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(It was brought to my attention that the previous post has already gone up as a "From The Archives", so here's the preceding chapter as well. I don't think this one's gone up?)

“What’s the word, Todd? Anything biting?”

The wiry, dark-haired young man grinned and tapped the large cooler next to him with his foot. “Not bad for once,” he said, his smile growing when he turned and saw Eric eyeing him from behind. The muscled brunette was as scantily clad as ever, with a sleeveless scrap of a shirt barely covering his bulging pecs and a neon blue whale tail sticking prominently out of his ridiculously small shorts. Todd watched as several of the other men on the pier turned in Eric’s direction, their eyes inevitably lingering on the athletic young man’s exposed, tanned frame.

Most of them were as intimately familiar with that body as he was. A man didn’t linger in Kingsbury Harbor for long before he heard the Siren’s call, regardless of who he was or what kind of man he took himself for. Todd thought of himself as straight through and through, but thinking back on his last romp with Eric a few nights ago made his knees weak. He still thought it odd that the burly jock he’d grown up playing sports with and competing against for all the girls in town suddenly started prancing around in an attempt to sample every dick in town. Todd could remember those earlier days, he knew they’d happened only a few years ago, yet it felt like another lifetime. A dramatic shift in behavior or not, this new Eric, the real Eric, just seemed to make sense.

That’s how it went in Kingsbury Harbor. Todd had lived there his whole life and the scrappy stud knew weird things happened sometimes. Eric going from a pussy hound to a cock addict certainly wasn’t the weirdest thing he’d ever seen. After a while he’d learned it was easier to simply roll with things instead of getting worked up or asking too many questions. Eric seemed happier than he’d ever been, and Todd wasn’t the type to get hung up on whether or not what he did was gay as long as it felt good. And it was easy with Eric. Muscles or not, he was more like one of the ladies in town than one of the guys.

“Damn,” Eric whistled, bending slowly to give the staring men a clear view of his ample rear as he bent and looked in Todd’s packed cooler. “You weren’t kidding.”

“It’s this new bait,” Todd said, adjusting the growing bulge in his jeans as Eric’s head hovered inches from his waist. “Fish go crazy for it. They’re practically jumping out of the water.”

Eric closed the lid and sniffed at the air, his head drifting closer to the front of Todd’s pants. “What is it?”

The dark-haired man took a deep breath and fought the urge to reach down and press Eric’s face against his solid lump. “No clue. Some old guy gave it to me this morning. He was catching shit like crazy! I told him I’d barely caught anything all week and he let me have some. Fuckin’ made a huge mess when I opened it...the powder got all over me, but once I mixed it in there was no stoppin’ ‘em. I hope that guy’s back here tomorrow, he left before I could find out what it was.”

“Who was he?” Eric asked, surveying the handful of men still lingering in the late afternoon sun.

Todd shrugged. “Never seen him before. Didn’t seem like a tourist, but you know how it is around here. People come, people go.”

The scantily clad hunk grinned and gave Todd’s tight little bubble a squeeze. “If you want to come later, give me a call,” he purred.

Todd blushed as the other men watched Eric grope him, torn between his embarrassment and his overwhelming desire to throw the man down on the weathered planks and fuck him senseless right then and there. “I’ll keep that in mind,” he said, clearing his throat and trying not to sound too eager. His cock throbbed as he watched Eric saunter away down the pier, his face turning a deeper shade of red when he realized he was standing with his tented jeans towards everyone. He quickly turned back towards the water and adjusted himself as best he could, but his jeans felt tight and confining.

He eventually softened as he turned his attention back to finishing out the afternoon, though the sensation of being constrained, like a hand was squeezing his package, never left. He did his best to ignore it as he hauled his cooler down to the Harbor Inn to sell his day’s catch, the fresh wad of cash in his increasingly tight pocket lessening his desire to go home and change. After being out in the sun and salty air all day he was hungry and horny, especially after his run in with Eric, and the handsome young fisherman usually had good luck with the crowd at the Inn. Being a historic restaurant right on the water it brought a lot of tourists and their lowered inhibitions, which is exactly what he was in the mood for.

After a frustrating hour of sitting alone at the bar, Todd was beginning to change his mind. The Inn was full of unfamiliar faces, but none of the women whose attention he tried to get seemed interested in returning his advances. He couldn’t figure it out. He’d freshened up in the bathroom beforehand, making sure his short, dark hair was in place and that he scrubbed any lingering fish scent from his hands. After being outside all day he even had a nice tan that made the dark stubble on his cheeks pop, and the lighting in the bar specifically accentuated the way his toned pecs were outlined against his thin t-shirt and highlighted the muscles on his lean, deceptively thin arms.

