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Hi Everyone,

I'm going to try and get the next Overcast chapter up this weekend, but thank you in advance for your patience if that doesn't happen. This tendon thing has turned into A Thing, and it's got me a bit out of sorts. I'm actually taking next week off from the day job to deal with it, so there might be a hiccup in the schedule. Or I might have a bunch of free time on my hands to write with...it could go either way. Here's hoping for the latter!

I've got the next several weekly stories ready to go (another long-form one...didn't plan on that, but that's how some of these turn out), and I'll keep the archive posts coming, but the Interactive and Vignettes might be a little delayed. Thanks again for bearing with me.

And, as always, thanks for reading and for the support!



Hope your recovery goes more smoothly than it has been.