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(I know I said the previous chapter was the last one, but I had this rattling around and a few folks expressed interest in a proper finale, so here we go. NOW it's done. )

“Yo! There they are!”

Even after everything they’d done together, the sight of the grinning, nearly-naked blonde greeting them in the driveway still made Riley’s heart race. He’d almost forgotten just how stunning Evan was at his full, 5’8” size, and with his deep voice intact. The familiar, canary yellow sleeve matched his friend’s golden scalp, both popping against the sculpted stud’s uninterrupted tan, and while the skimpy pouch was no longer quite as oversized as it had been during their Immersion, it was no less impressive. “Hey man,” Riley grinned, giving Evan a quick kiss as he was swallowed by the blonde’s brawny arms. “You weren’t kidding…this place looks incredible,” he said, nodding at the sprawling house behind his friend.

“Fuck the house,” Evan laughed, holding the bearded brunette out at arms length and looking him up and down. “Look at you! Damn, dude…those tits are gettin’ huge already.” His hands slid from Riley’s shoulders to the plump pecs looming between, the muscled mounds appearing oversized against the rest of his friend’s otherwise lean, trim torso. Their heft was further accentuated by the other man’s choice of shirt, a tight, cropped tank that just barely reached below the noticeable nipples he’d been working to enlarge. The skimpy top left Riley’s firm stomach and tight waist on display, giving everyone an unobstructed view of his equally oversized rear. Like his chest, the ample globes were barely covered by a pair of bright mesh shorts not much larger than briefs, complete with the visible elastic band of a jockstrap poking above the low-riding waist while the straps spilled from the high-riding leg openings. It was an outfit that now bordered on overdressed for the once-modest man, as much a reflection of his altered outlook as his changing body. In the months since the Immersion, Riley had been laser-focused on obtaining a shape similar to the one he’d possessed. He’d switched his workouts to nothing but chest and butt days, with cardio in between, his wiry frame already blossoming in all the right places. His ass hadn’t grown while they were on their “trip”, but given his new love of bottoming, and how much his viewers loved watching his bubble bounce, it just made sense. “Didn’t take much for this to grow, did it,” Evan asked, reaching around and slipping a finger between the brunette’s hefty cheeks. “Or this,” he grinned, his other hand kneading his friend’s hardening bulge. “Steve let you have it back?”

“Let him?” Riley’s dark-haired companion chuckled and shrugged. “You’ve seen his OnlyFriends…dumping him into an altered reality is the only way to keep that thing asleep. It pops off if you even look at it too hard.”

“Oh, whatever! Don’t act like you’re annoyed by it just to look cool in front of Evan,” Riley said, slipping around behind Steve and grinding his tented shorts against the other man’s own ample rear. “Why don’t you show him how big you’re getting, too? Someone’s a growing boy,” he purred, lifting his friend’s straining, heather t-shirt to show off the hairy belly below. A few months ago, Steve’s whipcord frame had borne a striking resemblance to a certain swimmer Riley had fooled around with during the Immersion, but after his friend’s recently discovered love of bears, he’d been doing everything he could to gain weight. Steve had been pounding protein and supplements, he’d stopped shaving everywhere, and he’d shifted his workouts to focus on raw size, achieving impressive results in a relatively short span. Having always been defined and wiry, the dark-haired hunk was still a little insecure about his ballooning body, but Riley had become more persuasive than ever. “Seriously…just look at this dreamboat,” the brunette sighed, bunching Steve’s shirt at his shoulders until he lifted his arms to let it be pulled free. “Dude’s already got some meat on his bones.”

“Hey!” Steve blushed when Riley gave his midsection a vigorous shake, the once-tight frame now rippling all over. He let out a low sigh before the other man could say anything and simply rolled his eyes. “I know…I know…after what I put you guys through, it’s my turn. Just thought I’d at least make it inside first.”

“You thought wrong, bud,” Evan said, stepping forward and abruptly tugging Steve’s shorts and briefs down. He let out an appreciative whistle as he ran his hands up the dark-haired man’s thickened, furry thighs, giving the twitching, girthy package a squeeze. “Riley’s right, though. You’re gonna look great as a big boy.”

“That…that trip really did a number on you guys,” Steve stammered, holding onto Evan as he absently kicked out of his discarded bottoms. It was the first time he’d actually seen the blonde in person since the Immersion, and any thoughts he’d had about being ready for the experience were blown away when his friend’s surprisingly soft lips landed on top of his own.

“You could say that,” Evan purred. “Literally. YOU’RE the one who set it all up…what’d you expect?”

Steve blushed, his furry frame crimson. “It’s like I told you guys…I thought you’d maybe come out of it with some expanded interests. I mean, I sure as hell did when I went on an Immersion a while back. But I guess I underestimated how, uh…impactful…it would be. If I’d known it was going to do this, I wouldn’t have…”

Evan cut Steve off with another kiss, his hands biting into the other man’s heavy, softer chest. “No one’s complaining. For real…we all owe you one. And believe me when I say we’re going to pay you back,” he grinned, groping around his friend’s beefier body. “Riley’s right…you feel better with a little softness to you. You were always so bony before.”

