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Brad sighed and kicked at a rotting baseboard, dislodging a damp clump  of moss.  They’d been wandering around the decrepit old house for the  past hour.  It had been fun at first.  The house definitely lived up to  it’s creepy reputation.  Kyle, his friend that had drug him out here,  never could resist poking around a creepy old house.  Put that creepy  old house in the middle of the woods and it was irresistible.  

All through college, Kyle had been dragging Brad into abandoned  building after abandoned building.  Even now in their adult life, the  first thing Kyle did was look for places to explore whenever they went  somewhere new.  And this house was like the holy grail of exploration.   He’d listened to Kyle go on about how it had been almost impossible to  find out anything about it.  None of the usual sources came up with  anything.  He’d been about to give up when he found a subthread on a  “local hauntings” website where a person mentioned finding the house.   Kyle reached out and discovered that the person and his friends had been  too creeped out to go inside, but they were kind enough to point Kyle  in the right direction.  A few months later Brad had flown out from the  west coast to meet up with his friend in a nowhere Virginia town.   

It was almost disappointingly easy to find.  After such a hunt, Brad  had been picturing a slog through dense, mountain forests.  Instead,  after a couple hour drive down a numbered state route, and a few turns  down unnamed dirt roads lined with long-abandoned camping shacks, he and  Kyle were hoofing it through a gorgeous mountain valley.  Brad loved  that part.  He’d always been an avid hiker and all around athlete.  At  28, he was just as fit as he’d been ten years earlier, if not more so.   He was six feet of bulging, sculpted muscle.  Every inch of him was  perfectly proportioned, including his strong jaw, sharp cheekbones, and  short cropped blonde hair.  The warm mountain air had felt good on his  exposed, rippling arms hanging out of the baggy tanktop he had on.  Even  if they didn’t find the house, he was content to just poke around the  forest.   

Kyle was significantly more driven.  Brad followed behind his  obsessed friend, letting him lead the way.  They caught up while they  hiked, talking about the usual subjects of girlfriends and workout  routines and sports.  They made fun of each other like always, but Brad  had known the other man long enough to know when Kyle was on a mission.   He watched his friend’s brow furrow under his shaggy brown hair, his  face still having the same boyish looks he’d always had.  Kyle hadn’t  slouched on keeping himself in shape over the years either.  He wasn’t  as built as Brad, but he was every bit as cut.  When he lifted his  tshirt to wipe the sweat from his face, Brad couldn’t help but be  impressed by the shredded abs he saw underneath.   

Just when it looked like they were on a wild goose chase, the forest  abruptly opened in front of them to form a large clearing.  In the  middle sat an old, decaying farmhouse.  There was a broad porch that  covered the front, with a set of rickety steps leading down to a dirt  trail that disappeared in the scrubby undergrowth.  Two windows sat on  either side of the wide, tall front door, with two more directly above  them on the upper floor.  The other sides of the house were similarly  arrayed, with upper and lower windows giving the impression of a basic,  box-shaped house.  The wood on the outside was worn and bare, any paint  having long since peeled.  Unlike most of the places they explored there  were still panes of glass in the windows, but that wasn’t surprising  given the house’s remote location.   

Kyle had practically sprinted inside while Brad took his time.   Despite the bright, noonday sun pounding down on the clearing, he got a  chill just looking at the place.  He understood why the people who’d  given them directions decided not to go in.   

If they had, they probably would have been disappointed.  The  hesitant blonde hadn’t known what to expect exactly, but what he got was  a lot of nothing.  Brad had no idea how old the house was, but it  wasn’t wired for electricity or running water.  The insides were  completely devoid of any furniture or other evidence of someone having  lived there.  Faded paint peeled from the walls and the wooden floors  were dirty and splintered. The front door opened on a large room that  led into an old kitchen with another room off to the side.  The upstairs  was equally bland, with a short hallway being lined by two rooms on  either side.  There was no basement or attic that they could see.  There  was also nothing overly creepy about it.  They’d been in abandoned  hospitals and factories and sewers that were objectively more terrifying  than a plain house in the middle of the woods, but Brad couldn’t shake  the uneasy feeling.  The longer they were inside, the worse it continued  to get.  He’d never had a panic attack before, but despite the bright  light filtering in through the dirty windows he was starting to feel  trapped and claustrophobic.   

“Get your fill yet?”  Brad asked, trying to sound calm.   

Kyle heaved his lean shoulders and sighed, looking around.  They’d  been in the house for an hour and he hadn’t found anything remotely  interesting.  After all his searching, he couldn’t help but feel let  down.  “Yeah, I guess,” he said, giving the upstairs room a final look.   He was starting to wonder if the reason no one talked about this place  is because there was no reason to.  “Kind of a let down.”   

“It’s a nice hike, at least.”  Brad wanted to push Kyle down the  hallway as his friend lingered, giving each room a final, passing look.  

“I just can’t believe there was nothing here.  I mean, what was the  hype about?  The website had a picture of a scrawled journal entry that  said ‘Can’t believe it might be real.’  What couldn’t they believe?  And  why aren’t there ANY records of who built this place or owned the land?   There’s never been a town anywhere nearby until recently.”  Kyle had  inspected literally every inch of the rooms, looking for anything  hidden.  He’d tapped the walls and the floors in search of hollow hiding  areas but had come up empty handed.   

Brad patted him on the shoulder.  “I dunno man.  It’s probably all  just bullshit.  I’ll say this, though…the place gives me the creeps in a  big way.”   

Kyle laughed.  “Really?  I haven’t noticed anything feeling weird.”   

“That’s because you’ve been on some Davinci Code mission.  This  whole place is weird.  I can’t put my finger on it but doesn’t something  just feel…off?  I mean, yeah, it’s just an empty house.  But it’s like  there’s something just out of view, ya know?”   

“I think you’re just getting skittish in your old age,” Kyle  laughed.  He stopped at the base of the stairs, sticking his head into  the kitchen a final time while Brad hurried towards the door.   


Brad’s shaky voice got Kyle’s attention.  He turned to see his large  friend stumble backwards out of the front room, pale and sweating.   “What?”   

“The, uh, the door…” Brad stammered.  “It’s not there.”   

Kyle crossed his arms over his lean chest, his thin lips breaking  into a half smile.  “Heeeere we go,” he laughed, assuming Brad was just  fucking with him.  His blonde friend had been unaccustomedly silent the  whole time they were inside.   

“I’m not kidding!”  

Kyle didn’t like the shrill edge to Brad’s voice.  His friend had  never been a good actor.  “What do you mean it’s not there?”  He pushed  past Brad’s broad frame and into the front room.   

Brad came in after him and pointed at the solid wall.  “This is where we came in, right?  Do you see a door?”   

Kyle gave a nervous laugh.  The familiar windows were there, but the door was absent.  “We just got turned around.  Come on.”   

The two stepped back into the hallway.  They had barely crossed the  threshold when the light suddenly changed.  It was still early  afternoon.  Bright sunlight had just been streaming in through the  windows in the other room.  “What the fuck…” Brad turned back and saw  significantly dimmer light filtering in, as though the sun was setting.   Then he noticed the windows were in different spots altogether.   “Jesus!”   

