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Brad felt the silky material  against his skin before he even opened his eyes.  He knew the warm,  solid body pressed against him belonged to Kyle.  His friend felt  gigantic.  Brad pressed his eyes shut even harder and prayed this was  all a nightmare.   

“Wha…” Kyle stirred next to him, his deep, sleepy voice sending a  shiver through Brad.  “Brad…?  Brad!  What the fuck did you do?!”   

Brad kept his eyes closed as Kyle shot upright in bed next to him.   He was afraid to even move.  As long as he stayed just like this, it  wasn’t real.   

“Oh, fuck man, I’m sorry,” Kyle said gently.  Brad felt what should  have been a large, solid shoulder get swallowed by the rough skin of  Kyle’s seemingly giant hand.  He settled back onto the bed and sighed,  stroking Brad’s softened hair.  “Why’d you do it,” he finally asked.    “I was about to pull us through mine.”   

Brad reluctantly opened his eyes.  He blinked against the bright,  morning sun and felt his heart start to race at the sight of Kyle’s  stubbled, sleepy face.  His pulse didn’t quicken out of fear for what  happened, but out of joy for who he saw.  He’d seen Kyle’s face  countless times, but now when his friend smiled gently at him he was  aware of the small dimples around his mouth, and the wrinkles around his  deep brown eyes.  He could only stare, drinking in all the small  details he’d never noticed before but were somehow etched into his mind.   “I…I don’t know.  It was a reflex.  I couldn’t let you…” he trailed  off, blushing at the higher pitch and softer tone to his voice.  “What  the hell?  Is this my voice now,” he asked, rubbing his throat and  immediately regretting it.  The absence of his deep, booming voice was  bad enough, but his fingers felt long and slender around a neck that was  entirely too thin.  “Oh god…oh god…this really happened, didn’t it?”   

Kyle just nodded, not knowing what to say.  He felt a rush of guilt  for remaining unaltered while his friend was vastly different.  He knew  how much time Brad spent working on his looks, so to have lost all of  that had to be terrifying.   

“Is it…is it bad,” Brad asked, not looking away from his friend.  He melted at Kyle’s broad smile.   

“I mean, I’m biased, but I don’t think so.  It’s definitely  different, but…” he trailed off, the hungry look in his eyes finishing  the sentence for him.  

Brad took a deep breath and finally looked down.  It was exactly as  he feared.  His sculpted physique was gone entirely.  He had on a silky  tank top with spaghetti straps that accentuated his lack of shoulders  and left his soft, shapeless stomach on display.  There were no bulging  pecs or granite arms anymore.  His chest was flat under the pink  material and when he could finally bring himself to flex a shrunken arm  he felt only the slightest definition.  “Can you…” he asked, nodding  towards the sheet covering his lower half.  “I…I don’t think I can.”  He  dreaded what he knew waited for him.  

“Of course,” Kyle said, kicking the sheet free from both of them.   

Brad looked at Kyle first.  His mouth watered at the tiny, stuffed  briefs his friend was wearing.  The grey pouch was filled to capacity  and they left Kyle’s toned, solid thighs prominently on display.  Brad  had to resist the urge to reach out and slip his fingers into them.   Instead, he looked down at his own very different lower half.  His legs  were just as soft as his arms, possibly more so as he moved a leg and  felt his thigh jiggle.  He had no calves to speak of, but he was more  concerned with the small lump in the matching silk panties he was  wearing.  “That’s…something…” he stammered, staring at the spot where  his lengthy cock and thick balls should have been.  “Why am I…I mean…I’m  still a guy, but why am I wearing women’s underwear?”   

Kyle spoke before he knew what he was saying.  “You don’t always…”  

“…but I know you love it,” Brad interrupted, finishing for him.   “Whoa.  How do I know that?”  He looked around the room, wide eyed.   “Also where the hell are we?”   

