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Simon felt a swell of pride as he watched the three budding hunks pump out rep after rep. He’d been working with the group for a few months, flexing both his mundane and magical muscles to whip them into shape. His services as a personal trainer didn’t come cheap, but the results spoke for themselves. Josh, Eli and Toby had been a trio of twinks when they’d first hired him, and now they could almost pass for one of the jocks that used to torment them. Being in their mid-twenties left the group still relatively close to their prime, but their wiry frames had packed on muscle with unnatural speed, blossoming with lean bulk far faster than youth alone could account for.

But Simon knew the trio’s metabolisms weren’t acting alone, and built into those steep hourly rates was the fact that his entire business model hinged on his ability to add a supernatural supplement to his clients’ efforts. The copper-haired hunk didn’t consider himself a caster in any sort of official capacity, he’d never displayed strong enough arcane abilities to land on either the BMR or Casters, Inc. radar, but he could muster enough mojo to boost a workout. He’d certainly done so with himself, sculpting his strapping, six-foot frame into a perfectly proportioned work of art. His reddish-gold hair was thick and wavy, his dimpled chin wide and strong beneath a set of soft, pouty lips that contrasted with the sharp, prominent cheekbones on either side. Below the handsome features sat a pair of broad shoulders that framed Simon’s focus-pulling pecs while simultaneously flowing to the jock’s striated arms, the brawny bits making his tank-tread abs seem that much tighter by comparison. The pinch-waisted presentation didn’t last long, though, as the ginger’s ample rear and sturdy thighs bulked outward again, his tight shorts showing off his bulging cheeks and bulging package in equal measure. He was neither too big nor too small, expertly straddling that sought-after balance between the two poles.

Like everyone else, Simon originally thought he’d simply been gifted with good genes. And by the time it finally occurred to him to question his sparkling appearance, and just how unnaturally easy it was for him to maintain, he didn’t see the point in reporting anything or turning himself in. So far he hadn’t extended his magical talents to anyone else, and even for himself the most he’d done is unconsciously keep his body in shape. He hadn’t rewritten reality or cast any sort of major spell, something that held true to the current day. At most, he let someone pack on six months of muscle in six weeks, and get a general boost to their vitality and libido in the process. It was no different in his mind than if someone started cycling or downing supplements. People hired him as a personal trainer to improve not just their appearance but their overall wellbeing, and that’s what he did. The fact that he was pushing forty but looked like he’d just entered his twenties didn’t hurt anyone, nor did three young twinks bulking into twunks a bit faster than usual. Josh, Eli and Toby would have reached the same destination eventually; all Simon did was hit the gas. He actually had gone to school for sports medicine, he knew what he was doing whether magic was involved or not, and he saw no reason to limit himself or his clients’ potential over a few legal regulations. Regardless of how they came to him, his clients left hot, healthy and horny, just like they would with any good trainer. As far as Simon was concerned, what he did was no different than any other proprietary techniques developed by his peers in the field.

“Lookin’ good, boys,” Simon said, his eyes unfocusing as he reached out with his supernatural senses. The magical currents felt stronger than usual, almost eager, like a cat scratching at the door to come in. Simon normally had to chase them down to manifest any sort of conscious alterations, but now he struggled to keep them at a trickle instead of a fire hose. There was a rare solar eclipse occurring later that afternoon, with his town being in the path of totality, and even an untrained practitioner like himself could see the connection. He tightened his focus as he pictured the trio’s modest pecs swelling slightly, it was chest day after all, adding an additional intention towards attractiveness and virility in general. Simon’s whole body practically vibrated with the potent energies coursing through him, and it was taking all of his willpower to keep the flow under control.

“Whew…I’m feeling this one,” Josh laughed, letting the dumbbells drop to the floor as he sat up from the bench. The lean blonde’s bare torso glistened with sweat, a proud, bashful grin on his face as he absently rubbed at his smooth pecs. His tight frame was covered in an impressive amount of recently acquired definition, and the budding Adonis still seemed uncomfortable playing the role of shirtless jock, even in a private gym with his friends.

