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I've been busy working on the game as usual, so I figure I should share a quick progress update since it's been a bit.

Animations progress: 0.5 left

Although there's little left here now, I've shuffled things around a bit. I've decided to drop one animation (1.0), and delay 5.0 worth of work until shortly after release. Of the delayed stuff, only one of the animations has not been started yet, the rest are in-progress. I've also added 1.5 because I decided I wanted to execute on a fun minigame idea I had...

In any case, major animation work is nearly done in preparation of the demo/alpha build/release, which we'll now get to quicker hopefully thanks to delaying a few things until after first release. I'll probably showcase a couple of these in a bit, but I also hope to keep some animations under wraps until after release just to be a bit of a tease.


I mentioned I added some animation work above, it's because I decided to add a café simulation minigame. It's implemented, but I hope to flesh it out post-release with another animation or so.

I've also been working on a music rhythm minigame, but whether this makes it into the first release or not depends on the other work. It's set around riding a werewolf, but you'll see/hear more on this once it's implemented fully.

There are a few more minigames I haven't shown or mentioned yet that are in there already, but maybe I'll talk about those next time. :)

General / other progress

Because major animation work is basically done, I've started more in-depth play-testing to hunt down bugs and tweak gameplay, and I've started running it on a slower computer to see how the game performs there so I can tackle optimization better. Tracking down bugs can be mind-numbing, but otherwise this work also is an opportunity to draw some helper NPCs or add sound effects for example - it isn't all code. This is what I expect to be doing primarily for the next weeks or so, before (fingers crossed nothing unexpected crops up) we get to release.

That's about it for this one!


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