“This is our house,” Kyle said absently.  “We’re in…”  

“New York City,” Brad finished again.  “But I…you lived in Boston.  I  was in Seattle.  How are we in New York?”  Brad fell back against the  bed, staring at the ceiling while he processed his new memories.  “Oh…oh  shit…I never lived in Seattle.  You never lived in Boston.  After you  graduated you took a job out here…”  

“And you moved out when you finished,” Kyle said, suddenly grinning.  “Holy shit…I’m older than you.”   

“What?!”  Brad squeaked.  “No…you can’t…oh my god…you, you are.”  He  should have been a year older than Kyle, but now that was flipped.   “Okay…I think I’m freaking out.  I need out of…I can’t…” he started  clawing at his new top, desperate to have it off.   

“Hey, hey, easy,” Kyle said firmly.  He grabbed Brad’s top and had  it off in one quick motion.  “You sure?” He asked before sliding the  bottoms down.   

Brad nodded, his now-smooth skin breaking out in goosebumps when he  felt Kyle’s large, rough hands sliding down his legs as he undressed  him.  The rush of humiliation he felt at the sight of his short, thin  nub of a cock and almost non-existent balls was mitigated by the look of  pure lust in Kyle’s eyes.  He let his larger friend scoop him up in his  arms and hold him tight until he calmed down.  Brad couldn’t believe  how huge Kyle felt against him.  Looking at how small and powerless his  slender fingers were resting on the other man’s sculpted pecs left him  feeling vulnerable and insecure, neither of which he was used to feeling  in the bedroom.   

“Any better,” Kyle asked after a while.  He was content to lay there  like that as long as he needed.  The mix of emotions he felt was  overpowering.  He was more turned on than he could ever remember, but  feeling Kyle’s soft new body in his arms filled him with a rush of  overprotectiveness that surprised even him.   

“Yeah…yeah, sorry,” Brad said, extricating himself from Kyle’s solid arms.  “That was just a lot all at once.”   

“I get it.”  They laid in silence again, just staring at each other.   “What’s that look for,” Kyle finally asked as Brad looked him up and  down with a pensive look.   

“You’re just…” he blushed, “…I can’t take my eyes off you.”  He started to reach for his friend, but stopped.   

“Go ahead,” Kyle said encouragingly, folding his muscled arms behind his head.  “What’s mine is yours.”   

Brad was hesitant at first.  He let a hand run across Kyle’s broad,  solid chest and down his ripped abs.  His friend’s body felt like  granite.  Without thinking about it he tugged down the waistband of  Kyle’s briefs, exposing the patch of hair and base of his cock before  letting it snap back into place.  It all felt perfectly natural.  He  left the twitching briefs alone and let his hand drift lower through the  wiry hairs on Kyle’s meaty thigh, before running back up.  He smiled  despite himself when Kyle gasped at the intruding fingers he slid in  through the bottom of the briefs, kneading the heavy, hairy orbs.  Like  everything else on his friend, the rapidly hardening cock felt gigantic  as it grew against his palm.  When Brad pulled his hand free and tugged  the briefs down, the solid rod looked even more impressive.  He was  dimly aware that the cock he used to have was even bigger, but in that  moment it didn’t matter.   

“Hey, man, you don’t have to…” Kyle said as Brad inched towards his  aching cock.  He couldn’t believe the dainty, soft fingers wrapped  around it belonged to his friend.  Brad’s hands were always so huge and  rough from years of sports.  If he’d grabbed it, it would have looked  small.  Now, it looked massive and proud as it pulsed in his friend’s  new grip.   

“I know…but I…I think I want to,” Brad said, moving his face towards  the rigid cock while he stroked up and down.  When he swallowed it and  buried his face in Kyle’s crotch, it felt like scratching an itch that  he hadn’t been able to reach.  He felt a rush of relief as his anxiety  started melting away.  Instead of feeling at all wrong, it just felt  like more pieces were falling into place.  The salty taste and musky  smell were comforting and familiar, as was the sensation of Kyle’s cock  filling his mouth and throat.  He knew they did this all the time.   Memories of hours spent like this flooded into his brain and he felt  himself start to move.   