“Fuck!”  Kyle paled when he spun and saw the altered room.   

“Dude…what the fuck did you get me in to?” Brad’s voice trembled.   

“I…no, no…this isn’t possible.  We just need to figure this out…” Kyle said, more to himself than Brad.   

Not knowing what else to do, Brad reached a shaking hand out and  pulled the door shut.  They stared at each other in silence for a moment  before Brad swung it open again.  “Fuck!  Fuck!” he yelled, pulling his  hand back like he’d been shocked.  Now there was a large, round window,  like one that would be on the second story of a victorian home.  There  was nothing like it in the house they’d just explored.  It didn’t even  match the style.  The two tentatively approached the window, noting that  the light had changed yet again.   

Kyle gasped loudly while Brad was too stunned to do anything other  than stare as they found themselves looking down on a large body of  water outside.  The forest was gone entirely, replaced by a long stretch  of beach.   “We…need to get out of here…”  Kyle said quietly.  It took  all of his willpower not to give into the panic washing over him.   

Brad wasn’t so composed.  The panic he’d been pushing down hit him  like one of the impossible waves outside.  “Fuck this!”  The burly  blonde turned and bolted from the room.   

“Brad!  Don’t take off!  We shouldn’t separate!”  Kyle’s call fell  on deaf ears.  He watched Brad round the corner into the kitchen and  took off after him.  “Dude!  Fucking wait up at least!”  He’d been so  focused on catching up to Brad that Kyle didn’t realize how far he’d  run.  Even the sounds of Brad’s running feet had faded into a distance  that didn’t seem possible.  Behind him, now a good distance down what  should have been a short hallway, the door slammed shut on its own.   Kyle was plunged into darkness.  The light that should have been  bleeding in from the other rooms was nowhere to be found.   

Kyle stopped running and closed his eyes, calmly counting to ten and  taking deep breaths.  As much as his frantic brain was screaming at him  to keep running, he knew barreling down a dark hallway was the last  thing he should do.  “Calm people live.  Calm people live.  Calm people  live,” he said over and over again to himself.  He pulled the small  flashlight from his pocket and forced his eyes back open.  He swung the  light back and forth, illuminating a hallway that was clearly much  longer than should have been possible.  Instead of being near the corner  that Brad had turned, he was looking down a long, straight passageway.   It was so long that the beam of his flashlight didn’t reach the end.   The corridor was punctuated with doors, but was otherwise the same  splintered wooden floors and peeling walls that it had been.  “Brad!”   Kyle’s voice echoed into the dark.  “BRAD!”  He waited in silence,  hoping for a reply that never came.  “Okay…okay…one foot in front of the  other,” he muttered to himself, taking the first step.  He focused on  maintaining a slow, even pace, counting his steps to keep from screaming

Kyle had no idea how far he actually walked in the darkness.  The  repetitive surroundings made him feel like he was walking on a  treadmill.  He finally thought of trying to call or text Brad, but where  they’d had a spotty signal before, now his phone wouldn’t even turn on.   Not having a watch, this also meant he had no way of telling how long  he trudged on.  In his panic every minute felt like hours.  He kept  yelling for Brad until his throat started to hurt, at which point he  started to think about food and water.  He had a few water bottles with  him, but, as impossible as it seemed, if he was trapped in here he  didn’t have more than a few energy bars for food.  He’d tried some of  the doors as he passed, to no avail.  The knobs wouldn’t turn and the  doors themselves didn’t budge, as if someone had cemented them shut.   After trying yet another unsuccessful door, he slumped against the wall  and sank to the floor.   

At first he thought he was imagining the noise.  It sounded like a  faint, far away clicking or tapping.  Kyle held his breath.  The  clicking grew louder and he could hear a very distinct rapid, uneven  tapping.  It wasn’t just getting louder; it was coming down the hall  towards him.  He jumped to his feet and shut off the light, praying that  whatever it was wouldn’t see him in the total darkness.  There was a  brief pause, but any hope that the sound would pass him by was dashed  when it started coming straight for him again.  With no other options,  Kyle braced himself and turned the light back on just as a shambling,  stumbling shape fell into the beam.  It lunged forward in quick, awkward  steps.  It was almost on top of him before Kyle realized what he was  looking at.  “Brad?”   

The figure stopped.  “Kyle…?  Kyle!  Is that really…?”   

Kyle lowered the light so he wasn’t blinding the other man and took a  slow step forward.  “Yeah…is that really you?   Where’d you run off  to?”  He hesitated when Brad started walking towards him, bringing the  clicking sound with him, but it quickly became clear what was causing  the sound.  “Holy shit!   What…what the fuck happened to you?!”  The  other figure was indeed his friend, but in a very different outfit than  when he’d left.  When he’d taken off down the hallway, Brad had been  wearing a tanktop, baggy cargo shorts, and hiking boots.  Now, Brad’s  sculpted torso was bare, his bulging pecs glistening with sweat and  heaving as he caught his breath.  His shorts were gone, as were the  boxer briefs Kyle knew his friend wore.  In their place was a small pair  of red lace panties that didn’t come close to containing Brad’s girthy  package.  His long, thick cock and meaty balls hung out to one side  against an exposed, meaty thigh.  The source of the clicking sound and  the cause of the awkward shambling were the pair of red, shiny latex  stiletto heels that covered his rocky calves up to his knees.  Brad’s  stunned, relieved expression was hard to read as it was buried under the  copious amounts of blush, lipstick and eyeliner adorning his face.   

Kyle was too stunned to do anything other than let Brad wrap his  burly arms around him.  “Oh thank god!”  Brad said as he squeezed his  friend.  “I didn’t think it was really you.  This place…it…we have to  get out of here!”   

“Whoa, whoa, easy,” Kyle said, rubbing his friend’s broad back.   Strange outfit or not, he was just as relieved to see Brad.  “What the  hell happened?”   

Brad reluctantly let go and took a step back.  He turned a shade of  red to match his heels when he looked down at himself.  “Fuck!  I’d  hoped it wasn’t real…” he stammered, trying his best to stuff his  package into the sheer panties.  He managed to fit his thick hose  inside, but his heavy balls were left pressing out the sides.  “I don’t  know what happened.  I started running down the hall but  it…changed…while I ran.  I thought I was turning a corner but instead I  ran into a dark room and then I…” he trailed off and turned away,  letting Kyle see how little of Brad’s ample, bubble butt the panties  covered.   

Kyle put a hand on Brad’s broad shoulder.  “It’s okay…take your time.”   

Brad took a deep breath.  “It’s not….it’s not possible…”  

“Just get it out and we’ll worry about possible later.”   

