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I didn't upload WIPs to this picture because I wanted to upload it very fast since you guys were waiting so long for a colored picture. But the thing is that I am struggeling pretty hard with the Picture I originaly planed to upload. It's teh first time I am doing something with no outlines and it is quite challanging so I hope you don't mind. :x I will finish th other picture later I promise!

About teh picture: 

I let you guys vote what you wanted to see a Pokemon picture and I thought it would be a nice idea to put Cherry in it in one of her pre-evolutions and also the most of you voted for yes when I asked if Cherry should get a "trainer" so this is a good opportunity to bring it in. 

Ideas behind this characters:

While I was working on it I thought about the backgroundstory. So the basic story is that the mother or Cherrys trainer (who isn't named yet) was originaly a part of Team Rocked but left after she understood how bad they treated Pokemon. She got her Charizard while working for them after leaving she moved to the Alola and start working with the Police (where she got her Arkenine it's kinda cliche but yeah) but after her daughter was born she started just to care for them and maaaaaaybe give them a bit to much food. 

Both of them prefer pokemon with special colors so the pokemon they own aren't normal colored (I never understood why they are always the same color etc. anyway).

If you have questions please ask~  

I used a differend shading style here, tell me what you think :) 




The came out very nicely and love the shading style my self. X3

Maximus Coyotox

I love the new style of shading! ^^