“Damn,” Kyle whistled, grabbing palmfuls of Brad’s large, supple new  behind as his friend straddled him on the bed.  “These are impressive,”  he laughed, lifting himself up and playfully biting one of the cheeks.   Brad’s granite bubble was gone, but Kyle didn’t think his friend seemed  to mind.  He started to pull his head away, but instead found his lips  moving towards the center. It happened without him even thinking about  it.  Once second he was nibbling on a bouncing cheek, and the next he  was giving Brad’s hole a tongue bath.  Brad still had his cock in his  mouth when he let out a loud moan, the vibrations almost pushing Kyle  over the edge.   

“OOOOHHhhhhhh!” Brad squealed, lifting his head from Kyle’s oozing  cock.  He arched his back and dug his fingers into the mattress while it  felt like someone pressed an electric shock against his eager hole.   “What…whatever you’re doing…don’t…don’t stop…” Brad pleaded.   

Kyle had no intention to.  Like with Brad, his head was filled with  memories of them doing just this.  He loved eating his altered friend  out just as much as Brad loved blowing him.  He loved Brad’s high  pitched whimpers and squirming while he held his friend’s soft thighs  tight.   When Brad’s crack had been thoroughly worked over Kyle reached  up and pushed a few fingers in.   

Brad saw stars.  All he could do was gasp wordlessly and let Kyle  guide him onto his back.  He stared, wide-eyed and breathless up at Kyle  who was bringing him pleasure like he’d never felt before.  There was  no embarrassment.  There was no shame at whimpering and squealing while  being fingered by another man.  There was only ecstasy.  He knew exactly  what to do when Kyle pulled his hand free.  Not wanting the  overwhelming pleasure to stop, he quickly wrapped his legs around the  other man’s waist and worked the solid cock inside him like a pro.  He  felt Kyle’s arms wrap around him while his fingers dug into his friend’s  broad back.  They fit together like matching puzzle pieces.  As Kyle  pumped his hips he didn’t know where he ended and the other man began.   Memories of their new life flooded in even faster.  He thought about his  hulking, sculpted body and found himself wondering why he’d ever want  that.  Kyle’s muscles were more than enough for both of them.  His  friend had always been the bigger one.  Brad remembered how it felt back  in high school the first time the star baseball player had looked at  his scrawny frame and smiled.  All these years later, he still melted  every time.   

His old life drifted farther and farther as Kyle pumped, like his  friend’s invading cock was pushing it away.  Brad didn’t know why he’d  ever been afraid.  They were happy and in love.  They both worked for a  successful financial firm in the city, they had plenty of friends, new  and old, and their families were healthy.  Why would he ever want to be  some big-dicked jock?  He had one of those to take care of him.  Just  thinking of it seemed ridiculous, and instead of horror, he was relieved  at the feeling of his slight body in Kyle’s strong arms.   

He pressed his lips against Kyle’s, loving the way his friend’s  stubble scratched against his smooth face.  Their tongues fought against  each other as they each struggled not to blow.  Brad came first.  He  snapped his head back with a high pitch squeak as his entire body tensed  and felt like it was exploding.  His nub of a cock pumped out an  impressive amount against Kyle’s washboard stomach.   
Kyle wasn’t far behind.  He only lasted a few more pumps before  letting out a low, deep grunt and spraying into Brad.  The shrunken man  just purred, loving how it felt when Kyle’s warm fluid filled him up.   

They collapsed back onto the bed in a panting, sweating pile.  Brad  rested his head on Kyle’s chest, loving the rhythmic pounding of his  friend’s heart.  His old life was almost forgotten, and he was content  to let it go.  He didn’t need it anymore.  After they eventually forced  themselves out of bed and into the shower, Brad found himself standing  in front of his dresser.  In one drawer were bright, tiny men’s  underwear.  In the other was an array of women’s lingerie.   

“Something wrong?”   

Brad turned to see Kyle pull on a fresh pair of bright red briefs.   Even after their morning romp, Brad still felt his stomach flutter at  the sight.  “No, just couldn’t find what I was looking for.”  He reached  into the drawer and pulled out a pair of red, lace panties.  Kyle’s  hungry grin told him he made the right choice.  He couldn’t wait to put  on the matching heels.                                                                                                     


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