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It was supposed to be just another meaningless resolution, the kind that was made and broken by millions of people every year. Billy hadn’t even been that specific, stating only that he wanted to “learn to let go” in the coming year, and that he’d like to “lean into what made him unique.” After twenty five years of being relatively unremarkable and unassuming, he’d wanted to spread his wings a little, with the emphasis being on those last two words.

Instead, he’d been thrown into the deep end. Billy hadn’t envisioned a universal overhaul. What he had in mind was more along the lines of being willing to talk to strangers at the gym or at the bar, and maybe spruce up his wardrobe a little bit. At most, maybe he’d finally take a crack at karaoke. He certainly hadn’t intended to undergo a cosmic makeover, to have his life as he knew it completely turned upside down.

The problem with leaning into what made him unique was a lack of starting resources. While relatively fit and handsome, Billy had always been attractively average. He was in shape without being shredded or massive, and he was neither overly short nor overly tall, with sharp features that could be either cute or awkward depending on what he did with his mop of chocolate hair. Billy was far from the worst looking guy in the locker room, but he wasn’t anywhere near the most impressive, sporting a package that was as average as the rest of him. Even the clothes he covered that body with were unremarkable, consisting mostly of boxers, jeans and drab t-shirts when he wasn’t at work, and generic “business casual” when he was.

So when it came to accentuating the elements that made him unique, Billy didn’t know where to start. He had a surprisingly perky rear given the rest of his relatively lean build, but that had always been more of an embarrassment than anything else, certainly not something he’d want to draw further attention to. In general, when it came to his body, Billy was modest at best. He always fucked in the dark and he didn’t even like going shirtless at the beach, and while those things fell under his goal of lightening up a little, flaunting his body wasn’t at all what he had in mind when it came to the things that made him special.

The problem was that his job and hobbies weren’t any more exciting. He worked in the finance department at an international corporation, just one of thousands of faceless employees, and his extracurricular activities consisted of trips to the gym, maybe a couple happy hours, and the occasional hook up. Billy had a solid group of friends and got along great with his roommate, Kyle, but he wasn’t the life of the party. He wasn’t adventurous. People could count on him, he’d been told throughout his life that he was level-headed, kind, and although those were positive qualities, they were about as exciting as a crossword puzzle.

Which made it all the more confounding. Beyond a general desire to somehow shake things up, Billy didn’t know what specific steps to take. He didn’t have a plan, or any real intent, to act on any of it beyond making a generic resolution. And even if he had, even if he’d planned on shifting his life in the direction it had seemingly taken of its own volition, that still didn’t explain how any of it was possible in the first place.

He’d left the bar shortly before midnight. Kyle was still there, but, while the blonde beefcake had multiple midnight kisses to distribute to many eager women, Billy had still been on his own. He knew he could have shared in his friend’s bounty if he’d put forth the effort. He’d caught several people eyeing him, and a few who’d attempted conversation, but crowds made him uncomfortable. Billy could barely manage flirting when the place was empty, let alone when it was shoulder-to-shoulder and he had to shout to be heard. So he’d left. He’d sent Kyle a text that said he was calling it a night, then pushed through the crowd and out the door Instead of pushing himself out of his comfort zone. Billy had spent the short, solo walk back to their apartment wrestling with the regret he’d immediately felt, blaming everything but his own uptight insecurity. He’d finally appeased his anxious ego just before midnight with the resolutions for the coming year, never once expecting the universe to actually call him on it.

But as soon as the clock struck twelve, the changes started. Billy had just stripped down to his boxers and was preparing to crawl into bed when his whole body started to vibrate, like a cell phone ringing in his pocket but from head-to-toe. Fortunately the buzzing wasn’t painful, merely surprising, a sensation that grew exponentially when he caught sight of his stunned reflection in the mirror hanging on the back of his door.