“Me too,” Eli nodded as he stepped away from a nearby cable machine. The tanned brunette flexed his furry pecs, the bronze hue and chocolate dusting a sharp contrast to Josh’s smooth, pink skin. Eli also appeared much more comfortable in nothing but a pair of tiny jogging shorts, eagerly leaning into the role of meathead-in-the-making. “We’re lookin’ swole as hell, though.”

“Listen to you,” Toby grunted, rolling his eyes. The caramel-skinned twunk finished his last set of flies and sat up, running a hand through his sweaty, raven hair. “Someone likes to roleplay,” he laughed, flexing his own modest mounds against his clinging t-shirt. “Am I lookin’ jacked, bro,” he asked, pursing his lips.

“Uh…I mean, yeah, you are,” Eli said, his eyes lingering on his friend’s straining, sweat-soaked shirt. He couldn’t tell whether it was just an illusion formed by the damp fabric clinging to the curves of the other man’s chest, but Toby’s pecs seemed noticeably larger than when they’d arrived.

There was a moment of silence before the dark-haired hunk let out a shocked laugh. “Dude! Would you please keep that thing under control,” Toby said, nodding at the sudden twitching in the front of Eli’s shorts. “You’ll scandalize poor Simon.”

“Oh! Well…shit,” the blushing brunette sputtered, his furry frame going crimson as the tent continued to grow. Without a shirt to provide coverage, he was helpless to do anything other than stand there and watch himself go hard in front of his friends. They routinely fooled around with each other, but the unusual setting, as well as Simon’s presence, was new.

“It was bound to happen sooner or later,” Josh sighed, unaware that his own shorts were developing a similar growth. “You know how much he loves a locker room fantasy.”

“Look who’s talking,” Eli shot back, nodding at the blonde’s rigid bulge before looking over and confirming that Toby’s outlined log made it a trifecta.

“This is awkward,” the dark-haired twunk said, his expression confused as he looked back and forth between himself and his friends. “Did one of you assholes slip something into our water bottles? Is that why I’m so fucking horny all of a sudden?”

Josh and Eli both shook their heads. “Don’t look at me,” the blonde insisted. “I wouldn’t do that to you, and this bitch doesn’t need any help getting hard,” he said, nodding towards Eli. “And I don’t think…” he trailed off, his eyes going wide when he finally looked at Simon and saw that the red headed hunk was just as hard as they were. “Uh…everything okay, Si?”

“Huh? Oh, yeah, I…OH!” the dazed trainer shook his head, his whole body going the shade of his hair when he looked down and finally noticed his aching club. His impressively wide cock was on full display as it strained against his thin shorts, a wave of dizziness washing over him. Simon regularly fooled around with men as well as women, but while he’d thought of the trio as cute, he’d never been overly attracted to them. Until now. “Guess we’re all just putting out a vibe,” he said with an awkward laugh, his heart racing as he began to piece together what was happening. The potent energies that morning clearly had an amplified impact, so instead of “handsome” and “virile”, they’d manifested as “uncontrollably horny” and “irresistibly attractive.” He cleared his throat and tried to regain some measure of composure, with limited success. “You know the rule…what happens in the gym, stays in the gym,” he shrugged.

Not one to waste an opportunity, Eli made an obvious display of looking the sculpted ginger up and down. There’d always been a flirtatious edge to the group’s dynamic with Simon, but none of them ever really thought anything would come of it. “Are you saying we can have some fuuuUUUNNNNN…!” Eli broke off in a grunt as a spasm shot through him, his furry pecs suddenly ballooning off his chest. In a matter of moments, the modest mounds expanded exponentially, now jutting out as a granite shelf. The impossibly oversized pecs were plump and solid as they swallowed the brunette’s upper body, a pair of huge, nubby nipples completing the juicy caricature. “WHAT THE FUCK?!” he shrieked. Eli’s eyes went wide when he realized their view of anything below the heavy muscle tits had been forever obscured, but when no response came from his friends he reluctantly looked up, the remaining color draining from his face. Like himself, Josh and Toby now sported a pair of comically huge pecs, the bloated boulders looking as if they’d been borrowed from hulking, steroid-infused bodybuilders. The proportions were freakishly impossible given the rest of their otherwise trim frames, a fact that was emphasized by the tattered remains of Toby’s shirt scattered at the dark-haired man’s feet.