“I ran into the dark room and the door slammed shut behind me.  All  of a sudden it felt like the floor gave out and I started falling.  I  thought I was a dead man.  I fell for so long.  Or at least it felt like  I did.  It was pitch black.  I couldn’t even see my hand in front of my  face.  I yelled, but I couldn’t even hear myself.”  He paused to take a  deep breath.  “Then I stopped falling.  Only I didn’t slam into the  ground.  I was on something soft.  Kneeling.  It wasn’t dark…my eyes  were just closed.  And I wasn’t screaming anymore I was…” Kyle was  patient while Brad struggled to speak.  The addled Blonde’s face was  glued to the floor.  “I was moaning.  Whatever was happening felt better  than anything I’ve ever felt before.  I was so confused.  I opened my  eyes but it…it couldn’t have been what I saw.”  Brad swallowed hard, his  whole body trembling to match his shaking voice.  “I was in a bedroom.   Not one of these rotted out ones…a real one.  Fancy bed, nice  furniture, lit candles.  But I wasn’t me.  I mean, I WAS me, but not  THIS me…” He gave a shocked laugh.  “Dude, I know it sounds crazy.  I  was me, I was Brad, but I didn’t look like this,” he said, motioning to  his gym-built frame.  “I was small and thin.  I didn’t have any muscle  on me.  I had these soft little arms that could barely hold myself up  and just about everything jiggled when…”  

“When what,” Kyle asked after Brad fell silent.   

“There was a mirror on the dresser facing the bed.  Imagine how  surprised I was to see my face, covered in makeup, on a scrawny body.”   Brad laughed again, on the edge of hysterics.  “I had this tiny little  dick,” he said, raising a pinky finger.  “I don’t even think it was  hard.  It was just there.  And you,” he said, turning to face Kyle,  “were just giving it to me from behind.  God…you towered over me.  I…I  didn’t know what to do.  It all felt so good…so natural.  I just  squirmed while your dick plowed into me.  I’ve…I’ve never felt like  that.  So small.  I’m bigger than you!” Brad spat almost angrily,  puffing out his chest.  “But you seemed absolutely massive and I…I loved  it.”  Brad’s anger was gone just as suddenly as it had appeared and he  started giggling.  “This is shock, right?  Me saying this stuff…this is  the shock talking, right?  If it’s not I think I’d go crazy.”   

“Easy man, just…easy.  How is that…I mean…I wasn’t there, I’ve been  stuck here.  I’m not…?”  Kyle had no idea what to say.  The thought of  fucking the blonde jock in front of him wasn’t even a possibility, yet  something had clearly happened to Brad.   

“No, I know.  It wasn’t you.  Not…this…you.  It just all felt so  right.  But I knew it wasn’t.  I knew if I stayed there much longer I’d  never get out.”  Brad’s voice was strained.   “It was so hard.  Part of  me actually wanted to stay there.  But I threw myself off the bed and  bolted for the door.  When it opened I went from a plush bedroom back to  this hallway.  I started running before I even realized I was back in  my right body.”  He took a deep breath.  “I thought maybe I just fell  and hit my head, but how does that explain the clothes?  And it felt so  real.  Just thinking about it I can still…” he trailed off and blushed  again when he realized his barely covered cock had stiffened and  escaped.  “Am I still just dreaming all this?”   

Kyle blushed and looked away from Brad’s oozing, solid rod and  terrified, makeup covered face.  He was trying to process what he’d just  heard.  “If you are, I am too.”  He fell back against the wall, dizzy  and overwhelmed.  The impossible house had been one thing to deal with,  but Brad’s story was something else altogether.  He slid to the floor  again, burying his head between his knees.  “Okay…okay…” he said as Brad  slid down next to him.  “This is…okay.  Okay.”  Kyle was rambling, but  he needed to keep talking or he’d shut down.  “We…you…but you feel okay  now, right?  Physically, I mean?”   

Brad nodded, running a hand through his short blonde hair.  “I think  so.  I mean,” he shook his head, his throbbing cock standing straight  up between his thighs.  “I’m still super horny, but I’m not hurt.  It  didn’t hurt when it happened, either.  Other than your…” he trailed off,  letting the part about his ass being sore from Kyle’s pounding go  unsaid.   

“At least I was still good in bed,” Kyle laughed.  He didn’t know  what else to do.  After a few minutes Brad did the same, choosing that  over crying.  “We should keep going,” Kyle finally said, their  hysterical laughter fading.  “We can’t just sit here.”   

“But where?  This is just a never ending hallway.”   

Kyle shrugged and clapped Brad on a bare thigh.  “I don’t know dude,  but we’re not going to get anywhere if we stay here.”  He felt the  other man shudder under his hand.  “You okay?”   

Brad’s eyes went wide.  “Sorry, I just…” he squirmed, his cock oozing noticeably now.   

“Do you, uh, need to take care of that,” Kyle asked, not looking at the impressively large, protruding organ.   

Brad blushed.  “I’m not gonna just…”  

“Dude, we shared a dorm for two years.  It wouldn’t be the first time you jacked off with me around.”   

“You were supposed to be asleep!”   

“You did it ALL the time.  I can’t sleep that much,” Kyle grinned,  trying to avoid the bobbing cock as he helped Brad to his unsteady feet.   “I’ll turn around.  It’s not like I wanna watch.”  That was mostly  true.  Kyle was as straight as they came, but watching out of the corner  of his eye, he couldn’t help but think about how his friend’s  impressive, muscular frame looked.  Brad’s whole body was tense, each  muscle group popping, while his cherry-red lips were pursed in ecstasy  and his lined eyes half-closed dreamily.   

It didn’t take long at all.  Brad had barely stroked when he let out  a stifled groan and sprayed like a firehose onto the wall.  “Wh…wow…”  he finally panted, opening his eyes.  His look of contentment turned to  one of embarrassment when he thought about what he’d just done.   

Kyle just laughed it off.  “It’s cool.  If that’s the weirdest thing  that happens before we get out of here I’ll be okay with it.”   

Brad’s face burned as he lumbered awkwardly towards his friend.  “I  don’t know if it’s worse to go barefoot or keep these things on.”   

“It sucks, but I’d say leave ‘em on.  They’re better than nothing  unless we have to run.”  He nodded towards Brad’s softening hose.   “Ready to go?”   

Brad blushed and stuffed himself back in the lace underwear as best  he could and stumbled behind Kyle.  “Uh, dude?  What are you doing?”  He  tensed when Kyle reached back and grabbed his hand.   

“The way this house is acting I’m not taking any chances of us getting separated again.”  

“Just don’t tell anyone,” Brad huffed defensively.   

“Really?”  Kyle laughed over his shoulder.  “You’re wearing….that….and you just fuckin’ came all over the place, but us holding hands in the dark is what you’re worried about people learning?”   

“Fuck you!  This is a lot, alright?  No one hears about ANY of this, got it?”   

“I admire your optimism,” Kyle sighed.  They fell into silence as  they continued down the impossibly long hallway.  The beam from the  flashlight continued to fade into darkness with no end in sight.  The  increasingly steady tapping of Brad’s heels and their nervous breathing  was the only sound.   

“Ugh…I hate that I’m getting used to these,” Brad groaned.   

“They’re not a bad look for you.”   

“Don’t be a dick,” Brad said, letting go of Kyle’s hand and giving  him a shove.  “I don’t know how girls do it, man.  My feet are killing  me.”