Billy did a double-take at the sight of the stranger, already struggling to recognize himself. Instead of a short, generic crop, his chocolate mane had morphed into a stylized pompadour, buzzed at the sides but thick and wavy in the center. The altered hairdo made the changes below immediately apparent, as the shorn sides caused Billy’s sharpened features to stand out even more. No longer riding the line between cute and awkward, the brunette had become striking, with razor cheeks, plump, pouty lips, and a deceptively strong jaw. It was the face of a model, attached to a body that was racing to catch up. As he stood and stared with wide, stunned eyes, Billy watched his body begin to harden. The lean muscles didn’t grow larger, but they increasingly stood out as the modest definition he already possessed had magnified. His shoulders looked broader than ever, his toned pecs popped, his arms were strong and sturdy, and his abs had multiplied into an impressive washboard. It was the tight, tapering torso of a rock climber or a swimmer, not overly huge but deceptively built within its trim proportions.

Below the waist, however, things had taken an entirely different approach. Billy’s boxers had strained and tightened as, like Cinderella in reverse, the perky pumpkins they contained expanded into a meaty carriage at the stroke of midnight. The once-tiny cheeks ballooned to an impossible degree, decimating the tortured underwear in the process, and while their plump, pillowy size already bordered on the impossible, the colossal cakes’ heft was further accentuated by the now-ripped upper body that appeared to have been photoshopped on. Billy had been horrified as he’d watched his toned thighs expand to compensate, the widened thews rubbing together as they adopted their trunk-like proportions, but his dread was mitigated by a pulse of lust that caused his cock to rocket to attention. The unaltered organ looked less impressive than ever jutting out from its fleshy new surroundings, a fact that apparently mattered little as waves of arousal had knocked Billy off his feet.

The dazed pretty-boy had already been frantically clutching his inflated bottom, but instead of his stomach dropping at the sensation of the seemingly endless mounds squishing against his palms, it had begun to flutter. Each poke and prod of his fingers sent an electric bolt of bliss up his spine, and before Billy had even had time to think about what he was doing, he was watching his cock ooze and twitch as he instinctively rooted around inside himself. The experience was like nothing he’d ever felt before, and Billy had been equally enthralled and humiliated as he’d watched himself respond in kind. His beautiful new features contorted ecstatically, his increasing grunts and whimpers growing in both volume and frequency as he squirmed and writhed. Much to his embarrassment, the bashful brunette had been told by previous partners that he made “cute” faces in the throes of passion, and that trait had apparently been as amplified as the rest of him. Billy had already started to put the pieces together by that point, the impossible changes to his body lining up too conveniently with the resolution to be unrelated, but it wasn’t until he came a few moments later that his suspicions were confirmed.

Like the faces he made, those same partners had also commented on the now-bottom-heavy brunette’s copious output. Billy may not have had the biggest cock or the heaviest balls, but when the time came he exploded like a fully loaded shotgun. And although such a skill had never once crossed the moaning man’s mind as a unique trait worth embracing, the universe apparently thought otherwise. Billy had been hit with a mix of mortified pride when he’d watched his cock finally explode, the untouched organ no longer blasting like a shotgun but erupting like a volcano. With a bevy of fingers stretching his virgin hole wide and lighting up his insides, the brunette’s modest meat let loose with a spurting deluge.

As he’d watched load after relentless load splatter onto the mirror several feet away, Billy hadn’t known how to feel. He’d always been relatively quick to cum, and just as quick to reload, but he’d never actually gotten off without somehow manipulating his eager rod. In that moment, though, he’d been able to push himself over the edge while ignoring the oozing organ entirely. And, further adding to Billy’s confusion, the ecstatic experience had been more intense than any orgasm he’d ever had before. Though he’d never engaged in any sort of anal activities in the past, the penetrated young man had quickly come to realize that having something inside him felt far better than being inside someone else.

