  they were doing.  Not that he wanted to.  The only thing he wanted to  do, and that he started doing as soon as they got inside, was taking  Paul’s clothes off.   

“Not wasting any time, huh?”  Paul let Brendan undo his shirt and  pull it off, exposing his lean, wiry torso.  He had plenty of definition  underneath the smattering of hair, but Brendan still could have picked  him up with one arm.  He leaned in for a kiss but Paul pulled back.   “Sorry…that’s reserved for my girlfriend,” he said, grinning.  “How  about we use that mouth somewhere else?”  Despite the size difference,  it was clear that Paul was in control.  Brendan didn’t even flinch at  having his kiss rebuffed, he just reached down and undid Paul’s jeans.   Brendan wasn’t expecting the long hose that he felt when he tugged them  down, and Paul’s smug expression told him the other man liked his  reaction.  It wasn’t as big as Tyler used to be, but on Paul’s scrawnier  body it looked massive.  Brendan went to work immediately.  He was too  far gone to even question the fact that he had a strange man’s dick in  his mouth; he just wanted to keep going.  He bobbed his head back and  forth rhythmically, grabbing Paul’s small, solid ass in his large hands.   Brendan hummed and sucked contentedly until Paul pulled away.  “Geez,”  he panted, “what’s the rush?”   

“Just a little excited,” Brendan said coyly, letting Paul pull him to his feet.   

“Let’s take a little break.”   

Brendan turned and saw an equally naked Todd leaning on the back of  the couch with Tyler kneeling in front of him.  The blonde man had the  modest build of someone who worked out to stay in shape but wasn’t  interested in bulking.  His solid cock was average length but thick as  it glistened from the time spent in Tyler’s mouth.  He and Paul walked  over while the two strangers exchanged glances.   

“So are you two a couple?”  Todd asked, taking a seat on the couch.   

“Uh, no, just friends,” Brendan said as Paul sat on the other end.   

“But do you guys mess around with each other,” the bearded man asked.   

“Do you want us to?”  Tyler looked over at Brendan with a slight smile.   

Todd and Paul exchanged a similar look.  “I mean, you guys are still  dressed.  Maybe you can help each other with that?”  Todd settled back,  knowing it wasn’t really a question.   

Tyler didn’t say anything, he just turned and wrapped his sculpted  arms around Brendan and started kissing his friend.  Brendan returned  the gesture, his hands grabbing the bottom of Tyler’s shirt.  He slowly  lifted it up, exposing Tyler’s hairy, shredded abs bit by bit.  When it  was pulled free Tyler took a more dramatic approach.  He grabbed  Brendan’s shirt by the collar and literally tore it off before roughly  massaging Brendan’s prominent pecs and kissing his neck.  The men on the  couch were jerking themselves while they watched Tyler and Brendan paw  at each other.   

“Fuck, man, look at those two,” Todd whistled as they stripped each  other down to their briefs and flexed.  The two stripping men were  chiseled from head to toe.  “Think they do anything other than work  out?”   

“And suck dick?” Paul laughed.   

“You guys didn’t seem to mind earlier,” Tyler chided while Brendan pulled his briefs down.   

“We are NOT complaining,” Todd said, his eyes going wide at the  sight of Tyler’s perfect, naked body.  The hairy stud flexed and wagged  his rigid pole while he turned in a circle so the two men could get a  look at his large, round cheeks.  Facing Brendan, he tugged his friend’s  red briefs down and pulled him close in another embrace.   

“Big muscles, little dick,” Paul said smugly at the sight of  Brendan’s stout little cock.  Brendan wanted to panic again when he  looked down and saw that his dick was even smaller than it was a few  hours ago.  So was Tyler’s.  “Hey, I’m just fuckin’ with ya,” Paul said,  misreading Brendan’s worried expression.  He got up and wrapped his  arms around Brendan’s shrunken waist from behind, grinding his hard cock  against the other man’s perky bubble.  “I’m not interested in that  anyway.  I’m here for the cake.”   

That was enough to get Brendan’s attention.  The last thing he  wanted was to get fucked by a stranger, but you’d never know it by the  way he calmly let Paul bend him over against the couch.  Tyler was  guided into a similar position next to him, but his friend was all eager  smiles while Todd lined up behind him.  Brendan had no idea what to  expect, but it wasn’t the blinding pain he experienced.  He gasped  wordlessly while Tyler did the same.  He thought his eyes would bug out  of his skull as Paul slowly worked in deeper.   