But despite all that, the only attention he’d managed to get all night was from the man who’d taken up the stool next to him. He looked slightly older, Todd guessed him to be in his early thirties, with an impressive build straining against his own tight t-shirt and a set of brawny arms that inflated as he leaned forward on the bar. He’d introduced himself as Bill, and Todd nodded politely as he prattled on about being in town on business, and how nice and quaint he thought Kingsbury Harbor was, and all the other things Todd endlessly heard from visitors. He knew Bill was flirting with him, but he didn’t mind. Just because he never messed around with any guys other than Eric didn’t mean he couldn’t enjoy the attention.

“Gotta be honest...I heard a lot of weird things about this town,” Bill laughed, his thick bicep inflating as he took a pull from his beer, “but no one, literally no one, told me how good looking the guys were.”

Todd tensed when Bill’s other hand landed on his thigh. The meaty paw crept up and over, Bill’s fingers kneading gently against the younger man’s still-constricted bulge. “Hey, man, I’m...I’m…” Todd started, intending to let Bill know he wasn’t on the menu. The older man was handsome enough, with a wavy head of chocolate hair and a lantern-jawed face that Todd knew would drive Eric wild, but as he started to point the stranger in his friend’s direction, he changed his mind. “...I’m ready to get out of here if you are,” Todd said, unsure whether it was his frustration or the several beers talking.

Bill wasted no time in throwing a handful of bills on the bar to pay for both of them, not bothering to wait for any change as he followed Todd outside and around the back of the building. The wiry young man led them through the tight maze of alleys that ran along the waterfront and down a crumbling wall to a secluded patch of sand under the pier. It was only accessible at low tide and Todd had hooked up enough at the spot to know they wouldn’t be disturbed at this hour.

“So what do you waaoofff!” Todd grunted when Bill shoved him back against one of the pier’s stanchions and began kissing his neck. “O..okay then,” he laughed as the other man’s hands slid up under his shirt and began caressing his abs before drifting down to fumble with his pants. Todd had been worried about what exactly Bill would want him to do, but it was becoming clear that the older man was intent on exploring his tight frame and not the other way around. He sighed and leaned back against the pillar, closing his eyes and enjoying the thrill as he felt Bill’s strong fingers slip into the waist of his pants and boxers to pull both down.

“Goddamn,” Bill whistled with a shocked laugh. “Guess it makes sense a fisherman would have a pole like that.”

Todd gasped when he opened his eyes and looked down, the tightness he’d felt in his pants suddenly making sense. He should have been looking at a slightly above average cock and a matching set of balls. His package always looked girthy compared against his lean, defined frame, but the thick, nearly nine-inch rod he saw twitching in Bill’s direction was far larger than it should have been. “What the hell? That’ssssshhuuuunnnnggg!” Todd arched his back and groaned when Bill abruptly dropped to his knees and swallowed the inflated member. Not only had it become larger, the pulsing beast was extra sensitive, beginning to ooze almost immediately as the older man went to town.

“Oh...oh fuck…” Bill gasped, cum running down his chin and smearing across his cheeks as he nuzzled the rigid hose and kneaded the younger man’s full, heavy balls. “You taste fantastic,” he said, running his tongue along the underside of Todd’s widened shaft and around the bulbous, leaking head to lap up as much of the sticky fluid as he could. “I’ve...done this...with...a...lot of...guys...but...no one’s...been like...this…” Bill said around mouthfuls of Todd’s cock. He was staring up at the younger man as best he could with wide, doe eyes, his hands trembling as they clutched Todd’s solid little rear. “You’re...you’re so damn beautiful…”

Todd groaned and squirmed in Bill’s grip, surprised to find himself blushing at the compliment with everything else that was happening. He knew he was handsome. He didn’t spend much time in a gym, but between fishing and working the docks all day and spending the rest of his free time either swimming or hiking the surrounding hills, Todd had a lean, shredded build. His wiry frame hid a body that was rock solid, but the fit young man had never been called beautiful before. He didn’t know what to say. He didn’t understand what was happening to his body or why he was so turned on, but all he could do was clutch at Bill’s broad shoulders while the other man furiously sucked at his throbbing beast.

“Oh...do you want me to take this off,” Bill asked, misinterpreting Todd’s grasping hands. “Here,” he said, standing and frantically stripping naked as if his clothes were on fire. The older man didn’t seem to care that he was naked in public under a pier as he dropped back to his knees, his meaty quads and plump rear flexing when he picked up where he left off.

Todd hadn’t intended that at all, but he enjoyed the view of Bill’s wide upper back and meaty pecs nonetheless, noting that the other man’s squat, fat cock looked small compared to his own. It didn’t make sense to Todd that the kneeling adonis would be so infatuated with him given how stunning he was himself. He’d seen the ample cash in Bill’s wallet and had noted that the other man’s t-shirt probably cost more than all the clothes in his closet. The older man was clearly successful, with a face and a body that most guys would kill for, and yet there he was losing his mind over a scrappy fisherman ten years younger?