Billy knew it was yet another impossible aspect of whatever strange circumstances were unfolding. He’d always been curious. He’d always wanted to try, to experiment in the bedroom, but he’d never been able to bring himself to, just like he’d never been able to bring himself to go after the partners he really wanted. But, as with so many aspects of his previous existence, it had become yet another moot point. There was no denying the images of Kyle swimming in his head as he’d furiously fingered himself, and there was no denying that his jealousy of the women waiting for his friend’s kiss had been the real reason he’d left the bar early. And even if he hadn’t been able to lock lips with the blonde hunk, Billy knew he’d run from the possibility of doing so with another man. He’d wanted to for years, never quite mustering the courage to come out, or even secretly act on his hidden desires. He had no doubt that his friends and family would be supportive, especially Kyle, but he’d never been able to face the prospect of their attention, positive or otherwise. It would make him stand out either way, which was the last thing Billy ever wanted, so he’d always run in the direction of keeping quiet and blending in.

Now, there’d be no more running. With his thunderous new thighs and bouncing, oversized bottom, Billy knew that a light jog would be the most he could manage, and it wouldn’t be away from attention. Even if he’d wanted to, there was no hiding his altered proportions, and the thought of obscuring his desires in the slightest suddenly struck him as dreadful. Hiding was no longer an option, a fact that became all too clear as a rush of new memories began pouring into Billy’s reeling brain. Gone were his drab days in an office, replaced by nights spent stripping and twerking on stage, his rocket launcher cock now a lustful party trick. And when his curvy cheeks and eager organ weren’t drawing in crowds at a club, Billy was putting both to use for his fans online. He didn’t just look like a new person; he’d actually become one.

“Holy fuck,” Billy chuckled as he lumbered to his feet. Far from fearful, he felt fantastic. The bottom-heavy brunette still clearly remembered his old life, and he was well aware that he’d just been warped into a thicc, pretty-boy power-bottom, but he couldn’t bring himself to feel anything other than joy over his impossible alterations. The full extent of the changes were also becoming increasingly clear as he looked around his room. Instead of his boxer’s tattered remains, a slinky copper thong rested at his feet, and a quick rummaging through his dresser revealed more of the same, along with a neon rainbow of jock straps, tiny shorts, and cropped tops, all seemingly chosen to draw as much attention as possible while showing off as much of his unique proportions as possible. As he held up a hot pink jockstrap and pictured what his plump pillows would look like wedged between the bright straps, Billy tried again to muster some of the embarrassment he knew he should feel. His colossal new rear would already be hanging out of the little shorts, and the eye-catching elastic would only make his exposure all the more noticeable, but it was pride that swelled at the thought, not dread.

There was a brief spark of that latter emotion a moment later when Billy heard the door to the apartment open. The sudden thought that he was about to be seen in his new state, that it was all about to become real and concrete, punched through the giddy haze, but it was quickly followed by a rush of excitement. As he dropped the jockstrap and sauntered naked to his bedroom door, there was no hesitation at all. Everything felt right, like his old life was the true nightmare and now he’d finally woken up, a feeling that was confirmed when he opened his door and saw Kyle’s bashful grin from across the living room.

“You bounced outta there pretty quick,” the burly blonde said, eyeing his naked friend but otherwise acting as if Billy’s new look and lack of clothing was entirely normal.

The bottom-heavy brunette grinned and gave his hips a quick pop, sending obvious ripples through his thunderous backside. “Can’t help it. I bounce wherever I go,” he shrugged. Billy’s heart raced as he casually crossed the room, knowing what was coming but still surprised. His head spun at the duality of it all, how it simultaneously felt like the first time he’d exposed himself to his friend and the hundredth. That contrast between the novel and the familiar continued when he reached the other man and slipped his hands beneath Kyle’s fitted polo, the sensation of the soft golden fur against his palms feeling like both a secret dream come true and an everyday occurrence. Without another word, Billy roughly shoved his friend against the wall, leaning in for a long, lingering kiss in a display of confident aggression that would have been entirely out of character before. Now, the ripped brunette was fully in charge, his cock throbbing as Kyle’s large, calloused hands began kneading his ample rear. “Happy New Year,” he purred when he finally let his friend come up for air. “Didn’t think you’d want me doing this to you in the bar at midnight.”