“Rude,” Steve chuckled, his fat cock throbbing. He knew he should have felt more insecure than ever in front of a chiseled Adonis like Evan, but the blonde’s hungry eyes and hungry hands kept it at bay.

“Are you going to introduce me to your friends?”

“Oh! Shit! Geez…uh…sorry about all this,” Steve sputtered, his eyes going wide when he saw the unfamiliar man standing in the nearby doorway. He’d talked to Mark briefly over the internet, but he hadn’t planned on meeting the middle-aged stud naked and hard.

The older man waved a hand and chuckled. “It’s fine. Evan’s been talking about it for weeks. Not usually how I expect guests to be greeted, but in this case we can make an exception.”

Evan leaned into the older man’s embrace when the shirtless, salt-and-pepper stud threw an arm around him. He was slightly more clad in a pair of small, bright trunks, though the thin material of the swimwear left nothing to the imagination. Pushing fifty, his rugged features and strapping physique were similar to those of Evan’s virtual friend Hank, but there was nothing simulated about Mark’s brawny muscle. He was built like an older version of Trent, his 6’4” frame towering over the blonde pretty-boy like a meaty wall. “Thanks, baby,” Evan cooed, tilting his head up to give the taller man a peck on a stubble-covered cheek while a finger stroked along his muscle gut just above the waist of the thin trunks.

“Anything for my little man,” Mark sighed, reaching down to squeeze one of the blonde’s granite globes. Like his two friends, Evan wasted no time in pursuing his expanded interests as soon as the Immersion ended. After a pair of deliriously lustful days where they all explored their new desires with each other back in the real world before parting ways, he’d hooked the older man almost immediately. As in the Immersion, no one was surprised that it only took hours for Evan to find himself a sugar daddy, eagerly throwing himself into the role of buff, blonde boy-toy. He’d moved into Mark’s posh, mid-century estate shortly after, seemingly content to let the middle-aged muscle man call the shots and parade him around like the trophy he was. From what they’d all seen in photos and status updates, and from what Evan had told them, Mark actually was kind and caring, and whenever he was condescending towards his younger lover it was clearly for the blonde beefcake’s aroused benefit. The older man was also ludicrously wealthy, and all Evan had to do to enjoy the benefits of his lover’s labor was to lift, flex, and fuck his brains out, all while strutting around in next to nothing. “Awkwardness aside, it IS nice to finally meet you both in person,” Mark said, starting to reach out for a handshake but then deciding to pull Steve in for a hug. He did the same with Riley, his grin bashful when he stepped away. “Guess there’s no need to be formal, is there? After all the videos Evan’s shown me, I feel like I know you pretty well already.”

“Likewise,” Riley nodded. “Evan brags about you con-stant-ly,” he laughed, rolling his eyes. “Congratulations on the merger, by the way.”

Mark looked genuinely surprised as he turned his attention back to the smug pretty-boy. “You’ve been bragging about me?”

“Duh,” Evan shrugged. “How could I not? You’re incredible,” he said, his expression going coy as he ran his hands along Mark’s hefty pecs and down his stomach. “And hot. And rich. And hung…”

“Ooookay,” Mark laughed, his whole body going red when Evan started to pull his trunks down. “Why don’t we give your friends the tour? Trent’s probably excited to see everyone.” He gave Steve a look of solidarity as the front of his trunks twitched, asking, “do you want to get dress…”

“Nope!” Evan cut him off, shaking his head. “He knows what he was getting himself into. Hope you didn’t bother packing anything.”

“I didn’t, actually,” Steve sighed, letting Riley pull him along by the hand into the house.

The interior was every bit as well-appointed as the exterior suggested, with the first floor consisting mostly of open, unobstructed views. Evan pointed out the pairs of bedrooms flanking the living area on each side, as well as the expansive patio that led down to the private, tree-lined lake the house sat on. It wasn’t the ocean, but a beach was a beach as far as the group was concerned. “Trent and his ‘bro’ Andy are downstairs using the gym. There’s a theater, a bar, and a sauna, too,” Evan said, flashing a smug smile when he turned and caught Steve staring at his bare cheeks. “See something you like?”

“Fuck…it just dawned on me that I never actually asked,” Riley said, looking back and forth between his two friends. “Did you guys ever fuck around with each other? This asshole was out there secretly into dudes too, apparently,” he groaned, giving Steve’s burgeoning belly a backhanded swat.

“I wouldn’t exactly call it a secret,” Evan shrugged. “We jerked off together on facetime before, but that’s as far as we ever went.”

“You did?! How was I the only one not included in any of this,” Riley pouted.

Steve pulled the curvy brunette into his arms and gave him a quick kiss. “Why do you think I went to all this trouble,” he asked. “We’re all here now, right?”

“Fiiiiine,” Riley sighed. “You’re still jerks.”

Evan strutted over and did the same, ruffling his friend’s chocolate mop. “I fucked you first, if that makes you feel better.”

“Huh. It does, actually,” Riley grinned. “Nevermind…we’re good.”

