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I've just released this bat monster lady animation on socials. She's one of the entities you'll run into in the dark glow forest where you've already seen the rideable pumpkins, werewolves, flying books, dark eyed balls... and as you can see, she swoops in for a nice surprise, usually from the dark above you

Animation progress: 9.0 left

- I've "scored" the amount of animation work I have left to do, since most of it is just unfinished or early stages, with little that hasn't been actually started. The score is 9.0 right now and I calculate it based on mostly/almost done being a half (0.5) and early work-in-progress or not started being a one (1.0). This also includes non-NSFW animations, like idling and walking, which makes it a bit more complete. Annoyingly (to me) two halves (1.0) are very close to done, but I won't reduce that score until they are fully done.

- We have more werewolf stuff for a minigame, a quest giver reward animation, a spooky ghost girl, animations for another minigame, another tentacle animation that's almost done, finishing up the reward animation for another minigame, and brushing up the blob plant and dildo deepthroat animations you've already seen.

Other progress

- I've focused quite a bit on making the interface, both in game, and "system" menus, nicer to use, and specifically with mouse-only control in mind. Mouse or keyboard only controls is something I'd like to have as a first-class experience rather than requiring keyboard + mouse, but mouse-only control is a bit unique for a platformer game I think! I've had to think outside the box a bit to make it feasible and ergonomic.

- I've been adding sound effects to entities, e.g. the Batgirl here in question has wing flapping and dash swooshing sounds. Important when you can't quite see her that well in the dark.

- I've made some game design tweaks. During sex you can "edge" and delay your orgasm, but you can also follow the thrusting rhythm to make the entity ejaculate earlier. Normally, those just help you speed things up, but now there's a libido system (functionally like lives) and when depleted you get teleported back to the nearest checkpoint (which is usually pretty close). So you have to be a bit more strategic about using edging and rhythms so that you can get to the next checkpoint! This makes minigames a bit more nuanced too, but we'll get to that later... :)

That's it for this one!



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