“Need to take a break?”  Kyle rummaged through his bag for a water bottle.   

“What I need is to get out of here,” Brad said, readjusting his  ill-fitting underwear as best he could.  He was already horny again.  He  couldn’t shake the feelings he’d had during his nightmare in the  strange room.  Not that he was going to tell his friend, but just being  near Kyle was overwhelming.  Whenever his friend was ahead of him, his  eyes dropped to Kyle’s perky ass bubbling out the back of his shorts.   He loved the way his friend’s shirt rode on top of it and it took all of  his willpower not to reach out and give it a squeeze.  He knew how good  those round, taut cheeks looked underneath.  He’d seen his friend naked  countless times, the memories of which were filling his head.  That’s  how he knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that the man in the nightmare  room had been Kyle.  It had all been so overwhelming, but he couldn’t  stop thinking about it.  He couldn’t stop picturing Kyle’s broad  shoulders, lean pecs and tapering, shredded waist under the thin tshirt.   He practically drooled at the memory of  the strong, hairy thighs  lurking just next to his hand, and the long tool and heavy balls that  hung between them.  Brad didn’t know how long he’d be able to hold out.   “Wait…did you feel that?”     

Kyle swept the flashlight back down the hall when the floor and  walls vibrated slightly.  Instead of trailing off into the gloom, the  beam now illuminated a dead end with a single door.  “What the fuck….”  turning back the way they came revealed a much shorter hallway that  ended in a rotting wall just a few feet away.  The sealed doors they’d  passed had vanished, leaving just the one at the other end.  “Well, I  guess that’s our only option,” Kyle said, trying to keep his voice from  trembling.   

“I don’t like this.  I don’t like this…” Brad gripped Kyle’s hand  tight as his friend tried the door.  It swung open with a loud creak,  exposing a pitch black room.  It was so dark that the beam from the  flashlight barely made it more than a few feet before being swallowed.   

“Let’s just take it slow,” Kyle said, inching into the room.  Even  though they couldn’t make out any details in the dark, it felt huge.  He  squeezed Brad’s hand, trying to distract himself by thinking how  ridiculous they must look.  His hunky blonde friend, the consummate  ladies man, clopping along in heels and lace while they held hands and  fumbled in the dark.  “Wait…I think I see…yeah, is that light?”  Kyle  hurried his pace, dragging Brad along behind him when the light suddenly  seemed to rush towards them like an oncoming train.  He winced and  closed his eyes against the sudden brightness.   

“What…just happened?”  He slowly opened his eyes on a bright, modern  living room.  Daylight streamed through the windows, illuminating the  plush furniture and not-rotting walls.  Before he could turn around, he  felt Brad’s hands reach over his shoulders and stroke through the ample  hair on his chest.   

Kyle was confused.  Brad shouldn’t have been able to reach over his  shoulders like that.  And he shouldn’t have had a plump, hairy chest.   Kyle’s lean body was naturally smooth.  Or at least it should have been.   Like Brad before him, he looked down at a body he didn’t recognize.   Instead of a flat, defined stomach, he saw a furry beachball of a belly  jutting out.  The pecs that Brad’s strong fingers played with were hairy  mounds of flesh instead of a lean, tight chest.  His whipcord arms were  now solid, round logs of unshaped muscle.  He looked back up and saw  his reflection in the TV, his mind unable to wrap around what it was  seeing.  His now-pudgy looking thighs pressed together, causing the  stuffed pouch of a bright blue jockstrap, the only thing he had on, to  jut forward.  His face had changed to match the rest of him.  His strong  jaw and high cheekbones had puffed out and rounded, swallowing his  beakish nose until it was a small button and causing his thin lips to  puff.  His thick, shaggy brown hair had thinned considerably and what  remained was buzzed short.  Most noticeable, though, was the way Brad  towered behind him.  He didn’t have a few extra inches from a pair of  heels; the top of Kyle’s head barely reached the middle of Brad’s torso.   He’d gone from tall and lean with boy-next-door looks to a beefy,  hairy little grunt of a man.   

He finally forced himself to turn around and felt Brad’s long, hard  cock dig into his chest.  Kyle looked up and felt light headed.  Brad’s  make up and outfit were gone.  His blonde friend’s sculpted body was  naked in front of him like it had been countless times before, but this  time it most beautiful thing Kyle had ever seen.  Looking up at Brad,  all he could think about was how perfect he was.  Especially compared to  his round, hairy little body, his friend was an adonis.   

“What’s goin’ on little bear?”  Brad’s deep voice and bright smile beaming down at him caused Kyle’s knees to go weak.   

“Just enjoying the view,” Kyle said, his hands reaching around to grab Brad’s firm behind.   

“Yeah?  Like this?”  Brad broke into a double bicep pose and laughed  when Kyle’s eager hands gripped his ass even harder.  “You know this  show ain’t free,” he said with a cocky grin.  He strutted over to the  couch and flopped down, spreading his legs wide.   

Kyle didn’t waste any time.  He dropped to his knees in front of the  couch and filled his rounded cheeks with as much of Brad’s thick cock  as he could.  He was ravenous for it.  He bobbed his head up and down  like a piston before breaking off to give Brad’s heavy balls a tongue  bath.  The salty taste and musky scent were like a drug.  Every inch of  his hirsute, beefy little frame was lit up with excitement.  His  shortened, widened cock ached in his jock while he buried his face  between Brad’s muscular thighs.  He could feel his friend’s hands  running through what remained of his thinning hair while he pumped his  trim hips in time with Kyle’s tightly sealed lips.   

“Fuuuuck man…that mouth of yours…” Brad groaned, guiding Kyle’s head  free.  Kyle beamed at the praise, his mouth watering at the sight of  Brad’s ripped abs flexing while the chiseled man caught his breath.   

Brad didn’t have to say anything else.  He just patted his thighs  like he was calling a dog up onto the couch and Kyle scampered up.  He  straddled Brad, grabbing the back of the couch for support while Brad’s  strong hands bit into the extra new flesh of his ass.  The sensation of  his extra weight bouncing, and his new gut pressing into Brad and the  tops of his round thighs at the same time, shook him from his dream-like  state.  His brain started to scream at him that this wasn’t real.   

He tried to say something to Brad, but the hungry look on his  friend’s face pushed any other thoughts aside.  “I fuckin’ love these  tits,” Brad said, burying his face between Kyle’s hairy, burly new pecs.   Kyle whimpered when Brad bit one of his enlarged nipples and worked it  over with his tongue.  He squirmed, but the motion only made him more  aware of how his body rubbed together in ways it shouldn’t.   