A deep voice calling up from a nearby stairwell interrupted before anyone could say anything else. “Hey! Is that who I think it is? ‘Sup, bros?” Steve was once again hit with a fresh wave of embarrassment as he descended into the sprawling basement, this time coming face-to-face with a total stranger in his naked, rigid state. It didn’t help that the man was like a statue come to life, his abundant, granite muscle leaving him somewhere between Evan and Trent. He was bigger than the blonde, but not a massive meathead like the ruddy-haired hulk, though the obscene bulge in the stranger’s speedo made it clear he was more hung than both. For his part, Trent was clad in nothing but a barely-present poser, the thin strings of which vanished between his muscled cheeks. “Steve! Bro! Bring it in,” Trent roared, the broad smile on his face still catching the group off guard. Though he’d maintained his chipper new attitude since their return, everyone still expected the same stoic stud. “Fuck, bro! You’re packin’ it on,” he said, pinching the dark-haired man’s meaty sides. “Bet it drives Riley wild, huh? Surprised he hasn’t broken this off yet,” he grunted, giving Steve’s cock a tug.

The hairy, heavy man blushed, his stomach dropping as he was stroked in front of a stranger. Unlike his friends, he hadn’t had a week of simulated exposure for training wheels. “Uh, hey. I’m Steve,” he said, waving at the lantern-jawed jock.

“‘Sup, buds. Like, nice to meet you guys,” Andy said, a broad, dull grin spreading beneath his bright doe eyes. He sounded like a cross between a surfer and a gym-bro, seeming entirely unbothered by everything that was happening. If he was shocked or embarrassed to see a thick, naked man walk into the room it didn’t show as he casually flexed an arm and ran it through his sandy coif. “Whoooaaaa, like, killer pecs, bro,” he said to Riley when he finally noticed the top-heavy brunette. “Why’re you still wearin’ that shirt? Pop the top and let’s see ‘em.”

The bearded brunette did as he was asked, letting Andy prod and knead the muscled mounds before tweaking his nubby nipples. “Yours aren’t so bad either,” he said, eliciting a proud smile as Andy flexed each one independently.

“Thanks, bro,” he beamed. “Your nips are, like, crazy. Trent loves it when I play with his…how do you get yours this big? Bro, you should do the same thing,” he said, turning his attention to the bigger man. “Look at this shit…I’m gettin’ hard as fuck already.”

“I can see that,” Trent said, a hungry look in his eyes as he watched the tent form in Andy’s speedo. Like his two friends, he’d eagerly embraced the freedom they’d experienced during the Immersion. And while he hadn’t made the massive lifestyle shifts that Evan and Riley had, his new easy-going attitude was all it took to spark a fundamental change. Once he’d decided that he didn’t have anything to prove, he’d discovered that the bubbly, uninhibited hulk he’d become on their trip already lurked just below the surface. He wasn’t a live-in boy-toy like Evan, nor an unrestrained exhibitionist on the internet like Riley, but he was content in a way he’d never experienced before. Hanging around a gym in the skimpy posers and getting his brains fucked out by hunky himbos like Andy filled a void, literally and figuratively, that he didn’t even know he had. He still fooled around with a few of his regular ladies, but the formerly strict top now lived a fully versatile life, focused more on doing whatever felt good than how it would be perceived. “Looks like Riley’s not far behind. I’ve missed this guy,” he purred, stepping over and sticking a huge hand down the front of the brunette’s shorts.

“And he’s missed you,” Riley laughed. “We had a blast on the trip, don’t get me wrong, but I’ve been looking forward to this,” he said, giving Trent’s globes a slap.

“You really weren’t kidding about how this was going to go,” Mark said, tousling Evan’s hair. “I thought you were exaggerating a little, but…” he trailed off and blushed, the front of his trunks bouncing noticeably as he watched Andy, Trent and Riley paw at each other while the naked Steve stood nearby. “Looks like I’m going to have to get used to some things, too.”

“Oh, they’re already aware,” Evan laughed, ripping off the bandaid by reaching over and tugging the front of Mark’s trunks down. “I brag about you all the time, remember? They’ve heard all about this guy,” he said, stroking the older man’s thick, heavy cock to life.

It didn’t take long after that for things to fall into a familiar rhythm. The group didn’t descend into an immediate frenzy, but the clothes had vanished by the time they’d finished their tour. Riley and Trent continued pawing at each other until the bigger man was finally on his knees by the lake, bellowing out lustful “bro!” after “bro!” while Riley hammered into him. Not to be left out, Steve was finally able to experience the kind of embarrassing novelty the trio had on their trip when Andy took him in front of everyone. It was the hairy, hefty hunk’s first public fucking, and by a total stranger no less, but already Steve knew it wouldn’t be the last.

Meanwhile, as the carnal events unfolded on the shore, Mark and Evan bobbed in the gentle waves, looking almost wholesome by comparison while they watched the group go at each other. They’d be joining in soon enough, but there was still plenty of time. Everyone had just arrived, and they’d be spending the next week together, not in an Immersion, but immersed in each other nonetheless.


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