The question would have to wait as Todd’s attention was diverted by a muscle-melting orgasm that nearly knocked him off his feet. He let out a deep, guttural grunt as he started spraying like a broken hydrant, causing Bill to sputter and pull away, the sticky explosion coating his face and perfectly sculpted pecs. The older man blissfully showered himself as much as he could in the warm deluge, almost frantically smearing the sticky coating all over his chiseled torso.

“Holy shit...that was...you’re incredible…” Bill gasped, falling back on his muscled bubble and gazing up Todd with adoring eyes.

Todd stared back and forth between the naked hunk and the softening hose hanging long and thick between his toned thighs. Even soft it looked huge, and with the lustful haze fading his thoughts were turning to his need for help. “I’ve, uh, I’ve gotta go,” he said, pulling his pants up and wincing when they pinched his inflated balls.

“Wait!” Bill begged, his eyes desperate. “Please! Don’t go…”

“I really need to split,” Todd said, inching his way around the edge of the pillar behind him.

“Hold on...I’ve got something…” Bill said, frantically digging through his discarded pants. Todd watched the sculpted stud’s body flex as he rooted around on his knees, his own solid cock a seeming afterthought as he shoved a business card into Todd’s hand. “That’s got all my info on it. I’m staying at the Ocean Side for another few days, but I can stick around longer if you want me to,” he pleaded. “Whatever you want!”

Todd pulled his hand out of Bill’s grip and backed away. “Sure, I’ll, uh, call you,” he said, bolting back up the crumbling section of wall and leaving the naked man under the pier. He needed to get help. As impossible as it all was, he felt like his confined cock was somehow still growing. When he looked down he could see it clearly outlined, snaking along his thigh while his balls formed a large lump on the other side of his fly. From what he’d just seen it was already bordering on unwieldy. Any larger and he’d be entering freakish territory.

Not knowing what else to do, he made his way to his friends’ house, hoping Craig and Brandon would be home. The two former jocks had even more experience than himself when it came to fucking, so if this was some kind of weird STD they’d be the ones to know. They’d also spent enough time on football teams and in locker rooms to not be weird about him coming over and whipping his dick out.

“Dude, what’s your problem,” Craig said after finally opening the door in response to Todd’s frantic pounding. The towering man was a shirtless wall of beefy muscle, his buzzed scalp a perfect complement to his pug face and burly build. He had a controller in his hand and Todd could see Brandon sitting on their ratty couch in front of a paused video game on the large TV.

“Sorry, it’s been a weird night. I need your guys’ help with something,” Todd said as he waddled inside, feeling small as always when Brandon lumbered over. In nothing but their baggy gym shorts the brawny men were a matched pair, with Brandon’s short, auburn hair and furry chest the only thing setting them apart.

“Are you high right now? You look crazy, dude,” Brandon said, folding his hulking arms across his slab of a chest.

“I think I’m GOING crazy,” Todd sighed. “This is really, really weird, but I need your help with, uh, this.” Todd blushed as he undid his jeans and pulled them down, the crimson fading from his face when he saw the fat, plum-sized head of his inflated cock poking out from the bottom of his boxers. Doing the math in his head, that meant his cock was at least a foot long while soft.

“JESUS CHRIST!” Craig roared, his eyes going wide as he blinked at his friend’s impossible hose.

“Is this a joke? What’ve you got in there,” Brandon laughed, his voice drying up in his throat when he tugged Todd’s boxers down to reveal the inflated organ in its full glory. “Fuck! What the hell, man?!”

“I don’t know! I don’t know!” Todd cried, unable to bring himself to touch the dangling monster. His balls had continued to inflate, and he wondered how he ever fit the hairy orbs in his jeans to begin with. “It wasn’t this big just a while ago! How is it...how is it growing like this?!”

The brawny jocks looked at each other and back at Todd, their stunned expressions softening to a dull glaze. “Does it hurt?” Craig asked, reaching a tentative, meaty paw towards the swaying snake.

Todd shook his head, his heart starting to race. “No...it feels normmuuuuhh!”

“Guess that answers that,” Craig laughed as the twitching organ shot to life in his hand. Even his rough grip wasn’t large enough to close all the way around it as he gave a few gentle tugs, his mouth curling in a slight smile.

“Craig...dude...what’re...you doing…” Todd panted. His two friends were straighter than himself, some of the only men in town who hadn’t even messed around with Eric. The idea of Craig tugging on his hard cock seemed as impossible as the growth that was happening, and yet Todd found himself on the receiving end of both.

“Oh yeah...that’s nice…” Craig muttered as he stroked. “Dude, get in on this,” he said, nodding at Brandon.