It also distracted him from Brad moving into position.  “OOHHHH!”   Kyle squealed when Brad’s long pole suddenly slid inside.  He gaped  wide-eyed at his friend, gasping ecstatically.  He couldn’t look away  from Brad’s deep blue eyes and smug expression.  While he squirmed and  whimpered like an animal in heat, Brad was the picture of control.  Kyle  didn’t even think about the fact that he still had the jock on.  He  could feel his pudgy little cock oozing against the tented pouch while  Brad bounced him up and down.  He felt like a leaking faucet when his  friend’s strong hands reached up and picked up where his mouth left off,  squeezing and kneading his meaty chest.  He was mortified at how good  it felt when Brad slid those hands south to where his abs should have  been and instead let them squeeze into his ample stomach.  All the while  Kyle squirmed against the other man’s huge, solid body.  His wiry new  hairs were like antennae, sending him bolts of pleasure as they ran  against Brad’s smooth, firm skin.     

A loud creaking sound made it clear that the decision was being made  for him.  Kyle looked over a furry shoulder and saw the door on the  other side of the room slowly starting to close.  He understood what  Brad had meant when he’d told his story.  He’d almost lost himself  entirely to what was happening, but the sight of the closing door  brought the reality of the situation crashing down.  He was horrified at  his new shape.  He worked hard to maintain his body, and the thought of  being stuck in a short, stocky, hairy body like this was almost as  overwhelming as the pleasure it was bringing him.  He wanted to run as  badly as he wanted to stay.

“N…no!  No!”  With a herculean effort, he pushed himself away from  Brad and bolted for the door.  He forced his shortened legs and widened  frame to keep moving and ignore the intense desire to turn back around  and impale himself on Brad’s thick rod again.  His altered shape made  his usually graceful stride a lumbering waddle, but he burst through  right as the door was closing.   

“Shit!”  Brad was caught off guard when a mostly-naked Kyle came  flying out of the darkened room and barreled into him, sending them both  sprawling to the floor in a pile.   

“What the…holy shit…what the fuck…” Kyle panted, trying to get his  bearings.  He was back in the rotting house.  Brad was back to his  make-up and heels, and Kyle quickly discovered that his clothes had  vanished too.  His body was back to it’s lean, smooth frame, but all he  had on was the still-damp jockstrap he’d just been wearing.  “What  happened,” he finally asked, not moving from on top of Brad.   

Brad seemed content to let Kyle stay on top of him.  He wrapped an  arm around his shaken friend and let it stay there.  “You opened the  door and then it felt like something ripped you out of my hand.  One  minute you were there and then you were just…gone.  I yelled, but…that  room…there wasn’t even an echo.”  He absently stroked his friend’s back,  his hand lingering near the elastic band of the jock.  Kyle being on  top of him and mostly naked was making him lose control.  “What happened  in there?”   

Kyle stammered, trying to wrap his brain around what had happened.   “It was like you said.  I was me, but different.  I was short and pudgy.   Not fat, but…thick.  And hairy.  You were still you.  I mean, no lace  or makeup, but everything else was the same.  Christ you were hot…” Kyle  felt his entire body flush when he said that last part.  He was aware  for the first time that their equally solid cocks were pressed together  between them, and Brad’s hand was resting on one of his bare, perky  cheeks.  He lifted his face to look down at his friend, his stomach  fluttering.  “We, uh…”  The silence was oppressive when Kyle trailed  off.  They could feel each other’s hearts pounding in their chests while  they stared at each other.   

It was Kyle who made the first move.  Like his friend had been, he  was still painfully turned on from his experience in the room, and  Brad’s solid body underneath his was too much to resist.  He dropped his  face and mashed his lips against Brad, who just as eagerly returned the  kiss.  They writhed in each other’s arms, the rough floor scraping  against their bare skin.  They didn’t say anything.  They channeled all  of their fear and confusion into their blinding lust.  The only sounds  were grunts and moans while they hungrily went at each other’s bodies.   

Kyle slid down and swallowed Brad’s cock again for the first time.   He’d never even thought of doing something like this before being sucked  into the room, but as with then, it felt perfectly natural.  It was  like he had someone else in his brain.  He was still the same old Kyle,  but he was also the beefy little bulldog who knew exactly what to do to  make the blonde stud happy.   

Brad had to practically tear himself from Kyle’s grip.  His friend’s  mouth felt fantastic gliding up and down his aching cock, but it’s not  what he was desperate for.  He rolled over and pushed his ass into the  air with a pained whimper, forcing himself not to think about what he  was doing.  He was disgusted and humiliated at the thought of begging  for Kyle’s cock, but he couldn’t help it.  He needed it inside him.  He  gasped when he felt Kyle drape himself against his broad back.  His  friend made his desperation even worse as he slowly worked his mouth  down his back to his round, solid cheeks.  He was trembling with  anticipation when he felt the lace underwear slide down and Kyle’s  cum-slick cock press against his longing hole.   

“UUUUUNnnnnnnnyyyyeeeessss…..” Brad wailed.  He started wiggling and writhing as soon as Kyle began pumping in and out.   

Kyle gazed longingly at Brad’s arched, flexing back.  All he could  think about was how good it had felt when he’d been the one on the  receiving end.  He remembered Brad’s smug, cocky expression against his  own animal grunting and how much of a turn on it was to let the other  man take charge.  Over the years there’d been a few times when they’d  fucked in the same room before, and he knew the whimpering, whining man  squirming on the end of his dick was a far cry from the quiet, dominant  hunk Brad usually was.  Thinking about that contrast was enough to push  Kyle over.  He let out a stuttering gasp and sprayed into his friend,  feeling like he would never stop.  He fell against Brad’s back, nuzzling  his friend’s neck.  He was surprised to find that even after such a  powerful release he wasn’t satisfied.  He pulled his cock free, watching  a trickle of fluid run down Brad’s granite thigh and onto the shiny  material of his heels.  “Brad…I need it…please…” It was his turn to beg.    

Brad didn’t waste any time.  He spun around and pushed Kyle onto his  back.  Kyle watched Brad’s pulsing, rigid cock bob eagerly as Brad  lifted his legs into the air.  Even with the lace panties stretched  across his muscular thighs and the ample makeup on his face, Brad was  the picture of masculinity.  Even though they were back to being evenly  matched physically, Kyle felt small and insecure by comparison.  He  didn’t know that Brad had been having similar thoughts while Kyle had  been fucking him.  His sculpted frame felt too big and bulky.  He wanted  Kyle to be the big one.  He’d felt too hard.  The cock slapping against  his abs had felt big and cumbersome.  When Kyle sprayed inside, he was  disappointed.  Not that he hadn’t cum yet, but that he wouldn’t have the  other man inside him anymore.  Now, staring down at Kyle’s lean, ripped  frame it was like someone flipped a switch.  All he wanted was to bury  himself as deeply as he could inside his friend.     

The jock gave Brad all the access he needed to shove himself inside.   “FFFFFnnnnggg…..!!” Kyle clutched at the worn floorboards, his whole  body exploding in pleasure.  He stared up at Brad with the same  wide-eyed desperation he had in the room, never wanting the moment to  end.  He cursed the long legs that kept the other man so far away and  longed for the comforting weight of his absent gut.  Brad’s steady  pounding felt fantastic, but nowhere near as good as Kyle knew it could.    

