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To be honest I never watched the 3 Movie of Balto >-<'




It was alright

Carbyne Canyne

It could've been a pretty good movie, but a lot of the new characters really dragged the quality down.


The quality of the drawings/animation scared me off. The original Balto has much better quality than the sequels. Such a shame that sequels are getting less love from the producer and animators when it comes to 2D animations. :(

Carbyne Canyne

@BigLoveAlicia Yeah, you can blame the much lowee budget the sequels got.

Maximus Coyotox

This is super cute. I haven't seen the new sequels, mostly because I've never heard of em


It was as good as the original was, but when I watched them when I was younger, they were alright. x3


Yeah that’s sad. Lion King 2 had a pretty good quality but still no comparison to the first movie 🙈


I am always skeptical when it comes to sequels but Visuals are very important to me at animations I can’t help it 😭