“Did…did that really just happen…” Josh finally sputtered, his hands shaking as he squeezed the firm, heavy mounds. The muscled melons certainly felt real, but their impossible appearance was more than the blonde could wrap his head around.

“I…I think so…” Toby said, his voice a shocked croak. “Oh god…this can’t…this can’t be happening! We have to…we have to go get help, right? We need a doctor or something to…”

“Okay, okay, let’s just take a breath. There has to be a reasonable explanation for this,” Simon interrupted, letting another trickle of energy flow through him as he spoke. “Everyone’s fine…everything’s fine…let’s all just calm down and relax.” He realized his mistake as soon as he said it, but it was already too late. Like a switch being flipped, the trio of stricken expressions softened into smiles, all of the tension visibly melting from their warped bodies. Simon’s stomach dropped as he watched the men blink and shake their heads, their hands starting to absently drift along their oversized pecs.

“Whoa…that’s wild…” Josh chuckled, a pair of fingers tweaking an enlarged nipple while his other hand slipped down into his shorts. “I feel fuckin’ great.”

“Dude, me too,” Eli said, slipping out of his shorts altogether. He wobbled when he bent to remove them, his balance thrown by the new weights he carried, the motion causing his rigid cock to wag back and forth. “Fuck, guys. I can feel my shit shaking around down there, but I can’t see it over these tits,” he laughed.

“Don’t worry, it still looks good,” Toby purred, his ballooning pecs bouncing as he kicked out of his own bottoms. “Let’s see if it still tastes the same.”

Simon felt like he should say something as he watched the dark-haired man drop to his knees and swallow the brunette’s cock to the hilt, but he was afraid to speak. He’d already inadvertently created a trio of horny, top-heavy himbos, and he didn’t want to risk making it worse. Nor did he really want the men to stop. As before, the ruddy-haired hunk was still captivated by his gorgeous creations, their effect magnified now that they stood in all their exposed glory. Between the heady lust and the overwhelming surge of magical energy, Simon felt like a balloon about to burst.

Josh’s giddy voice served as the needle, puncturing what little remained of the older man’s self control. “Come on, Si…why are you still dressed? You said we could have some fun.”

“Yeah, dude,” Eli cheered, toying with his inflated pecs while Toby’s face bobbed in and out of his lap. “Take that shit off and get over here.”

Simon felt the magic slip from his grasp. It didn’t leave, his connection to it wasn’t severed, but he no longer called the shots. As soon as Josh and Eli told him to get naked, he was. He hadn’t taken his clothes off, they’d simply vanished, leaving his sculpted frame on full display. Even as his fat cock surged, Simon was still aware enough to worry about what he’d actually lost, feeling like it was much more than a single outfit. He wasn’t just naked; he was Naked. He tried to think about wearing clothes at all, but his brain refused to let the thoughts gel, as if the very notion of covering his brawny build had become an impossibility.

“There he is,” Josh purred, stepping around Toby and Eli to run his hands along Simon’s mostly smooth skin. The stripped stud had a light dusting of copper fur, but it served more to accentuate his ample muscle than obscure it. “You are so fucking hot,” the blonde groaned, groping the ginger’s prominent, though proportional, pecs. “All these giant muscles everywhere…fuckin’ swole…” he giggled, mocking Eli’s earlier statement.