Todd let out a gasp when Brandon shifted behind and reached around to add his own sizeable mitt to Craig’s. Even with both hands on him, the men didn’t come close to fully swallowing his oozing beast. More confusing to Todd was the way he squirmed in Brandon’s arms, loving the sensation of the large man pressed against him.

“Fuck yeah, man, that IS nice,” Brandon said, his nose brushing against Todd’s neck. “Fuck, dude, you even smell good,” he sighed, inhaling deeply.

Todd found himself sandwiched between the muscled mountains when Craig stepped close and sniffed the other side. “Oh damn...what is that? Here...let’s get this off…” he said, nodding at Brandon.

“Hey!” Todd yelped when each of the men grabbed a portion of his shirt and tore it from his body. He could feel Brandon’s solid bulge digging into his rear, but he had nowhere to go with the other man in front of him. He was pinned, his naked body breaking out in goosebumps as Craig sniffed his way down his torso like an inquisitive dog, his tongue occasionally darting against Todd’s tanned torso.

“Oh...oh! Here it is, man,” Craig sighed, dropping to his knees when his nose finally made its way down Todd’s abs to his trimmed bush. The big man ran his nose and mouth along the throbbing club, taking a long, deep breath. “Fuck that’s good,” he said, holding the musky scent in his lungs as if he’d just taken a huge bong rip.

“Don’t hog it, dude,” Brandon said as he scooted around and dropped to his knees, his forehead pressing against his friends as he followed suit. “MMMmm...what the hell, bro. You’ve been holding out on us,” he grinned, running his tongue along the size of Todd’s shaft while he squeezed and kneaded the oozing head.

“Guh!” Todd grunted as his body spasmed from the oral assault. He couldn’t wrap his brain around the sight of the burly men on their knees, eagerly licking and sucking at his impossible cock. It was too big for either of them to swallow, but that didn’t stop them from working every inch of it while they smeared the copious fluid across their shelf-like chests. “Guhhh...guys...hold on…” he finally stammered, a strange idea coming to mind. His friends’ behavior and adoring looks were similar to what he’d seen earlier, and he couldn’t help but think about Bill’s desperation to please. “Stop,” he said, his tone firm this time. The command worked as both Craig and Brandon pulled their heads away, looking sheepish as they sat back on their meaty legs.

“What’s wrong,” Craig asked, his wide eyes fixed on the slick, bobbing organ.

“I don’t wanna be the only naked one here.” Todd couldn’t hold back a grin as both men hopped to their feet and stripped out of their shorts, letting their own long, thick cocks spring free.

“Is that better,” Brandon asked, a desperate look on his face.

Todd smiled and nodded. It was a good start, but he needed to confirm his suspicions for sure. “Not bad, but you know what would really make it better? If you and Craig made out for me.” The naked jocks turned bright red as they stared awkwardly at each other. It was something they’d never ordinarily do, no matter how drunk they were, but after a brief pause they stepped forward and mashed their mouths together. “Like you mean it,” Todd added.

On cue, the pair went from hesitantly pressing their lips together with their arms at their sides to passionately embracing each other. Todd watched as their jaws opened, their tongues wrestling with each other while their hands began exploring each other’s body. After a few moments Todd saw their plump cheeks begin to flex as they ground their rigid poles against their muscled guts in a frantic display.

“Wow...you two are good at that,” Todd said as he gave Craig a pat on the rear. “But before you come back to me, why don’t you practice on Brandon?”

There was another pause as the panting men broke off their hungry kissing and Craig stepped back, his thick chest rising and falling quickly as he fell to his knees, his flat, rugged face bobbing back and forth as he swallowed all of Brandon’s stout pole.

“FFFFFfffuuuuuuuuck, dude,” Brandon moaned, his fingers sliding over Craig’s buzzed scalp as he pumped his hips.

Todd was stunned. Less than half an hour ago his friends had been a pair of straight roommates playing a video game, and now they were desperate to please him, even going to town on each other at his merest suggestion. He knew it wasn’t something he’d normally want them to do, but ever since the strange events had started he’d felt a shift inside. That strange desire when Bill touched him hadn’t left, it had only grown stronger as his impossible member grew to its new length. Looking down at the aching monster, Todd knew it had to be over fourteen fat inches, with a pair of hefty balls thrusting it forward. He didn’t know what he was going to do with it, or how he could undo whatever happened, but thinking back on his encounter with Bill and the lengths his meathead friends were going to please him, he wasn’t sure he wanted to undo anything. His mind was already racing with the possibilities, and besides, he’d lived in Kingsbury Harbor his whole life. He’d learned a long time ago that it was pointless to question the odd events that always seemed to occur. It was better to just go with the flow and let things happen.

“Alright guys, that’s enough practice,” he said, grinning from ear to ear as the beefy men crawled towards him.


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