Brad gave one last, long plunge and grunted, his every muscle  tensing as he came.  “Th…that…goddamn…” he panted, pulling free and  collapsing on top of Kyle.  He’d sprayed so hard into his friend that  there was a growing puddle on the floor as it oozed out from between  Kyle’s aching bubble.  They clutched each other, catching their breath.   Brad’s new makeup was smeared and his tiny lace underwear was tangled  around his heel-covered calves.  Kyle’s jock was twisted and damp but  neither man could bring themselves to let go.   

As the lustful haze faded, it finally occurred to Kyle that he’d  been able to see Brad since bolting from the room.  He’d lost his bag  and flashlight when he’d lost the rest of his clothes.  When he came  stumbling back out, it should have been into a pitch black hallway.   They’d been so infatuated with each other that neither had noticed the  room changing around them again.  “Hey…hey!”  He sat up and looked  around.  They were back in what should have been the front room of the  house.  Fading daylight filtered in through the grime-covered windows.   “Look!”   

Brad shot up.  “Dude!  Is this…this is where we came in, right?”  He’d been equally oblivious.   

“It is, but…” Kyle trailed off.  Instead of one door where the entryway should be, there were two.   

“Goddamnit!”  Brad fell back against the floor, burying his face in his broad hands.   

Kyle climbed to his feet, wincing as he stuffed himself inside the  sopping jock.  The appearance of a possible exit pushed aside any  embarrassment or confusion about what they’d just done.  They could deal  with that after they got out.   

“Hey!  Fuck, man, don’t do that!”  Brad hopped to his feet and  clopped over to where Kyle stood in front of one of the doors.  He slid  his underwear back into place as best he could and wrapped an arm around  Kyle’s waist.   

“We’ve gotta at least see.  Look behind you.”  Kyle motioned to the  bare, door-less walls around them.  There was no other way out of the  room.  

“Can’t we try busting through a wall?”   

“With what?  Your heels?”  Kyle shrugged.  “Let’s just be careful about this.”   

Kyle reached out and shoved the first door open, pulling his hand  back with viper-like speed.  Like before, the room was filled with  impenetrable darkness.  “Oooookay, not that one,” he said, doing the  same to the second door and leaping back out of arm’s reach.  

“Well fuck that,” Brad spat as they stared at the equally inky rooms.  “I’m not wandering into another…”  

“Uh….dude?”  Kyle cut Brad off as the darkness started fading from  the rooms, replaced with the scenarios they’d each experienced earlier.    

“Is that…that’s you?”  Brad watched the short, round, hairy man  bouncing eagerly on his lap, struggling to comprehend that it was the  same person as the lean, athletic man next to him.   

“Yeah…” Kyle swallowed hard, hit with a mix of emotions.  He could  still feel it as if he was experiencing it firsthand, but watching it  from a distance was all the more horrifying.  He could see clearly just  how different he was.  He watched his hairy belly squish and bounce  while his thighs jiggled.  The short, wide cock tenting out the jock was  just barely visible poking out from between the extra flesh, looking  all the more shrunken compared to the long, dangling hose he had filling  the pouch now.  Kyle knew at the time that he was shorter, but he could  see now that his loss of height was measured in feet, not mere inches.   He blushed at the sight of his face, his round cheeks and balding scalp  a far cry from his current boy-next-door face.    

Brad didn’t know what to say.  “Wow,” was all he managed.   

Kyle forced himself to look at the other door, unprepared for what  he saw.  The brad standing next to him in the heels and panties was  nowhere near the lithe, twinkish blonde moaning in the other room.  That  Brad fit the new clothes perfectly.  There were no bulging pecs or  ripped arms.  His toned, granite thighs and rocky calves were gone. The  small lace underwear rode low on his wide, soft hips, accentuating his  bouncing, ample behind.  A much smaller cock bulged out the front above  his slender legs that seemed poured into the tall heels.  Instead of the  masculine hunk next to him, the Brad in the other room looked almost  delicate.  He was more or less the same height, it was hard to tell from  their position, but it was obvious that his lantern jaw and strong  cheekbones were now elfin and androgynous.  He had a button nose and a  small mouth beneath his soft eyes, all of which sat beneath a mop of  gossamer blonde hair.  “Holy shit…” Kyle stammered.  Like Brad had in  his scenario, he looked unchanged compared to his altered friend.   “That’s…that’s a lot…” he turned and could see that Brad was  experiencing the same mix of emotions.   

“At least you still look like a dude,” Brad said, trying to laugh.   

“Sure, just a short, fat bald one,” Kyle snorted.  “That’s not such a bad look for you.  You’ve got a great ass.”   

“And a really tiny dick.”   

“Doesn’t look like you mind.”

“You either,” Brad spat back, shifting his weight uncomfortably. The  longer they watched, the more he was feeling it all over again.  It was  equal parts the last thing he wanted and the thing he wanted more than  anything.  “So what now?”   

Before either could answer, the scenes started shifting.  In Kyle’s  room, Brad reentered, this time in a pair of small boxer briefs, and  dropped back down on the couch.  Kyle watched his altered self hurry  into the frame, his beefy body stuffed into a pair of small briefs.  He  hopped up on the couch next to Brad who draped an arm around his broad,  hairy back.  They leaned into each other, staring at what Kyle assumed  was a TV.  The scene shifted again, and this time Kyle saw his wide  little body in work clothes.  The button up shirt accentuated the growth  to his gut and the lack of a neck, while the slacks were stretched to  bursting across his meaty ass.  Even watching, Kyle felt his stomach  flutter when Brad came into view, looking every bit a model in his  fitted shirt and slacks that bulged in all the right places while they  got ready for work together.  Another shift had them naked in each  other’s arms, passed out on the couch after clearly enjoying each other.    

Brad’s room was undergoing the same time lapse.  The romantic  bedroom scene faded, replaced by a view of Kyle’s ripped, lean frame  stretched out on the bed in a pair of briefs, reading a book.  The  slender new Brad came into view, wearing a pink silk, cut off tank that  hung loose on his thin shoulders and left his supple, shapeless stomach  exposed.  He had on a pair of small matching underwear of the same  material that showed off just how much his girthy package had shrunk.   The altered Brad didn’t seem to mind as he clambered into bed, looking  all the more soft and thin as he settled next to Kyle’s ripped body.   His friend’s toned arm seemed massive as Brad watched himself nestle his  head against it.  There was another shift and Kyle was the one looking  striking in his fitted dress clothes while behind him Brad flitted  around the room in one of Kyle’s old tshirts.  The shirt draped down his  new frame and hung wide around the neck.  Brad had seen countless women  do this with his shirts over the years and wasn’t expecting to ever see  himself in that scenario.  This time it was his turn to absently lick  his lips when he watched Kyle turn and tackle his altered self to the  bed.  The other Brad squealed with delight while Kyle kissed his neck  and lifted the baggy shirt free.  Despite his horror at finally getting a  full view of the small, nubbish package between his thin legs, part of  Brad longed to be there.   

They watched the scenes shift and change for what felt like hours  while their altered selves went about their lives.  “I think I get it,”  Kyle said flatly.   