Billy couldn’t believe how cute the square-jawed stud looked as his friend’s face went crimson. “You’re the only guy I let kiss me like that,” Kyle sputtered, clearly uncomfortable but just as clearly interested in continuing the exchange. His hands were still locked on Billy’s fat rear and their noses brushed as he spoke.

“Lucky me,” the naked man chuckled, his hands deftly undoing the fly of Kyle’s jeans. With a quick shove he sent his friend’s pants and boxers to the other man’s ankles, his hand latching onto the long, girthy cock that flopped free. “And how many guys get to do this,” he asked, giving Kyle’s twitching log a few tugs.

The blonde sighed and let his head fall back against the wall. “I can count ‘em on one hand,” he said, his powerful arms flexing as he peeled out of his tight polo. Unlike Billy’s lean, chiseled physique, Kyle’s frame was broad and strapping with rough-hewn bulk, sporting a thick, seven-inch log and churning balls that perfectly fit his rugged muscle. “But no one does it like you.”

“Obviously,” Billy said, working his lips down Kyle’s wide neck and through the light coating of fur on his friend’s meaty pecs. Despite the blonde’s blustering about “letting” Billy have his way, the toned brunette knew the bigger man was putty in his hands. He’d always been secretly jealous of the few guys at Kyle’s gym who his friend had drunkenly admitted to fooling around with in the past, but now those days were long gone. Billy began to remember the dynamics of their current relationship, how their years of friendship had developed into the kind of easy physical intimacy that he’d always longed for. It was non-labeled and non-committal, though it usually took priority for both of them.

Still, despite everyone knowing how Billy made his money, and despite everyone correctly assuming about what went on at home, Kyle wasn’t ready to publicly indulge in that facet of their friendship. But Billy didn’t mind. Now, instead of leaving early out of anxiety, he’d left early to let his friend make a public show of making out with a few women at the bar. He’d known what the other man really wanted, and he’d known it wouldn’t be long before he followed. If he’d been wrong, if Kyle had decided to hook up with one of the ladies, that was okay too. The blonde would come home at some point, and Billy was starting to recall just how many new friends he had to keep himself busy with in the meantime.

But, as Kyle’s whimpers attested, he hadn’t been wrong. Billy could feel his friend squirming as he lapped at the blonde’s nubby nipples, his own smaller cock about to erupt from the bigger man’s relentless groping. “Looked like you had your pick back there…not interested in any of the ladies,” he asked before finally working his lips down the trail of hair that bisected Kyle’s muscle gut.

“None of ‘em were as pretty as you,” the blonde grinned, batting his thick log against Billy’s face when the brunette dropped to his knees.

“Are you talking to me or your dick,” the brunette asked, running his tongue along the side of his friend’s wide shaft. A part of Billy was still amazed at how easy it had all become, how effortless and natural it felt to be naked on his knees not just with Kyle, but with anyone. There was no insecurity or anxiety, only the giddy lust that they both eagerly indulged in. Billy wasn’t thinking about the fact that he was swallowing his friend’s cock as his softened lips wrapped around the aching organ. He wasn’t thinking about anything at all, other than how content he was in the moment. With his nostrils full of Kyle’s potent musk and his face swallowed by the other man’s meaty thighs, Billy could have sucked away until sunrise. He’d always enjoyed getting a blowjob, but he was quickly realizing just how much he’d always wanted to give one, adding an oral element to the surprising new needs now dictating his bedroom activities.

And he wasn’t alone. “Okay…okay…fuuuuuuck this feels good…” Kyle groaned, his fingers stroking through Billy’s chocolate scalp. “...I want my turn…” he said, giving a sharp, short gasp when the other man latched onto his granite bubble and swallowed him to the hilt a final time before reluctantly pulling away.

