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Hey all!

I'm finally feeling comfortable with setting a release date for the demo/alpha:

Two weeks from now - Friday, June 9th!

I plan to release the free demo in two parts to allow this release to go as scheduled - they both take place in the jungle/bright forest region. Once part 1 is out I'll continue work on part 2's bugs while fixing any bugs/issues that any players might find in part 1.

In terms of upcoming plans, as in beyond the free demo builds, I'll work on Patreon "insider" early testing builds, the dark mystical forest will be released as such and won't be part of the free demo. I don't have a release schedule per-se but it's definitely after demo 1, and likely after demo 2, before you start seeing Patreon builds. That said, I might release demo 2 earlier for Patreon subs, but ultimately it will be a free build.

I've been working towards making a public Discord server and have a sort of finished Itch.io draft page already. I'm aiming to have the Discord server all set up before the release date, but I'm not sure if it makes sense to publish the Itch.io page before the demo is ready.

Upon release I plan replace the current tier with new Patreon tiers, however, if you're reading this before release, you're awesome and the tier you're subscribed to will get game builds as a thank you for being an early supporter :)

I've made the interfaces communicate what's happening a bit better, but there's still some minor work to be done - mostly in terms of telling the player what actions are available and the keys associated with them, but that's not a big task.

- Above, you see the shop interface - it sells magical potions and items that can cleanse "obstacle" effects, potions and items that give you boosts (like more HP), and toys that get you comfortable with lewd acts.

- The "combat" interface consisting of:
   - White gauge: your partner's progress towards "finishing"
   - Pink gauge: your progress towards losing "hearts" (HP) and becoming exhausted when all your "hearts" are gone and needing a rest. It glows and moves rapidly like seen below when you're enjoying it too much and lose a heart.
   - Cyan gauge: your edging energy and ability to stop the pink gauge from filling, temporarily. This gives you some control over how things play out, maybe you do want the pink gauge to fill up or maybe you don't :)

- I've also done the boss battle interface which is just battle-specific "HP" for both you and the boss. Whoever becomes exhausted enough first is the loser of the friendly competition between you and the boss

That's it for this one, thanks for sticking with me and I look forward to you all finally being able to play the game soon!



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