“Holy shit you’re tight,” Paul said admiringly, slapping one of Brendan’s cheeks.   

“Dude, so’s this one,” Todd said.  Instead of getting angry at being  talked about like a piece of meat, it just turned Brendan on.  He  ignored the pain and wiggled his hips, causing Paul to plunge in and out  roughly.   

“MmmmMMmmm…” Brendan purred, wriggling more.  “It feels….so…big…” he grunted while Paul fell into a rhythm.   

“That’s ‘cause it is, little guy,” he said condescendingly, his bony hips pumping back and forth.   

On the other side, Tyler was working up into a frenzy.  He’d started  groaning quietly, but that had quickly turned into a series of loud  moans.  “Oohhh…fuck…fuuuuuck…” he whimpered, his meaty, hairy pecs  bouncing as Todd pounded.  “UUhhh…yes…yesss…YEESSS….fuck…fuck…” His  voice rose higher and higher.  “Harder….har…HARDER…fuck me…come  on…yeesss…”  

His friend’s pleading whimpers drove Brendan on.  “Oh  shit…shit…jesus…ohhh…OOHHHH….I’m gonna…gonna…UUUUNnnggggg!”  His knees  buckled and the room spun.  The floor dropped out from underneath him  while his body was wracked with a wave of intense pleasure.  He didn’t  even notice Paul cumming inside him until the other man stopped pumping  and leaned on his broad back.   

They caught their breath while Todd finished.  Tyler had apparently  cum already and was letting Todd finish pumping into him with a blissful  look on his face.  “Ohhhh…oh fuck…fucking…stud…can’t…ohhh…” Todd’s  small ass flexed, dimpling on the sides as he stuck Tyler one last time.   “GGuuuuuhhh!”  Tyler’s eyes went wide as he was filled, a sleepy grin  spreading across his face.   

There was only panting as Todd and Paul pulled out and Brendan and Tyler collapsed on the couch.   

“That was fun, fellas,” Todd said as he got dressed.  “We’ll have to do this again sometime.”   

“Any time,” Brendan said, flexing his tired arms seductively.  “We’ll have to switch next time.”   

“Oohh…I look forward to that,” Todd laughed.  He and Paul left, leaving Brendan and Tyler in a naked heap on the couch.   

“Holy shit,” Brendan finally said after the two had left.   

“I know, right?”  Tyler stretched his broad frame and draped an arm  around Brendan.  “Those guys were good.  That skinny guy looked like he  knew how to use that thing.”   

“He sure did.  It was massive.”  Then Brendan remembered what he’d  seen.  He hopped up and ran over to the measuring tape.  His cock perked  right back up and he stared in shock at his four and a half inches.   

“Again?”  Tyler came up behind Brendan and looked over his shoulder.   “Looks the same.”  He grabbed his semi-hard cock and stroked it a few  times until he was solid again.  “See?  Same here, too.”  He had no way  of knowing that his just over five and a half inch dick was very much  different.  “Are you hungry? I.  Am.  Starving.”   

Brendan just nodded numbly while Tyler started flitting around the  kitchen.  He left his friend to cook while he cleaned himself up.  “Oh  shit.  Oh shit.  Oh shit,” he stammered in the shower.  He’d just been  fucked by strange men.  His dick was shrinking.  He was acting very  stereotypically gay.  And he barely felt the emotions that had started  all this in the first place.  Now the resentment only cropped up as  something he remembered experiencing, not something he currently felt.   When he thought about Tyler now he just felt butterflies in his stomach  and an overwhelming affection.  “What the fuck did I get myself into?”   He laughed as he said it, unsure exactly how he should feel.  He toweled  off, wincing as he dried his shrunken cock, and sauntered back out into  the other room, naked.   

“Oh, good, food should be done in a few minutes.  I’m gonna rinse  off too.”  Tyler scampered over to the bathroom.  “Oh!  Let me see those  purple ones,” he called from the shower.   

Brendan’s anxiety was already gone.  He rummaged through their bags  until he found the tiny purple bikini briefs.  Instead of the  embarrassment he’d have felt as recently as yesterday, he just felt sexy  as he pulled the skimpy underwear on.  Even with his shrunken package  the pouch came to just above the base of his small dick.  The thin  straps of the waistband accentuated his rigid obliques and showed off  his sturdy thighs, while the small patch of fabric at the back left most  of his now-sculpted ass on display.  There was no way he ever would  have worn something like this before, no matter how hot the girl was.   But now he strutted around the apartment feeling nothing but sexy.   