Billy climbed to his feet and grabbed Kyle by the slick cock, pulling the blonde along behind him. He headed for his friend’s room, the thought of being fucked in the same bed as some random woman from the bar only adding to his arousal. As he climbed up onto the mattress and buried his face in Kyle’s musky sheets, the knowledge that he was about to be eaten out like one of them turned him on more than he ever imagined. “And how many guys do you do THIS with,” Billy asked, lifting his hips into the air.

“Guys? Just you. But you can thank the girls for giving me so much practice,” Kyle grunted with a smug grin. He gave Billy’s cheeks a rough squeeze before diving in, his scruffy stubble sending bolts of ecstasy through the spasming brunette as it scratched against his friend’s eager hole.

Billy knew there was a practical element to burying his face against Kyle’s bedding. Beyond the thrill of knowing his face rested where the other man’s naked body slumbered, it also muffled the bellowing moans Billy was now unable to contain. As Kyle’s nimble tongue and capable lips rooted around in the comically deep valley between his oversized cheeks, the spasming brunette howled like a man possessed. Those wails became hoarse and guttural when Kyle’s tongue was replaced by a pair of fingers, with Billy’s untouched cock erupting like a geyser after only a few moments.

“I’m starting to think you only want to do this in here because it keeps your bed clean,” Kyle laughed, flipping the panting brunette over onto his back. Using Billy’s copious load for lube, he hefted his friend’s supple thighs onto his shoulders and plunged in, pressing against the brunette’s toned pecs to keep him from thrashing up off the bed.

“Fuuuuuuuuuck…” Billy moaned, wild-eyed and slack-jawed. His hands clutched at the sheets as Kyle’s hips started rolling, rapidly pushing him beyond speech. With each grunting whimper he could feel his face twisting the way it had earlier in the mirror, and he could see those exaggerated expressions reflected in his friend’s satisfied smile, but Billy was helpless to stop them. They were like blinking or breathing, something that his body did on its own outside of his control.

But Billy didn’t actually want to stop them. As he bucked and writhed at the end of Kyle’s capable rod, as his own unattended cock rapidly raced towards another release, Billy experienced that same perfect contentment that he had on his knees. He felt connected to Kyle in a way that went beyond mere friendship, knowing full well that he was safe and secure in strong, capable hands. People followed Billy online specifically because of the wild abandon he exhibited, but with the brawny blonde there was none of the voyeurism or judgment that came with a performance or from a partner with expectations. With Kyle, Billy could just be himself and know that his friend loved him regardless.

Which isn’t to say that the bigger man didn’t enjoy the show. Watching Billy’s pure, uninhibited desire was infectious, allowing him to ignore the baggage that came from being so turned on by another man. The bottom-heavy brunette was like a force of nature, something that transcended the trappings of “gay” and “straight” altogether. More than anything, Kyle was just grateful to have someone as outgoing and unique as Billy in his life at all. He clamped his hand over the penetrated pretty-boy’s mouth when his friend erupted again, muffling the shrill, piercing cry that he knew was coming.

“Whooo…that was a…big one…” Kyle grunted, grinning at the sight of the brunette’s glistening, cum-slick face and torso after Billy finished blasting all over himself. His friend’s breath was hot against his palm as the other man huffed and panted, but the burly blonde left it in place as he gave a final thrust of his own, exploding into the brunette’s battered bottom. He collapsed onto Billy as soon as he was done, his furry torso matting with the other man’s release as they writhed together in another kiss.

“Best way to start the year,” Billy sighed, his toned legs tangled with Kyle’s sturdy trunks as they lingered in each other’s arms.

“You are not wrong,” Kyle chuckled, leaning in for another kiss. “Got any resolutions?”

Billy shrugged. “Honestly? I wouldn’t change a thing.”


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