Simon let out a whimper as Josh spoke, his head spinning. Like his clothes, as soon as the other man started mentioning his muscles, they began to change. It wasn’t a conscious response on Simon’s part at all, more a reflex, the images in his head manifesting as soon as they formed. When Josh started talking about giant muscles, about being swole, Simon saw that version of himself in his head, not a proportional Adonis but a massive meathead. And that’s what he became. Simon tried to muster some kind of resistance as he felt his legs start to expand, his calves and thighs ballooning, his already-ample rear inflating, but to no avail. All he could do was stand and swell, his pinched waist pressing out into a bulky muscle gut beneath his own set of meaty muscle tits, the piston arms on either side now hanging at an awkward angle.

“Holy shit! Look at you go,” Toby laughed, displaying none of the shock that Simon’s transformation should have provoked. As he pulled his face from between the brunette’s thighs, all he seemed was amused as he looked up at the bloated new bodybuilder. “Someone hit a growth spurt. When that cock catches up you’re going to be a beast,” he purred, licking his lips.

Simon grunted as his aching organ swelled in response, the wide six inches rocketing out to an unwieldy eleven. The rigid club thickened as it lengthened, now looking like a wine bottle jutting out from between his pillar-like thighs, while the churning, now-heaping balls below kicked into overdrive, a steady stream oozing from the enlarged head. “Oh fuck…oh fuuuuuck,” he finally groaned, caught off guard by his deepened voice and by the way everything now rubbed together. He felt heavy and cumbersome, his slightest movements like tectonic shifts. “Guys…we…we have to…”

“Take a crack at this,” Josh interrupted, giving Simon’s massive, granite rear a loud slap. “A big, beefy bottom…so fuckin’ hot,” the top-heavy twunk growled, his eyes blazing with hunger. Simon gasped when the wave of desperation slammed into him, his inflated cheeks suddenly feeling painfully empty, but Josh wasn’t finished. “Just lift and fuck and flex all day…bet it’s like riding a bull…all balls, no brain…just a hung, horny meathead.”

“Fuuuuuuuuuuck,” Simon howled, his jaw dropping as the oozing from his cock increased. Like Josh described, he suddenly saw himself in a frenzy, a barely coherent beast of a man driven solely by the needs of his thickened rear and thickened cock. Simon tried, and failed, one last time to hold on, but as he felt the connection finally fade, as he felt his increasingly muddy thoughts begin to bury the arcane connection, he was actually relieved. The power he’d briefly tapped into had been terrifying, and the thought of what he might have done was far more horrifying than that of what he’d become. There was a moment of silence as he blinked at the busty blonde in front of him, his hands instinctively shooting out to toy with the muscled mounds. “Bro! Did I fuckin’ stutter,” he grunted, tweaking an enlarged nipple with one hand while coating the other with his own copious juices. He used the liquid to lube Josh, tugging on the other man’s pec-obscured rod before turning around. “Put that thing in me already.”

Josh wasted no time, his oversized chest pressing into Simon’s broad wall of a back as he started rolling his hips. Nearby, his friends had shifted over to a bench, with the hairy brunette flat on his back while Toby thrust his cock between Eli’s carpet-covered mounds. The group’s grunts and giggles echoed around the gym, the sound of slapping flesh and ecstatic sighs blending into a lustful white noise.

But while the pectorally privileged trio seemed perfectly at ease, there was a part of Simon that felt like he was forgetting something important. With his hulking body shaking and rubbing and tensing from Josh’s eager hammering, he couldn’t quite put his finger on what. He wondered if the three men’s unique proportions had always been that way, just like he wondered at the thought of his bulky body walking around naked and hard all the time, but all of that seemed perfectly natural. Josh’s heavy pecs on his back certainly felt that way, as did the increasingly musky air wafting against the entirety of his exposed skin.

Ultimately, Simon knew it didn’t matter. He likely wasn’t smart enough to figure it out even if something was wrong. All he did was lift and flex and fuck. Things were the way they were, and that’s all there was to it. It wasn’t like he could do anything to change it.



Incredibly hot story! Loved every bit of it!

Real Recon Rick

I keep coming back to this one... definitely a favorite!


Happy to hear it! I lightweight expected this one to flop, so it just goes to show I still have no idea what I'm doing.