“Daaaaaaaaamn, Bren,” Tyler whistled from across the apartment as  soon as he saw his friend.  He came over and looked him up and down,  making him turn in a circle for him.  “You are one sexy little squirt.”   Brendan melted as he said that last part.  A flash of the old Tyler  came through.  His voice deepened, his posture changed.  Then it passed.   “Oh my god where are mine?!  I can’t wait to put these on!”  Brendan  watched the hairy muscleman swish across the apartment and dig through  the bags like he had.  “Which one should I do,” he asked in a whiny  tone.   

“Ohhh, do the orange one!” Brendan said with a giddy clap.   

Tyler pulled open a bag and slid on a bright orange jock strap.  The  straps made his already impressive globes look even bigger while it  lifted and thrust out his package in front.  Brendan felt a twinge of  regret looking at the other man and thinking lustfully about what it  would have looked like if Tyler had been at his original size.  “Well?”    

“Shit, Ty, weeee aaarreee hot!”  They hurried into Tyler’s room and  looked at themselves in the mirror, flexing and giggling the entire  time.  Brendan couldn’t believe how good he looked.  It was like he  didn’t have an ounce of fat on him.  He was covered in rock hard,  striated muscle.  Veins stood out prominently on his forearms and his  calves looked like they were blocks of stone.  He could have competed on  a stage.  Even his face had improved.  His cheekbones stood out more  and his jaw was more prominent.  Everything looked more symmetrical.   The only downsides were the tiny bulge at his crotch, and the way he was  carrying himself.  He still had an exaggerated arch to his back, and he  was starting to talk with his hands.   

Tyler was the same.  Whenever he walked there was a new bounce to  his step and he was entirely too expressive when he talked.  He was  constantly rolling his eyes while he spoke and drawing out words that  didn’t need it.  And he spoke often.  Where he used to shovel food in  his mouth silently, now it took him forever to eat because he wouldn’t  stop talking.  Not that Brendan cared.  He was having a hard time paying  attention to a lot of what Tyler was saying, but just the sound of his  friend’s voice made him happy.   

“Fuck, Bren, I really wanna rip those things off you, but I also  really like watching you in them,” Tyler said as Brendan cleaned up the  kitchen.   

“So watch me in them now, and rip them off me later,” Brendan said,  swaying his hips and dancing at the sink.  He wasn’t much of a dancer,  but it felt good.   

“Ugh, we really should go dancing,” Tyler said, dejectedly.  “I haven’t been in fooooorever.”   

“Tomorrow’s Friday, we could.”   

“Yes!” Tyler practically jumped with excitement.  “We can go workout, then work it out.”   

Done in the kitchen, Brendan came over and snapped the waistband of  Tyler’s jock before sliding a hand between the hairy globes.  “See, I  like these because I get to look at you in them AND get access at the  same time.”   

Tyler gave a squeal and flexed around Brendan’s hand.  “Oh!  I  almost forgot!”  He abruptly ran over and grabbed his phone.  He set it  up on the table and wrapped an arm around Brenda.  “Alright, flex!”   Brendan did as he was told until Tyler let go and grabbed his phone  again.   

“What was that?”   

“I took a pic to send to those cute boys from the store,” Tyler said, beaming.   

Brendan just stared at the picture of the two beautiful muscle men.   One a hairy, olive complexioned adonis, the other a smooth, tanned  picture of well-proportioned perfection.  “Here, take another one of me  from behind to send to that hot little short one with the nice ass.”  He  turned and flexed his massive arms behind his head, his broad, tapering  back inflating with ample muscle.  Tyler came over and tugged the  already low-riding bikinis down a little further to show off more of the  granite orbs.   

“There we go,” he said when he was done.  “He’ll love it.  I do,” he said, giving Brendan a peck on the cheek.   

Like the night before they turned the TV on and fell into a giggling  heap on the couch as they texted the pictures.  Brendan couldn’t  believe they were giggling about texting guys explicit pictures like  horny teenagers, and he especially couldn’t believe that he was worried  whether or not they would like them.  Spooning with Tyler, he quickly  forgot about it. This time his hairy friend was behind him, and the last  thing he thought about as he drifted off was how soft the fur on  Tyler’s chest felt against his back.


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