“What?”  Brad shook his head and looked away from his androgynous  other self.  He was sitting on the couch, giving a shirtless Kyle’s  broad shoulders a massage while his friend sat on the floor between his  slender legs.   

“This,” Kyle said, motioning to the door in front of him.  In that  scene, he and Brad were stretched out in nothing but tiny briefs on  opposite ends of the couch.  His short, hairy legs were tangled with  Brad’s while an arm rested on his furry belly.  The angle of his head  accentuated just how much of his chin was swallowed in his other body,  but his plump lips were stretched in a smile as he playfully kicked at  Brad’s feet.  “I think we have to choose.”   

Brad just blinked.  “Wait…what?”   

“In each scene, one of us is the same.  I think we have to pick one.”   

Brad paled.  “No….no way.”  He took a step back and faced the decaying wall behind them.   

“Do you see any other way?  We don’t have any food or water.  We don’t have any clothes.  No one knows how to find us.”

“No!”  Brad stomped a heel.  “No.  Absolutely not.  Think about what  you’re saying.  This house keeps changing.  We just need to wait…”  

“Until it turns into something worse?”  Kyle interrupted.  “Think  about it.  How is any of this possible?  It shouldn’t be, and yet,” he  motioned to his jock-clad body, “here we are.  I know it sounds crazy,  but I think we need to make a choice.”

“What if we each went through each other’s door?  You’re the same in  mine…I’m the same in yours.”  As Brad asked the question, the scenes  changed abruptly.  Each of the unaltered men was suddenly alone in  darkness, a look of horror on their faces.   

Kyle and Brad recoiled from the scenes.  Just as they’d been feeling  the emotions of their altered selves, they were hit with a wave of  terror and grief that was like a punch to the gut as their other selves  floated in the inky limbo.  “That answers that,” Kyle said in a shaky  voice.   

“Fuck this place!”  Brad punched a wall in a futile attempt to vent  his fury.  Behind him, the scenes had gone entirely black.  He slumped  his broad shoulders, staring at the ground.  “So what do we do,” he  asked when he finally turned back around.   

Kyle shrugged.  “Fuck if I know.  Rock, paper, scissors?”   

Brad gave a defeated laugh and joined Kyle in front of the doors.   “Let’s go hiking!  Let’s just check out this creepy old house!”  Brad  mocked.  He shook his head and looked himself and his friend up and down  with a growing smile.  “You ever going to stop getting me into  trouble?”   

“Hey, at least we got laid?”  They both fell into fits of laughter  despite themselves.  They knew it was the shock, but they also knew it  was better than hysterics.  When Kyle had stopped doubling over he saw  that their time was up.  “Shit!  We’ve gotta choose now!  The doors are  closing!”  Kyle knew this was their chance.  He knew deep down that if  they stayed, it would only get worse.   

“I don’t know what to do!  Kyle…I…what do we do?!”  Brad was  panicked and frozen.  He didn’t want to force his friend into a new  body, but he couldn’t bring himself to willingly accept the altered  version of himself that awaited on the other side of the threshold.  He  felt Kyle’s hand in his, and then there was darkness.   


Kyle didn’t know what to expect when he pulled them both through his  door.  Brad had been right: this was all his fault.  He was the one who  insisted on making the hike.  He was the one who insisted on checking  out the house.  If he’d listened to Brad they never would have been in  that mess in the first place.  So he made what felt like the best choice  for both of them.  There was darkness, and a sense of falling.  When  the falling stopped, Kyle knew what happened without having to open his  eyes.   

He was laying on something soft and warm.  A solid, heavy arm was  draped over him, and when he breathed he could feel the ample hairs on  his burly chest press against the body next to him.  When he finally  forced his eyes open he almost started crying at the sight of an  unaltered Brad in bed next to him.  He knew what this meant for himself,  but more than anything he was happy to see his friend okay.   

Brad felt him stir.  “mornin’” he mumbled sleepily, leaning over and  kissing Kyle on a stubbled cheek without opening his eyes.  He  stretched and pulled Kyle in close, running a hand up and down his  friend’s furry back.  Kyle just waited, not sure if Brad was going to  remember what happened or not.   

He did.  Brad’s eyes shot open, a look of dawning horror replacing  his sleepy expression.  “Gah!  Fuck!  What…?!”  He shot upright in bed,  looking around the strange, yet somehow familiar room before settling on  the altered Kyle.  “You…what did you do?!”   

“We didn’t have a choice,” Kyle said softly.  He cupped his hairy  pecs and poked at his new belly.  While his brain told him this was all  different and all wrong, it felt perfectly natural.   

“No!  No!  Why didn’t you let me…” Brad climbed out of bed and  stomped around the room.  Kyle wasn’t sure if Brad knew that he was  naked and rock hard.  “You can’t just…you shouldn’t have done that!  I  would’ve…if you’d just given me a chance to…” Brad trailed off, entirely  flustered.  He wasn’t angry at Kyle.  Not really.  He was mad at the  situation, and he was overwhelmed, but when he looked at his altered  friend’s rounded new face, anger was the last thing he felt.  His  stomach fluttered and his pulse quickened.  The thought of what Kyle’s  stocky new looked like under the thin sheet drove him wild.  He may have  been unaltered physically, but mentally he was just as infatuated with  the other man as Kyle was with him.  He tried to wrap his head around  that, too.  He didn’t have a problem with gay guys; he just never  thought he’d be one.  

He leaned back against the wall and continued to stare at his  friend, struggling with the weight of what Kyle had done for him.  He  still clearly remembered the other version of himself.  While he would  have done it for his friend, he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t at least  a little relieved to have been spared that fate.  He rubbed his face  and sighed into his hands.  “Are we just going crazy?  Was that all just  a dream?  Is this?”  With a resigned sigh he went and sat next to Kyle  on the bed.  “Does your head feel funny too?”   

Kyle nodded.  “It’s starting to get hazy.  Like the house and  everything before was just a dream, and this is real.”  He nodded  towards the dresser.  “I mean, I know I’ve never seen this room before  but I also know that the second drawer down is your underwear drawer.”   

Brad went over and pulled the drawer open.  “Well, shit,” he  laughed, taking out a pair of briefs.  “And your shorts are down here,”  he said mostly to himself, pulling open a lower drawer filled with  Kyle’s workout clothes.  “This is so weird.”   

“I think…I think it’s okay, though…” Kyle said, a faraway look in  his eyes.  “Thinking about our families and friends…nothing seems out of  sorts, right?”   

Brad thought about it.  “No…everything feels okay.”  A framed  picture on the top of the dresser caught his eye.  It was of him and  Kyle at the beach.  His broad, sculpted body was squeezed into a pair of  small trunks while Kyle’s stocky frame bulged in a pair of speedos.  It  had never happened, yet Brad remembered how it felt.  He could  practically taste the salty air and how cute he thought Kyle looked in  his bright swimwear.  “So, uh, me and you, huh?”  He brought the picture  with him back to the bed.   

“Whoa…” Kyle blinked at the picture.  “I…remember this.  You took me  to Hawaii when I graduated.  You were so proud.  Remember the night we  went out to the waterfall?”   

Brad’s eyes went distant, then he blushed, his still-solid cock  twitching.  “Fuck that’s weird!” He laughed, shaking his head.  Bit by  bit, the new reality was filling their heads.  He bent down and planted a  long, deep kiss.  “I, uh, couldn’t help that,” he blushed.   

“I’m not complaining,” Kyle said, sitting up.  He looked down at his  hairy gut and prodded a thick arm.  “There’s still muscle under here.   It’s just buried a little.”  He grabbed the sheet covering his lower  half and hesitated.  “Might as well get it over with,” he sighed,  tossing it aside.  The short, wide cock standing up under his gut was  significantly shorter than the six and half inches he’d had before, but  it was also significantly wider.  He could barely wrap a stubby hand  around it, and the way his thighs now pressed together thrust the whole  package forward.  “Ugh.  That’s differunnmmph!”  Before Kyle could  finish, Brad was on top of him.  They locked lips and rolled on the bed,  feeling like they’d done this a hundred times before but knowing this  was the first.   

When they came to a rest, Kyle was on top of Brad, straddling his waist on his knees.   

“I can still pin you,” Kyle said, sitting back on Brad’s stomach.   

“I wouldn’t have it any other way,” Brad said, squeezing Kyle’s meaty, hairy thighs.   

“Geez…were you always this hot?”  Kyle’s hands ran along Brad’s  washboard stomach.  The pinned man flexed his abs and then his pecs as  Kyle’s hands traveled upward.   

“I like to think so,” Brad said with a cocky smile that made Kyle  squirm.  He ran his hands through his messy blonde hair, flexing his  arms in the process.   

“And so modest,” Kyle said, drinking in the sight of the flexing adonis underneath him.   

Without warning Brad sat up right and swallowed Kyle in his solid  arms.  “You know you don’t like modest,” he said, kissing Kyle’s short,  wide new neck while he spread the other man’s cheeks with his hands.   

Kyle let Brad manhandle him into position, grunting loudly when his  new lover plunged inside.  “OOOohhhh….oh fuck…this is…nnnnngg….”  

Brad lay back and smiled up at Kyle with the same smug grin while  the other man bounced and rolled his hips, taking Brad’s long, thick  hose like his body was made for it.  Kyle whimpered and moaned  uncontrollably, a stark contrast to Brad’s arrogant silence.  While Kyle  bucked and rode like a man possessed, Brad was calm and cool.  It drove  Kyle wild.  He’d never been like this before.  He was usually the one  making the other person moan with pleasure.  Now he couldn’t keep his  mouth shut.  A never-ending series of whimpers and groans escaped his  thickened lips, while Brad gazed contentedly up at the beefy little man.    

When Kyle came, it was an explosion like he’d never felt before.  He  was staring down at Brad’s handsome face when he felt like he was hit  by a tidal wave.  “I’m gonna…cuuuuuuUUUUUUUHHHH!” His whole body tensed  as his shrunken cock sprayed like a hose, soaking Brad’s upper half and  face.  The sight of himself cumming all over Brad’s perfectly muscled  body and chiseled face only intensified the experience.   

For his part, Brad was surprised by how much he loved the feeling.   Instead of being disgusted, the warm liquid spraying all over him left  him with a sense of accomplishment.  He knew he was the source of such a  powerful explosion, and the more he was covered the more he felt like  he’d done his job.   

“Oh shit,” Kyle panted with a grin.  “That’s not so bad…”  

“My turn,” was all Brad said.  He sat back up grabbed Kyle again,  shifting them both so that Kyle was on his back with his shortened,  hairy legs in the air.  His new belly shook from the force of Brad’s  pounding as the larger man went to town.   

“MMMMMmmm….” Kyle purred.  Memories of Brad’s forceful fucking were  filling his head.  As much as he loved riding the blonde hunk, he loved  it when Brad just took him.  Being manhandled was a new experience for  Kyle, and he found he couldn’t get enough of it.  He was all too eager  to let the other man take control.  He came for the second time when  Brad broke his silence with a soft grunt and filled his insides.   

“Holy hell,” Brad laughed, collapsing next to Kyle when he finally  pulled his long, softening cock free.  “Why didn’t we ever do that  before?”   

“We were too busy being straight dudes,” Kyle sighed.  They laid in  each others arms, reveling in how good they felt while they caught their  breath.  “Whoa…that’s gonna take some getting used to,” Kyle gasped  when they finally climbed off the bed and he found himself staring at  the middle of Brad’s cum-covered torso instead of looking him in the  eye.  He’d known that he would be shorter, but experiencing it firsthand  with a clear head was jarring.  “What?” he asked when he looked up and  saw Brad grinning down at him.   

“Nothing…you’re just adorable,” Brad said, blushing and leaning down  to kiss Kyle on his thinning scalp.  Any regret Kyle was feeling about  their size difference vanished as soon as he felt Brad’s lips.   

By the time they left the shower, their new reality was becoming  less and less foreign.  They no longer felt like intruders in someone  else’s house.  They knew where everything was.  They reached for things  out of muscle memory.  Even Kyle, who was suddenly a foot and a half  shorter, was moving around as though he’d lived there for years.  When  he opened a drawer and pulled out a blue jockstrap, he knew it was  because Brad loved the way it accentuated his thick, hairy cheeks.  And  when Brad didn’t put anything on, they both knew it was because Kyle  loved looking at the blonde hunk.   

They went through the house, more to confirm what they were feeling  than anything else.  Other than the physical changes to Kyle, the other  alterations weren’t as great as they’d feared.  They clearly lived well.   Kyle was on the other coast now, in the pacific northwest where Brad  lived, but he couldn’t bring himself to care.  He’d never liked the east  coast much anyway.  Now he found himself in a life with friends and a  good job and a man he loved.     

They looked at the ample pictures of family and friends that lined  the walls and shelves.  In this new reality, Kyle saw that he’d always  looked this way.  Instead of the tall baseball player he’d grown up as,  he’d been a short, stocky wrestler.  And instead of the campus ladies  men, he and Brad had apparently been more than friends for years.   Pictures of the two of them went back all the way to a prom photo of  them holding hands.  Kyle remembered how scandalous it had been.  Brad  was a grade ahead and had been the star athlete that all the ladies  wanted.  But Kyle had him instead.   

When they were done making the rounds, it all felt right: the way  his ass bounced when he walked, the way his body rubbed together, the  way he had to look up at most things.  The thought that he’d ever been  any other way seemed crazy.  He still remembered his old life, but those  memories were the ones that felt wrong.  Watching Brad’s naked body  move around the kitchen cooking breakfast, he couldn’t imagine a time  where he didn’t wake up to that.  By the middle of the day, instead of  thinking about the fact that he was in a strange new body, Kyle was  thinking normal Sunday thoughts about how much he didn’t want to return  to work the next day.   

He was staring out the window, settling into this new life when  Brad’s strong hands landed on his shoulders.  “What’s goin’ on, little  bear?”   

Kyle turned and wrapped his arms around Brad’s tight waist, smiling up at him.  “Just enjoying the view.”


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